Doctor Rosanne Symons is a mom of 5 teenagers and a medical doctor based in Durban, South Africa. I had the honour of hearing her story at a recent conference and it spoke to me so deeply that I couldn’t but ask her to share it with my audience.
Friends, this incredible woman felt the call of God to the Syrian nation, and her first trip to this land was during their war. She treated broken bodies and crushed spirits there 10 years ago, and has since been on a number of trips back to the surrounding countries (as the Syrian borders have since remained closed) to minister love to these war-stricken souls.
I encourage you to listen right until the end of this episode as her words not only inspire you but too minister to your heart about what it is that God is calling you to, and how to figure out what it is that makes YOU come alive, too.
And then, lastly, Rose is off to Syria-itself next month for the first time since her very first trip, as the borders have recently reopened due to their latest earthquake and the medical needs of its people. I know that she would NEVER ask this, and yet I too know that she self-funds these trips and that whilst many of us don’t feel called to the ‘mission field’ itself, we do feel called to financially contribute towards the lives and trips of those God is calling there. If this is you and you’d like to be a part of getting Rose to Syria, my account details are below for the Foundation I run.
Account name: Pass the Panties
Account number: 63043056125
Branch Code: 250655
Please ref: Rose