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Heck, we ALL are.
And when you hear what it is, maybe it'll help you make progress in getting and keeping your weight off.
Here's the deal:
A while back I was talking with one of my long-time Certified Coaches, Andrea Dell, and she remarked that "we want change without having to change."
Oh man, do we ever!!
"Cristy, I want to look good naked, but I don't want to stop eating the sugar that's packing on body fat and keeping me on metformin."
"Cristy, I want to get out of bed in the morning without ice-pick knee pain, but I don't want to give up my chips."
"Cristy, I want to play on the floor with my grandkids and be able to get up by myself, but I can't give up my diet soda."
Wanting things to change, but being unwilling to change things - or worse, feeling like you "can't" - is a rotten place to be, isn't it?
If this is something you've EVER struggled with, tune into this podcast episode, where I sit down with Andrea - who's been a Rebel for almost six years and in maintenance for over five and a half of those years - to talk about why people want change without changing, and what we can each do about it to stop getting in our own way…
Including when it comes to getting and keeping the weight off!
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One of the biggest mistakes humans make is muddying the waters by making stuff more complicated than it needs to be.
A few people have even wanted a refund for the 10 Pound Takedown over the years because they "don't believe it can be that simple."
So a program where you have to stand on your head, cluck like a chicken for six and a half seconds, drink lemon water at 6 AM, 9 AM, 4 PM, and 7 PM, snort pepper up your nose, have "fruit days," and hang tinsel off your left ear while farting "makes sense"...
But real food, water, sleep, and a few simple rules are "too simple?"
(The same people who say real food, water, and sleep are too simple are usually fine buying another magic pill or powder.)
It's really a shame that so many people want things to be complicated and confusing, because there are plenty of programs out there happy to make weight loss so complicated that you'll never stick with it. Then they can tell you it's YOUR fault you failed.
Yes, you have a part to play in your success. No one can do the work for you, and I don't accept bull crap excuses about why you "can't" do your part.
That still doesn't make it okay for the diet industry to either make weight loss sound as easy as taking a magic pill (it's not), OR as complicated as waxing your right nostril while standing on one foot and drinking a green smoothie while you dream of rainbows and unicorn farts.
Bottom line: if you feel like a deer in the headlights when it comes to SIMPLE, effective weight loss, tune into this episode and learn why the clarity and simplicity of Code Red can finally bring the weight loss success you want.
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My sister Cari knows a lady who walks 10 to 15 miles a day for her job...and still has a weight problem.
She's in weight loss mode, which is awesome, but even with all that walking for her job, she decided to add in workouts.
Not surprisingly (to me), adding workouts to her routine messed with her head and disrupted her weight loss progress.
I bring it up because I decided to do this podcast episode on how exercise messes with your head...not only to keep reminding people that you cannot out-train a bad diet, but also to clear up a little confusion I'm seeing about my bodybuilding comeback journey (which is still going on at the time of this episode).
An example: some guy recently saw my Instagram posts about working out and showing my bodybuilding progress.
So he asked me if Code Red’s message has changed from where it started out: real food, water, and sleep, no exercise needed.
He also kinda freaked out about me "killing myself in the gym," and asked if that's what HE has to do now in order to do Code Red.
NO, it is not!
As I've said a million times for the past 11 years, exercise is not a way to address a weight problem.
I am exercising like a madwoman because I'm training for a bodybuilding comeback on April 30, 2023. I'm on a completely different path from the one you're on with Code Red.
Please understand that Code Red does not hate exercise.
We only say you cannot out-train a bad diet, which is 100% true, and that it's easier and WAY less overwhelming to focus on your nutrition to get your weight off (especially if you're too unhealthy to safely exercise).
You can lose all the weight you want through real food, water, and sleep with Code Red, look great, fit into your clothes, feel good about yourself, and regain your health.
You DO NOT need to do what I’m doing to succeed with Code Red, because my goal - to complete in bodybuilding again - is TOTALLY different.
If you're at ALL confused about exercise and whether you need it to lose weight or succeed with Code Red, tune into this week’s episode to see how the topic of exercise can mess with your head (especially during your weight loss journey).
Let me untangle the confusion you may be feeling about WEIGHT LOSS through nutrition vs. exercising for FITNESS.
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You know how sometimes you avoid making a decision (like on whether to start Code Red, or whether to get back on track) and then tell yourself, "I'll decide later"?
Well, guess what? Deciding not to make a decision is still making a decision!
Whether that's choosing not to try out Code Red, or not getting all your water in, or watching just one more episode instead of turning off the light and going to sleep, it's all a decision!
Cari and I recently did a podcast on staying in the comfort of what's familiar, including choosing to stay in a bad relationship vs. leave it.
That is another example of how indecision is still a decision. You want to leave, but you don't, so by not leaving, you're deciding to stay. (Cari and I have both been in bad relationships, so we speak from experience.)
There's really no such thing as doing "nothing," which means indecision doesn't actually exist.
Hey, I get how hard it is to wrap your mind around that. Even I still mess it up sometimes.
Case in point: one of my Rebels recently busted me saying, "I have no choice."
Yes, I do have a choice. I just didn't want to face the consequences of doing it, so it FELT like I had no choice.
But I did have a choice, and so do you.
If you keep kicking the can down the road with Code Red (or some other area of your life), or you even tell yourself, "I'm not going to decide this right now," tune into this week's podcast and learn how to recognize when you're deciding to avoid something...
Because procrastinating decisions is you sending yourself a message that you're not important enough to matter.
But you are, so tune in, and let's start changing that!
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Real food, water, and sleep. How can you refute that??
Beats me, but some people look for reasons to try.
And in these days of "outrage culture," people are so easily offended that they’ll walk away from something that’s working because of ONE little thing they don't agree with or that sets them off.
That's why, in this episode of the Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle podcast, I'm addressing the most common frustrations people have about Code Red.
I'll name each one, address each one, and tackle them head on.
Check it out to hear if I address something you've been frustrated with.
(If I mention something your friends, family, or co-workers are frustrated with when it comes to Code Red, share this episode with them!)
Have you seen our new app? Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App
Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required. Click Below to join the challenge!
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A kind of "silent killer" was revealed to me that quietly stalks our relationships and interactions.
You can sit beside it, or even "on its lap," and NEVER even realize it is there, consuming your peace and controlling your life.
I recognized this monster after a loved one who’d been in an abusive relationship said to me, “I was sitting in the convenience.”
Not only that, this person was STAYING in the convenience.
“But how can you stay or sit in convenience?” I wondered.
THEN I realized what it meant.
Sitting or staying in convenience is staying somewhere longer than you should, or putting up with more than you should...
Not because it's the best thing for you, but because leaving or changing seems scarier and harder than staying (or staying the same).
I can totally testify to that. I was in a domestic violence situation in my late teens. Though I got out of it pretty quickly compared to some, what kept me from telling anyone or getting out sooner was this:
I was EMBARRASSED at what people would say. Plus, I felt embarrassed about jumping into the relationship too quickly.
There are a lot of situations people stay in that are HORRIBLE for them, and one of those is health.
Just go out and look around, and you'll see how many people have a hard time choosing health over convenience.
So WHY do we resort to sticking with what's terrible for us?
And why can convenience seem preferable to a healthy body and feeling good about yourself?
Find out by tuning into this week’s podcast to discover where convenience is ruining your life and blocking you from your weight and health goals.
Have you seen our new app? Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App
Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required. Click Below to join the challenge!
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One of my Rebels shared that when she travels and spends the night someplace, she has a lot of extra stuff to carry with her, like a travel food scale, a travel bathroom scale, water bottles, pre-measured food, Code Red supplements, Redmond Real Salt, HydraCharge…and many other “extras” most people don’t pack.
And that doesn’t include her skin care products, or the headphones she uses to listen to Code Red podcasts or VIP Connection messages.
Women, especially, have a really hard time with being seen as "extra," because they're worried about putting other people out to take care of their own needs.
Some are terrified to even speak up about what they want because they're afraid they'll leave a bad impression and get criticized (to their face, behind their back, or both).
Cari and I have both seen Rebels sabotage their weight loss because they're SO terrified to be, have, or ask for anything "extra."
That’s why, in this week’s podcast, we’re breaking down why it's okay to be extra, especially when it helps you TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK.
Have you seen our new app? Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App
Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required. Click Below to join the challenge!
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After one of my VIP clients wrote to me recently and said “I didn’t do this” and “I didn’t do that,” with “this and that” being all the Code Red rules I have in place for a reason, I remember thinking this:
“What makes YOU so special that you think you’re outside the rules?”
Look, we've ALL thought we were outside the rules at some point.
Maybe it’s because of your work schedule.
Or that you have kids.
Or that you're taking care of an elderly parent.
The thing is, the rules to consistent weight loss are the rules to consistent weight loss, and they don't bend for any of the reasons you think you "can't" follow them...
Because ain't nobody getting out of the rules.
Not me. Not Cari. Not our dad, Larry, or our mom, Carole.
Not even Oprah, Barack Obama, or Donald Trump get out of the rules, because it doesn't matter who you are.
When it comes to losing weight and keeping it off, it's 100% of the rules 100% of the time if you want 100% of the results.
So yeah, you can continue to think you're outside the rules...
Or you can follow them, consistently, to get and keep your weight off.
Before you throw up your hands and think, "Well, I guess I'm screwed, then, Cristy!" tune into this week's podcast for a new way to look at the mindset you're bringing to your weight loss.
Have you seen our new app? Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App
Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required. Click Below to join the challenge!
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What are cravings and why do we get them?
Are they ALL in your head, or is there science behind them?
And probably the most important question of all when it comes to cravings...
When you're at the grocery store reaching for Keebler Elf Cookies or Double Stuffed Oreos because you "crave" them, what can you do about it?
When you know the real reasons your cravings happen, you can stop beating yourself up for having them, and instead handle them in an empowering way.
We all get upset at our bodies for reminding us of old habits we're trying to shake.
Instead of hating your body for craving or remembering, check out this week’s podcast to hear why your brain resorts to cravings; and get tips and tricks to help you deal with them.
Have you seen our new app? Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App
Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required. Click Below to join the challenge!
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A while back, my sister, Cari, posted something slightly political on her Facebook news feed, mainly because it was a play on words to do with her husband's name, and she thought it was funny.
Someone read it, got upset and messaged me to say, “Cristy, I’m done with Code Red!”
Cari's post had nothing to do with Code Red, or even weight loss.
Yet because she happens to be my sister, they decided to have a mad fit over it, unfollow ME, and abandon their Code Red journey.
This person's behavior reminded me how, as a society, we've gotten SO touchy.
Heaven forbid you tell the truth about something uncomfortable, like the FACT that obesity is NOT healthy.
What has the world come to when doctors can't even warn you about the health risks associated with obesity because someone's gonna get offended?
What's next? They can't talk to you about diabetes, cancer, or fibromyalgia, because someone who can't handle the truth decides it's "prejudiced" somehow to talk about diseases?
Cancel culture is out of control.
And the people in your day to day life may decide to "cancel" you or their association with you in some way just because you're daring to take your life back.
I sure hope it doesn't come to THAT.
Yet at the rate things are going, you've gotta be prepared for it.
For help understanding how to deal with it if the people in your life don’t like you losing weight and getting healthy, tune into this week's new podcast episode to hear why being healthy matters more than being cancelled.
Listen to this week's new episode in the Code Red network, in your favorite podcast app, or on YouTube!
Have you seen our new app? Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App
Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required. Click Below to join the challenge!
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