Mimi G has not favorited a podcast yet.

    Mimi G has not favorited a podcast yet.

  • Smart, insightful, besties are the best.
    Dec 05, 2018
  • Full of great story telling, good production, and lots of cool crime science information.
    Nov 09, 2018
    Loved it.
  • Smart, original, funny
    Aug 12, 2018
    I laughed out loud.
  • Funny, smart, sassy and wonderful.
    May 16, 2018
    Michelle Buteau is terrific and a welcome break from the too-many political podcasts I listen to.
  • Huge catalogue of interviews with writers.
    May 04, 2018
    I love to hear about the process of other writers and how they manage life as a writer, so I'm a fan.
  • Essential listening if you want to understand gerrymandering. I learned so much.
    Jan 24, 2018
    Top notch work.
  • The Nodinactive
    Interesting, well-produced, talks about stuff I don't know.
    Dec 21, 2017
    As a white person living in a white white place I appreciate hearing the voices and ideas of Black people.
  • This is how to get the news. From DeRay.
    Nov 21, 2017
    Excellent analysis from other than MSM white guys.
  • Good conversations.
    Nov 21, 2017
    The latest episode with Tommy talking to Jane Mayer is excellent! Everyone needs to know about Dark Money and here's a quick way to find out about Mayer's excellent book.
  • More Perfectinactive
    Fascinating and important stories.
    Oct 04, 2017
    I'm excited the second season is here, because I devoured the first. This is a very high quality podcast that tells essential stories in a gripping way. One of my favorites.
  • RISK!inactive
    Yikes, these are wild stories!
    Aug 06, 2017
    The 12th version of the best of Risk was fascinating, though a bit uneven. The first couple of stories were great, then we had horrific, then kinky, then strange. This is definitely going on my list -- what a way to peer into lives so very different than my own.
  • Gladwell tells stories that need to be told, and heard! Listen.
    Jul 04, 2017
    I loved the first season and so far the second season isn't disappointing. You don't have to be a history buff to find this podcast fascinating. There's so much we learn from one point of view that has many others, so much we learn that's just plain wrong, so much we don't learn. Listen to this podcast and you'll discover new ways of thinking about our world.
  • No gimmicks, no advertisement, no bullshit. Insightful political analysis that gets deeper than most.
    Jun 28, 2017
    I'm a Benjamin Wittes fan so I think this podcast is terrific. Smart people talking about what matters on the political landscape.
  • This is for all of us who miss The Diane Rehm show. Same brilliance as always, talking about what matters.
    Jun 28, 2017
    As a huge fan of The Diane Rehm show, I was delighted to find her podcast. Now I can listen to her smart interviews and timely discussions. Only once a week, but it's better than never.
  • Radiolabinactive
    Smart, interesting, always a surprise.
    Jun 28, 2017
    Radiolab was my first podcast many years ago and it's still a favorite. If you're new to podcasts, start here.
  • Smart, insightful and good analysis
    Jun 28, 2017
    I learn something every time I listen.
  • Up Firstinactive
    Decent morning update on what's happening.
    Jun 28, 2017
    I prefer The Daily so far, but this is a good second go-to on my morning run.
  • Real talk about race.
    Jun 28, 2017
    I've only listened to one episode so far, but I'll be back for more. Straight ahead talk about race, personal goals, and making it happen.
  • S-Towninactive
    The story of a life, tenderly and honestly told by Brian Reed.
    Jun 28, 2017
    Brian Reed does an excellent job taking us into a time, place and life. The story was compelling but spread out a bit too much for me as it went on. There's a build up of mystery, which morphs into the overall story of John B. Mackelmore. It did make me tear up at times, but in the end I found the narrative arc a bit disappointing. Definitely worth a listen though, especially if you're up for a podcast that unfolds over numerous episodes. I also liked that all episodes were released at once.
  • Code Switchinactive
    Shereen Marisol Meraji and Gene Demby do a masterful job of navigating issues of race, ethnicity, identity and politics.
    Jun 28, 2017
    I've been a listener for over a year now and I'm never disappointed. There are frequent guests to contribute to discussion of a broad range of topics, from black superheroes in comics to black horror films to the diaspora of Puerto Ricans (that episode made me cry). Anyone who cares about racism and better understanding black and brown lives in America should be listening to this podcast.
  • Lovett and friends rant
    Jun 28, 2017
    There are only two episodes so far and kinks are still being worked out. Amusing enough to keep giving it a listen.
  • Talking about what we think about.
    Jun 28, 2017
    It's worth listening to to hear Anna Sayles. Excellent conversations about real topics.
  • The Dailyinactive
    Brief episodes about current news.
    Jun 28, 2017
    Covers one or two topics in depth, often stories I haven't read in the paper so it helps me stay up to date on news other than the latest Trump antics.
  • Scary, funny, smart.
    Jun 28, 2017
    I generally already know everything Jon, Dan and Jon talk about because I'm a news junkie, but their addictive laughter at the crazy state of the world is a delight. Love it.
  • Excellent analysis, especially for data geeks. The Party Time series is also good.
    Jun 28, 2017
    Funny, smart, in-depth. Nate Silver was closest to calling Trump's win than any other poll analysts. The Party Time series, four podcasts looking different wings of the Rs and Ds is a good listen -- well, the final one anyway. But I liked it enough to go back and listen to more.
  • Bombshellinactive
    These three women kick serious butt -- smart, knowledgable, sweet, tough, real and funny.
    Jun 28, 2017
    Great way to understand foreign policy issues beyond the headlines. Three women who work deep in the national security/military/foreign policy world, they deliver important information in a completely human and entertaining way. This is my new favorite podcast.
  • The Weedsinactive
    Definitely weedy, and therefore great.
    Jun 28, 2017
    This podcast has more analysis than most political podcasts, is extremely smart and relevant.
  • If you like listening to writers talk about their craft, this is for you.
    Jun 28, 2017
    The interview with Andre Dubus III is excellent and Suzanne Roberts has lots of great tips and strategies to keep writing.
  • Stories on a theme.
    Jun 28, 2017
    Love it.
  • Phoebe and Jessica are funnier than many of the guests - but still a good time.
    Jun 28, 2017
    Makes me laugh and give me a view of life as a black woman.

Mimi G has not subscribed to a podcast yet.