If you listen, you will laugh… and probably cringe. Sensible People brings you your bi-weekly dose of outrageous observational comedy and life advice from the minds of three unfiltered Chicagoans. Each episode they share stories, discuss taboo topics, play amusing games, interview guests from all walks of life and perform entertaining comedy skits. New episodes every other Monday. SensiblePeoplePodcast.com
59 Available Episodes (59 Total)Average duration: 00:56:22
Oct 08, 2019
S2 30 | Shrimp Fritters (Season 2 Finale)
It’s the season 2 finale and the trio you love so dearly brings a loaded episode to cap it off. Raw Dog shares a story regarding Alan calling into Chicago sports radio, Mandi B leads a game of “Did It Really Happen?” and “Sensible or Not?” gets heated. Also, an update in the life of “Micah the Millennial” and lots of laughs regarding diaper wearing grooms. Pop those buds in and lube up the corners of your mouth for some laughter!
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
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Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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Sep 23, 2019
S2 29 | A Great Time To Be Alive
Mandi B rejoins the boys after vacation and Raw Dog tells us what a great time it is to be alive when you can have sex while watching Scientology documentaries. The trio is also joined by comedian/actor Jacob Berger who details how he came to be known as “The Instagram Cop.” All this plus three of your favorite prank callers return for some hilarious phone sessions.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
Follow our wonderful guest Jacob Berger @jacobbergeractor
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Sep 09, 2019
S2 28 | The Two of Us
With Mandi B on vacation Raw Dog and Tay are left alone to talk gambling, sex, and living at home. Raw Dog reiterates his desire for yellow rain and the duo play a game of “Ask Raw Dog,” this time with the soon-to-be dad Tay getting the inside scoop on pregnancy and advice on fatherhood. While you’ll miss Mandi B, this episode is filled with laughs from just the two of us.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
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Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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Aug 26, 2019
S2 27 | Sensible Foursome
For the first time, season 2’s co-host Mandi B and season 1’s co-host Amber join Raw Dog and Tay in one big happy family. As the trio catches up with miss Amber, Tay’s got a big personal announcement and Raw Dog shares what the best after-sex song is. Mandi B has to choose between a couple punishment options and then the two female hosts are pitted against one another in a game to find out who really knows the guys best.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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Aug 12, 2019
S2 26 | A Jaw Like Jon Hamm
Raw Dog and Tay tell a story about crushing beers next to a lady with a chiseled jaw. Mandi B whines about her latest sex woes. Is too much sex really too much sex? Raw Dog’s in a mood to rant and then battles Mandi B in a game hosted by Tay of “Erased from History.” The trio also brings back the staple segment “Sensible or Not?” to the episode to debate scenarios that beg for their wisdom.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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Jul 29, 2019
S2 25 | Cowboy Butts Drive Me Nuts
Raw Dog’s turning into a country bumpkin and Tay has something to say about it. Mandi B showed up in studio with some bruises to explain and then gives some beauty advice to the female members of #SensibleNation. The trio is joined by Todd Wishnev, star of the Showtime Docuseries “Action” to discuss his role on the show and his life in the world of sports gambling. All this and the return of “Micah The Millennial.”
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
Follow our buddy Todd Wishnev @twishnev on social media and check out “Action” on Showtime.
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Jul 15, 2019
S2 24 | Raw Dog 3.0
Mandi B brings Tay a punishment in a bag, The curse of Raw Dog’s first time jitters has finally been snapped and wacky Alan pops in for a chance to defend himself for getting lost. Tay goes on a rant about unsensible occurrences of late and then everybody’s favorite pranksters Barry Burnham, Tina Marie and the new Jim Rawl dial up some juicy victims. Pop those buds in and let us teach you our sensible ways.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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Jul 01, 2019
S2 23 | Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll (with Ralph Sutton)
This episode the Sensible trio is joined by a dude that understands what sells. Hear from Ralph Sutton of the SDR show and laugh with us about some of the wilder things that he’s come across during his tenure in media. Does Mandi B really want a pink sock? Raw Dog’s really moving where? Plus, Mandi B versus Tay in a game of “20 Years Ago.” Get ready to rock and roll with this loaded episode! (Yes, we know that sounded cheesy)
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
Follow our guest Ralph Sutton @iamralphsutton and subscribe to his the Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll show on any podcast app!
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Jun 17, 2019
S2 22 | Either Way... Here's Alan!
Sensible People got a lot wackier with the addition of their new sidekick and content contributor Alan. Alan gets some airtime to share his quirkiness and even brought his own game to entertain the trio with. Before Alan joins the set, Tay gets harassed for mail-order blu-rays and Mandi B had a recent dick appointment. Later in the episode the hosts play some old fashioned “Show & Tell” and then discuss things white people do. Either way… it’s time to laugh!
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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Jun 03, 2019
S2 21 | Real Sensible People
A tip of the cap to the old Bud commercials, we spotlight people with profound sensibility. You can find Tay playing matchmaker these days, this time for his good pal Raw Dog. Plus, things get a little awkward as a tale of drama is told regarding our very own Sensible trio. Mandi B gives us an update on the sugar daddy world, but more importantly details her new foot fetish gig. The Hall of Fame of Freaks puts another entrant up for vote and the trio play everyone’s favorite, “Sensible or Not?” Pop those buds in your ears and belt out some laughs.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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May 20, 2019
S2 20 | The Makeover
Consequences are not forgotten on Sensible People as Tay starts off the episode by delivering Raw Dog and Mandi B’s punishment for tying in last episode’s game. Mandi B’s search for a sugar daddy was quicker than one could expect and Ryan details his latest blast from the past. Sonny Patel grabbed some great audio to share while traveling to Florida. Then Tay and Raw Dog battle it out with Mandi B’s face as their canvas as the two aim to give her the makeover of a lifetime.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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May 06, 2019
S2 19 | Sugar Daddies, Leg Braces and Charleston Chews
Mandi B’s in search of a sugar daddy, but will her leg braces and Charleston Chews hold her back? Raw Dog updates the world on whether or not his masturbation video went viral and Tay paid a kid to chew his tongue until it bled. What is wrong with our co-hosts? KikiSaidSo from the Cocktales podcast calls in for some dirty discussions and to provide note-worthy advice to Raw Dog. This episode also features the return of Barry Burnham, Ed Bigby and “Teeny” Tina Marie prank calling a sporting goods store, video shop and pet store respectively. All this plus Raw Dog versus Mandi B in a bout of “Did It Really Happen?” in this loaded episode!
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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You can follow our wonderful guest Kiki @kikisaidso
Lover of Fantasy Sports? Sign up for ThriveFantasy using the following link and get a free $10 match on your deposit http://bit.ly/ThriveSPPod
Download the Podcoin app and get paid to listen to podcasts! Use code SensiblePeople at sign up for bonus tokens redeemable for cash/gifts.
Apr 22, 2019
S2 18 | ManEater
“Watch out [Raw Dog] she’ll chew you up!” Raw Dog avoiding the dating apps may have led him down a dark path on the Internet. Find out his latest dating disasters, one of which had him questioning what a guy’s to do when he runs into a ManEater? All this plus a special guest appearance from the tremendously funny Lila Hart whom claims she’s as tall as an LA parking meter. Lila shares her fascinating journey to becoming a standup comic and Internet star, then plays a little “Sensible or Not” with the trio. Oh, and did we tell you the saga of “Micah The Millennial” is back? Enjoy!
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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You can follow our wonderful guest Lila Hart @lovelilahart
Lover of Fantasy Sports? Sign up for ThriveFantasy using the following link and get a free $10 match on your deposit http://bit.ly/ThriveSPPod
Apr 08, 2019
S2 17 | Have You Tried Malort?
“Ba Ba Ba….” Bobbing for condoms! This episode is a wild one, capped off by the trio jointly bobbing for condoms per the punishment agreed upon during the previous episode. You’re in for a treat with Raw Dog detailing his latest sneaky move to find some tail, Mandi B’s got a new fling, and Tay tries the vile Chicago liquor they call Malort for the very first time. Try not to laugh, we dare ya!
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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Lover of Fantasy Sports? Sign up for ThriveFantasy using the following link and get a free $10 match on your deposit http://bit.ly/ThriveSPPod
Mar 25, 2019
S2 16 | Barbaric People ft. Frankie MacDonald
Should we go by Barbaric People instead of Sensible People? Some may say so… In this episode Raw Dog explains how the “well’s dried up,” Tay tells his beer fart tales and Mandi B is excited spring is finally here. Plus the trio is joined by Youtube & social media megastar/weatherman Frankie MacDonald to share some laughs. All this and a new game of “What Year Is It?” where the hosts try to pinpoint the year a song was originally sung. Time to laugh!
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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Lover of Fantasy Sports? Sign up for ThriveFantasy using the following link and get a free $10 match on your deposit http://bit.ly/ThriveSPPod
Follow Frankie MacDonald on Twitter @frankiemacd and subscribe to his youtube channel by searching Frankie MacDonald Dogs and Wolves Weather
Mar 11, 2019
Bonus Episode | Sensible People Live
On February 26, 2019 Sensible People performed live for the very first time at SafeHouse Chicago in front of 200,000 screaming Sensible Nation members. Mandi B explains how she got “Raw Dogged” by her latest fling, Tay explains his ultimate place of comfort and Raw Dog shares how he crossed one big ticket item off his bucket list. Also, the trio is tested by a lie detector machine with fan submitted questions, “Sensible or Not” is played, Raw Dog gets a live punishment from one special audience member and more! Sit back and enjoy this bonus episode from our first ever live show.
*Please note that visual cues were shown for those in attendance and live audience noise (although reduced) can still be heard.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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Mar 04, 2019
S2 15 | Anal's Not Cheating
Fresh off their first live show the trio is back in studio for some sensible fun. Raw Dog let out a squeaker in bed with a lady, Mandi’s got a Peeping Tom and Tay shares a story that will give you the chills. The listeners have questions for Raw Dog and he has answers. Find out why Raw Dog thinks anal’s not cheating. Back by popular demand are Barry Burnham and Ed Bigby with some prank calls to die for. Plus, this time we let Mandi give pranking a shot. All this and a new candidate for the Hall of Fame of Freaks. Does he have the freakish qualities it takes to gain entry? Have a listen and find out!
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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Feb 18, 2019
S2 14 | Sensibility Rising
Raw Dog’s appeal is finally heard and Sensible People’s first live show is near! This episode we dive into some of our staple segments and find out what the hosts would rather dabble in. Then with the Oscars around the corner we find out who each host is taking to the red carpet. All this plus some good ‘ole “Sensible or Not?” Kick back and ride the growing wave of sensibility.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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Lover of Fantasy Sports? Sign up for ThriveFantasy using the following link and get a free $10 match on your deposit http://bit.ly/ThriveSPPod
Feb 04, 2019
S2 13 | The Catch
Would you ever try Jenkem? Did Tay encounter a wild boar recently? What does Mandi call her lady-parts? These are the sensible topics discussed on this week’s episode. Also, NFL legend Mike Pantazis joins the trio to discuss the most historic fan moment in the history of sports. During a 1995 Chicago Bears game Pantazis leapt from his seat in the stands and caught a kicked ball mid-air before falling into a tunnel on National TV, triggering a spotlight of fame that forever changed his life. Hear Mike’s fascinating story and share some laughs with Sensible People as they chat about “The Catch.”
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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Jan 21, 2019
S2 12 | Kit and Caboodle ft. ASMR Practitioner Lilliana Dee
As Raw Dog’s appeal of the Viagra punishment is taking time behind the scenes, he’s got some single tips and bar tales to share. Mandi and Raw Dog detail their 10 year pact to Tay and the boys come to a realization regarding her after watching Showtime’s Escape at Dannemora. Then the trio dive into discussing the fascinating world of ASMR and are joined by expert and Youtube sensation Lilliana Dee from the “Lily Whispers ASMR” Youtube channel to get a true understanding of the topic. Open those ears, this episode has the whole kit and caboodle!
Follow our tremendous guest Lilliana Dee @lillianadee on social media and “Lily Whispers ASMR” on Youtube
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
We now have merch!
Lover of Fantasy Sports? Sign up for ThriveFantasy using the following link and get a free $10 match on your deposit http://bit.ly/ThriveSPPod
Jan 07, 2019
S2 11 | Push Broom Pete
It’s a new year and Sensible People is adding more sensibility to your life than ever before! Raw Dog files his appeal of the Viagra punishment and Tay announces the #WetBanditChallenge. Does Mandi B have a Push Broom Pete? Perhaps, but Tay informs us where to find women that do. Sensible People is bringing back the lost art of prank calling as the always-in-pain Barry Burnham calls about his Ray Liotta needs and the robotic Ed Bigby requires some catering. All this and an all too realistic short story featuring Micah the Millennial. Comb that mustache and let’s induce some laughs.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensiblepeople
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
Sensible People Voicemail Box: (414) 858-7934
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Lover of Fantasy Sports? Sign up for ThriveFantasy using the following link and get a free $10 match on your deposit http://bit.ly/ThriveSPPod
Dec 23, 2018
S2 10 | Have Yourself a Sensible Little Christmas
‘Tis the season to be Sensible! The trio is back for this Holiday Special. Tay’s found a new way to salvage his betting losses, Raw Dog has a billion dollar idea and there must be “something about Mandi” with the way Raw Dog describes their last outing. Then let us help you get into the holiday spirit with some not-so-sensible Christmas gift ideas, a little festive game between Mandi and Raw Dog, and the long awaited return of Christmas Carols that would make Bing Crosby proud. Prepare some hot chocolate, gather around the fire, and have yourself a sensible little Christmas.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
We now have merch!
Dec 10, 2018
S2 09 | Sensible Nonsense ft. Comedian Adam Nutter
After Raw Dog survived his ruthless roast in e32, the trio is back to help increase your sensibility. Raw Dog continues to share his head-scratching tales of single life, Mandi answers whether girls fart while they pee, and Tay introduces the world to Googly Eyes. Standup comedian and host of the “Nerds with Words” podcast Adam Nutter dials in for some “Sensible or Not” and the debate regarding standing up versus sitting down to wipe continues. Plus Mandi gets to test herself against Raw Dog in a bout of “Did It Really Happen?” What better way to enjoy a cold winter day than laughing to some Sensible Nonsense?
You can follow our guest comedian Adam Nutter @AdamNutter on Twitter & @Adam_Nutter on Instagram. Be sure to listen to his podcast “Nerds with Words” on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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Nov 26, 2018
S2 08 | Roast of Raw Dog
Episode 31 brings something many of you have all been waiting for… the opportunity to roast Raw Dog for his questionable personality traits and opinions! Before we roast everyone’s favorite co-host, Tay defends his a** wiping technique, Raw Dog depicts his new life as a single man, and Mandi laughs to Tay’s botched spray tan experience. The trio is then joined by Twitter’s resident #SMILF from the Blunt Mommy Podcast as she introduces Sensible Nation to #AssEatinSZN. All this capped off by the Roast of Raw Dog Ryan!
You can follow our guest Blunt Mommy @Blunt_Mommy on Twitter & @amanduh3313 on Instagram. Be sure to listen to Blunt Mommy Podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app.
Sensible People has been selected as a Finalist for the 2018 Discover Pods People’s Choice Award. Vote for us before 12/7/18 to help us secure a victory! Your support means everything. Vote at www.DiscoverPods.com
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Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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Nov 12, 2018
S2 07 | I Like It Like That
Sensible Nation, do you know how Tay, Mandi B and Raw Dog really like it? Don’t worry, you’ll find out in this episode as the trio play a game where you learn more about them, and of course, punishments will be involved. Come along for a wild ride as they receive a new “sponsor,” reveal a crazy news story of the week, and hear Ryan reveal some answers to questions that people have had regarding his personal life. You won’t want to miss out!
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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Oct 29, 2018
S2 06 | Trick or Troll 2
Happy Halloween Sensible Nation! It’s one of our favorite times of the year and we’ve brewed a cauldron of something really spook-tacular. The trio debate which one of them would be the caboose in a human centipede, Mandi shares a not-so-sensible coworker story and Raw Dog tells all about his latest face-time with Tay. Plus, Mr. Sonny Patel visits Chicago and the Sensible studio for the first time, “The Troll 2: Rise of Kin” is told for the very first time and the Spook Box from last year’s Halloween special makes a triumphant return. Pump up the volume, turn the lights off and enjoy this loaded episode.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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Oct 15, 2018
S2 05 | Don’t Walk Away Renee
The Sensible Peeps are back at it following the celebration of their one year anniversary. Mandi B gets some much deserved criticism, Tay whines about the weather change in Chicago and analyzes Illinois’ heftier neighbors beyond the border north, and Raw Dog gets thrown to the wolves as we bring his sweet mother Renee on to listen to some of his finest potty-mouth moments over the last year. This all followed by a return of everyone’s favorite recurring segment “Sensible or Not?” Don’t miss this cringe-worthy and hilarious 28th episode from your favorite podcasting comedians.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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Oct 01, 2018
S2 04 | Sensual and Sensible with Billy Procida
In episode 27 the Sensible trio bring you along for a sensual ride. Billy Procida, comedian and host of one of the sex genre’s top podcasts “The Manwhore Podcast” shares his sex positive stories along with some laughs. From financial domination, to play parties and much more, Billy tells it all while giving Raw Dog some friendly advice. Plus, a special moment where Billy redefines the bases of dating for Sensible Nation. All this and more sex talk from your favorite comedy pod.
You can follow our guest Billy Procida @TheBillyProcida on Twitter & Instagram. Be sure to listen to his podcast “The Manwhore Podcast” on iTunes or your favorite podcast app.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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One of the Sensible People gets an unsolicited sext from an unknown phone number. What does it mean? Some hog calling is in store for the loser of a new game called “Guess What You’re Doing?” in which the hosts get a short window of time to figure out an image they were hilariously photoshopped into. Plus, everyone’s favorite recurring guest Sonny Patel calls in from India to explain his latest neighborly dilemma. All this and the chance to find out what the hell a Googleganger is. Listen, laugh and remember to stay #Sensible!
Follow Sensible People –
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Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
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YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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Sep 12, 2018
Bonus Episode | Best of Season 1
In this “Best of Season 1” compilation you’ll meet the Sensible People and listen back on highlights from the 25 episodes that put them on the map. Enjoy the evolution of Raw Dog, Amber and Tay as they build their chemistry and laugh with them clip-after-clip. The trio explore absurd observations, cringe-worthy topics, challenging games and interviews with guests from all walks of life. You’ll hear fake commercials such as, “The Pet F*cker,” comedy sketches like the “The Troll,” segments with recurring guest character Sonny Patel and more. Plus, celebrity interviews with Felicity Feline, Greg Peterson, Perez Hilton, Josh Richards and others. Season 1 has a little bit of fun for everyone and the highlights get wackier and funnier the deeper you dive. Please enjoy the best from the inaugural season of Sensible People and find out why they’ve become Chicago’s fastest growing comedy podcast.
*Please note that clips run back-to-back without transitions often in order to condense the full length of this bonus episode.
Special thanks to Will Lightfoot for editing this masterpiece.
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YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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Sep 03, 2018
S2 02 | Fruits of Our Labor
Happy Labor Day Sensible Nation! In episode 25 we want you to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Tay seeks some advice from his colleagues regarding a recent email that could help fund a new studio. The hosts discuss unusual coworker experiences they’ve encountered and Mandi B leads a game of “Did It Really Happen?” in order for us to get to know her some more. Plus, another freak has a chance to secure his legacy within the Hall of Fame of Freaks. Fire up the grill and cherish your much deserved rest with some comedy from your favorite life coaches!
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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Aug 20, 2018
S2 01 | Meet Mandi
Season 2 Premiere – With a wildly hilarious first season in the books the Sensible People return with a game-changing announcement, a new co-host. As Amber takes a step back to live mama life, Mandi B is introduced to Sensible Nation. Raw Dog and Tay are of course back to provide you with your dose of insanely relatable comedy and the trio is joined by a couple of fellow lovable Chicagoans, Bhun & Bchan from Alternative Facts Chicago. The five person panel is a laugh-fest as “Sensible or Not,” “Would You Rather” and more is played. This season starts with a bang and is a taste of big things to come! Kick back, crank the volume and laugh away.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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Follow Alternative Facts Chicago (Chicago’s #1 Podcast for Sports, Music, Entertainment, Politics + Everything Chicago!) –
Instagram: @AlternativeFactsChicago
Twitter: @AFactsChicago
Jul 23, 2018
23 | Season 1 Finale
After 22 episodes the inaugural season of Sensible People is coming to an end. With that, the boys want to close out the first season with a bang. Come gain some sensibility as Raw Dog walks you through what has irked him lately. Tay describes his two near death experiences and wonders how Raw Dog’s obituary would read. Plus the duo share the “Sensible Story of the Week” that may not actually be sensible. Then Extreme Midget Wrestling star “Skinny Timmy” hops on the line to discuss life as a “Dwarfinator.” Tay then reveals his shocking surprise to Raw Dog during some “Sensible or Not”. Have a laugh and join us for the final countdown of Season 1. Look forward to more from Sensible People with Season 2 coming later this summer!
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
We now have merch!
Jul 02, 2018
22 | “Donald Trump is a 321” with Perez Hilton
The sensible duo of Raw Dog and Tay remain unhinged without Amber around to tame them in this latest laugh-fest. Joining the boys this episode is the notorious king of gossip Perez Hilton. Perez describes the challenges of being a busy single dad of three, discusses his podcast “The Perez Hilton Podcast w/ Chris Booker,” and gives an “area code system” rating for President Trump. Before Perez joins in on the fun, Raw Dog shares some absurd recent headlines that caught his attention and then both hosts try their hand at guessing what their wives would say about them in a little “Marriage Game.” All this and more! Kick back with your feet up and get ready to smile!
Find Perez Hilton on Instagram and Twitter @ThePerezHilton or at his website perezhilton.com. The website’s social media account is @PerezHilton and you can find his podcast at perezhiltonpodcast.com
Episode Sponsor: Rosie’s Italian Eatery in Antioch http://www.rosiesitalianeatery.com – Be sure to join Sensible People on July 6th at Rosie’s for Extreme Midget Wrestling. Tickets can be purchased at https://www.tickettailor.com/events/dwarfanators/168714
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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Jun 18, 2018
Bonus Episode | Never Aired
Bonus Episode - Originally titled "A Sensible Summer" and recorded in September of 2017, this episode never aired. Before this audio file collects too much virtual dust, join Raw Dog, Amber and Tay for this never-heard before summer special. Tay details his BAND-AID scare and questions whether the medical advice he gathered is satisfactory. Raw Dog explains his lifelong swimsuit dilemma and the trio play a summer themed version of "Sensible or Not". Amber takes a snooze as the guys discuss freakish athletes and then everyone's survival skills our put to the test as they share the three things that they would bring to a remote island. Find some air conditioning and laugh to this throwback recording from before Sensible People even launched.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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Jun 03, 2018
21 | Power Hour
Well, it’s the day you all have been waiting for – Amber is on maternity leave and Raw Dog and Tay Tonka have gone completely off the rails! Raw Dog’s longtime friend, Rat, joins them in studio for a questionably sensible Power Hour. Tay reveals his hidden artistic talents and Raw Dog shares a very unsettling dream. A listener-contributed Sensible or Not challenges the three to answer a moral dilemma. Things get even more outlandish when Raw Dog, Tay and Rat pull out some tongue twisters and a breathalyzer. Crack a beer, or seven, and drink along...you’re going to need it!
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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May 24, 2018
Bonus Episode ft. VSIN's Greg Peterson
Bonus Episode - With the monumental news regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling on sports gambling, Raw Dog and Tay being degenerate gamblers themselves felt like it was important to discuss the decision and share accurate information on the matter. The two are joined by Greg Peterson, the lead college basketball expert and highly acclaimed producer at Brent Musburger’s VSIN (Vegas Stats and Information Network), to hear his sensible opinion. Greg can be followed on Twitter @GUnit_81 while his articles and voice can be seen/heard on VSIN.com.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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May 21, 2018
20 | Mango Lassi
The day has come for Miss Amber to leave Sensible People for maternity leave. While the 8 month pregnant co-host certainly gets teased for one last time, Raw Dog is reminded of a certain punishment he has to face from an earlier episode. Plus, we get to hear his recent bachelor party stories as he shares three things he has never seen before. All this fun leads to the return of one very special recurring guest, Mr. Sonny Patel. Sonny joins the Sensible People to explain where he’s been, what’s going on in Mumbai and how his deepest fantasy was fulfilled. The show gets ridiculous with some true sex toy reviews and a “Sensible or Not” send-off for Amber. Grab your ice cold mango lassi, sit back, enjoy, and hit subscribe!
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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May 06, 2018
19 | Amber is a MILF
Happy Mother’s Day to all of Sensible Nation! Today we’re celebrating our very own soon-to-be-MILF, Amber! Amber receives a handpicked gift from Tay, and Raw Dog walks us through some of the oddest children’s internet videos. Of course no baby shower would be complete without some baby shower games! We kick off with “Is This a Real Children’s Book?” where Tay and Raw Dog have to guess whether Amber is reading a title and synopsis from a real or fake children’s book. Unfortunately, Raw Dog was in charge of the food for the party, so we end with a classic, The Baby Food Challenge, where Tay and Amber blind taste test baby food and try to guess each ingredient.
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
We now have merch!
Apr 23, 2018
18 | The Mandela Effect ft. WhiskeyBoy Radio's DJ Matt Blake
This episode of Sensible People is unlike any episode that’s come before as Raw Dog, Amber and Tay accurately and undeniably uncover the secrets behind what caused the Mandela Effect. Starting as a thoughtful* and intelligent* conversation about what the Mandela Effect is, the trio walk Sensible Nation through some of the most notable examples of this phenomenon from recent years and end with a fact-based* explanation of what caused the rip in the time space continuum. The group is then joined by the notable Silver Fox of Texas aka WhiskeyBoy Radio’s DJ Matt Blake for another tricky installation of “Did It Really Happen?”
* Note: The terms thoughtful, intelligent and fact-based are used subjectively.
Follow WhiskeyBoy Radio –
Instagram: instagram.com/whiskeyboyradio/
Twitter: twitter.com/whiskeyboyradio
Facebook: facebook.com/whiskeyboyradio/
Website: whiskeyboy.us
Follow Sensible People –
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
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Apr 08, 2018
17 | You've Got Mail
Today we’re traveling back to the 90s to discuss the technology of our childhood. Raw Dog, Amber and Tay talk about everything from the classic video games, pagers and CD players to lesser known computer games, HitClips and Tracfones. We then have a very unintelligent and uninformed conversation about the future of sex robots, wireless charging and self driving cars. Last, but certainly not least, Raw Dog and Tay debate whether one extraordinary fried chicken cook has what it takes to enter the Hall of Fame of Freaks.
Follow Sensible People -
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
We now have merch!
Mar 26, 2018
16 | Tartar Sauce Lady
Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere, clean up, clean up – everybody do your share! Ah, spring is here at last and in this episode of Sensible People, we open up our windows and hang our freshly washed drawers out on the line as we air out some not-so-fresh spring break stories. We reminisce on a few of our first jobs – from Raw Dog’s experience at a cheese factory and Amber’s life-changing run in with Tartar Sauce Lady from Denny’s to Tay’s nearly fatal wine bottle fiasco. Then we roll up our sleeves and get down to the nitty gritty of spring cleaning as we discuss how often we clean household items vs. how often our highly qualified staff of scientists say we should be cleaning them.
Follow Sensible People -
Instagram: instagram.com/sensiblepeople/
Twitter: twitter.com/sensible_people
Facebook: facebook.com/sensiblepeoplepodcast
YouTube: Sensible People
Website: sensiblepeoplepodcast.com
We now have merch!
Mar 12, 2018
15 | Sensible Size Me
Stick out those crooked hitchhiking thumbs and catch a ride with Sensible People this week as we share our wildest ride sharing stories. From Raw Dog’s experience as an Uber driver to Tay’s tales of projectile vomiting, we’re going to take you along for the journey...all the way to the fast food drive-through! After weeks of scientific study, Amber and the guys have compiled a list of the best Midwest fast food items and today we’ll pull up to the window and order Sensible Nation the ultimate meal.
Follow Sensible People -
Instagram: @SensiblePeople
Twitter: @sensible_people
Facebook: Sensible People
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Feb 26, 2018
14 | The Pornstar with Felicity Feline
Raw Dog, Amber and Tay take you on a very intimate journey this week with special guest adult film star Felicity Feline. Felicity talks about her experience at the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas and then talks to Sensible Nation about the realities of working in the porn industry. From crazy fans and outrageous porn scenes to proper grooming techniques and the surprisingly sexy scene in the Lion King, Felicity shares both the truth and the hilarities of getting naked with strangers. Find Felicity on Instagram and Twitter @felicityxfeline or at her website officialfelicityfeline.com.
Follow Sensible People -
Instagram: @SensiblePeople
Twitter: @sensible_people
Facebook: Sensible People
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Feb 12, 2018
13 | Licking Toilet Seats
As Sensible Nation knows by now – everything we do, is out of loving you...which is why we are so excited to feature our first ever giveaway on this very heart warming episode. The trio’s significant others stop by to deliver three “loving” Valentine’s messages, and hard decisions are made in a ridiculous game of “Would You Rather.” A long-anticipated segment makes its debut where the first ever Sensible Nation Hall of Freaks member is inducted...or is he? Tune in to find out, and don’t forget to head over to our Instagram page @SensiblePeople to enter our giveaway with dicksbymail.com!
Jan 29, 2018
12 | To Infinity and Beyond
Sensible People shed light on the prospect of not only landing on but also colonizing Mars in the near future. Joining the show for a captivating interview is physicist turned standup comedian Josh Richards. As one of the 100 selected candidates to potentially colonize Mars under the Mars One project, Josh shares the winding path that led him to becoming a future astronaut, what the expedition’s current status and timeline look like and what living on the Red Planet would really entail. Of course Raw Dog & Tay won’t let the good sport escape without answering some of their ridiculous questions and sharing some laughs. Follow Josh on Twitter @Mighty_Ginge and purchase his book at www.becomingmartian.com.
Jan 15, 2018
11 | Dude Looks Like A Lady
In this episode of Sensible People, we have two special guests join us in studio. Amber starts the episode with a very big announcement and Raw Dog tries to find out if his home town myth holds up. The three (now four) cohosts are then joined in studio by Tay's longtime friend, Scott Lilja, and Amber tests the guys to see if they have what it takes to be a woman. Connect with Scott on his YouTube channel "Scott Lilja" or on Instagram (if he'll add you) @scott.football.
Intro Music: Rock Angel by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Jan 01, 2018
10 | Spell It Out
On this highly awaited episode, Raw Dog and Tay duel to the death in our very unique Sensible Spelling Bee. With words that every member of Sensible Nation should know by heart, we'll see who is truly the spelling champ. We also wish a heartwarming happy birthday to Raw Dog and answer one of Sensible Nation's most asked questions – how did we all meet?
Intro Music: Rock Angel by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Dec 18, 2017
9 | 'Tis the Season - Part 2
It's Part 2 of our holiday special! Join us as we discuss the Dos and Don’ts of Christmas merriment, like saying Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas. Reminisce with us about our days of sneaking down to the tree at night and peeking at our gifts. Then, just when you think we’ve reached peaked Christmas joy, we present our Christmas present to you, Sensible Nation - nine carefully selected, Santa approved songs will be lovingly sung into your earholes. Now hop into those Christmas jumpers, grab a glass of (disgusting) eggnog and unwrap your shiny new episode!
Intro Music: Rock Angel by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Dec 04, 2017
8 | ‘Tis The Season – Part 1
Get ready to deck the halls with sensibility this holiday season! Today, we’re taking you on part one of a very festive journey through holidays past and present. Join us as we discuss how Raw Dog’s cousin got herself put on the permanent naughty list, Amber’s dream advent calendar, and the fact that Tay still believes in Santa. We also bring back Sensible or Not and decide once and for all whether it’s okay to play Christmas music before Thanksgiving. Now’s the time to hit download – and remember, Santa is always watching.
Intro Music: Rock Angel by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Nov 20, 2017
7 | Let Us Entertain You
Raw Dog, Amber and Tay delve into the world of film and television. Tay listens to clips from famous movies and tries to prove his movie “buffness.” Witness them break down a 16 seed tournament of all-time great movies and TV shows where the Most Sensible Movie/TV show is crowned.
Intro Music: Rock Angel by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Commercial Music: https://www.bensound.com
Nov 06, 2017
6 | The Dinner Dance
This week's episode comes from the heart as we discuss modern day relationships. From online dating, where you'll hear about Raw Dog and Tay's secret love affair, to Amber's first kiss story and Raw Dog's bachelor party keepsake, we'll walk all the way down the aisle to wedding trends we can't stand. Join us in holy matrimony as we teach you how to be #relationshipgoals.
Intro music: www.bensound.com
Oct 23, 2017
5 | Trick or Troll
It's the Sensible People Halloween Special! Raw Dog, Amber and Tay argue over candy flavors, share ghost stories and discuss favorite costumes. We also try our hand at a classic Halloween game that we've named "WHAT'S IN THE BOX" where Raw Dog and Tay go head-to-head in a hilarious battle where they blindly guess the items they feel in the “Spooky Box.” Most importantly, this episode features the worldwide premier of Raw Dog’s original tale titled “The Troll.”
Intro music: www.bensound.com
Transition music: planet.com">www.purple-planet.com
Oct 09, 2017
4 | The School of Etiquette for Sensible People
Sit down, shut up and be prepared to raise your hand because you've been enrolled in The School of Etiquette for Sensible People. Your professors, Amber, Tay and Raw Dog, are about to teach you how to properly behave in public - including lessons on driving, talking about your kids, and using a public restroom. We also play "Did It Really Happen?" where we decide whether three stories truly happened or if they were concocted by Raw Dog's imagination. Don't forget to take notes - there will be a quiz!
Intro music: Rock Angel by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Oct 02, 2017
3 | The Sensible Scam Artist
Raw Dog, Amber and Tay guide you through today’s scams and what to be wary of. We discuss our hatred for pyramid schemes, things you wish Amazon did, and play a game revolving around Amazon reviews.
Intro Music: Rock Angel by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Commerical Music: https://www.bensound.com
Oct 02, 2017
2 | Sensibility Comes With Age
The Sensible People debate sensibility in aging and what it means to become old. See who they (and three special guests) pick in the hotties over age 60 fantasy draft, hear Raw Dog & Tay answer teen based questions from “Yahoo Answers,” and learn about the wild world of adult babies.
Intro Music: Rock Angel by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Commerical Music: https://www.bensound.com
Oct 01, 2017
1 | New Versus Used
Raw Dog, Amber and Tay launch season 1 with discussions around re-usable items. Listen to the hosts favorite segment “Sensible or Not?,” laugh as the two guys duke it out over a Craigslist game, and learn about each of their laundry-washing tendencies.
Intro Music: Rock Angel by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Commerical Music: https://www.bensound.com
Sep 16, 2017
Sensible People - Launching October 2nd
Hosts Ryan, Amber and Taylor introduce you to the Sensible People podcast. Meet the hosts and preview the show as they introduce you to your new favorite segment, Sensible or Not. Featured episodes starting October 2nd, 2017.
Oct 08 | 00:59:49
S2 30 | Shrimp Fritters (Season 2 Finale)
Sep 23 | 00:58:10
S2 29 | A Great Time To Be Alive
Sep 09 | 00:51:41
S2 28 | The Two of Us
Aug 26 | 00:56:51
S2 27 | Sensible Foursome
Aug 12 | 00:53:22
S2 26 | A Jaw Like Jon Hamm
Jul 29 | 01:04:10
S2 25 | Cowboy Butts Drive Me Nuts
Jul 15 | 00:55:39
S2 24 | Raw Dog 3.0
Jul 01 | 01:19:12
S2 23 | Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll (with Ralph Sutton)
Jun 17 | 01:05:21
S2 22 | Either Way... Here's Alan!
Jun 03 | 01:08:13
S2 21 | Real Sensible People
May 20 | 00:52:12
S2 20 | The Makeover
May 06 | 01:26:01
S2 19 | Sugar Daddies, Leg Braces and Charleston Chews
Apr 22 | 01:18:11
S2 18 | ManEater
Apr 08 | 00:58:56
S2 17 | Have You Tried Malort?
Mar 25 | 00:53:00
S2 16 | Barbaric People ft. Frankie MacDonald
Mar 11 | 00:41:47
Bonus Episode | Sensible People Live
Mar 04 | 00:58:41
S2 15 | Anal's Not Cheating
Feb 18 | 00:59:54
S2 14 | Sensibility Rising
Feb 04 | 01:04:44
S2 13 | The Catch
Jan 21 | 00:55:46
S2 12 | Kit and Caboodle ft. ASMR Practitioner Lilliana Dee
Jan 07 | 00:46:42
S2 11 | Push Broom Pete
Dec 23 | 00:38:59
S2 10 | Have Yourself a Sensible Little Christmas
Dec 10 | 01:00:19
S2 09 | Sensible Nonsense ft. Comedian Adam Nutter
Nov 26 | 01:05:18
S2 08 | Roast of Raw Dog
Nov 12 | 00:49:06
S2 07 | I Like It Like That
Oct 29 | 00:53:46
S2 06 | Trick or Troll 2
Oct 15 | 00:51:32
S2 05 | Don’t Walk Away Renee
Oct 01 | 01:12:46
S2 04 | Sensual and Sensible with Billy Procida
Oct 01 | 00:14:34
Bonus Episode | Year One
Sep 17 | 00:57:32
S2 03 | Horny?
Sep 12 | 01:52:50
Bonus Episode | Best of Season 1
Sep 03 | 01:07:38
S2 02 | Fruits of Our Labor
Aug 20 | 00:51:40
S2 01 | Meet Mandi
Jul 23 | 00:49:21
23 | Season 1 Finale
Jul 02 | 01:07:14
22 | “Donald Trump is a 321” with Perez Hilton
Jun 18 | 00:40:37
Bonus Episode | Never Aired
Jun 03 | 00:51:13
21 | Power Hour
May 24 | 00:29:20
Bonus Episode ft. VSIN's Greg Peterson
May 21 | 00:57:22
20 | Mango Lassi
May 06 | 00:55:54
19 | Amber is a MILF
Apr 23 | 01:03:23
18 | The Mandela Effect ft. WhiskeyBoy Radio's DJ Matt Blake
Apr 08 | 01:06:22
17 | You've Got Mail
Mar 26 | 01:10:16
16 | Tartar Sauce Lady
Mar 12 | 00:54:31
15 | Sensible Size Me
Feb 26 | 01:09:25
14 | The Pornstar with Felicity Feline
Feb 12 | 00:55:11
13 | Licking Toilet Seats
Jan 29 | 01:21:43
12 | To Infinity and Beyond
Jan 15 | 01:12:04
11 | Dude Looks Like A Lady
Jan 01 | 00:48:35
10 | Spell It Out
Dec 18 | 00:37:15
9 | 'Tis the Season - Part 2
Dec 04 | 00:45:48
8 | ‘Tis The Season – Part 1
Nov 20 | 00:59:36
7 | Let Us Entertain You
Nov 06 | 00:40:08
6 | The Dinner Dance
Oct 23 | 01:19:58
5 | Trick or Troll
Oct 09 | 00:38:36
4 | The School of Etiquette for Sensible People
Oct 02 | 00:38:34
3 | The Sensible Scam Artist
Oct 02 | 00:41:32
2 | Sensibility Comes With Age
Oct 01 | 00:43:40
1 | New Versus Used
Sep 16 | 00:03:38
Sensible People - Launching October 2nd
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