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Submit ReviewIt's the Pocket Podcast Potluck and for our dish, we've brought you a huge dish of candy. That's acceptable, right?
Please enjoy our annual Halloween episode GM'd by Britty and starring a cast of candy creature criminals!
Check out Lazers and Feelings here.
Check out Honey Heist here
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| MUSIC IN THIS EPISODE:Foley Is Back by Frank Schröter
Picking up immediately where we left off last time, the Magic Assholes witness a communion that has interesting results, create a spectral kelpie, and have a nice conversation with the Bodega Cat. All in a day's work.
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“Entrance Music for a Podcast” by John S. Quinn-Puerta
The hallowed halls of Bat Yale welcome you as we play our annual Halloween one-shot DM'd by Britty!
Co-written by Britty Lea and Colorado Brown
Special thanks to Caroline McKinnon, John S. Quinn-Puerta, and Chandler Rae for playtesting!
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1000 Words by Philip Rice
Falling by Philip Rice
Loop Paket 0006 by Sascha Ende
Special thanks to the lovely Christine Savage for voicing Coriander! Listen to Green Mountain Mysteries!
The Magic Assholes take far too long to let a friend inside...which unfortunately is not a metaphor.
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“Entrance Music for a Podcast” by John S. Quinn-PuertaInspirational Piano by Rafael Krux
The gang goes toe to toe with a ghost which has immediate and dire consequences. They learn more about the Lich Queen's cruel actions, Perry forgives her sister, and Ixen and Saoirse have a heart to heart.
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“Entrance Music for a Podcast” by John S. Quinn-PuertaMidnight Piano by WinnieTheMoog
License: Paket 0001 by Sascha Ende
License: Sting by Kevin MacLeod
License: Swan by Sascha Ende
It's the Show Swap Special!
Boy howdy, you're in for a treat - it's those goobers from Green Mountain Mysteries, playing in the No Dice space for a change! There is NO POSSIBLE WAY that this could go wrong.
The gang takes an assignment from the legendary Erris Dawnforge as the first test run of the Pact of the Lich... mostly because they were the first four to be recruited. Can this band of necromancers work together (and not kill each other) long enough to recover a fabled treasure? Chan is a boatomancer, Duram has his priorities straight, Messala monologues a LOT, and Salemla is the subject of frequent confusion.
Starring Christine Savage as Salemla Kamarile, Darius Southland as Duram Drazal, Gwen Vetter as Chan Ared, Thom Freitag as Messala Saine, and Michael Freitag as everyone else. Adventure written by Daniel Bookhoop.
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The gang gets the grand tour of their new digs and discovers that something isn't quite's definitely not a ghost though.
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“Entrance Music for a Podcast” by John S. Quinn-Puerta
Ghosts by Sascha Ende
Special thanks to the lovely Christine Savage for voicing Coriander! Listen to Green Mountain Mysteries!
Sometimes you have to leave the bodega that only exists in the dream plane and go out to fight a Lich Queen who wants to attack your family. You know, get back on the horse.
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“Entrance Music for a Podcast” by John S. Quinn-Puerta
Raindrops by Rafael Krux
Towardthehorizon by Lilo Sound
Comfortable Mystery 4 by Kevin MacLeod
Comfortable Mystery 2 by Kevin MacLeod
Division by Kevin MacLeod
Life Incarnate
Written October 1, 2014
We are remembered for our failures
For our inability
To do something correctly
Are only known after they’re dead
And politicians, God forbid
Always blame everything on one another
Is a false misconception
Is nothing more than being who you are
If we treated each other with respect
Parents wouldn’t have to bury their children
This generation
Is a compilation
Of beautiful ingenuity
And mismatched socks
I remember when we all played in the same sandbox
With the same innocence
Plastered on our clothes
We finger-painted our souls with Sharpies
The permanence held strong
At least until we stopped being young
And our view points
Started pointing fingers at one another
Even though we were told that staring is rude
And pointing is wrong
And you have to take responsibility for everything you’ve done
But this is not the case
Our wide eyes will keep gawking
Like we are six years old at a candy store
Wanting to taste the sensation of a lollipop too big for our hands to hold
We are all cut from the same mold
Sculpted by the hands of our ancestors
With nicks and chips
Scratched on our life sized surface
Because we all fell when we rode our bikes for the first time
And we all danced with rulers between our stomachs
Arms locked stiff
Waiting for a hurricane of music
To let our young bones give way
To the weight of expectations on our shoulders
We are not Atlas
We cannot bear to carry that boulder
But we could care less
About dancing across a stage in our underwear
We care more about people getting shot and our troops getting murdered
Whoever said we were selfish?
They don’t know about half the things we believe in
Nor do they care to trust our reasoning
This world is going to keep spinning
Even if it needs an oxygen mask
To keep living
Invalid Reality (Strike One) – 8/24/18
Do not tell me it’s not real
Do not push your accidental
Patriarchal bullshit on me
You see
I will not allow you to invalidate me
To tell me that when my body shakes
And my nerves quake
It’s not real
Growing up
They told us to suck it up
Kids these days
What’s an emotional support animal anyway?
Be wary, friend
Because your generation is not mine
And I have reason to believe
That maybe there was something in our water
After Flint
How can you not
With children screaming for their mothers
And crying for their fathers
And now, they’re without their bottles
There’s a lot of fucked up shit in this world
Enough so
That whenever there’s another Trayvon Martin
I look both ways before I walk outside
I learned while living in the south for four years
To dance like crazy down the street
Because no one will bother you then
There are times
When I wonder
Why I’m so anxious about everything
And nothing
All at the same time
Days when I think about what might happen
If I stop taking my meds for one day
Is the pain that runs through my body like a dagger
Still real?
Or was it psycho-somatic all along
I’m tired
Of invalidation
And feeling like my invisible illnesses
Are nothing more
Than figments
Of my broken imagination
The next time
You think you know
What anxiety feels like
Try smiling every time
You’re pouring poison down your throat
Every time
You walk across a street
Or pass a lingering unmarked SUV
Oh wait
You can’t
Because you’re white
And I’m Black
And your anxiety
Is not holding you back
The next time
Someone tries
To invalidate my body
My health
Everything that makes me real
I’ll tell them
To listen to how I feel
Humuhumunukunukuapua'a – 8/24/18
I am not afraid of flying
I am not afraid of living or dying
Breathing or being
I am...
I am afraid of thunderstorms in the dark
And being killed in my sleep
I am afraid
Of getting stopped by a cop
Every day
Of my life
I am afraid
Of crying in front of people
And in bathrooms
And really crying ever
I’m afraid of crippling anxiety
And pain that makes me wonder
If I’ll ever move again
I’m afraid that one day
One day I’ll never be a writer
I’m afraid
That I will fail at my dream of being
That will matter to someone else
I am not afraid
Of jumping off of buildings
I am definitely not afraid of roller coasters
Although I used to be
I’m afraid of never being seen
Of the world
One day forgetting me
Shirley Temple – 8/24/18
A is for animal crackers in my Alphabet Soup.
It also stands for:
All the letters cannot be used.
B is for...
Okay look...
B is for bad planning
Because there are 26 letters in the alphabet
And right now I’m only 25.
C is for counting
Because what happens when 27 creeps up on my shoulders?
It’s not 30, I can’t be 29 forever.
C is also for sheep.
The ones I never counted
When I walked back from one thousand to get to sleep.
D is for daddio.
Papa doe.
Daring. Dashing. And Dapper.
Wearing suits straight out of magazines
Making every other kid jealous that their dad wasn’t that cool...
Or annoying.
D is also for dynasty.
Or rather legacy.
Or more like ancestry.
And may I never forget where I came from.
E is for exhausted.
I’m five letters in
And if you’d like to see the exit
Follow the emergency lights at your feet.
F is for Finn.
Like a dolphin.
Shark’s fin.
For being mine twice
And for so long after
I am always here
Sending you stuffies
Don’t forget to write
Or call
Put me on your speed dial
G is for Grace
Amazing Grace
Viola Grace
Grace with a C
My Gracie Lew Who
My gloriously gorgeous girlfriends
Who have shaped me more than they knew
H is for...
And hell in a hand basket
For he who will never be mentioned
And Harry Potter
For my lack of fists fights
My plethora of harsh words
But my comfortable hugs after
I is for I
For me
For hello I’m queer and I’m here
And you’re not stopping me today
Oh no
Not today
I’m on my way
I’m Dr. Seuss at this rate
Give me a book deal I’m rolling
J is for Jade
Like the gemstone
My middle name
My bisyllabic middle beginning
The only thing ET could pronounce right at Disney World
My sparkling shining J
With its loops and curves and...
K is for Kimberly and Kent
My parents
Tough love
Work hard
Get your shit done parents
Who split at age 10
And finalized it after 11
More years
They did what they planned really
And I don’t blame them
L is for love.
An unconditional lather of lavender soap bubbles from laughter
For Brooke with an E from Seattle
Blowing bubbles wands in traffic jams
And men picking fights
With a woman they wouldn’t have a chance with...
I mean against.
M is for...
Did you know in 2015 they said I could marry?
The queers cried happy tears that day.
N is for the n word
The negro
The night sky
Carrying us home
Follow the drinking gourd they say
Follow the drinking gourd.
O is for optimism
My forever the extroverted optimist outlook
Somehow hiding around the corners of my mind
Ostracizing itself from my overall outrageous outgoing state of be
P is for
Personally I will not get offended if you walk out those doors
But you’ve made it this far
I promise there’s only a little more
Q is for quilts
The ones etched in my memories
The ones I clutched so dearly
Crafted by my great grandmothers fingers
Her love sewn into each and every stitch
R is for rainbow
By Jessie J
For Radioactive
Relient K
Lana del Ray
S is for Sister
10 years
10 months
1 day
14 hours
And 14 minutes
My sister
But I’m funnier
S is for the brother I gained
And the children I will always adore
S is also for my SDG
The one my heart first yearned for
Late night talks
And agreeing to disagree
90 percent of the time
T is for tyranny
For big heads
And little arms
Am I talking about people?
Or dinosaurs?
That’s up to U
For U.
For remember when chat speak was popular
And we didn’t use our ultimately untimely interruptions of
You’re and your.
Their there they’re, my friends.
It was once characteristic
Wut up?
U there?
I’ll brb my pos
Jk I’ll ttyl
There’s the dial tone
Ring ring ring
Guess who’s on the phone?
I hope y’all are old enough to remember
Euphorically engaging in chat logs with friends
Back when Dial Up was the only thing in your @ mentions
Like violets
And the chrysanthemum I had tattooed on my back.
For vivacious and vivid
For verily merely dancing down sidewalks and side streets
For when I whimsically wish for my wicked wretched weakness in my limbs to go away.
For everything to be okay.
But before you begin whining while your eyes are wilting
Marks the spot.
Goonies never say die.
Treasure Planet
And Atlantis.
As in, I’ve lied. 25 is too damn close to 26 and I enjoy yearning for the end.
Z is for thank you.
For the zany adventure.
The black and white zebras.
The white and black zebras.
And everything read all over.
Now you know my ABCs. The ones that make up me. Let’s go again, shall we?
Geronimo and Allons-y.
Lachlan from The Ghoul Tank joins the No Dice crew as we swashbuckle our way through this hilarious pirate one-shot. Why did a rat win at beer pong? Why didn't the bats go to Bat Yale? Was the meaning of piracy friendship the whole time? Find out the answers to these questions and more in this fantastic adventure!
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Music in this episode:Land Of Pirates by Alexander Nakarada Link: License:
Pirates Of The Quarantine by Alexander Nakarada Link: License:
Sitcom Rock Sting Mp3 by Alexander Nakarada Link: License:
Welcome back! Tonight you shall behold the second act of The Fantastick Adventures of the Magicke Assholles written by the Great Bard Athenio DeLys!
Written by Britty Lea and John S. Quinn-Puerta, based on actual gameplay conceived by Dungeon Master Daniel Bookhoop
It was edited by Britty Lea
Athenio DeLys was voiced by John S. Quinn-Puerta
Tazeleen as Gravelgax, was voiced by Zachary Shock
Sabrya, disguised as Myra was voiced by Christine Savage
Noelle was voiced by Emily Shock
Saoirse was voiced by Lucifer von Forrestington
Perry was voiced by Hue Newsworthy
Ixen was voiced by Britty Lea
Daveed and Casper were voiced by Daniel Bookhoop
Company voices were provided by Jessica Amber, Gwen Vetter, and Alex Pierce
Audience heckler was voiced by Michael Freitag
Tap sequence was performed by Nicole Faith
Original Music and Lyrics were written, performed, and edited by John S. Quinn-Puerta
Additional music provided by Michael Freitag
Sound effects were provided in part by Liz from Steamturtle Sounds
“Emotional” by Rafael Krux: License:
Welcome friends and foes! Tonight you shall behold the first act of The Fantastick Adventures of the Magicke Assholles written by the Great Bard Athenio DeLys!
Written by Britty Lea and John S. Quinn-Puerta, based on actual gameplay conceived by Dungeon Master Daniel Bookhoop.
It was edited by Britty Lea.
Athenio DeLys was voiced by John S. Quinn-Puerta
Chippetopolis was voiced by Lachlan McIver
Dylan was voiced by Ajay Melakayil
Farcan, as Gravelgax, was voiced by Thom Freitag
Noelle was voiced by Emily Shock
Saoirse was voiced by Lucifer von Forrestington
Perry was voiced by Hue Newsworthy
Ixen was voiced by Britty Lea
Daveed and Casper were voiced by Daniel Bookhoop
Company voices were provided by Jessica Amber and Gwen Vetter
Original Music and Lyrics were written, performed, and edited by John S. Quinn-Puerta, with Chris Deese on mandolin for the Battle in the Forest.
Sound effects were provided in part by Liz from Steamturtle Sounds
Special thanks to Chris Deese.
Watch out, this fight gets crispier than frying chicken with a flamethrower!
Music in this episode is:
“Dark Walk” by Kevin MacLeod
Music from https://filmmusic.ioLicense: CC BY (
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The Magic Assholes discover what the necromancers and the Lich Queen have been up to and it's nothing they could have been prepared for.
Sound design created by Liz with Steamturtle Sound
Music in this episode is:
“Horizon Flare” by Alexander Nakarada
“Terminal” by Kevin MacLeod
“Promising Relationship” by Kevin MacLeod’
“Loop Paket 0002” by Sascha Ende
Music from https://filmmusic.ioLicense: CC BY (
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The Magic Assholes find themselves back where they began, but somehow everything is different…
Sound design created by Liz with Steamturtle Sound
Music in this episode is:”Heartbreaking” by Kevin MacLeod”Depression” and “Loop Paket 0007” by Sascha EndeMusic from https://filmmusic.ioLicense: CC BY (
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Thank you so much for your patience as No Dice worked to get ourselves back onto your podcasting feeds! Since it's been a while, Britty and Daniel relistened to all 27 episodes of the main campaign so you don't have to. Whether you're a new listener or have been with us since episode one let us refresh your memory as we prepare to get back into monthly releases.
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Intro/Outro is "Take a Chance" by Kevin MacLeod ( Music from License: CC BY (
These are the voyages of the PPN Show Swap. Their one episode mission, to play a new game (Lasers and Feelings), to right galactic injustices (capitalism bad y'all), to make alien friends, (we love spiders), and to boldly go where so many other podcasts have gone before.
.GM - John from Them’s the Facts and Home Viewing
.Quinton Avant played by Chris from Them’s the Facts
.Lady Driaxa played by Emily from STEAMpunks
.Duth-Wing played by Lachlan from The Ghoul Tank
.Music by Nine Inch Nails - 7 Ghosts 1, used under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.
CNC Raptor Threat Computer Log:
Terra Prime Annum G2793, 0417
Classification: Top Secret, Accessible to Shareholders with 5% stake or higher.
Pre Action Report: Under orders from Consortium Command, the CNC Raptor docked with Netherfield Mining Station, in the Meryton Asteroid Belt of the Albion Quadrant, to oversee the transition of custodianship from local enterprises, under the service name Meryton United Holdings, to the Bingley Conglomerate. Representatives from both enterprises, BCS private security, miners’ unions, and the New Anglican Order were in attendance for the signing ceremony.
Initial Threat Evaluation: Low
Raptor Commanding Officer: Unknown.
Further information: Due to incapacitation of Captain Darcy in the med bay, and loss of the away team consisting of both first and second officers on Brighton 5, command structure was left in the hands of Dooth-Wing, Driaxa, and QuinTawn Avant, bridge officers. Projections showed a negligible impact on the profitability of the operation.
After Action Report
Threat Evaluation: High
Initial threat evaluation was inaccurate. This airor warrants further investigation into err-err-err[REDACTED].
Upon arrival, sabotage was discovered in the fire suppression system aboard the stuhstuhsta station.
After crew repaired the sabotage with ductile adhesive strips, a two stage bomb was disdisdiscovered at the opening ceremonynyny stage. After a firefight between Black Coal Solutions, led by Caroline Bingley, C O O of Bingley Conglomerate, and Raptor crew, ending in Consortium victory, explosive device with incendiary and quantum memory components was disabled with help from Charles Bingley, President and CEO of Bingley Congl uuuhhhh error----merate and Father Collins, agent of the New Anglican Order. Collins issued a warning to Specialist Avant regarding Lefttenant REDACTED.
Threat Level: Moderate to High
Sector Stability: Degrading
Profitability: Year Over Year
Projections: Falling
Computer Assessment: A New Commanding Officer is Required
Query: Is Lefttenant Wickham available for Assignment to the Consortium Naval Cruiser Raptor?
Command Response: Lefttenant Wickham has been reassigned from his position on REDACTED as the acting captain of the Consortium Naval Cruiser Raptor. His shuttle is en route to the Meryton Sector. He is under orders to carry out operation REDACTED.
It's Halloween, we're officially off hiatus and it's time to do shopping? It's our annual Halloween episode!
Music in this episode: ”Top Of The World” by tubebackr
"Club Translyvania" by Computer Music All-stars -
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This one is rough lads. The magic assholes crash land back into Parabor and discover things are worse than they could have imagined.
Back Seeker on Kickstarter!
Try Winc -
Music in this episode is “Horizon Flare” by Alexander Nakarada and “Bittersweet” by Kevin MacLeod
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It's Halloween and that means Britty is back in the driver's seat for this one-shot full of new monster friends!
Music is "Club Translyvania" by Computer Music All-stars -
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They've rescued an ungrateful monarch and now there's a necromancer in a hole. Good thing they have a bard to tell their story.
This episode's guest player is Jack Butler -
This is the final episode of the Sixth Card Arc
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when life locks you in a room full of enchanted mirrors, just have a good time kids.
This episode's guest player is Jack Butler -
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Breakfast. Life debts. Greatest songs. Bleeding fingers. Conspiracy. This is a pretty average day for the magic assholes.
This episode's guest player is Jack Butler -
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The city is...f'ing huge. The magic assholes stumble across a bard by the name of Tierney Faeleaf who may or may not be their biggest fan.
This episode's guest player is Jack Butler -
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Stoned necromancers, giant sentient mushrooms, floating lich skulls all adds up to one buck wild adventure!
This episode's guest player is Chandler Rae Woods.
This is the final episode in the Fifth Card Arc
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The crew learns more about the library than their mission, but hey - gotta get that education!
This episode's guest player is Chandler Rae Woods.
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The Magic Assholes (plus Rhuna!) run into a tiefling with connections to their past and enter the haunted library. There's a lot of constitution saves in this one folks.
This episode's guest player is Chandler Rae Woods.
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Welcome to the town of Hell. Whatever you do, don't try to go to the haunted library. And definitely don't take along a barbarian dwarf named Rhuna Diamondgaze.
This episode's guest player is Chandler Rae Woods.
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Fantasy WWE, avatars of death, touching moments between a wizard and a paladin - what more could you ask for from your entertainment?
Faith will always be there for you. To pick you up. And carry on.
This episode's guest player is Travis Carlson.
Music in this episode created by Jordan Singh VanderBeek
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This is the final episode in the Fourth Card Arc
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Our heroes are valiantly fighting skeletons in round two. But what for? What is the prize? Is it friendship?
This episode's guest player is Travis Carlson
Music in this episode created by Jordan Singh VanderBeek
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This episode's guest player is Travis Carlson.
Music in this episode created by Jordan Singh VanderBeek
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No one's quite happy with anyone else, and the magic assholes are on the run from the law. They definitely weren't expecting to run into Gary B. Diggs, Ph.D. and Cleric.
This episode's guest player is Travis Carlson.
The group barely escapes with their lives as they battle brute squads, brick squads, and rodents of unusual size. Parting is such sweet sorrow.
This episode's guest player is Alaina Minichiello. This is the final episode in the Third Card Arc.
The group has to face the music. And by music we mean the necromancer who is pissed that her wife has been drugged, stripped, and tied up. What could go wrong?
This episode's guest player is Alaina Minichiello.
Trying to get into a party? Not so hard. Having a plan once you get in? Incredibly difficult.
This episode's guest player is Alaina Minichiello.
A new town, a new pub to bust into. Join the trio and their new companion as they actually spend time thinking about how they want to get the next card.This episode's guest player is Alaina Minichiello.
It's the No Dice holiday episode! Join Perry, Ixen and Saoirse as they discover the true meaning of the holidays. Which is definitely gifts. Everyone gives some really great gifts.
The trio purchases some cool swag from the Bodega, fights a necromancer who is not what she seems, and are unbalanced when it comes to the card.This is the final episode in the Second Card Arc.
The gang discovers themselves in a bodega and Sarsen. Touches. Everything. Seriously, everything that happens in this episode is because Sarsen tried to steal everything.This episode's guest player is Michael Haas.
CONTENT WARNING: buzzing insects. It's in your headphones not in your car.After heroically throwing a barrel into an empty room, the gang does their best to hold it together while they battle horses, bees and...Sarsen?This episode's guest player is Michael Haas.
After being sent to destroy the Pact of the Lich, Saoirse, Perry and Feywing find themselves in Ghemodine. Before they can find the necromancer, first they find an elf with a bad reputation.This episode's guest player is Michael Haas.
With all nine tiles acquired, Perry, Saoirse, and Feywing must open Elaria Feywing's vault and face what awaits them there. This is the final episode in the First Card Arc.
Join the No Dice crew for this very special Halloween episode! Britty GMs this Clue/D&D mashup and it's full of fun goodies for everyone! Happy Halloween!
Furthering their quest to obtain all nine of Elaria's tiles, the trio fight a giant spider. With fire. It goes as well as you would expect.
After dealing with the aftermath of their fallen comrade, the trio decides to acquire three tiles from the ghost in the forest. Except she's really mean...
The trio decides to seek the dragonborn at the top of the cliff for the tiles. Except no one is really that good at climbing...
Join the No Dice crew as they take their first baby step into the world of tabletop rpg. What could await our favorite paladin dragonborn, rogue halfling and elderly teifling bard?
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