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episode 140
Well my friends, this is a big one. On the Winter Solstice I received a message through the Line about the future of this podcast and I’ve taken action on it. This will be the last episode on MANIFEST THIS. It’s beautifully fitting (and unplanned) that this is my 50th episode on my own. My new show, The Line Podcast launches on January 6, 2020 with the January Lesson from the Records and will be updated every Monday with new content. When you create by taking action on the messages you’re receiving through the Line, the limits don’t exist, everything is infinite, the possibilities are infinite. I trust this entirely, which is why I’m taking this step. I share more in this episode, along with a huge lesson I learned over the past few weeks about the importance of self-love and how my frequency and gifts have elevated and are changing.
the future of MANIFEST THIS podcast
Clear the Line SALE 25% off with code CLEAR at checkout
updates to the Clear the Line workshops and how to work through them in order
loving yourself with total acceptance, without judgement
our recent car accident and my past life connection to it
my frequency has elevated and my gifts have changed
stories from my most recent Marma treatment
teachings from the Pinnacle about anxiety and illness
Clear the Line Program A Line Within @alnwithin on IG A Line Within Soul Circle on FB The Line Podcast on iTunes The Line Podcast website Spiritually = Self Awareness IGTV video ep. 110: Detox for Spiritual Awakening with Lisa O’Connor
episode 139
I don’t remember how LeAnn Divinely flowed into my life but I’m so grateful she did. This woman is so heart open, honest and down to earth kind, I’m honoured to share our conversation with you today about coming out of hiding and claiming your greatness. Plus she loves Christmas just as much as I do. Enjoy!
how LeAnn uses her gifts to open hearts while she’s on stage
social anxiety and coming out of hiding
vulnerability is the magic of life
the gift in feeling everything so deeply
how LeAnn is stepping into a new version of herself and expanding her expression
the many different ways to receive messages
we are all creative energy
the blessings and constraints of being humble
motherhood and non-conventional family situations
Winter Solstice Earth Line Activation Offering A Line Within website @alnwithin on IG A Line Within YouTube Channel LeAnn Rimes Christmas Albums LeAnn Rimes website LeAnn Rimes on IG Soul of EverLe ep. 124: Trusting Yourself Through Transitions with Ashley Neese LeAnn’s Hope Award for Depression & Anxiety Advocacy Speech
episode 138
I feel tingly with excitement to share this episode with you. The night before the Cold Moon (12/12 Full Moon), I received the most beautiful downloads from the Pinnacle about this time, approaching the Winter Solstice and entering a new decade, that support us through this transformation. I am so honoured to share them with you and hope they resonate with you (and excite you!) as much as they did for me.
you need to see yourself first before other people can see you
opening the first round of 2020 Akashic Record readings with me
the season of water
what “High Days” for activating the Line are and when they’re happening
my Full Moon messages from the Pinnacle
the energetic seasons of planet Earth
how water transformed me and my relationship with winter and the cold
messages through the Line as water droplets that can create an ocean of ease
the messages through the Line don’t have a ‘size’ - take action on all of them
the car accident Baboo and I were in and how I’m receiving this as a gift
the space in between transformation
don’t wait, start now
Winter Solstice Earth Activation Offering A Line Within website @alnwithin on IG A Line Within YouTube Channel MANIFEST THIS Soul Circle ep. 130: How to Live a Limitless Life ep. 134: I'm Taking My Mask Off ep. 110: Detox for Awakening with Lisa O’Connor November Lesson from the Records + Integration December Lesson from the Records + Integration Wim Hof (The Ice Man)
episode 137
For the past month, I’ve been joking about having Sunday night butterflies before the Monday podcast episode goes live (although it’s completely true) because I continue to open my heart more and more to you, speaking my truth. I’m a mirror to you, what I receive is also meant for you, and so I’m sharing it all. Today’s episode is right up there for one of the most vulnerable ones I’ve shared. It’s my intention that this story provides you with clarity on the difference between discomfort for growth and discomfort because you’re out of alignment.
why we cancelled our trip to Toronto along with the first Activate the Line event
the Divine messages I have received from the sage plant
how the energetic body (the Line) communicates with the physical body
my current feelings of discomfort for growth
honour yourself first
owning your choices vs. victim mindset
my eye colour has changed and continues to change as I clear the Line
choosing relief to ease the discomfort
a past life confirmation to help me know I’m on the right path
two messages from the Pleiadians that are comforting me right now
how to apply these teachings to the Holiday Season
A Line Within website @alnwithin on IG DECEMBER Lesson from the Records ep. 125: Finding the Middle Space Vanessa Mayberry Photography
episode 136
This is the last channeled Lesson of the decade and something very special happened. Not only did the Pinnacle channel the Lesson, but moments before I sat down to record the second part of the episode, (the Integration part), they channeled through another very important message about the 2012 - 2020 cycle. Enjoy!
the December Lesson from the Records (channeled)
getting comfortable with being uncomfortable
past-life healing from one of my lives in England that I recently experienced without actually going to England
the 2012 - 2020 cycle completion
where we have decided to live as a family and how we arrived at this decision
connecting to your physical body to receive from your energetic body (the Line)
I’m running home to myself and the confirmation I received from the Thunderbird about this
the Universe isn’t testing you
the Energetic Threshold and understanding your energetic communication with the Universe
intentionally changing your patterns
A Line Within website @alnwithin on IG ep. 135: How To Prepare For The BIG 2020 Energy With Leslie Galbraith ep. 123: Integrating The September Lesson From The Records ep. 81: Discovering Your Gifts By Getting Out Of Your Own Way With Ben Wood MANIFEST THIS Soul Circle on FB
episode 135
On Sunday, we enter the last month of the decade, so of course I had to have our favourite astrologer, Leslie Galbraith to give us an overview of what 2020 means in astrology. The Pinnacle have been channeling for months now about just how big the energy of the next decade is and how we won’t be able to hide from ourselves any longer. Leslie takes their wisdom and connects it to the practical, astrological knowledge we need to know to prepare us for the upcoming year.
the Changeover Years - what the Pleiadians are saying about 2020
why 2020 is such a big deal in astrology
taking your power back
how to spend the end of December and the first two weeks of January to prepare
how this past Mercury Retrograde affected my chart (and me)
the gift of a Mercury Retrograde cycle
Living in the Line allows you to co-create with the Universe
upcoming December & January eclipse season
a story I learned about myself of what would’ve happened had I not released what I did this past summer (and what happened instead)
an era defining moment coming up on January 12 - the first time this has happened since the 1500’s and what this means for 2020 energy
December 2020 = the Age of Aquarius, what this means for us
A Line Within website @alnwithin on IG ep. 134: I'm Taking My Mask Off ep. 131: NOVEMBER Lesson From The Records + Integration Leslie Galbraith's website ep. 111 Release And Expand This Eclipse Season With Leslie Galbraith ep. 84: Align With Your Energetic Imprint Through Astrology With Leslie Galbraith Barbara Marciniak ep. 58: Purnima Chaudhari On Sharing Spiritual Gifts & The Transdermal Marma System Blue Thunderbird Woman
episode 134
I am so grateful for the past few weeks, Mercury Retrograde, and all of the blessings it brought to me. I received guidance during my November 1st Marma Treatment to work with a Shaman, Blue Thunderbird Woman, who we’ve been working with since the summer, to call in my Power Animal. The ceremony took place on November 20th and I left with the medicine of a Power Animal and Two Spirit Names, most of which I’m still processing. I know though, that everything I’m given must be shared. I’m a conduit for messages and I honour this with highest respect and integrity. And so today, I’m sharing the story with you, so you too can receive from this experience.
the Power Animal ceremony I was invited to
the Sacred Union of You and I
the two Spirit Names I was given at one time and why
why the Eagle keeps working with me
the medicine I received from this and how I’m delivering it to you
past lives, soul journey, ancestry line and how they’re connected
owning my choices
the changes I’m making, finding alignment in winter and running back to myself
episode 133
Once again, I sat down to share a few points and from the moment I began to speak, the Pinnacle channeled out so many important messages and connections that were so healing for me and I know will be for you as well! One of the most commonly asked questions I receive is “how do I personally receive messages through the Line (seeing, feeling, hearing, knowing)?” In today’s episode I break down how these concepts around receiving are old paradigm thoughts and how we can shift our understanding of receiving to match the new paradigm vibration (ie: be your own guru.)
prepare for 2020 by Clearing & Activating the Line (our BIGGEST sale of the year is happening now!)
you are never alone, the energy with you is infinite
how I healed my eyes and vision by clearing the Line
I’m becoming multi-sensory (I see orbs, I saw Ben’s aura and I saw a cat spirit)
if you’re alive, you receive messages
how basic (and easy) it can be to pick up a message coming through the Line, to act on it and to watch the changes
the importance of trusting yourself with everything
an evolved teaching on how messages work (intuition & ego)
an important note on HOW to trust yourself and heal past life trauma while doing so
you are your own guide, teacher, healer, everything
daily Line Activations strengthen your ability to receive messages, trust yourself and then take action
a very sacred and important appointment I have this week
episode 132
I had a completely different episode planned for this week - a guest episode - but in the shower last week I got the clear download from the Pinnacle to put this episode out today. I’m sharing a story with you today that I didn’t plan on ever sharing with you, but it will support you in some way or I wouldn’t have been pushed to share it. This story helped me understand the Threshold within us and how we are given choices every single day to feed higher or lower vibrational energies within us. I must note that I did not plan on sharing the story of my Grandpa in WW2. When I started talking that just came out. The following day after putting the episode together, I realized it would be aired on November 11th. And so, he is remembered and his energy continues to live and guide me.
episode 131
The Pinnacle got fiery this month and I like it! Whenever I channel these Lessons, I receive quite a few messages from listeners saying “it’s like they were channeling directly to me” and I feel it, too. This month, they were channeling directly to me, for me, and I know you’ll resonate with it as well. We’re in a very, very sacred time right now. It’s the second last month of this decade and 2020 will be huge. As the Pinnacle say in the Lesson “this energy is moving in a direction where you can choose a heightened experience, you can choose an elevated consciousness.” I hope this episode inspires you to take your mask off and step into the real you.
the Lesson from the Records from the Pinnacle for the month of November
how I was guided to have a reading by a Pleiadians channel and what I learned from the reading
how the messages I received pertain to how I’ll integrate this month’s Lesson
things I’ve never told you before about my relationship with the Pinnacle and myself
my 1/11 Samhain Marma and the absolute magic that resulted from it
how YOU can integrate this month’s Lesson
an exercise to practice each day (in addition to your Line Activations)
episode 131 When I shared on IG that Mark was coming on the podcast today, my followers got excited. Really excited! Probably more excited than they have for any guest before so I hope that you feel the same! This conversation takes an interesting twist when I ask Mark about his current relationship and he tells me that it recently ended. This chat will serve anyone listening but if you’re recovering from heartbreak, you’ll find this episode especially inspiring. Mark Groves is a Human Connection Specialist and Speaker whose purpose is to help individuals and companies step into their most authentic, effective, loving selves by way of his bold, no-BS relationship guidance.
self-abandonment to adapt to a relationship
the healing Mark is experiencing from his recent break up
taking responsibility for your language
rapid healing vs. feeding your pain
how responding to the messages from the Line is a practice
allowing yourself to sit in darkness to allow the light in
soul mates and twin flames
episode 130
Many of you are doing Line Activations daily (so wonderful!) and a lot are asking “how do I know if the information I’m receiving is from the Line Activation or from my own mind?” In this episode I share the very clear and perhaps not so obvious answer to this question.
I also share a few stories and examples that illustrate how to the guidance you’re receiving from the Line leads you to your limitless life.
Active the Line: Past Life PRESALE
how to know if what you’re receiving during/after a Line Activation is from the Line or made up by your mind
how taking a cold plunge allowed me to quiet my mind and receive guidance from my Line
the limits your mind sets for you to keep you safe
how I receive information after Line Activations
a new guide I met and the message it brought me that I share with you
how I trust myself
episode 129
Katie Dalebout has been podcasting for a long time - long before it went mainstream. She’s also open and honest about her journey with her own mental health and darkness. Since we’re being asked to step into our darkness (October Lesson from the Records) I wanted to talk to her about her fears, how she processes them and releases them. I also received a channeled message for her, which rarely happens during interviews, that I shared with her during our conversation.
Katie is a writer and podcaster living in New York City. She is the founder of LET IT OUT, a website, podcast, and community for sharing Soft Stories and meeting others who feel the same. Her first book LET IT OUT: A Journey Through Journaling, a collection of essays and journaling prompts, was released in 2016.
how Life Lessons we incarnate into this life with really work
Clear the Line: Release Fear, week two
why Katie started podcasting
what ‘soft stories’ are
Katie’s fears and where they stem from
fearing change
setting boundaries with yourself
Ashley shares a channeled message with Katie about one of her life Lessons
episode 128
I love channeling these Lessons from the Pinnacle each month and as always, October’s couldn’t be more timely and fitting with the energy, astrology and festive vibe of the season. Last month was the first time I included ideas and thoughts around how I’d integrate the Lesson and how you could too and now doing it a second time, my biggest takeaway is that energy moves and it moves quickly. You have the opportunity to move with it. This requires stepping out of your comfort zone and often starting your fears straight on. As you’ll learn in this episode, that is a requirement for moving forward and just what the Pinnacle recommend to be doing. Enjoy!
Show Notes
ep. 127
Introducing, A Line Within, our new company! Our website is new, our workshops are new and in today’s episode I brought on Ben, my husband and business partner, celebrate the birth of A Line Within! We also answer many of your questions about our work, our relationship and some personal questions about Ben.
episode 126
I really feel like today’s conversation is new for the show. We’ve talked about presence on the show, we’ve talked about breath work but this episode is different. Deeper. I feel as though Allison and I dive into a different side of manifestation, returning to ‘letting go’ to ‘flow’ and being okay with not knowing what’s coming. As always, this conversation was Divinely timed for what I’m going through in my life right now and I know it will hit home for many of you as well.
Allison Strickland is an artist, performer and healer based in Brooklyn, NY. Her work focuses on the intersection of creativity, meditation and spirituality. She’s humble, she’s real, she’s knowledgeable and as I said, refreshing.
episode 125 I recently had an experience that lasted about a week and taught me lessons about the Threshold, the Middle Space, expansion and inner peace. It was very intense, really surprised me and I'm excited to share it with you today.
episode 124
September brings change and transitions. From going back to school to starting new projects and with the Autumn Equinox just around the corner, we’re all going through a transition of some sort. Change can be tricky to navigate but from the time I’ve known Ashley Neese, I’ve always been inspired by how she handles life transitions. She remains committed to herself and her needs, which is why I invited her on the show to discuss this topic further.
Ashley Neese is a renowned breathwork teacher and author. She has studied with some of the world’s leading masters in yoga, meditation, medical intuition and somatic therapy. Ashley draws from this deep well of resources to guide people back into their bodies where they learn beyond the cognitive mind how to cultivate resilience, develop relational intelligence and trust the wisdom held within. I hope this conversation inspires you how to remain calm, focused and to trust yourself through any transition you experience in life.
episode 123
I decided to make a change and rather than sharing a guest episode on the first Monday of the month, along with the Lesson from the Records, I’m going to share how to integrate the Lesson, what it means for me, how I’m learning from it and more. I hope this supports you in integrating the Lesson as well.
episode 122
A channeled Lesson for you from the Akashic Records for the month of September. Please make sure to also listen to the second episode released today on how to integrate this Lesson in your life.
episode 121
There couldn’t be a more appropriate guest for today’s episode than Aaron Rose. We see divides everywhere, within our own energy, on social media, in our personal circles and on a global scale. Aaron’s life trajectory is to bring us together again with the one common denominator that runs through all of us - love. Aaron Rose is a transformational coach for public figures, inclusive culture consultant, motivational speaker, energy worker, and human being committed to changing and enjoying the world at the same time. He has facilitated cultural transformation across multiple industries, from wellness and spirituality to tech and finance, using a unique mix of restorative justice, neuroscience, metaphysics, and meditation. As a transformational coach and energy worker, Aaron helps public figures transcend their fears of criticism and embrace their unique role in building a better world. Having experienced both violent discrimination and unfounded privilege, Aaron is a champion of a world where we are celebrated for our unique incarnations while also transcending the labels that keep us divided.
episode 120
I’ve been channeling a lot about past lives and as we refine our message and focus for our rebrand launching September 30th (that feels more like a rebirth at this point) I’ve been spending more time accessing the Akashic Field through the Line than I have been going into my own Records for guidance. In this episode I’m sharing what I’ve learned about tapping into our past life experiences to create the life we want.
episode 119
We’ve reached week four of Clear the Line, a series of exercises from the Return to Yourself Program that has allowed us to really utilize the energy of eclipse season, Mercury Retrograde and Lions Gate to release, expand and literally clear the Line within us, elevating our experiences for the remaining months of 2019. I’m sharing lessons and teachings I’ve learned through this work and how I’ll be stepping up moving forward.
episode 118
A channeled teaching from The Pinnacle for the month of August.
JULY: Lesson from the Records MANIFEST THIS Soul Circle on FB
episode 117
Lacy is one of my expanders and also has become a friend since the last time she was on MANIFEST THIS in April. Throughout this eclipse season I leaned on her, energetically, a lot to get through some really tough moments and am so thrilled to have her back on the show today for a personal, beautiful (and at times emotional) conversation about truth, expansion and standing in your worth.
Use the code MANIFESTTHIS to get 30% off to try an a la carte workshop or the same code can be used for 1 month free of the 12 month the Pathway membership
episode 116
This conversation, like many on MANIFEST THIS, was Divinely guided. Through clicking around online one night, I was introduced to Selome Araya. After reading through her website, I immediately reached out to invite her on the podcast. Her story is a testament of hope, resilience and the power that we all have within to heal from trauma and connect to our soul purpose. Selome is a certified Reiki Master and Teacher, a Healing Practitioner, an Intuitive Spiritual Counsellor, a Mental Health Holistic Healing Practitioner, a Healing Justice Advocate and a Doula. For most of her life she’s been called “too sensitive,” a reality that she now wears as her super power.
episode 115
This eclipse season has been transformational for me, we’re still in it, and today I’m sharing some of the lessons I’ve learned as well as inviting you on a four week challenge with me to ensure we’ve all released everything we’re being called to release to make the second half of 2019 the brightest, most peaceful and most abundant it can possibly be.
episode 114
I’ve been following Kimberly Snyder’s work for years. When I was pregnant, I would go for walks and listen to her podcast to learn about prenatal nutrition. Then after I had my baby, I learned about brain waves, breath work, meditation and more from her on my walks. She’s been a teacher to me on so many more topics than food and it’s an honour to have her on the show today to share about her major rock bottom moment that recently led to her biggest personal awakening.
Kimberly Snyder is the founder of Solluna and the #FeelGoodMovement, and the multi-time New York Times bestselling author of The Beauty Detox book series, Radical Beauty, co-written with Deepak Chopra and her new book Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life. She is also a nutritionist, renowned speaker, meditation teacher, certified yoga instructor and holistic wellness expert.
episode 113
I have been receiving information about past lives and the significance of our Akashic Record like crazy lately, it’s time to share! And what better time to share than now, the second week of eclipse season, when we’re being called to work, release and expand.
episode 112
A teaching channeled for you from The Pinnacle, the group of energies I work with through the Akashic Records, for the month of July.
How to Read the Akashic Records with The Pinnacle MANIFEST THIS Soul Circle on FB @_ashleywood
episode 111
Leslie Galbraith, our in-house expert astrologer is back on MANIFEST THIS today to give us a full astrological report and check in before the first eclipse of the season. Beautifully timed, we're also half way through 2019 so it's a perfect opportunity to treat this episode as a check-in (or check-up) with yourself as well, asking yourself what do you need to release that you haven't already to continue through this year. I also share a very important download that I received in the outro of the episode so please stay tuned until then.
episode 110
After experiencing my first colonics treatment earlier this year and the spiritual upgrade/awakening that immediately followed after it, I became very interested in the connected between detoxing the physical body and the energetic impact it has. Lisa is the perfect person to chat with on this topic. Lisa is a survivor of Lyme Disease, and I say survivor because she’s figured out a way to manage her systems while thriving. She’s highly educated as well as a Social Worker, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, certified under the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, AADP and a board certified Holistic Practitioner and as she calls herself, a forever student. This conversation is grounded, whether you’re new to detox or doing it daily, there’s something for everyone.
episode 109
We recently took a very expansive trip to Los Angeles and while we were there, we began the process of house hunting. The Universe sent me two very clear and quick signs after I asked specific questions and I chose to not follow the signs. In today’s episode, I share why.
episode 108
I manifested Maggie without realizing it and am so grateful for the connection that we’ve now made. She is a Spiritual Healer and Herbalist working with the Spirit forces of Mother Nature including the plants and elements. She uses the energetic and healing properties of the body, as well as certain offerings to achieve a healing effect.
Maggie was initiated onto her path as a healer when she cured herself of chronic illness and trauma. She began studying the healing arts in 2008 and today her work integrates a range of therapeutic methods she used to heal herself. For the past five years Maggie has traveled to Peru to study under two Curandera’s on the North Coast. This life experience reconnected Maggie with her Scandinavian and Iberian ancestry and Curanderismo (traditional healing) of this region.
She believes the human body has an innate capacity to heal itself and created the Puakai Model of Healing to support individuals on the path to healing themselves. Maggie resides in the Hamptons, New York. Her work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Vogue, GOOP, Condé Nast Traveler, and Well+Good.
episode 107
It’s my birthday today! I’m 34 years old today and since the episode I released last year on my birthday about the 33 things I had learned in 33 years was so well received, I thought I’d make another! I haven’t listened to last year’s episode so I’m not sure if I’m repeating any of the lessons I’ve learned, perhaps I have, but that means they’ve been very valuable lessons. If you want to give me a birthday gift, eat fully vegan for the day. Enjoy the episode!
episode 106
A teaching channeled for you from The Pinnacle, the group of energies I work with through the Akashic Records, for the month of June.
episode 105
Mama Medicine, named “fashion’s favourite healer” by Vogue is on the show today and we couldn’t be more excited about it. She can see auras (!!), a gift so special and so unique it has led her to create a life of healing and magic completely unique to her. Mama Medicine facilitates Medicine Readings out of her Space in Soho, NYC. These ceremonies integrate over 17 years of experience and wisdom in the healing arts. Her work blends ancient knowledge from across a variety of traditions. At the end of every Medicine Reading Ceremony, Deborah prescribes a ritual bath. These beautiful baths (with flowers, crystals, and herbs), along with her unique aesthetic and approachable personality, have garnered Mama Medicine tens of thousands of global followers on Instagram. Her work has been featured in Vogue, New York Times, and Marie Claire. In a world of gurus and self-help, Mama Medicine helps us connect to the inner shaman within us all: the power of love.
episode 104
From the moment I came across Myrah’s account on Instagram last summer I’ve been captivated by her creativity, goddess-like photos and style. Now the proud owner of many Kundalini Grown pieces, after hearing a snippet of her teaching at Wanderlust, I needed to hear more. Myrah is a mother, a wife, a kundalini yoga teacher and a digital nomad. She’s the founder and designer of her fashion line, Kundalini Gown, she leads women’s circles with a global women’s collective called La Luna Social and also hosts a yoga festival called BLOOM Festival. Myrah gifts us with wisdom, inspiration and beautiful stories in this episode.
episode 103
Well my friends, I’ve been on quite the journey over the past few weeks and today I’m opening up about it. As I shared in a recent Instagram post: “I am addicted to self-observation and growth. Throughout April, I received so many opportunities to go within, explore and improve and May has already brought the same. The older I get, the more I push myself into discomfort to deepen my relationship with myself and perhaps it's because I'm open or just aware but it keeps me feeling so young and excited. And for that I'm grateful.” Today’s episode explores my recent revelations regarding the mind, body and spirit connection and how it’s supporting me on my healing journey.
episode 102
From the moment I met Britt and Tara when I was in LA this winter, I loved them. Their energy is magnetic, their positivity is contagious and their message is needed. This conversation will light you up and inspire you to explore your own spiritual path and maybe even begin a Kundalini yoga practice. Britt and Tara are the co-founders of Elevate the Globe the spiritual lifestyle movement that is transforming the lives of thousands through their inspiration, online programs, and teachings on high vibrational living, spirituality, and sustainability. They are Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Instructors, high vibrational living experts, and best friends, based in LA on a mission to elevate humans and make this world a more loving place. They are the hosts of The Elevator Podcast, creators of RISE UP: A Course in High Vibrational Living & the 528 Academy and are currently writing their first book. They have dedicated their lives to teaching people to raise the vibration of their energy and have created a collective movement that is elevating the globe.
episode 101
A teaching channeled for you from The Pinnacle, the group of energies I work with through the Akashic Records, for the month of May.
episode 100
I couldn’t be more excited to share this episode with you today, the 100th episode, kicking off a new mini-series called AWAKE with Loni Jane Anthony. She’s the perfect guest for this series because she’s living the most beautiful, intentional, conscious and awake life. But it hasn’t always been that way for her. This conversation is so inspiring, unique and new to the show and I know you’ll love it.
episode 99
To celebrate the last week of the mini-series, PIVOT, I’m sharing my story and all of the pivots I’ve made to get to where I am today. This episode is part two, focusing on the business decisions we’ve made to get to where we are, how I’ve grown as a person and how this podcast changed the trajectory of my life.
Connect with Ashley on INSTAGRAM @_ashleywood
episode 98
To celebrate the last week of the mini-series, PIVOT, I’m sharing my story and all of the pivots I’ve made to get to where I am today. This episode is part one, mainly focusing on backstory, pre-MANIFEST THIS.
episode 97
** Please note that the intro of this episode was recorded prior to the Easter Sunday attacks in Batticaloa, Negomobo and Colombo, Sri Lanka. These are the three locations mentioned in the story Ashley tells that hold a very special place in her heart. We express our love and deepest condolences to those affected by this violence. **
Ksenia is back for a second episode on MANIFEST THIS and we couldn’t be more thrilled about it. This conversation is inspiring and enlightening, especially for those struggling with their social media ‘addictions.’
Ksenia Avdulova is a public speaker, founder of the award-nominated digital platform Breakfast Criminals, and host of Woke & Wired podcast, focusing on expanded consciousness and entrepreneurship in the digital age. Named "One Of The Pioneers Of Conscious Social Media," Ksenia impacts 100K+ people monthly as she shares about rituals, mindful nourishment, and intuitive entrepreneurship.
episode 96
This episode was Divinely timed. I had planned for a different guest to be on this week but The Pinnacle came through and told me that Rachel Johanson needs to be on MANIFEST THIS this week, meaning someone listening needs to hear this message. It’s an honour to share this conversation! Rachel is a conscious alchemist, a counsellor, a magician, lover, teacher, mother, warrior, entrepreneur and survivor. She has travelled the world studying consciousness in all forms, from Hawaii studying the ancient mysticism of Ho’oponopono, to India chanting with Swamis in caves, graduating with a Psychology degree in the West, exploring sacred plant medicine with a mystic in Croatia and learning to embody loving awareness with Ram Dass, and today we're talking about plant medicine, psychedelics, and how the root of one plant, taken one time, saved her life and completely cured her from an 8 year addiction to heroin.
Her story is so inspiring, powerful and I know you're going to be so inspired by her, too.
episode 95
This is a topic that I’ve seen in the MANIFEST THIS Soul Circle on Facebook, I see it on Instagram, I receive messages, emails and DM’s about it and I also hear it in my client readings, so it’s time to talk about it.
episode 94
What a week, this past new moon hit me like a ton of bricks, challenging me, unleveling me and transforming me and because of that, I went into my own Records a few times and asked for some advice. In this episode, I share what I learned.
episode 93
A teaching channeled for you from The Pinnacle, the group of energies I work with through the Akashic Records, for the month of April. Show Notes MARCH: Lesson from the Records
episode 92
Lacy Phillips has been the most requested guest to have on MANIFEST THIS and today she’s here! Lacy Phillips is a leading Manifestation Advisor and founder of To Be Magnetic (formally Free & Native), which specializes in unblocking beliefs of unworthiness and expanding into alignment with what one is calling in. Her channeled formula, The Formula by Lacy Phillips™, is rooted in psychology, neuroscience and her energetic gifts. It feels so perfectly fitting that Lacy is our guest on April 1st, the day we launch the Return to Yourself program, the day we have two episodes on the podcast (don’t miss the channeled teaching from The Pinnacle also released today) and this conversation is so inspiring, so uplifting and so epic, it’s the absolutely episode perfect to kick off a new month with.
episode 91
The Pinnacle often talk about “Shooting Star Ideas,” the kind of thoughts that enter your mind out of nowhere but make so much sense that you have to act on them (or should at least.) Inviting Valeria on to MANIFEST THIS was one of those ideas. I’ve loved her content for a while now and find her both entertaining and inspiring but while listening to her on The Ikonns podcast a few weeks before this episode is airing, I had the thought of “email her now, you need to have a conversation” and it ended up being so much more than I thought it would be.
episode 90
It’s official — Ben has left his job to dedicate his time to building our company, Lot 49, and as a family we couldn’t be more thrilled about it. We’ve been working towards this, freedom, for a long time and in this episode we catch you up on some of our thoughts, feelings and experiences that we’ve grown from along the way. Plus Ashley shares a very important message she received from The Pinnacle in the Akashic Records.
episode 89
Natalie Miles is back! This is her third episode on MANIFEST THIS and by this point if you don’t already know her, Natalie is a psychic medium, spiritual teacher and my soul sister, as in we’ve lived past lives together, and her work has touched and inspired thousands around the world. It’s an honour to have her back.
episode 88
We just returned home from a trip to Los Angeles and my self worth was expanded, I felt enormous uplevels in my energy and gifts and in this episode, I'm sharing it all.
episode 87
I received a download on March 2nd to begin channeling monthly messages from the Akashic Records for you. This is the first message, please share your thoughts on this in the MANIFEST THIS Soul Circle Group on Facebook.
SHOW NOTES Join the MANIFEST THIS Soul Circle on Facebook Book an Akashic Records Reading with Me
episode 86
Dara Dubinet is an intuitive energy mover working with raw foods, herbal tonics, the principles of Feng Shui, and astrogeography. After living in Florida for ten years and feeling stuck creatively and emotionally, she visited California for the first time and felt renewed, creative, and alive. She consulted with her astrologer and discovered that she had been living on a Neptune line. She realized the incredible power of astrogeography after moving to Venice, CA to be on her Jupiter line. In Venice with the supportive energy of Jupiter, she felt compelled to share her own healing journey and help others.
episode 85
For years, Ashley tried to change certain things about herself. Now at 33 years of age, she's celebrating these ‘shadows’ and seeing how they actually make her stronger. In today’s episode, she's opening up about this to offer support on how you can celebrate yourself in the same way.
episode 84
Leslie Galbraith is the first and only person to read my astrological birth chart. She did so on December 31, 2018 and was so spot on, so smart and I enjoyed speaking with her so much that I had to have her on the podcast. Leslie is a gifted astrologer who will inspire and educate you with her ancient wisdom on the planets and the stars.
episode 83
We are so excited to finally be talking about Feng Shui on MANIFEST THIS. We personally experienced how strong and polarizing energy can be within the home this past summer when the energy in our old home literally pushed us out. We sold the home quickly, moved into our new apartment and felt like we could finally breathe. Meghan is gifted, knowledgable and it’s such a joy having her on the show today to share her insight with the MANIFEST THIS community.
episode 82
Ashley reads the Akashic Records for many people who are going through pivots or are about to go through pivots and uses her gifts to provide guidance and advice. She also often receives questions from people interested in having a reading but are unsure if the Akashic Records are right for them. These days the options of energy workers to see are endless - from tarot, psychics, Akashic Record readers, the list goes on, it’s normal to get confused about which (or how many) practices to engage with. Today Ashley shares her guidance and opinions on how (and why) to protect your energy while pivoting. In This Episode I Discuss...
Show Notes
episode 81
Today is so special. Ashley’s husband Ben, the producer of this podcast and her business partner, is here to share a very exciting pivot that he’s making that will significantly impact his life and theirs as a family. Ben takes care of all of the branding and production for our businesses, the web design and he also wrote and recorded the new MANIFEST THIS intro song. He’s actually a very private guy so having him on the show sharing so vulnerably and intimately about how a dark, rock bottom moment in his life led him to the place he’s in now is a real treat.
episode 80
Welcome to season 2 of MANIFEST THIS! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be covering a mini series called PIVOT, exploring the changes and pivots needed to find happiness, empowerment, alignment, peace, comfort and truth. To Return To Yourself.
We're so excited about the Pivot's we've made with the show, from the new look, the new website and the new song.
Our guest today, Mimi Ikonn, has been on Ashley's manifestation 'dream guest' list since this show began and a true example of the power of manifestation, action and sharing your authentic gifts. Mimi is a YouTube entrepreneur, co-founder of Love Hair and Luxy Hair, a business that she and her partner recently sold, that was almost exclusively powered by her global online community of over four million people. Mimi is also a Partner at Intelligent Change, the brand that produced the Five Minute Journal which has sold over 300,000 copies worldwide and the author of the book, The Bingo Theory.
Book an Akashic Records Reading with Me Join the MANIFEST THIS Soul Circle Mimi Ikonn on YouTube Mimi Ikonn on IG "How to Make Your Dreams/Goals a Reality" YouTube Video The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton Get the Edge Program by Tony Robbins Vipassana meditation - silent retreat
episode 79
Happy New Years Eve! Thank you so much for tuning into Manifest This!, subscribing, downloading, sharing, reviewing and creating the beautiful community that we have today! I'm forever grateful for this space and this work, it's the most expansive work I've ever done and it has significantly and truly changed my life. Please listen to the intro and outro of this episode, as well as the very exciting interview with Debra Silverman, as I provide insight on how you can make tonight memorable and impactful and also information on how I'm supporting you, with the Akashic Records, on your 2019 manifestations.
episode 78
episode 77
Christmas is just under a week away and although the holiday season can be a joyous and exciting time for many, it’s also a dark and lonely time for so many as well. The Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones shared a simple morning ritual in a reading this past weekend that I believe may help ease the holiday blues that I want to share with you today. They also shared a tip on 2019 financial planning that is important to keep in mind as well.
episode 76
This episode is truly special and left me on a high afterwards for a few hours, literally buzzing with high vibes and love. Lalah’s calm spirit and gentle words are soothing to take in and her message is supportive, kind and inspiring. But it's not until the end of the conversation that you learn why I was buzzing with excitement through the episode and what kind of psychic downloads I was receiving while Lalah was talking. She shares a big announcement that was Divinely timed to happen right here on this episode and I’m so honoured to share it with you!
episode 75
I’m so excited for Jena Sophia to be making her podcast debut today on Manifest This! Especially because I know this is a topic that you’re going to enjoy and possibly even want to experience yourself. Jena is an advanced Psych-k facilitator, a Reiki Master and an intuitive of flower essences and truly a beautiful soul. Enjoy this episode!
episode 74
After another week of interviews falling through, I’m joining you today with a solo episode. At first I thought my bookings weren’t working out because of Mercury Retrograde but now I know it’s because the Universe is testing me on my self-worth. And so I’m accepting this test with gratitude and flowing with it. Today I’m answering two questions that I receive on a weekly basis, I hope you enjoy it!
episode 73
After a series of nudges from the Universe and more 111 signs that I could ignore, today’s episode is a solo episode instead of the interview I originally had planned with Dara Dubinet. She will be on in early 2019 and today I’m sharing WHY the idea around “luck” lowers self-worth and blocks successful manifestation. Excited to hear your thoughts on this one!
episode 72
I didn’t really know anything about Kate before I reached out to her to have this interview. Quite a few Manifest This! listeners asked to hear from her and I’m so glad they did because Kate is such a light. From the moment we connected over email I felt an instant connect, as though I had known her forever. She’s an old, wise soul and is making ripple effect changes across the wellness world. Enjoy this beautiful conversation and remember to rate, review and subscribe to Manifest This! on iTunes.
episode 71
Today is 11/11, Remembrance Day in Canada, marking 100 years since the end of World War One. The numerology of tomorrow (1111) also opens a sacred portal, Ascension Gateway, that raises our consciousness and connects us to the Universe on a deep level. It represents oneness and peace. It also represents the true reunion of the divine masculine energy and the divine feminine energy. Coincidence that this was the day a world war ended? I think not. In this episode I share a channeled message from Spirit that we need to hold close to our hearts from now until January 1, 2019. ------- book an Akashic Records reading with me @_ashleywood Join Manifest This! Soul Sisters on Facebook
episode 70
Oooh this is a good one! Lauren Toyota is back for a second episode on Manifest This! and sharing thoughts, announcements and revelations that she’s never talked about before. Lauren and I have a soul-level connection. We’ve never met in real life but are confident that we knew each other in past lives because every time we talk, we connect so deeply. We have a special kind of chemistry where we just understand each other and we’re so comfortable with one another. This conversation is one of my favourites so far.
episode 69
The first time Danielle Paige was on the show we had such a great time chatting that I invited her back for a second episode to answer your questions about astrology. That episode has gone on to becoming one of the most popular episodes on the show! I have received many questions from you and chose a few for her to answer in this very special sequel episode. Enjoy!
episode 68
Vanessa is really interesting. I’m drawn to her. She has this energy about her that’s really commanding – captivating. She can hold your attention and bring you in and have you believe everything she’s saying. Which is probably why she’s one of my favourite readers.
She talks about her crystal readings in this episode and if you’ve been fortunate enough to have one with her, you know what I’m talking about. She’s magic. And she doesn’t know that, she says she doesn’t do anything but as a reader myself I can understand that, she doesn’t do anything, the guides and the client do, but she INTERPRETS the energy she receives in a really beautiful, eloquent and HELPFUL way.
We talk about WHY we choose these words about ourselves to describe ourselves and how supportive OR unsupportive a bio really can be so I’m going to read directly from her site to introduce her:
Vanessa says: “I’d say I’m passionate. I love motivating others. I get bored quickly. I often vouch for the underdog, or at least another perspective. I’m curious. Inquisitive. Hardworking. I also happen to express these things through writing, designing, teaching, and my journey through motherhood and being a cancer survivor. I'm Vanessa: Libra/Aries. Manifestor in Human Design. Millennial. Storyteller.”
---- Say hello to me on Instagram @_ashleywood
episode 67
The Queens of Podcasting are on Manifest This! today and they’re sharing everything from spilling it all to the masses to intentionally sharing to their spiritual journey to their dream Almost 30 guests.
Krista Williams is a social media influencer and creator/editor of the blog, The Hundred Blog. Hundred stands for keep it one hundred (her life motto). She has been featured in Women's Health, Self Magazine, Refinery29 and various other outlets. She partners closely to share her honest perspective with cutting edge thoughtful brands, like Airbnb, Adidas, Free People and Starwood Hotel Group to name a few. Lindsey Simcik is a creator, an actor, a writer and a Senior Soul Cycle instructor. She is re-defining success by the day and using her hustle to make waves in and out of her main offices in Santa Monica. Beyond the daily life of being a co-founder and host of their iTunes top rated podcast, she shines regularly as a print and fit model for brands such as Asics, Elie Tahari, and Carbon38, and as various characters, like “Alicia”, a quirky Australian blogger, on her YouTube channel. Lindsey was also recently caught playing a spin instructor on a hit ABC Network show - which confirms type casting IS a thing!
Almost 30 is making a global impact with over 4 million downloads in 2 years and has been called 'Your Virtual Best Friends' by Coveteur. Almost 30 is a global community with fans in over 150 countries with hosted events all over the world and is quickly becoming more than just a podcast, it is a thriving community and movement.
--- say hello to me on Instagram @_ashleywood
episode 66
Alyson Charles aka Rockstar Shaman is today’s guest. Currently, an internationally renowned Television Host, Speaker and Spiritual Teacher, she went from being a national champion athlete, #1-rated radio host and national daytime television talk show host to aligning with her calling as a mystic and shamanic practitioner after a traumatic moment provided her awakening. Since then, her ability to share ancient sacred wisdom and divine energy and be a powerful catalyst for change has ignited a global phenomenon, with Oprah Magazine naming her a "Top Meditation," Forbes naming her “One of the Reasons Practical Magic is the New Frontier of Mindfulness,” Huffington Post championing her as “A Top Limit-Breaking Female Founder” and Marie Claire Magazine selecting her as the cover story and her work being featured as "The Next Big Thing." She made history becoming the first person to ever perform on stage in the 25-year-history of the HBO Film Festival, where she guided a long-form meditation for over 10,000 people and regularly partners with and speaks at renowned global brands like The New York Times, National Geographic Channel, Tory Burch, Forbes, Art Basel, SAKS, ABC Radio, ELLE, SELF and others and now, through Alyson Charles Shamanic PR, she offers PR & branding services to clients making positive change for the world.
------ say hello to me on Instagram @_ashleywood
episode 65
I’ve loved numbers for a while and I’ve seen repeating numbers for as long as I can remember. 222, 333, 444 and 555 seem to be the most common numbers that pop up in my awareness on a daily basis although I see 11:11 quite often as well. On my recent trip to LA, I saw 1234 everywhere. I’ve always known that these are messages from my guides re-affirming that I’m on the right track but I don’t know anything about numbers beyond that. And the topic of numerology was completely foreign to me so I was especially excited to interview Felicia Bender to learn all about it! Felicia Bender, or the Practical Numerologist, as she calls herself, trained with Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui and Master Stephen Co to become a certified Pranic Healer™ before discovering her passion for numerology. She’s now the author of Redesign Your Life: Using Numerology To Create the Wildly Optimal You and has two books forthcoming in 2018 – The Ultimate Guide to Numerology and Master Numbers 11, 22, 33: The Ultimate Guide and is passionate about writing, counseling, teaching, and presenting ways to use numerology, spirituality, and intuition to understand ourselves and others on a deep level – to validate our life’s purpose and to develop tools to understand how to trust our own intuitive language. She’s a contributor for The Elephant Journal,, The Numinous, and many other media outlets. She’s also the resident numerologist for
episode 64
I just got back from a trip to LA where I co-hosted an event with Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik from the Almost 30 Podcast, I recorded an episode with them and also recorded an episode with Groomed LA. The entire trip was manifested and came to fruition in just a few months and I’m so excited to share with you how I did this and what’s coming up!
episode 63 Today we’re talking all about DREAMING – a topic that’s been highly requested to discuss on the show and I waited to approach it until I found the right person to do so with. Connie Kaplan is that person.
Connie Kaplan is a spiritual mentor who lives in Southern California. In late 1986 she was suddenly struck with a mysterious virus which rendered her almost helpless for two years. During this time, unable to work and incapable of handling normal life circumstances, she experienced a profound spiritual transformation which altered not only her inner experience of life, but her outer expression of life. As she puts it, ‘while she slept her life away, she dreamed herself awake.’
Since she returned to the “normal” world in the early 90s, Connie has devoted her life to sharing what she learned during this mystical awakening.She teaches dreaming as a spiritual practice and a unique form of theology, which centres around an understanding of each person’s life purpose.
episode 62
Morgan Yakus is probably one of my biggest expanders and inspirations. Like really, I want to continue to RISE and build the success she’s built. She’s so kind, so genuine, so humble and leads from her heart centre. When we recorded this interview we talked for over two hours afterwards. I felt like I’ve known her forever and cannot wait to meet her in person one day. Morgan is a 20 year fashion veteran and former owner of No.6 store in New York's Little Italy, she experienced everything she wanted to do before leaving fashion, including styling Lauryn Hill's for her Miss Education Tour, PR for Gucci and designing and curating vintage inspiration for many influential designers. Her natural departure from fashion gave way to her truest calling as a Human Cartographer and bicoastal wellness expert who works with clients around the world, facilitating active meditation, modern integrative hypnosis and teaching NLP techniques one to one, on retreats, in companies and with large groups, helping clients map and design the life they desire. She has been listed top five practitioners by VOGUE to the fashion world and has hosted, spoken and taught at events in the U.S. and all over Europe, In Goop Health Conference, SXSW Wellness as well as held a monthly residency at the Soho House among others. With this work she has created hypnotic art experiences at The Sound Thought Festival in Glasgow, Scotland, Obonjan Island, Croatia and held a healing residency at the Ace Hotel in New York & CAP Beauty. Morgan has written for and has been featured in publications such as VOGUE, Elle UK, GOOP French Glamour, Dutch VOGUE, Man Repeller, Well + Good, Mind Body Green, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Free + Native and more. And she’s the woman who introduced me to the Akashic Records.
------ Register for RISE: A Six-Week Reconnection to Your Divine Feminine Force Say hello to me on Instagram @_ashleywood Book an Akashic Records Reading & Healing Session with me
I am so excited to announce my latest offering, "RISE: A Six-Week Reconnection to Our Divine Feminine Force."
In the past six months, I have gained a sense of clarity that I’ve never had before. My ideas, ambition and creative output are focused and infinite. My bank account has never looked better. My manifestations rapidly actualize.
When I asked myself, “How did this happen?” I realized that it was because I began listening to my intuition.
Our INTUITION is our energetic connection to the Universe, to the Divine. When we hear or feel our intuition, it is our soul talking to us. When we act in alignment with our intuition we are reconnecting to the version of ourselves our soul is telling us to be. Our intuition can guide us to become the person our soul chose—our authentic self—before we were led astray by self-doubt, trauma or negative conditioning.
Like many of us, I found it hard to listen to my intuition. For many reasons, I would doubt, ignore or question what my intuition told me. I needed to do some major inner work to overcome these blocks and throughout this time I underwent a long process of reconnecting myself. What is reconnection? It is a journey of grounding, cleansing, healing and aligning which enabled me to Rise above my blocks and limiting beliefs and connect to my authentic self — the podcast host, the Akashic Records reader and healer and the intuitive guide leading this course! It was nothing less than a complete transformation.
My journey of reconnection was not a straightforward path and I certainly didn't set out thinking, "I'm going to do all this hard inner work so I can hear my intuition telling me to start a podcast and read people's' Akashic Records." I had no way of knowing what was in store for me. I did it because I felt disconnected from myself and wanted the confidence and bravery to live my life for myself—whatever that looked like.
And now my journey has led me to share this process with you, because I am committed to helping women everywhere live their best life.
This six-week online course is designed to help you mute the outside noise, overcome self-doubt, unblock self-belief, identify your intuition, and reconnect to the most authentic version of yourself. Everything in the course—the rituals, meditations, intentions, activities—combines my experiences, stories, knowledge, and channeled direction from our most trusted guides, the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones from the Akashic Records. At the end of the six weeks you will have the tools and rituals that you can use to heal and expand.
Take control of your life, access your unique authentic gifts, flow with your Divine Feminine Force, and RISE.
The course begins October 7, 2018.
why I designed this course
what you can expect as a participant
who this course is designed for
how it will empower you
Register for RISE: A Six-Week Reconnection to Your Divine Feminine Force
episode 60
If you follow me on social media, you know that my family and I have been making some changes in our life. In one afternoon on a whim we decided to sell our house and change our living situation. And today I'll tell you why!
Show Notes
----- say hello to me on Instagram at @_ashleywood join the Manifest This! Soul Sister Group on Facebook
episode 59 Today I’m talking to Nina Endrst. Nina and I connected over Instagram and it really was divine timing. I didn’t even really know why I was interviewing her other than I was drawn to her, and I’m so glad I followed that feeling because she’s so interesting and so inspiring.
Nina's upbringing deeply influenced her approach to wellness. Her own chronic health issues and childhood trauma prompted her to leave her job in fashion and deepen her yoga practice which ultimately led her down the teaching path.
Nina believes in the healing power of stillness, love, and acceptance. She guides but more importantly empowers students to live in their truth and align with their soul purpose. She is a nurturer, certified yoga and meditation guide, reiki practitioner, writer and spiritual mentor.
Nina and I chat about the childhood trauma she experienced and how it affected her life growing up, her intuitive move to Mexico, how she found healing through yoga, learning to accept and forgive, motherhood and mindfully raising children, Nina’s spiritual journey, how she works with the chakras and so much more.
say hello to me on Instagram @_ashleywood and book an Akashic Records Reading and Healing Session with me at
episode 58
I am SO EXCITED that you’re joining me today because today I’m interviewing my healer. And not just a healer, Purnima is an angel on Earth. I swear it. I met Purnima a few months back at a Manifest This! LIVE event, she was in the audience and came up to say hello after but after she sent one of her clients to me for an Akashic Records reading, I booked a reiki session with her on a whim. I had no idea how transformative it would be for me and for my life.
Purnima is truly gifted. She is a certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Esthetician. She is also the current Manitoba Chair for Ayurveda Association of Canada. She describes herself as a lifelong learner and has received received teaching from world renowned Ayurvedic practitioner Vaidya R. K. Mishra of the Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVA) lineage. From him, she learnt how to do nadi pariksha (pulse assessment) along with Transdermal Marma treatment. She did this treatment on me and I felt my soul elevate out of my body. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced and it’s so special because only a few people in the world know how to do this. Purnima currently offers Ayurvedic consultations and therapies based on her SVA training. She educates people on how to cook authentic Ayurvedic tridoshic meals and the importance of food combinations and use of spices. Along with four seasonal Ayurvedic retreats and biannual Ayurvedic home detox, she regularly offers Ayurvedic treatments and energy healings with Reiki and IET. She has performed six distance reiki treatments on my daughter Ivy and you’ll hear in our conversation how transformative this has been for both Ivy and our family. This episode is so special.
----- Say hello to me on Instagram @_ashleywood Book an Akashic Records Reading Healing Session with me at
episode 57
Today's guest, Paula Mallis, is a Doula, Spiritual Counselor, Facilitator of women circles and Founder of WMN SPACE. She believes “birth” can manifest in many forms for women and that as women, we have the opportunity to birth babies, projects, new versions of ourselves and all that we are called to bring into the world. Supporting women on their own unique journey in life is my deepest passion.
In her practice, she blends together her experience as a mother, her expertise as a Doula, a Facilitator and her extensive training in Spiritual Psychology. This is a very beautiful, encouraging episode and I’m so honoured to share it with you.
--------- If you want to say hello to me, I'm @_ashleywood on Instagram Book an Akashic Records Reading and Healing Session with me at
episode 56
Last week we reached 100,000 downloads! Thank you so much for always tuning in and supporting the show, it means the world to me! To celebrate this milestone, I re-worked the description of the show because I feel as though it's evolved over the past few months (and I love the direction it's taking!) "Manifest This! takes the "woo" out of "woo woo" and grounds modern spirituality in the real world. Every Monday, host Ashley Wood chats with women who are living with intention and shares their story, gifts and lessons in spirituality. They discuss modern spirituality, wellness, conscious entrepreneurship, the Law of Attraction and Ashley’s personal practice — the Akashic Records." What do you think? Please let me know your thoughts in our Facebook Soul Sister's group! I've been looking forward to interviewing today's guest, Danielle Paige, for a long time - before I even invited her on the show. And it's perfectly timed because we came out of the final eclipse of the summer this past weekend and now we can learn about WHAT was going on with all of us for the past month and a half. I admire her so much because I find her approach to astrology so refreshing, so grounding, so relatable and so REAL. And that’s exactly what we need in this metaphysical world, relatable and REAL leaders, teachers and healers that make all of this normal and practical. Danielle has been practicing astrology for lifetimes and in this life time, found her way back to it over a decade ago. Since then she's been practicing intuitive astrology in her own unique way for people all over the world. She's the creator of SOULcial Media Circle, a virtual circle that she leads during the full moon to help you come back into alignment and feel more grounded and connected to your purpose. When she's not reading charts, leading retreats/workshops around the world or writing you can find her volunteering at her local animal shelter, practicing yoga, hiking, exploring, traveling, meditating, reading, learning Spanish, salsa dancing, and spending quality time with her friends and family.
I love this conversation so much, I know you're going to receive a lot of value in it AND there's a surprise at the end that I'm excited for you to hear!
say hello to me on Instagram @_ashleywood Book an Akashic Records Reading & Healing Session here.
episode 55
Two days ago I did an Akashic Records reading for a woman who said that she knows her soul belongs in Phoenix. She wants to be there but she’s afraid to move but she knows she needs to be there. The Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones told her that when we go to the places we feel the most realized, the most LOVED, the most aware and the most ON FIRE, everything in our life aligns. For when we are working and speaking and LIVING from a place of love and the place that we are in lights us up with LOVE and makes us so, so, so happy that the ground beneath our feet and the sky above our head are both literally shooting energy into our body, lighting us up…this is when we can truly be ourselves. Connect to our highest selves. Align with our purpose, our intentions, our passions…
And that’s what we talk about in this episode with Bridget Nielsen. She has to physically LIVE in the places on earth that light her up, the Earth’s chakras and vortices, the power points of our planet.
Bridget is one of the most interesting women I’ve chatted with on this show. I got into a hole watching her youtube videos earlier today. She says that her life theme (in this current life) is to “bridge life” between her Earth/human lives and her fully awakened galactic and inter-dimensional counterparts. She’s an intuitive, an artist, international speaker, author, blogger, YouTuber, a clairvoyant medium and there are so many things we could’ve talked about in this conversation, but I invited her on the show to specifically speak about the Earth Chakras and vortices – because not only has she traveled to almost all of them, but she’s also lived in many of them! In our conversation we discuss what the Earth Chakras and Vortices are and where they are, we discuss why they’re important and what they can be used for, we talk about time, earth’s dimensional gateways, the 5th dimensional world, aliens, the dream world…we talk about a lot. And if you haven’t already traveled to Sedona Arizona, where Bridget currently lives, after hearing this episode I’m pretty sure you’ll want to.
Show Notes
---- If you'd like to say hello to me, I'm @_ashleywood on Instagram. Book an Akashic Records Reading and Healing Session with me at
episode 54 It's been two months since I launched my Akashic Records Reading and Healing Session practice and my life has completely transformed. The transformations feel so subtle because I am living in such alignment with my true self, but are actually so significant - from my goals to my bank account to the direction of my business to the way I now live my life. To celebrate this milestone, I am dedicating this bonus episode to everyone who listens to this podcast. For it is this podcast that introduced me to the Akashic Records and this podcast that has changed the trajectory of my life forever. So this is for you, my dear listeners. Enjoy!
--- Say hello to me on Instagram @_ashleywood
episode 53
Today I’m speaking with Rosie Acosta. I met Rosie randomly through email. I was looking around for podcasts that I could pitch myself to be a guest on, to talk about the Records, and found Rosie’s show Radically Loved. I wrote an email to her and she replied immediately. She told me that she actually receives hundreds and hundreds of emails for her show and isn’t able to get back to even half of them but something about my words and my email struck her. She needed to connect. And honestly, from that moment I felt as though I’ve known Rosie forever. A true soul sister! We’ve only spoken twice – she interviewed me, I interviewed her (and I also read her Records) but the conversation flowed so freely, so effortlessly, I really think you’re going to enjoy learning from her!
Rosie Acosta is an Inspirational Speaker, Yoga & Meditation Teacher and a Yoga Teacher Trainer, a Holistic Health Coach. As the founder of Radically Loved: Yoga, Health + Wellness, she is also the host of the Radically Loved Radio podcast.
In all her work, Rosie teaches and practices being guided by RADICAL LOVE every day and connecting to that through yoga, diet, affirmation, self-inquiry, and curiosity. In helping others find their unique gifts and fire within, she aims to create practices and connect with people in a way that will help everyone live radically loved lives together.
In our conversation we discuss Rosie's childhood around drugs, alcohol and violence and her personal experience with alcohol and drugs, when she found yoga and how that changed her life path, choosing a sober life to serve our higher purpose, why Rosie quit her job during the recession and how to know when it’s time to change your life and how important it is to celebrate the process, not just the result. And stay tuned for the end of the episode to hear how I switch up the last question for this episode and all future ones going forward.
----- say hello to me on Instagram @_ashleywood book an Akashic Records Reading & Healing Session with me at
episode 52
Today’s guest is Ksenia Avdulova, the creator of the internationally renowned and celebrated brand and movement, Breakfast Criminals and ALSO more recently, the creator of crystal criminals and the host of the Woke & Wired podcast. Ksenia is a really interesting person. I find her story fascinating. She mentions in the episode that she’s been incarnated into this current life to motivate and inspire others and that truly is her gift. A few things about this episode –
You’ll hear the sound of crows in the background. There are a lot of crows that live in our neighbourhood. I actually called the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre here one time about them because I found one with an injured wing and the woman I spoke to told me that crows travel together in families and set up a home in one location that really does become their home…they live there for years and years and years. I really respect the crows in our neighbourhood and I love them a lot! And it’s interesting that they came into this episode because honestly, they’re crowing outside ALL the time and I record these episodes with my windows open all the time…but for some reason they haven’t come through before. Ksenia suggested that I look into what they mean as spirit animals and so I did.
I learned that crows are a TOTEM animal, which means they are a spiritual being, a sacred object or a symbol a tribe, clan, family or individual. Some Native American tribe's tradition provides that each person is connected with nine different animals that will accompany him or her through life, acting as guides.
This caught my attention right away because totem animals have been coming into my consciousness a lot lately. My Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones in my Akashic Records are using them as symbols for me, instructing me to learn about certain animals to make sense of things happening in my life. I had never heard of the concept of ‘totem animal’ aside from animals on ‘totem poles’ but all of this is now fascinating to me and I’m diving deep into learning more about it.
Anyways, a crow used to have a bad reputation, symbolizing bad luck and death but our new ear has brought upon new meanings for this gorgeous and very special bird. The crow now symbolizes a new phase in someone’s life. If you find yourself seeing crows all the time, take some time to discover yourself on a deeper level because you may be going through a period of personal transformation and growth. A crow can also mean intelligence, flexibility and destiny.
So, onto Ksenia. She’s a New York-based entrepreneur, an embodiment of the new paradigm and has created the award-nominated media platform Breakfast Criminals with over 100K+ followers through the intuitive guidance she received in meditations. From journeying to the mountaintops of India to studying a variety of energetic practices like QiGong and Reiki, she understands the power that opens up when you combine expanding your consciousness, digital technology, and unstoppable action.
In our conversation, we discuss her personal story of growth and discovery, how she has manifested the abundant life she lives now, honouring where you come from, improving and getting better in your skills and practice, stepping into something you’re meant to be doing in this world and a really interesting topic that we haven’t covered on the show yet, balancing spirituality and technology. She also shares her tips on HOW to build a large online following and how she monetized her brand. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I enjoyed having it!
If you’d like to say hello to me, I’m @_ashleywood on Instagram. Also, if you’d like to book an Akashic Records reading and healing session with me, please do so at
episode 51
Today’s guest is the amazing Alex Mazerolle, also known as Ally Maz. I recently learned that she and I have a ton of mutual friends and it’s kind of crazy that we’ve never met in person but that will change soon. Also, I call her Alex in the recording but now call her Ally. She goes by both names. Ally is a writer, entrepreneur and yoga teacher. She is the founder of Girlvana Yoga, Ladyvana Retreats and the co-owner of Distrikt Movement. She is a lady on a mission to help womxn come together and rise. She is passionate about real talk and the healing & transformative power of movement. Ally is a lululemon ambassador, has taught and lent her yoga expertise to the Vancouver Canucks, Common, the app YOGIFY, EA Sports, Marie Claire UK and Flare Magazine. She has taught multiple Wanderlust Festivals, Prairie Love Festivals, and was a Young Entrepreneur of the Year finalist from the Chamber of Commerce in North Vancouver.
In our conversation we chat about why Ally believes yoga is a political act, the importance of teaching consent and body ownership to young people, gender fluidity, period positivity, body positivity, sexual freedom and a new liberal generation coming up, losing your virginity as a teenager, ally’s relationship with her body now and she gets very REAL and passionate about privilege and access to the work she’s doing.
This is a really inspiring conversation, very unique to anything that’s been on the show thus far and I’m really proud to air it. I hope you love it, too.
You can say hello to me on Instagram @_ashleywood and book an Akashic Records reading with me at
episode 50
Creating this podcast has changed the trajectory of my life, most importantly because in February of this year I met a woman who introduced me to the Akashic Records. She told me that she knows I’ll be able to read them and that they will change my life...and she was right. Because now I’m reading Records for clients around the world 5-6 times a week, my business has changed and grown, my consciousness has expanded, my vibration has elevated and I feel as though I’ve learned SO much about life, the human existence, the soul’s purpose and more. Spending time in the Records is such a beautiful place to be and I’m so honoured to do this work. And I have Linda Howe to thank for that! Dr. Linda Howe is the founder and director of the Centre for Akashic Studies and the leading expert specializing in using the Akashic Records for personal empowerment and consciousness development. By making her Pathway Prayer Process© freely available to all, she became the first person to bring access to the Records, the energetic archive of souls, to the world community. She’s also the first woman to work with the Records on a global scale. Linda’s comprehensive, inspired curriculum has been revealed to her through her relationship with the Akasha and refined through her work with students over the past two decades. In her in-person and online Certification classes and award-winning books, she shares optimal ways to tap into the eternal wisdom of the Soul for practical application in everyday life. Drawing upon her sense of humour and storytelling skills, she brings esoteric themes to life. Linda holds a Doctorate in Spiritual Studies, with a specialty in the Akashic Records, from Emerson Theological Institute. In our chat, we discuss Linda’s spiritual journey and how the Records found her. We discuss how Linda heard the Pathway Prayer in her Records, a week before 9/11 and what happened after she shared it with her assistant. We discuss the idea of achieving spiritual perfection, the journey of the soul and she even shared with me how I can improve my skills as an Akashic Records reader.
It’s no coincidence that Linda is the guest for the 50th episode on my show, an important milestone episode, because she’s also the woman who’s work is responsible for changing my life. I didn’t plan for this either – a few weeks ago I was going to release an episode but felt so heavy and so sad after the family separations in the US dominated the media, that I decided to take time away from work to preserve my energy. I didn’t count episode, I didn’t plan for this, Divinely I’ve been sent this message – this reassurance that I’m on the right path and that this beautiful conversation with Linda is one to be celebrated.
Show Notes
If you'd like to say hello to me, I'm @_ashleywood on Instagram Book an Akashic Records reading with me on
episode 49
Each week I talk to women who are creating and living the life that they want to live and today I’m talking to Jo-Anne McArthur. For fifteen years, Jo-Anne has been documenting our complex relationship with animals. She has walked onto factory farms, visited zoos and marine parks, attended rodeos, assisted in animal rescues and raids, and documented the lives of animals in sanctuaries. With her images, JoAnne seeks to bring the invisible animals of our world––the animals we eat, wear, test on, and confine––into the light. This might seem different to you, if you’ve listened to the show before, because we usually talk about spirituality, manifestation, wellness, entrepreneurship, but here’s the thing.
As is the micro, as is the macro. If we’re not taking care of one another, and yes this includes the animals and plants on our planet, we feel this on a much bigger scale. And we’re seeing it now – animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution and habitat destruction. And Jo-Anne discusses these very difficult topics with such compassion, such empathy, without judgement and she even talks about how going vegan made her feel more clear spiritually as well.
Jo-Anne founded We Animals, an international photo project documenting our complex relationships with animals around the world and in 2013, she was the subject of the documentary The Ghosts in Our Machine, which followed her as she documented the plight of these abused and exploited animals and advocated for their rights as sentient beings.
In 2018, one of her images won the People’s Choice Award in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition and her newest endeavour, the Unbound Project, is a photographic project that celebrates female leaders at the forefront of animal advocacy, both contemporary and historical.
Jo-Anne’s images have been used in hundreds of campaigns around the world, including by the largest animal protection groups in the world. She is the author of two books We Animals (2014), and Captive (2017) and in 2017, she and the We Animals team launched the We Animals Archive, which allows free use of thousands of images for anyone fighting for animals.
If you like what you hear today, or you’re inspired to eat more plants and less animals, please subscribe, rate and review this podcast, Manifest This!, on iTunes and email me a screenshot of your review to I will send you a free ebook called High Vibe Vegan Food filled with delicious recipes to help get you started!
----- If you want to say hello to me, I'm @_ashleywood on Instagram. Book an Akashic Records reading with me on
episode 48
Happy Full Moon! It's the Strawberry Moon today and since Full Moons provide a magical time to take the intentions that you're holding in your heart to a new vibration in order for them to finally manifest, I figured I would share my story with you. How I have actively (and sometimes not so actively) manifested the life I'm currently living. IN THIS EPISODE I DISCUSS...
episode 47
By this point you’ve probably heard Jenna Zoe on a podcast before she’s been making the rounds sharing all about HUMAN DESIGN and I’m happy to tell you that if you have heard her speak before….this episode is different. Rather than focusing on the Human Design types and my personal chart, I asked Jenna about HERSELF. How she feels now that she’s living her design, what has changed in her life, what has she learned about herself and HOW she lives now. We do also talk about what Human Design is, for those who have never heard of this before and I share a few of my own recent downloads from Spirit that are so beautiful – think baby stars and snowflakes.
THANK YOU TO YOUVEDA FOR SUPPORTING THIS EPISODE! YouVeda is an Ayurvedic supplement, family owned company that takes a holistic approach to maintaining a healthy body and mind through a fusion of botanical and herbal extracts, ancient Ayurvedic medicine and modern technology. Use the code "MANIFEST" to take 35% off your first order
---- Follow me on Instagram @_ashleywood Book an Akashic Records reading with me on
episode 46
I am so, so grateful that you’re joining me today because oh my goodness, this episode is truly special. I take extra pride in my editorial calendar and choose each guest for the show very, very carefully and therefore I love every episode but this one surprised me in the best way possible. I knew Millana Snow was inspiring, magical, mystical, REAL, true, passionate and a woman I needed to have on Manifest This! but after basking in her radiance for just over an hour while we recorded this episode over Skype (we weren’t even in personal and I picked up on her magical) she blew me away.
Millana Snow is model and actor for over 12 years, a Reiki healer, a meditation teacher, an entrepreneur and Founder of Serene Social, and the new; an interactive online marketplace that features the best-of curated practitioners and brands from the global wellness community. And her passion is to connect, empower and support others to heal themselves by expanding consciousness in their everyday lives. Millana, has always lived in a world of contrast, spending her childhood reading the Bhagavad Gita and her tarot cards, she went on to the world of fashion and entertainment becoming the winner of Project Runway and working with clients like YSL, Cover Girl, L'Oreal and Gant as well as working behind the scenes in publishing, public relations and creative direction for VIBE, Uptown Magazine, Vespa and Porsche. Today Millana has integrated these worlds by leading workshops, meditations and talks at NYU, Syracuse, Summit LA17, Soho House, Lululemon, Alexander Wang and more.
In our conversation we talk about her childhood, how she found spirituality and learned about her gifts, what happened after she discovered the Law of Attraction, how she manifested her win on Project Runway and every job she’s had since and we also go quite deep on how to accept yourself, embrace your shadows, and how to allow yourself to just FEEL.
This episode is truly amazing, and I’m so honoured to share it with you.
YouVeda is an Ayurvedic supplement, family owned company that takes a holistic approach to maintaining a healthy body and mind through a fusion of botanical and herbal extracts, ancient Ayurvedic medicine and modern technology.
------ Say hello to me on Instagram @_ashleywood Book an Akashic Records Reading with me at
episode 45
I want to take a moment to deeply thank you for all of your feedback and love on my special birthday episode that I shared last week – 33 Things I've Learned in 33 Years – so many of you told me that my words brought you to tears and that means the world to me. I was talking to one of my close girlfriends Alexandra Dawson, former podcast guest (episode 10) about how I wished I had included one more lesson and she suggested that I share it today as a good luck lesson “you always need an extra for good luck!” she said.
So here it is…
Appreciate your body. Love your body. LIVE in your body. Respect your body.
This is one that I’m always working with. I constantly find myself looking back at photos of myself thinking “I looked so good then…” or “wow..I was so fit then..” when in reality, I’m still wearing the same clothes, they fit the same…the shape of my body may have changed a little here and there but for the most part, I look the same now as I did in the photographs that I always look back on. It’s my mind that sees someone different in the mirror. And here’s the thing – my body made a baby, birthed a baby medication free and has breastfed her now for almost 21 months. My body healed itself naturally after being burnt in a house-fire. My body has overcome an eating disorder. The list goes on and I’m sure you have similar stories about what your amazing body has done for you. Because our bodies work SO HARD every single day for us so something that I’m constantly working on, my “lesson for good luck” is to constantly love and accept the ebbs and flows of my body as it evolves with time and life. Let’s talk about today’s guest – Ellen Fisher. Ellen is such an effortless force. I started watching her YouTube videos years ago and fell in love with her vibrant, healthy, natural lifestyle in Maui Hawaii. Sharing now with an audience of half a million people, Ellen’s become a world-wide resource and role model for veganism, gentle parenting, home birthing and breastfeeding. In our chat we talk about how she and her husband Andrew manifested their move from California to Hawaii, why they did it and how they made it happen, we talk about unschooling and Ellen’s thoughts on the traditional school system, we talk about raising vegan children and what to do if you have a picky eater and we also talk about how social media has helped Ellen build up her confidence and improve her relationship with herself.
If you'd like to say hello to me, I'm @_ashleywood on Instagram Book an Akashic Records Reading with me at
episode 44
Today is my birthday! I’m 33 years old today and so far this has been the most incredible year of my life. I really feel like for the first time in my life I’m living my Divine purpose. I have found my place, my purpose, my role in this life and I am so, so happy. So today I am going to share with you, in no particular order, 33 things I’ve learned in my 33 years of life.
episode 43
It’s my birthday week and I love birthdays. They are such a beautiful day to honour YOURSELF and the life that you are creating and living! So to celebrate today I invited a guest back who left me feeling super inspired and who taught me a lot – Heather Askinosie, co-founder and crystal expert of Energy Muse.
If you listened to my first episode with Heather, you completely understand why I invited her back for a second conversation. She’s such a magical, captivating, intelligent, HIGH VIBE woman, she is the kind of person who leaves you feeling so good after interacting with her. In this episode we talk about being mothers to little energy-sensitive children, we talk about earth energy, we talk about using crystals as a way to overcome our sugar addiction and at the end of the episode she shares with me a REALLY interesting manifestation ritual to do this week before my birthday.
Thank You to Apothecary Company for Supporting this Episode!
Apothecary Company creates beautiful, high-vibe crystal infused skincare that helps balance hormones and delicate energy centres in the body rather than disrupting them. -- Say hi to me on Instagram
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