With horns made of hair and a hide as thick as a whale's (hypothetically), it can only be time for another episode of Ranking The Kingdom!
After a short break to catch its breath the podcast is back and feeling better than ever, and what better way to pay tribute to the extra-large Rhinoceros than by having an extra-large episode? There's crazy animal news at the top involving everyone's (least) favorite airline, United. We've got ridiculous facts about how large the white rhino should be, and how their skin/ hides work. Then you'll hear a folktale about a jerk of a Prince and his talking pet rhinoceros. It's everything you've ever wanted and so much more, so what are you waiting for? Download episode 21, Rhinoceros today!
Ranking the Kingdom is now on Patreon! If you would like to support the show, or even just see what the host looks like, head on over there!
If you are new to the show and don't quite get how this whole "ranking animals" thing works, please head over to the show's website for a quick explanation of the rating system, or download Your Review and You, a 10 minute episode of the podcast that covers everything you need to know! Also rate and subscribe to Ranking the Kingdom on iTunes, and don't hesitate to follow the show on Facebook and Twitter (@rankthekingdom) for updates and links to interesting animal facts on occasion!
You can also reach the host at rankingthekingdom@gmail.com, and for those of you with podcast apps that do not display pictures you can go here to view each episode's set: rankingthekingdom.libsyn.com
Episode Guide:
(0:00 - 13:19) Intro: Wednesdays, Simon the Giant Rabbit, Misc.
(13:34 - 25:11) Unsorted Facts: Africa and Asia, Names, Size.
(25:21 - 44:59) Instinct/ Evolution: The Senses, Poo-Networking, Evil Bird.
(45:09 - 1:01:22) Offense/ Defense: Bite?, Hide, Horns.
(1:01:32 - 1:10:00)Society/ Resourcefulness: Male Loners, Babies, Skimmy Milk.
(1:10:10 - 1:24:47) Legacy/ Future: The Prince and The Rhinoceros, Poachers, Population.
(1:24:57 - 1:38:26) The Ranking: Where the Rhino horns its way into a high score.
(Rhino Map)
(Just a Black Rhinoceros Chilling)
(White Rhinoceros and Baby)
(White Rhino Sniffing Poo for Knowledge)
(Gnarly Sharp Horns)
rhinos-brink-extinction-FOUR-left-world-female-died-Czech-zoo.html"> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3181247/White-rhinos-brink-extinction-FOUR-left-world-female-died-Czech-zoo.html
(Black Rhinoceros and Birdies)
(Rhino Charging Elephants)
Thank you to Silent Partner for the intro/ transition/ outro music, “Cloud Patterns”
And thank you to the following sources for all of the free information:
http://www.myfoxspokane.com/iowa-man-mourning-after-death-of-giant-rabbit-on-united-flight/ (Simon the Rabbit)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros Basics)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_rhinoceros (More Rhino Basics)
https://www.savetherhino.org/assets/0000/0854/RhinoFiveSensesHornSpring2009.pdf (Rhino Senses)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGHZnnJ_u5c (Rhino’s Strong Gut Video)
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/01/rhinoceroses-poop-middens-communication/ (Rhinos Use Poo to Communicate)
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.2307/1941155/full (Spreading Seed through Poo Also)
oxpecker-bird-4054.html">http://animals.mom.me/rhinos-oxpecker-bird-4054.html (Rhino and Oxpecker)
http://www.denverpost.com/2013/08/28/rhinoceros-at-denver-zoo-bites-woman-on-hand/ (Rhino Bites Woman)
https://www.wired.com/2017/04/angry-rhino-bites-an-elephant-and-gets-outta-dodge/ (Rhino Bites Elephant)
http://www.rhinoresourcecenter.com/index.php?s=1&act=pdfviewer&id=1175856026&folder=117 (Rhino Hide Thickness)
mystery-solved-rhino-horns-curved-pointed.html"> http://www.livescience.com/4306-mystery-solved-rhino-horns-curved-pointed.html (Rhinoceros Horns)
http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/seven-most-extreme-milks-animal-kingdom-180956588/ (Mammals and Their Milk)
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1098-2361(1999)18:1%3C35::AID-ZOO5%3E3.0.CO;2-L/abstract (Black Rhino Mating in Captivity)
http://www.rhinoresourcecenter.com/index.php?s=1&act=pdfviewer&id=1334721024&folder=133 (The Prince and The Rhinoceros)
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39194844 (Poachers Kill Rhino at Zoo)
https://news.vice.com/article/south-african-park-rangers-have-reportedly-killed-500-poachers-in-the-past-five-years (Park rangers Kill Poachers in South Africa)
http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/tr.htm (A Safari with Teddy and Kermit)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cacareco (Cacareco, Female Rhino in Politics)
http://www.rhinofund.org/about-rhinos/rhino-population-figures (Rhinoceros Populations) Thank you as well to the following musicians for providing their tracks royalty free on Youtube. All music listed in order of appearance:
Our 20th episode has landed, and it's a doozy. Are you ready to rock on to electric avenue with Ranking the Kingdom's latest review?
We finally tackle an animal with a legitimate super power, the Electric Eel, and boy is it frustrating for our host. Believe it or not, the fact that these guys generate electricity is pretty much the only thing anyone wants to talk about! Learn how many electricity generating organs the electric eel has, discover the many uses of their multi-faceted anal fins, and listen in as Dylan becomes more and more frustrated with these ridiculously cool not-eels. It's an extra long helping of Ranking the Kingdom, perfect for these extra long fish!
Note: There is a slight background noise when I speak for the first 20 or so minutes of the podcast. Sorry about that! The noise was my water heater, and it won't happen again. Thanks for listening!
If you are new to the show and don't quite get how this whole "ranking animals" thing works, please head over to the show's website for a quick explanation of the rating system, or download Your Review and You, a 10 minute episode of the podcast that covers everything you need to know! Also rate and subscribe to Ranking the Kingdom on iTunes, and don't hesitate to follow the show on Facebook and Twitter (@rankthekingdom) for updates and links to interesting animal facts on occasion!
You can also reach me, the host, at rankingthekingdom@gmail.com, and for those of you with podcast apps that do not display pictures you can go here to view each episode's set: rankingthekingdom.libsyn.com.
Also, check out my new Audio-Drama called Robots Boning Ninjas! It's nowhere near as gross or off-putting as you might think, I promise!
Episode Guide:
(0:00 - 8:25) - Intro: Animal News, Could Spiders Eat Us, Never Ending Random Discussion.
(8:38 - 18:25) - Unsorted Facts: South America, Gymnotiforms, Crocodile Bait.
(18:35 - 33:48) - Instinct/ Evolution: Swim Bladders, Mouth Breathers, Electricity.
(33:58 - 45:21) - Offense/ Defense: Teeth?, Shock Strength, Charge.
(45:31 - 1:00:56) - Society/ Resourcefulness: Cannibal Babies, Egg Clutches, Electrolocation.
(1:01:05 - 1:09:05) - Legacy/ Future: Alexander Van Humboldt, Tweets, Pop. Guesses.
(1:09:15 - 1:25:38) - The Ranking: The shocking conclusion.
(Where Electric Eels Are)
(Electric Eel)
(Electric Eel Attacking Out Of Water)
(Baby Eel, Possibly Electric?)
(A Bubble Nest, Not An Eel’s Though)
Thank you to Silent Partner for the intro/ transition/ outro music, “Cloud Patterns”
And thank you to the following sources for all of the free information:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/03/28/spiders-could-theoretically-eat-every-human-on-earth-in-one-year/?utm_term=.e3238e3e8f9d (Spiders Could END Us)
http://www.americanarachnology.org/JoA_free/JoA_V24_n2/JoA_v24_p161.pdf (Spider Weights)
https://www.britannica.com/animal/electric-eel (Electric Eel Basics, 70% of Varzea Biomass)
http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Electrophorus_electricus/ (More Electric Eel Facts)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2767210/ (Artificial Electric Eel Cells to Power Devices)
http://www.popsci.com/why-dont-electric-eels-electrocute-themselves#page-2 (Why Don’t Eels Electrocute Themselves)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_eel (Even More Electric Eel Basics)
a-slimy-taser-electric-eels-can-leap-out-and-zap-their-prey.html"> https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/07/science/like-a-slimy-taser-electric-eels-can-leap-out-and-zap-their-prey.html (Electric Eel Water Leap)
surprising-power-of-an-electric-eels-shock.html?_r=0"> https://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/04/science/the-surprising-power-of-an-electric-eels-shock.html?_r=0 (Electric Eel and The Brainless Fish Experiment)
http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/webprojects2001/riis/electriceel3.htm (In-Depth: How Electric Eels Generate Electricity)
http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/68020/why-do-two-connected-1-5-volt-batteries-become-a-3-volt-battery (Why two 1.5v Batteries Output 3v)
Thank you as well to the following musicians for providing their tracks royalty free on Youtube, all music listed in order of appearance:
Are you ready to hear the word "Beaver" used over and over again in a non-sexual way? Then you're ready for Ranking The Kingdom's latest review!
These aqua-rodents aren't the most impressive creature we've tackled, but they may just surprise you anyways. The Beaver is such an industrious animal that it's even been said that they may effect climate change! From building dams that create new ponds and ecosystems, to a never ending supply of teeth, all they way to their gross leaky butts that they use to mark themselves and mounds of twigs and mud with their scent, these guys managed to make me rethink virtually everything I'd ever known about Beavers. Not that I knew a lot to begin with... Listen in and find out if you've ever accidentally ingested beaver secretions and much, much more!
If you are new to the show and don't quite get how this whole "ranking animals" thing works, please head over to the show's website for a quick explanation of the rating system, or download Your Review and You, a quick 10 minute episode of the podcast that covers everything you need to know! Also rate and subscribe to Ranking the Kingdom on iTunes, and don't hesitate to follow the show on Facebook and Twitter (@rankthekingdom) for updates and links to interesting animal facts on occasion!
You can also reach me at rankingthekingdom@gmail.com, and for those of you with podcast apps that do not display pictures you can go here to view each episode's set: rankingthekingdom.libsyn.com.
Also, check out my new Audio Drama called Robots Boning Ninjas! It's nowhere near as gross or off-putting as you might think, I promise!
Episode Guide:
(0:00 - 9:37) - Intro: Bad Zoology, First Review, Ranking Rundown.
(9:50 - 15:39) - Unsorted Facts: Eurasian, American, Rodents.
(15:49 - 29:07) - Instinct/ Evolution: Aquatic, Scents, Castoreum.
(29:17 - 38:41) - Offense/ Defense: Teeth, And Also, Beaver Attacks
(38:51 - 49:24) - Society/ Resourcefulness: Families, Dams, Lodges.
(49:34 - 1:00:33) - Legacy/ Future: Wisagatcak, Teeth Dice, Populations.
(1:00:43 - 1:14:21) - The Ranking: Where the Beaver meets its maker.
map.gif" alt="" width="400" height="255">
(Beaver Distribution Map)
closeup.jpg"> http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/beaver/#beaver-closeup.jpg
(North American Beaver)
(Eurasian Beaver)
(Beaver Hind Foot)
hind-foot-v-b-scheffer.html"> http://fineartamerica.com/featured/beavers-hind-foot-v-b-scheffer.html
(Beaver Chompin’ Tree)
(Beaver Teeth)
teeth-never-stop-growing.html"> http://www.webologypedia.com/2013/08/beaver-teeth-never-stop-growing.html
(Beaver Housing Diagram)
(Angry Beavers)
(Manhattan City Seal)
Thank you to Silent Partner for the intro/ transition/ outro music, “Cloud Patterns”
And thank you to the following sources for all of the free information:
http://wdfw.wa.gov/living/beavers.html (General Beaver Misc.)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaver (More General Beaver Misc.)
beaver-chew-down-tree-11371.html"> http://animals.mom.me/long-beaver-chew-down-tree-11371.html (Time for Beaver to Chew Down a Tree)
diet-reproduction.html#Reproduction"> http://fohn.net/beaver-pictures-facts/beaver-diet-reproduction.html#Reproduction (Beaver Diet, Eat Poop Pellets)
https://www.outsideonline.com/1796676/beaver-kills-belarus-man-deadly-bite (Fatal Beaver Attack)
http://www.snopes.com/food/ingredient/castoreum.asp (Beaver Castoreum Rundown)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaver_attack (Beaver Attacks)
http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= (Beaver Teeth as Dice)
http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/largest-beaver-lodge (Largest Tree Felled, Largest Beaver Lodge)
fur-predators-behavior.html"> http://fohn.net/beaver-pictures-facts/beaver-fur-predators-behavior.html (Beaver Fur and Behavior)
diet-reproduction.html#Reproduction"> http://fohn.net/beaver-pictures-facts/beaver-diet-reproduction.html#Reproduction (Beaver Diet and Reproduction)
languages.org/creestory4.htm">http://www.native-languages.org/creestory4.htm (Cree Flood Story)
http://americanfolklore.net/folklore/2010/08/coyote_and_wishpoosh.html (The Tale of Coyote and Wishpoosh)
https://www.britannica.com/animal/Castoroides#ref116649 (Trogontheriums aka Giant Beaver)
http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/4007/0 (Eurasian Beaver Population)
http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/4003/0 (American Beaver Population)
Thank you as well to the following musicians for providing their tracks royalty free on Youtube, all music listed in order of appearance:
Flying high and taking chances, this week we're back to insects with a biting review of the Wasp. Or should I say stinging?
Ranking the Kingdom is all parasite this time around. Well, mostly parasite. In this week's episode you'll discover the differences between social and solitary wasps, I'll introduce you to a man who gets himself stung and bitten on purpose in the name of science, and we do a deep dive into one wasp in particular, the Tarantula Hawk. The Wasp family is numerous, intimidating, and an apex of insect evolution, all of the traits you could ask for here on Ranking The Kingdom, but will that be enough for them to take the mantle of "Highest Review Score"? Can an insect possibly beat the Crocodile and Killer Whale at their own game, dethroning both and taking their crowns as Ranking the Kingdom champions?
You may be surprised.
If you are new to the show and don't quite get how this whole "ranking animals" thing works, please head over to the show's website for a quick explanation of the rating system, or download Your Review and You, a quick 10 minute episode of the podcast that covers everything you need to know! Also rate and subscribe to Ranking the Kingdom on iTunes, and don't hesitate to follow the show on Facebook and Twitter (@rankthekingdom) for updates and links to interesting animal facts on occasion!
The Ranking the Kingdom subreddit is a great place to reach out to me or the community as well, or you can even send me an email at rankingthekingdom@gmail.com. For those of you with podcast apps that do not display pictures, you can go here to view each episode's set: rankingthekingdom.libsyn.com.
Also, check out my new podcast called Robots Boning Ninjas! It's nowhere near as gross or off-putting as you might think, I promise!
Note: Due to a mislabeling on my part I say in the review that this is my 20th animal review. It's actually my 18th. Not a big deal, but it seems worth mentioning.
Episode Guide:
(0:00 - 5:04) Intro: Guesting, Robots "B" Ninjas, Reviews.
(5:19 - 11:07) Unsorted Facts: Non-Polar, Big and Small, 100,000 Species.
(11:17 - 26:20) Instinct/ Evolution: Parasites, Smells, Drummin'.
(26:30 - 38:05) Offense/ Defense: Asian Hornets, Velvet Ants, Tarantula Hawks.
(38:15 - 45:54) Society/ Resourcefulness: Social, Solitary, More Tarantula Hawks.
(46:04 - 55:00) Legacy/ Future: Darwin, Agriculture, Fudging the Numbers.
(55:10 - 1:07:42) The Ranking: Where the wasp is crowned Queen Bee.
(A Wasp)
(Velvet Wasp Stinger)
(Terrifying Tarantula Hawk)
(A Discolored Leaf, There May Be a Moth Inside)
(Potter Wasp’s Home)
brown.info/brightpcolorsof-potter-wasp.htm"> http://earl-brown.info/brightpcolorsof-potter-wasp.htm
(A Hoverfly, Not a Wasp)
uk.org.uk/mag/artmay07/cd-hoverflies.html"> http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artmay07/cd-hoverflies.html
Thank you to Silent Partner for the intro/ transition/ outro music, “Cloud Patterns”
And thank you to the following sources for all of the free information:
http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/bugs/wasp/ (General Wasp Miscellania)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasp (General Wasp Miscellania)
https://www.wired.com/2015/07/absurd-creature-of-the-week-tarantula-hawk/ (Tarantula Hawk Are Scary)
fun-facts.com/butterfly-enemies/parasitoids/chalcid-wasps/"> http://www.butterfly-fun-facts.com/butterfly-enemies/parasitoids/chalcid-wasps/ (Butterfly NOT Fun Facts About Chalcid Wasps)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-24367050 (Asian Hornet Attacks)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_giant_hornet (Asian Giant Hornet Miscellania)
http://www.popsci.com/watch-cow-killer-velvet-ant-sting-guy-for-science (Velvet Ant Sting, Coyote Peterson)
https://www.terminix.com/blog/science-nature/the-insect-sting-pain-scale (Insect Pain Index)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnExgQ81fhU (Tarantuala Hawk Stings Coyote Peterson)
http://www.pnas.org/content/92/10/4169.short (Plants Emit Scents to Attract Parasites)
http://seedmagazine.com/content/article/wasps_sniff_out_bombs_drugs_corpses/ (Drug Sniffing Wasps)
https://askentomologists.com/2015/06/01/how-do-wasps-find-other-bugs-to-parasitize/ (Wasp Senses)
http://news.wisc.edu/rhythmic-vibrations-guide-caste-development-in-social-wasps/ (Paper Wasps Deterministic Drumming)
https://www.quora.com/How-many-consecutive-bee-stings-does-it-take-to-kill-a-person-without-a-bee-sting-allergy (Number of Stings to Kill)
http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/worlds-largest-wasp-nest-found-tasmania/ (Largest Wasp Nest Ever Found, Up to 100,000 Wasps)
http://modernfarmer.com/2015/09/parasitic-wasps-pesticide/ (Wasps as Pesticide)
Thank you as well to the following musicians for providing their tracks royalty free on Youtube, all music listed in order of appearance:
This episode comes in a little late and with a host that's a little under the weather, so get ready for an odd duck in this review of the Ostrich!
These birds are tall, dark, and probably handsome to somebody. The Ostrich is an enigma, dumb as a doorknob but still a hearty opponent to anyone out there. Are you ready to learn about their insatiable lust for kidnapping? That's not even a joke, they love it. Or how about the fact that their wings aren't as useless as they might seem, even on a flightless bird? Maybe you're the kind of person who just wants to know how these guys would fair in a fight- Could they take a rattlesnake? A wolf? A moose? No matter what you're searching for we've got you covered in this latest (and a little late) Ranking the Kingdom!
If you are new to the show and don't quite get how this whole "ranking animals" thing works, please head over to the show's website for a quick explanation of the rating system, or download Your Review and You, a quick 10 minute episode of the podcast that covers everything you need to know! Also rate and subscribe to Ranking the Kingdom on iTunes, and don't hesitate to follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@rankthekingdom) for updates and links to interesting animal facts on occasion!
The Ranking the Kingdom subreddit is a great place to reach out to me or the community as well, or you can even send me an email at rankingthekingdom@gmail.com. For those of you with podcast apps that do not display pictures, you can go here to view each episode's set: rankingthekingdom.libsyn.com.
Also, check out my new podcast called Robots Boning Ninjas! It's nowhere near as gross or off-putting as you might think, I promise!
Episode Guide:
(0:00 - 4:25) - Intro: Down With The Sickness, Robots "B" Ninjas, Twitter.
(4:40 - 11:59) - Unsorted Facts: Africa, Tall, Eggs.
(12:09 - 27:54) - Instinct/ Evolution: Big Eyes, Wings, Science.
(28:04 - 32:30) - Offense/ Defense: Running, Kicking, Pecking.
(32:40 - 40:07) - Society/ Resourcefulness: 100 Members, Kidnapping, Gizzards.
(40:17 - 49:18) - Legacy/ Future: The Lioness and the Ostrich, Cost to Purchase, Numbers.
(49:28 - 1:00:22) - The Ranking: Wherein we decide if these tall chickens are worth betting on.
(Ostriches, Where Do They Come From?)
(Look at Those Big Eyes)
(Ostrich Running, Majestically)
(Ostrich Wing and Claws. Follow the Arrows!)
(Ostrich Foot)
media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a5/da/63/a5da633a241f4d9c96cd00f5d657eeb9.jpg"> https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a5/da/63/a5da633a241f4d9c96cd00f5d657eeb9.jpg
(Bird Family)
(My Dad’s Favorite Game You Guys, Joust)
Thank you to Silent Partner for the intro/ transition/ outro music, “Cloud Patterns”
And thank you to the following sources for all of the free information:
http://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/ostrich (Ostrich Basics)
https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/wcm/connect/5b49da82-39a8-4722-bcce-a85bcd1d8833/Ratites_Emu_Ostrich_Rhea.pdf?MOD=AJPERES (USDA Ostrich Document)
POPULATION-GROWING-IN-SOUTHWEST.html?pg=all"> http://www.deseretnews.com/article/10700/OSTRICH-POPULATION-GROWING-IN-SOUTHWEST.html?pg=all (Ostrich Trade circa 1988)
http://newsok.com/article/2552122 (Ostrich Corneal Transplants)
http://www.arubaostrichfarm.com/facts.html (Ostrich Facts)
http://dergipark.gov.tr/download/article-file/132129 (Ostrich Baby Dissection… Yup)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostrich (Ostriches, Obvs.)
texts.com/afr/saft/sft17.htm">http://www.sacred-texts.com/afr/saft/sft17.htm (Ostrich and the Lion)
https://animalcorner.co.uk/animals/ostrich/ (2 Million Ostriches?)
Thank you as well to the following musicians for providing their tracks royalty free on Youtube. All music is in order of appearance:
Another fortnight means it's time for another new review, it's time to chase the dragon on this episode of Ranking the Kingdom.
A terrifying lizard that is as much myth as it is a legend. Once believed to be enormous, 20 foot monstrosities by 1920's Dutchmen, the Komodo Dragon has managed to carve out a name for itself as one of the most frightening animals still roaming earth today. Find out what misconception led me to review the Komodo Dragon in the first place, how this monitor lizard is a bit like last week's armadillo, and discover the mystery of their evolutionary origins. Were they once giants? Or did they evolve and grow from salamanders and geckos to become the kings of Komodo? From terrifying encounters to super senses, the Komodo Dragon is ripe for review. Are you ready?
If you are new to the show and don't quite get how this whole "ranking animals" thing works, please head over to the show's website for a quick explanation of the rating system, or download Your Review and You, a quick 10 minute episode of the podcast that covers everything you need to know! Also rate and subscribe to Ranking the Kingdom on iTunes, and don't hesitate to follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@rankthekingdom) for updates and links to interesting animal facts on occasion!
The Ranking the Kingdom subreddit is a great place to reach out to me or the community as well, or you can even send me an email at rankingthekingdom@gmail.com. For those of you with podcast apps that do not display pictures, you can go here to view each episode's set: rankingthekingdom.libsyn.com.
Also, check out my new podcast called Robots Boning Ninjas! It's nowhere near as gross or off-putting as you might think, I promise!
Episode Guide:
(0:00 - 4:27) - Intro: Robots and Ninjas, Clean-Up Help, Not Much Else.
(4:37 - 9:57) - Unsorted Facts: Komodo, Indistinguishable Sexes, Apex.
(10:07 - 23:56) - Instinct/ Evolution: Armadillos, Parthenogenesis, Jacobson's Organ.
(24:06 - 35:02) - Offense/ Defense: Venom vs Bacteria, Tooth and Nail, Thick Skin.
(35:12 - 44:14) - Society/ Resourcefulness: Waste Not, Sexy-Times, Baby Dragons.
(44:24 - 53:51) - Legacy/ Future: Fable, King Kong, Sad Numbers.
53:51 - 1:09:31) - The Ranking: Where we finally decide the fate of this mother of (all) dragons.
(Where Komodo Dragons Dwell)
dragon-map.GIF"> http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/kids/photos/animals/Reptiles/H-P/komodo-dragon-map.GIF
(Komodo Dragon and Big 'Ole Sloppy Tongue)
(Probably Not a Hug)
(Parthenogenesis for Dummies, aka Me)
(Dragon's Scratchers)
(Osteoderm-Laden Hide)
(Baby Komodo Dragon, Duh)
Thank you to Silent Partner for the intro/ transition/ outro music, “Cloud Patterns”
And thank you to the following sources for all of the free information:
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/reptiles/k/komodo-dragon/ (Komodo Dragon Basics)
https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/komodo-dragon (More Komodo Dragon Basics)
and-dwarfism-islands.html"> http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/evolution/gigantism-and-dwarfism-islands.html (The Island Rule)
http://www.ansci.wisc.edu/jjp1/ansci_repro/misc/project_websites_08/tues/Komodo%20Dragons/science.htm (Parthenogenesis in Komodo Dragons)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komodo_dragon (Komodo Dragon Miscellania)
http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2013/06/27/the-myth-of-the-komodo-dragons-dirty-mouth/ (Komodo Dragon Venom)
https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17156-venom-is-key-to-komodo-dragons-killing-power/ (Bite Strength)
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.0030-1299.2006.14371.x/full (Relation Between Komodo Size and their Prey, the Island Rule again)
http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/downloads/komododragon00sciam.pdf (Komodo Dragon Research)
legend-of-komodo-dragon.html"> http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com/2014/09/the-legend-of-komodo-dragon.html (Komodo Dragon Folklore)
http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/22884/0 (IUCN Komodo Dragon)
http://www.timetravelturtle.com/2012/10/attack-komodo-dragon-indonesia/ (Komodo Dragon Bites Park Rangers) Thank you as well to the following musicians for providing their tracks royalty free on Youtube:
Fifteen reviews in and nature's Little Armored One is finally stepping into the limelight! That's right, this week we're reviewing the small and anything-but-defenseless Armadillo!
We all know that Armadillos are resilient, but do they have what it takes to be a top contender on Ranking The Kingdom? We'll learn all about how much pressure their shells can take (Spoilers: It's a lot), what exactly makes their intestines so special, and why something as simple as a storm could spell disaster for entire populations of this highly defensive animal. You'll also discover what life-threatening disease almost a quarter of these guys carry, and which species are capable of rolling into a ball to escape their predators. It's a tiny tank this time around on Ranking the Kingdom. Do they have it in them to succeed? Do we have a new top contender to the animal throne? Listen in and find out!
Note: The word Xenarthra is spelled with an "X", not a "Z" like I accidentally say in the episode. I got a little ahead of myself there...
If you are new to the show and don't quite get how this whole "ranking animals" thing works, please head over to the show's website for a quick explanation of the rating system, or download Your Review and You, a quick 10 minute episode of the podcast that covers everything you need to know! Also rate and subscribe to Ranking the Kingdom on iTunes, and don't hesitate to follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@rankthekingdom) for updates and links to interesting animal facts on occasion!
The Ranking the Kingdom subreddit is a great place to reach out to me or the community as well, or you can even send me an email at rankingthekingdom@gmail.com. For those of you with podcast apps that do not display pictures, you can go here to view each episode's set: rankingthekingdom.libsyn.com.
Episode Guide:
(0:00 - 2:32) - Intro: Short, and, Sweet.
(2:42 - 8:15) - Unsorted Facts: Nine-Banded, The Americas, Armadillo on the Half Shell.
(8:25 - 19:35) - Instinct/ Evolution: Poor Senses, Good Senses, Inflation.
(19:45 - 27:05) - Offense/ Defense: Armor, Claws, Disease.
(27:15 - 33:41) - Society/ Resourcefulness: Loners, Cold, Fours.
(33:51 - 46:12) - Legacy/ Future: Story Time, Disease Time, Population Estimation.
(46:22 - 59:35) - The Ranking: The part of the episode where we mercilessly determine exactly where mother nature went wrong.
(Nine-Banded Armadillo Distribution)
(Nine-Banded Armadillo)
(Three-Banded Armadillo Ball)
(Armadillo Teeth)
(Armadillo Claws)
(Baby Armadillo)
(The Charango, A Wizard’s Instrument)
Thank you to Silent Partner for the intro/ transition/ outro music, “Cloud Patterns”.
And thank you to the following sources for all of the free information:
http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/armadillo/ (Armadillo Basics)
Banded-Armadillo.aspx"> https://www.nwf.org/Wildlife/Wildlife-Library/Mammals/Nine-Banded-Armadillo.aspx (Armadillo NWF)
http://www.havahart.com/armadillo-facts (Armadillo Facts)
http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2011/05/leapin-lizards-dillos-carry-leprosy/ (Armadillos and Leprosy)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenarthra (Armadillos, Anteaters, Sloths)
http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2013/11/scienceshot-armadillos-bad-eyesight-could-shed-light-human-blindness (Armadillo Sense of Sight and Smell)
Banded-Armadillo-complete1.pdf"> http://cincinnatizoo.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Three-Banded-Armadillo-complete1.pdf (Three-Banded Armadillo)
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jmor.10475/full (Osteoderm Formation in Armadillos)
http://meyersgroup.ucsd.edu/papers/journals/Meyers%20348.pdf (Armadillo Armor Strength)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL57U9tsiNY (Armadillo Fight)
http://www.americanscientist.org/my_amsci/restricted.aspx?act=pdf&id=3079854283288 (Armadillo Always Has Four Babies)
http://americanfolklore.net/folklore/2010/07/the_armadillos_song.html (“Armadillo’s Song” by S.E. Shlossler)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leprosy (Leprosy Wikipedia)
http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2011/04/yes-you-can-get-leprosy-armadillo (Leprosy in Armadillos)
http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/6290/0 (Nine-Banded Armadillo)
http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/21975/0 (Three-Banded Armadillo)
http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/89604632/0 (Screaming Hairy Armadillo) Thank you as well to the following musicians for providing their tracks royalty free on Youtube:
It's episode three in our series of Head-to-Heads, and this week sees an ancient dinosaur go toe-to-toe with one of the smartest creatures nature has to offer.
Crocodiles are big, tough, mean, and sneakier than they look. Killer Whales are intelligent, bus-sized cetacean with more than one trick up their sleeve. On an even battlefield it may seem like the croc's numbers would win them the day outright, but the orca's agility in the water and overwhelming size may be enough to upset the balance. These two titans of Ranking The Kingdom, each with a score of 80 in their respective reviews, finally go head to head and figure out who deserves to be on top. Who wins? Who loses? Listen in and decide for yourself. Or let me decide for you. Either way.
If you are new to the show and don't quite get how this whole "ranking animals" thing works, please head on over to the show's website for a quick explanation of the rating system, or download Your Review and You, a quick 10 minute episode of the podcast that covers everything you need to know! Also rate and subscribe to Ranking the Kingdom on iTunes, and don't hesitate to follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@rankthekingdom) for updates and links to interesting animal facts on occasion!
The Ranking the Kingdom subreddit is a great place to reach out to me or the community as well, or you can even send me an email at rankingthekingdom@gmail.com. For those of you with podcast apps that do not display pictures, you can go here to view each episode's set: rankingthekingdom.libsyn.com.
The podcast would also like to promote the Orca Conservancy this month, as a way to partially make up for the fact that this show is about animals fighting to the death. Give them a donation if you feel weird about all of this, or if you're just a decent person. That's a good reason to do charity too.
Episode Guide:
(0:00 - 4:46) - Intro: Head-to-Heads, Podcasts, Orca Conservancy.
(4:47 - 8:54) - Crocodile Army: Teeth, Eyesight (Poor), Numbers (Good).
(8:57 - 12:47) - Killer Whale Army: Size, Tactics, Agility.
(12:49 - 21:39) - The War: Ocean, Population Disparity, Size Disparity.
(21:43 - 25:31) - The Outcome: Now we figure out who's the baddest guy around since Bad, Bad Leroy Brown.
(Crocodile, Mouth Agape)
Crocodile.jpg"> http://i1.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article7672535.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Saltwater-Crocodile.jpg
(Killer Whale, Majestic)
earth-21-700x394.jpg"> http://www.cafe.se/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/planet-earth-21-700x394.jpg
Thank you Silent Partner for the Intro/ Outro music "Cloud Patterns".
http://traffic.libsyn.com/rankingthekingdom/11_-_Crocodile.mp3 (Crocodile Review)
http://traffic.libsyn.com/rankingthekingdom/07_-_Killer_Whale.mp3 (Killer Whale Review)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/17032648 (Crocodiles and People Underwater, Together)
Thank you as well to the following sources for all of the free music:
A New Year can only mean more animals, and Ranking the Kingdom is back from the break with a pipin' hot helping of Walrus to get you through these cold winter months.
A monstrous potato sack come to life, Walruses are the largest and possibly most rude of nature's pinnipeds, which makes them perfect fodder for a merciless ranking. You may be surprised though, these giant caterpillars with teeth can take quite a beating, and I promise that you'd never want to get caught out in the ocean with an angry one. It's the heaviest and meanest animal we've seen so far, but can they come out on top in a somewhat arbitrary seeming ranking system? Listen in and find out! We're also a little bit more family friendly in the new year, which means people of all ages can feel free to listen in and enjoy. From meter long tusks to pressure sensitive whiskers, I can guarantee that every listener out there will feel just like Steven Tyler this episode. Namely, you won't wanna miss a thing.
If you are new to the show and don't quite get how this whole "ranking animals" thing works, please head on over to the show's website for a quick explanation of the rating system, or download Your Review and You, a quick 10 minute episode of the podcast that covers everything you need to know. Also subscribe and rate Ranking the Kingdom on iTunes, and don't hesitate to follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@rankthekingdom) for the occasional update.
The Ranking the Kingdom subreddit is a great place to reach out as well, or you can even send an email to rankingthekingdom@gmail.com. For those of you with podcast apps that do not display pictures, you can go here to view each episode's set of images: rankingthekingdom.libsyn.com.
Episode Guide:
(0:00 - 05:37) Intro: Your Review and You, Cleaning Up, Crow Trouble.
(5:49 - 12:57) Unsorted Facts: Pacific and Atlantic, Heavy, Tongues.
(13:07 - 25:51) Instinct/ Evolution: Vibrissae, Oxygen, Swimming.
(26:01 - 32:55) Offense/ Defense: Tusks, Thick Skin, Polar Bear Fights.
(33:05 - 40:37) Society/ Resourcefulness: Babies, Bullies, Stampedes.
(40:47 - 49:15) Legacy/ Future: The Raven and The Walrus, Hunting, Population.
(40:47 - 1:03:20) The Ranking: Where we test the Walrus' mettle.
(The Pacific walrus is found in the Bering, Chukchi, and Laptev Sea, while the Atlantic walrus inhabits the coastal regions of northeastern Canada and Greenland.)
(Majestic Walrus)
obama-alaska-walrus-huppke-20150831-story.html"> http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/huppke/ct-obama-alaska-walrus-huppke-20150831-story.html
(Walrus Flipper)
22.htm"> http://www.arcticphoto.co.uk/gallery2/arctic/wildlife/seals/sz6006-22.htm
(Check Those Tusks. Dude’s Fierce.)
('Most Adorable Walrus Picture' Winner)
(Dutch Explorers Experience Their First ‘Boss Fight’ Against a Walrus)
Thank you to Silent Partner for the intro/ transition/ outro music, “Cloud Patterns”.
And thank you to the following sources for all of the free information:
http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/15106/0 (Walrus Population - 112,500)
http://www.marinebio.net/marinescience/04benthon/arcwalrus.htm (A wealth of Walrus knowledge)
world.com/walrus-predators/">http://www.walrus-world.com/walrus-predators/ (Walrus Predators)
http://www.bioexpedition.com/walrus-anatomy/ (Some Walrus Anatomy)
http://aquaticmammalsjournal.org/share/AquaticMammalsIssueArchives/1990/Aquatic_Mammals_16_2/Kastelein_Stevens.pdf (Walrus Vibrissae Sensitivity)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcWGOFkk6tw (Walrus using Vibrissae to find food)
http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/walrus/ (More Walrus Facts)
http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/safety/ice/thickness.html (Ice Thickness Safety Guide)
facts.com/2009/wild-fact-983-a-lifeguards-dream-pacific-walrus/"> http://www.wild-facts.com/2009/wild-fact-983-a-lifeguards-dream-pacific-walrus/ (Pharyngeal Pouches)
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0034568783900725 (Respiration in Sea Mammals)
http://blog.explore.org/your-walrus-tusk-questions-answered/ (Walrus Tusks)
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10211-016-0248-x (Walrus Playing With Birds)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPl1x93dBCE (Animal Face-Off: Polar Bear and Walrus)
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10071-009-0298-9 (Cow/ Calf Vocal Recognition)
https://www.fws.gov/alaska/fisheries/mmm/mtrp/pdf/factsheet_walrus.pdf (Walrus Hunting Laws in Alaska)
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36842188 (Walurs Haul Out Database)
Bonus Source: Baby Crows, the Harsh Truth: http://coyot.es/thecorvidblog/2013/10/13/i-am-not-a-baby-crow/ Thank you as well to the following musicians for providing their tracks royalty free on Youtube:
"There comes a period in every young boy or girl's life when their body and mind will begin to experience certain changes, a time where we all develop a desire to assess and rate animals on a scale of 4 to 100. Allow Your Review and You to answer the tough questions about Animal Reviews that you don't feel equipped to handle. What is instinct/ evolution? Can I give an animal a score of zero? Is population really that important? Never feel confused or hurt by an animal review again, watch this amazing audio-VHS and begin Ranking the Kingdom yourself today!"
- Excerpt from "Your Review and You" Back Cover. Copyright the National Animal Review Board, 1998
Subscribe to Ranking the Kingdom on iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher today to join the fun!
Music Sources Circa 1998:
This guy gets it. While it could long be said that humanity suffered from having failed to put animals through a rigorous evaluation system resulting in a numerical grade on a podcast, no longer. Your host Dylan has the curiosity required for the job and is either going to find the answers or let you know that he couldn't. Give a listen and explore some of the pressing matters involving life on Earth of these or any times. Highly recommended.