Structured Water - It is Not H2O
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Wag Out Loud
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Krista Karpowich
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Publication Date |
Oct 19, 2022
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Well we all know that water is a key nutrient that both humans and dogs need to survive. But what is the current state of the water that we drink (filtered, tap, bottled, etc)? Dr. Marlene Siegel chats with me about the benefits of structured water, why our bodies need it to be healthy and how easy it is to create. I was blown away to learn about all of the ways that structured water helps our cells, immune system, detoxification, hydration and so much more. Be in the know and tune in!

Well hello everyone! This is Krista with Episode #162 on the Wag Out Loud pawdcast. Now here's a fact for you. Water is one of the most underrated nutrients for dogs, and it makes up more than 70% of your dog's body by weight. So they need to maintain this water content by consuming plenty of fresh water every single day. And a good guideline for dogs is about an ounce of water for every pound of body weight. So for example, a 25 pound dog needs about 25 ounces of water, which is about three cups throughout the day. And it's recommended that water should be changed at least once daily. And be sure to keep your dog's water bowl clean as well. Welcome to the Wag Out Loud pawdcast, where we are obsessed with bringing you helpful tips on canine health care, nutrition, and overall wellbeing. If you'd like to support the show, check out the amazing online events, products and resources that I personally recommend on the Wag Out Loud website. I'm your host, Krista and I'm super excited to be bringing you yet another tail wagging episode. Dr. Marlene Siegel is an international speaker and an innovator in integrative veterinary medicine. Her practice, Pasco Veterinary Medical Center in Lutz, FL offers the widest array of alternative therapies and detoxification services in the country. She developed her own raw pet food company and supplements Passionate about education, she has online programs for pet parents and veterinarians to teach integrative vet medicine. Visit for more information.  She is launching S’Paws Family Wellness in 2022, detox centers for pets and their parents. for more information! Hello dog lovers and welcome to another educational opportunity to be better advocates for our dogs’ health and wellness. And chatting with me today is the Dr. Marlene Siegel. And she's going to enlighten us about structured water, that it's not H2O. Oh, Dr. Siegel, thank you so much for being here. I've been excited to talk about water. Well, I am super excited to share about water. Well, we are going to dive into it. But before we do that, I'm going to have you introduce yourself and tell us why you are so passionate about the water that we end our dogs drink. Well, first of all, I am an integrative veterinarian, I've been practicing veterinary medicine for coming up to 40 years, wow, I can't believe I can say that. And 20 plus years have been in the integrative world. And so not just water, I'm very passionate about life and energy and sustainable living and the planet and our pets and us. So I'm just passionate about all of it. And water makes up such a key amount of that importance on how our body actually runs and all came from an incident where my youngest daughter and one of our show horses were involved in an accident. And when I went to get help for my horse to actually heal her because she saved my daughter's life. And so I had a big debt to her. And when I was told there was nothing more that could be done for this horse. I just found that to be an unacceptable answer. And it took me on this amazing deep dive on learning the biology and how everything works. And so when you come down to the very basics, it's all about energy. And energy is what we are literally made of. But when you look at the atom, which is the smallest molecule of the body that you know, makes up ourselves, the atom is 99.999% empty space. But it's not really empty space, it's really energy. And it's the water that interacts with that energy field. That is the process for how everything happens in our body. Pretty amazing to think of it that way. Water becomes a it's like a battery. It's the receiver and the transmitter of information and water literally has memory. So when we talk about healthy structured water, we're talking about water that has the innate intelligence, to understand what it needs to do and how it needs to do it, and how it can portray information. You're blowing my mind. Okay, well, let's unpack this. Dr. Siegel. We all know that water is a key nutrient that both humans and dogs we need it to survive. You know, most of our body is made up of water. So let's talk about the current state of water. You know, especially the water that we drink, we hear about RO systems and pH and alkaline and filters and RO, all that good stuff. So what is the state of the water right now? Is it healthy? The Current State of Water So the water that we're drinking from our tap is contaminated with over 85,000 synthetic chemicals. And this came about because around the 1940s, end of World War II, we started creating a lot of synthetic materials. And where does that go? Well, it's getting washed down our sinks, we’re peeing it out, we’re pooping it out. All the chemicals and toxins and drugs that a lot of people are taking, somebody's taking my share because I'm not taking any. And so we have all of this, the things that we spray on crops and in regular agriculture, but it's also all the oil that is spilled on the highways, in the concrete and the asphalt and all the fertilizers that people are using… all of that is going into the aquifer, which is where our water comes from. Now, in the olden days, water used to come down, you know, it rained and snowed. And so water would melt off the mountains, and it would create this vortex of energy, because we know that the Earth has a metal core to it. So it has a polarization. And as water moves in, in nature in the natural state, it creates this natural helix. And depending on whether you're north of the equator, or south of the equator, which way that helix is gonna turn. But that movement through nature, and that filtration through rocks and sediment not only cleans the water, but it structures it. So structured water is different than the water that is in our bodies, it actually has a different molecular structure. So we talk about water as being H2O. But the structured water that we're really wanting to talk about today is called either fourth phase water. Dr. Pollack is a scientist who studied the structured water and he called it EZ water, the word EZ for short, because it's an exclusion zone. When this fourth phase of water expands, it pushes all of these other solutes and toxins out of it’s space into this bulk water. So imagine, if you had a layer that you could expand, and that as it expanded, it filtered all of the junk out and pushed it elsewhere around the outside of that. And that's what EZ water does. It has a different molecular structure, it's called H3O2. It's about 10% denser than regular water, and it carries more oxygen. So more dissolved oxygen can be in this, which is what we need to deliver to ourselves. So what's interesting about this fourth phase water or EZ water is that as it expands, it allows normal metabolic functions, everything from being able to not only clean the water in our body, but to be able to do protein folding and cell repair, and being able to perform all kinds of different metabolic functions. All of that comes from the EZ water that is coating everything in our body. It coats all the organelles inside of ourselves. It coats the cell itself, it coats the DNA. So this is extremely important information. And certainly something we didn't learn in school when we were in school, we learned that there were three phases of water, you know, you had your solid, your liquid and your gas. But this fourth phase of water is a gel. And when we're exposed to radiant energy, like the sun is a big infrared ball that expands our EZ zone, and allows our body to convert more of the water into this EZ water, which is a little denser, carries more oxygen, cleans itself, and allows the body to perform its metabolic energy. Some of the things that cause this phase to collapse and get smaller and shrink up is EMF, toxins, glyphosate. So what a surprise that we're living in a world where so many people spend most of their day indoors, and their pets are spending that day indoors with them. And what are we surrounded in our homes, Wi Fi smart meters, all of these things that now we're not even exposed to a radiant energy light, and we're exposed to all of that EMF. So that EZ zone is shrinking and we are a very dehydrated population. Well, I'm glad you said that because, of course, many dogs you and I don't agree with it, but they're being fed a dry processed diet with hardly any moisture content. So I'd have to think that most of our dogs are in a constant state of dehydration. Do you agree? Are Most Dogs Dehydrated? Oh, absolutely. And here's what's even more important. So let's say, for people, they tell you to drink eight glasses of water, you're drinking either tap water or plastic bottled water, which is even worse, because our municipalities don't filter our tap water for more than 11 chemicals. And then the plastic bottle water, in addition to the 85,000, that are in tap water, there's another 24,500 that had been identified irregardless of how much money you pay for that plastic bottled water. So you're talking about a massive amount of toxins, and that water is not structured through the processing of that water, it's become what I call dead water. So when you're drinking that, your body can't use that your body has to structure it in order to form the particulate size that allows it to go through these little pores called aquaporins, that are in the cell membrane. So the ultimate goal is that water has to get intracellular. So when you're drinking it, if it's not structured, it doesn't have the right size to get in through this aquaporin, which it was designed to go through. So even though you're you think you're drinking a lot of water, or you're feeding all this water to your pet, it's not getting intracellular. And cats, oh, my goodness, talk about that. So cats came from the desert. So they were already designed to be low water users, they were already designed to kind of be in a state of semi dehydration. And I want to paint this picture for people to think about if I had a glass of water, and I had a swimming pool, and I put the same amount of toxin in the glass of water, as I put into the swimming pool, which would be more toxic, the glass of water or the swimming pool? You would think well, so water, the glass of water because it's more concentrated. So you take an individual like a cat or a dog, and they're already in a semi dehydrated state. You add all the chemicals and toxins that are in processed foods, in the environment, the things that are touching their skin that they're absorbing, and the EMF, all of that. And you're concentrating all those toxins. So now when they're filtered through the liver and then out through the kidneys. Why is it a surprise that above cancer, kidney disease kills more cats than cancer now it's a running start here. We’re real close. Cats are catching up quickly. But kidney disease is the number one killer of cats. And it's because all these toxins are concentrated as they pass through the kidneys, so they create far more damage. So not only do we need to stop poisoning the body, which is my very first premise in my healing process, you got to stop doing the things that are causing the problem. But you also have to give them healthy structured water so that that water can actually go intracellular. Does that make sense? It does thank you for making it so easy to understand because I know that this can be very sciency and above a lot of our heads. Well we are going to take this opportunity to take a quick sponsor break and when we come back Dr. Siegel is going to tell us more about structured water and the benefits to our dog's health so we'll be right back. A big thanks to this month’s sponsor Mayu Water…Inspired by nature, Backed by science.  “Now that I’ve learrned about the benefits of drinking structured water, our entire family, including our dog Winston, drink water from our Mayu Swirl. The Swirl is a hand-blown beautiful glass carafe that with it’s gorgeous porcelain base, uses an innovative vortex technolog,y creating structured, delicious water, filled with oxygen and a balanced pH level. Structured water plays an essential role in the functioning of cells in the body, strengthens immunity, and provides more energy and increased hydration. So important for both humans & dogs!   The entire line of Mayu glass products are dishwasher safe and the Swirl will improve the quality and taste of any water poured into it.  So why not stay well hydrated and treat yourself and your dog to the best water possible for a healthy long life?    Learn more by going and be sure to use the discount code WOL15 for $15 off And we're back with Dr. Marlene Siegel. And we're talking about the importance of structured water. So Dr. Siegel, I read that it's called structured because it's structured in nature. And does that mean it's just like spring water? What is Structured Water? Well, it depends on where you get your spring water. But how nature structures water is in the early morning, when there's dew on the plants. As the sun comes up and starts to shine light on those plants, that causes singlet oxygen, it's restructuring the water that's on that plant, so that the plant can uptake that water and use that hydration, then when we eat that plant, or the animals eat that plant, you're literally eating structured water, which becomes bio available to us. So for humans, it's so important to be eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, they have to be organic, because if it’s full of pesticides and glyphosate. And that's not giving your body good hydration, because you're just adding so many toxins. But when we're taking natural, grown without pesticides, vegetables, and fruits and greens that are rich in this structured water, we're able to take and structure the water in our body through eating these things. And sometimes if people can't afford a machine that makes it, you can just take some naturally grown fresh organic herbs that had been out in sunlight so that the water in that material is structured. And you can put that into the drinking water, just literally like you would take some mint or some rosemary and put that into the water, let it sit until you can taste the flavor of that. And then the water of the plant is going to synergistically harmonize with and structure the water of your glass. So obviously, the volume has an impact, you know, but if you're talking about an animal's water bowl, and just adding some fresh herbs and or some fresh fruits to it, so that it structures, the water is a great start. That's fascinating. And I've heard if you were to put a bowl of regular tap water, and a bowl of structured structured water side by side in front of any dog, that they would instinctively want to drink the structured water. I haven't done that experiment, but I would think so there's definitely a taste difference. When I travel, I have a little unit. It's like a little cone, and I pour the water through the top of the cone, it doesn't filter the water, but it structures it. So it passes it through these balls that creates this helical spin. And whenever I'm lecturing, I'll have you know the hotels always bring these jars of water and nasty stuff. And so I'll take that water and I'll pour it through my little structure machine. And then I have people taste the before and the after. And their eyes get so wide and they go I cannot believe it is that big of a taste difference. Now again, it's not taking the toxins out, but it is structuring the water so that your body can start doing the filtration, we just don't want to keep making our body do all the work. You know, if you can get rid of a lot of those toxins before it goes into your body, then your body has a lot less work. Because the cellular hydration is responsible for all of the biophysics, all of the energy that happens in our body happens through the structured water. It's also coding our DNA. So that if we want to have proper DNA genomic expression, we have to have this fourth phase of water. And then on a daily basis, our proteins are going through something called protein folding. It's how our DNA replicates. And it needs this fourth phase water to be able to do that properly. Otherwise, you get mistakes in the protein synthesis in the DNA synthesis. So this structured water interface is critical for every enzyme function that occurs in the body. Think about that it's immense, right? Yeah, that's how important water is. Oh my gosh. Well, let's talk about more of the benefits you already mentioned. Obviously it helps our cells recover quickly and it detoxifies the body. I understand it also manages stress and metabolism. It boosts your energy Of course, it helps your immune system. And let's talk about the taste because I've I've heard that if people try to describe it let it's wetter than normal water or silkier, how do you think the difference in taste is? It is the most delicious taste you can imagine, you know, I think it's because we don't remember what structured water tastes like, you know, for most people, they probably haven't gone out to a stream that's at the top of the mountain, where the water is actually not contaminated yet. And so they don't know what that fresh, clean taste is. So I, you know, I think a lot of the times, we're so used to the the home filtrations that have chlorine, and that we have all the distilled waters, and they it's just, it's a totally different taste. But what we want to do is, is just figure out how can we get the best kind of water to drink, and it's not going to come from our tap. And we certainly don't want to give that to our pets and I deal with more cancer patients, I think, than most because people come from all over the country for us to do cancer therapies on their pets. And the top two questions are what are you feeding and what do you give them them as water? And a majority of people, they either say from the tap, or they think it's coming from the filter in the refrigerator. So they think that’s better. Way not. Or they're using bottled water and it's plastic bottled water? So you know, step number one, we really have to understand how do we get good water. And you already covered all the benefits of structured water. Let me give you some of the things to look for if you're looking for a system to make structured water. Because, you know, honestly, that's about the best way that you're going to do is to be able to filter and get structured water. So one, you want to have some form of proof from the company some things in there. Testing that shows that it is highly filtered, it should be taking out heavy metals, insecticides, pesticides, fluoride, glyphosate, all of that needs to be filtered out. Number two, it needs to structure the water, I like to have minerals in the water. That just allows conductivity to occur. And I also love molecular hydrogen. Because we are in such a state of oxidative stress our pets and ourselves that we could not eat enough food, we could not take enough antioxidant supplements to be able to meet the amount of free radical damage that occurs in our body on a daily basis. So molecular hydrogen is the first element on the periodic chart. And it donates its electron to reducing these free radicals. So by drinking molecular hydrogen structured filtered water, you could have some of the most highest form of putting your body in a state of healing that you can imagine. Now there's two different machines, or two different processes I should say that make this molecular hydrogen structured water. One is done through electrolysis that requires electricity. And the other is called a wet technology that uses magnesium. When magnesium reacts with water, it produces molecular hydrogen, the beauty of that machine it doesn't require electricity. So we're I live in Florida, we go through thunderstorm season, we get hurricanes and all of that. So we're out of power. Not a lot, but enough that I don't want to be without water. So the machine I use is a magnesium wet reaction. And it just doesn't require electricity to work. But you want to look for companies where they have proven scientific evidence they have certifications and have great customer service. And of course the company itself should have good integrity. That make sense? Yeah. Can you give us some brands? Because we like things to be super easy. So yeah, what would you recommend? I don't want to promote any particular brand, but if somebody wants to contact me, I'm happy to give them a couple of options to research and that way because I don't want to be salesy. I just want to give people opportunities to learn, but definitely would like to, maybe we could put a link in so people can contact me, because it depends on where they live and what kind of there are places in the United States where the water is way worse than others. And so the company that I prefer, again, they're filtration has 14 different filters, and they base their filtration based on your zip code. So they address the quality of the water that's been found in your specific area. So it's, it's very specific to how they create the product, which I love. And are you talking about a whole house system, which is very expensive? Or are you talking about a little unit that you would just use for drinking water? Well, again, there's a couple of different companies. So I have one system that I use for our cooking and drinking water. And it has one side that makes molecular hydrogen and it has another side that makes just structured water. So both of them are are structured, and both of them are filtered. But you don't want to waste your reaction to make magnesium if you're just going to cook with a water or make tea because you're going to boil off the hydrogen anyway. And then there are other systems, which do whole house structuring. So, and those are not that expensive, you'd be surprised. And then there's systems for the shower, so you can shower in structured water. That's why it's really hard to just kind of say a name, because it depends on what somebody's looking for, what is their budget? And what are they trying to accomplish? Right. Well, for people that want to try structured water, I've heard that when your dog is first introduced to it, that they are going to drink way more than normal, I assume that's because they want to catch up and get hydrated. And that if they do get switched, that they might have stronger smelling stools for a while, which makes sense, because the toxins in their bodies are being flushed out. Is that all right? I have never experienced that. So I, I've been doing water as part of our detox program for many years. And I've never had anybody express that or complain about that or even share that. So I don't know that I've not experienced that. And of course, I've been doing it for myself as well. And I've not experienced anything like that. Okay, and spraying hotspots and bug bites and burns that it helps heal quicker? Yeah, it's not well structured water is not in and of itself, like the miracle cure our bodies understand structured water, were made of structured water. So it helps us to hydrate and synchronize and your body isn't under as much stress trying to take unstructured water and structuring it so that it can actually use it for metabolic function. Right. So. So by immersing ourselves in as clean of water as possible, our body makes structured water at the mitochondria, which is our powerhouses, they make deuterium depleted water. That's their job. But when they're so overwhelmed with so many other toxins, that they are becoming dysfunctional, then it's this cascade of things that are happening, that just, it's like, piling on top of each other problem after problem. And then Murphy's Law, everything goes wrong, right, right. So we just become more and more degenerative, the more we create this unhealthy environment. So in simple terms, we need to get outside we need to breathe fresh air, we need to exercise, we need to eat species appropriate clean organic food, we need to drink water that’s structured and filtered and ideally has molecular hydrogen, we need to put ourselves in a parasympathetic state and get our animals in a parasympathetic state, which is the state of relaxation, where we can detoxify and regenerate. So those are principles in life, we need to have happy thoughts, we need to wake up in the morning and think about what we're grateful for and during the day think of something you're grateful for and then go to bed at night, being grateful and putting your body in that state of gratitude. Because every aspect that I just said, is part of the key to health and longevity and vibrance and vitality. Absolutely. And it's all about positive energy. When it comes down to it . Absolutely. We can structure water with our thoughts too. By the way, you know, Dr. Emoto did his science studies and if you do any reading on water, structured water, the energy of water, the emotions of water, all of that is as we give gratitude as we interact, the cells in our body, our bodies’ water interacts with water around us. So it goes both ways. You know, we can take a glass of water with mint and cucumber that's organic, and drink that and aid our structuring of water inside our body. But also we could have gratitude for water and thank the water. And as we do that, that water becomes structured. You know, I live in a food forest, I literally am in a city. But I live in a food forest that I created for myself. And I will walk around and I thank my trees and my plants and I am so grateful when I can eat something off the bush, or I pick something and I can eat it off the ground. And that energy that I exude is shared back to me through the abundance that the food forest produces. I just love this. Well, we could probably talk about this forever. But as we are winding down, I wanted to ask how long does water stay structured? So if I fill my dog's water bowl, and we know it’s structured, put it down? How long does it remain that way? It won't unstructure unless you do something chemically to it. Like if you're living in an area with high EMF, that will affect it. Because we I've done studies doing live blood analysis. And we can affect our cellular water the fourth phase of water in a matter of minutes by just exposing ourselves to EMF. So you know, to answer your question, how much toxicity do you have in the house? Because that's going to affect it. Okay. Well, Dr. Siegel, I know that you are going to offer our listeners a free offer. Do you want to talk about that? OFFER Oh, yes, thank you, I completely forgot about that. So I I have a ebook, which it goes over all of these things that we just talked about, and much much more because it talks about detoxification and species appropriate diets and how to improve gut health and, and then it has links to all kinds of wonderful things. So that is And then I do have some online courses. They're not free, but they're very inexpensive for pet parents who want to really take that deep dive to understand their pet’s biology, which of course, is their biology as well, and be able to truly move their pets from from surviving to thriving. And that's my mission is to help people get educated so that they can make the lifestyle choices that enable them to live the thriving, healthy, vibrant, long life that we're all looking for. And it's very simple to do. I just rattled off, like nine different things that people can incorporate in their life, that just doing that would make a dramatic change. Wow. And I love how you take the science, and you make it understandable for everybody to actually implement these changes in our life. So Dr. Siegel, I just want to thank you for being here and sharing this hopefully we've piqued some people's interest to research more. Where can everybody find out more information about you, your practice, and you are about to start the S’Paws Family Wellness detox centers, where can they learn more? Oh, thank you for bringing that up. It's And that hub has the links to everything, the detox centers that are going to be a franchise which we're going to open worldwide. And those will be centers where people can receive the same therapies that we do in my office now for detoxification. And then the online resources. We have an online store, our supplement line, the Veterinary Hospital, the courses that we offer, just bought a freeze dryer so we're gonna take our food and be moving into some freeze dried options as well. We'll have a lot of things happening. is the place to keep track of everything. Social media links    IG DrMarleneSiegel All right, well, all of these links, and your social media links are going to all be in the show notes. So everybody check out what Dr. Siegel is doing. She is making a difference for ourselves and our pets as well. So Dr. Siegel, thank you so much for being on I'm sure you'll be back because you have so much to share. I would appreciate it. I'd love to come back and and you guys have a wonderful life. that choices are yours. Our health is in our choices. Thanks again to the team at Mayu Water for sponsoring this episode.  Learn more by going to and be sure to use the discount code WOL15 for $15 off.  Treat yourself and your dog to natural, living water. Thanks for listening. You'll find some helpful links in the show notes and if you enjoy the show, please be sure to follow and listen for free on your favorite podcast app. And please, please share your feedback. Visit for great product recommendations with discounts, amazing online events and fantastic resources. That's also where to visit our Bark About It page where you can suggest topics, guests or products. Be advised that this show offers health and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You're encouraged to do your own research and should not rely on this information as a substitute for nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your dog's health, you should always consult a veterinarian or a nutrition expert. Have a tail wagging day and we'll catch you next time. Hey Winston was that another tail wagging episode? Don’t forget to Subscribe for FREE and please leave a review: Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify I Stitcher I iHeartRADIO The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. It is no substitute for professional care by a veterinarian, licensed nutritionist or other qualified professional. The host as well as guests who speak on this podcast express their own opinions, experience and conclusions, and Wag Out Loud LLC neither endorses or opposes any particular views discussed here.

Well we all know that water is a key nutrient that both humans and dogs need to survive. But what is the current state of the water that we drink (filtered, tap, bottled, etc)? Dr. Marlene Siegel chats with me about the benefits of structured water, why our bodies need it to be healthy and how easy it is to create. I was blown away to learn about all of the ways that structured water helps our cells, immune system, detoxification, hydration and so much more. Be in the know and tune in!

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