Social Distancing Fitness Challenge Workout #12
Publisher |
Jean St-Amand
Media Type |
Publication Date |
Mar 27, 2020
Episode Duration |

For day twelve of the BoxJumper Self-isolation Fitness Challenge, we have a theme! 12 minutes of 12 reps of each of a lower body, a middle body and an upper body movement, with lots of variations on each for added intensity.


  • 12 Walking lunges / jumping switch lunges
  • 12 sit-ups/atomic sit-ups/K2E/TTB
  • 12 push-ups

No gear needed if you want to do all three with just bodyweight. You may want a wall, chair, or countertop for the push-ups to avoid taking full bodyweight, and if you want to scale up the crunches, you may want a set of dumbbells or a pull-up bar - but all fo the above are entirely optional.

Full description and demo video at

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