Screw Canine Cancer! (and the conventional therapies that come with it)
Podcast |
Wag Out Loud
Publisher |
Krista Karpowich
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How To
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Pets & Animals
Publication Date |
Jul 07, 2021
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Hi everyone, this is Krista with episode number 117. On the Wag Out Loud pawdcast. Have you checked out all of the amazing partner products that I highly recommend? These are products that I've tried with my dog Winston that are both safe and effective. Want to help your dog to thrive? Just go to and check out the Partner Products section, and I've negotiated discounts for most of them.

Did you know that there are more than 2500 different species of fleas that exist throughout the world? That's true, but only one is the most common among American dogs and cats. And it's called the cat flea. Fleas not only caused a sharp pain when they bite but their salivary glands give off a substance that's irritating as well.

Welcome to the Wag Out Loud pawdcast where we are obsessed with bringing you helpful tips on canine health care, nutrition and overall well being. If you'd like to support the show, check out the amazing online events, products and resources that I personally recommend on the Wag Out Loud website. I'm your host, Krista and I'm super excited to be bringing you yet another tail wagging episode.

Hello there dog lovers. I am so excited about today's episode, and the conversation with Angela Ardolino. And she's going to be talking about screw canine cancer and the conventional therapies that come with it.

Angela Ardolino is a holistic pet expert who has been caring for animals for over 20 years and operates a rescue farm, Fire Flake Farm, in Florida. She is also the owner of  Beautify the Beast,  a natural pet salon and shop, with two locations in Florida. After getting her certificate in Medical Cannabis Biology and Therapeutic use from the University of Vermont School of Medicine, she founded CBD Dog Health to provide high quality, all-natural medical cannabis products designed specifically for pets.

Angela, why don't you introduce yourself and your passion for natural dog health?

You bet I am a medical cannabis expert and I concentrate on animals and pets. And I became a cannabis expert when I myself was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I was prescribed a pharmaceutical drug that was linked to lymphoma which I was not interested in getting cancer. So I was a pretty natural lifestyle. So I went out and searched for something that would take care of my arthritic pain. And I found cannabis and I tried it. And not only did it relieve all my pain, but it helps my stress and anxiety. So I could not figure out why everybody didn't know about this. So I threw myself into the industry. I was chosen to be in the inaugural class at the University of Vermont School of Medicine for the study of medical cannabis as a therapeutic use in biology. So that's when I learned that animals have the same systems as we do. And dogs in particular are even more sensitive to cannabis medicine. So I knew that was my calling. And that was back in 2016. And back then, I couldn't find anything that was appropriate for pets to take. So I started partnering with some wonderful chemists and essential oil experts sites, I had a pretty good knowledge of essential oils, and came up with some formulations for what was ailing our pets the most. So that's where CBD Dog Health was born. And yeah, this is what I do now. I also have a rescue farm where I rescue mostly sick and geriatric dogs and farm animals and treat them all with natural diets and cannabis and mushrooms and all kinds of adaptogens with amazing success. So yeah, the cancer is is a big one, and I've treated cancer a couple times now of mcps, lymphoma, anything just about all of them and the only one that I hadn't come across yet was osteosarcoma, which is the scariest of them all and my Doberman was diagnosed a year ago with a tumor just popped up on her wrist on her left wrist. And I had a bad feeling that that's what it was. So we took her in to get her blood work and x rays and sure enough, it's osteosarcoma. And I have been treating it holistically and ever since and she's already beaten all kinds of records and I kind of went through what every pet parent goes through when you get that diagnosis and you jump on online and you type in you know, osteosarcoma and you look at what your choices are and then of course I went and joined every Facebook group out there and I kind of you know, feel like I need to to scream from the rafters this message because I see everyone going with the conventional method still. And my gut feeling was why are we doing that? When all the research shows that there are so many other things out there, and that going, the conventional method doesn't get you any more time and costs you a whole bunch of money.

You've lived it, Angela. And that's why I'm so excited that you're sharing this because from what I've read is that dogs are affected by more forms of cancer compared to any other companion animal. And according to the Veterinary Cancer Society, cancer is the leading cause of death in 47% of dogs, especially dogs over the age of 10.

I just interviewed Dr. Marlene Siegel, who has been in practice for over 40 years. And she said, she used to see one to four cases of cancer every couple months in her practice. And now she says, sees eight to 10 a day. And, you know, the reasons for this is because, you know, after World War II, we had over 85,000 new chemicals introduced into our world, into our food into our personal care products. This is what the FDA is supposed to be regulating and helping us, you know, keep these things out. Imagine what it is now. And then remember that the pet industry is largely completely unregulated, from the food from what gets put on them. So we have to be our pets advocate, we literally cannot buy anything off of a shelf without doing our research and homework because nothing can be trusted anymore. Like, we can't even you know, we find our favorite pet food which takes forever and then the company changes and everything changes. So it is a constant, you know, work and make sure that we're we're keeping our pets safe. And we have to remember they're, being bombarded from the pesticides on you know, our plants and lawns and the chemicals and our carpet cleaners and laundry detergents and the plugins, they can't even get fresh air. And then we're putting toxins on top of them with the flea and tick and the heartworm and it comes from everywhere. vaccinations! they get it from everywhere, so I am screaming from the rooftops because, you know, I started this journey because I lost my first dog at seven years old with no diagnosis. The autopsy said irritable bowel is the only thing that they could find. Well, I now know I over vaccinated her. I fed her kibble I put the flea and tick on it. Everything my conventional vet told me to do and I killed my dog. I don't do that anymore. I'm the opposite and have figured out how to treat everything naturally. So osteosarcoma is genetic. And she's got it and I immediately had to trust what I do know and I know that cannabis kills cancer and the best part and when I say cannabis for those who are listening or are unsure I'm talking about a hemp plant the marijuana plant are both under cannabis plant and I am using both of them to treat my dog both CBD which is you know prominently found in hemp and which is you know, high in CBD and then marijuana which is high in THC, both THC and CBD kill cancer. And both have already been proven to in animal studies. And I'm happy to share the link that shows where the studies are so that your listeners can read themselves. Yeah, I was taught this. I learned it and now I get to put it in practice. And the best part is that research is continuing to come out. Especially all over the world. Italy just had a recent research study come out on how CBD actually helps bones heal and regrow. So, you know, I'm piling on that CBD for her because it's going to help her heal her own. You know, disease.

Angela, for those that don't know what osteosarcoma is, I understand it to be very aggressive and it's a painful bone cancer. That affects 25% of large breed dogs. So can you walk us through Nina and how she got her when she got it her diagnosis and what you've done and how she's doing today?

You bet. Um, we noticed she was limping first and Nina is very high metabolism energy. She runs through the woods at 100 miles an hour and comes back with giant gashes and you don't even She's not even We used to think she had that disease where she didn't feel any pain. We’d be like, Oh my god, what have you done? So she started limping. And we were like, oh, what you're looking at anything and, and then literally, it felt like, out of nowhere, the bump just appeared on her on her wrist. And, and I've seen the bump before. So I was like, Oh, God, I think I know what that is. And then of course, we asked Dr. Zack about it. And he was like, put some salve on it, I don't know, let's see what happens. So I think we waited like two weeks. And then we went ahead and took her in to get the blood work and x rays done, and that's when she was diagnosed. So I immediately started doing all my research, but I knew that regardless, that I was going to use incorporate cannabis, diet, mushrooms, everything that I know that works, and help support the immune system, because we have this wonderful thing called the immune system, which will help fight off the cancer and get rid of these bad cancer cells. So I called up Billy Hoekman, who was with Answers about a ketogenic diet and came up with her diet and did my research on my mushrooms. So she eats a ketogenic diet which a ketogenic diet is basically we aren't giving the cancer anything to feed off of. So, you know, starches and carbohydrates and grains turn into sugar, which feed cancer, right, and we don't want to give them anything, we want to starve the cancer cells. And then on top of that, and everything we're feeding is to support her immune system and her good cells to fight off the cancer cells. And then, you know, both the compounds in THC, CBD, Turkey tail mushrooms, these, these things are called adaptogens. And when you put more than one adaptogen, together, they become very synergistic. So when you get like three or four adaptogens, like a mushroom and a frankincense and a cannabis, THC and CBD together, you really get something that is amazing for your body. And when you take it, it goes to where your body needs, it adapts to what your body needs, and they go and search out like cannabis literally, CBD turns your cells into natural killer cells that then sends them out into your body and finds, anything that's bad and kills it and does not hurt the good cells like chemotherapy does. So, when I'm researching this, and I'm comparing, you know, okay, if I do the which, I feel like most people do this route. And of course, I'm going by what I've read on, you know, the Facebook groups and the platforms where people are sharing information, they do the chemotherapy, they do the radiation, they do the amputation. So amputating the leg does not get rid of osteosarcoma, like if they've got it on the leg. It's not that easy. It’s not like cut the tumor off and the cancer’s gone. Most of the times the leg is amputated because of pain management, because the tumor’s painful, but a lot of dogs, some dogs that don't do well with amputation, and I really felt that Nina was one of those dogs. Nina also still like she runs without using her leg. But she still stands, balances, walks some times, and she's still using her leg. So it's not like she stopped using it. And, you know, it's too painful that she doesn't she's living her full life. But you know, these people are going through all of it. And they're still losing their dogs, two, fiur, six months. Once in a while will make it to a year. Sometimes I've seen young dogs who got amputated, you know, did an amputation and radiation who are still alive after two years, but that is very, very slim. And but most of the time they still lose their dog after two, four, six months. And it just didn't make any sense to me. Why would I put my senior dog through that? Through the surgery through the Recovery through the back and forth through the trauma of losing her leg, the chemotherapy, the sick, the getting her to eat… all of that. She’s my alphadog it just didn't make any sense to me. And I went with my gut and what I know, and you know, I know how cannabis works. I know how adaptogen works. I know how the immune system works, and I trusted that and we're at her year anniversary and she's still thriving and we have no no spread. Which is what osteosarcoma does is that it metastasizes and spreads. And you know, usually when it gets to the lungs, that's when you know it goes downhill fast. And we've had no issues at all. I haven't even had a scare the, the worst thing that happened is she knocked hit her hit her tumor on the coffee table, and I heard her wince, you know, in pain, which now I knew what noise she would make if she was in pain. But other than that, she runs around, she acts pretty normal. You know, she sleeps hard at night. I even you know, one of the side effects of THC is incontinence. They’ll pee in their sleep. So that was happening. But I also know that CBD dampens the effects of THC. So I gave her especially the side effects. I gave her now to give her the heal tincture at night with the THC. And she no longer pees in her sleep. So that's pretty cool. So I really have like no side effects at all, except sometimes in the morning she’s either a little drowsy still, or super, super hyped and excited. Really good.

Well, Angela, I'm going to stop you there so we can take a quick sponsor break and we're going to come back and talk about the actual protocol that you are doing. So everybody's gonna learn a lot, so stay tuned.


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And we are back we are chatting with Angela Ardolino on Screw Canine Cancer! and the conventional therapies that come with it. Angela, you just told us an amazing story of Nina and her osteosarcoma and how you are beating the odds with her, you know what, what can be expected through conventional veterinary medicine, which you pointed out. And I have to agree it seems in humans and dogs, a lot of times with cancer patients that it's those invasive treatments of chemo and radiation that really end up killing us that we are actually destroying the organs.

And they don't die. Yeah, and they don't die of the cancer, they die of something else because their immune system has been destroyed. So they go oh my god, the chemotherapy killed the cancer. it did, but it also kills your good cells in your immune system, and you end up dying from something else. So it doesn't get logged is that cancer kills you. You died of COVID or you died of whatever it is that you couldn't fight off because chemotherapy has killed your immune system. And what's funny is that even if you're going to do chemotherapy, do cannabis with it because cannabis is going to support your immune system and you throughout you know the whole process. There's already you know, chemotherapy drugs that goes with chemotherapy that the pharmaceutical companies have already made with an isolate of THC.

Well this is really promising. I know the most common cancers in dogs you know we have mast cell tumors, melanoma, lymphoma, osteosarcoma that Nina is going through and are you saying that both THC and CBD can help with all of those different forms of cancer?

Yes, so remember that a full spectrum hemp extract, which is primarily CBD does have THC in it. That's why it's a full spectrum and has all the cannabinoids and terpenes in it that you need to fight cancer. The thing is, is that with so mast cell lymphoma, all the ones that you just named off, I've already gotten rid of with a full spectrum hemp extract and changing their diet, keeping toxins out of them. I mean, I have Daisy right now who's 16 years old, who, you know, we've got pictures of her mast cell tumor dying, and exploding and oozing and completely going away. So it’s out from her mass cell and she's still clear running around, you know, at 16 years old, enjoying her life. The thing with osteosarcoma was that it's the most aggressive and the most painful so that that scared me, but I knew that THC is your is the best painkiller that you could possibly do your natural painkiller. So I knew I had it. I just had to figure out how do I give it to her? When do I give it to her? How do I keep it in her system? And that's what I figured out. So how because THC is going to get your dog high, your dog is going to get drowsy. So, you know giving it to her only at night was important. So basically, if you want, I'll tell you what I did is my protocol. Well, my other favorite essential oil for its cancer killing properties is Frankincense. So I have a tincture that's called Ease. That was that I actually created for my Schnauzer when he started getting arthritis. And he was he was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy which I don't even know if that's what that's a true diagnosis or what he doesn't suffer from what he's suffering from before. So what I did is on my horse tinctures, I took my dog tinctures and I made them a lot stronger. So Nina takes our horse, Ease tincture, which is a blend of Frankincense essential oil, 6000 milligrams of full spectrum hemp extract, which is very potent, and tumeric with MCT oil and hemp seed oil. So she gets that in the daytime, a full dose so that I can make sure she is not feeling any pain and she feels good, but she's not high or drowsy. She's still herself. And then at night, because I'm in the state of Florida I get it's called several things it could be called FICO, which stands for full extract cannabis oil, or can be called RSO, which stands for Rick Simpson oil. Rick Simpson was a California hemp farmer, cannabis farmer in California who got skin cancer from being out in the sun all the time, who literally crushed up the flower oil, rubbed it on his skin and cured himself of melanoma. So he is famous for this. So that's basically what she gets. And it's a really thick, sticky crude that you just squeeze out a tiny like a rice sized amount on your finger and rub it on her gums. And that does make her super high, but I give it to her at night. And I give it to her with our dog Heal oil, which is 42 milligrams of full spectrum hemp extract, to kind of dampen those side effects of her feeling super high, her peeing in her sleep, those types of things. And I give it to her every single night. And we also do a goat's milk or cow kefir for at night with a couple sardines so that she's not doing too much digestion at night. She is just working on healing herself. And the ketogenic diet we follow is she gets straight pork or turkey and the whole whole organs, bones, everything. And we add vegetables that have compounds that also have cancer fighting properties in it like broccoli and brussel sprouts and asparagus. She loves broccoli, so it's really easy to get her to eat. A lot of you know steamed broccoli, she loves it like it's you know like you're handing her a pork heart or something.

And then my other favorite cancer fighting adaptogen are mushrooms medicinal mushrooms. So she does mostly turkey tail since it has the most research and the most compounds and it also interacts with the endocannabinoid system which is what cannabis interacts with. So cannabis and mushrooms are very synergistic and are doing amazing things. So she gets turkey tail mushrooms every single day. Sometimes we add some Reishi in there, which is also really great for the immune system. Reishi is very bitter so I have to really sneak it in somehow I'll either bury it in the mix it in with the goat's milk or cow’s kefir to get her to not taste it. But that's essentially what I do we add some other things like phytoplankton, which is you know, filled with omega threes and sixes and fatty acids, same within NCT, hemp seed oil. And both of those are building blocks for creating her own Endocannabinoid. So we're supporting her from every possible way you possibly can along Same thing with the water she's drinking. You know that we have the essential minerals in it. And, you know, we'll add the silver hydrosol to it, which is also, you know, got cancer fighting compounds in it. So basically anything in nature that fights cancer, she's getting it.

No pain, no pain, no side effects? No, nothing. You know, wondering if she's feeling okay, no weird diarrhea attacks, I'm just thinking about all the things that I went through with Lucy with all the things that they were trying to make her feel better and and now I know, now I know better even knowing better, and being outfitted to go find that or an oncologist or whatever? is, you know, powerful, because then you can be like, yes, no, no, yes. I mean, even when I went to get her blood work, and x rays done, I had to say, you should have heard what they were saying to me. And I was like, I already have a vet. I'm just here getting x rays and blood work because he's in Miami. It's tough. But you have to remember, you know, we did a little tour with because we were working on a documentary and then COVID put it on hold. So we did a tour of California and the West basically where I interviewed Dr. Trina Hazzah who is the chief oncologist at the VCA in Los Angeles which is one of the biggest hospitals and the busiest and she turns to cannabis first when she gets a cancer patient because it is the strongest tool without hurting your immune system and out damaging no bad side effects the quality of life doesn't go away and nothing bad happens. So that's what she turns to first and she that's what she'll go for and use only if she can get it to you know completely save the animal. Which if you catch it in time you can.

And Angela should CBD be given internally and topically?

So yeah, I anything that has a tumor, I do both MCT tumor, I basically had was able to do experiments where I was like, Okay, let's see if we treat it with just the salve topically because dogs have three layers of skin and they have both CB one and CB two receptors in each layer. So putting a salve, a topical is really good for them for everything from a hotspot to a bug bite to an irritation to yeast, anything. It's also naturally antifungal, antibacterial, gets rid of pain, so it's one of the best things you can do for anything that's bothering your dog's skin. So putting just a topical on a tumor, especially that’s cancerous, will work ,it takes longer. If you can do a topical and do it internally, meaning you get a tincture and put it on to the gums. So that it gets right into the bloodstream. It half the time takes half the time to get rid of that tumor. So with Daisy's MCT. We did that. And I would say within 60 days, it was exploding dying. And it's been two it's two years later, I can't even tell that she had it. It was attached to her spine. Like you could not get underneath it. It was attached to her spine hard. And that thing. That's what's crazy that is that people are used to going and getting it cut off and you don't see it die. So we get people who call are like, I don't know, this thing looks terrible. It looks like it's getting worse. No, it's dying in front of your face and you've never experienced that you've never seen it. So people think it's painful but it's not they're not feeling it because they've got the CBD and you know they got the full spectrum hemp extract in them which is a natural painkiller. So it's messy and gross, but you're not putting your dog under for no reason to cut off something that's just gonna grow back because you're not taking care of it. CBD THC are killing it and making it go away and not come back. She does not have any tumors anymore. They're gone.

I am so excited about what you have found out and the studies that have been done and are happening right now. It's just so exciting. So Angela as we wrap up, we don't need to wait until our dogs have a cancer diagnosis. We should be giving a maintenance dose correct of CBD every day?

I feel that if you've got a large breed dog, there are so many of them that are getting some type of cancer and most of the time they're getting osteosarcoma. I think once your dog turns, you have it a large breed dog once it turns seven, you should start a full spectrum hemp extract, just keep inflammation down. That's another thing that Dr. Siegel said she said stop naming it and blame it. Stop naming all of these diseases when they're all based on inflammation, inflammation of something we've got to get rid of inflammation in our body. And if we can get rid of inflammation in our body, we can stop the disease from happening in the first place. And that's what a full spectrum hemp extract will do. If your dog is already a senior or already has some sort of disease or problem, a full spectrum hemp extract is absolutely going to help again because as we get older, degenerative diseases and the inflammation in our body, all of that is going to be supported by a full spectrum hemp extract. So I say every animal and every human being should be on a full spectrum hemp extract that is going to make you feel better. You're not going to have those aches and pains. It helps your stress and anxiety. Cannabis will save the world cannabis and mushrooms will save the world. Without making us go broke in the meantime.

And it's natural. It's holistic. Angela, you've got an amazing company CBD Dog Health and anybody that is interested in trying CBD for their dogs. This is pet specific, which is awesome. And you guys have tinctures you have salves, you have treats. So where can everyone find out more information about you and your amazing podcast, It's a Dog's Life and CBD Dog Health.

You bet. I'm at and if you type in the search bar Fuck Cancer, you'll find Nina's protocol listed for you and and CBD Dog Health has it on that one article that I just talked about Nina her protocol also have the links to all the research that I mentioned so that you can see for yourself how promising this is. And then is where you can find the dog tinctures, cat tinctures and the horse tincture if you are, you know either suffering yourself with arthritic pain or your dog is sick with cancer since something like osteosarcoma is so aggressive, I you really have to go at it with a really strong tincture. So when such strong I would go with the Horse Ease. so other people are mixing like the Heal and the dog East so that they can get the Frankincense in the in the cannabis together. But yeah, that's on And my podcast is called It's a Dog's Life. And you can get it on just about any platform. And we talk about mostly natural remedies for pets. talk a lot about diet since it's so important and all the good stuff that's out there. That helps our pets heal naturally.

Well, we appreciate everything that you do. And for our listeners, Angela and the team at CBD Dog Health is offering an amazing chance for you to try their products. Go to use the code WOL for Wag Out Loud, and you can receive 20% off all of these amazing products. So Angela, we are out of time. But I want to thank you for all that you're doing. I know I'm going to have you back because you're going to just find out more amazing information. And I can't wait for that.

Thank you so much for having me. I always love talking to you.

Wonderful. Thank you, Angela.

Sponsor Info

Thanks again to our friends at for sponsoring this episode. Check out all of their amazing products like CBD enriched hemp oils for separation anxiety or traveling needs, extra strength cannabinoid formulations specifically made for more serious conditions like PTSD or pain from cancer, salves to treat dry skin for dogs and other ailments, like hotspots and allergies, and all natural pet treats. All of the CBD Dog Health products are made to effectively treat your pet holistically and naturally. help your dog thrive by using the code WOL for 20% off at

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Special thanks to Angela Ardolino for being on the show. Catch you next time!

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