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CONTENT WARNING: Violence, witchcraft, Satanism, trials, demagoguery, religious dogma, false accusations, misogyny and sexism.
It's interesting to have a button episode this early in a show's run. Especially after we've spent four episodes throwing all sorts of craziness against the wall. And yet somehow, this might just be the best episode of this show so far. Wardwell becomes comic relief, we reveal the darkest fears of our main characters, and Sabrina has a BRILLIANT plan. It's fun, it's weird, it's everything we loved about Chilling Adventures in the first place. Let's have more episodes like this!
Macintosh & Maud have started a Patreon! You can sign up now at our $2/month level to get our Doghouse Drive-Thru every Friday after a new Riverdale episode, plus season 2 ofThe Chilling Adventures of the Doghouse, a weekly review of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix!
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Interstitial music taken from "Make Up" from the compilation album Kamelot by Distortions. Licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license. To hear the song or get more information about the artist, visit the song page at Jamendo.