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Martha Bitar's Top 5 Things That Helped Her Bootstrap to $25M ARR
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Mar 28, 2024
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In this episode of the SaaS Revolution Show our host Alex Theuma is joined by Martha Bitar, CEO at Flodesk, who shares the top 5 things that helped her bootstrap to $25M ARR. "Someone somewhere told us not to build code for our solution until we had a customer interview that made someone cry because - cry in a good way! - because they were so excited that their problem was finally getting a solution... And we did. At first when I heard it, I was like, of course no one is going to cry because this is not the type of problem that makes people cry. But we eventually did get someone who cried in a demo, and that's when we knew they were ready to build the code." Martha shares: 🎨 Flodesk's story going from 0-$1M ARR in their first four months (and to $25M ARR today!) 🎨 How they've stayed cash flow positive since day one as a bootstrapped company 🎨 The importance of daily customer interviews - even if it means knocking on a neighbours door 🎨 The Hotmail model: How viral loops allowed them to focus on making each new user hyper successful 🎨 Rolling out an affiliate program and why you should never underestimate the small voices 🎨 Why listening to gut instinct and the snap judgements of our subconscious mind can sometimes be better than critical analysis and more!Check out the other ways SaaStock is serving SaaS founders 🇺🇸 SaaStock USA 2024: 1500+ B2B SaaS founders, investors and operators are joining us in the 'Silicon Hills' of Austin, Texas for three days of SaaS magic ( 🇮🇪 SaaStock Dublin 2024: The largest concentration of SaaS decision makers in one place for three days of networking, connecting, and learning all things SaaS ( 🤝 SaaStock Founder Membership: A private members group of B2B SaaS founders between $100K - $10M ARR who are committed to growth and helping others ( 🌎 SaaStock Local: Monthly meet-ups in cities all around the world, bringing together SaaS enthusiasts and experts to discuss the most pressing topics in SaaS (
In this episode of the SaaS Revolution Show our host Alex Theuma is joined by Martha Bitar, CEO at Flodesk, who shares the top 5 things that helped her bootstrap to $25M ARR. "Someone somewhere told us not to build code for our solution until we had a customer interview that made someone cry because - cry in a good way! - because they were so excited that their problem was finally getting a solution... And we did. At first when I heard it, I was like, of course no one is going to cry because this is not the type of problem that makes people cry. But we eventually did get someone who cried in a demo, and that's when we knew they were ready to build the code." Martha shares: 🎨 Flodesk's story going from 0-$1M ARR in their first four months (and to $25M ARR today!) 🎨 How they've stayed cash flow positive since day one as a bootstrapped company 🎨 The importance of daily customer interviews - even if it means knocking on a neighbours door 🎨 The Hotmail model: How viral loops allowed them to focus on making each new user hyper successful 🎨 Rolling out an affiliate program and why you should never underestimate the small voices 🎨 Why listening to gut instinct and the snap judgements of our subconscious mind can sometimes be better than critical analysis and more!

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