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Love, Understanding, and Resolution for Dogs with People
Podcast |
Wag Out Loud
Publisher |
Krista Karpowich
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How To
Kids & Family
Pets & Animals
Publication Date |
May 05, 2021
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Have you ever wondered what your dog is thinking? What they are trying to tell you. We can all learn to listen better so that we can listen to our dogs and live in harmony. Join us as speaker, empath, trainer and pet psychic Aminah Ramezany shares how we can read our dogs and use that information to deepen our bonds even more.

Hello there! This is Krista with Episode #108 on the Wag Out Loud Pawdcast. Just a reminder that I have partnered with Dog is Good on their new division DIG Direct.  Please check out the unique products that show your love of dog at and be sure to bookmark the site because we continue to add unique and limited-edition items you can’t find anywhere else.  Happy Shopping! Did you know that because Omega-3 fatty acids are so healthy, many dry dog food manufacturers have started adding them to their kibble?  Well, per our friends at the Whole Dog Journal, The issue is that fats in dog foods go rancid very quickly, and soon become very toxic.  In fact, rancid fats totally change the nutritional value of the food so much that your dog can suffer from protein and vitamin deficiencies.  These rancid fats can also cause liver or heart problems, cancer, arthritis and even death. Hello dog lovers, thank you so much for advocating for your dog's health and wellness. We are so lucky to learn from today's guest Aminah. Thanks so much for being here Aminah, why don't you introduce yourself and share with everybody how you enhance the lives of dogs and their pawrents. Thank you so much. And thank you for pronouncing my name correctly. I know it's not easy, but it is a practice thing. I am a pet psychic, trainer, empath. And how I help pet owners is to get out of their way with their puppies, so that I can help the conversation with not only a trainer who works in a vet clinic, I have lots of experience with all kinds of animals. So I really can see what a dog needs. When they especially talk to me, say hey, I don't like that. I'm basically a translator, you know, if you if you don't speak Farsi, maybe I do. Well, you're gonna be talking about love, understanding and resolution for dogs with people. And I can't think of any other animal on this planet that actually enjoys staring into a human's eyes. There is such a strong bond that we share. Do you agree? Absolutely. Absolutely. We I mean, have you seen a poodle yet? Have you seen some of the dogs we've created? It's just like, a Labradoodle is adorable. I don't know that was in the wolf pack. So we love them at any size and a Pomeranian? Come on? They're all amazing. I know. Absolutely. Well, Aminah, you are a pet psychic. So I have to ask, what is the most asked question that you get from people who want to hear from their dogs? Well, it might seem really silly. But the most asked question is in some version of, do they love me? Do they like me? Am I doing okay? It's just checking in on them. Because if you're going to call somebody like me, you really care about your pet, you're really deeply involved. And I'm not implying at all. caveat here that you don't care. If you don't call somebody like me. But you're going to reach out to the vet you're going to reach out to the trainer, you're going to reach out to a pet psychic, you are interested in knowing how do you do it better. And, and they're going to listen to your podcast, because they want to continue to learn on how to do it better. And that's what we're here for. That's so cool. And you've had this gift for a really long time since you were a kid, right? I was born with it. I I just always, you know, when you're little you go, Oh, don't do that. They don't like that. Didn't you hear him saying he didn't like that. And then about two or three siblings in because I'm the youngest of five. They go What, what? That must be strange. And I think I'm gonna go with let's not be strange, even as little kids. So I just kept it to myself, and would walk around and talk to the bugs and the bees and the and the dogs and the trees and smile at every single dog that every neighbor had. And when you say you've talked to them? Is it literally that they are speaking English to you? Or is it more of a feeling or colors or images? It is all of that. Because conversation, even with people is all of that you are looking at a person's facial expressions, you're looking at their body language, you're looking at their happy, sad, mad glad energy. If you if you're good enough to figure that out. I honestly have a few family members, I swear they can't show an emotion from one from the other. And dogs are just the same. They come in every single version and rendition of communication. So what I really encourage is ,I had one thing this whole time to talk about is talk to your pet in English or, or Spanish or Italian or whatever. Because it doesn't matter your language. They watch your body. They watch your eyes, your arms, your legs, because language is your entire body when we talk some people with their hands. That's how I do it. I use a lot. of hand gestures. So an animal's Picking up on the whole message, the dog is saying, Okay, what is this? So anybody who's watched their dogs that have erect ears that are upright, they are tuned in their little radar satellite dishes separately, and they will cock their ears. I think the bigger dogs with the big ears will tip their ears towards the sound they're trying to figure out. Now if they're still laying on the floor and sleeping while they're doing it, then they're not much concerned about that sound. But if they open their eyes and stand up to look towards the sounds then they're concerned about that sound. As in, I don't know what this is. I need to investigate. Mom or Dad seems pretty cool. But yeah, they don't have it all going on. So they're gonna be like, it's my job to protect them. And I don't care if you're talking about a teeny, tiny little Chihuahua. Oh, my gosh, they're some of the bigger protectors. The bigger dogs look at you like, yeah, I might get to that later. Because I'll just sit on them. Whoever comes in. Have you seen a bernese Mountain dog. And they didn't need to make a huge statement, typically, but you get the littler dogs, and they got the I apologize to all men, but little man syndrome thing going on there. And it's all noise. And that's their response to I don't know what's going on. But I'm gonna let you know. So please listen. So to that point, communication is speaking and listening. So Oh my god, what can we do to truly listen to our dogs? Take a deep breath. Don't be too fast to say, Oh, my God, you've got in the trash. It's all over the kitchen. Why are we doing this? Again, and I know somebody out there is exactly the person that needs to hear that. Because I only say things. I didn't think of this. Because I leave it into my gut guide, my spirit guide and my trajectory. Whoever's listening, these words are for you. Please take a moment and say, are they bored? Most likely, this is the highest reason. And you put something really interesting in there. Something with meat, probably. And it smells great. So figure out why they're destructive, or why they're, as we say, acting up, but I don't want to trash all of my house. That's gross. So find out where where this, the communication barrier is, it's the same way you would do with your husband, your children, your neighbor, we don't come from the same place. And dogs are the same thing. There's, I don't even want to say less than a billion types of dogs. Every time I go run, oh, I haven't heard of that breed. What they made a what? And there's a new breed breed out there. Every time that happens. They have their own set of personal ways of communicating. Yes, they bark, they wag their tails. The ears are moving, I want you to look at it all. That's the conversation. But know something about the breed. know something about how it's put together. If you're talking about a easygoing lab, and a you know, high strung, running dog, like you know, one of the greyhounds you might want to go jogging more often with one or the other. and that's what gets into destruction. is I'm bored. Or you've left the steak bone in there. And I know it's in there. We all know as pet owners, dog owners are so good about this, but I have to say it as a just a responsibility. chicken bones. They're killers. Yes. If you. Yeah, you put a turkey or chicken bone or whatever of the birds in in your trash. Wow. Yeah, you're risking it being on the floor but you're also risking a vet trip, because they will shard and they will get in their gums and they'll cause an infection. So yeah, it might be annoying, but it's also a safety issue. It's just like with any kid. do you lock up the Tylenol probably put it in a higher shelf. So what you're saying is for us to listen to our dogs, since they can't actually talk to us in conversation. We need to be able to read their body language. We need to take a step back and actually see what's going on because I'm sure they're giving us cues. Thank you see what's going on, meanings, look for the clues, be cognizant of that and when you can't, then you call in a professional if that's a vet. If that's a trainer, if that's a pet psychic, somebody else that has a little bit more training and can help you. And that's what the professionals are out here we have a passion for these amazing creatures, absolutely amazing creatures. How often do you get one type of animal that comes in teacup size, all the way to Great Dane giant, huge dog. You get every flavor of the of the choices, and they're coming out new with new ones all the time with the breeders and that kind of stuff. And they all have gifts and functions. And a way to communicate because they’re as individual as we are, you might say, Oh, I don't want to I can deal with people. I'm gonna deal with them all, we have met them all. You haven’t met all the dogs either. So the same thing is true. Take your time and and get the help you need read the books. Go online, Google it, as my kids would say. But we are out here to support you and help you because we we absolutely love what we do. And we're in there to get dirty with you and figure it out. And we know we don't know everything. That's the joy of learning. What does a session actually look like? It? Does the dog have to be in front of you? Can you do it over the phone? Are you really just talking to the person and you don't know anything about the dog going into it? I don't know anything about the dog going into it. 99% of the owners will, for example, the woman that that I'm going to see right after our call, she sent me an email. This is the problem. I'm concerned. When can we talk? So I get the cliffnotes? Literally, the Cliff's notes. we’re very sick to end of life, behavior issue. We're moving, pick something, whatever happens with with your furry children. And so I get an outline. I get people who will ask me, do you need the dog to be there? Do you want a picture? And I say no. For me personally, the way my gift works, is I'm not only a trained trainer, and so I can help you with training. And I've also worked in a vet clinic. So I know enough medicine to say Oh, yes, let's go. And I can hear what they're saying. And all these types of things. So I bring in all of those talents. And and the ability to say hey, can I talk? Can we talk, if you speak to your animals with 90% that are listening to your show is going to be the type of person that speaks to their animals. And I mean, they say, Hey, how you doing today, and you know, we tell him better day, all of that has energy all of that has feeling and your dog will feel happy, sad, mad glad. And they're picking up all your cues and going okay, mom's really great day or they're sad, let's go curl up on the couch. We don't feel good. Let's do that. Let's go for a run. And we feel better every but they feel everything you feel they're a pack animal. So you are going to use that in training and discipline and in love. They want to be with you all the time. 90% of your dogs want to be with you all the time. And take a nap on your bed and that kind of stuff so I bring all of those gifts. And I ask permission. Hey, can we talk? If you've already invited me into the conversation? 99% of the dogs will say, Oh yeah, Hey, Mom talking to him. And once in a while I get a dog that goes what? What you can hear me? Yes. I actually had a dog run out of the house during the reading. They were in a whole different part of the state. And I said, Wait a minute, wait a minute, why am I seeing fencing? What? Why am I seeing a yard and fencing all of a sudden? And she said, Oh, because he ran outside looking for you? Oh my gosh. Wait a minute. So yeah, it is really amazing. So I pick up what, whatever that God's given energy is. And I always introduce myself and not in any formal way. Hi, my name is Aminah. No, I put my energy out there and say, yeah, mom's here. We're here. We're talking about you and the dogs know, we're only talking about them because your energy is already so focused on them. They can feel that animals are more psychic than any of us. I think we'll ever be like all combined. The animals survive by their energy witnessing, feeling things. The rustle in the trees. You know if that's the coyote, maybe they're concerned. Maybe they're not if it's a bear, let's be concerned dog that really wants to take on a bear. So yes, I asked in it there but my real permission is you. you're inviting me in, tell us your pet. And your dog says, Oh, Mom’s talking to us, okay let’s talk. They don't have very much resistance. It was pretty funny about four years ago, so when the dog ran out of the house is sure that I was somewhere on the property. And you can speak with dogs that are alive and those that have passed, right? Because a lot of people want to talk to their deceased dogs. Yes, my I know, I think I shared with you that a young woman came to I used to have a class. And of course, everything's now online. And she was wanting to talk to about her dog from 20 years ago, when she was a child. And so we got a chance. Now I have been turned down. And and you have to remember they have free will. So if they feel that what you're asking isn't healthy for you to know, then they will they will say no, no, we're not going to go there. And rarely, I have to tell you, it rarely happens twice, in probably 10 years. Just give you a little snapshot. And the reason why I asked later, I asked later, meaning, would you please tell me why. And and I have to wait till the readings over we've accomplished some things is that the truth was detrimental to the, to the past owners health meaning, one of the dogs was murdered. And so it wasn't, it didn't. The dog tail, they didn't do any constructive. Help to let her know that it would just cause more grief. And here it was 25 years ago, when she was a child. She wanted to know if the dog would had been shot her parents, actually when the foster parents said the neighbor shot them. And the foster parents actually shot him. They didn't want the dog. So we do have you know cruel people cruel animals beat. You can't say cruel animals, animals that aren't trained or loved or or, you know, habituated to people well enough and have bad experiences. I am more concerned with people having dogs that are shy and timid than aggressive. That's a whole different thing. And you You sound like you know what I'm talking about? aggression, we can see aggression, we can deal with it’s like a person comes up and yells at you and you go, what are you doing? What's really I don't even know you, but a dog who is scared. A person that's scared, you don't know what they're gonna do. They don't know what they're gonna do. It, they're, they're moving on the basis of fear. That's a dangerous place to be. So this is why I really talk about build your relationship out of love and respect. But build your relationship and build it with trust. Because when the chips are down, your dog thinks you're drowning. There's a million videos on internet I've run into the other day of people looking like they're drowning and the big giant dog jumps on and practically drowns them trying to save them. This English Mastive jumped on this guy and figured well, there you go. the guy's drowned now. So have those conversations with your pets. Talk to them. Tell them about your day. Believe it or not, it's free therapy. Yes, you have to feed the dog pick up his poop. But who wouldn't want to have that as his therapist, somebody with all fuzzy and huggable and that kind of stuff who listen? You've already bought him. You already paid the fee. So use them. And when you speak, you use your energy of how you explain to them so you're happy, mad, sad, glad and the whole conversation. They follow all that. And they map it for Okay. Well, this is what this means. Because this is the outcome that happened seven times when they did that. You want a dog that's going to protect you and save your life? Absolutely, they will do it. I want to encourage every person on the planet who's listening if you your pet starts scratching you, or women and men, if they start bumping you in the breast, go to the doctor tomorrow because they're trying to tell you something is up something is wrong. Can they smell cancer? Absolutely. Can they do they know when you're going to faint? Absolutely. They will pull you to the ground. That's what these dogs are trained to do. But your house dog, your regular little dog to our great game can do the same. They smell it. cancer has a very distinct odor. I get it from the experts, all the dogs have said this. I have personally never smelled cancer on my own. But what they're showing me is his dying, dying skin, you know, that rancid smell. So it really bothers them. They have higher senses when they're bonded to you. And that's why I said go out bond. love these lovely, amazing animals that we're so lucky to share our life with. They will share it back and they will save your life someday. That's very true. All of that. Well, yeah, even if it's just a hug on a long day after work, that could save your life. I many times just scoop him up and go, Oh, this is really nice. Really nice. Who doesn't want to be loved unconditionally? Because that's what your dog will do. If you give them a chance, any kind of chance, but you do owe them on the other side, not only the good food and good house and all that. But discipline, because love is in the discipline to say no, no, no, no, you're not going to jump on me. Can you imagine if you've got a six foot Great Dane, you know, and I mean, from tip to toe when he stands on his back legs, it can massacre you when you hit the cement. So it's not a good idea. Training is so vital, because it is a language of love. So when you're in the middle of a session, and you're asking the dog the question that the parent wants to know, do they just do they answer it and then take over the conversation? Oh, here's my chance to talk to my mom or dad. And this is what I want you to know. Do you need to keep asking questions? Or do they just take over the conversation? No, animals are very, I can't think of the right term. So we're going to go with they’re very Yes. No, something it's really good. We elaborate please. And, and it's really interesting, because it's very personal. It's like you and I. So if I came on your show, and you asked me that question, I went, Oh, yes, that's great. Oh, wow. Really a long interview, right? It's gonna be more painful than I thought it would be. But you have to bring them along. But you know what the easiest is when they have a parent that talks to them the way you and I are doing in conversing and showing them just sit down and watch a child read a book to their dog, just read a book to their dog. What does the dog do, especially if they had been read to before. And these library dogs are amazing, he will bring these great dogs to the library. And they read to the children. And it gets them to read because they're reading to a dog. And he's sitting on their feet. And it's just the dog knows that. that you’re there for the support. And that kind of stuff, get them up, first of all, learn to read great because I keep reading, if I had a dog sitting on my feet, and the dog understands, this is what we're doing. This is what brings them joy, you're going to have the same learn. So you're reading the story. And we walked up the hill all the way down. And I don't care if you read Dr. Seuss, up, down and all that rhyming stuff, the dog hears the timbre of your voice, the energy you put into it happy, sad, mad, glad, and all of this stuff. And then guess what? That's the building block for communicating. When you say no, don't run in the street. And you're estatic, because you're very worried that a car is gonna go by at that very second, or you're protecting them. your language builds on language, you and I know that just being in the world of people. everybody speaks differently. So you encourage those to be the shy ones. Yes, I'll have my honest answer is I have one kind of dog and client I don't like working with. It's the hardest thing I do. Lost pets, lost pets, because everybody's so stressed out. Everybody's freaking out. And I have to get the person to calm down. But what they're going through is very, very real. So I honor that but I have to get that energy down to going. Okay, it's like talking to Okay, I've never talked to lightning, but I would assume 50 electrons into a thunderstorm. So there's lightning and power and rain. And there's just all this jibble jabble and I got to get through to talk to the dog. The worst lost pet I I ever had. I only have one thank God in all these years that I could not… I found the dog. But we couldn't get the dog to tell us where she was. She actually freaked out. And then, and she doesn't have a lot of the dog is if she doesn't have a lot of experience with people. So she didn't have a huge experience to say, oh, good people bad people. I know my family is very good. And she's a very skittish breed. And she's small. So yeah, that was that was heartbreaking for me. I just wanted to ask you. Well, first of all, thank you. This is just so fascinating. And I wanted to ask you, in closing, after chatting with so many dogs, what is the one thing that you think that most dogs would want their people to know? Ironically, it's spend time with me. and we do especially now spend a lot of time so some might want to break, but they don't. They're pack animals and you're their pack leader. They want time with you. And it doesn't matter if you're sitting watching TV or whatever, they just want time with you. Good food, a good brushing. All of that is love. OFFER: Well, hopefully we've piqued some interest here. If anybody out there is interested in using Aminah’s services, when you book your appointment, please add WOL for wag out loud to your message to Aminah and get a one hour reading for $50 and that's a $25 discount for any of our listeners. Aminah, where can everyone find out more information about you and your company Bridging Worlds? that should give you everything about me where I'm at classes, I'm giving speeches on giving because I am a public speaker also talking about relationships. So it is all valuable with you and your dog. You are people. How many of us have dogs we call them people they are because they're our babies and I can help you there. But there's a lot of videos and stuff like that and a lot of fun stuff. I love humor. So there's a lot of sarcasm, a lot of funny things. Where to find me on Facebook: @BridgingWorldsPetPsychic Thank you so much. I had so much fun. Oh Aminah, we really appreciate everything that you do. everybody go out there and love your dog. We appreciate our sponsor: TEEF! Drinkable Dental Health As a Wag out Loud listener you can use code WOL at checkout to get 20% off your purchase! Thanks so much to our friends at Primalhealth for sponsoring this episode.  They are the makers of TEEF Protektin42: Drinkable Dental Health for our dogs. Now this is a product that I can get behind! With over 80% of dogs over the age of three having active dental disease, it’s crucial that we get ahead of this condition. TEEF is a patented 100% nontoxic prebiotic formula that promotes protective bacteria to neutralize dangerous bacteria, even below the gum line. It’s a human-grade, safe and clinically-proven powder that is easily added to your dog’s drinking water. It promotes clean teeth, healthy gums and fresh breath!” What are you waiting for? Order yours today! Thanks for Listening! Thanks so much for tuning in again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the Bark About it section. Or you can click on the social media buttons to share an episode. Special thanks to Aminah for being on the show. Catch you next time! 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The host as well as guests who speak on this podcast express their own opinions, experience and conclusions, and Wag Out Loud LLC neither endorses or opposes any particular views discussed here.

Have you ever wondered what your dog is thinking? What they are trying to tell you. We can all learn to listen better so that we can listen to our dogs and live in harmony. Join us as speaker, empath, trainer and pet psychic Aminah Ramezany shares how we can read our dogs and use that information to deepen our bonds even more.

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