Katie’s mission is to empower women to be able to see their story as power and shift from a limited mindset to one of abundance. She will provide the tools for anyone to walk confidently into their purpose and future, knowing that they can take their life beyond the Next Level, to significant impact and financial security. Katie’s vision is to become a worldwide voice for women, their struggles, and stories of heroism through 1:1 coaching, content creation, publishing, speaking engagements, and social media. We will use our influence for massive impact... one woman at a time.What does stepping into the next level mean in Katie Barnett’s eyes? Self-awareness and personal responsibility why do you think it’s so missed in today’s nature?What are your top 3 tips when it comes to the leadership and direction of others? I read a piece that you mentioned about Don’t Outsource your happiness, deep dive and flush what that means for you.We are productive people in our own AORs what is one way we can eliminate the distractions from around us? → CONNECT WITH KATIE BARNETT ON SOCIAL MEDIA ←INSTAGRAM:
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