Awwww yeah, the Founders are back and celebrating the success of their 2021 Kickstarter campaign! The gang starts the show by talking about some of the games they've been playing including Canvas, Marvel Champions, Cryo, Tapestry, Unmatched, Labyrinthos and Cartographers. Then Don and Jamie get deep into a feature review of Oath Chronicles of Empire and Exile by Cole Wehrle. Then, as usual, Tony T collects and presents the best of the best tabletop gaming news you'll ever heard. Then the gang ends the show with a Short Topic Extravaganza including questions from listeners regarding using chess clocks, getting deeper into the theme of a game and losing your cook at the table. Oath Chronicles of Empire and Exile Overview 01:00:52, Oath Chronicles of Empire and Exile Review 01:05:20, News with Tony T 01:36:10, A Short Topic Extravaganza 02:21:37
Oath Chronicles of Empire and Exile and a Short Topic Extravaganza