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227 - FAT Bias
Podcast |
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Podknife tags |
Mental Health
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Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Feb 17, 2020
Episode Duration |

This week Brian and Jeremie sit down with Meredith. She is pursuing her Master’s at MSVU in Dietetics and her research revolves around weight bias in healthcare. We touch on the BS of BMI, set weight, intuitive eating and more. More importantly we touch the biases that fat people face in the healthcare system. To quote Meredith, "I can argue until I am blue in the face that fat people can be healthy (which they can!), but sometimes talking about health masks the real issue, which is that people of all sizes deserve respect and fair treatment, regardless of their health status." This is is a conversation made to make you think, but what we hope everyone takes from this one is that language and compassion are everything! For more info check out Merediths blog post over at 



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