Vakasa has not favorited a podcast yet.

    Vakasa has not favorited a podcast yet.

  • An adventure in the Pokémon world!
    Jun 28, 2017
    Join Jake, Josh, and their GM Alan for an Actual Play adventure through the Pokémon world! Joined by guests filling in some guest spots, this Actual Play is an experience as fun as you could want!
  • Take a tour of the Pokémon World one city at a time!
    Jun 28, 2017
    Take a ride with Jake and Josh as they journey city by city through the Pokémon world! These two hosts take a loving look at the setting of one of the best franchises of all time. Their facts and trivia often include peaks behind the curtain at the frightful mess that makes the games work. Come along for the ride!
  • Nostalgia and hilarity collide
    Jun 28, 2017
    This podcast is a delightful climb through the peaks and valleys of the Power Rangers franchise. Jake and Josh are a great mix of personalities that make for a truly fun time, especially when the episodes of Power Rangers are less than stellar.

    Vakasa has not reviewed an episode yet.

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