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    Rupanzel has not favorited a podcast yet.

  • Great show, great hosts, great guesrs
    Jun 28, 2017
    Fun podcast with likeable hosts and interesting guests. The show covers each episode of the 1992 anime indivually, comparing subs, Viz and Dic dub. Recently they have started doing bonus episodes. The hosts have professional backgrounds in (western) comic books, which gives them a unique perspective. Hardcore manga fans might prefer the "Love and Justice" podcast, as the hosts are firmly team anime and have only rudimemtary knowledge of the manga canon (which shows for example in their constant unsureness over whether Luna is "a cat or a people" ;), but their variety of guests helps to balance that out. One request I'd personally make is more international guests, since the episodes featuring Canadian guests (particularly Franco-Canadian guests) were very interesting and it'd be cool to see how Sailor Moon was received outside the US/Canada. Overall a very entertaining, occasionally laugh-out-loud podcast which every fan of the anime should give a try.
  • Top-notch research, intriguing story telling
    Jun 28, 2017
    The host tells a variety of stories: Myths, legends, fairy tales etc. At the end of each episode a mythological creature is introduced. What sets the show apart from other folklore podcasts is the great story telling. Each story is compelling: Writing, voice and background music work hand in hand to draw listeners in. The balance between casual and serious is on point, with the occasional joke thrown in, but always with respect for the source material. Clearly lots of effort go both into research and writing of the episodes. Wrong information is few and far between and usually gets corrected either right in the next episode or in the next episode that is thematically fitting. The exception to this is the pronunciation of names, which has become kind of a running gag. Still he clearly tries and in the end the falsely pronounced names are only an indicator for the variety of stories from all over the world he tells. Now what I've said so far goes gor most of the episodes. In the early episodes he made more mistakes, for example simply not "getting" fairy tales, e.g. being flabbergasted that amimals can talk without explanation. But that's not an accurate representation if what the show is actzally like. So to get n accurate impression on what the podcast us like, I'd recommend starting with a more recent episode. Try this podcast if you're looking for a well-researched podcast on mythology and folk tales or simply like a good story.
  • Analytic, entertaining, but a bit samey
    Jun 28, 2017
    Cool show that strikes a good balance between entertainment and analysis. I especially like the great variety of topics (Manga, Crystal, old anime, PGSM, musicals...). Personally I'd like them to stay more on the topic of Sailor Moon though, since quite often they cover also other animes or mangas. The hosts are very likeable and it shows that they are good friends in real life, which gives the shows a warm, welcoming atmosphere. Occasionally however it seems like they are TOO good friends, since they share the same opinions on almost everything from which canon they prefer to which actress in the musicals they like best. This can make the show a bit boring and samey at times. It should also be mentioned thst they participate in fangirling quite a bit, which to me is a big selling point, but might not be for you, especially if you like to fall asleep to your podcast ;) Check this show out if you'd like to hear 3 friends geek out about Sailor Moon, with some seriousdiscussion thrown in for good measure.
  • The Twilight Zone: Fairy Tale Style
    Jun 28, 2017
    Delightful short stories. Think Twilight Zone masquerading as a fairy tale. Sometimes depressing, sometimes darkly funny, but always poignant. Give it a try! If I absolutely had to find something negative to say, it'd be that the stock sound effects are obviously stock and you might have heard them elsewhere (which is to be expected in such a brand new podcast), but even then they are creatively used and enhance the story.

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