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    Dee has not favorited a podcast yet.

  • Mogulunavailable
    Powerful Story of managing two worlds full of Important History and I love music history
    Jul 13, 2017
    Excellent series with great writing and editing of story line, interviews, and music into a tight production. Not to mention it is about a major figure.
  • Savvy analysts open up deepers levels of info without getting too arcane.
    Jun 28, 2017
    These folks know what they are talking about and they have a network of similarly professional and articulate people. Together they explain the important forces beneath the surface of the fast-moving, complicated political/legal issues we are facing in our government today. I always learn something I am glad I found out about.
  • People who have made things happen talk about how they did it
    Jun 28, 2017
    Interesting and often refreshing stories of people who've taken risks and pushed the envelope to get a new idea, product, service off the ground and through the tight spots and moments of failure. The recurring message is an important one: understand that failures are an inevitable part of creating anything
  • Trustworthy info from knowledgeable people
    Jun 28, 2017
    I can count on this podcast to educate me about things I want to know more about even though the info I come away with can be pretty unsettling. And there are two strong, smart woman who don't stand for man-splaining.
  • One of the great takes on some of the most intriguing periods in history
    Jun 28, 2017
    This was one of the first podcasts I donated to and I felt lucky to have found it. I couldn't imagine how he did all the work needed to put the episodes together, even with a team. The storytelling is riveting, the fund of knowledge is huge, and the ability to connect events in unusual but thoughtful ways is unique. I don't think there are any new long form episodes or series, but the ones that are available are top shelf quality and worth the time and also worth the money. With so much free content out there, I wouldn't say that about any other podcast that I know of, unless you wanted total access to Marc Maron's WTF archives.
  • Geek nerdiness at its best in one woman's crusade to tell us what's really in all those pages of legislation
    Jun 28, 2017
    I doubt many on the Hill can keep up with Ms. Briney, certainly none of the actual lawmakers who haven't a clue about even the biggest details she reports on as she labors through every word of complicated legislation. It's so dense and full of information that I can only listen in 20-30min periods and then I have to take a break to absorb it all and to keep my head from exploding about the mean-spirited legislative tricks that are buried in so much Congressional legislation. But I will keep coming back because she does such a good job of presenting the details, revealing implications and connections, including audio clips from the law-makers themselves as they weave the wool to pull over our eyes. Get the real story on Paul Ryan's health care legislation and then listen to his oily, heartless spin of deception on how he watches out for the little guy.
  • An affable, ultimate political insider talking to significant figures, in a measured, unprovocative style that doesn't fit these incendiary times .
    Jun 28, 2017
    I want this to be a go-to podcast and I keep waiting for the sections that are more probing and challenging. I'm fine with hearing about various opinions of baseball and getting the background story of how people got to be doing what they are, but I haven't heard any analysis or critique that has gotten my attention. To be fair, I may not have listened far enough into the interview to get to those parts, but that in itself is a deficiency with the podcast. With so much to be listening to, Axelrod needs to grab me with an opener that makes me want to staff with it. The overall tone suggest that the style of the podcast assumed he would be doing interviews after a Clinton win, not wrestling with TrumpTV. I don't expect another "Pod Save America", but I do want to hear some more fire in his belly. I'm 60% through listing to Bill Kristol, wanting to know more about how some one as smart as he is, can hold some of his views, and I'm ready to bail. But I suspect I'll keep checking back in to see if he can get to four stars..
  • The Dailyinactive
    Ready by 6am. Just like the daily paper at your door.
    Jun 28, 2017
    As timely and relevant as I could hope for. What did I hear last night about Trump axing climate protections? Hear it is above the fold as the first report today. Short, straight reports from the world we actually live in not an "alternative" one.

    Dee has not reviewed an episode yet.

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