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  • The best interviews ever done with tech founders
    Oct 31, 2020
    I’ve never listened to interviews with major people in tech that are deep dives into the actual person behind the founder - without fawning or sounding like the domain they work in is alien to the interviewer. This series breaks new ground. The interviews with William Hurley, Georg Petschnigg, Sean Percival, Godard Abel, Polina Montano, Vaughan Ferguson, David Darminan, Bridget Harris, Patrick Campbell, Hande Cillingir, Larry , Kolton Andrus, Ryan Carson, Ysiad Ferreira’s, Ilan Twig are amongst my favourites. And the guys are with each other so the sound quality is top notch and there’s a real connection tween guest and interviewer

    14MoS has not reviewed an episode yet.