The Archaeology Show is produced by the Archaeology Podcast Network. It's hosted by archaeologist's Chris Webster and Rachel Roden. We will interview people from around the world in a variety of topics. Enjoy t...
Jessica Yaquinto is an ethnographer and deals in tribal consultation. The podcast includes topics on mediating between tribes, community based participatory research, and tribes' perspectives of anthropology.
The ArchaeoTech Podcast is a place to discuss all things tech as they relate to Archaeology. Join Doug and Russell as they dive into the world of technology and apply it to the study of the past.
All too often we talk about fake news and alternative facts as if they are new concepts. In reality history itself is constructed, and thus constrained by its authors, we have as a society taken this as truth a...
Today, April and Chris talk about their skills as archaeologists and how they translate to the real world. Can identifying artifacts in the field help you in another aspect of your life? What about writing? Acc...
Today, April and Chris talk about their skills as archaeologists and how they translate to the real world. Can identifying artifacts in the field help you in another aspect of your life? What about writing? Acc...
Today Chris and Paul talk about a fairly well-known concept in technology circles called, “Good, Fast, Cheap, Pick 2.” What it means is that often you don’t get all three in something you’re using. One of those...
Today Chris and Paul talk about a fairly well-known concept in technology circles called, “Good, Fast, Cheap, Pick 2.” What it means is that often you don’t get all three in something you’re using. One of those...
Ella cut her scientific teeth in Kenya as part of the Koobi Fora field School @koobiforafieldschool. The Koobi Fora region is one of the most prolific fossil bearing regions in the world and possibly home to th...
Spencer is one of the most talented, accomplished, and brilliant archaeologists in the country. The dude has over a dozen publications and literally just got his PhD last year.
Using criteria from the National Park Service and other sources archaeologists are tasked to determine an archaeological resource's eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. This isn'...
Using criteria from the National Park Service and other sources archaeologists are tasked to determine an archaeological resource's eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. This isn'...
This episode was originally recorded live on KNVC 95.1 FM in Carson City Nevada on April 19th, 2019. Chris talks about several past episodes on TAS, and then “digs” in to his work on the US/Mexican border. No g...