Lawyer Lee Rosen speaks to aspiring entrepreneurial and tenured law professionals on law practice management, marketing, technology and finance, increasing your revenues and helping you implement time saving changes
371 Available Episodes (420 Total)Average duration: 00:13:18
Mar 27, 2025
Is being stubborn preventing your success?
From Kolkata, India...
A tech tip about a few apps and services for staying on top of and managing subscriptions and recurring payments across your credit cards and bank accounts.
Some concise advice about how to acknowledge and accept when you're throwing good time/money after bad, and how to escape.
A tech tip about some recent additions to your Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace accounts that you may have missed.
Some concise advice about why you need to know your true cost of a case before taking on work and how easy it is to run on cash flow rather than profit.
00:00 Location Update
01:02 Tech Tip
06:46 Concise Advice
13:13 Wrapping up
Mar 13, 2025
How shiny objects wreck your plan
From Jakarta, Indonesia...
A tech tip about an easy, inexpensive, and surprisingly well-designed tool for adding polls and surveys to emails.
Some concise advice about the perils of shiny object syndrome and re-evaluating your vision too frequently, and why that often places us right where we started.
A tech tip about how rather than always being obstacles, penalties are sometimes just a cost of doing business.
Some concise advice about why you don’t need to have every step figured out before making a big move.
00:00 Location Update
00:51 Tech Tip
06:13 Concise Advice
10:43 Wrapping up
Feb 27, 2025
Let me tell you how it's done...
From Bali, Indonesia...
A tech tip about a tool for automatically extracting and categorizing data from financial documents such as bank statements, invoices, receipts, and tax forms.
Some concise advice about the perils of taking advice from people who lack experience in the area they are advising you on.
A tech tip about getting news updates delivered via text message.
Some concise advice about Why you need to either go big, or go home when it comes to social media marketing.
00:00 Location Update
01:55 Tech Tip
05:28 Concise Advice
10:36 Wrapping up
Jan 23, 2025
Is online marketing still worth it?
From Shanghai, China...
A tech tip about how to avoid letting goals and specifications get lost in translation.
Some concise advice about why going retro, as in - talking to humans, is often more effective than the increasingly saturated landscape of digital marketing.
00:00 Location Update
01:52 Tech Tip
09:08 Concise Advice
15:42 Wrapping up
Mar 27 | 00:11:14
Is being stubborn preventing your success?
Mar 20 | 00:13:59
How to lose money on a case
Mar 13 | 00:12:08
How shiny objects wreck your plan
Mar 06 | 00:11:30
How to move forward without a plan
Feb 27 | 00:10:41
Let me tell you how it's done...
Feb 20 | 00:13:39
Lean into disaster
Feb 13 | 00:16:00
Why delegation ends in disaster
Feb 06 | 00:13:00
Will they miss you?
Jan 30 | 00:11:23
Social media should not be safe
Jan 23 | 00:16:28
Is online marketing still worth it?
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