It's time for Basem to report back! Did he end up writing the greatest fanfic of all time? Will it make Sarah uncomfortable, or craving for more? Maybe both? Find out now!
Sarah is back with her heart-wrenching stories and her tear-jerking eulogy. Let's see if Basem is proud of her, or if he's more entranced with Sarah's husband.
Episode 14 - Wikihow to Make a Blanket Fort w/Stephen Cranston!
We have our first Betterment Challenge Face-off! With special guest, Stephen "Cranny" Cranston from Turtle Power Pod! Who's blanket fort will he like more? Who will he be more proud of? Which one of us was lazy this time? Find out now!
Episode 13 - Wikihow to Act Silly with Your Girlfriend
Disappointment! Sarah's upset, and for good reason. Basem's been sick, which means he had more time to complete his challenge, but did he make good use of it? Who knows! You will, after you listen to the episode. And make sure to listen to next episode, when we have our first Betterment Challenge Face-off! (With special guest, Cranny from Turtle Power Pod).
Basem and Sarah finally return for another episode of Wikihow We Do It! In this surprisingly musical episode, we find out how great Sarah's Halloween Extravaganza was! Join us, won't you?
Basem has been trying to sleep for two weeks, and dream about ANYTHING. Does he succeed? Will Sarah be proud of the poor bastard, or will today result in Basem's lowest Proudness Rating to date? Find out, on this exciting and all-over-the-place episode of Wikihow We Do It!
Sarah and Basem are on a podcast-recording blitz, so it's time for a new episode of Wikihow We Do It, the show were we better ourselves so that you don't have to! On today's episode, Sarah reports back on her Betterment Challenge: learning to juggle! How did she do? Find out! Also, we uploaded a video of her juggling at
Basem and Sarah return to impress each other, and it's Basem's turn! He's been practicing his rap song for a couple weeks and finally presents it to Sarah in all it's glory. But will she enjoy what she hears? More importantly, will she be proud of Basem? Find out, now!! Also, if you absolutely can't get enough of Basem's rap song, it's available on at
Episode 8 - Wikihow to Tell Your Parents You Are Becoming a Satanist
After a short break, Basem and Sarah are back to impress each other by doing terrible things! In this episode, Sarah is tasked with calling her father and tell her that she is renouncing her Mormon faith and following the ways of Anton LaVey; becoming a Satanist! Huzzah! What surprises are in store for us? Find out on this very special episode of Wikihow We Do It!