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Submit ReviewHappy Halloween and welcome to the file room, where we keep all prior episodes of The Q Files. You may have heard this episode previously, but it's worth another listen while we work on bringing you fantastic new episodes.
Let's get spookgay and return to the very first episode of The Q Files! Halloween isn’t just a holiday for LGBTQ people — it’s an institution. But why? Join us on our inaugural episode as we enjoy a glass of wine on Lori's porch and discuss what makes Halloween so queer. We'll cover the history, and we'll share the stories of our first queer Halloweens.
The Q Files is a personal, purposeful, paranormal podcast about the highly strange and weirdly unknown. Join us on our queer adventures as we explore the people, places, and phenomena, outside popular consciousness.
The documentary series features astonishing stories about the paranormal, the supernatural, occulture, forgotten history, and the strange.
Be Weird. Stay Curious. These are The Q Files.
If you enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe and leave a review.
Stay in touch: Facebook: The Q Files Podcast, Twitter: TheQFilesPod, Instagram: TheQFilesPod The music for The Q Files is provided by Sounds Like An Earful.
Welcome to the file room, where we keep all prior episodes of The Q Files. You may have heard this episode previously, but it's worth another listen while we work on bringing you fantastic new episodes.
In honor of the 130th anniversary of Lizzie Borden Murder Day, August 4, 1892, we hacked through the archives to give you the first episode in our three part Lizzie Borden series. The story of Lizzie Borden as only we could tell it. You've heard it before, but never like this.
Like the story of The Donner Party, Lizzie Borden captured the American imagination and stole the headlines of the papers that shared the news of their times. It was one of the most covered criminal cases in American history.
At the end of last season, we told you the tale of discovering Hester Foster's true story, a woman who history had turned its back upon. Nothing had been written about her. Lizzie Borden, the woman at the heart of this episode, had entirely the opposite treatment. It seems too much has been written about her; TV shows, movies, books, chronicles and particularly fictional tales that have muddied and muddled her real story. And in many of them, she is often portrayed as a monster. Maybe she was. However, in the 1890s, in Fall River, Massachusetts, a white, upper-middle class, unmarried woman, forbidden to work for pay by family and society...had only two options to obtain financial security, freedom from sexual coercion and independence....She could either inherit it....or steal it.
And then there WAS, one could say...that third bloody option.
The Q Files is a personal, purposeful, paranormal podcast about the highly strange and weirdly unknown. Join us on our queer adventures as we explore the people, places, and phenomena, outside popular consciousness.
The documentary series features astonishing stories about the paranormal, the supernatural, occulture, forgotten history, and the strange.
Be Weird. Stay Curious. These are The Q Files.
If you enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe and leave a review.
Stay in touch: Facebook: The Q Files Podcast, Twitter: TheQFilesPod, Instagram: TheQFilesPod The music for The Q Files is provided by Sounds Like An Earful.
Welcome to the file room, where we keep all prior episodes of The Q Files. You may have heard this episode previously, but it's worth another listen while we work on bringing you fantastic new episodes.
Ancient Indian Burial Grounds - Oh My! was originally a Thanksgiving episode of The Q Files, in it we examined the American pop-culture trope of "Ancient Indian Burial Grounds" and how it has deeply woven its way into countless horror films and books since the late 1970s.
We'll investigate how it even seems to have infiltrated the oral histories of our local communities and how it undeniably influences our own individual attempts to explain the unexplainable around us, often, even, when it happens in our own backyards.
We were lucky enough to get writer Colin Dickey to talk with us. He is the author of four books, two of which we will discuss here, "Ghostland" published in 2016 and "The Unidentified" released just this year. Both of his books thoroughly break down the roots and causes of tropes like the Ancient Indian Burial Grounds.
Dickey is a regular contributor to the LA Review of Books, and is the co-editor of The Morbid Anatomy Anthology. He is also a member of the Order of the Good Death, a collective of artists, writers, and death industry professionals interested in improving the Western world's relationship with mortality. And Dickey's own website describes him as a.... "Cultural Historian and Tour Guide of the Weird."
The Q Files is a personal, purposeful, paranormal podcast about the highly strange and weirdly unknown. Join us on our queer adventures as we explore the people, places, and phenomena, outside popular consciousness.
The documentary series features astonishing stories about the paranormal, the supernatural, occulture, forgotten history, and the strange.
Be Weird. Stay Curious. These are The Q Files.
If you enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe and leave a review.
Stay in touch: Facebook: The Q Files Podcast, Twitter: TheQFilesPod, Instagram: TheQFilesPod The music for The Q Files is provided by Sounds Like An Earful.
Atlantis - the great, mythological lost civilization. Maybe you've noticed, but we've had a few episodes that have touched on Atlantis - Paschal Beverly Randolph, Occultist, Ghosts in Antarctica, and even The Ten Deadly Plagues...Plated. While admittedly unintentional, we thought it could be fun to talk about some of the stories about Atlantis.
The Ancient Greek philosopher Plato is who we draw all of our knowledge on Atlantis from, and Atlantis is one of his most enduring stories. His writings are full of lasting truths about the human condition, and that is how he is most commonly discussed, but Atlantis captures our imaginations as a great myth. Lurking on the edges of mystery and possibility. After all we DO routinely find the remains of ancient, lost civilizations.
The Q Files is a personal, purposeful, paranormal podcast about the highly strange and weirdly unknown. Join us on our queer adventures as we explore the people, places, and phenomena, outside popular consciousness.
The documentary series features astonishing stories about the paranormal, the supernatural, occulture, forgotten history, and the strange.
Be Weird. Stay Curious. These are The Q Files.
If you enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe and leave a review.
Stay in touch: Facebook: The Q Files Podcast, Twitter: TheQFilesPod, Instagram: TheQFilesPod The music for The Q Files is provided by Sounds Like An Earful.
Welcome to the file room, where we keep all prior episodes of The Q Files. You may have heard this episode previously, but it's worth another listen.
This week we're taking a twisted turn on Mother's Day by diving into the murderous true crime tale of Ethel Geller Yeldem.
Ethel's story is one of a woman at her wits' end and a society that failed her. Any honest account of her life, and one not told just for morbid murder porn, makes it clear that her story and life, and the stories and lives of her victims, should have been much different.
The Q Files is a personal, purposeful, paranormal podcast about the highly strange and weirdly unknown. Join us on our queer adventures as we explore the people, places, and phenomena, outside popular consciousness.
The documentary series features astonishing stories about the paranormal, the supernatural, occulture, forgotten history, and the strange.
Be Weird. Stay Curious. These are The Q Files.
If you enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe and leave a review.
Stay in touch: Facebook: The Q Files Podcast, Twitter: TheQFilesPod, Instagram: TheQFilesPod The music for The Q Files is provided by Sounds Like An Earful, this episode also includes music from Myuu. You can learn more about Bucky Cutright, or take one of his tours by visiting Columbus Ghost Tours.
The Ten Deadly Plagues of Egypt are a paranormal allegory of power, redemption, and faith. An adventure, born deeply within the notion of resistance. Join us on a culinary tour through the plagues as we explain that this powerful tale is more than just a story, and may in fact be rooted in real life, historical events, of biblical proportions.
The Q Files is a personal, purposeful, paranormal podcast about the highly strange and weirdly unknown. Join us on our queer adventures as we explore the people, places, and phenomena, outside popular consciousness.
The documentary series features astonishing stories about the paranormal, the supernatural, occulture, forgotten history, and the strange.
Be Weird. Stay Curious. These are The Q Files.
If you enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe and leave a review.
Stay in touch: Facebook: The Q Files Podcast, Twitter: TheQFilesPod, Instagram: TheQFilesPod The music for The Q Files is provided by Sounds Like An Earful.
Antarctica is the most haunted place on earth. Located at the liminal edge of our maps. A place where there is one endless day of light, and one endless day of dark - both 6 months long. It's the only continent whose land is without a creation myth, because it never had an indigenous population. It's never had its own language, culture, history, or legends. It is a land of literal and proverbial emptiness - a canvas that its transient inhabitants can fill not only with dreams and ideas, but with nightmarish stories.
The Q Files is a personal, purposeful, paranormal podcast about the highly strange and weirdly unknown. Join us on our queer adventures as we explore the people, places, and phenomena, outside popular consciousness.
The documentary series features astonishing stories about the paranormal, the supernatural, occulture, forgotten history, and the strange.
Be Weird. Stay Curious. These are The Q Files.
If you enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe and leave a review.
Stay in touch: Facebook: The Q Files Podcast, Twitter: TheQFilesPod, Instagram: TheQFilesPod The music for The Q Files is provided by Sounds Like An Earful.
It's our 50th episode and this time we're covering The Lake Erie Monster, also known as Lem or Lemmy (acronymically derived from Lake Erie Monster), and perhaps most popularly, as Bessie.
Bessie has been described as snake-like, 30-40 feet long, over a foot around. Her colour has been reported as grey, copper, and silver. Some say she has a dog-like head and large fins. Others say she has human-like arms. She has been the subject of superstitious sailors, drunk tourists, and newspaper hoaxes over the centuries. But the legend of the serpentine creature living in Lake Erie likely originated in Native American culture.
The Q Files is a personal, purposeful, paranormal podcast about the highly strange and weirdly unknown. Join us on our queer adventures as we explore the people, places, and phenomena, outside popular consciousness.
The documentary series features astonishing stories about the paranormal, the supernatural, occulture, forgotten history, and the strange.
Be Weird. Stay Curious. These are The Q Files.
If you enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe and leave a review.
Stay in touch: Facebook: The Q Files Podcast, Twitter: TheQFilesPod, Instagram: TheQFilesPod The music for The Q Files is provided by Sounds Like An Earful.
This episode won't put you to sleep, but it may make you want to - in "Perchance to Dream," we will examine the scientific and mystical elements of sleep or more accurately...the lack of such.
Humans are the only animal species in the world that purposely stays awake and research clearly shows that Mother Nature has not nearly had enough time to assist us in adapting our bodies and minds to what has become the one of the most catastrophic habits of our modern times.
And while lack of sleep indeed damages our bodies, potentially resulting in death... simply put... sleeplessness does some very, very strange things to our minds and can induce what could only be described as an internal journey into the paranormal.
The Q Files is a personal, purposeful, paranormal podcast about the highly strange and weirdly unknown. Join us on our queer adventures as we explore the people, places, and phenomena, outside popular consciousness.
The documentary series features astonishing stories about the paranormal, the supernatural, occulture, forgotten history, and the strange.
Be Weird. Stay Curious. These are The Q Files.
If you enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe and leave a review.
Stay in touch: Facebook: The Q Files Podcast, Twitter: TheQFilesPod, Instagram: TheQFilesPod The music for The Q Files is provided by Sounds Like An Earful.
Paschal Beverly Randolph was a grand master occultist. He was a black man that was a close confidant of Abraham Lincoln, arguably the largest cannabis importer of his time, a sex magician, and possibly the inspiration behind Marvel's Dr. Strange.
He is notable as the first person to introduce the principles of erotic alchemy to North America, and, according to A.E. Waite (the tarot card guy), establishing the earliest known Rosicrucian order in the United States.
For more powerful episodes, consider listening to a few of these:">Witness - minorities and the UFO phenomenon,">When Lincoln Could Fly,">Ghost Train,">Digging Up The Dead, and our 2 part series on">Hester Foster.
The Q Files is a personal, purposeful, paranormal podcast about the highly strange and weirdly unknown. Join us on our queer adventures as we explore the people, places, and phenomena, outside popular consciousness.
The documentary series features astonishing stories about the paranormal, the supernatural, occulture, forgotten history, and the strange.
Be Weird. Stay Curious. These are The Q Files.
If you enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe and leave a review.
Stay in touch: Facebook: The Q Files Podcast, Twitter: TheQFilesPod, Instagram: TheQFilesPod The music for The Q Files is provided by Sounds Like An Earful.
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