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In Episode 231, I invited Andrea Thomas, mother of Ashley who died of fentanyl poisoning, creator of Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Day, each August 21st and of Facing Fentanyl to join me once again. We discuss the findings of the China Select Committee on April 16th in the House of Representatives in DC and share the confirmation that the CCP is intentionally manufacturing fentanyl and shipping it through Mexico into the US killing 76,000 of our children in 2022.
For perspective, according to National Archives, between 1955-1975, over 58,220 men and women were killed in the Vietnam War - a 20 year period.
According to the FBI Crime Data Explorer, in 2022 covering 75% of the US population, 15,047 homicides were recorded by law enforcement agencies.
It is estimated that in 2023 more than 100,000 young people in the US were killed by fentanyl in counterfeit pills or added to marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and other drugs with either partial or complete fentanyl.
Pills that resemble Xanax, Oxycotin, Adderall, Percocet and others are killing our young people within minutes because all these are counterfeit pills and that person has no idea what is in them.
Please, please educate yourself and your family. Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death among 18-45 year olds.
Watch the video version of my conversation here -
Watch the complete hearing in the US House of Representatives China Select Committee here -
And read my extensive corresponding blog - where you can read a recap of that day where many families flew to DC to appear on behalf of their loved ones who died of fentanyl poisoning, all at their own expense.
You can also go here to learn more -
Please subscribe to my channel here to learn more about grieving a loved one's death and the podcast series "Death By Fentanyl".
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Visit to pick up your free ebook - 21 Things You Need To Know About The Grieving Process.
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#opioids #fentanyl #poison
In Episode 230, I welcome Crystal Crane Marroquin who shares the life and death of her brother DaWayne Morris who died by fentanyl poisoning at 48.
Crystal is our first sibling to appear as our guest and I'm grateful for her perspective.
DaWayne is survived by his mother, Faye and two sons, Brody 23 and Beau 18. Crystal is 5 years younger than her brother DaWayne.
Crystal is very active in fentanyl awareness in Oklahoma and is a member of Families Supporting Families in the Drug Crisis in Oklahoma. You can join this facebook group here -
Listen to our video version here -
Read our corresponding blog here -
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author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing
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#opioids #fentanyl #poison #homicide
In Episode 229, I welcome Kimberly Grunberg who shares the life and death of her son Sean who died by fentanyl poisoning at 23.
Sean is survived by his mother, Kimberly, his Dad, Dan Bertucci, his sister, Amanda and stepbrother Kasen.
Kimberly and another Angel Mom created "Dancing With Our Angels" to help other families soothe the pain of losing a child to substance use.
Watch our video version here -
Read our corresponding blog here -
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The Mary Mac Show You Tube Channel - - please subscribe to our channel, like our videos and share. - pick up our digital book collection to download immediately upon purchase. - your donation to our cause will be a big help for hurting young ones.
author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing
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#fentanyl #fentanylpoisoning #homicide
In Episode 228, I welcome Dr. Keith Montgomery who shares the life and death of his precious daughter, Lea Marie who died by fentanyl poisoning two days before her 31st birthday.
She is survived by her father, Dr. Keith, her mother, Dr. Debra and her younger brother, Alex.
Dr. Keith also speaks of his activism to help young people understand the dangers of fentanyl.
Watch the video version here -
Read our corresponding blog here -
Please share this episode with others who could benefit from it and subscribe for future episode of this series.
Visit Families Supporting Families group which Dr. Keith attends -
#death #poison #deathofadaughter #drkeithmontgomery #leamariemontgomery #death #onepill #fentanyl #illegaldrugs #illegalopioids #opioids #themarymacshow #marymac #grieving #grievingchildren #griefpodcast #marymacjournals #themarymacjournalcollection #marymacjournalcollection #marymacjournals #grief #myjournal #mygriefjournal #mygratitudejournal #myremembrancejournal #grieving #death #dying #journalsbymarymac #marymacjournalcollection #themarymacshowjournalcollection
Your support of my work, through PayPal - - is greatly appreciated.
Visit our other sites: - our primary hub. Pick up our free ebook "21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process." - for all episodes of my podcast. Join my mailing list here.
The Mary Mac Show You Tube Channel - - please subscribe to our channel, like our videos and share. - pick up our digital book collection to download immediately upon purchase. - your donation to our cause will be a big help for hurting young ones.
author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing
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#carfentanil #murder #grief
In Episode 227, I continue my conversation with Mareka Cole, in Part III, who shares the deaths of her 25 year-old sons, Mario to a motorcycle accident and Marek to carfentanil poisoning.
Carfentanil is 100 times more potent than fentanyl.
Watch the video version here -
Read our corresponding blog here -
Visit Drug Induced Homicide at to learn more about the organization where Mareka and her family are very active in Sacramento, California area.
Please share this episode with others who could benefit from it and subscribe for future episode of this series.
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Your support of my work, through PayPal - - is greatly appreciated.
Visit our other sites: - our primary hub. Pick up our free ebook "21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process." - for all episodes of my podcast. Join my mailing list here.
The Mary Mac Show You Tube Channel - - please subscribe to our channel, like our videos and share. - pick up our digital book collection to download immediately upon purchase. - your donation to our cause will be a big help for hurting young ones.
author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing
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Facebook - Ask Mary Mac
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#carfentanil #murder #grief
In Episode 226, I continue my conversation with Mareka Cole, in Part II, who shares the death of her 25 year-old sons, Mario to a motorcycle accident and Marek to carfentanil poisoning.
Carfentanil is 100 times more potent than fentanyl.
Watch the video version here -
Read our corresponding blog here -
Visit Drug Induced Homicide at to learn more about the organization where Mareka and her family are very active in Sacramento, California area.
Please share this episode with others who could benefit from it and subscribe for future episode of this series.
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Your support of my work, through PayPal - - is greatly appreciated.
Visit our other sites: - our primary hub. Pick up our free ebook "21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process." - for all episodes of my podcast. Join my mailing list here.
The Mary Mac Show You Tube Channel - - please subscribe to our channel, like our videos and share. - pick up our digital book collection to download immediately upon purchase. - your donation to our cause will be a big help for hurting young ones.
author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing
Let's Be Friends:
Facebook - Ask Mary Mac
LinkedIn - / marymccambridge
Instagram - @themarymacshowpodcast
Twitter - @askmarymac
#carfentanil #murder #grief
In Episode 225, I welcome Mareka Cole, in Part I, who shares the deaths of her 25 year-old sons, Mario to a motorcycle accident and Marek to carfentanil poisoning.
Carfentanil is 100 times more potent than fentanyl.
Watch the video version here -
Read our corresponding blog here -
Visit Drug Induced Homicide at to learn more about the organization where Mareka and her family are very active in Sacramento, California area.
Please share this episode with others who could benefit from it and subscribe for future episode of this series.
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Your support of my work, through PayPal - - is greatly appreciated.
Visit our other sites: - our primary hub. Pick up our free ebook "21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process." - for all episodes of my podcast. Join my mailing list here.
The Mary Mac Show You Tube Channel - - please subscribe to our channel, like our videos and share. - pick up our digital book collection to download immediately upon purchase. - your donation to our cause will be a big help for hurting young ones.
author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing
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#fentanyl #opioids #narcan
In this very concise episode, Rebekah Brown teaches us what happens when an individual has been poisoned by fentanyl, what to look for, and how to administer Narcan in an effort to save their life.
To purchase Narcan and keep it in your car/glovebox/backpack for emergencies, go here.
To watch all my conversations with parents who have experienced Death By Fentanyl of their children, watch the full playlist on youtube here.
Very Important to watch, listen, like, comment and share on all your social media profiles.
The video version can be seen here.
Read my corresponding blog here.
Over 100,000 children and teens have died last year and the numbers continue to increase.
Please do your part to share this short video to help young people become aware of the dangers of this illicit, illegal, dangerous, lethal drug.
Education saves lives!
I appreciate your support of my work. Please contribute here.
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Visit our other sites: - our primary hub. Pick up our free ebook "21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process." - for all episodes of my podcast. Join my mailing list here.
The Mary Mac Show You Tube Channel - - please subscribe to our channel, like our videos and share. - pick up our digital book collection to download immediately upon purchase. - your donation to our cause will be a big help for hurting young ones.
author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing
Lets Be Friends:
Facebook - Ask Mary Mac
LinkedIn - /marymccambridge
Instagram - @themarymacshowpodcast
Twitter - @askmarymac
#fentanyl #opioids #death #grief
In Episode 223, I welcome Delana Pritchard who shares the life and death of her 24 year-old son Gavin Long who was poisoned by fentanyl.
She is very active in the Oklahoma Chapter of The Drug Induced Homicide Foundation - and Families Supporting Families -
Please also visit the following sites to learn more:
Visit The Drug-Induced Homicide Foundation -
The Drug-Induced Homicide Foundation Facebook Group -
Read my corresponding blog here -
Watch the video version here -
Please share this episode with others who could benefit from it and subscribe for future episode of this series.
#death #poison #deathofason #gavinlong #delanapritchard #fentanyl #fentanylpoisoning #opioids #grieving #grief #griefpodcast #themarymacshow #druginducedhomicidefoundation #oklahoma #parentssupportingparents #marymac #marymacjournals #themarymacjournalcollection #marymacjournalcollection #marymacjournals #grief #myjournal #mygriefjournal #mygratitudejournal #myremembrancejournal #grieving #death #dying #journalsbymarymac #marymacjournalcollection #themarymacshowjournalcollection
Your support of my work, through PayPal - - is greatly appreciated.
Visit our other sites: - our primary hub. Pick up our free ebook "21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process." - for all episodes of my podcast. Join my mailing list here.
The Mary Mac Show You Tube Channel - - please subscribe to our channel, like our videos and share. - pick up our digital book collection to download immediately upon purchase. - your donation to our cause will be a big help for hurting young ones.
author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing
Lets Be Friends:
Facebook - Ask Mary Mac
LinkedIn - /marymccambridge
Instagram - @themarymacshowpodcast
Twitter - @askmarymac
#fentanyl #opioids #grief #death
In Episode 222, in Part II, I continue my discussion with Rebekah Brown as she shares the death of her son Cole who died of fentanyl poisoning at 18 and her activism to help young people understand the dangers of this illicit illegal drug.
On the day they were to move from California to Oklahoma, Cole was found unresponsive. Rebekah tells us her painstaking journey from then until now.
She is very active in the Oklahoma Chapter of The Drug Induced Homicide Foundation - and Families Supporting Families -
Please also visit the following sites to learn more:
Visit The Drug-Induced Homicide Foundation -
The Drug-Induced Homicide Foundation Facebook Group -
Read my corresponding blog here -
Watch the video version here -
Please share this episode with others who could benefit from it and subscribe for future episode of this series.
#death #poison #deathofason #rebekahbrown #colebrown #fentanyl #fentanylpoisoning #opioids #grieving #grief #griefpodcast #themarymacshow #druginducedhomicidefoundation #oklahoma #parentssupportingparents #marymac #marymacjournals #themarymacjournalcollection #marymacjournalcollection #marymacjournals #grief #myjournal #mygriefjournal #mygratitudejournal #myremembrancejournal #grieving #death #dying #journalsbymarymac #marymacjournalcollection #themarymacshowjournalcollection
Your support of my work, through PayPal - - is greatly appreciated.
Visit our other sites: - our primary hub. Pick up our free ebook "21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process." - for all episodes of my podcast. Join my mailing list here.
The Mary Mac Show You Tube Channel - - please subscribe to our channel, like our videos and share. - pick up our digital book collection to download immediately upon purchase. - your donation to our cause will be a big help for hurting young ones.
author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing
Lets Be Friends:
Facebook - Ask Mary Mac
LinkedIn - /marymccambridge
Instagram - @themarymacshowpodcast
Twitter - @askmarymac
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