Tim Buttlerly returns from the festival at sea that is "ShipRocked" and he has stories. The band P.O.D. performed on the boat and Bobby has to be educated on their catalog of songs. Tim trolled comic Mike Finoia on the cruise because of his constant moodiness. Butterly waited all year to hear Buckcherry perform a sexy, ten minute version of their song "Crazy Bitch" and was sorely disappointed. Bobby sees a stranger in the corner of the studio and has no idea that it's camper and meme artist AbsurdMoron. His real name is Rich and this is actually the second time that Bob slighted him.
The Bonfire will be live on SXM on Monday, but please enjoy this never-aired podcast! The hilarious Tim Butterly is @Timbutterly on all the things. To find out where Jay and Bob are performing stand-up, go to
Bigjaycomedy.com and
Robertkellylive.com. Big Jay Oakerson's crowd work special "Them" is out NOW on YouTube!
*To hear the full show to go
www.siriusxm.com/bonfire to learn more
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