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Submit ReviewI will state right off the bat that Bruce Willis is #notmyKersey. Charles Bronson will always be the best at playing a man seeking revenge. Alright maybe Bronson and Clint Eastwood. But here we are, with another Hollywood remake. To be fair, the originals were not exactly cinematic masterpieces. So maybe it’s not such a bad film to be remade. Even if the results are just good, it’ll still more or less live up to what came before. But I hope Bruce Willis has cleared out his schedule, because they made about thirty eight of these films back in the day. Good luck, Bruce! Download link
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Beers consumed: Hoppy Palm by 7 Brewing Co. New Normal by Crossroads Brewing Co. R&D IPA by Funk Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Sarah: The Tale (2018 HBO film) Glenn: The Theory Of Everything (2014 film) Cameron: Conspiracy (2001 HBO/BBC film)
XTC is the greatest band few have heard of. But the people who have heard of them? We’ll they’re pretty obsessed. This Is Pop takes a look at the inner workings, the highs and lows, the personal and professional dynamics that helped to create one of the greatest pop groups to come out of England. And how those same factors can determine whether such a band will join the pantheon of iconic groups or fade into musical obscurity. We would normally have something funny to say in this writeup, but we are so impressed by both this film and this band that we want you to take it seriously as well. Listen and watch, and together we will all come to appreciate XTC. Download link
Alcohol consumed: Arcanic by Wicked Weed Brewing El Paradiso by Wicked Weed Brewing Oscar Aged In Blackberry Whiskey Barrels by New Belgium Brewing
Recommendations: Sarah: Ocean’s 8 (2018 film) Glenn: Stargate (1994 film) Cameron: The Wrecking Crew (2015 film)
What happens when you bring two comedy legends together on the same stage? Why lots of banjo music of course! But also hilarity. Parents beware: a part of this film contains something more disturbing than actual nudity. Also parents beware: this film may encourage your child to take up the banjo. And finally parents beware: this film features 50% immigrant workers. Download link
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Beers consumed: Hi-Wire Lager by Hi-Wire Brewing Painted Fortune by Bhramari Brewing Co. Farmer Ted’s Cream Ale by Catawba Brewing Co. Mandarina IPA by Highland Brewing Co. Perfect Day IPA by Asheville Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Glenn: The Rocketeer (1991 film) Sarah: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004 film) Cameron: My Next Guest Needs No Introduction (Netflix series)
Oh Canada! On this episode of the Better With Booze Film Club Podcast, a celebration of all things Canadian, as we explore the legacy of a film masterpiece. Inspired by our friends over at @FlicksXRayed (referred to several times on this episode as Films XRayed…sorry!), we screened the SCTV-based Strange Brew starring Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas as the McKenzie brothers. And as there is no sane way to describe this film, I would suggest just checking it out (and I will say…”better with booze” is probably apt for this film). So sink your teeth into that Crispy Crunch, slip on that hockey mask and join us as we venture up North! Download link
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Beers consumed: Labatt Blue Light Molson Canadian Molson Golden Moosehead Lager
Recommendations: Glenn: Game Night (2018 film) Sarah: Killing Eve (TV series) Cameron: Scanners (1981 film)
Various vacations have forced us to enter the wayback machine. So this week we are revisiting an episode that was mentioned during Episode Fifty Seven. Previous cohost Alastair joins Glenn and a very sick Cameron and extra special guest host Taylor as they watch and then discuss Good Against Evil. It’s a sort of Exorcist rip off without the entertainment value. But the podcast episode is very entertaining indeed! And we will see you all back next week with an all new episode that has the bacony smell of Canada all over it. Enjoy! Download link
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For this episode, we watched an adorable film. It was called Paddington 2. I’m led to believe that it has something to do with Paddington 1, but I have my doubts. Either way, we hosts reverted to our childhood as we watched the exploits of a bear and his family as they try to thwart a particularly dastardly (and hammy) criminal. Seriously though, we love this film. I won’t even make you listen to the podcast to find out whether we did or not. But listen to the podcast anyway, if only to hear what James Lipton would sound like as a French madam (how can you refuse that particularly bit of temptation?)
Oh and as a side note, we will be off next week (we will be posting a throwback episode…it’s a great one…and also one we mentioned on this very episode…shout out to Taylor!) But tune in two weeks from now for an extra special episode as we pay tribute to our friends up north at the @FlicksXRayed podcast ( with a screening of an extra special film. Tune in to the end of this episode for more details. Download link
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Beers consumed: All beers by Burial Beer Co. Billows Bolo Hawkbill Surf Wax
Recommendations: Glenn: The Soundtrack Show podcast Sarah: Grosse Pointe Blank (1997 film) Cameron: Presidential podcast and Slow Burn podcast
Arguably a not great title for a film. It stars Liam Neeson. But he doesn’t kill a single person. Not even Nixon. So mixed emotions really. This is the story of the number two man at the FBI who, as it turns out (and who in real life the Nixon administration suspected) was Deep Throat, the Washington Post’s inside source to the illegal goings on in the Nixon White House. Fun fact: Mark Felt was apparently Irish. Either that, or we have to assume Liam Neeson is taking the Sean Connery path to stardom. Anyway, would we recommend this film? Join us in the dark parking garage that is this podcast and find out! Download link
Beers consumed: City of the Sun by Modern Times Beer Powder Dreams by Captain Lawrence Brewing Co. Double Tropical Smoothie by Decadent Ales
Recommendations: Sarah: Trust (FX Television Series) Glenn: Father Goose (1964 film) Cameron: Frost/Nixon The Complete Interviews (1977 series of interviews)
What would you do with all the money in the world? That’s the question that is not really at all asked in the film we watched for this episode. The film is probably best known as the film that had Kevin Spacey in it and then it didn’t. Instead we have Christopher Plummer in the role of John Paul Getty. This marks our third Christopher Plummer film on this podcast. How does this one stack up? And would we recommend it? Listen and find out. Also, we debate our favorite sitcoms and Glenn tells us about some potentially dubious historical accuracy in past films. All that and more! Download link
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Beers consumed: All by South County Brewing Co. 851 Helles Lager Intervals Series: Enigma Liminal Moment
Recommendations: Glenn: Train to Busan (2016 film) Sarah: Valley Uprising (2014 documentary) Cameron: Glengarry Glen Ross (1992 film)
Fare thee well, Daniel Day Lewis. For this episode, we tackle what is said to be his final film before his retirement from acting. And we take a look back at his impressive career. How does this film stack up to the rest of his catalogue? Is this a worthy picture from which to hang his last hat? We debate that and many other issues on yet another episode of your favorite, slightly alcohol-enabled podcast. Join us!
Download link
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Beers consumed (provided by friend of the podcast Isaiah Hegedus…thanks Isaiah!): Tropicmost Passionfruit Gose by Wicked Weed Brewing Minute Man by Three Notch’d Brewing Co. Astronomical IPA by Wicked Weed Brewing
Recommendations: Glenn: Bullets Over Broadway (1994 Film) Sarah: Everything Sucks! (Netflix sitcom…ed. note: now cancelled) Cameron: The Bad News Bears (1976 film)
Hands up all of you who are tired of Denzel Washington being so good at acting. Hey! Put your hands down! The man is an American institution! Although we (the hosts of the podcast) seemed to have liked this film a bit more than the masses (and critics). Possibly because it was a bit weird. And we are a bit a bit weird. It’s a match! We also talked about The Congressman again. That film has got some legs! In case you’re keeping score, we still love it. Download link
Alcohol consumed: Pana Chardonnay 2017
Recommendations: Sarah: Ready Player One (2017 film) Glenn: High Anxiety (1977 film) Cameron: Mississippi Burning (1988 film)
Hey everybody! Here it is! The special fifty-second episode! And what makes it special? Well we recorded it live in front of a studio (theater) audience! That’s right, we joined our fellow movie goers at Penn Cinema in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania for a special screening of A Quiet Place and they stuck around (most of them) to listen to a recording of our humble little podcast. A good time was had by at least 52% of the people there! And now we are posting it so you can enjoy it as well! It actually went surprisingly well. Also, maybe spoiler alerts? But not really. Download link
Beers consumed: Cocoa Bourbon Nibbler by Dark Horse Brewing Co. Cloudification by Liquid Hero Brewery Orbital Tilt IPA by Captain Lawrence Brewing Co. Concord Grape Gose by Southern Tier Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Sarah: Ex Machina (2014 film) Glenn: Casino Royale (2006 film) Cameron: Pootie Tang (2001 film) (thanks audience!)
A film in which Judi Dench is equal parts adorable and badass? Sign us up please! Although that’s basically all of Judi Dench’s roles. And, we can only hope, Judi Dench in real life. In fact we’re thinking of reformatting into an all Judi Dench based podcast. The Dench Report. I think it could work. This is the second time Judi Dench has played Queen Victoria. And the most important question we have to ask: did she ever get a good mango? We can’t help but feel this movie missed out on that most crucial part of the history. Oh and we drink a lot of wine. Enjoy! Download link
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Wine consumed: Mojave Rain Merlot 2016
Recommendations: Glenn: Safety Not Guaranteed (2012 film) Sarah: Loving (2016 film) Cameron: The Wages of Fear (1953 film)
Hey everybody! It’s our 50th episode! (or 77th if you’re a true fan) On this episode, we watch a film we can’t really talk about, Sarah overanalyzes everything, Glenn gets testy over Carrie Pilby and The Darkest Hour seems destined to win another award. Also our official #podcat Morecambe gets a namecheck and we drink three very good beers. Join us for this extra special 50th episode! Download link
Alcohol consumed: Blueberry Peach J.R.E.A.M by Burley Oak Brewing Co. 365 Anniversary Pale Ale by Funk Brewing Co. Stellar Phase Pale Ale by South County Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Glenn: The Terror (TV Series) Sarah: Touching the Void (2003 film) Cameron: Truman (David McCullough book)
Hey everybody. Unfortunately our podcast recording this past week was cancelled due to snow, but we still wanted to post something for you. As we prepare for our live show in two weeks and the recording of our 50th episode this week, we thought it might be a good time to take a look back at how it all started. This recording is actually the first of 76 so far, but we had a format change and started renumbering, so we do feel that our next episode, in spirit, is our 50th (plus we forgot to celebrate it when it was actually our 50th episode). So let’s take a trip down memory lane. Before the format change, before the new and improved intro, before Sarah, before we knew what we were doing (I know, I know), there was The Seducers, AKA Death Game. The movie that gave birth to our rule that if a movie has more than one title, it’s probably not a great film. So enjoy (and try to be kind, we were just starting out) and stay tuned next week for our 50th episode! Download link
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In this weeks episode, we watch either a dramatic comedy or a comedic drama. It’s sort of a fence sitter this one. We also ended up talking about the Oscars some more, despite our best efforts. Glenn is schooled on Chuck Berry. And we all geek out over Bob Seger. Enjoy! Download link
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Alcohol consumed: Two offerings from the Scotch Malt Whiskey Society
Recommendations: Sarah: Saving Mr. Banks (2013 film) Glenn: Drunk, Stone, Brilliant and Dead: The Story of the National Lampoon (2015 film) Cameron: Hail, Hail Rock and Roll (1987 film)
It is a rather set in stone rule here at the BWB Film Club Podcast that if a film has more than one title, it’s probably a bad film. Well ladies and gentlemen, Mesmerized actually has three titles (the other two being Shocked and My Letter To George). Nevermind that none of the titles actually bare much relation to the film at hand (in fact that key letter in the film wasn’t even to George, it was from George). But whatever, with a cast that includes Jodie Foster and John Lithgow, how could it go wrong? Lots of ways as it turns out. Find out how many by listening to this weeks episode. We also finish up our Oscar chat for the season with some Academy Award trivia and ask the questions no one is brave enough to ask (apparently we aren’t the rebels that you’d think we’d be).
(Editors note: we apologize for the lack of episode this past week, but schedules got very busy and Sarah is now off for a week long vacation…in the wilderness somewhere…questionable) Download link
Alcohol consumed: Apothic Red by Apothic Wines
Recommendations: Glenn: The Keepers (2017 Netflix documentary series) Sarah: Game Night (2018 film) Cameron: FilmStruck (film streaming service)
To say too much about this film would detract from a worthwhile viewing experience, so I will only say this: we have been pretty spoiled in many of the last episodes of our humble little film club, and this film helps continue that trend. Mind you, Christopher Plummer could do a one man show about Tiny Tim and I’m pretty sure he’d make it worth watching. Anyway, check this one out! Also, we babble on a bit about the Oscars and who we like. Take it with a grain of salt. Actually probably a couple grains would be good. Also we are now on TuneIn, so you have a whole new way of listening to us should you feel so inclined! We don’t really know how technology works, but we’re trying really hard! (Also we apologize this episode is getting up so late…we are juggling with illnesses and missing podcast hosts!) Download link
Alcohol consumed: Obscura Cabernet Sauvignon 2016 (courtesy of Bright Cellars)
Recommendations: Glenn: The Sting (1973 film) Sarah: Mary and Martha (2013 film) Cameron: Open Range (2003 film)
On paper, Gary Oldman as Winston Churchill should work about as well as Nicolas Cage playing Mahatma Gandhi. But thank goodness no one reads papers anymore. Because Gary Oldman, as Gary Oldman always does, proves to be a startlingly freakish genius. We will reserve judgement on the Nick Cage/Gandhi biopic (“Bapu Badass”) coming soon to a theater nowhere.
Oh, also we are on Stitcher and Google Play now! So check us out on either of those lovely podcast playing services as well! Download link
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Beers consumed: Snow & Tell Oak-Aged Scotch Ale by Boulevard Brewing Co. Willettized Coffee Stout by Lagunitas Brewing Co. Samichlaus Classic Bier by Brauerei Schloss Eggenberg
Recommendations: Glenn: Mystery, Alaska (1999 film) Sarah: Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017 film) Cameron:
So we here at the Better With Booze Film Club don’t want to brag or anything, but we kind of have a new listener. And not just any listener. An international listener! We have broken out across the Atlantic! An in honor of Rebecca from the UK, we watch Wish I Was Here, a Zach Braff film that was suggested by her. The question is, are we thanking her for that suggestion, or are we cursing the day we ever stepped foot on foreign shores? Find out by listening! Oh and Sarah finished an entire pour of a beer this episode. That’s a milestone too. Download link
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Beers consumed: Tears of Green by Captain Lawrence Brewing Co. Drunken Master IIPA by Melvin Brewing Citradamus IIPA by Melvin Brewing
Recommendations: Sarah: Tower (2016 Documentary) Glenn: A Futile and Stupid Gesture (2017 film) Cameron: Huey Long (1985) and Mark Twain (2001) documentaries by Ken Burns
As it turns out, there have been a number of films made about vendettas. And they tend, as a general rule, not to be great. There is even one starring Dean Cain and a gentleman that is going by the name The Big Show in a movie whose tagline reads “get ready for hell in a cell”. Catchy, I will grant you. Our Vendetta is a film of a different sort (except for the violence). This is a vendetta that comes with a history lesson. Also Christopher Walken. Did I forget to mention Christopher Walken? And Italian on Italian trouble. Watchable? Listen and find out…
(as an editor’s note, I will say that due to unavailability this week of some podcast hosts, this episode was a spare one recorded back in November of 2017…so if there are any topical references that don’t seem too topical, you know the reason why) Download link
Beers consumed: Hop Whoopin by O’so Brewing Co. Sweetwater Georgia Brown by SweetWater Brewing Co.
Reccomendations: Sarah: Alias Grace (TV miniseries) Glenn: Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987 film) Cameron: A Bronx Tale (1993 film)
Hugh Grant stars as a fairly unlikeable but charming cad. I know, right? Who saw that coming? It’s a tried and true formal which Mr. Grant has perfected to an art form. This film takes that art form and adds some very solid performances from equally likable stars. Does this make The Rewrite worth watching? Listen and see what we think… Download link
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Beers consumed: All by Collusion Tap Works in York, PA Subterfuge Hazelnut Coffee Porter Dekkera Dry Hopped Brett Saison Fuzzy Scrumpit Peach & Guava IPA
Recommendations: Glenn: The Tick (Amazon Video series) Sarah: Humans (TV series) Cameron: Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire (BBC Series)
The British never met a map they didn’t like…to arbitrarily draw lines on. And this film presents no exception to that rule. Watch as one well-meaning man, a strongly supporting wife and two star crossed lovers help single-handedly to guide India (and Pakistan) towards a smooth and peaceful transition into statehood! (Actually, it doesn’t go great). So can a movie about such a fraught emotional historical event (that isn’t Gandhi) be worth watching? Listen and find out! Download link
Beers consumed: A Beer by Against the Grain Brewery & Smokehouse Mosaic Imperial IPA by Vault Brewing Co. Frost Monster Imperial Stout by Captain Lawrence Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Sarah: Confirmation (2016 film) Glenn: Silver Streak (1976 film) and Starting Over (1979 film) Cameron: Grant by Ron Chernow (2017 book)
True story: it has been Glenn’s life long dream to be in a ventriloquism act. Unfortunately he has been unable to find anyone willing to operate his controls. It is also a fact that ventriloquism and ventriloquists and ventriloquist dolls are creepy as all hell. And this movie does not try to change that fact. A weird film about weird things and weird people. And if you’re weird, maybe you’d like to win a signed copy of this film from your favorite podcast hosts! Listen to the podcast to find out how! Download link
Beers consumed: Micro by Stillwater Artisanal Ale Who You Callin’ Wussie by Arrogant Brewing Super Flare by 4 Hands Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Sarah: Harrison Bergeron (Kurt Vonnegut short story) Glenn: The Bedford Incident (1965 film) Cameron: The Smartest Guys In the Room (2005 film) and Apollo 13 (1995 film)
Remember that time in 2008 when that guy stole a lot of money from hardworking Americans and ruin people’s lives? You know, the wall street guy. The one who ran that investment company. Phew I shouldn’t have to narrow it down this much. Uh let’s see…the one who actually went to jail? Yeah! That’s the one. Bernie Madoff. Well this is a film about him. And his family. Shakespeare himself would struggle to write such an epic tale of deceit and ultimate downfall. Thankfully Diana B. Henriques did instead. And then Barry Levinson made a movie out of it. But is it any good? Listen below and find out. And if you’re looking for a wonderful investment opportunity, why not check out some other episodes while you’re at it and maybe let us know what you think! Download link
Beers consumed: Spaced by Stillwater Artisanal Ales Golden Delicious by Captain Lawrence Brewing Co. Sugar Coated Pony Kisses by Stable 12 Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Glenn: Murder By Death (1976 film) Sarah: Death Comes To Pemberley (BBC Television Series) Cameron: Cameraman To the Queen (2015 documentary)
Happy New Year Everybody! We hope your 2018 is excellent, and we shall do our part by continuing to bring you great (well, listenable anyway) podcast entertainment! And we kick things off with a bit of a departure. For this week’s episode we watched the pilot episode to what turned out to be a rather long running BBC television program called New Tricks. The premise is that retired detectives return to service in order to clean up unsolved crimes. Is it worth checking out? (It’s on Hulu by the way). Well we will let you know in the episode, so have a listen! And thanks for listening everyone. It really does mean a lot! And if you get a chance, write in to wish us a happy new year at! Download link
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Alcohol consumed: Breakfast Stout by Vault Brewing Co. Green Street SIPA by Hermit Thrush Brewery Shoutao Peach Slush IPA by Omnipollo
Recommendations: Glenn: Marathon Man (1976 film) Sarah: Carnivàle (HBO series) Cameron: Myths & Monsters (Netflix documentary series)
Happy holidays everyone! In our final holiday themed episode, we pull out all the stops! We bring back an old favorite: the bracket segment! We have an extra special guest host! We watch a film that we’ve (mostly) all seen and love! We prove ignorant on all things Peanuts! And we drink booze! (Okay some things are normal.) So join us for this extra special episode of the Better With Booze Film Club Podcast and join the festive spirit! (Because of the booze.) Oh and The Bishop’s Wife is a great film and you should all make a point of seeing it. Download link
Alcohol consumed: The Scotch Malt Whiskey Society Cask No. 46.46: “A two way street”
Recommendations: Glenn: Gosford Park (2001 film) Sarah: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017 film) Cassie: The Crown (Netflix series) Cameron: The Good Doctor (TV series)
Here it is! The second of our three holiday themed podcasts for this month of December. And how are they holiday themed? Well we try to watch films that are nominally related to the holiday season (we haven’t been terribly successful so far). For this episode we watched the Netflix produced holiday film El Camino Christmas. I was really hoping for a Clint Eastwood themed Christmas party, but then I realized that was Grand Turino. Although I suppose that was about as much of a Christmas movie as this was. Only much better. But I digress… Download link
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Alcohol consumed: Citrus Mystic pale ale by Mad Chef Brewing El Dorado pale ale by Mad Chef Brewing
Recommendations: Alastair: the many fine breweries of Richmond, VA Glenn: Bringing Up Baby (1938 film) Sarah: Godless (2017 Netflix mini-series) Cameron: Crossing Lines (TV show)
Well it’s that time again. The holidays are back, and with that startlingly realization comes our determination to tackle films that celebrate the spirit of the season. As luck would have it, this particular episode also features a film that celebrates the spirit of spirits. So join us as we kick off a month of movies that are sure to put you in a joyous holiday mood (or not…we might need some ghosts for that). Vodka anyone? Download link
Alcohol consumed: Bruichladdich The Classic Laddie single malt scotch Laphroaig Quarter Cask single malt scotch
Recommendations: Glenn: Jason and the Argonauts (1963 film) Sarah: The Book of Life (2014 film) Cameron: The Crown (Netflix series)
Ernest Borgnine leads a quartet of elderly actors in a film about the aging processes and death that takes place in a nursing home. Like a realistic version of Quartet (2012), but without all the music. Or the Britishness. Young whippersnappers Cybill Shepherd and Richard Schiff also feature. We would agree visiting a nursing home is never a pleasant experience, but what about visiting a nursing home via the medium of film? Well give a listen and find out… Download link
Alcohol consumed: Two bottles from the Scotch Malt Whiskey Society
Recommendations: Sarah: The Shape Of Water (2017) Glenn: Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcast Cameron: The Post (2017) (also mentioned Sawbones podcast and Til Death Do Us Blart podcast *don’t worry, despite Cameron’s claim in the podcast, Til Death is only an hour and a half long, not two and a half hours long!)
What if Master and Commander featured a mutiny? And instead of Russell Crowe you had Alec Guinness. Also more whippings? Then you would have the film Damn the Defiant! Which is also know as H.M.S. Defiant. And we here at the Better With Booze Film Club Podcast have a standing rule that if a film has more than one title, it typically is not going to be very good. Is that true of this film? Listen and find out! Download link
Alcohol consumed: Walking Blues IPA by Blue Earl Brewing Co. Nelson the Greeter by Port Brewing
Recommendations: Glenn: Note by Note: The Making Of Steinway L1037 (2007 film) Sarah: Fearless (British tv series) Cameron: Beware Of Mr. Baker (2012 film)
“They are in the very wrath of love, and they will go together.” – William Shakespeare, As You Like It, Act 5, Scene 2
Shakespeare would have had a field day with these two. Mores the pity, as Richard Burton would have been able to act the hell out of whatever Shakespeare wrote. At the heart of it, this is the story of two people in love. A love that does not so much speak it’s name as drunkenly shouts it from across the room. A terrifying look at two people who could have very easily loved each other to death (however rapidly brought on) do them part. Download link
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Alcohol consumed: Two bottles from the Scotch Malt Whiskey Society
Recommendations: Sarah: True Crime Obsessed (podcast) Glenn: Apollo 13 (1995 film) Cameron: Matinee (1993 film)
So on this week’s episode we officially launch our new theme song. The theme song is being used with kind permission of friend of the podcast Dan Zdilla. It is available, along with equally good tracks, on the album Behold and Lo by the aforementioned Mr. Zdilla and we on the podcast encourage you all to go out and get your copies today. It’s available here. Thanks Dan!
And now on to the movie. Are you of the opinion that the one thing holding back the film Mr. Smith Goes To Washington is all of that black and white malarky? I mean really, what’s with that? Get with the twenty-first century Mr. Smith! It’s all color, all the time! And thanks to The Congressman, you can now experience a principled politician standing up for what is right in a style that is pleasing to our modern eyes! Huzzah! Or whatever it is the kids say these days. Download link
Alcohol consumed: Wolf Pup Session IPA by Golden Road Brewing 12 Of Never Ale by Lagunitas Brewing Co. Super Juice by Peak Organic Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Sarah: Thor: Ragnarok (2017 film) Glenn: Master and Commander: The Far Side Of the World (2003 film) Cameron: Argo (2012 film)
In this week’s episode, Sarah and Cameron opted to watch the Woody Allen film Cafe Society. And boy was it a Woody Allen film. Featuring Woody Allen (as played by Jesse Eisenberg) and Woody Allen (as the narrator), this is a story that Woody Allen can write and direct in his sleep. Basically a lightly fluffy Allen offering, it still features the same clever (if slightly sleepy) script writing one expects from him. And in the end, we were left with the same questions we are often left with in his films. But would we recommend it? Listen and find out. Download link
Alcohol consumed: Caol Ila 12 year single malt scotch
Recommendations: Sarah: Thirteen (BBC television show) Cameron: Barton Fink (1991 film)
We end our month of horror films with a piece of work that is scary for all the wrong reasons. The recommendation of the title is fair enough, but unfortunately this film doesn’t really live up to its PSA nature. Instead we are treated to a browbeaten, amateur theatrics group moping around a cemetery and being order around by a person with, well, peculiar interests. Throw in some technicolor outfits and you’ve got yourself an experience. But was it a good experience or a bad experience? Listen and find out! Download link
Beers consumed: Homebrews from Best Friend (and Logo Designer) For the Podcast, Isaiah!
Recommendations: Sarah: Marshall (2017 film) Glenn: Fright Night (1985 film) Cameron: Philomena (2013 film)
A movie about two rednecks who try to have a peaceful vacation getaway at their cabin in the woods only to be disturbed by a group of stereotypical horror movie teens who mistake them for psychopaths? I mean how could we possibly say no? Come for the ridiculous plot line and stay for the actually genuinely sweet relationship between the two leads. Download link
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Alcohol consumed: Caol Ila 12 Year Single Malt Scotch W.L. Weller Special Reserve Bourbon
Recommendations: Glenn: Noises Off (1992 film) Cameron: Sawbones podcast
Horror Month continues here at the Better With Booze Film Club. Today we look at the age-old horror genre: the vampire film. And like the vampire films of old, these vampires don’t sparkle. I say “these”, but really there is only one vampire in Let Me In. And she’s a she. And she’s 12 years old (or 900 years old or however this vampire thing works). Vampgirl befriends Nerdboy in a heartfelt and adorable romantic movie with no blood (except for all the blood…lots of blood). Brought to you the iconic Hammer Films company, Let Me In is a vampire movie for those of you who like your vampires a little less rich and sexy and a little more, well, spider-monkey like. Download link
Sarah: See
Glenn: See
Cameron: Skip
Beers consumed: Ettaler Benediktiner Weizen by Klosterbrauerei Ettal Köstritzer Schwarzbier by Köstritzer Schwarzbierbrauerei GmbH & Co.
Recommendations: Glenn: The Haunting (1963 film) Sarah: The Five (UK TV Show) Cameron: Hot Fuzz (2007)
We begin a month of horror films with one out of the catalogue of Hammer horror films. This particular film stars Anton Diffring (standing in for Peter Cushing, who turned down the roll not long before the start of filming) as a very youthful 104 year old who has discovered the secret to everlasting life (although as it turns out, it has a flaw or two). Also featured in the film is Hammer horror staple and all around cool gentleman Christopher Lee, who plays an uncharacteristically dull good guy. Where does it rank in the catalogue of Hammer films? You will have to listen to find out. Download link
Alastair: See
Glenn: Skip
Cameron: Skip
Alcohol consumed: Pale Ale brewed by co-host Alastair Yeti by Great Divide Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Glenn: Edge Of Tomorrow (2014) Cameron: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)
Aging British rockstars go back out on the road in order to relive former glories. And no, this week’s film is not a documentary. But it does capture the desperation and longstanding battles and inner conflicts that would inevitably crop up if it were real. Credit to a great collection of actors, who managed to keep a film that could have easily tipped into broad parody reasonably grounded. If you liked Spinal Tap but felt it could have used more pathos, then here you go… Download link
Sarah: See
Glenn: See
Cameron: See
Alcohol consumed: Cloudy With A Chance Of Charcuterie by Free Will Brewing Co. Josh the Guava King by Clown Shoes
Recommendations: Sarah: Gerald’s Game (1992 book) Glenn: The Fly (1958 film) Cameron: The Blacklist (TV Show)
Our first animated film! And it is a film about filmmaking! Sort of. Really it’s a film about stereotypes and using them for comic effect. A drunk fish, a curmudgeonly goat, a scare turtle, etc. Although apparently they didn’t really know the stereotype for a hippo, so they just made that character loud and happy. What would the stereotype for a hippo be? Anyway, I’m wandering. This movie is notable for two reasons near and dear to our heart here at the Better With Booze Film Club. One: the choreographing was allegedly done by Gene Kelly just before he passed away. And two: the songs in the movie were written by Randy Newman. How could you lose? Download link
Sarah: See
Glenn: See
Cameron: See
Alcohol consumed: MO by Maine Beer Company Lunch by Maine Beer Company
Recommendations: Sarah: The Girl With All the Gifts (2017 film) Glenn: City Slickers (1991 film) Cameron: Fake or Fortune (BBC One television program)
Scene: Inside the offices of a movie studio somewhere in Britain… “We’ve got this script and we need someone to star in it.” “What’s it about?” “Difficult to say, but it’s really weird.” “How weird?” “Questioning your own sanity weird.” “See if Vincent is available.”
As a side note, don’t worry…Glenn will be back for the next episode… Download link
Sarah: See
Cameron: See
Alcohol consumed: Mostly madeira
Recommendations: Sarah: The Illusionist (2006 film) Cameron: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989 film)
Well what to say about this film. On the plus side, you’ve got Meryl Streep and Michael Gambon in the starring roles. And a pretty solid supporting cast. And…there’s a motorcycle. Also some dancing I guess. This film was apparently fairly well received critically. Maybe we were just feeling a bit punchy. Still, there’s some very pretty shots of Ireland. And Rhys Ifans. Alright, I give up. Download link
Sarah: Solid Skip
Cameron: Skip
Alcohol consumed: St. George Botanivore Gin Barr Hill Gin
Recommendations: Sarah: What Happen To Monday (2017 film) Cameron: A Good Year (2006 film)
On this week’s episode, we hope a ride back in time, to the pre-Golden Age of Hollywood. We meet a 33 year old Buster Keaton, who has just made the switch to MGM, which will prove a disastrous career move. But in 1928, he still manages to make arguably his last great film, The Cameraman. But how do our fearless podcast hosts cope with non-talkie fare? Listen and find out! Download link
Sarah: Solid See
Glenn: Solid See
Cameron: Solid See
Alcohol consumed: Gin and Tonics made with the following gins: Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin Ransom Old Tom Gin Nolet’s Silver Dry Gin
Recommendations: Sarah: The Tunnel (2013 TV Show) Glenn: The Hitman’s Bodyguard (2017 film) Cameron: The General (1926 film)
Richard Burton as a crime lord planning a daring heist. It’s the stuff movie dreams are made of! Unfortunately in the case of Villain, they sort of forgot to bring a story along. But it’s still Richard Burton and he is doing some fine Richard Burton acting. And props to the filmmakers for portraying a homosexual relationship (albeit an at times hostile one) only four years after homosexuality was legalized in Britain. And it also features a much less violent Al Swearengen in his youth! We also take some time discussing our top must see television shows. And we drink some high octane beers.
Editors note: Glenn made a much more full-throated attempt to defend Game of Thrones as one of the top must see television programs. Unfortunately much of that had to be edited out for time. But we commend him for his efforts. Blame our editor. His name is Littlefinger. Download link
villain-michael-tuchner-1971-l-y0f1ta.jpeg?w=300&h=441" alt="salaud-villain-michael-tuchner-1971-L-Y0F1ta" width="300" height="441">
Scott: Skip
Alastair: Skip
Glenn: Skip
Cameron: See
Alcohol consumed: Maitrise by Fulton Beer Avec Les Bons Voeux by Brasserie Dupont sprl Exit 3 Blueberry Braggot by Fly Fish Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Scott: Bloodlines (2015 Netflix original series) Alastair: Simcoe and Amarillo hops (while recommending his own home-brew) Glenn: Pawn Sacrifice (2014 film) Cameron: The Long Good Friday (1980 film)
Having firmly established the rule of thumb that any movie with more than one title is tempting fate in the quality department, we forge ahead anyway with Emperor Of the North, or as it was originally titled Emperor Of the North Pole (which, by the way, is the correct title for this film…dropping the word “Pole” renders the title pretty meaningless). Much of this film takes place during a train journey undertaken by Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine and Keith Carradine. But is it a journey worth taking? Have a listen and see what we think. We also enjoy liquid libations from the city of Asheville and we make a list of comedies we feel you should probably see. Download link
of-the-north-pole-poster.jpg?w=660" alt="Emperor-of-the-North-Pole-Poster">
Sarah: Skip
Glenn: Solid Skip
Cameron: Skip
Beers consumed: Ceremonial Session IPA by Burial Beer Co. Hawkbill IPA by Burial Beer Co. Napoleon Complex by Wicked Weed Brewing
Recommendations: Sarah: Snowpiercer (2013 film) Glenn: Silver Streak (1976 film) Cameron: Chef (2014 film)
The King meets The Crook in this film based on the single most requested photo in the National Archives. Kevin Spacey once again flexes his chameleon talents in order to play our 37th and trickiest (some would say Dickiest) president, Richard Milhous Nixon. And Michael Shannon takes on the unenviable task of portraying a global superstar on the cusp of becoming a parody of himself. But can these heavyweights find something interesting to say about two of the most analyzed figures of the twentieth century? Listen below and see what we think! Download link
Sarah: Solid See
Glenn: Solid See
Cameron: Solid See
Alcohol consumed: Biscuit Bitter by 2SP Brewing Co. Windows Up by Alpine Beer Co. Flesh & Blood by Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Recommendations: Sarah: Walk the Line (2005 film) Glenn: All Creatures Great and Small (TV series and books on which it is based by James Herriot) Cameron: Nixon (1995 film)
It’s Shakespeare Week here at the Better With Booze Film Club, and in honor of that, we watched Orson Welles’ 1965 adaptation of the tale of Falstaff. The film also stars Welles as the definitive screen representation of Sir John Falstaff, Shakespeare’s great tragic clown. Seems like an ideal match. What could go wrong? That’s what we’re here to tell you… Download link
1967-poster.jpg?w=235&h=358" alt="Falstaff-1967-Poster" width="235" height="358">
Sarah: Skip
Glenn: Skip
Cameron: See
Alcohol consumed: Zitrone Lemon Radler by Stiegl Rock Oyster Blended Malt Scotch Whisky Ledaig 10 Year Single Malt Scotch Whisky Broadbent Madeira Reserve 5 Years
Recommendations: Sarah: Much Ado About Nothing (2012 film) and Get Out (2017 film) Glenn: Rocky (1976 film) Cameron: National Treasure film series (I know, I know)
Yes that’s right boys and girls. For this episode of the Better With Booze Film Club podcast, we took a field trip to the theaters (separately…none of the hosts actually wish to be seen in public with any of the others) to see the new blockbuster Christopher Nolan WWII film Dunkirk. We are nothing if not topical and trendy. We are also joined by a special(ish) guest and a cat named Morecambe. Oh and some beers. And the Dunkirk spirit! Onward! Download link
Sarah: Solid See
Glenn: Solid See
Cameron: Solid See
Alastair: Is Going To See
Alcohol consumed: Virgil 2017 by South County Brewing Co. Oyster Stout by The Porterhouse Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Sarah: Goon (2011 film) Glenn: Forbidden Planet (1956 film) Alastair: Hunger and Thirst (restaurant) Cameron: Taking Sides (2001 film)
Jack Lemmon as you’ve always seen him in a comedy that is so 1969-ish that I’m surprised it didn’t interrupt itself half way through to announce that we had landed on the moon. Come for beautiful and classy Catherine Deneuve and Myrna Loy, stay to count the number of times Kenneth Mars hits a woman! Also Harvey Korman as a drunk with a fetish for foreign women. What more could you ask for? Download link
Sarah: Solid See
Glenn: See
Cameron: See
Alcohol consumed: Wolters Pilsener by Hofbrauhaus Wolters Floating Fire by Futhermore Beer Sweet Baby Java by DuClaw Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Sarah: Arrival (2016 film) Glenn: Congo (1995 film) and Enter the Dragon (1973 film) Cameron: Becket (1964 film)
A new era begins for the Better With Booze Film Club as Sarah officially comes on board as host. And because Sarah has the tendency to see all the new films that have come out over the last year, we’ve decided to once again take off the age of film requirement and open it up to any contenders. Speaking of which, this week we watched Warlock, which stars Henry Fonda in a Henry Fonda role and Anthony Quinn as his creepily dedicated agent. A western for those of you who like a healthy portion of deep psychological intrigue added to your horse operas. Oh yeah, and Richard Widmark is pretty good too. Download link
Note: Our new scoring system is based on Solid See, See, Skip or Solid Skip…confusing? Probably
Sarah: Solid See
Glenn: Solid See
Cameron: Solid See
Alcohol consumed: Sheephead Ale by Brau Brothers Brewing Co. Wheat by Wooha Brewing Co. IPA by Wooha Brewing Co. Devil’s Advocate by Church Street Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Sarah: The Bletchley Circle (Television Show) Glenn: Ready Player One (Novel) Cameron: Youtuber Jacksepticeye
Not technically a new release, but as it turns out, our soon to be official new co-host Sarah has seen every movie that has come out in the last two years, so we may have to go back to doing older films. But we stumbled upon this cheerful comedy starting Pierce Brosnan and Emma Thompson and none of us had even heard about it. It gets a 27% on Rotten Tomatoes, which we think is a bit harsh. So join us as we welcome Sarah into the fold and we continue to try to sort out audio issues! By the way, the contest is still open. If you want to pick a film for us to watch, just write in to We will pick a winner at random from the ones of entries. Download link
Our scores:
Sarah: 3.5
Glenn: 3.5
Cameron: 4
Total: 11 out of 15 (Cats! Lots of cats!)
Alcohol consumed: W.L. Weller Special Reserve Bourbon Nolet’s Silver Dry Gin El Dorado 15 Year Old Rum
Recommendations: Sarah: Open Range (2003 film) Glenn: Secondhand Lions (2003 film) Cameron: Rio Bravo (1959 film)
First off, let us apologize for the slightly wonky audio quality on this episode. We’ve been trying out new audio equipment to try to streamline the recording of the podcast, and we’re obviously not quite there yet. But we will improve it for next week we promise! This week we watch the film The Exception, a WWII thriller (featuring no actual war). We also drank some beer and pontificated on Olivia de Havilland, who turns 101 on the day this episode is posted! Don’t forget to write in, by the way, to and ask us some questions. Also we have a contest. The first person who emails in with a movie for us to watch and review, we will watch it (the film must be under 2 hours long). And as a special treat for all you listeners, Sarah will be returning next week! So stay tuned! Download link
Our Scores:
John: 4.5
Glenn: 5
Cameron: 5
Total: 14.5 out of 15 (The Kaiser says it is your duty to go out and watch this film!)
Beers consumed: Cayuga Cruiser by Ithaca Beer Co. Daddy Fat Sacks by Roy Pitz Brewing Co. Green Blaze by Long Trail Brewing Co. Hop Nosh by Uinta Brewing Co.
Recommendations: John: One-Punch Man (Anime series) Glenn: Mrs. Miniver (1942 film) Cameron: The Last Stand (2013 film) and Get the Gringo (2012 film)
Yes ladies and gentlemen, it’s the twee British film with the unwieldy title that no one is talking about! This Beautiful Fantastic is as British as cricket, the Queen and Chicken Tikka Masala. This movie is basically an Alan Titchmarsh wet dream. An ode to the ye olde English Garden. Also there’s some angsty bits thrown in for good measure. And Tom Wilkinson doing what Tom Wilkinson does best: being simultaneously grumpy and endearing at once. This is at least our third Tom Wilkinson film we’ve done on this podcast. We might as well just become a Tom Wilkinson podcast. I, for one, would have no problem with that. Download link
Our Scores:
Glenn: 3
John: 3.5
Cameron: 4
Total: 10.5 out of 15 (Pretty flowers!)
Beers consumed: Tangier IPA by Southern Tier Brewing Co. Hodgson’s Bitter End IPA by Fish Brewing Co. Peak Organic IPA by Peak Organic Brewing Co. Techno IPA by Free Will Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Glenn: 28 Days Later (2002 film) John: Oldboy (2003 film) Cameron: Roy Orbison and Friends: A Black and White Night (1988 film)
What happens when you take everyone’s favorite childhood building materials and everyone’s favorite childhood superhero and combine them together for a movie? That’s right! It’s Lincoln Log Superman! What a strange rebirth of the franchise that turned out to be. Anyway, we watched the LEGO Batman movie this week. The second in the line of LEGO animated films and the first to feature music by Harry Nilsson (as far as I can recall). Oh and before we begin…I’M BATMAN (that doesn’t really work unless you can hear the voice). Download link
Our scores:
John: 4
Glenn: 3.5
Cameron: 3
Total: 10.5 out of 15 (we might hold out for the LEGO Gamera film, but for now you could do worse things with your time than seeing this film)
Beers consumed: Ma! The Meatloaf by Evil Genius Beer Co. O’Doyle Rules Almost IPA by Evil Genius Beer Co. Turtle Power Grapefruit Pale Ale by Evil Genius Beer Co. Shut Up, Meg! by Evil Genius Beer Co. ***Correction: despite what we said in the podcast, Evil Genius Beer Co. is located in the great city of Philadelphia***
Recommendations: Glenn: Father Goose (1964 film) John: Monster Factory (Polygon Youtube series) Cameron: Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds (video game) and Trading Places (1983 film)
For this episode we watched the film Logan, which scrambled our minds a bit. I suspect a second viewing would improve our scores, as we all went into it with different expectations than the film provided. But for better or worse, this is what we thought at the time. Oh and we spend a long time talking about Harry Potter at the end. Just warning you ahead of time. Download link
Our scores:
John: 4
Glenn: 3.5
Alastair: 3.5
Cameron: 3.5
Beers consumed: All American Oat Pale Ale by Terrapin Beer Co. Another One by Maine Beer Co. DaySlayer India Pale Lager by Stone Brewing and Maine Beer Co.
Recommendations: Alastair: Mr. Show (television show) Glenn: Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954 film) John: Everything Must Go (2010 film) Cameron: The Adventure Zone Podcast
Sorry that this episode is a little late getting posted, but we were enjoying our Memorial Day Weekend. But Alastair is back! And alas, Roger Moore is gone. And in honor of Memorial Day, we watch a documentary about the American institution that is Frank Sinatra. A strange collection of talking heads come together to tell you the story of Sinatra that you probably already know. Not without it’s charms, but the whole thing feels a bit slapped together (and the production values are not exactly stunning). Also, Louis Walsh? Seems like a bit of a strange choice for a talking head. Download link
Our ratings:
John: 3
Glenn: 3
Alastair: 3
Cameron: 3
Total: 12 out of 20 (maybe Doo-bee-doo-bee-don’t)
Beers consumed: Aphotic Imperial Porter with Cacao Nibs by High Water Brewing Co. Saison Du Pinacle by Brasserie Dunham Buzzerkeley by Calicraft Brewing Co.
Recommendations: Alastair: Tired Hands beers (particularly the sours) Glenn: Safety Not Guaranteed (2012 film) John: Moana (2016 film) Cameron: The Stranger (1946 film)
In this episode of the Better With Booze Film Club Podcast, we come dangerously close to awarding a perfect score to a quirky comedy called Carrie Pilby. We won’t mention who the spoil sport was (*cough* John *cough*), but it was a remarkable episode indeed! Made even more remarkable by the addition of a first time cohost in the form of Sarah! She’s like the rest of us except she knows more and she’s a woman…although that might be redundant. Download link
Our ratings:
John: 4
Glenn: 5
Sarah: 5
Cameron: 5
Total: 19 out of 20 (Forget what the critics say…listen to us! We don’t actually know anything, so we must be trustworthy!)
Beers consumed: Hors Seire Saison Brett by Les Trois Mousquetaires Grand Cru XVII by BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse Oude Geuze Boon Black Label by Brouwerij Boon
Recommendations: John: House of Cards (Netflix series) Glenn: Death At A Funeral (2007 British film) Sarah: Griff the Invisible (2010 Australian film) Cameron: A Lion In Winter (1968 film)
We apologize about the lack of episode last week, but everyone’s schedules got the better of them. As they nearly did this week. Thankfully John stepped up to the mark and joined Cameron for a two headed episode. Due to technical difficulties, instead of watching a new film, we watched Stop Making Sense, the concert film from The Talking Heads. This was John’s first time seeing the film, and the first of three times Cameron watched the film that week. So join us for a slightly modified episode featuring two people desperate to try to fill an hour… Download link
Our ratings:
John: 4
Cameron: 4.5
Total: 8.5 out of 10 (Put your big suits on and get ready to dance)
Beers consumed: Fresh Cut by Peak Organic Brewing Co. Kettleface by St. Boniface Craft Brewing Co. and Columbia Kettle Works
Recommendations: Seriously, just go watch Stop Making Sense. What are you waiting for?
As it turns out it’s difficult to come up with a witty intro when discussing a film about holocaust denial. So instead I will only point out that this is the highest rated film (by the Better With Booze Film Club) that we have watched so far, so it is certainly worth checking out. Next time we will do a comedy. I promise.*
*promises are non-binding as per the Better With Booze Film Club Charter Download link
Our ratings:
Scott: 4
Glenn: 4.5
John: 4.5
Cameron: 4.5
Total: 17.5 out of 20 (our highest rating yet!)
Beers consumed: Super Session #2 by Lawson’s Finest Liquids (Scott, Glenn, John) Napoleon Complex by Wicked Weed (Cameron) Sprang by Trillium Brewing Co. Focal Banger by The Alchemist Heady Topper by The Alchemist
Recommendations: Scott: The Big Short (2015) and Miller’s Crossing (1990) John: Green Room (2015) Glenn: Goodfellas (1990) Cameron: Margin Call (2011)
McDonalds. It’s as American as apple pie. More American than Ted Cruz. Probably less American than a mailbox shaped like a tractor. But how did this global giant start? Well as it turns out, it was just a case of a lot of ingenuity, a lot of hard work and a tiny bit of corporate theft. And it is all laid out for you in The Founder, a biopic of the man who started it all (and by started it, I mean happened into it, took it, made a lot of money from it and screwed the ones who actually started it). It’s as American as McDonalds! Do you want fries with that? Download link
Our ratings:
Alastair: 3.5
Scott: 3.5
John: 3
Cameron: 4
Total: 14 out of 20 (frowns, burgers, happy meals?)
Beers consumed: Dayblazer Easygoing Ale by New Belgium Brewing Co. Churchville Lager by Neshaminy Creek Brewing Co. J.A.W.L. Juicy Ale with Nugget by Neshaminy Creek Brewing Co. Solstice diet by Brasserie Dieu du Ciel (also finished with some Glenfiddich 12 year single malt scotch)
Recommendations: John: Sicario (2015 film) Scott: Salvador (1986 film) Cameron: Stop Making Sense (again), Catch Me If You Can (2002 film), Cane Toad: An Unnatural History (1988) Alastair: Single Cut (brewery)
For this episode we watched the coming-of-age film The Edge of Seventeen (2016), not to be confused with the coming-of-age film Edge of Seventeen (1998) or the coming-of-age Stevie Nicks song Edge of Seventeen (1982). We have our first disagreement about a film, with sides chosen as you would expect: The McQuaig boys coming down on the sentimental side, Cameron playing the role of the soulless curmudgeon and Alastair basically just trying to make everyone happy. We also experience our first undrinkable beer (at least, again, for three out of four of us). So join us on this coming-of-age episode of the Better With Booze Film Club Podcast. Download link
Our ratings:
Glenn: 4.5
John: 4.5
Alastair: 4
Cameron: 3
Total: 16 out of 20 (Come for teen angst, stay for Woody Harrelson)
Beers consumed: Triporteur by B.O.M. Brewery Floreffe Prima Melior by Brasserie Lefebvre Unearthed Stout by Long Trail Brewing Co. Expedition Stout by Bell’s Brewery
Recommendations: Glenn: Henry V (1989 Kenneth Branagh film) John: Legion (FX Television Show) Cameron: Stop Making Sense (Talking Heads concert film) Alastair: Super Fresh by Peak Organic Brewing Co.
Look up there! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Well actually yes, it’s both of those things. In this episode we watch the Clint Eastwood directed biopic Sully, about the Miracle on the Hudson and pilot Chesley Sullenberger’s role in the events. The movie features national treasure Tom Hanks. It also stars Aaron Eckhart’s mustache. So join us as we pilot this podcast into icy waters as we discuss Sully. Brace! Brace! Download link
Our ratings:
Glenn: 4
John: 4
Alastair: 4
Cameron: 4
Total: 16 out of 20 (we recommend you watch…although possibly not as your inflight movie)
Beers consumed: Hipster Ale by Evil Twin Brewing Dominion GPA by Old Dominion Brewing Co. Escape To Colorado IPA by Epic Brewing Co. Snake Dog IPA by Flying Dog Brewery
Recommendations: Glenn: Much Ado About Nothing (1993) and The Room (2003) and The Disaster Artist (2013 book) John: Kung Fury (2015) and the works of Don Hertzfeldt Alastair: Doom House (YouTube video) Cameron: Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)
J.K. Simmons. You used to see him quite a lot. Usually in something revolving around Law & Order. Now you see him more or less all the time. He seems to be in everything. It’s astounding that he finds the time. Unless he’s got that old school Hollywood studio system mentality. Like in the 40’s, where film studios would make 150 pictures before lunch on Monday. And most of them contained Claude Rains. So basically J.K. Simmons is the modern day Claude Rains. In the All Nighter, the great character actor takes on a starring role. So how well does he do? There’s only one way to find out… Download link
Our ratings (out of 5):
Glenn: 3
John: 3.5
Cameron: 3.5
Total: 10 out of 15 (we say if you happen to see it somewhere, give it a watch…just don’t go into it expecting anything)
Beers consumed: Brain Teaser by Tired Hands Brewing Co. Citra Pils by Pizza Boy Brewing Co. Spandex Glitter & Egos by Pizza Boy Brewing Co.
***We apologize for the lack of recommendations. Cameron forgot to include it again and the other two did not bother to remind him. Recommendations will return next episode***
Hello all…you may be confused by the episode numbering. Well let me explain: we’ve changed some things on this little podcast of ours, and in order to make it official, we’re starting from the ground up. Consider the previous twenty seven podcast episodes as bonus! Or perhaps our early years, before we found our groove and started really annoying you. Anyway, in an effort to be a little more professional and tightened up (read: attempt to make the podcast somewhat more listenable and keep it under an hour) we’ve decided to reformat a bit and do proper segments (with proper intros to be introduced in Episode Two!) We are also going to start reviewing just released for rental films, so we might be able to give you, the listener (and I do mean listener…one day we might be able to put an ‘s’ on the end of that), a chance to hear some opinions before you go out and rent it. Of course there are actual professionals you could turn to for that sort of thing, but I digress. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new format (although truth be told, I don’t think you’ll find it at all dissimilar to the previous format) and please feel free to write in to with any questions, suggestions, criticisms (although I will warn you ahead of time, some of us are criers) or general messages of goodwill and/or hatred. Thanks for listening (and thanks to Alyce for the questions)!
1.jpg?w=184&h=277" alt="9780735216686-1" width="184" height="277"> Download link Our ratings (out of 5): Alastair: 4 John: 4.5 Glenn: 4 Cameron: 4.5 Total: 17 out of 20 (we say definitely watch it!)
Our recommendations: Alastair: Samurai Jack John: Arrested Development Glenn: Santa Clarita Diet Cameron: Any documentaries by Ken Burns
Beers consumed: Hof ten Dormaal (Lips of Faith Series) by New Belgium Brewing Co. Pennsylvania Tuxedo by Dogfish Head Craft Brewery Scurry by Off Color Brewing Chilly Water by Trinity Brewing Co.
In this not at all special episode of the Better With Booze Film Club podcast, we decide to check out the fine work being produced by the geniuses over at, who unearthed a copy of James Nguyen’s 2005 Vertigo meets Parts: The Clonus Horror mashup Replica. There’s so many reasons to celebrate Rifftrax and so few to celebrate Replica. To help us on this life changing journey, we are joined once again by frequent guest host John McQuaig. We are also joined by a feeling of encroaching darkness and despair. Thanks Yahoo! Answers questions! Download link
Beers consumed: Pappy’s Porter by The Alchemist Heady Topper by The Alchemist Focal Banger by The Alchemist
We are back and apologetic about the lack of episodes as of late. Illness struck our small podcast circle and we had to take a bit of a restorative rest. But we are back! And to prove our love, we will be posting two episodes in two days! Double the fun (*fun not guaranteed). First off we have the Glenn-recommended film King of California starring Michael Douglas in a fantastically quirky role that Michael Douglas seems to nail a lot these days. We are also joined a second time by Brendan, who, despite the implications in the podcast, is not, in fact, a racist. Not that we know of anyway. And on top of all that, we debate the greatest director of all time (the answer will hardly surprise you) and we take some time to waste your time with some Yahoo! Answers questions. Enjoy! Download link
Beers consumed: Zombie Killer by B. Nektar Meadery The Juice by Peak Organic Brewing Company 20th Anniversary Encore Series: 14th Anniversary Emperial IPA by Stone Brewing Co.
Continuing our series of host-picked films, Alastair opts for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a movie which proves that Jim Carrey is capable of being an entirely likable actor and that erasing peoples’ memories may, in fact, have unforeseen consequences (who knew)? We also attempt to answer, to the best of our abilities, some questions from the always erudite Yahoo! Answers movie pages. Thankfully we also had beer. Download link
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Beers consumed: The Juice by Peak Organic Brewing Company GoneAway IPA by Half Acre Beer Company Rye IIPA Research Series by Frost Beer Works
Recommendations: Stranger Things (Cameron, although apparently already recommended by Glenn) George Harrison Living In the Material World (Cameron) The Thing From the Other World (Glenn) Passenger Coffee (Alastair)
A new year is upon us and following a short post-holiday break, the Better With Booze Film Club has reconvened with a slightly modified format. Now, instead of choosing a movie at random, one host is chosen to select a film that he (or she…although not yet) wishes the other hosts to see. And Cameron (obsessed as he is with Jack Benny) kicks things off with a screening of To Be Or Not To Be. Another new section of the show, which may or may not become a permanent feature, involves the hosts tackling a number of Yahoo! Answers questions chosen at random (and of varying quality). Should you wish your very own question to be featured on the show, write in at! Download link
Beers consumed: CitruSinensis Pale Ale by the Lagunitas Brewing Company Mandarin by Almanac Beer Company Passion Fruit Kicker by Green Flash Brewing Company Citrus Limbo IPA by Long Trail Brewing Company
Recommendations: Beware Of Mr. Baker (Alastair) La La Land (John) Talk To Me (Cameron)
Of all the recent superhero films, this is certainly one of them. We are joined for this episode by our favorite and most frequent guest host, John McQuaig, who remained unbiased as Glenn and Cameron debate the great movie actresses in history. Also we uncover Glenn’s thinly veiled obsession with the actress Meryl Streep! Oh and we drink some beers. Download link
2010-1.jpg?w=660" alt="super-2010-1">
Beers consumed: Organic Pale Ale by Samuel Smith Old Brewery Wild Blue Blueberry Lager by Blue Dawg Brewery Blizzard of Hops by Troegs Brewing Company
Recommendations: Midnight Special (2016 film) (John) The Jungle Book (2016 film) (Glenn) Inseparable (2011 film) (Cameron)
Glenn and Cameron discover that Alastair has never seen White Christmas. We decide to rectify that situation with immediate effect. Join us for a holiday classic of which at least two-thirds of us are quite fond. Also, we continue our debate on the greats of motion pictures, this time looking at the great actors. Our conclusion may be a bit of a surprise. Also we are all apparently very fond of Isaiah. Download link
Recommendations (they’re all films this time!): The Bishop’s Wife (Glenn) The Art of the Steal (Alastair) The Secret Life of Pets (Cameron)
Beers consumed: Szech ‘n Brett by Logsdon Farmhouse Ales Double Vision by Grand Teton Brewing Let It Oak by Isaiah Hegedus and friend
It was bound to happen eventually. We have found a perfectly enjoyable, well made film. It is tempting to just stop while we are ahead, but then we wouldn’t be the hosts you have learned to love. So press on we will! But until then, we take advantage of being thoroughly opinionated to discuss/argue about some of the greatest films of all time. And we end by crowning the Better With Booze Great Movies Showdown winner! Congratulations **************! (This information redacted due to Sec. 34 Para. 8 of the “No Spoilers Act” of 2010). And congratulations to Alyce! Winner of the podcast contest! Your prize will be on the way just as soon as we figure out what the hell it is! Download here
Beers consumed: California Lager by Anchor Brewing Liberty Ale by Anchor Brewing Go West! IPA by Anchor Brewing Anchor Steam by Anchor Brewing
Watch as filmmakers take a two dimensional painting and turn it into a film that somehow has even less dimensions. There is nothing else to say about this film. Literally. As is evident by the greater than average drifting from topic during the course of this episode. Links below to the McElroy products spoken of during the course of the podcast. Take the time to visit them and hear what people who know what they’re doing sound like. Download link
Beers consumed: Steampipe by Otter Creek Brewing Co. Bloody Show by Against the Grain Brewery Duet by Alpine Beer Company Uncle Jacob’s Stout by Avery Brewing Co.
McElroy Brothers products recommended: The Adventure Zone Gameplay of American Truck Simulator
In the early to mid 1960’s, Arch Hall Jr. was a bankable film star. Assuming, that is, that Arch Hall Sr. was playing the role of the bank. This film is generally considered the high point of Junior’s catalogue. More of a Mt. Mitchell than a Mt. McKinley though. Download link
Beers consumed: Velvet Merlin by Firestone Walker Brewing Co. Hofbräu Original by Hofbräu München Long Trail Ale by Long Trail Brewing Co. Shiner Bock by Spoetzl Brewery
Based on the wildly successful short story of the same title (wildly successful meaning Glenn had read it at some point), The Most Dangerous Game is the tale of Count Zaroff, who gets his kicks by hunting humans on his private island. Although to be honest with you, given the caliber of the potential game in this film, I think he set the player difficulty slider on novice. And yet somehow he manages to fail…twice (spoiler alert). Download link
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Beers consumed: Shade by MadTree Brewing County Line IPA by Neshaminy Creek Brewing Co. Blackout Stout by Great Lakes Brewing Co.
We all know the story of Ichabod Crane. The poor New England schoolmaster in the late 1700’s menaced by the tales of a Headless Horseman. Now imagine a modern retelling of that story. Except instead of New England you have a Wild West amusement park. And instead of Ichabod Crane you have a bunch of moderately disinterested hippies who don’t seem to spot danger until sometime after the second or third murder. Oh also assume the updated story is neither entertaining nor scary. And now you have the Curse of the Headless Horseman! Download link
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Beers consumed: Negra by Cervesa Del Montseny Pêche Mortel by Brasserie Dieu du Ciel Corvo Negro by NOVO Brazil Brewing Company
Some of the best things come in threes. Blind mice, amigos, musketeers, McElroy brothers, Indiana Jones movies (I refuse to acknowledge you, Crystal Skull)…but sometimes, just sometimes, bad things come in threes. So bad, that they must be bookended by God and Satan bickering on a train. This is one of those times. So join us on the Night Train…To Terror!!! Download link
Beers consumed: Truth by Rhinegeist Brewery Psychopathy by Madtree Brewing Company Rosie Del Barrio by Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales De Garre by Brouwerij Van Steenberge
There are some characters so deeply ingrained in motion pictures and television that even the mere mention of who portrayed them the best can bring on fierce arguments. James Bond, Sherlock Holmes and the Doctor…everyone has their favorite actor who took on the task of playing an iconic role (Roger Moore, Jeremy Brett and David Tennant by the way). And for me, Sheriff Buford Pusser will always and forever be best played by Joe Don Baker. Unfortunately for this made for television movie special, we get Brian Dennehy, a likable enough actor, but #notmyBuford. Download link
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Gin based cocktails consumed: The Emerson The Podcast I The Podcast II
So everyone knows those conspiracy theorists who believe the Elvis Presley is still alive and well (although he’d be 81 by now, and given the fact that he had a diet that consisted mainly of fried foods, even if he was alive I’m not entirely sure how well he’d be). But a lesser known group of conspiracy theorists exist who believe the Elvis is, in fact, dead. And a vampire. This is a movie for them. Download link
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Gin based cocktails consumed: The Bronx The Bee’s Knees The Yale The Last Word
In the mood for a martial arts slapstick supernatural comedy action film? Well then this would be a possibility. Not a good possibility, but a possibility nonetheless. Download link
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Beers consumed: George by Hill Farmstead Brewery Koppi Coffee IPA by Mikkeller Elevated PSA by Elevation Beer Co.
On this episode we are joined by extra special guest host Taylor Rice. One of us is also joined by a cold bug. And we watch Good Against Evil, a film starring everyone’s favorite action star with a clearly made up name: Dack Rambo (real name? Norman). Download link
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Beers consumed: Hop Slice Session IPA by Deschutes Brewery Napoleon Complex by Wicked Weed Brewing Freak Of Nature by Wicked Weed Brewing Sixth Glass Quadrupel Ale by Boulevard Brewing Co.
The inexplicably named Night Fright extends the concept of day for night beyond the realms of human comprehension and answers the often asked question: “What would a gorilla-klingon love child look like?” Also, every season should be plaid season. Download link
Beers consumed: Newport Storm by Coastal Extreme Brewing Co. Sgt. Pepper by Cambridge Brewing Co. Simple Means by Jester King Brewery
It is almost like someone wrote a theme song to a film and then built a film around it. Not a good film though. Not a good theme song come to think of it. And what would otherwise be an (unintentionally) amusing enough distraction turns ugly with an unexpected and unjustified rape scene. How dare you, Hollywood Man. Download link
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Beers consumed: Tasting Room Amerikan Kolsch by Boulevard Brewing Co. Extra Pale Ale 420 by SweetWater Brewing Co. Finest Kind IPA by Smuttynose Brewing Co. Laughing Crow IPA by Wyndridge Farm Brewing
A 1970’s Charles Bronson film where almost no one gets killed? I honestly don’t see the point myself. If you ever asked yourself what it would be like to watch Charles Bronson wander around the south of France not really doing much of anything, well then here is your answer. Download link
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Beers consumed: 2XOne Seasonal Single Varietal Ale by Southern Tier Brewing Company Homebrew from a friend of Brother Isaiah Oude Tart by The Bruery
Watch as one man struggles…and struggles…and struggles…and struggles..and struggles (seriously man, I know the whole if you don’t succeed, try try again thing…but sometimes life gives you lemons so you can be sour and live with it) to find success in the Great White Way. Download link
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Beers consumed: Cosmic Nod Intersteller Pale Ale by South County Brewing Co Three Philosophers by Ommegang Brewery Enjoy By 09.05.16 by Stone Brewing Co
In this episode we watch a slasher* film called Savage Weekend. Like all slasher films, we are introduced to a lineup of unlikeable characters of no interest and watch as they head to the country. Then they wander around not accomplishing anything until someone in a mask kills each of them in a new and interesting† way! And a surprise‡ ending!
*no slashing involved †not interesting ‡not surprising Download link
Scotches consumed: Glenfiddich 12 Year Balvenie Doublewood 12 Year Glenlivet Nadurra 16 Year
Roy Rogers appears in the autobiographical story of man struggling to raise a herd of molybdenum on a modest ranch at the height of the corporate takeover of The West by Wall Street. In the words of Gabby Hayes: “Ppppherrtterrrporterssssoooon Roy!” Download link
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Beers consumed: Oktoberfest by D. G. Yuengling & Son Arrogant Bastard Ale by Stone Brewing Company Crusher by The Alchemist
The nights were dark in 1969, as all the sitcom stars fell to earth to appear in Wake Me When the War Is Over, which takes a plot that would be thin even for an episode of Gilligan’s Island (or Green Acres or Hogan’s Heroes or the Andy Griffith Show) and stretches it to the point of disbelief. Come for the sexy maid, stay for the Nazi elementary school teacher! Download link
Beers consumed: Lunch by Maine Brewing Company August IPA by Upright Brewing Company Panil Barriquée by Panil
On this episode we suffer through a truly terrible film. Of all the 1973-based movies we have watched, this one is by far the worst. A film that starts poorly, stays poor in the middle and staggers to a poor finish. A truly consistent work of movie magic! Download link
Beers consumed: Tribute by 14th Star Brewing Co. Lagunitas Maximus by Lagunitas Brewing Co. Backwoods Monster by Big Muddy Brewing
This week we got a dose of Hammer glamour with a viewing of the 1973 Christopher Lee / Peter Cushing matchup The Satanic Rites of Dracula (also starring lovely Joanna Lumley!) in which Dracula’s attempts to destroy the human race with the black death are foiled by the lack of a plan of any sort. We also experienced technical problems in the recording of the podcast, so be forewarned, the audio isn’t the best. Download Link
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Beers Consumed: Space Juice by Long Trail Brewing Co. Vunderbar! Pilsner by Smuttynose Brewing Co.
This week we watched the Kirk Douglas thriller The Master Touch, in which Kirk Douglas introduces us to the new science of electronic computers, a mild case of road rage leads to a battle to the death and a ship’s captain keeps a close watch on the time. Download link
Beers consumed: Dortmunder Gold Lager by Great Lakes Brewing Co. 20th Anniversary Beer by Sly Fox Brewing Co. Buellton Silent Partner by Telegraph Brewing Co.
For the very first meeting of the Better With Booze Film Club we screened the 1977 drama thriller The Seducers, which also goes by the name Death Game (two names…never a good sign). To find out all about this film, which involves a meek man driving two women to a bus stop and then returning home, listen and let Cameron, Alastair and Glenn guide you through a cinematic nightmare. Prepared to be equal parts bored and horrified! But mostly bored… Download link
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Beers consumed: Keyte Jubileum by Brouwerij Strubbe Troubadour Westkust by Brouwerij De Musketiers Bourbon Barrel Dark Ale (Winter Migration) by Evolution Brewing Company
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