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Submit ReviewDave and Anna send the podcast into the abyss in the best possible way. Three of their favorites perform -- Kyle Kinane, Kyle Mizono and Guy Branum -- each of whom addresses fear and anxiety in a hilarious and beautiful way, and each uniquely different from everyone else on the show. It ended with Dave and Anna opening the mic up to anyone who wanted to confess their anxieties and fears, which found almost everyone in the theater coming to the stage. It was wonderful. The show ended with a cameo from Debra DiGiovanni, who was brought up to defend her home country of Canada from Guy's barrage of insults against it earlier in the show. Thank you to everyone who listened, wrote in and cared for this show. We love you and we'll never forget how important this show was, and is, to all of us.
Anna and Dave give Terrified a proper send-off. This is the last studio-recorded episode of the show, and the second to last ever (or at least for a long while). The last episode will be recorded live, February 29th, 2016 at NerdMelt. In this last discussion, Anna and Dave do a little bit of everything -- they joke around, they come up with catchphrases, they read listener emails, they do a call-in interview with their old friend Hasan Minhaj, they discuss their own battles with depression and anxiety, and they explain the end of the show. They thank you, the listener, over and over again for being part of such a great thing. Seriously. Thank you. This is a long one, because Anna and Dave just did not want to stop. They love you. We love you. We'll see you February 29 at NerdMelt, and at the next thing, and the next.
Zack is a musician based in Toronto. He's the drummer in the band PUP, you know, that band Dave never shuts up about. They met last summer on Warped Tour and got along immediately. In this interview, they discuss depression in every aspect. They talk about what leads to depression, how depression manifests itself, what could happen if gone unmanaged, how to manage it, and much more. They also have a lot of fun. Maybe you wouldn't think it, but when two people who fight depression get together to talk about depression, they become overjoyed.
Dave and Anna get real dumb in this episode. They come up with at least four catch phrases and can't stop saying them. They then move into more call-in interviews, with Lisa Friedrich, Ryan Stout, Emily Maya Mills and Nate Craig. Each interview is dark, sweet and different in its own way.
Follow @lisacfriedrich, @StoutRyan, @emilymayamills and @NateCraigLive on Twitter!
Terrified... is ending! :( But for now, Anna's back, and Dave is so excited. She and Dave briefly discuss the end of the show, and the bittersweetness of it. They then move into phone interviews with people Dave knows from the road that he's always wanted on the show. Brandon Jazz, Christina Parrish, Steve Anderson, Ryan Solomon, Zach Peterson and Asif Ali all give short interviews about their fears, anxieties, and self-loathing. These are six of Dave's favorite people, comedians and creators in the world, and each of their answers is so unique and incredible. It's a blast. Anna and Dave joke around a bunch in between, too. Follow her at. touching. cheeses.
Follow @jazzisyrfriend, @ibesuper, @RyanMSolomon, @MrZachPeterson and @alicomedy on Twitter, and like on Facebook!
Kristin Rand is a comedian based in Los Angeles, CA, formerly of Denver, CO. She's the best. She and Dave discuss a litany of things, from body image to personal growth to struggling professionally to eating disorders, all the while laughing like idiots. The episode concludes with Kristin opening up for one of the first times publicly about sexual assault, and the times it's it happened to her. It's shocking and heartbreaking and sad, and yet Kristin pulls it into the uplifting and optimistic and beautiful as well. She delves into it with courage and calm. It's impressive. She's impressive. We're so thankful she decided to share with us and we commend her unendingly on opening up about something so horrifying and difficult to even accept, much less deal with in a healthy way. Like we said, she's the best.
Follow @krandomthoughts on Twitter!
Ahamed Weinberg is a comedian based in Los Angeles, California, and a good friend of Dave's. Pretty much immediately in the episode, Dave makes a horrible conversational faux pas with Ahamed, and spends like ten minutes apologizing for it. Once the dust settles from that, Ahamed and Dave discuss Islam, Ahamed's Muslim upbringing, and both the love and the guilt that came from this upbringing. They then move onto discuss Ahamed's recent decision to leave his job, and his fear that he made the wrong decision. Seems like he made the right one, though. Dave is pretty sure of it.
Follow @AhamedWeinberg on Twitter!
Garrick Bernard is a stand-up comic and writer based in Los Angeles, CA. He and Dave discuss the idea of being funny, and the things one does throughout one's life to get good at being funny, before even making the decision to try stand-up. They also talk being afraid that you're not funny, and worrying at every moment that people will stop thinking you're funny or have never thought you were funny at all. Dave gives Garrick homework. It was honestly weird of him.
Follow @GarrickWasTaken on Twitter!
Kevin Brody is a comedian and podcaster based in Chicago. He and Dave talk about his father, and his father's Alzheimer's, and the difficulty he's having dealing with his father's Alzheimer's, in every way possible. They talk about grief and pain and abuse and coping with those things despite being unable to talk to your family about it. They also talk about jokes. They both love jokes!
Follow @kevin_brody on Twitter!
Jeff Wattenhofer is a comedian based in L.A., and is a longtime friend of Dave's. They started stand-up together! They used to run HOLY FUCK together. They reminisce for awhile and then get into Jeff's frustration with the current comedy scene, now six years after starting. He lays out, in detail, the options he has as a grown adult -- focus on a happy, fulfilling, normal American life or keep focusing on comedy and let it keep being hurtful and difficult and still not make it. Jeff and Dave seriously stress each other out with these thoughts, but then come around to an optimistic place at the end. No but for real HOLY FUCK though.
Caitlin Gill is a comedian and writer based in Los Angeles, California. And she just got her first writing job! Dave and Caitlin talk about that, and what it took to do that, and what it takes to make it as a comedian in general. They also talk about friendship and feeling wanted in a lonely, oversaturated city like L.A., and the millions of ways a person -- particularly an awkward or an anxious person -- can sabotage themselves socially. They also talk about judging themselves, and how they should not judge themselves, and then fail at that. Don't worry, everyone does!
Follow @ROBOTCAITLIN on Twitter!
Danny Lobell is a comedian and storyteller in Los Angeles, CA. He and Dave discuss being a comedian, and being happy as a comedian. They discuss the idea of accepting oneself, and what it takes to do that. Danny really seems to have done that. Dave is impressed.
Follow @dannylobell on Twitter!
This episode was recorded live from the annual Savage Henry Comedy Festival on September 5, 2015 in Arcata, Caifornia. WHAT AN AMAZING FESTIVAL. Dave and Anna had so much fun. They talked to Humboldt and Savage Henry Magazine's own Christ Durant, as well their friend and hilarious SF-based comedian Kate Willett, and the one and only Billy Wayne Davis about pretty much every fear under the sun. Find a copy of Savage Henry Magazine NOW and get to next year's festival WHEN IT HAPPENS NEXT YEAR.
Follow @SavageHenryMag, @KateWillett and @BillyWayneDavis on Twitter!
Chris Conley is a songwriter and musician, and lead singer of Saves The Day. He's also just the nicest and most thoughtful guy. He and Dave and Anna talk sadness, and anxiety, and emo, and the long journey of learning how to be better. They talk for a long time about Chris's music, and how it's developed over time, and the stress and difficulty of moving forward in your career and life when some people are stuck in its past. They also talk about performing, and encountering disrespect when you're performing, and just dealing with disrespectful people in general. They had a great time. Dave and Anna literally miss Chris right now.
Follow @ChrisLaneConley on twitter and check out!
Soupy is the lead singer of The Wonder Years and about the sweetest person alive. He and Dave discuss fear, and extreme fear, and specific extreme fears, and dealing with those specific extreme fear. Soupy is particularly in tune with the fears in his life, which fascinated Dave. They also discussed the escape of those fears with art and music. It was great. Hope you enjoy. Fun fact: they were in trailer on Warped Tour in the rain. Yeah. It was great.
Follow @headabovewater on Twitter and check out The Wonder Years at!
This episode comes to you live from Cynic Cave, in the basement of Lost Weekend Video, in the Mission district of San Francisco, California. It's about our favorite comedy venue in one of our favorite cities, and the lineup was filled with some of our favorite people. We talk about it in the show -- we literally did not have enough time to interview all the people in San Francisco we love. There are just too many. Our first guest was the RETURN of Petey Dammit! He's one of our favorites. And the following was Joey Devine, another one of our favorites, and then Natasha Muse, ANOTHER of our favorites, and finally Kaseem Bentley, damn near our favorite. He roasted Dave for hours it seemed. And Dave loved it. Each guest opened up in a different way about a different thing. It's one of our favorite episodes to date. (Maybe you can tell by how much we use the word "favorite".)
Follow @peteydammit, @joeydevine, @NatashaMuse and @kaseembentley on Twitter!
They're back! We're back! (It's back.) Dave and Anna hang out together. They talk about their return, and how they've been feeling, and where the show's going to go, and what happened in the last five months while they were away, and what they're afraid of, and what they dislike about themselves. Did they solve all of their problems during the show's hiatus? Every single problem? In just five months? Are they totally fine now? Listen and find out. Also, they sing 90s songs. OTHER 90s songs.
Dave and Anna are BACK! They are back from tour and they are BACK ONLINE. Here lies the first live episode they ever did in their home town of Los Angeles, and it's at their home theater, The Nerdist Showroom at Meltdown. It was so much fun. One of the best live shows either of them have done, podcast OR stand-up. Simon Gibson did stand-up, Joey Izzo showed some videos and Karen Kilgariff played some songs, each followed by an interview about fear and self-loathing. It's a weird mish-mash of media, jokes and screaming, and we think you'll love it. Tune in next week for a check in from Dave and Anna about their hiatus, returning from hiatus, where the show's been, where the show's going, and 90s radio hits. But right now, enjoy Terrified Live from NerdMelt. :)
This is not an episode. I mean... It's kind of an episode. But it's a short episode? IT'S NOT AN EPISODE. Look, the show has been on hiatus, and it's not back yet. But it's ALMOST back. And Anna and Dave wanted to let you know that it's almost back, and talk about what they're gonna do when the show IS back, so they recorded this little teaser episode. They joke and laugh and talk about their upcoming 2015 California tour (8/27 to 9/7), their live show in SF (8/28), their live show in Humboldt (9/5), and their live show in good ollllllll' Los Angeles (9/7). And weekly episodes of the podcast return to Nerdist on 9/16! They can't wait. They just can't wait.
For more info on the tour, click here
This week's guest is... NO ONE. Or... EVERYONE! It's just Anna and Dave this week. They catch up. They catch on the show, on their lives, and on their love of 90s radio hits. They also make an announcement. It's a saddening announcement, and also an exciting one. They're broke, you see. Broke, and overwhelmed, and having a hard time, and also doing great. They have to take a break from doing the show for a few months, and they explain why. They love you. They'll see you in September.
This episode was recorded live at the Floodwater Comedy Festival in Iowa City, Iowa on April 19, 2015! The fest was so fun. Dave talks to Daniel Frana, who ran the festival, Quad Cities comedian and screamo keyboardist Andrew Cline, Chicago-based touring comedian Emily Galati, and the mortal soul of Des Moines comedy, Ryan Solomon. Each brought their own weirdness to the table. It was great.
Follow @franieldana, @sadclone, @emilygalati and @ryanmsolomon on Twitter!
Wendi Starling is a comedian who recently moved from Los Angeles to New York City. She talks depression, and mental illness, and medication, and drug use, and she talks about rape. She was raped. She's very open about it. It's heartbreaking, and so awful, and she talks about it in detail, both what happened then and what's happened since. It's honestly impressive and brave how open she is about it. This is also, as it happens, the first time Anna conducts the interview! Dave's not there. They make fun of him a little.
Follow @WendiStarling on Twitter!
Joe Wagner is an insanely funny writer and performer in Los Angeles, California. He and Dave are big fans of each other. They talk about that, and love, and loving your friends, and romantic love, and being without romantic love, and walking alone through the streets of Los Angeles without romantic love and still feeling loved. They also talk about loss. Joe is afraid that he won't be able to handle his next great personal loss.
Follow @BrotherWags on Twitter!
Tony Thaxton is a musician, writer, performer and podcaster based in Los Angeles, California. He was also, for years, the drummer for the band Motion City Soundtrack! He and Dave discuss that, and then move on to Tony's fear of getting yelled at. He's scared at every moment of saying the wrong thing, and of getting yelled at for it. They then move on to Tony's total lack of confidence, and Dave's total lack of confidence, and the episode devolves into them apologizing to each other until they fall asleep.
Follow @tonythaxton on Twitter!
Ryan Singer is a stand-up comic based in L.A. He and Dave talk about his start in stand-up comedy in Dayton, Ohio, and the alcoholism and frustration and insanity that came out of that. They also discuss Ryan's fear of being a joke, and his attempt to control the laughter coming his way by being a stand-up comedian.
Follow @RySing on Twitter!
Mikal Cronin is a musician now based in Los Angeles, California! Last time he and Dave talked, Mikal was living in San Francisco, where he'd lived for a long time. Dave had him back on the show to discuss his feelings about his music and himself after recording his new album, MCIII. The last time they talked, Mikal was frustrated and despondent about making music, and worried he couldn't do it. Now that he's made a new (incredible) album, he and Dave revisit his feelings on creating again. They also discuss wasting time, and focusing, and wasting too much time to focus. They had fun. Mikal's great.
Follow @MikalCronin on Twitter!
Brent Sullivan is a comedian in Los Angeles, CA. He and Dave discuss dating in the gay community, and Brent's frustrations with that, and with interacting with people in general. They also talk stand-up comedy. They are both in love with and angry at stand-up comedy.
Georgea Brooks is a comedian from Los Angeles by way of Toronto. She and Dave discuss intimidation by men in different capacities, and how it's changed the way she carries herself and sees the world. They go further to discuss assault and abuse of women by men, and how it's affected her. Dave was floored by the interview. They also discuss Jon Schabl!
Todd Glass is a comedian and podcast host in Los Angeles. He and Dave talk about not doing things because you're scared. Todd holds back from trying new things if he doesn't think he's gonna be good at them -- singing, for example. This fear carries over into dating, and he and Dave discuss how difficult that's been for him since getting out of a long relationship and publicly coming out as gay.
Tom Segura is a stand-up comedian based in the SOUTH BAY of Los Angeles, California. He and Dave discuss the South Bay at length. They also talk anxiety, and being comfortable with one's own anxiety, and being afraid of sharing one's anxiety with others. Tom doesn't want to tell others he's anxious, you see. And neither does Dave.
Kevin Bigley is an actor in L.A. He and Dave discuss narcissism, and his fear of becoming a narcissist, and how everyone in Hollywood is in immediate danger of becoming an awful, narcissistic douchebag at any moment. Kevin is not a douchebag. Dave checked.
Megan Rosati is an actor and writer in Los Angeles, CA. She and Dave discuss her fear that she's chosen the wrong path in life, and that she'll be sent to live with her sisters in shame. They discuss the other possible paths she could've taken, and her fear that her life will not be as fulfilling or interesting or safe or complete as a result of not taking those paths. They talk failure, and pushing for a dream. They also discuss how they know each other, and we suppose you'll just have to listen to see what we mean by that.
Follow @meganrosati on Twitter and watch 52 Ways to Break Up on YouTube!
Moshe Kasher is a comedian and author based in Los Angeles. He and Dave discuss the double life he led as a child, splitting his years between the conventional American community that is Oakland, California and a strict Hasidic Jewish community in Brooklyn, New York. The talk the differences between the two, the ways he was ostracized from each, how it affected him then and now, and on and on and on. It was fascinating. Dave was absolutely fascinated.
Megan Amram is a comedy writer based in Los Angeles, CA. She and Dave discuss her fear of her own hands, and wrists, and touching her hands and wrists, and other people touching her hands and wrists. Dave does not touch her hands and wrists, or his own hands and wrists, out of respect.
Follow @meganamram on Twitter!
Marty DeRosa is a stand-up comedian who just moved to Los Angeles from Chicago. He and Dave talk depression, and getting better, and taking medication, and really everything surrounding clinical depression and the painful process of trying to beat it. They also talk wrestling! Dave was intrigued.
Sean Green is an LA-based comedian, writer and podcaster. He chronicles his battle with testicular cancer to Dave, and all the fear and anxiety that went/goes along with that. Also, turns out, they both hate Fireball.
Aristotle Acevedo was born and bred in Alhambra, California and is the producer of THIS PODCAST. He and Dave talk about all kinds of fear and self-loathing, from not having friends to feeling like you have no friends to feeling like you can't do anything right to suicide. Dave thinks Aristotle is great, and spends a certain amount of time berating him about how he should never commit suicide. They somehow managed to not talk about pop punk that much.
Joey Izzo is a filmmaker in Los Angeles, CA. He's great. Dave's a big fan of his. They talk about the oversaturation of people with art and culture and "content" in the modern world, and how they think its both hurt and helped their lives. They also talk about detachment from your loved ones, and not being present in your relationships. Near the end, they discussed changes in DAVE. It was a great conversation. They both thought so. For real.
James Fritz is a stand-up comic based in Los Angeles, CA. He and Dave talk about love, and what it is to be a good comic, and what it is to be a good person, and what it is to fail at all three of those things.
Follow @jamesfritzcomic on twitter!
Kate Berlant is a comedian based in Los Angeles, California. She and Dave discuss her paranoia that something awful is about to happen, at any time, for no reason. They talk panic attacks and social panic and just panic in general. Also swastikas. For real.
Follow @katerberlant on Twitter!
Greg Katz is a musician in Los Angeles, and bass player for the band LA Font, who wrote the Terrified theme song! Or rather, they wrote a song named Strangest Dream, and then graciously donated it years later to be the Terrified theme song. Regardless, Dave and Greg talk about the music scene, and the comedy scene, and their similarities to one another, and the ways that one can do wrong while coming up in either. It was a huge relief to both of them that it's so similar in other art forms, and also horrifying, for the exact same reason.
Follow @gkla on Twitter and check out!
The Beast Village Comedy Festival had its first year this year, in the East Village neighborhood of Des Moines. It was SO FUN. This live episode was recorded in the basement of the Des Moines Social Club, and features comedian and festival founder Dan Umthun, Chicago comedian Ashley Huck, New York-based comedian Andy Sandford, and road dog extroardinaire Sam Tallent having a god damn breakdown. We say again: SO FUN.
Follow @DanUmthun, @pervityoldman, @AndySandford and @Sam_Tallent on Twitter!
Solomon Georgio is a comedian in Los Angeles, CA. He and Dave talk about his abusive family history, and the emotional distance he's put between himself and everything around him as a result. They also talk about porn for thirty minutes.
Batman is a superhero based in Gotham City. He and Dave discuss his parents' death. And bats. Happy Halloween! Maybe become a fan of comedian Joe Starr.
John Butler is a writer and director based in Ireland! He is also gay, and is afraid that maybe he isn't overtly gay enough. He and Dave discuss his homosexuality, and the possibility that he is suppressing parts of his personality as a result of institutionalized fear of homosexuality.
Baron Vaughn is an L.A.-based comedian and actor. He and Dave discuss his fear that he'll never get out from under his debt, and that he'll be judged for doing so. They dive pretty deep, and we'll say no more than that here. Enjoy.
Goodrich Gevaart is a stand-up comic in Chicago. He and Dave disucss mental illness and emotional problems, and what it takes to eradicate them. Goodrich is afraid that, depsite all his hard work, he'll never be better, and they discuss that fear at length. They both love punk rock, and they talk about how much they both love punk rock, especially when punk rock is nice. Anna Seregina comes back at the end to talk a little more about self-loathing.
Eliza Skinner is a comedian based in Los Angeles, CA. She and Dave discuss showing your feelings to your friends, showing too much of your feelings to your friends, the fear that doing so could hurt your friendships, and the fear that not doing so could hurt your friendships. Also, they talk about lifeguards, and Anna Seregina shows up at the end for some listener mail.
Joe Sib is a comedian, storyteller, musician and co-owner of SideOneDummy Records. He and Dave talk about the fear of being exposed as a fraud in your craft, and about being dick. Joe says he used to be a dick sometimes, and he worked to not be a dick anymore. Dave doesn't think he's a dick, though. At the end, Dave revisits body dysmorphia, as discussed in the Julian McCullough episode.
Live from SDCC 2014, it's the Nerdist Podcast Super Panel with Matt Mira (Nerdist, James Bonding), Jonah Ray (Nerdist, Jonah Raydio), Janet Varney (The JV Club), Cole Stratton (Pop My Culture), Gil Letelier (The Mutant Season), Ben Blacker (Nerdist Writers Panel, Nerdist Comics Panel, Thrilling Adventure Hour), Ben Acker (Thrilling Adventure Hour), Sandra Daugherty (Sex Nerd Sandra) and Dave Ross (Terrified)!
Ron Babcock is a comedian in L.A. and a good friend of Dave's. They talk claustrophobia and being buried alive, and Ron's fear of a desperate death. And Anna Seregina's back yet again to read some listener mail!
Follow @heyron on Twitter!
Follow Anna Seregina on Twitter at @touchingcheeses!
Jackie Kashian is a world-touring comic based in Los Angeles, CA. She and Dave talk death, and the fear of death, and the fear of not dying well. She's been surrounded with death the past few years, yet somehow laughs and jokes about it extensively. Also! The show upgrades! Dave is so excited. More radio sweepers and more segments and Anna Seregina helps host and Dave is so excited. Just so excited.
Follow @jackiekashian on Twitter!
Follow Anna Seregina on twitter at @touchingcheeses!
Daniel Van Kirk is a comic actor and performer in Los Angeles, CA. He's had an unconventional trajectory in comedy, and he and Dave talk about it. He's afraid of being pigeon-holed as one of his characters, and bothered by not having a crew or homebase in comedy, and they talked about that, too. Daniel and Dave have a burgeoning friendship that will, hopefully for both of them, blossom into something years- and years-long.
Dave Waite is a comedian from Ohio, and currently based in Los Angeles, California. Dave (Ross) is a huge fan of his, and he honestly would not shut up about it on the episode. They discuss laziness, and the fear of failure that comes along with being afflicted with laziness. They also go on some rants about hecklers and policing comedy, and proceed to get horribly self-conscious about what they said.
Doug Mellard is a touring comedian based in L.A. He and Dave discussed anxiety, and anxiety attacks, and the debilitating nature of anxiety and anxiety attacks. Dave has them, but Doug has them worse. They both have them on stage! But Doug has them worse.
Jay Weingarten is a comic and show producer in Los Angeles, CA. He and Dave discuss Jay's fears of living an unhappy life, and of not self-actualizing. They discuss the very real way in which stand-up comedy can make you feel better, and give you an unrestricted outlet for your creativity. Basically, they talk about how stand-up comedy saved their lives.
ONE YEAR! It's the one-year anniversary of this show! Thank you! Thank you for listening and supporting this little show where we point and laugh at our own feelings. You're the best, and you're the only reason we're here.
And as it's been a year, Dave decided it's about time he put himself under the microscope. His good friend, Jake Weisman, agreed to come in and play the role of host for an hour. They discussed many-a-thing, but mostly low self-esteem and not being liked. Dave is convinced that no one likes him, and he realizes that it's insane to think so when he has very real friends in his life, but he nonetheless has a lot of trouble shaking the feeling that no one likes him. He and Jake discuss that, where it comes from, why it persists, what it does to his life and relationships, and how to possibly get rid of it. They also play a soundbyte that Tony Thaxton made over and over and over again.
Andy Juett is a stand-up comic, writer, actor, director, producer and father in Denver, Colorado. He and Dave discussed his occasional feelings of being overwhelmed by these things, as well as his divorce, recent breakup, and subsequent fear of being alone. The episode closes with some realizations that they both have been led horribly astray by romantic comedies.
Mike Lawrence is a comedian and writer based in New York City. He and Dave discuss what it's like to be an open mic comedian, and to be an up-and-coming comic in a big scene. In the same vein, they discuss what it is to be mean when you're young, and to feel remorse about it later in life.
Pat Bishop is a comedian, writer and director in Los Angeles, CA. He's also in Dave's sketch group and one of his good friends. They discuss social awkwardness, and being shy, and Pat's fear of his relationships suffering because of his shyness. At one point, he and Dave have a real, human moment, and Dave blushes.
Emily Gordon is a writer, performer, producer and host of the podcast The Indoor Kids (also on Nerdist). She is also a former therapist, and in recovery from hating herself! Emily and Dave discuss what makes one hate oneself, and what one does to combat it -- the walls put up and the facades presented. They also discuss getting better! And feeling better. And the road to being a happy person. They laugh a lot. Like a whole lot.
This episode was recorded live from O'Leaver's Pub in Omaha, Nebraska, during the second annual Crom Comedy Festival! Dave is noticeably hungover and devoid all of nutrients in his diet. His guests were hometown hero and hilarious comedian, Ryan De La Garza, who outlined his fear that he may have a child somewhere in the world. Next came the undeniable Ben Kronberg, who discussed decision-making and an inability to do so, along with some not-so-subtle jabs at Roseanne. And finally, the Puterbaugh Sisters, a comic duo from Chicago who stole the festival for Dave with their stories of what they dislike about each other. Big ups to Ian Douglas Terry and the rest of OK Party Comedy for putting together such a magnificent festival.
Kevin White is a stand-up comic and podcast host in Chicago, IL. He and Dave made fast friends at a show in Kevin's home town of St. Louis, MO, and moved quickly to record this episode together at Crom Fest a few weeks later. They talk the anxieties of being a touring comedian, and a social person who is also a comedian, and a comedian who wants other comedians to like him, and more. Also... DAVE CRIES. Kevin got Dave to cry. It took 45 episodes, and Dave, at long last, cried on his show. He loved it.
Recorded live at The High Watt in Nashville, Tennessee and masterfully produced by Brandon Jazz (of Corporate Juggernaut), this episode features three undeniably great performers -- John-Michael Bond, Julia Luce and Coco Hames. Each of their mini-interviews was riddled with laughs and intensity for completely a different reason than the next. Also, it was raining outside and Dave got scared.
Leon Blanda is a comedian from New Orleans, Lousiana. He bends Dave's ear about government conspiracies and the helplessness of being an ordinary citizen. They recorded the interview at the beach, which made them both feel pretty weird.
Chris Thayer is a comedian based in Los Angeles. He and Dave discuss self-centeredness, awareness of the feelings of others, and straight-up narcissism. (Also other things.) Recorded live from Dave's car in San Diego, CA.
Anna Seregina is a great comic and one of Dave's best friends. They had a great time. They played old 90s singles and talked a lot of trash, and also discussed Anna's upbringing in detail. She is Russian-born with an OCD-riddled mother. Dave was fascinated.
Bert McCracken is the lead singer of The Used. He discusses the failing American system with Dave, and anarchy, and anarchism, and Occupy, and what might happen if America continues down its current path. They had fun, and the discussion is decidedly different from most others so far on Terrified.
Alice Wetterlund is a writer, stand-up comic, and friend of Dave's. She and Dave talked her fear and fascination of sharks, and then went deeper and deeper from there. They got so deep, in fact, that they didn't have time to finish everything! To be continued, for sure.
Adam Lazzara is the lead singer of Taking Back Sunday. He and Dave talk kids, failure, getting picked on, getting fame, losing fame, becoming cool, becoming UNcool, and Adam's stutter, just to name a few things. It was about the sweetest conversation Dave ever had. At the end, they had to scream over Sleepwave sound-checking. It was a good time.
Anthony Raneri is the lead singer and rhythm guitarst for pop punk Bayside. He and Dave talk the artistic process, and all types of fears of failure. They also talked war a bit, and courage, and YouTube comments, and their inherent lack of courage. They had fun.
Grace Helbig is a wildly popular comedian and YouTube personality. She and Dave talk the divide between the conventional comedy worlds and YouTube, amongst other things. Grace is also the nicest person to ever have lived.
Brendan Kelly is the bassist/vocalist for famed punk band The Lawrence Arms. He and Dave talked self-loathing, and self-loving, and dealing with self-loathing while raising children. They also talked about how they both feel really, really dumb all the time. (With Dave it's true.)
Jake Weisman is an incredible comedian and one of Dave's best friends. They talk pushing people away, and judging others, and the loneliness and terror that comes from pushing people away and judging others. Jake also knows Dave really well, so they talk about Dave for a bit. For awhile, actually. They talk about Dave a lot. Like it's kind of off-putting how much they talk about Dave.
Clare O'Kane is a comedian in Los Angeles and a good friend of Dave's. They talk failure, and comedy, and success, and success in comedy and failure in comedy. They both feel like failures and they are both WRONG. (Only Clare is wrong.)
Andrew Orvedahl is a comedian based in Denver, Colorado, and honestly? He's delightful. He and Dave talked drinking and quitting drinking and kids and quitting drinking because of your kids. Also, turns out that if you have kids, you are constantly worried you're going to die.
It's Terrified's first (successful) live recording! Straight outta San Francisco Sketchfest, three of Dave's favorites joined him on stage. Barbara Gray kicked it off, then Karen Kilgariff, and a grand finale from Eddie Pepitone. There was some screaming, some extreme fear, some roleplaying, and a straight-up existential crisis. Also laughs. Like hella laughs.
Andrew Polk is a friend of Dave's and fellow comedian, based in New Orleans. They talked growing up home-schooled, and growing up religious, and a fear of feeling left out. They also discussed a mistake that Dave made that he will feel bad about forever.
John F. O'Donnell is a sweet man, and a hilarious man, and a stand-up comic in New York, and a friend of Dave's. They talked disorders of the mind, and John's occasional breakdowns, and how they happen, and how he's dealt with them, and the fears and anxiety that have come along with them. Don't worry, it's fine! It's all going to be fine.
Mikal is a wildly prolific songwriter and musician based in San Francisco, and also just about the sweetest man who ever lived. He and Dave talked growing up, and working hard, and procrastinating, and a fear of "never getting your shit together". Dave could relate. Also, Dave is more screwed up than Mikal. They figured that out.
Emily Heller is Dave's guest this week! She's a great comedian and a great friend and she's doing great. Dave and Emily get a little confused as to what they're going to talk about, because of how great Emily is doing. They discuss judgment, and the judgment of others, and disliking yourself for the judgment of others. Emily is doing great.
Dave is joined in the studio this week by a great comic, and a great friend of his, Eric Dadourian. Eric is the sweetest. You'll love it.
Dave is joined this week fellow comedian Chris Charpentier! Chris is a comic in Denver, and Dave loves him dearly. You should too. They discussed feeling stupid, and feeling uneducated, and feeling separate because you feel stupid and uneducated. Chris had an interesting school experience, to say the least. Dave did not.
From his dining room table in Denver, Colorado, Adam Cayton-Holland joins Dave on the podcast this week. They discuss the weight and the worry of making the big decisions in one's career, and what the entertainment industry can do to a man. They then move on to discuss family, and friends, and tragedy. Adam is a god damn sweetheart.
Joining Dave in the studio this week is none other than comedian, actor and television personality Dave Holmes! They talk growing up Catholic, and feeling separate, and trying hard to fit in, and rejecting your own identity. Both Daves have no idea who they are anymore.
Dave's guest this week is comedian Jarrod Harris. They talk about Jarrod's life. They discuss his fear that he doesn't allow people to love him or allow himself to love people, but all in all, they talk about his life -- his fascinating and difficult and painful and adventure-ridden life. Dave says "HOLY SHIT" a lot.
Dave's guest this week is his good friend, Erin Lennox! A comedian who just relocated to LA from NYC, Erin broke down her fear of failure in comedy, and of extreme success in comedy, and of not being liked. She's also scared of big windows. Dave seriously had to lock the windows.
Joining Dave in the studio today is none other than TY SEGALL! He's one of the most, if not THE most, prolific musicians of our time, and such a nice guy. They talked "freaking out", the power of the human mind to do something you don't want it to do, and the anxiety that comes from living with disturbed parents. Also, Ty and Dave high-fived.
Comedian Hasan Minhaj is Dave's guest this week! They talk growing up with immigrant parents, and as a first-generation American, what it takes to get your parents to open up, and what happens once they do. Hasan and Dave love each other. They hugged.
Cameron Esposito joins Dave in the Nerdist studio today! She's wonderful, and hilarious, and came out as a lesbian at a Catholic college! So they talked about that, and dealing with that, and the anger that comes from that, and a general fear of alienating others and hurting your career. They had fun.
Joining Dave in the studio this week is revered comedian and podcast host, Paul Gilmartin. Of the Mental Illness Happy Hour! They discuss alcoholism, and what pushes you there, and recovery, and what comes after, and more. Dave gets nervous that his podcast is similar to Paul's. (Dave gets nervous numerous times.)
Rob Gleeson is Dave's guest this week! They talk comedy, and getting older in comedy, and regret, and the possibility of regretting doing comedy. Lots of comedy talk. They also discuss Rob's family life and what it's like to come out as gay to a comedy scene! Lots and lots of comedy talk.
Dave's guest this week is his good friend and fellow comic, Allen Strickland Williams. They talk hospitals and sickness and physical pain and being nice. Allen's nice. Real real nice.
This week, Dave interviews Chemda Khalili! Of the Keith and the Girl podcast! They dive headfirst into self-image issues, feeling fat, judgment from others, and more. They also talk about sex! Dave has never done that.
Will Weldon joins Dave in the Nerdist studio this week! They talk Will's recent divorce, and all the horror and anxiety that came along with it. Other topics include hardcore liberalism and straight-up hating yourself.
Joining Dave in the studio this week is... KATIE! Katie Levine, that is, producer of all Nerdist podcasts and all-around sweet and hilarious lady. After years of sitting on the sidelines and leaving us to wonder, Katie grabs the mic and lets us inside her head. She has horrible ADHD, for a start. Dave also has that!
Christian Spicer, comedian and beloved member of the Nerdist team, joins Dave in the studio today. Death is the topic. And positivity. Death and positivity and the ways in which one can live forever. SPOILER ALERT: Christian will die.
Petey Dammit, bassist/guitarist in the acclaimed garage punk band Thee Oh Sees, joins Dave this week. Recorded in Petey's kitchen in San Francisco! Petey, who is possibly the world's sweetest and kindest man, straight-up hates himself, and spends this episode rooting around in his brain to reveal why.
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