Dream jobs, let’s talk about them. I don’t know how many of you out there have your dream job, I hope most of you do, but my guess is that most of us do not and, worse, we don’t even know what a dream job actually looks like. For me, I think it would be my dream job to be able to create great podcast content and assist others to be able to create the content they want to create and actually get paid for it!
For Jeni Wren Stottrup, that is everyday life! Jeni runs Gritty Bird Podcasting, which helps people produce the podcasts that they want to produce, and also runs “The Podcaster’s Forum” for aspiring mic-jockeys to connect, learn and share with one another. So, Jeni has MY dream job! Am I jealous? Yes! Would I hire her? Absolutely.
We talk a great deal about podcasting, since we have both been doing it for a while, and Jeni gives great advice to those that are starting out, as well as those that have been doing it for a while. We also talk about her interesting life philosophy based on her family’s background.
This episode’s sketch: “So What Your Saying Is…”
For more episodes, information, and apply to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2021 Stuart Rice
More About Jeni
Jeni Wren Stottrup a podcast producer, speaker, editor, vocalist, content creator, educator and coach, owner of production company Gritty Birds Podcasting and membership platform, The Podcasters Forum.
Podcasting since 2012 after putting out her 2013 EP North Star, Jeni produced Gritty Birds, a narrative music podcast on XRAY.FM, before launching her production brand Gritty Birds Podcasting. Since 2014, she has produced her own content and also has worked with hundreds of podcasters through workshops, private production clients, coaching and speaking.
Jeni’s special skills are in audio/visual tech, vocal coaching, narrative development, content develop, launches and systems and personal development. She also has worked in sponsorship and promotions through her years on music festival boards, in event production and B2B and retail audio sales.
She is a regularly sought speaker and has spoken at She Podcasts Live, Podcasters Toolkit, Podcasters Summit, Podfest, Podcast Editors Conference, Indiepodcon, Blog and Video Con, and more. She has partnered on workshops with multiple organizations including Siren Nation and Portland Underground Grad School.
Website: http://www.grittybirds.com
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/grittybirds
Special Guest: Jeni Wren Stottrup | Audio Nerd Getting Gritty with Podcasts.
Sometimes it’s important to understand your limits. Like setting a budget or knowing how much you can drink at a party before you end up naked and asking people for pony rides… sorry Grandma, your birthday was great! This episode’s guest, Douglas Noll, doesn’t look at limits the same way; he has figured out how to break all of the limits: physically, mentally and has perfected learning in what seems like a superhuman way.
Doug Noll was a trial lawyer in California who was tenacious and sought-after all throughout the state. Hating the commute, Doug decided to learn how to fly just to get out of traffic-jams. Ed has been a part of bands and has recently taken up concert jazz. That’s right, took up jazz. For fun. Most recently, he has been a best-selling author and has created a program to help murderers in prison to become experts in diffusing violent situations. If that last sentence doesn’t boggle your mind, I don’t know what will.
We talk about learning and how to do it properly, his time as a musician, some of his amazing trial lawyer stories, the time he almost died flying a plane, and then we talk a great deal about his de-escalation techniques and his work with inmates which is absolutely amazing. You can learn more about Doug and his programs at https://dougnoll.com
This episode’s sketch: "You’re Good Enough. You’re Smart Enough… and Doggone It, The Force is With You!”
For more episodes, information, and apply to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2021 Stuart Rice
Special Guest: Doug Noll | Superhuman Learner Helping Murderers Become Peace-Keepers.
What makes a movie good? This was a conversation that I recently had and it really blew my mind. The argument was “if a movie is ‘good’ and I can’t keep my eyes open during it, is it good to me?” I had to pause, and completely agree. The movies that I enjoy most are the ones where I am engaged, fully, and feel connected to because they were so entertaining. I hate to admit, but there are a lot of “good” movies that do not appeal to me in any way.
You know who would totally agree with that? Michael Gibson and Calvin McCarthy. Why? Because they are producing and creating a movie in Portland right now called “Vampire Mutants from the Planet Neptune” which sounds more like a random word-generator than the title of a movie. But, after talking to these two, I have no doubt that it is going to be a really good movie, at least for me!
We talk about putting a movie together, the creative process, being in movies, watching movies… we talk a lot of movies. Calvin has been an actor and director in the Portland area since he was little, and Michael is a producer and focuses on sound, which is near and dear to my heart. And yes, we do talk about hanging dong in a movie.
Michael & Calvin developed the production company Video Is The Future and their first production is going to be the aforementioned “Vampire Mutants from the Planet Neptune” where you can join me at the premiere and help support this film! Go to http://bit.ly/SCPSmutantvampire to support!
This episode’s sketch: “Oscar-Worthy Movie Pitch“
For more episodes, information, and apply to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2021 Stuart Rice
Special Guests: Calvin McCarthy | Actor, Writer, Director at Video is the Future and Michael Gibson | Movie Producer - Video is the Future.
You know that feeling when you walk into a room, maybe it’s a party or other gathering, and you don’t know anyone really and you start to feel the walls pulling you closer until your back is against it? Or, maybe there is a dog or cat around and you decide that would be the best conversational companion? What about a room filled with people you do know? What about a room with one other person? If you still find yourself “shying away” from others, you might be an introvert. This episode’s guest completely understands where you are coming from.
Nick Shelton is a world-dominating introvert. What does that mean? It means that despite having what would be considered crippling social anxiety and feeling drained being around people, Nick has found a way to overcome it! And better yet… he can help you if you have similar issues! He wrote a book so you can figure this out for yourself called “An Introvert’s Guide to World Domination” (https://amzn.to/3p6S7t1). He even has a worldwide network of introverts! Wild!
We talk about Nick’s 5 engagements (and 2 marriages), the worst lines to use at a party, how to figure out if you are an introvert yourself, what to do with a masseuse who likes your feet too much, and how to watch people in public places without being creepy. Look, it’s hard to do primary research for a book.
This week’s sketch: “This Guy is Really Starting to Creep Me Out.”
For more episodes, information, and apply to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2020 Stuart Rice
Special Guest: Nick Shelton | World-Dominating Introvert With Very Nice Feet.
Support Sketch Comedy Podcast Show
’Tis the season for endless holiday specials. I remember torturing my parents by requiring us to all watch the same crappy shows every year… “Here Comes Santa Claus” or “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” or watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade or seeing “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” for the upteenth time… it was really a sacrifice because back then we didn’t have more than one TV in the house and it wasn’t like my Dad could watch something else or play on his iPad while I watched “A Very Brady Christmas” again. I’m surprised I wasn’t abused. But now, you can get back at your kids by listening to this on the way to wherever you are going …
Let’s start with a Thanksgiving sketch about everyone’s favorite holiday side dish…
“It’s a New World Delicacy”
Of course, Thanksgiving is great and all… especially when that one uncle with the confederate flag on his truck drinks a little too much and starts a good, healthy conversation about politics… but let’s face it, Thanksgiving only exists so that we can celebrate the holiday that really matters… Black Friday! Here are a couple of sketches that really highlight the pleasant memories of Black Friday’s past…
“It’s More Like Brown Friday, You Know What I Mean?”
“The Saddest Part of Black Friday”
You know it’s time to really hit the holiday gas when Starbucks brings out their holiday cups. Really, how else are you going to know when to start drinking peppermint mochas and put a lid on the pumpkin spice for a year. That’s right, there has never been a year those cups didn’t completely disappoint and cause people to lose their damn minds.
“Red Cups”
Now we get to the part of the show that is all musical. I’ll just let these go uninterrupted. First up, we have a song about Santa Claus that may have been unexpectedly kinky, then we have another classic that features a celebrity that takes an already rape-y song and makes it more rape-y. After that, we have rock legend Don Henley send mixed signals with his holiday classic and that is followed up by an updated version of “The Grinch” which will likely give you reason to head to UrbanDictionary.com.
“The Most Unintentionally Inappropriate Christmas Song of All Time”
"Baby It's Coz In Here"
“Don Henley’s Most Personal Song Ever”
“How The Grinch Stole Innocence”
Hopefully all of those wonderful songs got your toes tapping and your voices all prepped, because one of the best things about the holidays is accosting your fellow neighbors with your unprepared voices to regale them with songs that you likely don’t know while they keep their front doors open to the bitter cold. That’s right, caroling!
“Carols of the Dumbbells”
What is Christmas going to become in the future? Well, we know one thing that will never go out of style… nostalgia. What is nostalgia going to look like in 2036? Kids will be just as disappointed as they are now.
“Christmas Nostalgia from the Future”
Well, that concludes Sketch Comedy Podcast Show’s End-of-Year One-Hour Holiday Special. I hope you have had a fun time listening, had a wonderful year and have all of your loved-ones near and close to you. Stay warm and enjoy eating all the goodies!
I look forward to bringing you more interesting people having intriguing conversations and then improvising comedy sketches based on what we talked about next year and hopefully many years afterwards.
As a special special bonus, after the end credits there is a song performed by former co-host Alisha Holland where she purposely does a horrible rendition of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas”. Enjoy!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Joseph "Zombie" Zuko | Zombie Author.
We get so caught-up in the presidential election that sometimes we forget that the most important votes are the ones that affect us locally, such as who is going to be the next person to run the town or city you are in. During the Covid-19 pandemic, local leadership was crucial to help small businesses stay in business and your neighbors to be able to stay in their homes. Local initiatives have immediate effect on our lives. So we need to get to know who is going to be leading us heading into the next couple of years.
Travis Stovall believes he is that guy for my hometown, Gresham. He might be right, Travis is a scholar, has a business that helps people find themselves and be able to better deal with others, and is quite possibly one of the most personable people that you will ever meet.
I originally invited him onto the show because he has a company called eRep (https://erep.com) that offers something called a CVI (Core Values Index) score which does an incredibly astute job of defining the traits and proficiencies for people. Seriously, it blew my mind, and highlighted for me my biggest strengths and made me aware of the things that I could use help with. Go to https://whatsmyCVI.com and take the 5-minute test and see what you get, I bet it is remarkably. accurate! Then, when I found out that he was going to jump into local politics, I thought it was a perfect time to see how something like the CVI could help someone navigate the different personalities and proficiencies of running a city. You can find out more about his quest for the top seat in Gresham at https://www.travisstovall.com
Travis is a really entertaining human, has great stories, and listening to him just feels like you are speaking to someone who has a real grasp on the world. Oh, and we also record a sketch based on a true story.
Sketch: “Pets to the MAX!”
For more episodes, information, and apply to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2020 Stuart Rice
Special Guest: Travis Stovall | Mayor of Gresham, OR who Knows How You Tick.
Support Sketch Comedy Podcast Show
Remember back to all of those really civil, insightful, and mind-expanding political discussions at Thanksgiving dinner? No? Because they don’t exist—at least not yet.
Ed Wynn has spent the last 3 decades trying to help governments and companies find fixes to their problems. He is qualified to do so too, because he is really smart. Ed graduated summa cum laude at the University of Illinois and magna cum laude in law at Georgetown. Throw in the fact that he is a Truman Presidential Scholar and you can see why people are so interested in having him find solutions!
The one thing Ed is not is a political insider, and his new book, “We The People” is his attempt to fix political discourse in America by laying out the blueprint to having discussions with your family during Thanksgiving. It’s worth the read just to be able to get through the evening not trying to strangle your uncle! On a personal note, I think this is the gateway to having some real discussions about heavy subjects without anyone blowing a gasket, and the book even includes TL;DR sections at the very beginning for those of us who want to be more enlightened, but also have a fantasy football team to manage.
My one regret… I should have asked him more about his biking adventure. If you would like to hear more about it, please let me know. I am certain Ed would be willing to go more in-depth with that. (I really do feel bad that I didn’t go more into that, I was so excited to talk about talking)
This week’s sketch: "Master Debators"
For more episodes, information, and apply to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2020 Stuart Rice
Get a copy of “We The People” by Ed Wynn https://amzn.to/2EK3JAg
Special Guest: Ed Wynn | Author Trying to Make Political Discussions Great Again.
Have you ever just picked up and moved to a big, metropolitan city you have never visited on a whim? How about deciding one day that you need to thrust your fellow generation into informed political discourse? I’m pretty sure you haven’t done either of those things. You are about to meet someone who has.
Claire Malkie grew up in Virginia and studied classical acting at Hofstra University. After graduating, someone suggested moving to Chicago and, without skipping a beat, she jumped at the opportunity. Arriving in Chicago ready to tackle the stage, she soon realized that the opportunities were pretty limited, but there were tons of opportunities to do improv. So, she headed back to improv school and started learning and performing at Comedy Court and has worked at a number of festivals.
Overhearing a conversation from a peer that included “I don’t really understand politics, so I don’t want to get involved”, Claire realized that she could help change that attitude, which was important to her because she realized that she had the same attitude. To remedy that disinterest, Claire now co-writes and hosts the podcast “Sit Still, Look Opinionated” (still-look-opinionated.simplecast.com">https://sit-still-look-opinionated.simplecast.com) which is not just informative and non-biased, but it is also downright funny as she and her co-writer come up with fantastic jokes about the headlines that deserve to be on late-night talk shows. I highly recommend checking it out, whether you are in the know, or are trying to be, or don’t care… because you should.
Have a completely free audiobook without ANY obligation other than downloading it read by none-other than myself! Get a copy of “Snapshots” a great collection of short stories that I narrated! All you have to do is message the show at sketchcomedypodcastshow@gmail.com and I will send you a code! I won’t even keep your email address, I’m just really excited to hear what you think!
This week’s sketch: “Neo Way!”
For more episodes, information, and apply to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2020 Stuart Rice
Special Guest: Claire Malkie | Risk-Taker and Political Motivator for the “Meh” Crowd.
When you were a kid and went out for a walk, you might have attracted mosquitos or flies. Not Dan Ram. Dan attracted Lions.
Dan Ram is an accidental event master of ceremonies, has given TEDx talks 5 times and can even show you how to get yourself doing the same thing as a coach. He has met celebrities of all sorts, including being on-stage with Barak Obama, who actually remembered his name even if Dan mispronounced his.
We hear about Dan’s childhood run-in with a giant kitty, which is only one of four near death experiences he has had. We get to hear how he accidentally found success through a massive failure, which has led to hundreds of speaking engagements, TEDx talks, and has even been an advisor to the Irish Prime Minister.
When not touring the globe MCing events or giving talks, Dan helps others live their lives to their fullest through coaching, and you can find out more about that at iamdanram.com.
This week’s sketch: “Should I Shake, or Should I Go?”
One quick ad for one of my new endeavors… I now record audiobooks! Professionally! I would love to give you a free copy, and urge you to head to Audible to grab it! Just go to https://bit.ly/SCPSsnapshots to sign up and get this title, as well as hundreds of thousands of other titles for free! If you want to just get the book, please email the show at sketchcomedypodcastshow.com and request a redeemable code for the show.
For more episodes, information, and apply to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2020 Stuart Rice
Special Guest: Dan Ram | Event MC, TEDx Speaker & Lion Attack Survivor.
Frank King is always on the verge of commiting suicide. It is a feeling that has plagued him since he was young, passed down from previous generations. When faced with a problem, Frank always sees an option a lot of people do not see, killing himself.
Where most would see this as a detriment, Frank has turned suicide into a lucrative career as a comedian, public speaker and TED Talker. As The Mental Health Comedian, Frank confronts the standard taboos associated with suicide and speaks openly about it, letting people know that these feelings are not just theirs and creating a dialog that allows people to get the help that they need.
On a personal note, this episode could not have come at a better time. Though you may not hear it in my voice, I was desperately struggling with these feelings myself, and it was because of this discussion that I was able to get help for myself. Frank, in his talking about ending one’s own life, actually helped me overcome those feelings in myself.
Of course I need to put out a warning, this episode dives pretty deeply into depression, mental illness and, of course, suicide. My suggestion, don’t be afraid to confront it. Knowing that there are others that struggle helps. Knowing that you can use it as a super power is incredibly empowering.
If you are feeling those feelings, then please do the world a favor and call 800 273 8255. You are worthwhile and the world is a better place with you. I think so, you listen to my show and I think you are incredibly special. Thank you.
You can hear and see more of Frank on his website: thementalhealthcomedian.com where you can listen to his TED talks, subscribe to his podcast and even hire him to come and do a keynote for your company.
This was one of my favorite episodes, it literally saved my life.
We also recorded the sketch: “Not the X-Men”
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2020 Stuart Rice
Last episode we heard about Dune’s birthday party while he was in the hospital being a quadraplegic (seriously, it was better than any of your birthday parties) and what got him there.
This week, we hear about how much Dune’s doctors were complete dicks to him, and why it worked. We also hear about dating while immobilized, being in movies and why Zion from “The Matrix” was filled with a bunch of nipple-necked cliques.
This week’s sketch: “Spy in Translation”
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2020 Stuart Rice.
Special Guest: Dune DiCarnage | Your Friendly, Neighborhood Human Cyborg.
To refer to Dune as anything less than a superhero would be a gross misrepresentation. Dune has defied every odd, has looked death and worse in the eye and laughed, and has even attended my funeral before I died… this guy is INTERESTING! It is not often that one gets to talk to someone who was a quadriplegic, destined never to walk again, who just literally willed himself back on his feet. I don’t know what you did this weekend, but I certainly didn’t do anything like that!
Dune DiCarnage is hard to pin down, he has had so many careers and jobs in the past, and none of them could be considered ordinary. He has been a secret agent, a dancer at Zion (in the Matrix), and now patrols the city at night as part-man, part-machine seeking vengeance upon evil. Okay, that last part is not completely accurate, but I would not put it past Dune for that to be true.
This is a 2-part episode, because the conversation ran long and it is all well worth listening to. Also, what better way to close out the year?!? You will hear up until Dune’s birthday party, which was like no other birthday party you have ever attended. Next week, you will get the rest of the conversation as well as the sketch we recorded.
These are stories you will likely not forget!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Dune DiCarnage | Your Friendly, Neighborhood Human Cyborg.
This week's guest, Bunny Young, is a therapist turned consultant (you may be noticing a trend as of late...) who specializes in helping companies recognize work/life balance and become better at making the world a better place, which is sort of her life's mission statement. Her company, "A Better Place Consulting" (abetterplaceconsulting.com), is a place where small to large companies go for more direction and also hire her for speaking engagements.
Bunny currently has 5 great danes at her house. That's a lot of dogs! I don't know if you realize how big those dogs are! They're huge! 5 of them! Not only that, but Bunny found a way to make me feel even more guilty about my extreme coffee addiction, and now I am sourcing fair-trade certified coffee and trying to find ways to make my Keurig machine not so... wasteful. Also, she did part of her college dissertation on the Joker being her client.
The sketch this week is “Even Supervillians Need Some Coaching”
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/cvHRa7nmFms Web: https://scps.fireside.fm/67
A Better Place Consulting https://abetterplaceconsulting.com/about/ The best place to find out more about Bunny and her consulting business. Does your company have a work/life balance issue? Do you want to start saving the world? Bunny can get you headed in the right direction!
Drink Coffee with Less Guilt http://a.co/gO838Aa I put together a list of items for your Keurig to make it more sustainable (and surprisingly cheaper!). Pair these items with a nice Fair Trade Coffee (See link below, from Amazon) and you can get coffee you can feel good about for about $0.21 a cup! Click on this link to help support the show!
The Sales Book for People Who HATE Sales https://ithinkihatesales.com This is the book that the host of this show, Stuart Rice, has written. Using his 25 years of experience and experiments in sales, Stuart has written a workbook that can help anyone become better at the art of sales, and even learn to enjoy it! Click on this link and, while supplies last, get this $50 book for $1!
Special Guest: Bunny Young | Addicted to Great Danes and Saving the World.
Look, it’s not every day that you get to talk to someone who is registered to be on the ballot as a presidential hopeful in 2020, and you have to hop on each one of these types of opportunities. Does it help that Mark Whitney is also a comedian? Well… maybe.
Mark Whitney is, in fact, running for President in 2020. This is not a joke, he is serious, and I think it is wonderful that we could get a chance to hear someone like Mark debate the other two candidates on a national level. Mark has experiences, from starting as an Electrolux Vacuum salesman to becoming a Ben & Jerry’s kingpin, to losing it all and landing in prison which set him up to come back and start a very successful law website… this story has to be heard to be believed!
Be on the lookout for more from Mark this year, and make sure to check out his website, markwhitney.com, to learn more about him (although, you will learn a lot in this show) and listen to his podcast “Mark Whitney - Civil Libertarian for President - Keep Banging”.
Sketch: “Door-to-Door Candidate”
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Mark Whitney | Political Podcaster, Comedic Performer, 2020 Presidential Candidate.
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Jarrod Haning eventually came out of the closet… the closet that he would practice in for thousands of hours with his violin, on a journey to become a symphonic concert violinist. At one time, he was putting people in homes and making them so happy that they would praise him on the national news programs. Now, Jarrod helps people, like you or I, find our groove and double our income by reading our minds! Sort of.
Jarrod uses a Nobel-nominated process called mind-scanning that helps uncover and unlock your true potential at Mindset Performance. I am in the middle of going through this process now and it is amazing. You can get a free mind-scan and consultation by going to minsetperformance.co!
We talk about Jarrod’s craziest concert wardrobe-malfunction experiences, how he followed in the path of a barely-literate person and made tons of money, and power tools. Power tools!
Mind-scanning is pretty incredible and you can experience mind-scanning for yourself for free thanks to a special link for Sketch Comedy Podcast Show listeners! You can get a mind-scan and a consultation with Jarrod himself to figure out the results. It takes a surprising little amount of time, and the insights are just mind-blowing. Go to mindsetperformance.co and take the 5 minute mind-scan and schedule a call with Jarrod!
Sketch: “Ready to Perform!”
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Jarrod Haning | Xtreme Concert Violinist & Mind-Reading Income Doubler.
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Susan Guthrie has been a divorce attorney for 30 years, and now calls herself a recovering litigator and helps people separate peacefully and respectfully with mediation. After living in California for a couple of years, she even offers a mindfulness track with mediation, breathing exercises and intention setting.
We talk about, you guessed it, divorce and how after 30 years Susan pivoted her career to out of the courtroom, calling herself a recovering litigator, to a meditation practice which helps couples find a peaceful and respectful way to separate.
Susan has a podcast, called “Breaking Free: A Modern Divorce Podcast” (https://breakingfreemoderndivorcepodcast.podbean.com/) where she and Rebecca Zung offer suggestions and inspiration for anyone thinking about, going through, or healing from a divorce. As someone who went through one some time ago, it is easily one of the hardest things I had to go through and I wish I had access to this show at that time.
Additionally, we chat about why divorces happen, how affairs in a marriage are seen in court, when is the most common times to get divorced, why staying together is really screwing up kids and a lot of other things. We also record a sketch!
You can hear more from Susan on her podcast: breakingfreemoderndivorcepodcast.podbean.com/
And visit her website for more information: www.divorceinabetterway.com
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Susan Guthrie | A Kinder, Gentler Divorce Lawyer.
Originally Released 9/4/2016
It’s hard to call this week’s guest, S. Anthony Thomas, anything but prolific. On his podcast, “S. Anthony Says”, S. talks about life… all of it, every week for the last 6 years (he will be celebrating 6 years of podcast gold on October 21st), and his no-holds-barred approach to the subjects he picks from his daily life is refreshing, fun, and often more poignant than you would expect. This episode was a lot of fun, because if there is one thing S. can do, it is talk and keep things interesting!
S. Anthony Thomas started out as a standup at an early age and caught fire immediately. Before the flood of other comedians that decided to go down the podcast path, S. started in the medium early and created a really fantastic format that is all his own. S. Anthony’s show “S. Anthony Says” is one part Moth, one part Andy Rooney and 100% S. Anthony. It is one of my favorite shows on the internet, and has been for years.
Make sure to follow S. on Twitter, where he is really active! @santhonythomas @santhonysays
Sketch: “THOSE Two Dads”
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2017 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: S. Anthony Thomas | Comedian and Host of the "S. Anthony Says..." Podcast.
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Well… that was unexpected. My intent with this show was to talk to someone who was an expert in tabletop gaming, but found a bank robber, author, filmmaker and a whole lot more!
Steve Wollett started off as an idiot (his words, not mine) and progressed into an honest-to-god bank robber in his early years. No joke. This guy made hundreds of thousands of dollars walking into banks and spending about 2 minutes, then walking out with a sack full of cash!
Eventually, Steve was caught, and ended up spending some time in prison where started a gaming party of 30 inmates. This is when things took a turn for Steve, and between gaming with his fellow prisoners and meeting a mentor that helped him see the error of his ways, he turned to gaming as a way to fill his time and his interest.
Out of prison, Steve went to school, got a legitimate job, and continued to game. Eventually, he started working in the movie industry and currently sits on judging panels for a number of festivals. If you are interested in gaming and Steve’s filmmaking, you can go to Amazon Prime and look up “A Word from a Gamer”, his award-winning film about gamers spoken by gamers; it is a really well put-together and interesting film.
These days, Steve spends time at his health food store and writing novels, which started out as a dare but has progressed into 10 different books! His latest, “The Gorgon’s Lament” is another thing I did not expect from Steve. (this is a REALLY interesting guy!) Find it here: https://amzn.to/2IV0bsQ
We then use these experiences to come up with a sketch. I don’t want to talk about it here, because the genesis is so shocking!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Steve Wollett | Gaming Mastermind, Movie Mogul and Legit Bank Robber.
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A little SCPS history about this episode. Alisha had decided she did not want to do the show anymore, which was totally understandable. I, however, didn’t have the same feeling, so I wanted to keep it going. I needed to figure out how to do it, and I decided I was going to get a ringer for the show, and I did.
Josh McCullough is a close friend, a fellow bandmate and is a fellow podcaster. Whenever we get together, we try to entertain each other with what we are talking about which was perfect for this episode.
Currently, Josh is working WITH Alisha on the very popular and successful true crime podcast “Murder in the Rain” where Josh is the producer and makes everything sound so good!
This is genuinely one of my favorite episodes of all time. It’s really just Josh and I chatting and then making one of the most epic sketches this show has ever produced.
This week's sketch: "It's All in the Arm" about what happens when Pokemon Go gets out of hand.
Special Guest: Josh McCullough | Book Editor and Co-Host of the "Shotgun and Scotch" Podcast.
Did I get your attention with that description? Good. Although that was my introduction to her, Amanda Richards is much more… SO MUCH MORE!
Amanda is a 6-time Grammy Nominated member of Outlaw Country Music Royalty (according to her) and has been recording and releasing albums since 2004. Her songs are a combination of heartfelt country and lyrical whimsy… how many country artists would release an entire album of zombie-inspired tracks? Amanda did on 2011’s “Play Dead” (h). She also wrote the musical "Wiskey Dixie & the Big Wet Country" which is becoming a movie!
Amanda is hard at work making her musical “Whiskey Dixie & the Big Wet Country” into a movie (check out this video for a taste: https://youtu.be/zcxAuX9IK7k). With songs like “Save a Cow, Eat a Cowgirl” you can bet that it lives up to her description of a “raunchy outlaw-country musical about a sexually frustrated cowgirl who finds herself on a tragicomic ride from Hell and will do whatever it takes to get off.” It is seriously the best thing I have seen on stage in a very long time and belongs on Broadway. It is really raunchy (it starts with the protagonist, Wiskey (played by Amanda) getting pulled over for masturbating while driving… and the show does not slow down from there. I hope everyone gets a chance to see this and hear the music, it is simply fantastic. So fantastic, in fact, that it has been optioned for a movie and she is currently in production on it as you are listening to it! You can totally support her on her IndieGoGo (as I have) and get some nifty swag with the support!
We recorded 2 sketches. To hear the one that I did not produce, please head to Patreon and become a patron for $1 a month to get all of the bonus content.
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Special Guest: Amanda Richards | Songstress, Playwright, Artist… and On-Stage Masturbator.
Originally Released 8/21/2019
If you feel like you have already listened to this episode, you probably have! This is a re-release of the fabulous first episode of the “New” Sketch Comedy Podcast Show. You’ll notice that the format wasn’t quite there yet, we didn’t know how to start the show or even how to have someone on the show with us. Despite being awful hosts, Dr. Kiki was great and we came up with not one, but two really good sketches!
Dr. Kiki Sanford is an honest-to-goodness scientist and deserves being called “Doctor”. Every week, on her podcast “This Week in Science”, she talks about the goings-on in science news and gives perspectives on these stories for us, the common folk. As of this recording (in Summer 2016) she had also made appearances on “Chelsea” (Chelsea Handler’s show on Netflix) as well as other shows like “Food Science”. Dr. Kiki is also an award-winning podcaster and it was a fluke that she was willing to come and do this show.
Make sure to check out Dr. Kiki’s really great content. You can find her doing her science thing every week on “This Week in Science” (https://www.twis.org)
The sketch was really relevant in the Summer of 2016…
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Dr. Kiki Sanford | Scientist and host of "This Week in Science".
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Billy Lonas has a deep interest in the Bible that came about when he was 12 years old and was told that God loved him but if he didn’t do what God said he would got to hell forever and ever… that didn’t make sense to Billy. So, he started questioning the methods that people used to study and understand the Bible and spends his time sharing a message of love and selflessness as opposed to dogma. This is a conversation that does an incredible job of putting a lot of religions on notice and explaining God’s love in a way that is both welcoming and easily comprehensible.
Billy is an author of two books, he is a singer-songwriter, and has also been very active in sharing his message of love and acceptance. We talk about the difference between selfish and selfless love, and which one most Christians tend to lean towards and why that is not very Christ-like. I really enjoyed this conversation with Billy and will likely invite him back on to discuss his philosophy, which is encompassing and not dismissive, again.
Make sure to check out Billy’s websites for more information about his philosophy, to check out some of the artists that he is promoting for free, and to see how he interprets the Bible’s message, which I cannot suggest more.
God’s On Trial: http://bit.ly/SCPSgodsontrial
Publishing 4 the People: http://bit.ly/SCPSpublishing4thepeople
K.I.S.S.I.T.: http://bit.ly/SCPSkissit
We then record a sketch about the Garden of Eden and what those crazy kids might have been eating... hint: it isn't an apple.
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Special Guest: Billy Lonas | Putting God on Trial.
Livia Milano has been on “Key and Peele”, spent some time on “Millionaire Matchmaker”, has written dozens of screenplays that you have not seen (not your fault) does stand-up comedy in Los Angeles and has a cat. She is also, and most importantly, the host of the “Not So Sexy, Sexy Podcast” where she picks a topic and will rant about that subject or has occasional guests on her show where they talk about things as well. The show is a fantastic blend of blog, confessional, comedy and what it is like being a female actress in LA (as opposed to being a male actress in LA).
Liv talks about her writing talent, how terrible Seattle is, why she can never get any of her screenplays made into things, and mentions that her brother was killed in Peru and might have been a somehow connected to the mob. Also, we talk about where Italian-Americans end up when the move West in the US.
This was an incredibly fun conversation, and I am tickled with how the sketch came out!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Liv Milano | Actress, Podcaster, was a Millionaire Matchmaker.
Are you into black magic? I’m not talking about the dark arts here, I mean entertainers that use magic that happen to be African-American! Rajon Lynch, or better known as RJ the Magician, is one of the top black magicians in the world today, and he is only 23!
RJ uses a lot of comedy in his act, sometimes risqué, but everyone has a lot of fun at his shows. In fact, he was recently awarded “Rising Star” from the International Coalition of Black Magicians.
Rajon has traveled the globe teaching magic to people, has done a TED talk and now hosts the excellent and very relatable “I Hate Everyone” podcast (https://www.rjsmagic.com/ihateeveryone).
We then record the sketch “Obama Safety Impersonator”.
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: RJ the Magician | Master of Black Magic.
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Well, this is every parent's dream... Stuart's 21-year-old step-daughter, whom he raised, got asked to do sexual acts, on film, for lots of money... and she did not say no.
We talk about the situation, how she processed the information, asking random people walking into gas stations for life-advice, the lure of easy money, what life looks like as someone who does adult films for a living, and, ultimately, Amber makes a decision.
If you are a parent, this is a great video to watch to see how to talk to your adult child about difficult subjects. If you are a young woman who is considering the adult film industry (an industry that neither Stuart or Amber judge as an industry at all) this will give you things to consider. To anyone who might be listening and hoping she says yes... well, you'll just have to wait and see!
No joke, I love these types of things. It's like critical thinking but with subjects that are interesting!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Amber Peeler | Stuart's daughter and zombie enthusiast.
Jason Eric Ross does stand up AND therapy… but never at the same time… this week’s sketch has him combining to two to see what that would sound like and see if this is a show he can take on the road!
Make sure to check out Jason this Fall on “Paper Empire” with Denise Richards, Wesley Snipes and Steve Guttenberg!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Jason Eric Ross | Psychotherapist Turned Psychopath (on TV).
Jason Eric Ross is a psychotherapist by trade and has been a psychopath... or at least portrayed one on TV.
Jason became an actor late in life and, last year, decided he didn't want to have any regrets in his life so he enrolled in and is nearly finished with the UCB sketch and improv programs after waiting 14 years to start. He recently appeared on Betty en NY on Telemundo and will be seen in Paper Empire this fall with Robert Davi, Denise Richards, Steve Guttenberg and Wesley Snipes.
In his professional career, Jason followed in the footsteps of his psychoanalyst parents and helps people in mental health with parenting, trauma, substance abuse and co-authored a book with his mother on parenting called "You Can Say No And, Yes Parents, Your Children Will Still Love You" which you can get on Amazon for free!
Jason has also been a Beatle, or at least a fake one in the Beatle cover band “Let It Be”; he played the “quiet one” George on guitar.
We talk about having psychoanalyst parents, not falling terribly far from the tree, comedy and improv, parenting, and then I use this as a way to get free therapy… oh and we record a sketch too!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Jason Eric Ross | Psychotherapist Turned Psychopath (on TV).
I continue my conversation with Bex Bedford as we come up with the sketch! This one is hilarious, and it was so much fun to edit. I had to find 20 different keyboards to record! (kind of)
Make sure to check out the new bexbedford.com for all of Rebecca’s different social media endeavors, to subscribe to her YouTube channel and connect… hopefully not like in this sketch though.
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Bex Bedford | Super-Sized Influencer.
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Rebecca Bedford spent a good portion of her life hiding from people. Seriously. She would find times to go to the grocery store when no one else was there, her job was at a standstill because she didn’t want to see anybody or be seen by anybody and even things such as getting gas in her car was beyond difficult for her to accomplish. She decided to do something about it; but not what you are thinking. In the end, she decided acceptance and self-love was the right direction and for her many followers, she was right.
Her new website, BexBedford.com, is a great place to start. Rebecca went from finding it impossible to be around other people to talking to thousands of people on a daily basis on YouTube, through podcasts, social media… literally thousands of people watch and listen to her every day. Her shows involve body positivity, tips, dating, and now livestreams and her community is made up of a diverse amount of people of all body types.
We talk about being plus-sized, how creating content for the internet can have its challenges, dating, and other things and, of course, we record a sketch you can hear next week.
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Bex Bedford | Super-Sized Influencer.
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He’s back, and he brought a new movie with him! This one means a lot to me, because it is really highlighting a skill that I need right now since I was laid off “How to Land That Dream Job”. Like all of gough’s other movies, this is a fantastic documentary, really thought out and highly researched, that explores the best methods to land that job that you have always told your significant other and parents you were going to get, and this time let’s see them laugh themselves silly or disappointingly cry!
As always, you can go to beernutsproductions.com to get this or one of gough’s many other delightful movies, books, audio programs, or whatever else he has created recently. This guy is prolific, and always has something new for you to enjoy!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: gough | The World's First Blind Filmaker.
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Remember when you were so excited to go into your first job interview? Where was it, a grocery store? A deli? Or, was the the most coveted job available… the video rental store (kids: this was a place that people went before Netflix completely destroyed the industry where people would actually, and get this, drive to a store where they would spend anywhere from $3-$6 to rent a video and then have to drive it back to the store and drop it off before they incurred ridiculously high “late fees”). Why was the video rental store the best? Well, you got access to all fo the coolest things: movies, video games, junk food… everything a teenager covets! Sometimes, you would see that one person in the store that didn’t seem to enjoy their job, and that they could never seem to connect with the customers, their coworkers, or even just do a good job…. Aaaaand here is Justin!
This sketch is featuring Justin Kavanaugh, the master of unemployable skills! He currently has a podcast serializing his #NaNoWriMo novel (that’s the National November Writing Month novel) “The Spice of Autumn”. Link is below!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Justin Kavanaugh | Master of Unemployable Skills.
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Do you know Esperanto? Are you familiar with the Single Transferable Voting System? Can you say that Janeway is your favorite Star Trek captain? Probably not. In fact, you probably have no idea what those three sentences were at all. That's okay, because this episode's guest knows copious amounts of all of these things!
Justin Kavanaugh is someone I met on Twitter and is a vocal fan of the show, which made me want to get him on the show. It's been years of courting him, and he finally decided to come on... and this is one conversation you can't miss. I had to keep my mic on mute for a majority of it because it was so damn funny!
We talk about the world's most useful and underused language, why we should change the way we vote so that voters could be more satisfied, and working in a video store when you hate movies... and then we make a sketch that works with all three things!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Justin Kavanaugh | Master of Unemployable Skills.
Performance-enhancing drugs are universally looked down upon…. except for things that help you sleep better, eat better, get over colds faster, get erections harder, manage our moods and emotions… oh hell, drugs are great!
Featuring Ari Meisel, the “Doing Less” productivity guru who can help you become more productive with doing less. Pretty simple, right? Visit him at: http://less.do/SCPS
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Ari Meisel | "Overwhelmologist" and Master of Doing Less.
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What happens when you are sick? You know, for more than one day (for one day, you get the benefit of just being sick and trying to sleep as much as you can), like sick for a week? What did you do? What if you were sick and feeling miserable for a lot longer… like a LOT longer? You might get angry. You might start cursing the world. You might just give up hope. And that’s exactly what this week’s guest, Ari Meisel, did when he was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease…
…then he got better! Not physically right away, but in his brain he realized that he had to make some changes. So he did. He started realizing that there were ways to be able to get things done easier than he was doing them before. Then he realized that this was something that he could help other people do! So he started an empire. No, really, he started a freaking empire helping people do less work than they ever did before. And if you are wondering what that statement means, it means that you need to subscribe to Ari’s podcast “Doing Less with Ari Meisel” and get his books “The Art of Less Doing” and his new one “The Replaceable Founder” and find out why starting a business and being the boss doesn’t necessarily mean that is all you are going to do with your life… you can live a complete life away from work as well!
We discuss:
Then we decide on one of these sketches, find out which one next week!
Special Guest: Ari Meisel | "Overwhelmologist" and Master of Doing Less.
Support Sketch Comedy Podcast Show
What are the signs of low testosterone? Dude, seriously, go back one episode and listen to the conversation with Dr. Marnie Loomis, the Erection Advocate; that episode will change your life whether you are a man who might be having issues with testosterone or someone who is with someone with low testosterone… it’s worth the test to find out! However, if you are too lazy or do not have the attention span with that, maybe this sketch with a very famous person could help…
This sketch was based on the conversation I had with Dr. Marnie Loomis, who is a Naturopathic Doctor in the Pacific Northwest. I have a feeling you will be hearing more from her in the next couple of months.
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
This is, very likely, the most important episode of “Sketch Comedy Podcast Show” I have produced… bar none. I invite my friend, Marnie Loomis ND, on the show and she talks to me about her passion: testosterone, men’s health and, yes, penises.
Guys, you are going to want to listen because whether you are having issues in the bedroom or not, this information might be able to help with depression, loss of energy, and overall health.
Ladies, you are going to want to listen to this show because you have likely had a situation that made you feel uncomfortable, unwanted or possibly rejected… it is not the case and Marnie speaks about that as well.
Why is this so important? Because I learned so much about how the hormones in our body can regulate sex drive, energy levels and overall health and then found out that most doctors DON’T KNOW WHAT THE RIGHT LEVELS SHOULD BE! That’s right, your doctor might be looking at your chart and think that a level of 100 is good because it is in range but might be 600% BELOW WHERE IT SHOULD BE!
We also record a sketch, but you will hear more of that next week.
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Some say that pro wrestling is not real, and that it is really just a bunch of people acting like they are beating each other up. Maybe that’s true, but even in the world of make-believe wrestling there are ways to get a leg-up on your competition… even if it means public embarrassment.
Featuring Rusty Diamond, professional wrestler, comedian, and hypnotist! Visit him at hypnosisisgreat.com and tell him you are a fan and you will get the first 15 minutes of your session for free!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Rusty Diamond.
The fact that Rusty Diamond is a 170 pound professional wrestler is pretty interesting… but the fact that Rusty is also a hypnotist? That’s some next level interesting!
Rusty is a member of DOA Pro Wrestling as well as ECCW Wrestling and has had the pleasure of playing the face (a good guy) as well as a heel (the bad guy). He has also been a stand-up comic and, most recently, a hypnotist.
We talk about identity crisis in pro wrestling and how Rusty found himself drawn to entering the ring. We also talk about doing stand up, and how it compares to wrestling, and Rusty talks about doing crowd work on the stage. Then, and probably the most interesting, is Rusty’s entering into the foray of hypnotism. You read that right, hypnotism and why he chose that as a vocation. Both of us are really into floating in sensory deprivation tanks also… maybe we should have recorded in one of those… At any rate, you can check out Rusty’s hypnotism on his website: hypnosisisgreat.com. If you suffer from anxiety, fear, depression, athletic enhancement, or would like help with stopping smoking or losing weight, Rusty offers treatments that are on a sliding scale. I know that there are a lot of skeptics out there, but for what Rusty is charging and even if there were mild improvements in your life, it would be well worth it. In fact, to make it more worth it, he is offering the first 15 minutes of your session for free! Just mention “Sketch Comedy Podcast Show” when you book your appointment!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Rusty Diamond.
Support Sketch Comedy Podcast Show
Riana Milne, real life love-guru, and I continue chatting about relationships and decide to make a sketch based on the worst possible couple coming in for couple’s therapy. Riana is very serious about couple’s therapy, and it even comes through in her comedy!
One of the two people coming to see Riana is a complete and utter monster… you will have to decide which of the two is the absolute worst person.
Riana then drops a bomb after the credits roll. I tell you what, I won’t make you wait until the very end (although I should, this offer is outstanding). Riana is offering a free consultation for the first 10 listeners who are looking for a little love-direction. This is a $500 value, and Riana is no snake-oil salesperson, she is an honest-to-goodness therapist! So, if you are feeling like you could sharpen up your love life and give yourself a better opportunity to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right (or maybe both, we don’t judge here at Sketch Comedy Podcast show) make sure to visit Riana’s website at http://bit.ly/SCPSrianamilne!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Riana Milne | Life, Dating & Relationship Coach.
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If you are interested in Riana’s services, she is offering listeners of Sketch Comedy Podcast Show a FREE initial consultation on LOVE! Who doesn’t need that?!? Just go to bit.ly/SCPSrianamilne to sign-up!
I love talking about relationships. I talk about them all the time, and I am always curious about them… which is why this week’s guest is so intriguing! Riana Milne was told at a young age that no one in her family was ever going to go to a therapist, so she did exactly what every strong-willed child will do… she BECAME a therapist. Not just any therapist either, Riana became an expert in relationships and how to hopefully fix them, or learn how to move on from them. Riana is also an author of 7 books, including “Love Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve” which is a best-seller on Amazon (https://amzn.to/2RmqwUd) and helps couples and individuals navigate the world of successful partnering on her website: www.rianamilne.com. In fact, she is so generous, that she is offering free advice, tools and even an initial consultation to free for us in Sketch Comedy Podcast Show Land! Super nice!
Riana and I talk about relationships, which should be pretty obvious, but we also talk about her dad who was a spy. No, seriously, he was a legit spy, like James Bond, and the stories are INCREDIBLE! We also talk about the 10 types of childhood trauma that you no doubt have experienced and somehow Riana and I find a way to make it lighthearted and fun! Then, we record a sketch because isn’t that the whole point of this show?
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Riana Milne | Life, Dating & Relationship Coach.
The magic of this recording continues as we listen to Bob go through a list of really crazy sketch ideas and opt to do something about AC repair, which is what Houston is really known for (evidently, there is literally a very serious push to have a 100-foot statue erected to Willis Carrier, the inventor of air conditioning, to be erected in Houston. needs-a-100-foot-statue-of-the-man-who-5830181.php">https://www.houstonchronicle.com/local/gray-matters/article/Houston-needs-a-100-foot-statue-of-the-man-who-5830181.php)
We then record the sketch… which is about air conditioning repair. Super important, and we praise those that can fix air conditioners to high heaven when they come and fix our issues, but it is super competitive in Houston and it really brings out the competitive spirit in advertising. We get to hear a number of examples.
And do not forget, please go check out their brilliant satire, or parody, or satarody of true crime “The Wheels of Justice” at https://NRQpodcast.com! It is well worth the listen and subscribe and rate their podcast while you do it as well!
Also, if you loved this, please go back and listen to the conversation with Bob and Zipp as well at https://scps.fireside.fm/nrqpodcast.
Here is the sketch, by itself, if that is what you would rather listen to: https://www.youtube.com/embed/dDjeUJoi6p0
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guests: Bobby Panzarella | Host of the "No Redeeming Qualities" Podcast and Thomas "Zipp" Zipperer | Host of the "No Redeeming Qualities" Podcast.
Welcome to Season 3 of the new Sketch Comedy Podcast Show! Thank you for sticking around through the hiatus where I really didn’t do very much podcasting, but spent a great deal of time not doing any podcasting! But, we are back! And this one is a doozy!
I invite Bob and Zipp of the “No Redeeming Qualities” podcast to come on the show and do their brand of humor… it was a unique experience… I was actually a little worried that this was suddenly going to go careening out of control and I was not going to be able to keep it on the rails; but somehow it all worked out and dammit if it isn’t a ton of fun to listen to! “No Redeeming Qualities” is a podcast hailing from Houston, TX and started with one goal in mind: the hosts never shut the fuck up as long as what is being said is funny. I suggest you check out any of the episodes, these two are high-energy and never let off the gas and every episode is a new and delightful experience. (https://nrqpodcast.com)
The big news is that Bob and Zipp are releasing a “True Crime” podcast called “Wheels of Justice”, which comes out January 7th. So make sure to listen in and make it a hit… because it’s true crime and, let’s face it, these are the only shows that are making it right now. Again, make sure to subscribe now to have it hit your feed on January 7th! Listen to the end of this show to hear the trailer for this awesome new show!
We talk about so many things! Some things are regrettable. #squirtrussell. Real mermaids or reverse mermaids? Think about that. Hipsters and their origins. AC repair and a shrine to HVAC. Nike and Colin Kaepernick and who wins. Why birds are the worst pets. Podcasting and why do we actually do it (answer: no one really knows why podcasters do it, not even themselves). Why social media sucks. We do love our fans… we do, really! No matter what we say. NRQ had Ewe Bol on their show because Mr. Bol wants to box Alex Jones. That sentence now exists. What is your dream? The origins of the Astrodome. Pancakes in the butt… how would you do it? We ask all of the important questions. Bob and Zipp did “Squid Week”, which is different from “Shark Week” because it is a different animal. And next episode you get to hear the sketch we recorded!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2019 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guests: Bobby Panzarella | Host of the "No Redeeming Qualities" Podcast and Thomas "Zipp" Zipperer | Host of the "No Redeeming Qualities" Podcast.
Support Sketch Comedy Podcast Show
It would be so nice to just call someone and have things taken care of. Laundry needs folding, call, taken care of. Dinner needs to be cooked, call, taken care of. Kids need to be told they are loved, call, taken care of. Is there anything that wouldn’t be better just calling someone and having someone else just take care of it?
Featuring Melissa DeSilva, mental therapist and master of virtual assistants. You can find out more about Melissa at msmelissadasilva.com
If you would rather listen to just the sketch, here you go!: https://www.youtube.com/embed/I7ZJAsbs5i8
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Melissa DaSilva | A Therapists' Therapist for the LGBTQ Community.
This week’s guest, Melissa DaSilva, is a mental therapist who focuses on the LGBTQA+ community. In addition, Melissa also has a podcast called “PRIDE Connections” (http://prideconnections.com) and is also starting a virtual assistant company for therapists. Melissa also runs a therapist mastermind program. I guess what I’m saying is that this is someone who is so busy, she needs a virtual assistant!
We talk about all sorts of topics, from mental health to the LGBTQA+ community to relationships to virtual assistants to podcasting to finding a dead body… we really cover the gamut here!
All this, and we record a sketch!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Melissa DaSilva | A Therapists' Therapist for the LGBTQ Community.
Man, I am so glad I didn’t become a band roadie. Don’t get me wrong, I think the idea of being a roadie is cool… the wild parties, the drugs, the late nights and late mornings, the sloppy seconds or thirds… all of that sounds great! The part that sounds awful? Moving the band’s equipment and setting it up.
Like the sketch? Listen to the conversation that inspired it and how we recorded it here!:
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Frisky The Rapper | The One Rapper that can Get You Out Of Jail.
Frisky is Andy Lugo, whose origin story is unlike any other I can think of; he disappointed his parents by deciding originally to not become an artist and, instead, became a lawyer. Yes, you heard that right, it’s not often that a rapper’s side hustle is law but that is exactly what Frisky does. Frisky’s music is a nice combination of a number of genres, you can hear that fusion is his song “Everybody Says Hey” which will be at the end of the episode.
We talk about doing comedy and trying to follow winners of “Last Comic Standing” after a standing ovation, going from law to music, why producing audio is probably the worst, and Frisky also does his best to explain rap to white people! All this, and we come up with a sketch you can hear next week!
Did you find Frisky interesting? Check out the sketch we did together here!:
Frisky’s new album, “The Frisky Experience” is available September 29th everywhere you can get music. Visit his YouTube page at http://bit.ly/SCPSfrisky and listen to some of his songs and subscribe to hear more!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Frisky The Rapper | The One Rapper that can Get You Out Of Jail.
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There is nothing better than going to a foreign country and finding completely unique things to bring home. Sometimes they are articles of clothing, or trinkets, or house decorations. Sometimes they are more unique items, and maybe they do not really appeal to our Western sensibilities. Sometimes they are downright offensive and disgusting… you’ll know what we mean after listening to this sketch.
Like the sketch? Check out the conversation that influenced it as well as how we recorded it here!:
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Matt Javit | World Traveler.
I envy Matt Javit and his wife, Nikki. They have a passion for traveling and, instead of planning the occasional trip or excursion decided to adopt the lifestyle full-time and now traverse the globe seeing things most people, like myself, can only imagine. They chronicle their travels in their blog at passportjoy.com and talk about all of these incredible things. They also have a podcast, go check it out!
Matt and I talk about what it took for them to be able to take off for a couple of years and how you could do it too! We also talk about the wonderful shopping opportunities abroad… it gets interesting. One thing I learned is that the best part of going to another country as a really tall white guy is that everyone treats you like a celebrity… looks like I have to get some taller heels on my shoes! All this AND we record a sketch!
Did you find Matt interesting? You might also like to hear the sketch we came up with!:
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Matt Javit | World Traveler.
Have you ever woken up, stared at the ceiling and wondered… “What’s it all for?” You aren’t alone. At some point, everyone comes to a point where they start to question their own existence and what that means to them. Sometimes we need to find guidance in these spiritual questions, so we seek gurus that have done the important work and have laid the groundwork. These spiritual leaders have done the really important work, like setting up a Patreon page and getting Shopify to work…
Featuring real, honest-to-goodness helpful self-help gurus Chris and Lyndsay Jones. You can find them on Twitter at @hugyourchaos and take a look at their fantastic books “You Are the Architect” and “The No Bullshit Guide to Chakras” (http://bit.ly/SCPShugyourchaos)
Like the sketch? Listen to the conversation that inspired it and how we recorded it here!:
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guests: Christopher Jones | Hugger of Chaos and Lyndsay Jones | Hugger of Chaos.
Christopher and Lyndsay Jones live in an RV. That’s it, that’s all there is… nothing else interesting here. I mean, why did I even… wait, what? You’re handing this to me now? I’m recording this live onto the hard drive, and that’s when you hand this to me? These imaginary assistants are just not very good help, maybe I should actually get some virtual assistants. Okay, what was I saying? Oh, right! Yes, Chris and Lyndsay live in an RV, but they are SO MUCH MORE! The two are now traveling around the country in said RV and helping people through chaos, which they know about. Both Lyndsay and Chris have suffered through depression, and Lyndsay has seen the dark side of addiction. Where lesser people might have just accepted this, these two decided to take it head-on and have come out the other side much happier and living a life that they want.
We talk about not just escaping the chaos of life, but hugging it. We also talk about the shitstorm that is living in an RV… which is a literal statement in most cases. Both Chris and Lindsay talk about their journey, both separately and together, and both talk about the books that are coming out… THIS WEEK! Chris has a book called "You Are The Architect”, a manual for life that you never received and Lyndsay has a book called “The Chakras. A Real-Life, No Bullshit Guide to Healing Your Life” which is about single transferrable voting systems… nope, wrong week… this one is about Chakras… duh. You can get both of these books at http://bit.ly/SCPShugyourchaos
This is a fun one, and there is serious stuff and funny stuff throughout!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guests: Christopher Jones | Hugger of Chaos and Lyndsay Jones | Hugger of Chaos.
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“That person is a natural” is the thing you want to say when you are casting someone into a role. It is best when it is effortless, when you can’t tell the person from the role they are playing. That’s what you want as a casting director… unless you are casting for “Se7en”.
Like the sketch? Listen to the conversation that inspired it and how we recorded it here!: https://youtu.be/8SolELGJ7io
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Nikki Smith | Improvisor, Not-Good Advice Giver and Suicide Preventer.
This episode’s guest was so much fun to talk to. Nikki Smith is an improvisor, theater director, gives really bad advice on life (http://bit.ly/SCPSnikkitellsyou), plays the accordion (badly) and is now helping people who are having a hard time in life get through to the next day (hopefully very well). What I liked best about chatting with Nikki was how much we are similar… we are drawn to improv because we do not like to learn lines, we are both scatterbrained enough that we can’t settle on that one good thing that we are good at. The biggest difference is that she loves cats and I am constantly trying to keep my slacks free from hair.
We talk about improv (duh) and talk about singing improv, dramatic improv, and all of the improvs. We also talk about her trek to become certified in suicide prevention, which is not as easy as just being nice on the phone. We do talk cats, especially her cat, “Derp”, who may have the best/worst name for a cat ever (fortunately, cats don’t understand human humor). Overall, this is a great show and the sketch was a start/stop and redo which is sometimes my favorite.
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Nikki Smith | Improvisor, Not-Good Advice Giver and Suicide Preventer.
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It is hard not to get excited by the glitz and the glamor of a movie set. There are the cameras, which you know are capturing the magic happening in front of them, there are the stars prepping for their craft, there are the film crew making sure everything is running smoothly and on-time and let’s not forget the most important, the caterers. And then there are the extras and the occasional animals that are involved, that bring death and destruction to all.
Featuring David Trotter (Director) and Tripp Fuller (Star) of the “best theological fiction movie of all time”* “The Road to Edmond”. It recently had it’s premiere on July 29th and will hopefully be available for viewing to your peepers very soon! Visit theroadtoedmond.com for more information.
Like the sketch? Listen to the conversation that inspired it and how we recorded it here!: https://youtu.be/2wUxVPMZm20
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guests: David Trotter | Progressive Christian Filmmaker and Trip Fuller | Progressive Christian Actor and Host of “Homebrewed Christianity”.
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I’m not going to lie, I had red flags. I watched “The Road to Edmond” and realized that it was a Christian movie about 15 minutes in. Let’s face it, I am a heathen and it’s a little intimidating when one is facing two theologians, one of which has a “Dr.” In front of his name. Fortunately, the movie was good, and not just good as in “it’s a Christian movie” good, but actually entertaining and endearing. More fortunately, David and Tripp are incredibly great guys and are progressive Christians, which means that they are inclusive, not exclusive, with their faith and appreciate humanity and humans for being diverse, not shun them for it. These are my types of Christians!
Tripp Fuller also has a podcast called “Homebrewed Christianity” where he talks about faith, theology, philosophy and beer. It’s a really interesting show and a good listen. It’s not preachy, it is very interesting, and I am enjoying it a lot.
You’ll hear about how David figured out a way to make a buddy movie during a literal road trip and how Tripp became an actor on the set of this movie. They also had a chance to completely take over the show and did not use the time to sell everyone on vertical marketing, which was another feather in their cap. “The Road to Edmond” premieres in LA on July 29th at Landmark’s Regent Theatre. Check the show notes to get a link to buy tickets. If you can’t make it to LA… make sure to watch this movie when you get a chance… it will surprise and delight you!
Special Guests: David Trotter | Progressive Christian Filmmaker and Trip Fuller | Progressive Christian Actor and Host of “Homebrewed Christianity”.
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We are truly embarking on a new path for the human race. At no time in our history has there been an opportunity for closing the gender and race gaps, for creating an environment of love and peace and equality… wait, who is president again? Well, shoot… maybe in the next 100 years.
Featuring Tammy Leitzel, who uses bits of her fantastic material from her “Femessence” program in the sketch. You can find out more by going to https://tammyleitzel.com and take her 7-day challenge!
Like the sketch? Listen to the conversation that inspired it and how we recorded it here!: https://youtu.be/gcM8x3oyN7I
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Tammy Leitzel | Former Amish Stripper.
Tammy helps women become playful with their sexuality through exotic dance and pushing each woman’s individual boundaries. Her website, wowfactorchallenge.com, is a great resource to find out if you would like to be a part of her free 7-day challenge to help uncover that special sparkle within you.
Would you like to support the show and look stylish doing it? Then head over to scps.fireside.fm/merch and pick out a piece of apparel!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Tammy Leitzel | Former Amish Stripper.
Diversity is good. In fact, there are few times that having diversity is really bad. It’s good in your diet, to keep things working properly, it is good in education so that people can learn different things, it is good in superhero teams, because different powers can yield different results… about the only place diversity is really bad is in sexually transmitted diseases.
Featuring Miles Stokes of the “Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men” Podcast.
Like the sketch? Listen to the conversation that inspired it and how we recorded it here!: https://youtu.be/4bpDPGYYGOw
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod
APPLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes GOOGLE: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay RSS: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss PODCHASER: https://www.podchaser.com/SketchComedyPodcastShow
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Miles Stokes | X-Plainer of X-Things.
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Miles is one half, along with Jay Edidin, of the outstanding “Jay and Miles X-plain the X-men” podcast which explores the ins and outs of the increasingly convoluted and incredibly hard-to-follow X-Men comic book universe. Since Marvel and DC are basically the Bulfinches and Aesops of the modern age, understanding the stories and their impacts on our culture is becoming increasingly important and Jay and Miles do a beyond amazing job of helping us unravel their stories in a fun and incredibly well-produced way.
Miles and I talk about facial hair and how unfair that he has locks for days and I look like a newborn baby. We then move on to less important topics like gun control and whatnot. Stuart reveals that he totally accosted both Jay and Miles in line at “Fantastic Planet”. We talk a lot about comics because of course we do, and finally talk a little about his and Jay’s story, transformations, being sex-positive, and overall really interesting and good stuff!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Miles Stokes | X-Plainer of X-Things.
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Twenty-six grueling miles of body punishment and for what? Glory? Accomplishment? Awesome selfies? Who knows what it is about marathons that attract us, but we love the spectacle of watching people in incredible shape make their bodies perform at their peak performance and watch as they poop themselves, collapse and nearly die as they cross the finish line.
This sketch was performed with Nate Dern. You can catch the conversation where this sketch came from here!: https://scps.fireside.fm/natedern
Also, make sure to read Nate’s great book “Not Quite a Genius” on Amazon here: http://bit.ly/SCPSnotquiteagenius
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Nate Dern | Senior Writer at Funny or Die and Director of Content at KnewQ.
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Remember that show called “Beauty and the Geek” where they took incredibly hot but maybe not mentally fit women and incredibly geeky and not-necessarily socially amicable men and put them in the same house together to see how they interacted and offered a boatload of money to the final two people that did the best? Nate Dern wishes you didn’t. Mainly because Nate Dern is now an accomplished author, was a senior writer for “Funny or Die”, is the director of content at the upcoming KnewQ website and is currently the host of the upcoming “Every Damn Day” on Comedy Central which is “The Daily Show” but for pop culture and the internet. Nate sounds like a really busy guy, but at the time of this conversation he might have even been wearing a bathrobe. I have great timing!
We talk about his experiences with celebrities at “Funny or Die” and talk about his fantastic book “Not Quite a Genius” and also delve into the website he is helping to develop content KnewQ, which is looking to game-ify the news and make it fun to discover how much of the news is straight-up bullshit! Afterwards, we record a sketch!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Nate Dern | Senior Writer at Funny or Die and Director of Content at KnewQ.
gough, the world’s first blind filmmaker, has just released a new movie that exposes the seedy underbelly of the life of personal trainers… although he may not want to expose too much, they are in really good shape!
We talk about filming, the stars (especially the knockout lead) and what got gough to tackle the world of personal training. We also discuss who gets to be the creepiest guy in the film… that poor guy.
Go to www.beernutsproductions.com and get this video along with all of gough’s other really great video, audio and books!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: gough | The World's First Blind Filmaker.
Support Sketch Comedy Podcast Show
Watch the sketch on YouTube here:
Mysteries. We love them because they give us something our human minds crave... solutions. We love movies and television that explores mysteries, crime mysteries, medical mysteries, alien mysteries... we are fascinated by what we might uncover! Sometimes those mysteries uncover amazing secrets that will help benefit the world or bring someone to justice, other times we might wish we could put the cork back on the bottle...
Don’t forget to check out the conversation with Shannon Milliman here: https://scps.fireside.fm/shannonmilliman
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Shannon Milliman | Failed Supernova and Sensible Job Owner.
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What exactly is a Failed Supernova? Well, a supernova is when a star collapses and releases all of it’s stored energy outward disintegrating everything in its event horizon… so being a failed supernova might be okay! I think what Shannon Milliman, this episode’s guest, means by it is she had the perception as a child she was going to be this incredible force of power and would have a huge impact on the world and instead works a relatively normal job for a normal amount of time and goes home and lives a normal life. So what makes Shannon so interesting? She helps other people deal with being normal and not letting their day jobs suck the life out of them. In fact, she has a talk that she does for groups called 'How not to let a 40 hour work week suck your soul”. Coming up on June 15th she debuts her one-woman show “Not So Supernova” which we talk about during this episode. A link to tickets are in the show notes.
We also talk all sorts of crap (literally) and what it was like growing up as well as what it is like helping other human beings grow up. We also talk about being married to a creative-type person (in her case a musician) and what that means. Then, we record a sketch!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Shannon Milliman | Failed Supernova and Sensible Job Owner.
Support Sketch Comedy Podcast Show
Watch the interview on YouTube here:
Mike Phirman was graciously on episode 31, and although I surprised him with doing improv on the spot it is one of the most popular episodes of the show! Even more surprisingly, Mike has agreed to be on this, the inaugural episode of “Catching Up With…” to talk about his new album “Songs to Sing at Children” coming out on 5/17… which is today!
Also, we should all start using the phrase egestion?
Go get the album and enjoy! http://music.mikephirman.com
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Mike Phirman | Musician and Member of "Hard 'n Phirm".
Support Sketch Comedy Podcast Show
Watch the sketch on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/PMt2f6pAkIM
The next world war is not going to be the US vs. North Korea, or the US vs. Russia, or the US vs... wait a second, are we the problem? Well, whatever, it isn't going to be global powers, it will be technology powers. Apple vs. Google, US vs. Amazon or something ridiculous like that. Right now, the war raging in most 14 year old brains is which is better, Xbox or Playstation? Maybe it's more than just games we should be considering...
Featuring Zombie Author Joseph "Zombie" Zuko. You can learn more about him and his "The Infected" series of books in the show notes below.
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Joseph "Zombie" Zuko | Zombie Author.
Support Sketch Comedy Podcast Show
Watch it on YouTube here:
Joseph “Zombie” Zuko is the author of “The Infected” series of novels that tell of the exploits of Jim, his wife Karen, and a very large cast of characters in the days after the zombies attack. I know some of you probably read this as Joe himself was a zombie which is inaccurate, but for dramatic effect let’s just pretend that is the truth. My brains were still intact after this conversation because, according to every ex-girlfriend I have ever had, I sit on my brains because of where they are located.
Joe has also started doing comedic videos called “Zombie Dad” on YouTube. They are delightful and I suggest hitting the link in the show notes and checking them out, they are funny!
Joe is a close friend of mine, and we have a lot of fun getting together and chatting, and this is no different. We did it in the basement of a place we both once worked at and it makes it especially sweet.
Make sure to check out “The Infected” series of books as well as his standalone novel “Sweet Home”. These are great books, fun to read, and especially great as bedtime stories to children before you shut off the light and leave them alone in solitude to go to sleep at night.
Special Guest: Joseph "Zombie" Zuko | Zombie Author.
Watch the sketch on YouTube here:
Language is tricky. Something said in one language might have the intention of sounding like something else in another language, but the subtleties of each word do not always translate from one to the other. It's a challenge that some people take on and can travel the world and experience new things. For others, it makes it really convenient that there is fast food internationally.
Make sure to listen to the end of the episode, where you will hear Sébastien and Stuart recording the sketch raw and uncut!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Sébastien Roger de Nuñez | Multi-Multi Lingual Improvisor.
You can actually watch the conversation on YouTube here:
This episode features someone who can speak 12 languages and counting. That’s a pretty amazing feat, especially since most of the people I know can’t not even complete English sentences not too good. Sébastien Roger de Nuñez, or Seb for those of us languagely challenged, not only looks and sounds like he is totally going to take your girlfriend, he also learns different languages as a means to be able to teach improv to people that speak that language. Did you get that? He puts together complete improv shows and teaches people how to do improv in a ridiculous amount of languages. This makes him a much better improvisor than me, which is why this particular episode is so good!
We talk about learning different languages, traveling, trying not to offend anyone on accident, making up songs, and, of course, improv! We then “get busy” and record a sketch based on language and not understanding very good. That will be a lot more funny once you listen to the episode.
Special Guest: Sébastien Roger de Nuñez | Multi-Multi Lingual Improvisor.
Support Sketch Comedy Podcast Show
Watch the sketch on YouTube here:
Ronny Pascale has been bi-coastal and is really focused on poop. I don’t know why those two things are connected, or why this makes Ronny interesting, but it was a fun conversation to be sure! Ronny has the podcast “Shit Show: The Poopcast” (The colon is pronounced) where he has conversations with other comedians about bowel movements. Yup, you heard that right… the show is reaching new heights for content. Actually, Ronny and I do not discuss our excremental adventures (although, we all have stories, am I right?) but we do discuss his trek from Manhattan to Long Beach, CA which, instead of taking a convenient plane ride, Ronny decided that a 96-hour train ride would be a waaaaaaaay better option. Ronny and I also discuss online dating, because I wanted to get a perspective with someone who has seen both sides of the dating country. We also get to learn that Ronny was once the subject of an article about online dating and, well, it wasn’t flattering.
Make sure to follow Ronny on Twitter, he is absolutely hilarious, and you can do so @ronnypascale. You can also book him to come be funny for you at ronnypascale@gmail.com. You can probably see him doing stand-up around Los Angeles, although I’m sure occasionally he sits down as well.
About this week’s sketch:
Dating is fun. What isn’t funny is that first date, that is some serious business. If you decide to do something like coffee or happy hour, the object of your affection might be underwhelmed and just bolt. If you decide that dinner is the better option, then you might be forced to pay for an expensive meal with someone that you do not really enjoy spending time with. If you decide to go on an all-day hike, you have to actually go and hike and exercise is lame. Whatever you do, you might want to think twice about planning something too grandiose, or you might end up in a situation like this one…
Did you want to show your support for the show, and look awesome at the same time? Well, you can! You can now purchase merchandise with the Sketch Comedy Podcast Show logo all over it! Got a suggestion for a shirt? Shoot it over and we can make it a reality! Just go to http://bit.ly/SCPSmerch and take a look at our wears (see what I did there?)
If you haven’t noticed, it’s taking me a lot longer to get episodes out. So, as an adjustment to the release schedule, I will be releasing new episodes every 2 weeks going forward and on the off weeks I will be putting out classic sketches. That also means more time to enjoy the episodes of your favorite guests! Maybe next episode might catch your fancy, I have Sébastien Roger de Nuñez, which I have no doubt fumbled in saying. Sébastien knows how to speak 12 languages and teaches improv all over the world. It’s a great conversation and a funny sketch as well!
Special Guest: Ronny Pascale | Poop emoji and Associate Artistic Director of The People’s Improv Theater.
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Take a look on YouTube here:
Tony Starlight is no stranger to anyone who lives in Portland, OR. His name is synonymous with musical dinner theater and entertainment, an art form that is incredibly relevant yet is not terribly common. Tony’s shows are entertainment extravaganzas: there are songs, jokes aplenty, more songs, drinks, a delicious dinner, songs, dessert, and more songs. Everything in the show is choreographed, and Tony will have themes for the show, such as “Dead Legends” for Halloween or his incredibly popular Christmas Show. When you go, and I know you will, you will get to hear his spot-on Neil Diamond tribute. The one thing you won’t hear? His incredible knowledge of birds in the Pacific Northwest.
Tony talks about successes and failures in business, how to change to do the things you really want to do, living in Los Angeles (and how terrible that is), why Neil Diamond, Marmaduke and, of course, birds!
This is one of the most unique conversations I have had, we recorded in a rowboat on an offshoot of the Columbia River. It was a gorgeous day and we got to see a couple of different birds… we also nearly finished this recording in boat jail…
About this week’s sketch:
Job interviews can be one of the most stressful events for us. We open ourselves to the possibility of looking like we are unqualified. Or maybe they ask the question that uncovers that one thing that exposes you for the creep you are. Or perhaps the question comes up about your mental well-being and as you are thinking the other person in your head takes over and answers for you in a way that makes you sound like you are completely crazy… “No it doesn’t”… Yes it does!!!
Special Guest: Tony Starlight | Entertainer, Nightclub Owner, Lives on a Houseboat.
Listen to just the sketch here on YouTube!:
Beyond the beautiful exterior lies the incredibly talented and immensely interesting Ash Brown. Ash lives in Atlanta and does so many things I couldn’t possibly list all of them here. Okay, I could, but I think it sounds so much better when it doesn’t seem possible to list all of the things. She hosts her own podcast, “Ash Said It Daily”, does public speaking, party and event planning, blogs, and officiates weddings and does so in a timely manner! Recording this episode was a joy and I think you will agree after this delightful conversation that you will want her to officiate your next wedding!
About this week’s sketch:
Mindset. It can change on a whim, it can dictate our mood, and it is the determining factor one whether or not our days are filled with milk and honey or a crap sandwich. It is so important to set your mind early in the morning and put it into a positive space; doing so will lead to prosperous and effective days and a smile as you roll into the evening. Mindset shows everyone around you… “Hey dad?”… What?!? Can’t you see I’m recording? What is wrong with you? You’ve ruined everything and now I have to start over! My life sucks so bad!!!!
Hey! I want to hear from you! Call and leave a message at (207) 200-5993. Why? Why not? If you leave a fun message, I’ll use it on the show!
Next week will feature prominent Portland entertainer Tony Starlight, who has been delighting locals for many years. The best part… we record in a rowboat! Check back next episode to hear us nearly get arrested on the water!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Ash Brown | Entertainer, Entrepreneur, Podcaster, and Very Timely.
Support Sketch Comedy Podcast Show
Watch the sketch on YouTube!:
gough. No, I don’t have a cold, that is the name of this week’s guest. gough is a world-touring comedian, an author and an accomplished filmmaker. Where that would make most people pretty interesting, gough has one more trick up his sleeve… he is BLIND! Did you hear that? He makes movies for the eyes and he is legally blind!!! Not only that, but his films are good! gough runs Beernuts Productions which produces audio, film and books and is currently promoting his latest book, his latest film and his most recent audio dramas… and he STILL had time to do this show. Awesome!
If you would like to rent this space, it’s pretty inexpensive and wouldn’t it be fun to have a message just for someone you know to hear? Or maybe promote something you are doing? And do it for as little as $11? I think you do, and I suggest going to sketchcomedypodcastshow.com and look at the top for the “Pay for Time” link.
Traveling is so much fun! Sometimes you are on your way out to see family, or sometimes you are going to an event or to see the sights… sometimes it’s just about seeing someplace new and you have no idea what it is you are expecting to see! When I travel, I know I do it with intent… to duck creditors.
Thank you again to gough. If you haven’t already done so, go to www.beernutsproductions.com and check out all of gough’s really great entertainment that you can get! He offers a wonderful documentary for free (his first film and the first movie directed by someone vision-impaired) called “I Will Not Go Quietly” which is a little serious, but a majority of his content is right up your alley! Definitely check out his mockumentaries, he has some hilarious stuff in a genre that I never feel gets enough attention.
Boy, it’s been a bit of a sausage-fest as of late, let’s get a woman back on! Next week’s episode will be featuring Ash Brown, an entrepreneur who does almost everything and will absolutely be on time for your wedding. Find out more next week!
Special Guest: gough | The World's First Blind Filmaker.
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Watch the sketch on YouTube!:
Colin Gray can’t help himself, he tends to get far too into whatever interests him. Sometimes it’s craft beer, sometimes it’s mountain biking, but one of them, listening to podcasts, led to Colin creating an entire academy and community for creating podcasts. Colin helps people take their podcast to the next level, you can go to the podcasthost.com and check out all of the cool things there, including his podcast “Podcraft” and his new, fantastical show “Hostile Worlds”. Colin is also currently working on software that will automate the editing of podcasts… truly we are minutes away from being taken over by the machines.
We uncover the mystery that is “Ironic” by Alanis Morissette. That song went from really stupid to really brilliant very quickly for me.
It’s finally up! Yup! Buy time on the show! You can buy up to 3 minutes at a time and pricing is ridiculously cheap right now. The beautiful thing about it, this pricing is going to go up, in fact, it will likely go up every single week, so buy-in early and take advantage of me!
This week’s sketch:
Come rain, or snow, or zombie apocalypse, we trust our packages will be delivered. Sure, sometimes the package doesn’t arrive on-time, and sometimes it is mis-delivered, but we can always rely on the fact that eventually, through some method, our packages will get to where they need to go eventually. Maybe it’s time to get out of the “Cat in a Box” pet delivery service I have so heavily invested in.
Promoting a podcast? Sure, I think it is incredibly expensive! So, instead of trying to figure out where to spend your money, spend it with me and buy some time on the podcast! Just go to http://bit.ly/SCPSbuytime! These shows are evergreen, so buying in early will mean that people will hear it for YEARS to come!
Next week’s episode has gough! No, that isn’t a word I just made up, gough is a filmmaker and comedian who has traveled all over the place! What makes him special? He is the first blind filmmaker. He is a really interesting and fun guy and you can listen to him excitedly talk about his new projects on next week’s show!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2017 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Colin Gray | Creator of The Podcast Host Academy.
Support Sketch Comedy Podcast Show
Watch the sketch on YouTube:
Frank Cardillo likes to perform in front of people and have them laugh at him… intentionally. Frank has been hard at work doing comedy, improv and theater for the last two decades, including Super Bowl XLVIII, Universal Studios, Disney World, emcee at the Sterling Renaissance Festival and is currently the host of “The Improvisor’s Guide Podcast”. We talk a little about baseball, fantasy camps and working in theme parks and end up recording a sketch!
I’ve finally done it! There is now a section on the website for you to buy some time here, in this exact location, to have me shout out something to the world! Maybe you want me to just yell your name, or maybe you want me to propose to someone for you. Perhaps it’s an ad… I don’t know if I really care! Okay, I do somewhat care, and there are certain guidelines that are on the page to sign up. It’s easy to do and there are a couple of other things you can pay me to do as well! For now, this is how I’m going to pay for all of this madness, let’s see if it works!
Make believe. We stopped playing it for the most part as we got older, but I can remember being in my front yard, throwing a ball up in the air and swinging my Wiffle bat trying to connect and imagining myself in the clutch during the World Series. I also remember grabbing sticks and imagining they are swords and fighting dragons. As I’ve grown older, I see my kids play make believe, and I see my son doing the same sorts of things that I used to do… man, I hope I didn’t look that goofy.
I like to make suggestions for podcasts to listen to after you are done with this podcast. I need some help, I am out of podcasts that I actually listen to! If you have a podcast you would like me to suggest at this point, please send an email to sketchcomedypodcastshow@gmail.com and let me know what show you think more people should be listening to!
Next episode’s guest is going to be with Colin Gray, a podcaster’s podcaster who helps poor shlubs like myself make these silly programs. He has a great podcast called “Podcraft” that will either help you start or make your existing podcast better. He also launched a very cool and very popular podcast called “ “. They explore different planets… It’s so cool!
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit: http://sketchcomedypodcastshow.com Tell us what you are hungry for at Facebook: http://facebook.com/sketchcomedypodcastshow Tweet us your favorite recipes at: http://twitter.com/sketchcompod Send us pictures of whatever you make at: http://instagram.com/sketchcompod Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/SCPSitunes Or Google Play: http://bit.ly/SCPSgplay Or Anywhere!: https://scps.fireside.fm/rss
Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2017 Marathon Productions, LLC.
Special Guest: Frank Cardillo | Comedy Creator & Director.
Support Sketch Comedy Podcast Show
Watch the sketch on YouTube here:
Have you ever had that dream that you wanted to direct and write the movie that you always wanted to watch? I bet you have, you’ve imagined it, but you haven’t done a single thing to get it done. This week’s guest, Ben Fancher, is absolutely going to make the horror movie of his dreams… and he works a retail job during the day! You can just hear the excitement and passion in his voice as he talks about building this movie. I for one am really looking forward to it! You can connect with Ben via all the social media channels to keep up with his progress , link is at the bottom of the show notes.
Let me tell you my favorite thing about this show: all of the episodes are still really listenable. Make sure that if you like this show, or don’t like this show, you can take a look at all of the past episodes and maybe you can find something else you like! Head to sketchcomedypodcastshow.com and just scroll down the page!
Business opportunities abound all around us. See a need, fill it, and you can get rewarded handsomely for it. There are times that those business opportunities are not successful. Sometimes those opportunities are just downright stupid… but enough about Windows Phone.
Every episode I try to offer a suggestion of a podcast to listen to after this podcast. This week I suggest going back and listening to a couple of this show’s most popular episodes that you might have missed! Like episode 3 with Dr. Kiki Sanford, episode 23 with Katie BBB, episode 31 with Mike Phirman, and episode 36 with Rebecca Love. Links are below in the show notes and, of course, you can always just visit sketchcomedypodcastshow@gmail.com
Next week, we are going to connect with another podcast improvisor… and it won’t be an online fight, I promise. Frank Cardillo has “The Improvisor’s Guide Podcast” and it’s a fun time! See you next week!
Special Guest: Ben Fancher | Indie Horror Movie Director and Producer.
These guys really know how to make a sketch comedy podcast! Great attitude and execution - give these guys a listen.
Need a good laugh? Give this podcast a try!
What can I say, I make this show and I listen to it every week. I still listen even though I have to record and produce the show. Here's the thing: I love this show, it's a passion project, and I almost wish that someone else could make the show just so I could sit back and listen and be delighted. I guarantee that you will find something to enjoy in the show if you give it a listen.