Amazing adventures hosted by Simon, the one and only Fact Finding Frog! Totally full of true facts, excellent sound effects, cool music, and Simon's jokes! All of Simon's 38 Adventures are now available to purchase on You can buy the whole collection or just your favourite episodes. On Bandcamp you can listen to each adventure up to 3 times before you need to buy. That means you can test drive their excellent app while you do that.
Where can you check out 700 million years of history in 25 minutes?
Right here in the second half of Simon's Evolution adventure, that's where.
There's an ice age, loads of extinctions, a close up look at flying reptiles, a meteor as big a s a mountain and more volcanos than you can shake a stick at!
This is definitely Simon's BIGGEST Adventure ever, but to get into it, you'll have to become tiny!
Along the way you'll imagine getting sprayed with Pheromones, you'll check out a mini medieval village, and stroll past some very serious security guards, straight into the Queens royal chamber.
It's all happening way up in the ancient treetops of Australia's Kuranda rain forest.
All of Simon's Adventures are available at BANDCAMP
Jun 27, 2022
Simon's Brain Tree Adventure 1 PREVIEW
Do you know what Simon has always wanted? His computer does, and she's created it for him in this adventure. It's all happening in a top secret location, and you're invited to check it out. Along the way, you'll be imagining a constellation, some flying reptiles and a collection of very cute, fluffy mammals. There's also more weird brain facts than you can poke a stick at!
Simon's latest adventure is up in the air, literally! Come for a ride on his space elevator, and have a close look at everything between you and the darkness of space. You'll find out when you shouldn't get on a helicopter, and why the Ozone layer is so cool. This is also your free ticket to natures greatest show, lightning!
Do you ever talk to yourself?
Everyone does, and by the end of this this episode, you'll know why!
You'll get a little taste of what it's really like inside your brain, find out why you even have a brain, and what you shouldn't say to a chimpanzee!
It's brain-facts galore in here, so come and join Simon on his guided tour of your brain.
In the first part of Simon's biggest Braintree Adventure ever, you'll be imagining Vacuum cleaners, Cephalopods and furry mammals who like playing video games.
It's all happening in the top level of Simon's Treehouse.
Get ready to press play, and find out what his computer Chloe has in store for us this time!