On March 9th, our friends from the Penguin Saber Academy in Palm Desert, CA, hosted their first annual open tournament! Thirty-two (32) fighters showed up, with 50-60 people attending in total. It was a very well run tournament, and the biggest we’ve seen in Southern California yet! PLUS it was the first officially sponsored event for the Saber Martial Arts Foundation, with over $100 raised through sales of merch and a big raffle! Thank you to everyone who attended, who supported the Penguins, SMA, and the entire lightsaber combat community!
The day after the tournament, Steve sat down with Nick Richardson (The Emperor Penguin), Master Alan Venable (Head of Phoenix Sabers, and winner of the PSA tournament!), his wife, Jill, and Alan’s Padawan, Kenny, to talk about the tournament, the event, the fighters, the brackets, and most importantly – Port Lights! Also, trying to educate Nick about ScotchCon. And..well, too many tangents to count!
Shouts to…
ALSO – if you are going to Star Wars Celebration in Chicago, make sure to come to the Star Wars Commonwealth After Party! SDS will be there along with Rogue Squad Pod, Talk Star Wars, Tatooine Sons, and maybe others! Friday April 12th at Motor Row Brewing – See the Facebook event for details, or email us! https://www.facebook.com/events/2257882737761171/
Remember to check us out on our website, www.sandiegosabers.net.If you like our show, give us a review on iTunes, Google, or where ever you listen!
Facebook: SDSabersInstagram: SDSabersTwitter: SDSabersPodcastEmail us at podcast@sandiegosabers[dot]net if you have questions, comments, or give us suggestions for what we should talk about next!
As a proud member of the Star Wars Commonwealth podcast network (http://www.starwarscommonwealth.com), do yourself a favour and check out the other podcasts in the network: Talk Star Wars, The Generation X-Wing Podcast, Tumbling Saber, The Nerd Room, The Rogue Squadron Podcast, Tatooine Sons, The Sandcrawler Podcast, and Retro, Inc!