We kick off a deeper dive into our current position - something we will be exploring over the next few episodes. This will help us figure out our own starting point when it comes to planning for our financial futures. This really is step 1 of our financial framework. If you know where you currently are and you know where you want to get to, then you can start figuring out how to get there. Find out how this can help stop you from getting lost in Marks & Spencer's when looking for biscuits. You know, those lovely round chocolatey ones!
Whenever we do look at our current situation we need to remember it really is only a snapshot or photograph of this current moment in time. Our situation is going to change over time and our financial framework will help us adapt to those changes.
Craig also regales us with memories of the 1998 World Cup, an interesting fact about Hartlepool diplomacy and makes some audacious claims about his gardening abilities!
Other biscuits at other retailers are also available, but Marks & Spencer's ones are not just any biscuits...