I'm joined by Chris Adkins, who plays in the trifecta of awesomeness consisting of Acoustic project The Royal Pain, melodic punk outfit Phasers On Kill, and the legendary hometown and international heroes MxPx. Co-hosted by my studio wizard friend Bradly Miranda, we have an awesome hangout session and discuss how Chris manages to juggle all three acts and maintain his sanity. We also get an epic solo acoustic performance which features an amazing Descendants cover as well as two other killer cuts, one of which features Brad on the nut crusher (cajon) and Brad's brother Brian on bass. There is also video that will be coming real soon!
This episode also will be fetured on the newly launched Misery Point Radio in a few weeks!
Chris Adkins Links:
Instagram: @theroyalpainmusic, @phasers.on.kill, @mxpxpx
Twitter: @theroyalpain333,@phasers_on_kill, @mxpx
Facebook: @theroyalpainmusic, @phasersonkill, @mxpx
On The Edge Links:
Instagram: @ontheedgepodcast
Twitter: @ontheedgepodcst (no "a")
Facebook: @ontheedgepodcast
Email: ontheedgepodcast@gmail.com
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