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Submit ReviewWhile doing research into allegations that aborted fetuses were being used to trigger flavor receptors in popular food products, I came across some links pointing to evidence that pills made from human flesh have been confiscated in China, South Korea, and Nigeria. It appears as if it's been confirmed by numerous sources, and memos from each country seem to acknowledge the existence of such pills. So we dig into the story of how these came to be, what these pills are actually made of, and what their purported purpose is. And I give you all a teaser of what the next disturbing topic will be about!
Instagram: @OnTheEdgePodcast
Twitter: @OnTheEdgePodcst
While we were snowed in during one of the most severe snowstorms Washington State has seen in years, my wife Marsha and I decided to sit back, drink, and wax philosophical (read: bitch) about crazy weather, crazy people, and how we felt the local municipalities handled the situations. A truly random, unscripted stream of consciousness episode that reminds me of the old days!
Twitter: @OnTheEdgePodcst
Instagram: @OnTheEdgePodcast
Hello Minions! Had to take some time off for personal reasons, but now I'm back! so to commemorate my triumphant return, here is a two hour long rant session with my wife Marsha about just a small example of some of the people in the universe that irritate us. This is a super judgmental, overly self-indulgent, self-denial dwelling, horribly awful example of why I should not be allowed to speak. Ever.
Thanks to those who are still with me! I heart you!
Instagram: @ontheedgepodcast
Twitter: @ontheedgepodcst
Subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, I Heart Radio, Spotify, Stitcher, Spreaker and wherever podcasts are found!
Also check out my other show Misery Point Radio if you want to check out awesome interviews with awesome people!
A sad, tragic tale of another person who thought it was his calling to try to force communication with a primitive civilization that has made it clear for decades that they want to be left alone. And now, since it cost him his life, the moral and legal dilemma that is now presented as a result is that of who to hold accountable. And do governments have absolute rule and governing power over the last bastions of societies that have resisted modern interactions and progress in an attempt to preserve forgotten ways of life? A tricky tale of hubris and accountability.
In a prime example of why you shouldn't record an episode when you're super emotionally unstable, I got super pissed at Chicago's recent addition of "streaming and online entertainment" to its existing and already ridiculous "amusement tax" and decided to talk some mad shit. Needless to say, frivolous taxes do not amuse me.
Twitter: @ontheedgepodcst (no "a")
Call and Leave a message at 661-532-8279
Subscribe to the show on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, I Heart Radio, Spreaker, Stitcher, and wherever podcasts are found!
From deep within the bowels of society, another urban legend is excreted. A legend so foul, so real? I have my opinions. Born of a deep-seated need by my shadowy friend Steve Cominski to seek and uncover the truth, he bequeathed upon me this unholy quest to get to the bottom of a fabled relic, rivaled only by the Holy Grail in its true historical significance. Welcome to the edge...
Baked and Awake
On The Edge
Now that Misery Point Radio (My new, second podcast) has taken of the reigns of being the hub for artists and entertainers, On The Edge will officially focus on all things topical, with a focus on the comedy of the human condition. Rants, raves, crazy things in society, strange stories, and a whole lot of talkin' smack!
This episode, inspired by the horribly bad job applicants I've seen over the years, is a bitter yet comedic look at where we are as society in regards to job seekers and real-world exectations. Sure to offend the thin skinned, and probably surprise those with old-school notions of what is actually wrong information, here is my observational take on what some companies actually think of the behavioral toilet that is today's job market.
Sorry not sorry.
I'm joined by Chris Adkins, who plays in the trifecta of awesomeness consisting of Acoustic project The Royal Pain, melodic punk outfit Phasers On Kill, and the legendary hometown and international heroes MxPx. Co-hosted by my studio wizard friend Bradly Miranda, we have an awesome hangout session and discuss how Chris manages to juggle all three acts and maintain his sanity. We also get an epic solo acoustic performance which features an amazing Descendants cover as well as two other killer cuts, one of which features Brad on the nut crusher (cajon) and Brad's brother Brian on bass. There is also video that will be coming real soon!
This episode also will be fetured on the newly launched Misery Point Radio in a few weeks!
Chris Adkins Links:
Instagram: @theroyalpainmusic, @phasers.on.kill, @mxpxpx
Twitter: @theroyalpain333,@phasers_on_kill, @mxpx
Facebook: @theroyalpainmusic, @phasersonkill, @mxpx
On The Edge Links:
Instagram: @ontheedgepodcast
Twitter: @ontheedgepodcst (no "a")
Facebook: @ontheedgepodcast
Also on iTunes and Google Play
Aussie podcaster David Chaffey discusses his extreme comedy podcast Man Brain, and we attempt to identify the fine line between what is comedy and what is just plain hatespeech. We also dissect the challenge presented with creating offensive characters and still being able maintain a (somehwhat) (Normal?) identify that is completely different than the characters that one creates.
An insightful and deeply personal look into the psyche of an extreme comic and the surprisingly down-to- earth individual who atempts to put an absurd world on blast while coping with some pretty heavy challenges.
Man Brain Links:
Twitter: @manbrain69
FB: Man Brain Podcast
On The Edge Links
Instagram: @ontheedgepodcast
Twitter: (No A)
FB: OnTheEdgePodcast
Voicemail: (661) 532-8279
The research into the last episode of the now infamos Horizon Air theft and subsequent crash on Ketron Island led me down another path that resulted into me wanting to tell the story of another famous island in Washington State: McNeil Island. Located in very close proximity to Ketron Island, McNeil was once a federal penitentiary that housed Mafia era gangsters, an infamous ornithologist, a presidential candidate, and a future cult leader! After relinquishing federal control of the island to Washington State, it finally ceased to be a prison and subject of the department of corrections, and now houses a highly controverial "rehabilitation" center for the states highest level sex offenders. Faced with lawsuits, maintenence challenges, and an astronimical budgetary requirement, we ae faced with several qustions. Do we continue to allocate resources to it? Do we open a new facility in a more budget friendly, mainland location? Do we cease the entire program alltogether and release the most abhorrent of offenders back into the population? And is the Now-DSHS run program operating according to its mandate and actually running a successful program, or is it violating basic human rights laws, misapropriating funds, and "warehousing" residents as opposed to working toward actual solutions. You be the judge!
On August 11, 2018 one person single-handedly stole a 76 seat commercial airliner and flew it on a 75 minute joy-ride aound the South Puget Sound before finally crashing it into a nearby island and killing himself. This calls into question many different things, namely how a glaring security oversight will undoubtedly have worldwide implications for air travel and safety. Additionally, we are faced with many questions about mental illness and how unprepared we sometimes are to identify triggers and act in a timely and effective manner before something tragic happens.
PS- Any instance where I may have referred to Anderson Island, I meant to refer to McNeil Island. OOPS lol. Anderson Island is awesome! McNeil is not lol.
Thanks to Blake from Noise Pollution Podcast for the intro! Check out Noise Pollution on all the social media thingys and Podcatchers!
I'm back from my brief hiatus, so thanks for hanging in there! Back in October of 2017, a once "boys only" club announced they would begin allowing girls to enroll in a limited capacity, much to the dismay of a large portion of the population. I attempt to remain objective while examining both sides of the controversy and attempting to answer this question: should we as a society continue to allow the existence of exclusive groups, or do we need to include everyone in everything in order to maintain a state of politcally correct equality? Sure to ruffle a few feathers with this one!
One more step back in time to celebrate the guests who came on for the first year! Also a shout out to Spoiler Country, The Not So Crazy Podcast Of Blizzard The Wizard And Eli, and Baked And Awake for providing some awesome Clips for the episode. Thanks again to everyone for supporting the show for the last year! Currently working on some new content, so back to normal here pretty soon. Whatever normal means lol.
Awesome announcement at the end of the episode...
So back in May The show hit its one year anniversary! The year definitely went way too fast! Over the course of the last month I've been busy planning and reworking some things, and have been quite busy. I really dug into where the show started and where it's gone in an attempt to really analyze what I should be doing. During this process, I got the idea that I should do a retrospective, sort of a "best of" while I work on new material and plan for the future of the show. So while I'm taking a little time off, I hope you enjoy looking back on the last year with me. This will be two parts, with this portion focusing on the rants and such, while the second part (coming soon) will focus on the guests. These are a little long (That's what she said), so take your motion sickness pills and get ready!
And a sincere thanks to all who have hung out through this entire journey!
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in anything legal.
We have some pretty stupid and funny laws in this country.
We have things that aren't illegal but should be.
And we just made some things illegal that I thought were already illegal.
And we have stupid people who do stupid things that lead others to react in stupid ways.
But nobuddy are stoopider then mee.
It's the law, Son!
Smallville actress Allison Mack is arrested for her alleged role in an alleged sex cult with alleged partner Kieth Raniere where they allegedly foced women into bondage and sex slavery, and allegedly trafficked them between New York And Mexico. And so much more!
Thanks to Steve Cominski from Baked and Awake for the promo!
As you can tell, I'm not spending a lot of time on show notes lol.
Miss me? I thought so. I'm back after my brief hiatus, and I figured what better way to make some waves than to dive into the controversial topic of internet rights and ramifications of government regulation.From the recent self-regulation of Craigslist, the shutdown of BackPage, and the revision of Microsoft's user agreement we discuss HR-1865 and what it means for internet acountability.
Twitter: @ontheedgepodcst
Instagram: ontheedgepodcast
Also on I Heart Radio, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Itunes, Google Play, TuneIn Radio, and most podcatchers!
Be sure to check out Art and Jacob Do America!
It's finally here! The fabled episode featuring my wife Marsha where we talk about the crazy world of sex dolls and the people who love them.There was so much content we didn't even get to it all lol. We might have to do part two sometime lol. Either way, it's fun and crazy and hopefully something a little different. If Leprechauns don't give you the heebeegeebees, maybe today's topic will!
Check out the show on Itunes, Google Play, I Heart Radio, Stitcher, TuneIn, and most podcatchers!
At Long Last! I go on location to the super secret lair of Harder Than Contra, an amazing band that performs modern covers of retro video game music. We talk about old school games, the genesis of the projectm musical concepts, and plans for their upcoming album. Great conversation and an awesome time. Fans of retro games and music will love this one. Be sure to check them out on all the social media stuffs!
YouTube: Harder Than Contra
Twitter: @HarderThnContra
Facebook: harderthancontra
And of course, check out On the Edge on all the social media stuffs Too!
Recording Studio Wizard Bradly Miranda stops by the studio for some long awaited podcasting magic. We discuss working with worldwide legends MxPx at Monkey Trench Studios, his friendships with rock stars, his own musical projects, and his insight into the recording industry and the music business as a whole. Time flew by really fast on this one. So fast, I'm sure we will have Bradly on again soon! Special note to Jesse Lawson and Matthew Wolk- Got some cozy couches here and some extra microphones lol!
Whaaaaaaaat???? Peacock Talkin' bout sports??? How is that even possible? Oh, but it is! Here's my recap of Super Bowl 52 (hereby renamed the "Pooper Bowl")! Hear my insgightful and inspiring views on the matchup, the controversial plays, the riots, the protests, the lame ass haltime (cough) show(cough), and the shit eating (not talking about Tom Brady). And...Go!!!
Twitter: @ontheedgeiam
Facebook: (@ontheedgepodcast)
Also on :Itunes, Google Play, Stitcher, I Heart Radio, Pocketcasts, and yer mom!
Pull up yer big kid pants and hang on for dear life! This doozy of an episode features a smorgasbord of awesomeness, provided by Baked and Awake's own Steve Cominksi! We delve into I-502 and the inner workings of the legal marijuana industry. We discuss ins, outs, perceptions, and dabs! Eductional, informational, and recreational! Oh! and Inspirational! Give yourself some time to listen to this one. It's long. And full.
Twitter: @OnTheEdgeIam
FB: @ontheedgepodcast
Itunes and Google Play!
Baked and Awake!
Instagram: baked_and_awake
FB: @bakedandawakepodcast
I-502 info:>faqs_i-502
Singer/Songwriter Linda Nicole Blair returns to the show for a second time to discuss her newly released Album No Limits. We discuss her current projects, the differences between her two albums, perspectives on the studio experience, and her recent African Safari. We close out the show with another live acoustic solo performance of epic proportions!
Facebook: @OnTheEdgePodcast
Twitter: @OnTheEdgeIam
Also on iTunes and Google Play
Happy Belated New Year! I figured it was about time I got off my lazy ass and published a new episdode! There's a lot of new things in store for the show this year, and I discuss some upcoming guests and plans. The meat and potatoes of the show is me talking about some of the recent shitty news stories (in the literal sense lol). This is a light hearted episdode, quirky and funny, meant to kick off the year!
Thanks to the Janitors of Chaos of letting me use their song "The Riddle of Steel" as intro/outro music! Buy their album here:
Also check out the show on iTunes and Google Play!
Twitter: @OnTheEdgeIam
Youtube: Coming soon!
Thanks to everyone for your support! Don't forget to leave a review, and feel free to let me know what you'd like me to talk about on future shows!
#2podsaday #wastatepodcastinggroup #podcastbuildersleague #1000000podcasters #cuthebullshitpodcasting #podernfamily #iloveyouall
In this episode I torment the listener by recanting my experiences working Thanksgiving and Black Friday this year. I also drink delicious single malt Scotch while discussing my near death encounter with a ladder and chastise thin skinned holiday shoppers. I close the show by condeming douchey celebs and public figures. Many shout outs to my fellow podcasters and peers who have been supportive and inspirational! Thanks everyone!
Part 2 of my epic discussion with Steve Fournier! We dig into his Foreigner tribute band Fever 103 and delve into his recent experience singing on stage with Loverboy! Since this concert, Steve's exposure has skyrocketed, resulting in several youtube videos and interviews from news stations as well as a spot on Dori Monson's radio show! Excited to have been able to have him on the show! Thanks again to the Janitors Of Chaos for providing the music!
Fresh off his stint of filling in for Loverboy in Everett when the lead singer got sick, Steve Fournier joins me On The Edge to discuss his debut album with his band The Janitors of Chaos. We discuss the origins of the band, playing with Chris Poland and Tony MacAlpine, reminisce about drunken stupidity, and wax philosophical about the metal days. This is part one of two. Part two we'll delve into Fever 103 and Loverboy.
Twitter: @ontheedgeiam
Facebook: @OnTheEdgePodcast
Also on iTunes and Google Play
Links to Steve's projects will be posted on the Facebook Page soon!
As promised, here is the anticipated second part of my epic session with Johnny and Kenric from Spoiler Country! As requested, going forward, all Episodes posted in Facebook and Twitter should now play directly in the browser rather than opening a second window or redirecting to Podbean.
Also on Itunes and Google Play!
Facebook: @OnTheEdge
Twitter: OnTheEdgeIam
Don't forget to follow SPOILER COUNTRY on all the social media sites!
Do you like comics? Wanna know how the industry works? Then check out this episode! Kenric Regan and John Horsely host a comic-centered podcast called Spoiler Country. They join me live in studio. We discuss all things comics, plus Kenric opens up old wounds by detailing my drunken high school antics. Then we realize that Vampires are actually symbolic representations of Nazis. That will make sense at the end I promise!
Once again, I ran long on this. So I broke this up into 2 parts. The first part is hosted her. Part 2 will be temporarily hosted on Spoiler Country's site while I put ton he finishing touches to format it for my typical forum. Part 2 will be up soon, I promise. In the meantime check out
Spoiler Country!
As the title suggests, this is PART 2 of my customer service rant! Enjoy!
As always, please like, subscribe, and share!
This rant got so long, I had to break it up into 2 episodes! If you've ever dealt with difficult customers, this topic is for you! If you are a difficult customer...Move along, move along. This is PART ONE!
Check it out at:
Facebook: @ontheedgepodcast
And on Itunes!
Local recording artist and goddess of Americana Linda Nicole Blair stops by the studio to discuss her debut album as well as her as-yet-untitled upcoming new one! We get an amazing acoustic performance of some unreleased new material, and have a blast dissecting the studio experience, live shows, and some personal projects she's got on the burner! An amazing hour of intellectual musical awesomeness! Check it out!
Also on Itunes!
Ryan Cox stops by the studio, and we have an epic nerdfest about the upcoming Han Solo movie and Star Wars in general. We wax philosophical about Ron Howard's potential for the franchise, go in super deep (giggity) to the numerous sources of lore, and Ryan actually compares Star Wars to the Bible lol. We also forgot to talk about Kevin Smith and the fact that both of our last names have perceived references to male genitalia. This is an hour and twelve minutes of true geekdom. You're welcome.
Well I wasn't going to post this until next week, but a recent incident at a local store got me all riled up again. Thats the nature of the beast!
This episode will be about-you guessed it- pets at the store. Let the bitching commence!
The Fibs stop by the studio and bless us all with witty banter, drink lots of beer and water, discuss the inner workings of the Fibs machine, put my meat in their mouths, and perform a rare acoustic set of three songs including one new one. Piles of awesomeness indeed!
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