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Submit ReviewThis episode is a little different, there's a bit more of a serious tone to it compared to previous episodes. No, don't worry, it's not an Afterschool Special kind of episode. But, it's really about the heart of who I am, who I've become and what I've overcome over the past decade.
This episode is a celebration of sorts about the conscious decision I made, ten years ago today (Nov. 11, 2009) to stop reaching for unrealistic perfection, to accept both failure and success and make a better life for myself. In the process of making that decision I subsequently was able to lose over 150lbs., run over 250 races and even become an ultrarunner.
But, this journey hasn't been about just the weight-loss or running, they've been byproducts of that decision I made to ... live. This mentality has not only helped me through the challenges of running the roads and trails, but the rockier roads of life without losing my enthusiasm, appreciation and love for life.
This is my story. Enjoy.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Do you hear that? That deep dark growling sound? Is that the sound of the demonic angels of darkness wailing and gnashing their teeth realizing their eternal demise? Nope. It's every kid's stomach after bingeing their Halloween candy of Snickers, Starbursts, Twizzlers, M&M's, Milky Ways, among others after a night of trick-or-treating!
Josher shares the history of trick-or-treating here in the U.S., how it has roots in Ireland and England and then sits down with a candy expert -- his nephew Elijah -- to talk about the current trends in trick-or-treating and Halloween Candy. They also try to assess the best and worst Halloween candy currently out on the market, but it ends just as you would expect, it's just Josher and Elijah eating a bunch of candy much to their delight and to the dismay of those suffering from misophonia (Episode 005).
So before you head out to trick or treat PUSH PLAY so you can LISTEN TO MY PODCAST ABOUT HALLOWEEN CANDY!!!
OoOooOOoOooOoooOOOoo ... Did you hear that? Are you sure you didn't hear something? You should probably check to see if you caught an EVP or something? This episode is ALL about the paranormal! Not just ghosts, but aliens and Bigfoot as well!
What is it about the paranormal that fascinates us so much? How do we know what we're seeing or experiencing is real? How does one get started in paranormal investigating? So many questions, so little time ... that's why Josher has invited his brother, Ben Hansen, a PROFESSIONAL paranormal investigator, to the show to help answer all the important questions about paranormal investigating.
Ben, host of the Travel Channel's "Ghosts of Morgan City" and the SyFy Channel's "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files" also talks about where his fascination for ghost hunting, UFOs and the paranormal began and how his family got involved in it as well. Plus, he talks about the apparition he caught on camera while filming "Ghosts of Morgan City" ... and how he INSISTS he got chased by a ghost monkey (yeah, you read that right) when he was a kid.
This is a BIG episode so IF YOU AIN'T AFRAID OF NO GHOSTS ... all you gotta do is PUSH PLAY so you can LISTEN TO MY PODCAST ABOUT THE PARANORMAL!!!
NOM! NOM! NOM! NOM! NOM! What was that? Sorry my face was stuffed with pizza! I said ... THIS EPISODE IS ALL ABOUT PIZZA!!! Josher dedicates this episode to the once humble cheesy Italian pies that have now taken over the world! How did pizza go from a flatbread made on top of Persian battle gear to an canvas of bread open to any chef's interpretation? Well this episode hopes to fill in some of those gaps.
Not only does Josher drop some serious knowledge about pizza around the world and here in the United States, but he sits down with his friend Nick Bernard aka "The Pizza Slut" to talk about all things pizza! A native of New York City, Nick knows a thing or two about pizza. He's also a staunch believer that pineapple belongs on pizza which causes a lot of friction with friends ... except here on the podcast -- both Josher and Nick love pineapple on pizza.
Josher also quizzes Nick on pizza trivia, which, well, doesn't go over very well. But, all is well because when you are a Pizza Slut the details don't really matter. All that's matter is that you're never too far away from your next pizza.
SO, IF YOU LOVE PIZZA (and who doesn't?) ... all ya gotta do is PUSH PLAY so you can LISTEN TO MY PODCAST ALL ABOUT PIZZA!!!
DO YOU KNOW WHAT FUN IS? WELL IT'S FOUND AT LAGOON OF COURSE! What's a Lagoon? Well, it is a shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by some barrier islands or a reef and while that's technically the real definition ... THIS EPISODE ... is all about LAGOON ... an amusement park located in Farmington, Utah that's been entertaining Utahns since 1886! Much, much cooler than just some lame body of water.
In this episode Josher gives a historical rundown of the park including it's cultural, historical and musical significance to Utah and then sits down with Andy Oliverson from The Park Hoppers: Unofficial Disneyland Podcast to talk about how to tackle the park with or without kids, what to ride and when ... and of course what to eat while inside (or outside) the park! There's even a mention about BeaverTails ... if that's your thing. This is really a fun and informative podcast!
Sooooo ... if you love Lagoon, amusement parks or just quirky history in general then this is the episode for you! All ya gotta do is PUSH PLAY so you can LISTEN TO MY PODCAST WHERE I REVIEW LAGOON!!!
HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT JOSHER IS ALL ABOUT? Well ... this is your chance! Josher is turning the tables and letting YOU the listeners ask the questions! Like ALLLLLLLLL the questions. Josher is definitely in the hot seat during this episode!
You'll find out what and who inspires Josher, what makes him tick. Why he is obsessed with marine life especially whales and sharks. You'll hear stories about how he once got held up, how he almost got expelled from school for abusing the student ID card maker to why he's deathly afraid of deer. Really, you'll just learn way too much about Josher than you'll ever want to know.
So if you don't want to miss this ASK ME ANYTHING episode go ahead and PUSH PLAY so you can LISTEN TO MY PODCAST WHERE YOU ASK ME ANYTHING!!!
IT'S TIME TO PARTY, BECAUSE IT'S JOSHER'S BIRTHDAY!!! Josher is turning 38 and he's throwing himself a podcast party all about his birth year of 1981! He's dropping hardcore knowledge from 1981 (SOURCE: Wikipedia) and playing trivia games about 1981 with fellow 1981ers while a few family and friends drop in to wish Josher a VERY Happy Birthday!
Don't miss out on the games that test his 1981 friends in music, sports and pop culture ... including one game that may be the worst conceived, executed and played trivia game of ALL-TIME!!! No joke. There aren't enough Burger King $1 tacos in the world for Josher to make up for this fiasco! At least he remembered to push record this time!
So if you want to party with Josher and his friends on his birthday go ahead and PUSH PLAY so you can LISTEN TO MY PODCAST ABOUT 1981!
DUH DA DUH DA DUH DA DUH DAH!! Get out of the water and listen to this episode all about SHARKS!!! In preparation and celebration of Shark Week Josher sits down with Adam Blundell a REAL LIFE MARINE BIOLOGIST to talk about SHARKS!!! How cool is that?! Josher and Adam rank their top three sharks ... including a gushing love of the whale shark both of Josher and Adam have!
Adam also talks about the sharks importance to our ocean's ecosystem and breaks down a lot of misconceptions about sharks so we can learn to love them even more. Seriously, this episode is JAM PACKED with a lot of cool facts and info about sharks (including a lot about shark reproduction ... if that's your thing) you will want to learn about!
Plus, Josher puts Adam's knowledge of sharks to the test by giving him a quiz all about sharks!!! Does Adam pass? Should he tell his High School students the results? You'll just have to listen to find out!
So if this episode sounds JAWSOME go ahead and PUSH PLAY so you can LISTEN TO MY PODCAST ABOUT SHARKS!
DO YOU HEAR THAT? IT'S TIME FOR A NEW EPISODE OF MY PODCAST!! This episode is all about MISOPHONIA! What is Misophonia? Well, does the sound of other people's eating, drinking or chewing fill you with an immeasurable rage? Can you not be around someone clicking a pen, typing on a keyboard or doing just about anything that produces a sound? Well, if you said yes to any of those ... then ... congratulations you have Misophonia!
I sit down with my brother Freedom to talk about his experience with the condition. I talk to him about his triggers and how he manages it around his wife and kid. Free also makes an emotional plea to his fellow law students NOT to bring crunchy, noisy foods into exams.
Plus, I play "WHAT SOUND IS JOSHER MAKING?!" with Freedom and, my sister, Jessie, who suffers from Misophonia as well. Who will win the game? Will they be able to finish the game ... or will I end up murdered as a result? Just listen to find out!
So if this podcast SOUNDS like fun (which it is, trust me) go ahead and PUSH PLAY so you can LISTEN TO MY PODCAST ABOUT MISOPHONIA!
JOSHER IS BACK WITH AN EPISODE ALL ABOUT ... THE MEATS!!! Since summer is officially here, Josher is sitting down with his friend Spencer Myers, from The Spirit of '38 Podcast, to talk about MEAT!!! Josher quickly finds out that Spencer is basically the Rainman of BBQ! Spencer talks specifically on to how to prep, rub, marinade, grill, smoke, BBQ and eat meat! Spencer even teaches Josher what do with the deckel of the meat (don't worry it's SFW)! This episode is truly a carnivores' delight!
Plus, Josher plays "BBQ IT! GRILL IT! CHUCK IT!" with Spencer to see what's the best way to eat your meat, cookout sides and even a few ... questionable ... foods? Like should you be smoking your pizza? The answer may surprise you?!
So if you want to be THE KING of your next cookout go ahead and PUSH PLAY so you can LISTEN TO MY PODCAST ABOUT THE MEATS!
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