Dec 13, 2017December 13th, 2017: Bitcoin confusion, Season’s Greetings etiquette, and songs about Ally’s moobs
01:24:16Nobody wants to ever get attention by the PC police, so everyone puts extra effort into making sure they don’t offend anyone. It gets tricky during this time of year, when you’re not sure to wish people a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, or something else! Take Kevin’s advice and just say “Happy God Damn Holidays.” Later, we still try to wrap our heads around Bitcoin. Even after several listeners’ attempts to explain it, we just feel like we’re losing more and more money. Afterwards, we stand up for dairy cows who are now starting to say #MooToo. Plus, music inspired by Ally’s moobs, financial regrets, the Williams-Sonoma Game, and more!