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Submit ReviewWhy is financial security important? It does lead to a happier and more fulfilling life. Maybe though, you believe that you aren’t good with money and becoming financially secure is far-fetched for you. If so,it's time to change that mindset. Instead, focus on simple choices to improve your financial skills and avoid dwelling on past mistakes.
Achieving financial security may seem challenging, but with simple choices and improvements in financial skills, it can become easier to reach. Our guest today, Ramona Cedeño, will explain how you can achieve it and more.
Ramona Cedeno is the CEO of FiBrick, a New York-based accounting and fractional CFO services firm. She is also the author of Simple Choices, Big Rewards in Money and hosts the In Great Company podcast.
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The post, How Simple Choices Can Help You Build Financial Security | HDM 349 appeared first on the Her Dinero Matters Podcast.
In today's episode, our guest Patricia Abreu Logroño will explain, in simple terms, the connection between self-love, limiting beliefs, manifesting abundance, and recognizing your inherent abundance.
Patricia's mission is to educate, inspire, and raise awareness about the importance of self-love. She is a Life and Spiritual Coach with an Education major, an Inspirational Speaker, and the Podcast Host of "El Arte del Amor Propio."
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The post, The Connection Between Self-Love and Manifesting Abundance | HDM 348 appeared first on the Her Dinero Matters Podcast.
There's nothing quite like breathing in clean, fresh air after completing our spring cleaning, right? Imagine applying the same concept to your finances! It may seem like a lot, but trust me, it's easier than you think. In today's episode, I'll show you how to achieve financial clarity and experience that same satisfying feeling you get from tidying up your home.
As you may know, April not only marks the beginning of spring for many but also serves as Financial Literacy Month. With that in mind, just as we take time to organize and clean our homes, we can do the same with our finances. I have created a checklist of 4 areas within your finances plus some simple steps for you to follow as you do your spring cleaning.
Rest assured, my intention is not to complicate matters. You will find these steps simple yet highly effective.
In this episode you will learn:
No hay nada mejor que respirar aire limpio y fresco luego de completar la limpieza de primavera ¿verdad? Imagina aplicar la misma técnica, ¡pero con tus finanzas! Puede parecer o sonar complicado, pero créeme, es más simple de lo que imaginas. En el episodio de hoy, te mostraré cómo puedes lograr claridad financiera y experimentar el mismo sentimiento de satisfacción que sientes al organizar tu hogar.
Como sabrás, abril no sólo marca el inicio de la primavera sino que también es el mes de la educación financiera. Con eso en mente, así como tomamos el tiempo de organizar y limpiar nuestro hogar, también podemos hacer lo mismo con nuestras finanzas. Para ello, hice una lista de 4 áreas de tus finanzas, más algunos simples pasos que puedes seguir y organizar estos aspectos de tu vida financiera.
Ten la seguridad que mi intención no es complicar las cosas, verás que encontrarás estos pasos sencillos pero altamente efectivos.
En este episodio aprenderás:
Can you imagine as a woman starting from scratch at any age while finding your true passion and achieving financial independence? It's crucial that we continue to address this topic head-on, and our special guest today is living proof of how it can be done.
Many of us were raised with the notion that men handle finances. While times have changed and women have made big strides forward, some people still hold onto this outdated idea, limiting a woman's potential.
Our community exists because we are dedicated to helping each of you achieve your version of financial freedom and reach your full potential..
Today's guest, Katherine Zammuto, will inspire you with her story to seek out and create opportunities, even when it seems challenging.
Katherine (Kat) Zammuto is an actress, entrepreneur, and the podcaster behind the popular podcast"Kat on the Loose" Kat on the Loose is a podcast that explores sex, dating, and relationships in an organic conversation format.
In this episode you will learn:
For a quick recap of this episode go to NEW! Join our community on Facebook here: The post, How to Start From Scratch No Matter Your Age | HDM 346 appeared first on the Her Dinero Matters Podcast.
Ever found yourself thinking that making money is tough and increasing your wealth seems impossible, or maybe you just feel unworthy of more? Trust me, you're not alone in this.
Our guest, Tania Vasallo, will explain how to adjust your inner antenna for abundance. Stay tuned for all the insightful details up ahead!
As you reflect on your financial journey, you may have realized that your challenges are not directly tied to money itself, but rather your thoughts. Often, we don't realize how much our thought patterns, formed in childhood, continue to impact us, preventing us from living the life we truly deserve.
Our special guest will show you how to change your money mindset and stop feeling unworthy.
In this episode you will learn:
Tired of believing financial planning is only for the wealthy? In this episode, you'll learn how everyone can have access and benefit from a professional financial planner. And that wealth building? It doesn’t have to wait anymore.
Would you like to learn how to invest and save more money to help your long-term financial planning? Of course, we all do.
All of this is possible, but only if you learn it from an expert who can guide you to make the most of your money. Understanding what role a financial planner has is key in this. Building wealth is not difficult; you just need to find and follow some good guidance.
Nestor Vargas is such an example to follow. He is a Certified Financial Planner and owner of the financial planning firm Green Mountain Planning. He has been committed to providing the necessary resources for the Latino community to get more involved with improving their finances by using the stock market.
In this episode you will learn:
Teaching kids about money can be a complicated task because of our own fears that we aren’t “good” with money. However, we currently have an advantage in our favor: we live in an era where there are many fun ways to educate them so that they don't get bored. If you are looking for some inspiration to help you teach our kids, look no further as that is the focus of this conversation. Spoiler alert, it is with online shopping!
Have you ever tried online shopping with your kids? It's not exactly easy, given the overwhelming amount of options available and the fact that many of them aren't even kid-friendly. And while letting them go online alone is a recipe for disaster, trying to guide them through the process can be just as daunting, not to mention time-consuming and stressful.
Our guest, Mari Collins Harris, and her husband have created an app that not only helps children prioritize the things they love, but also teaches them the value of money in an engaging way.
In this episode you will learn:
Are you struggling to reduce expenses? Have you formulated a plan to help you stay on track? In today's episode, I'm going to provide you with some tips to help you manage your expenses and explore ways to bring in more money through something that you're passionate about and that fits your lifestyle.
One of the first options we consider when we need more income is to reduce expenses, which is undeniably a good option. However, reducing expenses isn’t always the solution, which is why you should consider different alternatives available which most people don’t see.
In this episode you will learn:
¿Te sientes frustrada por tener que reducir los gastos? ¿Has formulado un plan que te ayude? En el episodio de hoy, te daré algunos consejos para que puedas administrar tus gastos y explorar formas de generar más dinero a través de algo que te apasione y que se adapte a tu estilo de vida.
Una de las primeras opciones que consideramos cuando necesitamos más ingresos es reducir los gastos, lo cual es una muy buena opción. Sin embargo, reducir gastos no siempre es la solución, y por esa razón debes considerar las diferentes alternativas disponibles y que la mayoría de la gente no ve.
En este episodio aprenderás:
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