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Submit ReviewEpisode 35 – The Third Act
The Third Act usually denotes the end. In entertainment, it wraps up the story. But what if you had a Third Act in your own life and you didn’t know it? This story delves into the Hollywood Machine and how it affects the lives of those that try to chase their dreams.
Music Credit:
Seven Story Ruin: Gasoline Dreams
"Sunset at Glengorm" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
"Enter The Maze” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
"Anamalie" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
"Balloon Walz Memory" Dana Boule
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
"Long Road Ahead" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Our world is filled with elements that hurts us. But they also can help us. This is about a nation that turned it’s pain into something formidable. And perhaps world destroying.
WE ARE BACK! A lot goes into the creation and production of an episode of entwined and we appreciate your patience while we recharged our batteries. Special thanks to Satyr Productions for guest editing this episode of entwined. McKay already has ideas for episode 34 and we are excited to get back into the swing of things. Although we are back, we won’t be cranking out episodes on a two-week schedule. McKay and I will be doing around 1 episode per month or as the mood strikes us. With this episode I try to weave some interesting facts in with some personal stories and a little bit of humor. Oh it’s in there, at least I am pretty sure it’s in there. Post, share, tweet, follow, or whatever you feel necessary to get the word out. We appreciate the love. Thank you and…. #StayTwined
Listen in Stitcher Listen in iTunes Listen in GoogleBeing young allows for a sort of bravery. We take chances that border on the line of crazy. And as we get older, we realize those close calls and begin to look for more security. This is the story of how our quest for more security has shaped numerous industries.
Listen in Stitcher Listen in iTunes Listen in GoogleTimes change, a clearly recurring theme when debating, chronicling, or analyzing history and despite a continued evolution of thought, maybe, just maybe, rules were made to be broken.
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Enter your email address to get all kinds of wonderfulness delivered to your inbox. This isn't fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookie goodness but we think you'll find it's pretty darn close.
Email Address Sign UpWe respect your privacy - ALWAYS! No, seriously, for real true life right now.... We totaly respect your privacy!
Thank you!What do you do to escape the realities of your daily life? Come take a look into how one of the biggest industries in the world, had humble beginnings in the late 19th century. And how it still takes us to worlds unknown.
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Enter your email address to get all kinds of wonderfulness delivered to your inbox. This isn't fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookie goodness but we think you'll find it's pretty darn close.
Email Address Sign UpYup... We respect your privacy. Promise!
Thank you!Taking things for granted seems to be almost automatic for anyone making an effort to live in the moment. Working hard to be present, not realizing a failed tip of the cap has an impact on truly understanding the moment's impact. Even in stories which have already been told there are slices of history almost as appetizing as homemade warm apple pie.
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Enter your email address to get all kinds of wonderfulness delivered to your inbox. This isn't fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookie goodness but we think you'll find it's pretty darn close.
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Thank you for clicking the button. You should be getting an email to confirm you want messages from entwined and once you confirm our relationship you can begin getting updates.
The Amazon is filled with mystery and wonder. It is in fact the Amazon that was the foster for creation of two of the major developments in US culture. Take a listen, have a coke, and a smile…
Listen in iTunes Listen in Stitcher Listen in GoogleThe world, and its residents continue to change and as this happens most of us are able find comfort in the margins. Sometimes this happens out of necessity or innovation because change is often inevitable. It is amazing that despite improvements to lower, yet arguably more romantic, technology humans will always live their lives where the old meets the new.
Listen in iTunes Become a Patron Listen in GoogleYou can just be standing in line. Maybe for groceries. Maybe for new tires. But we all know how miserable that can be unless there is music playing. And sometimes that music hits a nerve. It makes you forget where you are and brings you to a different time. And sometimes it can bring you to the Danger Zone. This is the story of Rock and Roll and how it affected our psyche.
Listen in iTunes Become a Patron Listen in GoogleWithout notice there will be a ripple in the social and economic order of a town or community. Something pops, develops, is discovered, or becomes popular and people come from all over to be a part of it. Sometimes it is a mundane way to make a buck but sometimes, just sometimes, it ends up being truly trailblazing.
You’ve heard behind every successful man there is a strong woman. I get that. It’s a call to the hidden strength that powers an individual to pursue greatness apparently all on their own. This however is a story about those figures that are hidden behind the greatest figures in our history. The ones who may have had the true power. But not in a nefarious sense. Just that these individuals were so key to our history, but somehow forgotten in our education. The Figures that Hide in our lives...
Listen in iTunes Listen in Google Listen in StitcherWe use this small section of the internet to try and capture in a few sentences, the essence of the story contained within. Just a few bytes of data, barely enough to describe anything yet if we did our jobs it's just enough to draw you in. Influence is everywhere and it's no surprise how braided and twisted the threads are that make up many of our every day interactions.
Listen in iTunes Listen in Stitcher Listen in GoogleThere has been a tale of redemption and salvation in many stories. But none talk about the sacrifice. Come along and learn what can make a person great versus what their ego feels is legendary vs what a true hero can represent.
It is no secret that as humans we often look up or envy the attributes of others. It might be as simple and unassuming as wanting to be a famous basketball player or maybe to it is more noble profession of teaching. The world changes and no matter complicated life gets people can still find inspiration in the most interesting of places.
Every month we put out a show for our Patreon supporters which we have dubbed "Fireside Chats." This show is available at the $5.00 level and once a month allows us to dig a little deeper into the last two shows we released. This allows us the time to give you a glimpse into how our minds work. I'll give you a little hint - we are crazy... which I think really shines through in this format.
This round we spend about one hour talking about the show and catching you up on some recent antics in the worlds of McKay and Gladstone. We love doing these because they are fun and we really hope you enjoy.
If you want more then you are in luck because there are six other episodes just waiting to be heard. Just head on over to PATREON to get signed up.
Thank you and #StayTwined
A story about how Christmas affects us in the most unexpected ways. Even when religion is least involved.
Everywhere across the country people gather around the holidays to spend time with those closest to them. They eat, they overstay their welcomes, and most importantly they give thanks. Over the years a lot has changed and in many ways people have changed right a long with the times. And despite all this change people take comfort in the familiar normalcy of their traditions.
There have been many different empires that have risen and fallen over the centuries. But do we really know why these empires have come to be in the first place? Some would say for power. But over whom? Or, more likely what?
Making a difference, is a concept we all strive to associate with, but in truth it can be a lot more complicated. Sometimes small steps help get us closer to the men or women we want to be. Sometimes our battles end up being the moments we cherish most because they help us realize what are truly capable of. It’s a complicated world and we can’t always be on the right side of every issue, it’s just not possible. Sometimes just going out and doing your best has to be enough.
“It was a dark and stormy night” may come off as clichéd nowadays. But it is born of our deepest fears, used as a device to let us know to be afraid. And in many circumstances, it was in fact the spawn of our nightmares.
As countries have grown up around the globe there have been several examples of people caught between necessity and ideology. They fight or flee in concert with the political currents of their time struggling to avoid drowning in their beliefs. Some have fought for independence only to see their kin across from them on the battle field. These experiences demonstrate how dependent and connected everything and everyone actually can be.
Sometimes it's hard to see where the current events are taking us. But sometimes what we need to do is look back and see how we got here. Because history is our road-map in life. And it is history that tells the story of the bombing of Lake Tahoe.
Everybody is somebody and trying to figure out who carries more historical significance can be a complicated process. It can be easy to think of these figures as being static but in actuality they can be incredibly dynamic and their true significance may not be truly understood until moments are considered by the next generation.
Owens Valley isn't discussed very much when one talks about California. Nor is Hetch Hetchy when the national parks are discussed. But these two locations were forever changed at the hands of two very similar but different Irishmen. This is the story of how their work and legacy quite literally changed the California landscape, influencing our nation for the past 100 years.
Photo credit to D23
People pour a lot of themselves into their work. For some it may be a purity of effort while others pack along their influences and perspective. It is all part of what makes us great at what we do. When we are fortunate enough to do what we love for a living our passion and innovation can be infectious. In good times, and in bad, people tend to allow more and more of themselves seep into their work which can sometimes have a lasting effect.
The Pacific Northwest is home to several Pivot Points in America's development. But through its lush undergrowth, one wonders the secrets that those pivot points can hide. We'll explore the real reasons why conspiracies developed with some of history's most influential players and how the nature of the human mind dictates the true meaning of mindless events.
In the end, are you prepared to see what can be hidden under all those ferns?
Every month we will be releasing a Fireside Chat episode to our Patreon site which will be exclusive to those subscribers who have selected the $5 reward level and above. It is a neat show where we talk about some behind the scenes stuff related to the Podcast as well as each individual episode. This is our first Fireside Chat which we have decided to post to the regular feed to give you a taste of our Patreon BONUS content.
This episode covers the creation of the show and episodes 1-8. If you like what you hear please consider heading over to and becoming one of our wonderful supporters. If you are already supporting the show, don't worry, there will be so much more coming.
We appreciate Seven Story Ruin letting us use their music for the opening and closing of this episode. To find out more about Seven Story Ruin please click HERE.
Thank you and #StayTwined
Itunes Google PocketCasts RSSThe Great Depression forced Americans to move around the country in search of work, food, and and environment suitable for growing a wide range of crops. It would be a struggle that lasted 10 years but in those hard times, and through hard work the agricultural center of American would be born. Men, and women fought to keep their sanity. Then as World War II began and the country regained its balance individuals could again flourish. There are so many stories of hardship or perseverance from this period and this episode helps capture a few of those moments.
Photo Credit - Dreamworks SKG
Growing up, you may have been chastised for having an over active imagination and letting it get away from you. Maybe you couldn't get to sleep because the Boogeyman was going to get you. And your parents told you that was nonsense and to go to sleep. But it felt real growing up.
Where did the Boogeyman come from? Is there an innate fear that was built inside of us? Maybe that means the Boogeyman was real at one point.
And if so, then how did we fight back?
Those who bear witness struggle to conceal their bias rejecting ambiguity in the projection of preference and judgement. Over time we are molded by our experiences which alters our point of view and permanently changes how we will approach situations in the future. Yet as we age our perspective changes and we can end up torn between self-affirmation and the physical limitations imposed on us by time.
We all have our own fix. Be it a nice cold drink on a warm summer day or long day out on the golf course, we have our own forms of therapy that help us get by. But there is another fix that too many people are chasing. A dangerous one that has been silent for decades. And this is the story of how that fix affected not just two strangers, but an entire nation.
Communication is an integral part of human interaction. From precious moments to the struggle for survival it is human nature to attempt to record, share, and digest the world around us. The process has evolved over time allowing minor deviations in the social narrative driven largely in part by technological improvements. Technology improves our ability to connect and even receive information but it is simplicity which ensures the message is clear.
The idea of commercial flight is so pervasive nowadays that it's hard to remember that it has only been around for just a few decades. This dream of flight realized and practiced also had the opportunity to create and inspire, while also stealing our treasures.
Its hard to see the scope of impact we may have on this world. It's equally as difficult to see how hard the world can bite back and in such odd and unpredictable ways. There is broad spectrum of things out to get us which includes everything from animals to elements and ultimately the thing to worry about the most of all is, us.
Disclaimer: This is the beginning of our podcast journey. We are glad you are listening to our oldest material but please also give one of our newest episodes a shot to see how we have grown. Thank you and #StayTwined
Joe Burrus | Credit
In the history of human society, we have looked toward taking control of our destiny and situations. In many ways it took the form of tradition like holidays and magic. Over time as civilization developed, those old forms of magic have turned into entertainment. And yet even in a time where that entertainment can be explained through simple tricks, we still experience the unexplained convergence.
Disclaimer: This is the beginning of our podcast journey. We are glad you are listening to our oldest material but please also give one of our newest episodes a shot to see how we have grown. Thank you and #StayTwined
William Ralston | Credit to
It is human nature to be competitive and most are unable to reserve judgement only to be torn between awe and envy. The struggle to separate the behaviors we define as undesirable encourages mystery and can bread contempt. William Ralston was a catalyst of change but ultimately was unable to escape the city he helped create.
Disclaimer: This is the beginning of our podcast journey. We are glad you are listening to our oldest material but please also give one of our newest episodes a shot to see how we have grown. Thank you and #StayTwined
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