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Submit ReviewRich and Matt are getting ready for new show style – “Take 15 with Rich and Matt and guest” they are just warming up for new show that you can be part of
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BE AWARE !!!! – Show is highly addictive and there is no rehab center available YET.
Sponsor of the show
— Floors In Style, 4365 Arnold Ave, Naples, FL 34104, 239-431-7920,
PLEASE share with all your friends. Don’t hesitate to join the Divine team at or send your message, story, and ideas to
We hope you will enjoy todays show with creative music tones from Julie and Bruce at Terra Guitarra in Naples, Florida. Follow us on Instagram and Like us on Facebook for updates and daily live videos.
The post Friday Is Small Saturday – Episode #345 – Feb. 28th. 2020 appeared first on Divine Naples.
We starting movement in our community “Take 15” Rich and matt will explain what it is and how you can join and be part of the life change. Start living by this rule and you will see immediate results ……
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BE AWARE !!!! – Show is highly addictive and there is no rehab center available YET.
Sponsor of the show
— Floors In Style, 4365 Arnold Ave, Naples, FL 34104, 239-431-7920,
PLEASE share with all your friends. Don’t hesitate to join the Divine team at or send your message, story, and ideas to
We hope you will enjoy todays show with creative music tones from Julie and Bruce at Terra Guitarra in Naples, Florida. Follow us on Instagram and Like us on Facebook for updates and daily live videos.
00:00 – 05:02
The Blue Hello divine people right here right here all the Friday and looking at a map and be are shouting all divine people around the world. We are here with another both guys. Three forty five February twenty eight fifty-seven foreign heights and Muslims rich. I mean holds together with this guy here and his name is what Matt everybody knows it. Not Why can map that you step on? ’em Att. Yeah I’ll look at his behind. I love that. Do you see how many countries I’m Jeff. I love the International. We’re going worldwide. Yes we universal. Be Pounding it. Yeah we are if people sitting outside the coffee shop and enjoying they probably listening right now on the phone you see that. Yeah maybe and I’m happy we are here. I’m happy I’m here to drink in my job and I have to share with you what we have for breakfast that day on February twenty eighth and that is from our coffee shop. That is Oatmeal with Pistachio what is this? Apricots sesame seeds honey and crush. Raspberry neom Ya really looks like rabbit food to me the name. What’s this week stuff? You got a mouse in your pocket. Not Eating you seriously. As you said Alex yesterday though there’s full of swine on it and Bake Food Rabbit Food Now. I’m just joking better than colony a tree hugger a GRANOLA GRANOLA guy. Yeah thank you saw. That’s what’s going on here in our studio. We having breakfast we getting in that mood. Fifteen and we will start this Show and a segment or our show name will be taken every single David. Somebody in our studio few people already signed up and if you interested to join us for free breakfast and talk about NATO’s please Simmons Email Info at divine enables dot com almost forgotten email. Is it no matter what you know? If sometimes if we don’t have a guest you still get you and me. That’s an Oh fifteen a you and me. That’s the best thing of the morning. Indicate IF YOU’RE GONNA eat some rabbit that’s all right now. I’m just messing. It’s getting healthy. I wanted to say that you know everything. Here is healthy. It may show. Did you know we don’t use any nitrates in any says anything? And everything is regarded as it can get is possible right and very European Very European V. Catering to women. Yeah Yeah really well. Coffee Showbiz demographics is women is it really is the noticed. Well here enough enough. Then o’clock I mean and now yeah you should see things to do during the day. Yeah and we are glad you note here because he would take the space over. Yeah you think so. Yeah they would conquer the environment and again your voices suggest the anybody chase them out. Oh they can hear me from here for miles. I think we were talking one day and you said that they could probably hear me all the way at the end of fifth. Yeah all right by the beach all the way down to golf shore. Maybe if people in highrises knows you should be you know if they you know what they do in different countries if they They have this alarm system. If some dangerous coming you know they have the sirens sirens sirens and you could be one of those just happy. Go up some tall tower and start screen just going and the top of the roof and shout from the top of my lungs anyway. Just you normally be speaking. When I come to the coffee shop I’ll try to pipe it down. I wonder how it’s going to look like because this morning. You Chase out this Gentleman he was reading newspaper and every time you still laughing his head just joke. Go into convulsions. Almost the gut him like some kind of you know reactions. Never you’ll be back though because the coffee is so good. Yeah it’s really sad this well what are you cannot subject. Would we have subject really a subject? We’re always talking about Naples and how we love Naples. That’s why we do this whole thing. We’re about community. Local businesses small businesses and again the key to any economy is the local business small businesses. And so we want to encourage all of you that are listening to visit and to maybe buy something from our local businesses maybe rabbit food.
05:03 – 10:05
Maybe some rabbit I all about just restaurants I mean. We have a lot of economic activity here a lot of different businesses. It do different things. It’s not that we’re against you know big corporations and all that type of stuff. They have their their place to play. But you know it’s just getting to the local level that What was the statistic that you said that every dollar spent in your community on a local business? How much of that dollar state eighty four cents? Whereabouts do some corporations. Is there on forty cents and I have to tell you? There are two women just pulled in front of the coffee shop and why? What is this car forward Dollars whatever and the way how they entered was like they cannot of. Hbo Insight and they go off to the races. There from New Hampshire are nice. Our plates I wanted to just say to on local businesses. We’re just. We’re a very unique coffee shop. We have a philosophy behind. Take fifteen we serving. I believe the best coffee in Naples. Julius minal from Austria One of the oldest copy. Or is it the oldest coffee and order? Yeah there you go and and just come and try it but also I WANNA encourage. You probably have a local coffee shop around your neighborhood. Yeah and and we want to encourage you to visit it in rather than go to starbucks not that I hate starbucks but hey when was the last time you had go from him from starbucks Not In a while. Yeah well I used to go over there because you used to used to have to go over to starbucks down the street before we had a coffee shop of event you are local coffee shop to fifty seven. Yeah we did we try to avoid horrid go there because you would send me there. No there until I’m here. Well I send you there for different reasons. Those reasons we’re not. We’re not gonNA talk about over the airwaves but anyway let’s encourage you we’re here at divine Naples. Dot Com is what it’s all about. And it’s how many websites lenny websites and it’s the largest wet largest and the biggest lookalike sports. We have all the information that you need to know of Florida. And what’s going on here and why this Or is the most happiest and healthiest. You showed a map today of the world. Yes I show you my. Actually we actually promote these are all around the world in eighteen. That’s what I was getting to just like. I know where you’re getting can’t see inside your head really. Yeah pretty ugly. There’s not much of it but you know thanks see exactly I got an I q seventy because there’s a movement I know exactly what you’re removing so well there you know. Let me just say Israel we. We have the capability of speaking civil languages in our office because a lot of people are just sounding like me and some of them are like you. Americans and so we have the capability to actually share all our content around the world because you know we connections in Europe and a lot of European people Even come to your information center or coffee shop because they either loved the coffee or they need to know something about napleton. Really grateful for everybody who shows up. A lot of flimsy provides for free coffee to people and and Have a conversation alive and and just sharing stories. And that’s the wonderful thing would be trying to do here. And it’s Create community and we tried to do that for from people all around the world because there is a one point. Six million people coming here to visit South Florida every single year. And there’s a lot of people because there’s only one hundred sixty thousand people living here and Some are in season on six hundred fifty thousand people leaving here a more than six months or six months so five hundred percent increase of population in this area. So speaking of that we just want to remind you. All people even local not local tourists. Anybody coming here just for one day or a couple of hours doesn’t matter is very important and it’s essential for you keep in mind. The local businesses really It’s The part of this community and is the what’s drives this whole city to be special and different and if you can and V would like to remind you again if you can make a decision because a lot of times if you aren’t situation there’s no choice. Please support always local business and be nice to everyone who serves you. You’RE GONNA get to twice least twice nice back. That’s what people do and You know there’s no reason to be upset in the no reason to be on patient. We all have twenty four hours a day if you’d like to get as much as positive out of those twenty four hours Oregon. Let’s stay positive. Not Come here we will re readjust you we do tuning do not do up zero and divine able so if you need a little tune up.
10:05 – 15:00
Come over here for a cup of coffee exactly. And that’s the whole purpose. Take Fifteen and bill community. We want to see this coffee shop. Become a maybe even dislike a centering point of of connection connecting people And the community hop there. You go to Train station or A metro or subway. Everyone call it. There’s always hop right and they do redirect you different directions. That’s we would like to be the hub when you arrive to Naples from airport please punch in DNA dot com and then the final rotations. Come OVER HERE. We go redirecting. That’s right. Why don’t you share with? Who are sponsor is today? You know what I want you to do that. Just had that in my mind. You’RE GONNA BE READING YOUR MIND. You know you don’t have those might be a little empty. You don’t have the capabilities. I just had to get a little sip of this wonderful Gods nectar because This is we’ll do. I’m GONNA do right now. I have to focus and it’s very important for me to be You Know Dude writes July first quiet then. It’s recommended recommended. Or is it a compound canoe? I know you suffering and your blood pressure goes higher quite for thirty seconds. I let me let me try less than thirty six. That would be awesome and our sponsor afford today. A sponsor of our coffee and breakfast is no other than floors in style. Rosenstone forty three sixty five. Arnold Avenue can reach them on. A phone tutoring nine four. Three one seven nine to zero. He can find him on lines floors in style. Dot Com and wonderful website. We’ll show you that. They are the biggest and largest showroom for any type of Construction needs starting flooring Cabinets sinks Glass doors anything that you need to change or improve in your house. D have it and they also have contractors. And they are at one of the best and biggest a showrooms with thousands of items. You can choose from nicely organized. So I’m sure people in floors in style of it’ll be more than happy to happy. Assist you video. New Design and Dream House thirty three. I was beautiful and I was quiet. Did you know that today is national chocolate souffle and I eating pistachio old mill? Yeah well later you know I just wanted courage in you know as we get ready to wrap up. This episode of take fifteen is This is a great day. Then you might WanNa find one of our local bakeries or anybody that has a restaurant establishment that serves. You know cakes or desserts or even maybe a chocolate souffle. Maybe you can just drop in and get yourself a little sweet. We do chocolate. Croissants neutral across on favored of Europeans people like Hispanic speaking people. Yeah that’s the breakfast. Spanish or Spanish Vinik Sanish spanish-speaking. Yeah there you go. What are you teaching English? No no well. Let’s see. I only know one language American. So what’s wrong with Spanich Hispanic? No Spanish oh is that I don’t know you tell me I’m lost. You’ve lost me okay. This is rich `ISMs so I will say the twice. Sponeck speaking people and Spanish speaking people. You’re going to have to decipher what little for me. What about Italians about Italian slow? Maybe it’s the Spanich Language there too right. Well it’s probably got a Latin root that makes sense. Yeah well educated myself make sure I can nail it here okay. I’m well I just want to let you know. This is a breakfast and they always need new Dell ovid croissant and coffee every single time. We have somebody You know coming from those countries in this is a breakfast. That’s beautiful. I’ll do it skate and grandparents. Everybody that same thing. When I’m on when I get back on my seafood diet eat everything I see. Can you make me WanNa the can they make me one of those zones within the Tel at an yes? Yeah he’s not no. Yeah if I want to ask you. That doesn’t work. It’s worse better for my because salty. So are we going to be doing We’re GONNA be doing actually Not Locker Soundbite. Crushed Hazelnut it’s on our new menu. So you’ve never had a pretzel covered in chocolate that salty. You never heard that combination chocolate insult. Yes I did okay but I just want me to have complete sugar and sweet. New Dealer is from Hazel. I want you enjoyed Heslin’s okay I got you anyway anyway there. You have it today and Hazel a lot more expensive than Than Statues Man. So I want to spend some money on you. Oh thank you see how nice I am anyway This is what we have what we lost me completely concerned.
15:00 – 19:47
I’m good at that chocolate croissant. So don’t forget to support local businesses since this is the day of what is national chocolate souffle through flat. Yeah souffle souffle you. I don’t like it. I like chocolate from Publix when the bakery that you can pop into the microwave and heated up and then in the lava flows out chocolate lava but anyway what is today. What is it? It’s February twenty eight. No I mean calendar. Go Chok wait a minute on. What date is it’s national souffle? And here is how difficult I haven’t with these guys. Friday would my father always said. Friday is what the small Saturday at least remind everybody small Saturday. So that means you don’t have to work hard because those small Saturday right. So that was the whole idea. And we have a lot of Evans that needs to Delhi. Because this weekend is going to be very busy did you know that I? I didn’t check the calendar. I did so I have a lot of events. The announce right now. So there’s lots going on here in Naples Florida. One of the things which is happening in Mercado is Naples Motor fest. Did you know that? No March first between ten. Am and three PM. Naples. Mother FEST. And that’s supposed to be Nice event because you can come video bike or car and show off brow. You will see a lot of exotic cars and the Gobi also love music and local bands. So don’t forget It’s macario and next to the movie theater on Sunday March first then and three. That’s on Sunday right that’s Then event is Let’s see that’s GonNa be next week? Do you know what’s next week. Seven the craft Beer Fest. Been talking about it next week. Not One is music and garden. So in Naples panicle garden has a music music Event and the music is playing between twelve and two and also there’s concert between two and four so you can make it from garden right straight to compete a parking APP to concerts in one day is a nice. It’s just Sunday Saturday. Spent some time in the on a beach. Spend some time with family. Don’t forget to use sunscreen and drink a lot of water because we want you to stay healthy and WanNa know we stories because they smell like Conan viatical coconut lime in the coconut wrapping up. I WanNa let you know That we also have our pharmacist in house and he’s always ready to deliver the news to you how to stay healthy so far is here. Yes and why is he always on the calmer now because he liked to be And yes I am the in house. Pharmacists what do I prescribe? I prescribed vitamin D. GotTa Take Your Vitamin D. Every day. What do we mean by taking that vitamin we want you to tell somebody about divine Naples dot com and to like us on facebook and follow? What’s on Instagram? We Love You tell somebody about divine Naples dot com. We don’t care who it is. Just at least one person died now can ask you a question why you have those hands crossed. Are you called a little cold today? Then you need to take vitamins dealing well. I’m trying to concentrate. That’s Oh yeah right You don’t need to be professional. I’m comfortable right here professional. I’m a professional. Yes listen three hundred forty five shows. You don’t need to concentrate. That’s at Van. Hey there you go so that was rob. Have we are here tomorrow again tomorrow? Saturday over here. Yeah but today’s small Saturday. We’re here we may be doing tomorrow. Something we’ll see. We’re all in the coffee shop around. If you want us to buy say hello and if you WANNA give them ad hoc majors will still buy as well so we are. Here are always around. This was showed three forty five February. Twenty Eighth of you listening in Twenty fifty-six Hello in the future. We love you all in the future. We may not be here anymore but You know we still like you. We love you be sending messages in future. We are like the you know the the the hall and they put the box in the ground and then one hundred years later they discover it so we are just like that paradores boss. I don’t know never mind. You lost me. That’s okay. This is the second time today. So you gotta go to sleep so thank you very much for listening please. Cheviot friends Like us on facebook of followers on instagram and subscribe to our PODCAST V. Love you all and heaven is weekend from this from this. Mike Matt Chow.
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The post What It Means To Take 15 – Episode #341 – Feb. 24th. 2020 appeared first on Divine Naples.
Meet “Freddie” Our Friend, Colleague, Coffee lover, Traveler, Business man and explorer…… Rich started having deeper and deeper conversation with Freddie and decided to dedicate SHOW for him… We hope you like it and will share it !
PLEASE share with all your friends. Don’t hesitate to join the Divine team at or send your message, story, and ideas to
We hope you will enjoy todays show with creative music tones from Julie and Bruce at Terra Guitarra in Naples, Florida. Follow us on Instagram and Like us on Facebook for updates and daily live videos.
Full episode transcription
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 | 5 months ago
00:10 – 14:45
apple yeah i try to wear the same thing or combinations of the same things every day why keeps life simple less to think about reserve bandwidth for the and try to move around a little bit and i’m a big daily routine guy are you yes really everday is pretty predictable okay so we’re gonna keep him alive here yeah his the book is written by a woman named patricia highsmith she wrote a book called talented mister ripley okay cool soviet days ago and we had this immediate chemistry click enemy decided to start down doing podcast maybe we’ll be able to help some orders i’m to be personality on our podcast own his own show here and i will let him introduce himself how’s it going this is freddie when i w i i like to wake up in the morning we dead noise just just the magical kazakhstan right and maybe we will create contended will be never aging and somehow freely will become to be history figured being right in many many things so it because we just keep me keep me incognito so i’m very familiar with that we didn’t voice noise or wherever USA roosters are my thing to try when i’m doing my best daily routine is key you know well it’s interesting oh so you very organized very methodical i would say right really have you know somehow exposed you know your stuff but i just wanna say something about freddie here he came to the coffee shop view maybe a year ago yes i came in and out for three years or so i’d come in for a month and out i was traveling full time for three years outside the country thirty day how do i start my day yeah well i try to wake up with the sun like jason do you agree with that yeah you like can you hear the roosters i’ve roosters out outside of my place so i hear the roosters next door start to do their thing uh-huh waking up and everybody knows this voice is rich behind a mic and this divine naples podcast saw let’s say your name is freddie what did you choose that freddie miles in gaza former broadcasting beginning this talk adults and today we have i would say another guest because you will be nov that’s nice try pretty so you you started your the early the needed one jim well yeah on the good days i go straight to the gym uh-huh just just kicked on and let me ask you just want to introduce you a little bit and very coming from so sounds good open and very interesting and i just immediately thought it would be a nice to you know make records over that so let’s keep this going so you moved to naples government based i can’t discuss freddie come on you’re the secret edward snowden excuse me but yeah hoop in naples for a while as stop on my way to hawaii okay yeah i was based in hawaii for a long time based human based like a for next decade or something who knows who knows i’m always open to what comes next but for now this is home okay so legislate keep it the and things well these this is very click the chemistry’s there just very interesting i have to tell you the conversations that we had here are so sounds some successes some failures hopefully you’re always failing forward oh that’s interesting thought oh well if you do it and make sure you put your hands so on my way out west stop in naples i had some family here and i just kinda fell in love with the place also so now you’re gonna this is gonna be your destination freddie hawaii’s that they’ll be about this character what is it this is not your real name so we know that right freddy is a character in one of my favorite movies and books think to go back and business or what do you think you know yes i think i’d like to get back into commerce but i want to do it smarter and mojo simple but make sure people know a little bit more about you so you had a few businesses right very successful businesses now you’ve kind of trying to rediscover yourself necessarily harder okay working from anywhere around the world optimizing ourselves for health and wealth probably yeah you want to fail small and win big every go so now people really getting a little glimpse of talk about anything you want lifestyle entrepreneurship is my specialty living life with working smart smarter um more enjoyable way each time oh that’s cool let me is in no time is that i’ve got eleven thirty okay good soy’s after lunch cast one of the previous podcasts instead of going south i just took a write in an ended up here what do you think about our podcast the podcast is self convinced fresh ideas maybe detox whatever you wanna call it right so now is the time we feel life where are you trying to find this second breadth right yeah i’ve had ups and downs that’s my cue to get up time to get up now everybody knows everybody listening to this podcast on DNA delivered casino i grew up in a village somewhere we don’t say the country about interesting thinks that near objectives on on issues that are happening maybe they’ll be happening maybe people maybe help business owners because first cup of coffee i’m really sitting here having a cup of coffee and having this conversation so let’s talk about lifestyle what do you think about naples lifestyle general in in this ration- that is living working in places let’s talk about different countries that he experienced and let’s compare lifestyle here europe asia you chilling downey sunday you here divine april’s coffee shop probably feel good i wandered in this morning i felt i felt the actually i stumbled into your offi believe it or not in coffee shop i’ve been moving since six o’clock this morning and setting annabel helping and donating some coffee to local church so you all are going to be really interesting so you had to sell your business we don’t do any more details than that and you just end up jobless are you and some different places what do you think i agree it sounds fantastic so what what is your favorite country let’s start with this oh man that’s tough one time but anyways so italy yes can i ask about this coffee because it’s fantastic is it turkish because it has an interesting so eighteen sixty two first coffeehouse into all opened in in vienna they invented roasting machine and they strictly they strictly i sound like i’m selling something just have nothing for sale nothing nothing nothing to gain vis either so it’s twelve thirty this is my first cup of coffee in australia so the coffee you can tell comes from three countries the arabic countries we don’t know origin because they don’t yes so what’s your favorite preparation style well we jump from the lifestyle in italy to me and having coffee because of the stanford quality and quality of the podcast is one of the things too so we are happy to be able to serve you too coffee the coffee is roasted a us only are becoming and what that means is the coffee is the highest quality can probably find involved the very strong there’s no bitterness them up there so people can listen but you know we wanna keep the podcast interesting with different subjects and i want you to be part of the one podcast of ican we can thank you have a lot to offer and and you know your experience because he traveled the world and you fairly young you know it’s just amazing and i my opinion is pinks incredibly well done you it’s it’s so well done it was a little intimidating to jump on this i thought we would just hang out and talk about whatever so it’s nice well the couple of favorites i would say i’m attached to sicily so it’ll realize that’s part of italy but its place there’s no after two days there’s really you can you can taste a lot of fruits and and the coffee is very high quality so we are happy to have this coffee listener i’m sure mad you’ll be very happy to hear that you know he he put a lot of our survey that with me and we have over three hundred shows you’ll be eh just we can create a lot of all you for young business owners here or even older business owners here in naples florida so let’s just start with this subject get micro focused on things social like wine coffee i’ve been all about pizza recently but i i did several months traffic is julius minal we finally got the first brennan coffee shop which is jewish brandt they started yeah well yeah you you’ve ever been there yeah it’s a it’s a pretty amazing place so it has so much history because it has the african invasion the greeks were there for interesting we’re not on a different topic because lifestyle in italy is all about coffee that all that’s true that’s true so if he culture okay my version but of course i’m not following the perfect i’m not a perfect example because i don’t follow the instructions which comes to instruction manual and that is the daydream or you know talk to your friend but you need to turn off on and sometime i don’t because i had a lot of things here and you see me moving around so you know it’s an easy you said it yourself you don’t up here you’ll like it from now you’re going to be coming more often you’re going to get detected and plus we are happy you like our podcast finally have i you know you cannot surprise your knowledge of history then forget about turks turks are everywhere they kind of they they nailed holier say then is roasted in italy or austria but it’s family owned business five hundred employees generations so it’s really interesting going around looking at different coffees and i’d been ordering mock jato just makihata right and i would i would someone would serve me with like a lot mark jato different in fact i’m pulling up video here and you can see well i can see it but nobody else because well let me just yeah no too so i i i put a little extra effort there and that always count so yes my best preparation reserve i’m just you know for longer a sipping coffee shoe grounded and stays there for five minutes before it starts sinking so you know it’s it’s amazing coffee depends how i feel during today just you know sip the i’m on a little foam on top and i up and i’m a coffee nerd so i’ve been all over the world tasting coffee i go into these micro i i like to put a little foam in fact i like to do my phone with with this with heavy cream if possible so kind of gives a creamier flavor and there’s item so the whole thing but what do you think about this quality credible yeah in fact it’s it’s i almost don’t want to ruin the taste with any foam which is the the coffee that drape there in there but if i need a little jolt you know two three expressive during the day at that would be my thing sugar content so i can stay within my keto diet oh my god you know this is funny thing i i love everybody’s diet and everybody’s gluten free and everybody’s a long time and also the foresee italian so it’s just a fascinating what about turkish you forget about the turks were in there to make sure we are clearly we know our study you need to take fifteen and offer fifteen minutes when drinking julius mine and just you know just kind of you can star in the wall and just also have cafe culture so they are really experts in being in the moment that’s drip if i need to just you know get energy and experts writer i like espresso macchiato version of it okay so it depends on the coffee so let’s say we have these vena blend that is the drip and i love because it’s very smooth he can drink this day and sometime i have to all right let’s go to the subject of the italian lifestyle what is i’ll talk to you in that country well land cultures and italian italy france spain shop and just fascinating it’s when they see you they stop thinking their full attention to you of course he thought he doesn’t have been so they roast coffee because they know they have a lot of good women there so shortsighted parsley in italy and partially in to stay on the break because i drink too much of it and the espresso being just straight express all you know it’s amazing the kremlin top you you know some lemon cellos or something like this and by the end of that four to six hours you really know that person within a day you really have a relationship which is different than here where isn’t that and and the f- fasting wherever you go everybody does all of things now hurricane comes and public is empty how that happens so they they value one on one communication they love to bump into each other and the town square or the coffee anything for one hundred percent short on do one or two and that’s my thing from very long time because i want to disappoint anybody and i can say you know i did it next or something and you just bump into each other again and just just you know the connection is there you don’t lose the friendship and that’s that’s just what i miss a lot of times i don’t you wanna so busy about where we’re heading well this is fantastic you know i really liked what he saying because i miss europe and this is one of the things we i miss example i have a lot of italian frontier and one of them whose name is luca he used to be managed to in milano milano everybody else familiar envy just come on it’s just amazing when when you realize you know people are able and capable of doing these things but but here is everything on run and and i was sort of like what like this is not a mock jato right i didn’t understand there was a difference between a espresso mark jato in a lot to mock yet complete and you never know where that day might lead you might be invited to lunch and ended up at someone’s home for four to six hours just eating and drinking wine and ended up with became to be really good friends and you know we had a lot of conversations and things and then he left milan on disappear for a little bit and he knew be opening you know when we liked the food we go then in summary and it should be ready for a swimming suit then then he started listening you still you know getting little bit skinner important they just stop and lifestyle and you just grab a coffee in the first gulf she’ll be erna corner you sit there for hours just catching up and i just have chills just seen a lot of times this culture is more you know like self oriented and more agenda there are business related and things around for a little bit and it’s nice to have friends that he can have a conversation and you know he’s honest you know that’s what i missed and for example you know gluten gluten that and then home they eat chips and the the toast and because they have to liquidate it i don’t think they will throw it away so you know i like that morning and you know what what what is the for example the breakfast of catania the city catania in i don’t know i know all the bottle water seems to whatever you buy for hurricane preparation then you have six months and everybody so everybody comes to the restaurants and highest you know the europeans i’m from europe yes we europeans are different the v.
14:46 – 23:53
v. publicly say we are not a shame of the are like sponges you’ve part of the family you feel it just because they hug you so you know so strong and and and you know even if you don’t see him for six months you know he rhodesia’s been talking about this in a meeting croissant is my breakfast after twelve o’clock right and the first coffee so i’ve been running on fumes holman up catania and double checking that is not a separate place from the catania that i know which is in sicily in is in fact sicily yeah that’s fantastic yeah so amos castle in catania that i toured once and it’s really an incredible place so interesting you mentioned that right so now we learn said very somebody can benefit not always have benefit you benefit long run i always say i i run marathon you know it’s not a sprint because we’re going to be here about you you’ll of coffee you like traveling your favorite lifestyle listening italy right one of the favorites yes sicily as you go south just just some you don’t see somebody for a year or something you hit them on on the street and and it’s true friend and you know of course it in italy things get less fancy but people become more friendly i believe and it’s funny i think maybe the same is true in found us you know in catania but it’s really their their national work on that the city breakfast and we’re going to be having those breakfast items i’m in travel i travel in united states and you know i don’t know i don’t know if i agree completely saying but you know there’s a lot of we thought imprint on introduce you so make sure you you know you know some of the good guys here and you can feel a little bit of italy here too yes be find people friendly in many places but the mixed of the people that we have here in this city it’s it’s kind of if you want named by cities in here in the coffee shops or we can kind of have the connection with the europe because these european job with the quality of the coffee and also we feel like a lot of the conversations are that honest you know just a lot of agenda you know i don’t know i don’t want nothing negative but there’s the united states in some ways you mean south or north yes as you come south of the united states things become less fancy but people become more warm and welcoming and friends oh you’re gonna be doing a lot of different coffees here we’re going to be doing touchier coffee he starts a couple couple there’s a lot of ideas we will bring in and we will you know people because it can meet really interesting people here in this coffee shop sure you already did right absolutely what again i was just looking you find him here to florida is not part of the south i should’ve clarified goodness i hate to get you on the corner and inexpensively in italy yeah you want to live inexpensively wanna spend very little money and enjoy life when how long before he’s like like tom back and forth quite a bit so business i’ve never done business there now i try to do my business there’s a saying they have in south america that says earned they need than others but if he’d have business here people come from all the different parts of the wall and you just have to understand all of them before you start making business you know thinks caused and how much less they can be do certain things that’s a great point usually when i go to a place for the first time just book a hotel through like kayak or flat in sicily in most small oceanside towns for three to five hundred dollars per month so it’s just i mean it’s just really out how to live in and then you want to spend that money in places that are less expensive like latin countries like spain france italy very inexpensive outside the major cities you can rent italy so you spend how much time did you spend only total in my life probably about a year in different places throughout italy i come back oh you know travelocity or something so i’m not gonna save a lot of money on the first time but as i get to know the area i can bounce around easily see where in general so you’d probably say on on cuba’s young southern must step exactly so that’s most friendly there when you travel you know just like you say you go south but the humidity for minnesota and i find them very friendly there’s just amazing what what what part i wanna live in usually it’s not the most expensive area but i wanna live kind of where the young hip people are so normally i’ll book a hotel near hi there and that’ll be my starting point then i’ll i’ll start walking around talking to people and find out oh the better cheaper more young hip area is one town one part over lers spend pesos oh that’s interesting yeah i mean if you can make money online or you can make money in the continental united states you’re you’re better off you’d be surprised you do know what eder breakfast no surprise that crosstown ham and cheese and you will say what here’s my hack my travel hack which is i look for an h.
23:53 – 45:30
m. what store it’s like a clothing store and you can get an airbnb there for like twenty dollars a day or something like that and it’s even it’s like even better to live in it would be like living in times square in new york probably not the best place but maybe so better neighborhood or east village right and i can see your personality doesn’t you know it’s not a problem for you to talk to people and it’s just one of the things stickers on their windows every business and they seem to all have perfect five star review all like five hundred reviews so i don’t know if there’s like a russian click farm that they’re hiring have we just start conversation about anything any subject and and when you open them up i mean those those are the real savings you know those are weapons right there st down and you walk a little extra but there’s a big savings yeah tripadvisor especially in europe seems to be everybody has trip advisor an and ATM’s generally located in the central central part of the city’s i’ll start an h. m. and i’ll try to find a hotel nearby northeastern state because most people here are migrants from other places you’re right now i try to retire to go back to up has a european feel when you walk in maybe even from the street it’s obvious that this is a european sensibility you have going here really what is the first calvin combined his bike he had a couple of espressos and just be laughing you know the the the onus hawks you get from these people’s like you know he’s like you monday and everything uncontrolled like month what’s that yeah how long it took you to have everything like the spending under control a lot of times you know you have to ask people amino say it’s it’s a little different southern florida is way different than for example miami in west palm beach in boca raton well you know it’s it’s hard to say european feeling oxen there’s something that you feel as soon as you look at the front restaurant my theory is that when you are drawn eh when you walk in yes i could give a couple of examples or stories where i think that this is where i’ve become our gotten this belief from the business here it’s it’s kind of difficult to get around because if you do business and you live with somebody you get that culture in your head do you understand how people think what you and then just got to figure it out there’s no manual go to this country do this do that what i’m saying oh how long it took you before he figured out this is where you’re going to be for next year and how much listen we we we kind of share secrets in websites everything would be sa- local experiencing best places for the beach and things of that nature but i know how you know how to how we end up in i have a theory about this coffee culture meeting great people that you mentioned okay go ahead well first of all i have to give you kudos because your particular copy the reason why we wanted to do this because the processing you have in in your head then how we process the thoughts and and put them in the world is just amazing so based on a feeling to a place you’ll meet people who have the same vibration look at you now this is this is the gold coming out to to get these reviews or what but tripadvisor doesn’t really help much when you’re traveling and yelp is virtually nonexistent in most parts of europe yeah so anyway did you find they’re not may may not be always the right decision to do you know locals will always the truth because or we just followed him right there just followed some local agency vertigo for for beer worried they go to you know for fun and that’s the best way to do it so so then you figured it out and you move to another street right maybe you know video statements but the south ends with georgia and alabama oh i see that’s what he meant it as that is correct as florida is considered the thing is from st while you have the red umbrellas and you have a distinct clean sort of design but there’s something and he’ll leave and people are sitting here coffee shop and this is going to be very interesting yes i agree with you a hundred percent i think about this but you know what this is absolutely amazing thought he bringing in so if you see people sitting here they probably gonna feel saying the city and you go like okay what would you have dinner today you ask some of the locals you know what i mean that’s that’s how we find best restaurants tripadvisor and older older you know attractions you know just knowing you can talk to anybody about anything and people feel comfortable they open up and they tell you the secrets he’s almost like us here you know we we don’t you don’t have to have from sorta this very warm people but from example people from new york your new jersey there’s just different personalities was working on line and i was able to fortunate i wanted to learn tango dancing okay i had a cousin that had moved there who had become a professional would you like to hear one of course okay i don’t even breathe right now i’m ready okay so i was living in buenos aires argentina again also serving green juice like sort of like organic juices anyway one day this i go there i’m half asleep i haven’t had any caffeine and apartment bleaker street so i go into this this coffee shop or juice shop order a drink and i’m standing on the corner trying to figure out my bearing where’s my spot gonna be i find this organic place it’s got again green juice coffee whatever a couple of blocks away from the is there was one particular cafe that stood out to me the vibe of it felt very organic felt well put together so i started going to this cafe thing i muttered to her like so where you’re from or something like that and she looks at me and she could just tell my energy was like toxic i was just like you know nervous standing in line in front of me was one of the most beautiful women i’ve ever seen in my life looks like sort of like an a south american angelina jolie wow august so quickly within a week i was moved out of the hotel and into an airbnb in this area anyway the first thing i do when i settle into a neighborhood is looked for copy shop cafe where we’re going to be my one or two or three places i’m gonna stop in and get my coffee in the mornings so looking at cafe ended up the place called palermo soho or palermo hollywood was where all the young hip kind of less expensive but really modern and cool young people were new york state in manhattan so anyway i’m wondering around manhattan a year and a half later what’s the first thing i do go for a coffee shop right try to find i didn’t see the girl again a year and a half goes by and i end up doing okay i do this apartment swab from the wchs where am i know manhattan’s kind of kind of medicine all around me and there’s a girl standing on the corner she turned she says hey you look like you’re lost really from philadelphia so she was she was american and she got her drink and i got my drink in there were sort of energy but it was it was awkward and then she got it buddy of mine who had an apartment in the west village manhattan he wanted to stay in in my apartment in in hawaii so he came from months date in hawaii and you know wasn’t fully awake and she kind of looked at me kind of uneasily in sort of answered me with a one word answer which was action orthodoxy and left and right before she got into a taxi she turned and looked at me and then left never to be seen again so i go back until my cousin that night and yup i’m lost grandma she says i’m heading this way to chelsea market do you want to just walk with me a little bit and i’m i’m sort of disoriented so i say sure she american country i’m i’m worried for her safety a little bit that’s what i’m wondering yes and she’s she does she’s there right now actually she’s back and forth all the time i was issue frozen and my tracks probably very moment i cannot imagine yeah no coffee yet oh okay yeah so i’m standing there trying to think of something lucky you yeah so i freeze i’m going like oh god i gotta say something right but i i couldn’t think of anything to say this woman you couldn’t think anything’s say couldn’t think of any weren’t in argentina a year and a half ago where you and she froze kidding me and she said how did you know that and i said were you in a coffee shop like you know in the middle of palermo soho and cause i’m starting to realize this is she looks a lot like this girl at this girl in the coffee shop it was weird you know i was bummed out because i didn’t say the right thing right and since you okay interesting whatever so i ended up staying in argentina for four months they’re all over the place she’s telling me the story of how she worked at this bar and now she’s become spiritual teacher and she travels all over the world and wish we did a shot of jack daniels and we’re sitting there we’re going to go to chelsea market next i look over at her and i go look familiar we met and on the way to the market because i got to pick up my check do you wanna come with me so i said sure so i stopped into this bar with her and she said it was the bar in central and the worst it was like town it’s like times square new york so it was great it looked like from the map leclerc a great place to be but go to a city like i said i booked the hotel right in the in the central sorry your cousin is a female or mutiple blonde girl living in the city he goes how the hell did you know i was in argentina’s freaking me out who are you and i said i think we met and i kind of told her about the story about meeting this girl she goes oh my god they created the movie coyote ugly really do you ever heard of this scene yes so it’s called something else but anyway it was the actual original place that was it had thinks that that happened to you there’s no logical explanation for this i don’t know i think i have my own explanation i don’t know if it’s logical looks attractive but i didn’t wanna look her up and down you know what i mean so i just kind of walked with her and we were talking and she sounded interesting and she said hey i wanna stop into this bar inc in naples there may be a handful less than five of places that have this sort of operation and if you keep going to these places they draw in the same type of people maybe there’s only a few really statistically there’s not that many places and and these people continue to find their coffee shop and their juice bar and they keep all but but my theory is there are fewer of these places like like an energy spots i would say places that have this particular vibration than we think said she looks at me funny so i don’t think so so we hang out a little more have one more drink i look over and go i know i know we’ve met and i said had to have couple drinks to get your memory back what happened to her beauty first of all what i wondering and secondly like you know it’s just like this is this is your life it difficult pass that has gone on but other than that i think any one who’s immigrated from a different country has a lot of optimism so i still have to give you an eight point five okay okay why eastern european there’s a real ism that you know there’s some there’s some sort of sense of the the hard the hard ah positively from one to ten would still positively well there’s a little bit of eastern european pessimism so i will give you an eight point five the todd there is okay so if the energy what kind of energy field here i if i had to summer joining these places so they’re crisscrossing each other more than they think that’s that’s my law this just be on our understanding but this is exactly wh- why won’t do this because things are happening in your life are not cannot explain them i just have the feeling is the energy i felt when i walked in here i would say authenticity would be the word that comes to mind okay there’s interesting and if you have you know you meeting somebody in the in the city of south america were you just like going to learn tangle and north about you know if you meeting people in saint places they probably feel the same veil you’d probably have same processing thoughts the way you do and they may be there’s a sense of an i would call it a no bullshit happiness is the feeling of authenticity that comes the radiates from this place and from you well that’s all from me you know for something anita no you’re around and she comes to you and offer us help that’s i mean tell me more what happened to her have same goals like you do and maybe that’s why you feel comfortable around that places because you know people energize you and positive people attract positive people ah i see the world through a different filters right and i still this from scott adams who’s the creator of dilbert have you heard of him know these things one book is how to fail at everything and still succeed i believe and he’s just coming out with a new book now and he was one of the only people to predict trump would win the election you has over the course of his life seeing the world through different filters and over time he upgrades his filters at the current he’s seeing the world through what he calls a persuasion had he’s sort of like a an influence or now and he he’s an expert in the art of persuasion and he’s written several books and though he is not a republican he thought trump was very persuasive and he’s an expert in persuasion so in his book or one of his books he talks about filters so he sir can you describe precision he sees the world and i i see the world so slow slightly different filter but his filter is that he can predict the future the reason why you’re seeing them maybe there’s a reason why they coming here maybe you should discover this and let me start looking into this is interesting thought and the fact that story that was you i remember it she goes what was with you that morning your energy was completely all on hold on i need to stop it here hold him so you telling me you really well i think you that’s nice compliment i didn’t get a summary on one-sentence like this ever before so that’s kind of new okay well things in life and maybe mutilating for another woman in different parts of all very meet her again but you know yeah it was yeah so i you wanna call us pregnancy wherever this but this interesting interesting subject i love this because you know you more most probably light right and this and then you’re on how later you meet that person on on the streets of new york or are you just exchange for month and you’re looking for you and now i’ve upgraded it to believe that in this is not we’ll there will be a new upgrade at some point but the most best newest best thinking is that history okay and so he sees the world through persuasion filter prior to that he saw the world through like an atheism filter through basically nothing means anything drawn into these environment certain types of environments have similar vibrations meaning that their brains are firing off on different patterns that are similar we are attracted to those who have similar endorphins firing in our brains so if you are in similar vibration state in your brain certain certain number ratio of endorphins and that for example if you have a positive attitude your business is going well your body is fit you have a high amount of they met when you visit this in past few interesting people here in the same energy you know just the people on the same thune and then me we may be attracted to one another energy and that’s what i think is going on in these copy shops like the from the story i told it’s that people who were house of endorphins so you’ll be attracted to people who have the same amount of endorphins this is why people who like go to yoga studios seem to want to hang out together and people who go to cocktail we’re floating around in this ball this big blue ball and you know live the best life possible while you’re here have fun before that he’s maybe saw that operating on different levels of endorphins so it’s like the healthier we can make our brains the higher levels we can rise to in terms of our peer groups okay bars are sort of on a different vibration they they kind of congregate but it’s not so much spiritual as in my in my filter as it is that were the reason why you guys are meant to dimes in two different places devolved well that particular time yes it did feel like that for the next couple of hours we walked the city together we had this really strong connection free as he’s gotten older for example well my filter has been upgraded also i used to believe in sort of a spiritual energy okay like a vibration filter okay okay and yeah so i probably share or i mean i don’t wanna know world through a alien filter where he thought we were dropped in by aliens and before that he saw the world through a religious filter so he’s upgraded his filter like him or not he’s persuasive right so he saw the person he’s he’s he says the trump maybe one of the handful five most persuasive people ever well from what happened after the coyote bar not with the with the girl i mean how did you are you in contact with her because i believe need to process that information i responded but you know it’s interesting obviously hope you’re gonna get more so you know same minded people but i i’m sure you’re by saying who what people are what companies are most persuasive okay so you could say okay hillary clinton is less persuasive than donald trump negative people trek negative people so there’s a place for everyone i’m sure it did and if i start watching this if you see people coming back maybe there’s coming yourself is that right right so now i’m trying to level up again so i was twenty years in business for myself in different ways and now i’m looking for the next they experienced now he ended up in naples here and europe programming yourself is this the right environment for you to do this i haven’t decided yet the time and i mean did you do use yourself experience right so i think that high performing people like to are always looking for that next newest so they get bored like people who said yes hi challenging but achievable goals and achieve a high frequency of this goals sure and then and just kind of you know this is how you wanna be absolutely i think of the brain as a computer so we can uninstall the old software and install new software there was a point in my life where i i i said to you off mike i’d never been depressed so i cannot judge people and how they just say okay and i’m happy let’s shoot for mars so it could be an entrepreneur could be an athlete it could be someone who’s like me i’m i’m more of a lifestyle entrepreneur off wear next newest upgrade wanna level up the software you know what i mean high performing people that means people that you know achieve what they put her as a goal and then large corporation american company and you know it’s just you get this this energy and you wanna move we want to be moving people realize the internet is here and it’s gonna stay so they take a little bit more seriously but you know it’s still not enough and i think i feel and how it is to be depressed because this is something i don’t know like i never use drugs so i cannot really jut somebody using drugs or smoke i never but it seems like a it’s a wonderful environment for someone who wants to focus and doesn’t want much distraction this study at uh-huh so my goal wasn’t to go make a billion dollars but i wanted to have you know three times more than my spending at all times coming in okay from whatever business i was involved you know fresh minded and go getters that really you know make up in the morning and and just crushing it twenty four seven and you’re right in miami there’s is that there’s a lot of entrepreneurial positive forward moving energy in miami but there’s also a lot of distraction in miami you know the funding you’re saying this i somehow somehow question myself this is the right place i wanna be rest of you know my youth say because i came from big city i used to work for l.
45:30 – 57:03
here in a business general is kind of interesting because and that’s my opinion strictly you know now is changing because some sort of upgrade what what what inspires me what interests me what’s the next level so let’s just say this we talk about your your you know somehow a little bit okay so you know it it just i can tell it’s bothers me like when somebody smoke in my face so i just i don’t like the smell of it so that’s the only thing but if that’s how i see it so so how you can you i mean if you let’s say if you the yoga guy and you don’t wanna be anymore just gonna be straight to cook the to describe it i just want to keep going it’s just you know something just driving me more than that that need or want to be on the beach i nobody smokes or not i don’t judge the people are still choice and i just wanna say you know when when i was here few years is wendy never seen the star wars i never you know some of the thinks what normal people do i don’t because i’m not abnormal scott adams is sort of a talking head last time on the beach you know when was the last year i don’t even i mean really i don’t even know whenever swimming last time seriously it’s just the debris komo asked me if i’ve ever fishing i was never under both fishing i live twenty three years and there was never fishing i mean just things you wanna develop you wanna create you want to be surrounded by people that that have you know say mind and then you come here and ever chills that just the lifestyle and that was always how my comfort zone okay so you know now did you get to the point you settle down enables now you are the point when european if you wanna do something and and this is perfect place for for life family life and a lot of benefits but if you really wanna be having career and working for a company the following something some some kind of trend of standard and and by following you he’s getting behind anybody so there’s not enough people that that is wonderful place and i don’t have time for it or i don’t create i’m for it but i just have so much in me to achieve something or create something i don’t even know how more hunger and maybe even different energy for it but here it’s just seems like if somebody can work just four days a week they will chill on the beach for three days as me when i was because i i feel say and by me keep going it’s kinda funny because a lot of times even you know look at the polls purdue i know a lot of times on the weekends they go they hang up on boats and they do stuff it’s just really you know i don’t know i mean people think i’m weird but that’s okay is there some time i go there i do live on facebook guide take pictures and that’s about it i don’t even think my shoes off you know it’s just like it’s embarrassing to say we live in it’s we post under divine apples you know facebook video doing the coffee shop a lot of times i helped working night and every time i started i always it’s gonna be really difficult in this city because there’s not many companies they can provide you with that of new york and washington DC and andorra places will probably more but you know then reason and just brings new new views on things is just sort of rushing you know she just really interesting because when you when you live here for you know few years you’ve kind of a there’s a there’s attention from all this surrounding i don’t know what that is but i mean do you finding enough people that are virus or same energy of fragrances you i would say that would be one of the drawbacks i agree with a lot of what you said naples is sort of like a warm bath it feels amazing and it’s relaxing but you don’t wanna stay in too long in your travels and you know and stuff he experienced you know on on different countries amazing so thank you you know we need somebody like this just shut me down don’t make me based on how did you start how did you start your entrepreneurial journey i’m curious you have so much different in father that that is very that actually i have to say that he was he was maybe it’s time to get this i’m i’m talking for five minutes you know describing something you can put nicely and beautifully in when i was maybe twelve thirteen wow first of all a lot to do with the life i live as a teenager julie right and the lifestyle that that that time was it was just very different cultures different people and and to me it’s just were we missing if you get in one place for too long you just kind of then you’d never leave and maybe you say that wchs you can get dorm in a lot of things you know you just you just numb you don’t receive or your brain doesn’t work like when he outside and you certainly said you know not a shift i love working night i have no competition because all of these leagues i just love this thing you know it’s just like if you think about you only worse in farming so for seven hundred years we have we had properties and lands and stuff like that and always farming and farming very opinionated and a lot of times end up in jail for that because that’s what the system did and then later on i found out the communist actually killed my grandfather and they took everything from from our family and uh-huh meeting interesting people that come from outside just get like you chill down i have opinion travel the world and you know have have just the story apar- till you’re gonna stuck to cook i mean he’s there possibility to sir programmers serve all you just heard that from born being born or the way how you live your life and board my first bike which was kind of strange because there were no to manila toma bills not many bikes so not too many i’m too old to travel i’m too he’s never true but you know just the fact that you bringing your views and your europeans here that you collect them so just the whole drive and everything that he put in his life i think i got those jeans and the DNA yes you know if you met some policemen it was it was bad luck or something happened so me twelve year old on a bike and moving in going on it’s amazing like in the history like when did i start when when did you think to okay let me just ask this question since this this whole podcast started being in uh-huh podcast begins and ends so no let’s say there’s a did you guys are you staying in kentucky lower now i i don’t speak with her anymore how can be moving because you know of course you don’t wanna go certain places so but i was twelve years old i made money by helping somebody rewards when they were like warm serious package it up and put it in a little bow for you yeah thank you that’s that’s perfect that’s perfect then how communist countries us thanks so we were throwing stuff over the river and trading like and i started you’re so they killed him and took everything away my father was three so he literally didn’t know didn’t know his his father and he put himself in self he’s not the most sexy job into all you know is very hard and we live in one around and my grandfather didn’t wanna give it to the community round and start traveling and start you know start figuring it out then i start throwing two different country the merchandise and we start tango dancer so i i wanted to check in to make sure she was doing okay down there and also just explore the city so the first thing i do tools and it just grew and grew and grew and then communist fell and i was already known so just continue and bigger events and i ended up in the doing i just make sure you know it’s always stays in limits but i always want explore wants to do something so in order to do this in communist country you need to be rating so i was living in a different country and and and we didn’t have certain things in our country they had more of that and we we had something they didn’t have like if you wanna be free you need to be able to be moving and bosses and you know all this the government owned the transportation is not perfect rating tapes because we didn’t have music so i still trading thanks for coffee and i became to be DJ because i had so much music and in the school they did this interesting interesting time now bringing them so i start being DJ so by like fourteen thirteen fourteen i was already DJ we have you would just wondered i’m taking over i’m interviewing okay so i go back i go back is there that i never stopped and when i was twelve my parents were divorced than in when i was i actually started oh you know i don’t want to say the country but the let’s say i live in new communist country i mean you can figure out by right but i’m not gonna say which country i his farm and everything he had because he had he was the only one had a tractor in the ara and they needed it after they were nobody to pay you for it but this is like ever vince they was having session for our session of music for three different from very early age that he will get everything back and that’s how lift through the commune so just imagine living forty some years life that kind of exploring i never listened to anyone i never listened to my mother and you know i didn’t have no fodder so i did whatever i wanted in limits i never got in trouble never are are forty five years life that you know you don’t have what belongs to you and somebody else had that and then later on you know he got everything back gotcha was unheard of yeah so so i started you know this started like little business which i didn’t get paid for because you know events like for seven eight hundred people and there was over weakened that’s yeah that that that was that was interesting amazing then i started getting paid for red and just an open first business when i turned eighteen next day after my birthday i was able to like legally open business i just went to uh-huh that’s just the always very optimistic person hero living life in communism we’ve become to be one so i went to the government and you know did wherever to do and and i remember when i said to my mother i’m gonna open a business and she says what is that i said well that’s you can do not have the works if somebody can refer self and she said that’s what you need this they walked in a bank vicious like a suitcase or some of them which shoe boxes and they fill those things with the money and went home and they were sitting chauvinism safety safety and this is how ex exactly the whole economy started you can walk i mean i have friends they did and i picked up five different companies so i selected very carefully the products you know something i don’t remember exactly what aren’t table and he’s like okay so now the money would i’m going to do some of them you know didn’t do the right thing and they like open business and failed and you know i never travelled by bus never scheduled anything i just kept going and always whenever i end up ivan inside the door and salt as how it was just the interesting to to think about right now that that the from beginning of my life you know i always an and i never took the and i never did this because i never crossed my mind is this easy road and i never picked easy road i always pick the harder and can mean thinks i do and just jump on the street he jake and just end up in the city and always sold and somehow sometime i got home night depends sir eighty nine amazing i heard about the black markets opening up into white markets during that time i studied this in school make me start talking about stuff i never talk about amazing what do you do to me nothing man just have more coffee yeah so i start handmade so some artist made three d.
57:03 – 77:06
map and that was displayed on different parts of the city and it was like an art and on those little shop ice cream store or you know what you probably gonna need choon have millions so why don’t they have millions and a national okay let’s good idea just me rau- entrepeneurship at its best it’s the best kind yeah but you know it just seems to me like if i will just go to the bank like everybody else and say hey parts they made those businesses that paid more bigger so they send out you know so in this whole graphic thing and there was interesting idea it because if you if you choose the easy way there’s much bigger chance you’re gonna fail and you you’re not going to learn anything guard no car no bicycle i just every morning i just look at a map and i pointed fingers this is where i’m going to go and i have backpack just make it look like i kept the money but some of the operating at the now but it was literally that easy to come to the bank and say hey i want to open a business and can i get some money going from businesses to businesses and i always ask what they do and you know opposite let me sell it for you right so because i have no problem to talk to people i mean it can nobody else can replicate them and that’s like to my heart and right now for instance would doing here it’s it’s all not a product was t shirts not a product like cleaning products and whatever i had had like five different companies imprisoning no business imagine you you know like everything’s owned by government and then two weeks later nothing is owned by government and if you wanna bread you need to find somebody who’s gonna bake it because it’s no more bakery the whole idea of this whole concept and even this podcast we doing right now is different and i’m glad to be doing it because you know people let’s just let’s agree in older thrice whoever but one of them was map like an advertisement my because they were doing some kind of three d map was way ahead of the times but easy and shortcut and one person oh we had this discussion with one of my friend and and she said you know that’s that’s good morning my name is margot wilson i would like to open business can i get some two million dollars on this what are you going to do i’m just going to open i started so this eighty nine that’s i mean i started basically eighty four maybe incredible this is how it started because if you choose the hardaway then then you know you’re going to get better and you’re going to get better than anybody else because experiences that you’re gonna have throughout the process really i have a couple of points that i am pulling away from your story which was amazing thank you i know that was a legendary time provocative the opportunity was on unbelievable if you had some sense of business and you showed up and and the way people spoke about that part of the world and when i say that part of the world i mean the former soviet union that part of the world but i’m not from russia as you for second i never heard that none of that you know just just everything’s different divine apples dot com is different i mean i kind of explained to you uh so so you know those people yesterday they didn’t meet the right time and the right moment and the right place to really know you so now they’re clueless will you truly are and when you come to the coffee shop have this conversation i heard you talking to marvin the local artists people in the street and you don’t know anything about him if they answering with a one word answer and perfect example you just told me now let me just continue to do i don’t wanna bore anybody here but you know it’s just i started selling for five different companies and kind of the hard way and even the coffee shop even menu the items on the breakfast you know we were thinking about all of that the very long time and i’m from russia despite could be but he doesn’t so that part of the world in the eighties was and i’m gonna say something yesterday night even and you just didn’t want to be alone and you end up in a bar we don’t gonna give them plug but you know you end up in bars sitting there loss and in the works where i knew some of them and one of them was ever employee has to be given soap unit at the right moment what he can learn what he can you know and you can have really different feeling from that human being or exchange and it’s amazing food so i i start picking up this big factories right so we have some of the factories five thousand employees ten thousand employees so other figured it out not using strategies right and i was sending this cleaning product and by government government had still some kind of old having this conversation and and kind of exposing myself a little bit my boss and my experiences is is just like we all are people we all have something and in place in certain like labor laws and stuff like that so i was like okay so i have this cleaning product which is basically soap right and i know that today over africa of initial i mean it sounds crazy right people say it’s too dangerous as if you’re a young man on the rise and you don’t know exactly we could easily just say okay we do pancakes and sausages everybody does that he’s fine everybody’s they’re disorganized easy you come here you see the menu and you’re gonna say okay let me think because i already heard somebody else at the problem if not the maybe just enrich people with the experiences we have through but you know it’s interesting you mean giving no samples immediately they were telling me everything they were telling me is in charge of this and this and that you know and normally nobody’s talking a- and if we can share information they can we can share to the experiences and we can share somehow that you know what we go through in life maybe for a future podcast i would love to hear your opinion on how you would do things over again knowing now knowing then what you know now every employee has to get one right so i don’t go to the factories and try to sell that because one sale was just taking cover me we’re just growing like mushrooms you know and you market everything is now open and people didn’t know what to do with that was just really interesting hearts explain because and i got to the point where i get smart so you know sunning well maybe it was the moment when i get smart maybe you know i get to the point where i stood nicely to security and give them anything so i wrote down everything and then went to dr did same thing and then went home try to doc them from inside so i went to the gate and you know those people on the gate what do you call them the security security so i started save some cash and so i had this author form and and i put the cash underneath of the second page and the you know what looking looking back to all this and having knowledge and information that i have today and sure grew up in this country you know i i mean i came you know sometimes people just don’t feel like talking about their pasta and stuff like that you just need to be in the moment and and it’s interesting if you can meet somebody good morning formation of all these people you know by just asking around and then one day i just went inside and here’s how i did i mean it was i for three hours almost you guys were pumping you know what i’m saying that the exchange here was so magical i didn’t i i was just whoa i wish for somebody to do this nevertheless i came to the to the first factory and i and what opportunities you would have targeted with all of that access to capital in a fresh brand new country opening up but anyway that’s no this is good now at that that particular time like you were saying they were opening businesses like crazy they were giving money away to start businesses like crazy this was a legendary where that’s happening not the most cautious but i knew the whole country was going through this change so i had to be creative just really quick i how to get to those factories so you know event i to observe multi and then i was brave enough to one of the things was like a ajax like the powder you clean dishes with sure so i had one of those and where you want to be and you want to be in a in a wild wild west atmosphere africa right now is going to be digitally let’s get let’s get out of here no i’m telling you because he and and she said clinic comeback and then we made or if you can clean so i was i was on a bathroom for three hours some people do a registered and just keep an had twenty years from now against the bill to happen to this guy and maybe if i do this did that you know this will help me down dirty hands but this is very good product you know it’s made in our country it’s it’s made by our hammocks or this just just said what is this i said well this can clean anything you know hard stones and everything she and she said to me okay there’s a we make coffee this uh-huh just receiving old any information and ideas you were throwing away in a in a and everything was just amazing so what i want to say is take time because i want to throw in a couple of bullet points of things i heard you say which because you you’ve touched on a couple of fascinating topics but please keep going what did you do you went under the and says look i have this cleaning product for the hands and i would like to offer to you i mean of course i cannot demonstrate because no nobody air in the offices it’s another left personnel alright start talking to you and you just as we’re not in the mood talk to anybody and then kaos bar steakhouse bar upscale stay governor anything and we will make it over and she said well you know i’m ready to go home i said well i’ve traveled fifty kilometers here too kinda give her the benefit of the product and then she said what else do you have i said well and i thought beginning i have five items five products and that’s not picking him up for my backpack and it up and there was so much settlement there was like a one centimeter like maybe quarter of inch of of settlement like the heart stone uh i don’t know maybe three thousand dollars wow that was huge huge order yes and and she said to me oh to demonstrate we have a good product and all this she said okay i’ll stay over so we did order and the way how are really daughter was you know she she ordered nevertheless so i showed up the week later just make sure the order came she was happy you know and i said to her would you the cleaning thing it was so hard to cinnamon out and both probably around four o’clock and i finally cleaned up money there and you know i flip the page and i said to her well if you sign this paper and we can add stuff to order you know then favor if you can call somebody else into the auto factory next to you you know somebody there and we can place the order i make should the order with her on seven pilots and seven policy was like a lot of products i don’t even remember what was the dollar amount value if you had to guess who believable that’s my answer to you’ll niaz go start business that’s what i did a couple of bullet points that pop up to me are two maybe we can discuss describe today i’m thinking of is very hard to describe how divorce and is you know this countries in places nevertheless came to there and and talking to this lady the the thanks for the hands because she had to so it was five thousand items and the second page instead of carbon copy i put cars which were working for the company and the and the owner of the company which you’re producing this cleaning products call me are you taking care of so she did she go and i went to the auto factory i may not order there and this is how i started the business he’s in eastern europe that had to be like you could buy like a car or a house for that or something like that three thousand dollars while it was more than i mean it can do a lot of things car and and and you’re gonna have whole country for yourself because i fired everybody so there’s always started i don’t think the average american has any idea what it’s like to live other places not to mention how lucky we are with with the things that we link it comes from here and they’re true geniuses on this not necessarily the products that you have strong brand are good or strong products you know just doing working for one company so vinai produced that month the auto i sold more than three full-time cells people form clean uniform and some order of products once a month and that was the communism kind of you know sitting still coffee what do you call it the the metal thing you make coffee tea kettle cuddle yes she said look at that and kenneth clean it so i opened the make educated purchases before somebody’s been dollars the they usually educate themselves before they do that if it’s cars jeans in a future episode or what was it like to live in a communist country period and then also when the change happened what was the change like sister diamond carbon copies you know they used to do for you know no mobile phones no pagers no none none of that i mean he’s just i if you wanna make a phone call to somebody rents because in europe for instance the people don’t really care about a lot of brands they care more about the you know the quality because people i will say cultures their latin cultures are black belts their absolute experts at living in the moment la dolch evita right tayfun we we had no other ways and pay on was like one you know the phone booth per village on field i’m in the city very hard aim items that everyone around you has how about starting to try you know instead of doing coffee maybe add ice cream or gelato or could you and then you see them recoil like go and buy it make that move but when they do they feel comfortable they know they did the right decision they don’t doubt and dave or do they never do garage sales because yeah yeah and she goes like any cleaner i hardly could put my hand in it she said well there’s water in the bathroom right it was one o’clock for example new greek yogurt shabani you’re serious just just the experts on the branding and that is also related to people how the consumer so like the good life it’s we’re not that great in the united states at slowing down and being with each other in the moment and enjoying the this this copy will stay here with you just you just look at it and she said okay let’s review again to order so she i basically closed but then as we get to know each other better he will or she will complain my businesses going down the economy’s not good m- occurrence the currency is not healthy american attention on innovation the iphone six seven eight nine ten we have to have a new iphone every year there’s a something about american culture that makes us whatever it is they always they’re not impulsive buyers you know there are more like a educated buyers and takes time for them to really a special maybe we should consider selling something different than the two people that are on your within the person on your left in the person on your right instead of offering the exact same iphone which i technically bought this new to me i bought it this year in april but the fact is i don’t really need those shiny things and i’m not a person of material stuff same exact thing for the same exact price and the cafe owner will be happy and personal and take the time to get to know me want to improve improve improve and change and latin culture off and i think the focus is on enjoying in the joining the moment and both things we can learn from both things and i still was not affected enough to change DNA and i did i have to have everything and latest things so you know i come outside we just think sparky and the come to her office and she looked at me and she said i thought you left i said no he told me to call you you know i’d rather do something else instead of the money then then spend them on something i don’t even use an the value is not there so i don’t you know the quality may not be there but the the way how they branded and they make multi billion dollar industry out of you know something like this ah coffee or that glass of wine but we are really really good at finding something that’s working okay and making it better yeah this is what i want to just say this is awesome because i think if he keeps going doing this weekend maybe inspire somebody heal africa and start you know using our manuals and do please come back and she said please come back next month we cannot repeat this right so this was the biggest order i i mean in that nineteen years old and the eighty do you really think so i think so and i think the italians have the best coffee so we could just create a peace treaty between the two countries and he said just come to the company next week you’re going to get a car i said oh well i don’t really want car he said no you’re going to become to be employee and you’re going to go oh my god i can’t change anything i just did now no it’s okay i’ll just keep everything the way it is i’m i’m happy in the moment so he’s looking for the news the latest model and and has to have it like my iphone is five s.
77:07 – 73:28
e. people laughing at me because i have old in from france and which one is it it is called doce salata oh yeah yeah well you know it’s it’s here in downtown really nice restaurant can you know read my paper and have one of amazing cappuccinos and he just kinda glares out me like dude you can’t sit here all day yeah you need comparing to let’s say two different continents countries and and it’s it’s for me it’s i’m living so it’s it’s interesting you i’m so glad that you have created the space and naples is going to be you know ten percent happier now that we have this this place somehow we compete with them okay never mindless no i like what they do they have their own clientele to people go there for years i mean then maybe we would win you know and actually there’s a restaurant here in naples that does italian coffee and they they shipped their pastries you saying it but i understand exactly when you don’t come up you know sometimes people just forget that they do need some of this stuff and they come to the way i don’t know what to do right and i might suggest an american as i am you know some improvements like maybe we should do yes i i think that in often when i travel i’ll see cafe next to another cafe next to another cafe everyone is selling the come to enjoy coffee and conversation and good relationships that’s awesome well i just want to wrap it up because even talking over our and something we may be boring some people money too and i’m thinking like you’re from italy do you know the deal this is what you know this is the thin so he for years he was kind of tough you kind of looked at me funny and cuts sliced in front of you the place to go to he’s kind of grumpy bastard to be honest i know there’s etonians it’s like i camp out there sometimes and yeah i got it i mean united states is great on on branding this country and the whole idea brent yeah i agree with you yeah i mean different cultures and different countries will offer an experience different things and you know speaking of iphone like an open the business and start selling that was my first thing so what i did was i i found because the company appear with our with our with the way americans think just the way we think about commerce is like we were talking
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Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1
– Aired Sep 30, 2019
Full episode transcription
00:10 – 12:05 – Aired at 12:12 PMBurst Length 11:54
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 1
12:05 – 25:56 – Aired at 12:24 PMBurst Length 13:50
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 2
00:26 – 36:33 – Aired at 12:12 PMBurst Length 36:07
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 3
33:21 – 47:17 – Aired at 12:45 PMBurst Length 13:56
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 4
27:50 – 58:34 – Aired at 12:40 PMBurst Length 30:43
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 5
55:50 – 73:18 – Aired at 1:08 PMBurst Length 17:27
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 6
55:40 – 80:30 – Aired at 1:08 PMBurst Length 24:49
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 7
We Got Permit for our Coffee Shop Episode #290 Apr. 11th. 2019 – Aired Apr 11, 2019
Divine Naples Daily Episode #252 Mar. 4th. 2019 – Aired Mar 4, 2019
Divine Naples Daily Episode #242 Feb. 22nd. 2019 – Aired Feb 22, 2019
Divine Naples Daily Episode #240 Feb. 20th. 2019 – Aired Feb 20, 2019
Divine Naples Daily Episode #239 Feb. 19th. 2019 – Aired Feb 19, 2019
Divine Naples Daily Episode #221 Feb. 1st. 2019 – Aired Feb 1, 2019
Divine Naples Daily Episode #215 Sep. 3rd. 2018 – Aired Sep 3, 2018
Full episode transcription
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 | 5 months ago
00:10 – 14:45
apple yeah i try to wear the same thing or combinations of the same things every day why keeps life simple less to think about reserve bandwidth for the and try to move around a little bit and i’m a big daily routine guy are you yes really everday is pretty predictable okay so we’re gonna keep him alive here yeah his the book is written by a woman named patricia highsmith she wrote a book called talented mister ripley okay cool soviet days ago and we had this immediate chemistry click enemy decided to start down doing podcast maybe we’ll be able to help some orders i’m to be personality on our podcast own his own show here and i will let him introduce himself how’s it going this is freddie when i w i i like to wake up in the morning we dead noise just just the magical kazakhstan right and maybe we will create contended will be never aging and somehow freely will become to be history figured being right in many many things so it because we just keep me keep me incognito so i’m very familiar with that we didn’t voice noise or wherever USA roosters are my thing to try when i’m doing my best daily routine is key you know well it’s interesting oh so you very organized very methodical i would say right really have you know somehow exposed you know your stuff but i just wanna say something about freddie here he came to the coffee shop view maybe a year ago yes i came in and out for three years or so i’d come in for a month and out i was traveling full time for three years outside the country thirty day how do i start my day yeah well i try to wake up with the sun like jason do you agree with that yeah you like can you hear the roosters i’ve roosters out outside of my place so i hear the roosters next door start to do their thing uh-huh waking up and everybody knows this voice is rich behind a mic and this divine naples podcast saw let’s say your name is freddie what did you choose that freddie miles in gaza former broadcasting beginning this talk adults and today we have i would say another guest because you will be nov that’s nice try pretty so you you started your the early the needed one jim well yeah on the good days i go straight to the gym uh-huh just just kicked on and let me ask you just want to introduce you a little bit and very coming from so sounds good open and very interesting and i just immediately thought it would be a nice to you know make records over that so let’s keep this going so you moved to naples government based i can’t discuss freddie come on you’re the secret edward snowden excuse me but yeah hoop in naples for a while as stop on my way to hawaii okay yeah i was based in hawaii for a long time based human based like a for next decade or something who knows who knows i’m always open to what comes next but for now this is home okay so legislate keep it the and things well these this is very click the chemistry’s there just very interesting i have to tell you the conversations that we had here are so sounds some successes some failures hopefully you’re always failing forward oh that’s interesting thought oh well if you do it and make sure you put your hands so on my way out west stop in naples i had some family here and i just kinda fell in love with the place also so now you’re gonna this is gonna be your destination freddie hawaii’s that they’ll be about this character what is it this is not your real name so we know that right freddy is a character in one of my favorite movies and books think to go back and business or what do you think you know yes i think i’d like to get back into commerce but i want to do it smarter and mojo simple but make sure people know a little bit more about you so you had a few businesses right very successful businesses now you’ve kind of trying to rediscover yourself necessarily harder okay working from anywhere around the world optimizing ourselves for health and wealth probably yeah you want to fail small and win big every go so now people really getting a little glimpse of talk about anything you want lifestyle entrepreneurship is my specialty living life with working smart smarter um more enjoyable way each time oh that’s cool let me is in no time is that i’ve got eleven thirty okay good soy’s after lunch cast one of the previous podcasts instead of going south i just took a write in an ended up here what do you think about our podcast the podcast is self convinced fresh ideas maybe detox whatever you wanna call it right so now is the time we feel life where are you trying to find this second breadth right yeah i’ve had ups and downs that’s my cue to get up time to get up now everybody knows everybody listening to this podcast on DNA delivered casino i grew up in a village somewhere we don’t say the country about interesting thinks that near objectives on on issues that are happening maybe they’ll be happening maybe people maybe help business owners because first cup of coffee i’m really sitting here having a cup of coffee and having this conversation so let’s talk about lifestyle what do you think about naples lifestyle general in in this ration- that is living working in places let’s talk about different countries that he experienced and let’s compare lifestyle here europe asia you chilling downey sunday you here divine april’s coffee shop probably feel good i wandered in this morning i felt i felt the actually i stumbled into your offi believe it or not in coffee shop i’ve been moving since six o’clock this morning and setting annabel helping and donating some coffee to local church so you all are going to be really interesting so you had to sell your business we don’t do any more details than that and you just end up jobless are you and some different places what do you think i agree it sounds fantastic so what what is your favorite country let’s start with this oh man that’s tough one time but anyways so italy yes can i ask about this coffee because it’s fantastic is it turkish because it has an interesting so eighteen sixty two first coffeehouse into all opened in in vienna they invented roasting machine and they strictly they strictly i sound like i’m selling something just have nothing for sale nothing nothing nothing to gain vis either so it’s twelve thirty this is my first cup of coffee in australia so the coffee you can tell comes from three countries the arabic countries we don’t know origin because they don’t yes so what’s your favorite preparation style well we jump from the lifestyle in italy to me and having coffee because of the stanford quality and quality of the podcast is one of the things too so we are happy to be able to serve you too coffee the coffee is roasted a us only are becoming and what that means is the coffee is the highest quality can probably find involved the very strong there’s no bitterness them up there so people can listen but you know we wanna keep the podcast interesting with different subjects and i want you to be part of the one podcast of ican we can thank you have a lot to offer and and you know your experience because he traveled the world and you fairly young you know it’s just amazing and i my opinion is pinks incredibly well done you it’s it’s so well done it was a little intimidating to jump on this i thought we would just hang out and talk about whatever so it’s nice well the couple of favorites i would say i’m attached to sicily so it’ll realize that’s part of italy but its place there’s no after two days there’s really you can you can taste a lot of fruits and and the coffee is very high quality so we are happy to have this coffee listener i’m sure mad you’ll be very happy to hear that you know he he put a lot of our survey that with me and we have over three hundred shows you’ll be eh just we can create a lot of all you for young business owners here or even older business owners here in naples florida so let’s just start with this subject get micro focused on things social like wine coffee i’ve been all about pizza recently but i i did several months traffic is julius minal we finally got the first brennan coffee shop which is jewish brandt they started yeah well yeah you you’ve ever been there yeah it’s a it’s a pretty amazing place so it has so much history because it has the african invasion the greeks were there for interesting we’re not on a different topic because lifestyle in italy is all about coffee that all that’s true that’s true so if he culture okay my version but of course i’m not following the perfect i’m not a perfect example because i don’t follow the instructions which comes to instruction manual and that is the daydream or you know talk to your friend but you need to turn off on and sometime i don’t because i had a lot of things here and you see me moving around so you know it’s an easy you said it yourself you don’t up here you’ll like it from now you’re going to be coming more often you’re going to get detected and plus we are happy you like our podcast finally have i you know you cannot surprise your knowledge of history then forget about turks turks are everywhere they kind of they they nailed holier say then is roasted in italy or austria but it’s family owned business five hundred employees generations so it’s really interesting going around looking at different coffees and i’d been ordering mock jato just makihata right and i would i would someone would serve me with like a lot mark jato different in fact i’m pulling up video here and you can see well i can see it but nobody else because well let me just yeah no too so i i i put a little extra effort there and that always count so yes my best preparation reserve i’m just you know for longer a sipping coffee shoe grounded and stays there for five minutes before it starts sinking so you know it’s it’s amazing coffee depends how i feel during today just you know sip the i’m on a little foam on top and i up and i’m a coffee nerd so i’ve been all over the world tasting coffee i go into these micro i i like to put a little foam in fact i like to do my phone with with this with heavy cream if possible so kind of gives a creamier flavor and there’s item so the whole thing but what do you think about this quality credible yeah in fact it’s it’s i almost don’t want to ruin the taste with any foam which is the the coffee that drape there in there but if i need a little jolt you know two three expressive during the day at that would be my thing sugar content so i can stay within my keto diet oh my god you know this is funny thing i i love everybody’s diet and everybody’s gluten free and everybody’s a long time and also the foresee italian so it’s just a fascinating what about turkish you forget about the turks were in there to make sure we are clearly we know our study you need to take fifteen and offer fifteen minutes when drinking julius mine and just you know just kind of you can star in the wall and just also have cafe culture so they are really experts in being in the moment that’s drip if i need to just you know get energy and experts writer i like espresso macchiato version of it okay so it depends on the coffee so let’s say we have these vena blend that is the drip and i love because it’s very smooth he can drink this day and sometime i have to all right let’s go to the subject of the italian lifestyle what is i’ll talk to you in that country well land cultures and italian italy france spain shop and just fascinating it’s when they see you they stop thinking their full attention to you of course he thought he doesn’t have been so they roast coffee because they know they have a lot of good women there so shortsighted parsley in italy and partially in to stay on the break because i drink too much of it and the espresso being just straight express all you know it’s amazing the kremlin top you you know some lemon cellos or something like this and by the end of that four to six hours you really know that person within a day you really have a relationship which is different than here where isn’t that and and the f- fasting wherever you go everybody does all of things now hurricane comes and public is empty how that happens so they they value one on one communication they love to bump into each other and the town square or the coffee anything for one hundred percent short on do one or two and that’s my thing from very long time because i want to disappoint anybody and i can say you know i did it next or something and you just bump into each other again and just just you know the connection is there you don’t lose the friendship and that’s that’s just what i miss a lot of times i don’t you wanna so busy about where we’re heading well this is fantastic you know i really liked what he saying because i miss europe and this is one of the things we i miss example i have a lot of italian frontier and one of them whose name is luca he used to be managed to in milano milano everybody else familiar envy just come on it’s just amazing when when you realize you know people are able and capable of doing these things but but here is everything on run and and i was sort of like what like this is not a mock jato right i didn’t understand there was a difference between a espresso mark jato in a lot to mock yet complete and you never know where that day might lead you might be invited to lunch and ended up at someone’s home for four to six hours just eating and drinking wine and ended up with became to be really good friends and you know we had a lot of conversations and things and then he left milan on disappear for a little bit and he knew be opening you know when we liked the food we go then in summary and it should be ready for a swimming suit then then he started listening you still you know getting little bit skinner important they just stop and lifestyle and you just grab a coffee in the first gulf she’ll be erna corner you sit there for hours just catching up and i just have chills just seen a lot of times this culture is more you know like self oriented and more agenda there are business related and things around for a little bit and it’s nice to have friends that he can have a conversation and you know he’s honest you know that’s what i missed and for example you know gluten gluten that and then home they eat chips and the the toast and because they have to liquidate it i don’t think they will throw it away so you know i like that morning and you know what what what is the for example the breakfast of catania the city catania in i don’t know i know all the bottle water seems to whatever you buy for hurricane preparation then you have six months and everybody so everybody comes to the restaurants and highest you know the europeans i’m from europe yes we europeans are different the v.
14:46 – 23:53
v. publicly say we are not a shame of the are like sponges you’ve part of the family you feel it just because they hug you so you know so strong and and and you know even if you don’t see him for six months you know he rhodesia’s been talking about this in a meeting croissant is my breakfast after twelve o’clock right and the first coffee so i’ve been running on fumes holman up catania and double checking that is not a separate place from the catania that i know which is in sicily in is in fact sicily yeah that’s fantastic yeah so amos castle in catania that i toured once and it’s really an incredible place so interesting you mentioned that right so now we learn said very somebody can benefit not always have benefit you benefit long run i always say i i run marathon you know it’s not a sprint because we’re going to be here about you you’ll of coffee you like traveling your favorite lifestyle listening italy right one of the favorites yes sicily as you go south just just some you don’t see somebody for a year or something you hit them on on the street and and it’s true friend and you know of course it in italy things get less fancy but people become more friendly i believe and it’s funny i think maybe the same is true in found us you know in catania but it’s really their their national work on that the city breakfast and we’re going to be having those breakfast items i’m in travel i travel in united states and you know i don’t know i don’t know if i agree completely saying but you know there’s a lot of we thought imprint on introduce you so make sure you you know you know some of the good guys here and you can feel a little bit of italy here too yes be find people friendly in many places but the mixed of the people that we have here in this city it’s it’s kind of if you want named by cities in here in the coffee shops or we can kind of have the connection with the europe because these european job with the quality of the coffee and also we feel like a lot of the conversations are that honest you know just a lot of agenda you know i don’t know i don’t want nothing negative but there’s the united states in some ways you mean south or north yes as you come south of the united states things become less fancy but people become more warm and welcoming and friends oh you’re gonna be doing a lot of different coffees here we’re going to be doing touchier coffee he starts a couple couple there’s a lot of ideas we will bring in and we will you know people because it can meet really interesting people here in this coffee shop sure you already did right absolutely what again i was just looking you find him here to florida is not part of the south i should’ve clarified goodness i hate to get you on the corner and inexpensively in italy yeah you want to live inexpensively wanna spend very little money and enjoy life when how long before he’s like like tom back and forth quite a bit so business i’ve never done business there now i try to do my business there’s a saying they have in south america that says earned they need than others but if he’d have business here people come from all the different parts of the wall and you just have to understand all of them before you start making business you know thinks caused and how much less they can be do certain things that’s a great point usually when i go to a place for the first time just book a hotel through like kayak or flat in sicily in most small oceanside towns for three to five hundred dollars per month so it’s just i mean it’s just really out how to live in and then you want to spend that money in places that are less expensive like latin countries like spain france italy very inexpensive outside the major cities you can rent italy so you spend how much time did you spend only total in my life probably about a year in different places throughout italy i come back oh you know travelocity or something so i’m not gonna save a lot of money on the first time but as i get to know the area i can bounce around easily see where in general so you’d probably say on on cuba’s young southern must step exactly so that’s most friendly there when you travel you know just like you say you go south but the humidity for minnesota and i find them very friendly there’s just amazing what what what part i wanna live in usually it’s not the most expensive area but i wanna live kind of where the young hip people are so normally i’ll book a hotel near hi there and that’ll be my starting point then i’ll i’ll start walking around talking to people and find out oh the better cheaper more young hip area is one town one part over lers spend pesos oh that’s interesting yeah i mean if you can make money online or you can make money in the continental united states you’re you’re better off you’d be surprised you do know what eder breakfast no surprise that crosstown ham and cheese and you will say what here’s my hack my travel hack which is i look for an h.
23:53 – 45:30
m. what store it’s like a clothing store and you can get an airbnb there for like twenty dollars a day or something like that and it’s even it’s like even better to live in it would be like living in times square in new york probably not the best place but maybe so better neighborhood or east village right and i can see your personality doesn’t you know it’s not a problem for you to talk to people and it’s just one of the things stickers on their windows every business and they seem to all have perfect five star review all like five hundred reviews so i don’t know if there’s like a russian click farm that they’re hiring have we just start conversation about anything any subject and and when you open them up i mean those those are the real savings you know those are weapons right there st down and you walk a little extra but there’s a big savings yeah tripadvisor especially in europe seems to be everybody has trip advisor an and ATM’s generally located in the central central part of the city’s i’ll start an h. m. and i’ll try to find a hotel nearby northeastern state because most people here are migrants from other places you’re right now i try to retire to go back to up has a european feel when you walk in maybe even from the street it’s obvious that this is a european sensibility you have going here really what is the first calvin combined his bike he had a couple of espressos and just be laughing you know the the the onus hawks you get from these people’s like you know he’s like you monday and everything uncontrolled like month what’s that yeah how long it took you to have everything like the spending under control a lot of times you know you have to ask people amino say it’s it’s a little different southern florida is way different than for example miami in west palm beach in boca raton well you know it’s it’s hard to say european feeling oxen there’s something that you feel as soon as you look at the front restaurant my theory is that when you are drawn eh when you walk in yes i could give a couple of examples or stories where i think that this is where i’ve become our gotten this belief from the business here it’s it’s kind of difficult to get around because if you do business and you live with somebody you get that culture in your head do you understand how people think what you and then just got to figure it out there’s no manual go to this country do this do that what i’m saying oh how long it took you before he figured out this is where you’re going to be for next year and how much listen we we we kind of share secrets in websites everything would be sa- local experiencing best places for the beach and things of that nature but i know how you know how to how we end up in i have a theory about this coffee culture meeting great people that you mentioned okay go ahead well first of all i have to give you kudos because your particular copy the reason why we wanted to do this because the processing you have in in your head then how we process the thoughts and and put them in the world is just amazing so based on a feeling to a place you’ll meet people who have the same vibration look at you now this is this is the gold coming out to to get these reviews or what but tripadvisor doesn’t really help much when you’re traveling and yelp is virtually nonexistent in most parts of europe yeah so anyway did you find they’re not may may not be always the right decision to do you know locals will always the truth because or we just followed him right there just followed some local agency vertigo for for beer worried they go to you know for fun and that’s the best way to do it so so then you figured it out and you move to another street right maybe you know video statements but the south ends with georgia and alabama oh i see that’s what he meant it as that is correct as florida is considered the thing is from st while you have the red umbrellas and you have a distinct clean sort of design but there’s something and he’ll leave and people are sitting here coffee shop and this is going to be very interesting yes i agree with you a hundred percent i think about this but you know what this is absolutely amazing thought he bringing in so if you see people sitting here they probably gonna feel saying the city and you go like okay what would you have dinner today you ask some of the locals you know what i mean that’s that’s how we find best restaurants tripadvisor and older older you know attractions you know just knowing you can talk to anybody about anything and people feel comfortable they open up and they tell you the secrets he’s almost like us here you know we we don’t you don’t have to have from sorta this very warm people but from example people from new york your new jersey there’s just different personalities was working on line and i was able to fortunate i wanted to learn tango dancing okay i had a cousin that had moved there who had become a professional would you like to hear one of course okay i don’t even breathe right now i’m ready okay so i was living in buenos aires argentina again also serving green juice like sort of like organic juices anyway one day this i go there i’m half asleep i haven’t had any caffeine and apartment bleaker street so i go into this this coffee shop or juice shop order a drink and i’m standing on the corner trying to figure out my bearing where’s my spot gonna be i find this organic place it’s got again green juice coffee whatever a couple of blocks away from the is there was one particular cafe that stood out to me the vibe of it felt very organic felt well put together so i started going to this cafe thing i muttered to her like so where you’re from or something like that and she looks at me and she could just tell my energy was like toxic i was just like you know nervous standing in line in front of me was one of the most beautiful women i’ve ever seen in my life looks like sort of like an a south american angelina jolie wow august so quickly within a week i was moved out of the hotel and into an airbnb in this area anyway the first thing i do when i settle into a neighborhood is looked for copy shop cafe where we’re going to be my one or two or three places i’m gonna stop in and get my coffee in the mornings so looking at cafe ended up the place called palermo soho or palermo hollywood was where all the young hip kind of less expensive but really modern and cool young people were new york state in manhattan so anyway i’m wondering around manhattan a year and a half later what’s the first thing i do go for a coffee shop right try to find i didn’t see the girl again a year and a half goes by and i end up doing okay i do this apartment swab from the wchs where am i know manhattan’s kind of kind of medicine all around me and there’s a girl standing on the corner she turned she says hey you look like you’re lost really from philadelphia so she was she was american and she got her drink and i got my drink in there were sort of energy but it was it was awkward and then she got it buddy of mine who had an apartment in the west village manhattan he wanted to stay in in my apartment in in hawaii so he came from months date in hawaii and you know wasn’t fully awake and she kind of looked at me kind of uneasily in sort of answered me with a one word answer which was action orthodoxy and left and right before she got into a taxi she turned and looked at me and then left never to be seen again so i go back until my cousin that night and yup i’m lost grandma she says i’m heading this way to chelsea market do you want to just walk with me a little bit and i’m i’m sort of disoriented so i say sure she american country i’m i’m worried for her safety a little bit that’s what i’m wondering yes and she’s she does she’s there right now actually she’s back and forth all the time i was issue frozen and my tracks probably very moment i cannot imagine yeah no coffee yet oh okay yeah so i’m standing there trying to think of something lucky you yeah so i freeze i’m going like oh god i gotta say something right but i i couldn’t think of anything to say this woman you couldn’t think anything’s say couldn’t think of any weren’t in argentina a year and a half ago where you and she froze kidding me and she said how did you know that and i said were you in a coffee shop like you know in the middle of palermo soho and cause i’m starting to realize this is she looks a lot like this girl at this girl in the coffee shop it was weird you know i was bummed out because i didn’t say the right thing right and since you okay interesting whatever so i ended up staying in argentina for four months they’re all over the place she’s telling me the story of how she worked at this bar and now she’s become spiritual teacher and she travels all over the world and wish we did a shot of jack daniels and we’re sitting there we’re going to go to chelsea market next i look over at her and i go look familiar we met and on the way to the market because i got to pick up my check do you wanna come with me so i said sure so i stopped into this bar with her and she said it was the bar in central and the worst it was like town it’s like times square new york so it was great it looked like from the map leclerc a great place to be but go to a city like i said i booked the hotel right in the in the central sorry your cousin is a female or mutiple blonde girl living in the city he goes how the hell did you know i was in argentina’s freaking me out who are you and i said i think we met and i kind of told her about the story about meeting this girl she goes oh my god they created the movie coyote ugly really do you ever heard of this scene yes so it’s called something else but anyway it was the actual original place that was it had thinks that that happened to you there’s no logical explanation for this i don’t know i think i have my own explanation i don’t know if it’s logical looks attractive but i didn’t wanna look her up and down you know what i mean so i just kind of walked with her and we were talking and she sounded interesting and she said hey i wanna stop into this bar inc in naples there may be a handful less than five of places that have this sort of operation and if you keep going to these places they draw in the same type of people maybe there’s only a few really statistically there’s not that many places and and these people continue to find their coffee shop and their juice bar and they keep all but but my theory is there are fewer of these places like like an energy spots i would say places that have this particular vibration than we think said she looks at me funny so i don’t think so so we hang out a little more have one more drink i look over and go i know i know we’ve met and i said had to have couple drinks to get your memory back what happened to her beauty first of all what i wondering and secondly like you know it’s just like this is this is your life it difficult pass that has gone on but other than that i think any one who’s immigrated from a different country has a lot of optimism so i still have to give you an eight point five okay okay why eastern european there’s a real ism that you know there’s some there’s some sort of sense of the the hard the hard ah positively from one to ten would still positively well there’s a little bit of eastern european pessimism so i will give you an eight point five the todd there is okay so if the energy what kind of energy field here i if i had to summer joining these places so they’re crisscrossing each other more than they think that’s that’s my law this just be on our understanding but this is exactly wh- why won’t do this because things are happening in your life are not cannot explain them i just have the feeling is the energy i felt when i walked in here i would say authenticity would be the word that comes to mind okay there’s interesting and if you have you know you meeting somebody in the in the city of south america were you just like going to learn tangle and north about you know if you meeting people in saint places they probably feel the same veil you’d probably have same processing thoughts the way you do and they may be there’s a sense of an i would call it a no bullshit happiness is the feeling of authenticity that comes the radiates from this place and from you well that’s all from me you know for something anita no you’re around and she comes to you and offer us help that’s i mean tell me more what happened to her have same goals like you do and maybe that’s why you feel comfortable around that places because you know people energize you and positive people attract positive people ah i see the world through a different filters right and i still this from scott adams who’s the creator of dilbert have you heard of him know these things one book is how to fail at everything and still succeed i believe and he’s just coming out with a new book now and he was one of the only people to predict trump would win the election you has over the course of his life seeing the world through different filters and over time he upgrades his filters at the current he’s seeing the world through what he calls a persuasion had he’s sort of like a an influence or now and he he’s an expert in the art of persuasion and he’s written several books and though he is not a republican he thought trump was very persuasive and he’s an expert in persuasion so in his book or one of his books he talks about filters so he sir can you describe precision he sees the world and i i see the world so slow slightly different filter but his filter is that he can predict the future the reason why you’re seeing them maybe there’s a reason why they coming here maybe you should discover this and let me start looking into this is interesting thought and the fact that story that was you i remember it she goes what was with you that morning your energy was completely all on hold on i need to stop it here hold him so you telling me you really well i think you that’s nice compliment i didn’t get a summary on one-sentence like this ever before so that’s kind of new okay well things in life and maybe mutilating for another woman in different parts of all very meet her again but you know yeah it was yeah so i you wanna call us pregnancy wherever this but this interesting interesting subject i love this because you know you more most probably light right and this and then you’re on how later you meet that person on on the streets of new york or are you just exchange for month and you’re looking for you and now i’ve upgraded it to believe that in this is not we’ll there will be a new upgrade at some point but the most best newest best thinking is that history okay and so he sees the world through persuasion filter prior to that he saw the world through like an atheism filter through basically nothing means anything drawn into these environment certain types of environments have similar vibrations meaning that their brains are firing off on different patterns that are similar we are attracted to those who have similar endorphins firing in our brains so if you are in similar vibration state in your brain certain certain number ratio of endorphins and that for example if you have a positive attitude your business is going well your body is fit you have a high amount of they met when you visit this in past few interesting people here in the same energy you know just the people on the same thune and then me we may be attracted to one another energy and that’s what i think is going on in these copy shops like the from the story i told it’s that people who were house of endorphins so you’ll be attracted to people who have the same amount of endorphins this is why people who like go to yoga studios seem to want to hang out together and people who go to cocktail we’re floating around in this ball this big blue ball and you know live the best life possible while you’re here have fun before that he’s maybe saw that operating on different levels of endorphins so it’s like the healthier we can make our brains the higher levels we can rise to in terms of our peer groups okay bars are sort of on a different vibration they they kind of congregate but it’s not so much spiritual as in my in my filter as it is that were the reason why you guys are meant to dimes in two different places devolved well that particular time yes it did feel like that for the next couple of hours we walked the city together we had this really strong connection free as he’s gotten older for example well my filter has been upgraded also i used to believe in sort of a spiritual energy okay like a vibration filter okay okay and yeah so i probably share or i mean i don’t wanna know world through a alien filter where he thought we were dropped in by aliens and before that he saw the world through a religious filter so he’s upgraded his filter like him or not he’s persuasive right so he saw the person he’s he’s he says the trump maybe one of the handful five most persuasive people ever well from what happened after the coyote bar not with the with the girl i mean how did you are you in contact with her because i believe need to process that information i responded but you know it’s interesting obviously hope you’re gonna get more so you know same minded people but i i’m sure you’re by saying who what people are what companies are most persuasive okay so you could say okay hillary clinton is less persuasive than donald trump negative people trek negative people so there’s a place for everyone i’m sure it did and if i start watching this if you see people coming back maybe there’s coming yourself is that right right so now i’m trying to level up again so i was twenty years in business for myself in different ways and now i’m looking for the next they experienced now he ended up in naples here and europe programming yourself is this the right environment for you to do this i haven’t decided yet the time and i mean did you do use yourself experience right so i think that high performing people like to are always looking for that next newest so they get bored like people who said yes hi challenging but achievable goals and achieve a high frequency of this goals sure and then and just kind of you know this is how you wanna be absolutely i think of the brain as a computer so we can uninstall the old software and install new software there was a point in my life where i i i said to you off mike i’d never been depressed so i cannot judge people and how they just say okay and i’m happy let’s shoot for mars so it could be an entrepreneur could be an athlete it could be someone who’s like me i’m i’m more of a lifestyle entrepreneur off wear next newest upgrade wanna level up the software you know what i mean high performing people that means people that you know achieve what they put her as a goal and then large corporation american company and you know it’s just you get this this energy and you wanna move we want to be moving people realize the internet is here and it’s gonna stay so they take a little bit more seriously but you know it’s still not enough and i think i feel and how it is to be depressed because this is something i don’t know like i never use drugs so i cannot really jut somebody using drugs or smoke i never but it seems like a it’s a wonderful environment for someone who wants to focus and doesn’t want much distraction this study at uh-huh so my goal wasn’t to go make a billion dollars but i wanted to have you know three times more than my spending at all times coming in okay from whatever business i was involved you know fresh minded and go getters that really you know make up in the morning and and just crushing it twenty four seven and you’re right in miami there’s is that there’s a lot of entrepreneurial positive forward moving energy in miami but there’s also a lot of distraction in miami you know the funding you’re saying this i somehow somehow question myself this is the right place i wanna be rest of you know my youth say because i came from big city i used to work for l.
45:30 – 57:03
here in a business general is kind of interesting because and that’s my opinion strictly you know now is changing because some sort of upgrade what what what inspires me what interests me what’s the next level so let’s just say this we talk about your your you know somehow a little bit okay so you know it it just i can tell it’s bothers me like when somebody smoke in my face so i just i don’t like the smell of it so that’s the only thing but if that’s how i see it so so how you can you i mean if you let’s say if you the yoga guy and you don’t wanna be anymore just gonna be straight to cook the to describe it i just want to keep going it’s just you know something just driving me more than that that need or want to be on the beach i nobody smokes or not i don’t judge the people are still choice and i just wanna say you know when when i was here few years is wendy never seen the star wars i never you know some of the thinks what normal people do i don’t because i’m not abnormal scott adams is sort of a talking head last time on the beach you know when was the last year i don’t even i mean really i don’t even know whenever swimming last time seriously it’s just the debris komo asked me if i’ve ever fishing i was never under both fishing i live twenty three years and there was never fishing i mean just things you wanna develop you wanna create you want to be surrounded by people that that have you know say mind and then you come here and ever chills that just the lifestyle and that was always how my comfort zone okay so you know now did you get to the point you settle down enables now you are the point when european if you wanna do something and and this is perfect place for for life family life and a lot of benefits but if you really wanna be having career and working for a company the following something some some kind of trend of standard and and by following you he’s getting behind anybody so there’s not enough people that that is wonderful place and i don’t have time for it or i don’t create i’m for it but i just have so much in me to achieve something or create something i don’t even know how more hunger and maybe even different energy for it but here it’s just seems like if somebody can work just four days a week they will chill on the beach for three days as me when i was because i i feel say and by me keep going it’s kinda funny because a lot of times even you know look at the polls purdue i know a lot of times on the weekends they go they hang up on boats and they do stuff it’s just really you know i don’t know i mean people think i’m weird but that’s okay is there some time i go there i do live on facebook guide take pictures and that’s about it i don’t even think my shoes off you know it’s just like it’s embarrassing to say we live in it’s we post under divine apples you know facebook video doing the coffee shop a lot of times i helped working night and every time i started i always it’s gonna be really difficult in this city because there’s not many companies they can provide you with that of new york and washington DC and andorra places will probably more but you know then reason and just brings new new views on things is just sort of rushing you know she just really interesting because when you when you live here for you know few years you’ve kind of a there’s a there’s attention from all this surrounding i don’t know what that is but i mean do you finding enough people that are virus or same energy of fragrances you i would say that would be one of the drawbacks i agree with a lot of what you said naples is sort of like a warm bath it feels amazing and it’s relaxing but you don’t wanna stay in too long in your travels and you know and stuff he experienced you know on on different countries amazing so thank you you know we need somebody like this just shut me down don’t make me based on how did you start how did you start your entrepreneurial journey i’m curious you have so much different in father that that is very that actually i have to say that he was he was maybe it’s time to get this i’m i’m talking for five minutes you know describing something you can put nicely and beautifully in when i was maybe twelve thirteen wow first of all a lot to do with the life i live as a teenager julie right and the lifestyle that that that time was it was just very different cultures different people and and to me it’s just were we missing if you get in one place for too long you just kind of then you’d never leave and maybe you say that wchs you can get dorm in a lot of things you know you just you just numb you don’t receive or your brain doesn’t work like when he outside and you certainly said you know not a shift i love working night i have no competition because all of these leagues i just love this thing you know it’s just like if you think about you only worse in farming so for seven hundred years we have we had properties and lands and stuff like that and always farming and farming very opinionated and a lot of times end up in jail for that because that’s what the system did and then later on i found out the communist actually killed my grandfather and they took everything from from our family and uh-huh meeting interesting people that come from outside just get like you chill down i have opinion travel the world and you know have have just the story apar- till you’re gonna stuck to cook i mean he’s there possibility to sir programmers serve all you just heard that from born being born or the way how you live your life and board my first bike which was kind of strange because there were no to manila toma bills not many bikes so not too many i’m too old to travel i’m too he’s never true but you know just the fact that you bringing your views and your europeans here that you collect them so just the whole drive and everything that he put in his life i think i got those jeans and the DNA yes you know if you met some policemen it was it was bad luck or something happened so me twelve year old on a bike and moving in going on it’s amazing like in the history like when did i start when when did you think to okay let me just ask this question since this this whole podcast started being in uh-huh podcast begins and ends so no let’s say there’s a did you guys are you staying in kentucky lower now i i don’t speak with her anymore how can be moving because you know of course you don’t wanna go certain places so but i was twelve years old i made money by helping somebody rewards when they were like warm serious package it up and put it in a little bow for you yeah thank you that’s that’s perfect that’s perfect then how communist countries us thanks so we were throwing stuff over the river and trading like and i started you’re so they killed him and took everything away my father was three so he literally didn’t know didn’t know his his father and he put himself in self he’s not the most sexy job into all you know is very hard and we live in one around and my grandfather didn’t wanna give it to the community round and start traveling and start you know start figuring it out then i start throwing two different country the merchandise and we start tango dancer so i i wanted to check in to make sure she was doing okay down there and also just explore the city so the first thing i do tools and it just grew and grew and grew and then communist fell and i was already known so just continue and bigger events and i ended up in the doing i just make sure you know it’s always stays in limits but i always want explore wants to do something so in order to do this in communist country you need to be rating so i was living in a different country and and and we didn’t have certain things in our country they had more of that and we we had something they didn’t have like if you wanna be free you need to be able to be moving and bosses and you know all this the government owned the transportation is not perfect rating tapes because we didn’t have music so i still trading thanks for coffee and i became to be DJ because i had so much music and in the school they did this interesting interesting time now bringing them so i start being DJ so by like fourteen thirteen fourteen i was already DJ we have you would just wondered i’m taking over i’m interviewing okay so i go back i go back is there that i never stopped and when i was twelve my parents were divorced than in when i was i actually started oh you know i don’t want to say the country but the let’s say i live in new communist country i mean you can figure out by right but i’m not gonna say which country i his farm and everything he had because he had he was the only one had a tractor in the ara and they needed it after they were nobody to pay you for it but this is like ever vince they was having session for our session of music for three different from very early age that he will get everything back and that’s how lift through the commune so just imagine living forty some years life that kind of exploring i never listened to anyone i never listened to my mother and you know i didn’t have no fodder so i did whatever i wanted in limits i never got in trouble never are are forty five years life that you know you don’t have what belongs to you and somebody else had that and then later on you know he got everything back gotcha was unheard of yeah so so i started you know this started like little business which i didn’t get paid for because you know events like for seven eight hundred people and there was over weakened that’s yeah that that that was that was interesting amazing then i started getting paid for red and just an open first business when i turned eighteen next day after my birthday i was able to like legally open business i just went to uh-huh that’s just the always very optimistic person hero living life in communism we’ve become to be one so i went to the government and you know did wherever to do and and i remember when i said to my mother i’m gonna open a business and she says what is that i said well that’s you can do not have the works if somebody can refer self and she said that’s what you need this they walked in a bank vicious like a suitcase or some of them which shoe boxes and they fill those things with the money and went home and they were sitting chauvinism safety safety and this is how ex exactly the whole economy started you can walk i mean i have friends they did and i picked up five different companies so i selected very carefully the products you know something i don’t remember exactly what aren’t table and he’s like okay so now the money would i’m going to do some of them you know didn’t do the right thing and they like open business and failed and you know i never travelled by bus never scheduled anything i just kept going and always whenever i end up ivan inside the door and salt as how it was just the interesting to to think about right now that that the from beginning of my life you know i always an and i never took the and i never did this because i never crossed my mind is this easy road and i never picked easy road i always pick the harder and can mean thinks i do and just jump on the street he jake and just end up in the city and always sold and somehow sometime i got home night depends sir eighty nine amazing i heard about the black markets opening up into white markets during that time i studied this in school make me start talking about stuff i never talk about amazing what do you do to me nothing man just have more coffee yeah so i start handmade so some artist made three d.
57:03 – 77:06
map and that was displayed on different parts of the city and it was like an art and on those little shop ice cream store or you know what you probably gonna need choon have millions so why don’t they have millions and a national okay let’s good idea just me rau- entrepeneurship at its best it’s the best kind yeah but you know it just seems to me like if i will just go to the bank like everybody else and say hey parts they made those businesses that paid more bigger so they send out you know so in this whole graphic thing and there was interesting idea it because if you if you choose the easy way there’s much bigger chance you’re gonna fail and you you’re not going to learn anything guard no car no bicycle i just every morning i just look at a map and i pointed fingers this is where i’m going to go and i have backpack just make it look like i kept the money but some of the operating at the now but it was literally that easy to come to the bank and say hey i want to open a business and can i get some money going from businesses to businesses and i always ask what they do and you know opposite let me sell it for you right so because i have no problem to talk to people i mean it can nobody else can replicate them and that’s like to my heart and right now for instance would doing here it’s it’s all not a product was t shirts not a product like cleaning products and whatever i had had like five different companies imprisoning no business imagine you you know like everything’s owned by government and then two weeks later nothing is owned by government and if you wanna bread you need to find somebody who’s gonna bake it because it’s no more bakery the whole idea of this whole concept and even this podcast we doing right now is different and i’m glad to be doing it because you know people let’s just let’s agree in older thrice whoever but one of them was map like an advertisement my because they were doing some kind of three d map was way ahead of the times but easy and shortcut and one person oh we had this discussion with one of my friend and and she said you know that’s that’s good morning my name is margot wilson i would like to open business can i get some two million dollars on this what are you going to do i’m just going to open i started so this eighty nine that’s i mean i started basically eighty four maybe incredible this is how it started because if you choose the hardaway then then you know you’re going to get better and you’re going to get better than anybody else because experiences that you’re gonna have throughout the process really i have a couple of points that i am pulling away from your story which was amazing thank you i know that was a legendary time provocative the opportunity was on unbelievable if you had some sense of business and you showed up and and the way people spoke about that part of the world and when i say that part of the world i mean the former soviet union that part of the world but i’m not from russia as you for second i never heard that none of that you know just just everything’s different divine apples dot com is different i mean i kind of explained to you uh so so you know those people yesterday they didn’t meet the right time and the right moment and the right place to really know you so now they’re clueless will you truly are and when you come to the coffee shop have this conversation i heard you talking to marvin the local artists people in the street and you don’t know anything about him if they answering with a one word answer and perfect example you just told me now let me just continue to do i don’t wanna bore anybody here but you know it’s just i started selling for five different companies and kind of the hard way and even the coffee shop even menu the items on the breakfast you know we were thinking about all of that the very long time and i’m from russia despite could be but he doesn’t so that part of the world in the eighties was and i’m gonna say something yesterday night even and you just didn’t want to be alone and you end up in a bar we don’t gonna give them plug but you know you end up in bars sitting there loss and in the works where i knew some of them and one of them was ever employee has to be given soap unit at the right moment what he can learn what he can you know and you can have really different feeling from that human being or exchange and it’s amazing food so i i start picking up this big factories right so we have some of the factories five thousand employees ten thousand employees so other figured it out not using strategies right and i was sending this cleaning product and by government government had still some kind of old having this conversation and and kind of exposing myself a little bit my boss and my experiences is is just like we all are people we all have something and in place in certain like labor laws and stuff like that so i was like okay so i have this cleaning product which is basically soap right and i know that today over africa of initial i mean it sounds crazy right people say it’s too dangerous as if you’re a young man on the rise and you don’t know exactly we could easily just say okay we do pancakes and sausages everybody does that he’s fine everybody’s they’re disorganized easy you come here you see the menu and you’re gonna say okay let me think because i already heard somebody else at the problem if not the maybe just enrich people with the experiences we have through but you know it’s interesting you mean giving no samples immediately they were telling me everything they were telling me is in charge of this and this and that you know and normally nobody’s talking a- and if we can share information they can we can share to the experiences and we can share somehow that you know what we go through in life maybe for a future podcast i would love to hear your opinion on how you would do things over again knowing now knowing then what you know now every employee has to get one right so i don’t go to the factories and try to sell that because one sale was just taking cover me we’re just growing like mushrooms you know and you market everything is now open and people didn’t know what to do with that was just really interesting hearts explain because and i got to the point where i get smart so you know sunning well maybe it was the moment when i get smart maybe you know i get to the point where i stood nicely to security and give them anything so i wrote down everything and then went to dr did same thing and then went home try to doc them from inside so i went to the gate and you know those people on the gate what do you call them the security security so i started save some cash and so i had this author form and and i put the cash underneath of the second page and the you know what looking looking back to all this and having knowledge and information that i have today and sure grew up in this country you know i i mean i came you know sometimes people just don’t feel like talking about their pasta and stuff like that you just need to be in the moment and and it’s interesting if you can meet somebody good morning formation of all these people you know by just asking around and then one day i just went inside and here’s how i did i mean it was i for three hours almost you guys were pumping you know what i’m saying that the exchange here was so magical i didn’t i i was just whoa i wish for somebody to do this nevertheless i came to the to the first factory and i and what opportunities you would have targeted with all of that access to capital in a fresh brand new country opening up but anyway that’s no this is good now at that that particular time like you were saying they were opening businesses like crazy they were giving money away to start businesses like crazy this was a legendary where that’s happening not the most cautious but i knew the whole country was going through this change so i had to be creative just really quick i how to get to those factories so you know event i to observe multi and then i was brave enough to one of the things was like a ajax like the powder you clean dishes with sure so i had one of those and where you want to be and you want to be in a in a wild wild west atmosphere africa right now is going to be digitally let’s get let’s get out of here no i’m telling you because he and and she said clinic comeback and then we made or if you can clean so i was i was on a bathroom for three hours some people do a registered and just keep an had twenty years from now against the bill to happen to this guy and maybe if i do this did that you know this will help me down dirty hands but this is very good product you know it’s made in our country it’s it’s made by our hammocks or this just just said what is this i said well this can clean anything you know hard stones and everything she and she said to me okay there’s a we make coffee this uh-huh just receiving old any information and ideas you were throwing away in a in a and everything was just amazing so what i want to say is take time because i want to throw in a couple of bullet points of things i heard you say which because you you’ve touched on a couple of fascinating topics but please keep going what did you do you went under the and says look i have this cleaning product for the hands and i would like to offer to you i mean of course i cannot demonstrate because no nobody air in the offices it’s another left personnel alright start talking to you and you just as we’re not in the mood talk to anybody and then kaos bar steakhouse bar upscale stay governor anything and we will make it over and she said well you know i’m ready to go home i said well i’ve traveled fifty kilometers here too kinda give her the benefit of the product and then she said what else do you have i said well and i thought beginning i have five items five products and that’s not picking him up for my backpack and it up and there was so much settlement there was like a one centimeter like maybe quarter of inch of of settlement like the heart stone uh i don’t know maybe three thousand dollars wow that was huge huge order yes and and she said to me oh to demonstrate we have a good product and all this she said okay i’ll stay over so we did order and the way how are really daughter was you know she she ordered nevertheless so i showed up the week later just make sure the order came she was happy you know and i said to her would you the cleaning thing it was so hard to cinnamon out and both probably around four o’clock and i finally cleaned up money there and you know i flip the page and i said to her well if you sign this paper and we can add stuff to order you know then favor if you can call somebody else into the auto factory next to you you know somebody there and we can place the order i make should the order with her on seven pilots and seven policy was like a lot of products i don’t even remember what was the dollar amount value if you had to guess who believable that’s my answer to you’ll niaz go start business that’s what i did a couple of bullet points that pop up to me are two maybe we can discuss describe today i’m thinking of is very hard to describe how divorce and is you know this countries in places nevertheless came to there and and talking to this lady the the thanks for the hands because she had to so it was five thousand items and the second page instead of carbon copy i put cars which were working for the company and the and the owner of the company which you’re producing this cleaning products call me are you taking care of so she did she go and i went to the auto factory i may not order there and this is how i started the business he’s in eastern europe that had to be like you could buy like a car or a house for that or something like that three thousand dollars while it was more than i mean it can do a lot of things car and and and you’re gonna have whole country for yourself because i fired everybody so there’s always started i don’t think the average american has any idea what it’s like to live other places not to mention how lucky we are with with the things that we link it comes from here and they’re true geniuses on this not necessarily the products that you have strong brand are good or strong products you know just doing working for one company so vinai produced that month the auto i sold more than three full-time cells people form clean uniform and some order of products once a month and that was the communism kind of you know sitting still coffee what do you call it the the metal thing you make coffee tea kettle cuddle yes she said look at that and kenneth clean it so i opened the make educated purchases before somebody’s been dollars the they usually educate themselves before they do that if it’s cars jeans in a future episode or what was it like to live in a communist country period and then also when the change happened what was the change like sister diamond carbon copies you know they used to do for you know no mobile phones no pagers no none none of that i mean he’s just i if you wanna make a phone call to somebody rents because in europe for instance the people don’t really care about a lot of brands they care more about the you know the quality because people i will say cultures their latin cultures are black belts their absolute experts at living in the moment la dolch evita right tayfun we we had no other ways and pay on was like one you know the phone booth per village on field i’m in the city very hard aim items that everyone around you has how about starting to try you know instead of doing coffee maybe add ice cream or gelato or could you and then you see them recoil like go and buy it make that move but when they do they feel comfortable they know they did the right decision they don’t doubt and dave or do they never do garage sales because yeah yeah and she goes like any cleaner i hardly could put my hand in it she said well there’s water in the bathroom right it was one o’clock for example new greek yogurt shabani you’re serious just just the experts on the branding and that is also related to people how the consumer so like the good life it’s we’re not that great in the united states at slowing down and being with each other in the moment and enjoying the this this copy will stay here with you just you just look at it and she said okay let’s review again to order so she i basically closed but then as we get to know each other better he will or she will complain my businesses going down the economy’s not good m- occurrence the currency is not healthy american attention on innovation the iphone six seven eight nine ten we have to have a new iphone every year there’s a something about american culture that makes us whatever it is they always they’re not impulsive buyers you know there are more like a educated buyers and takes time for them to really a special maybe we should consider selling something different than the two people that are on your within the person on your left in the person on your right instead of offering the exact same iphone which i technically bought this new to me i bought it this year in april but the fact is i don’t really need those shiny things and i’m not a person of material stuff same exact thing for the same exact price and the cafe owner will be happy and personal and take the time to get to know me want to improve improve improve and change and latin culture off and i think the focus is on enjoying in the joining the moment and both things we can learn from both things and i still was not affected enough to change DNA and i did i have to have everything and latest things so you know i come outside we just think sparky and the come to her office and she looked at me and she said i thought you left i said no he told me to call you you know i’d rather do something else instead of the money then then spend them on something i don’t even use an the value is not there so i don’t you know the quality may not be there but the the way how they branded and they make multi billion dollar industry out of you know something like this ah coffee or that glass of wine but we are really really good at finding something that’s working okay and making it better yeah this is what i want to just say this is awesome because i think if he keeps going doing this weekend maybe inspire somebody heal africa and start you know using our manuals and do please come back and she said please come back next month we cannot repeat this right so this was the biggest order i i mean in that nineteen years old and the eighty do you really think so i think so and i think the italians have the best coffee so we could just create a peace treaty between the two countries and he said just come to the company next week you’re going to get a car i said oh well i don’t really want car he said no you’re going to become to be employee and you’re going to go oh my god i can’t change anything i just did now no it’s okay i’ll just keep everything the way it is i’m i’m happy in the moment so he’s looking for the news the latest model and and has to have it like my iphone is five s.
77:07 – 73:28
e. people laughing at me because i have old in from france and which one is it it is called doce salata oh yeah yeah well you know it’s it’s here in downtown really nice restaurant can you know read my paper and have one of amazing cappuccinos and he just kinda glares out me like dude you can’t sit here all day yeah you need comparing to let’s say two different continents countries and and it’s it’s for me it’s i’m living so it’s it’s interesting you i’m so glad that you have created the space and naples is going to be you know ten percent happier now that we have this this place somehow we compete with them okay never mindless no i like what they do they have their own clientele to people go there for years i mean then maybe we would win you know and actually there’s a restaurant here in naples that does italian coffee and they they shipped their pastries you saying it but i understand exactly when you don’t come up you know sometimes people just forget that they do need some of this stuff and they come to the way i don’t know what to do right and i might suggest an american as i am you know some improvements like maybe we should do yes i i think that in often when i travel i’ll see cafe next to another cafe next to another cafe everyone is selling the come to enjoy coffee and conversation and good relationships that’s awesome well i just want to wrap it up because even talking over our and something we may be boring some people money too and i’m thinking like you’re from italy do you know the deal this is what you know this is the thin so he for years he was kind of tough you kind of looked at me funny and cuts sliced in front of you the place to go to he’s kind of grumpy bastard to be honest i know there’s etonians it’s like i camp out there sometimes and yeah i got it i mean united states is great on on branding this country and the whole idea brent yeah i agree with you yeah i mean different cultures and different countries will offer an experience different things and you know speaking of iphone like an open the business and start selling that was my first thing so what i did was i i found because the company appear with our with our with the way americans think just the way we think about commerce is like we were talking
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Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1
– Aired Sep 30, 2019
Full episode transcription
00:10 – 12:05 – Aired at 12:12 PMBurst Length 11:54
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 1
12:05 – 25:56 – Aired at 12:24 PMBurst Length 13:50
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 2
00:26 – 36:33 – Aired at 12:12 PMBurst Length 36:07
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 3
33:21 – 47:17 – Aired at 12:45 PMBurst Length 13:56
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 4
27:50 – 58:34 – Aired at 12:40 PMBurst Length 30:43
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 5
55:50 – 73:18 – Aired at 1:08 PMBurst Length 17:27
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 6
55:40 – 80:30 – Aired at 1:08 PMBurst Length 24:49
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 – burst 7
We Got Permit for our Coffee Shop Episode #290 Apr. 11th. 2019 – Aired Apr 11, 2019
Divine Naples Daily Episode #252 Mar. 4th. 2019 – Aired Mar 4, 2019
Divine Naples Daily Episode #242 Feb. 22nd. 2019 – Aired Feb 22, 2019
Divine Naples Daily Episode #240 Feb. 20th. 2019 – Aired Feb 20, 2019
Divine Naples Daily Episode #239 Feb. 19th. 2019 – Aired Feb 19, 2019
Divine Naples Daily Episode #221 Feb. 1st. 2019 – Aired Feb 1, 2019
Divine Naples Daily Episode #215 Sep. 3rd. 2018 – Aired Sep 3, 2018
Full episode transcription
Lets Talk Life in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich over Coffee Episode # 1 | 5 months ago
00:10 – 14:45
apple yeah i try to wear the same thing or combinations of the same things every day why keeps life simple less to think about reserve bandwidth for the and try to move around a little bit and i’m a big daily routine guy are you yes really everday is pretty predictable okay so we’re gonna keep him alive here yeah his the book is written by a woman named patricia highsmith she wrote a book called talented mister ripley okay cool soviet days ago and we had this immediate chemistry click enemy decided to start down doing podcast maybe we’ll be able to help some orders i’m to be personality on our podcast own his own show here and i will let him introduce himself how’s it going this is freddie when i w i i like to wake up in the morning we dead noise just just the magical kazakhstan right and maybe we will create contended will be never aging and somehow freely will become to be history figured being right in many many things so it because we just keep me keep me incognito so i’m very familiar with that we didn’t voice noise or wherever USA roosters are my thing to try when i’m doing my best daily routine is key you know well it’s interesting oh so you very organized very methodical i would say right really have you know somehow exposed you know your stuff but i just wanna say something about freddie here he came to the coffee shop view maybe a year ago yes i came in and out for three years or so i’d come in for a month and out i was traveling full time for three years outside the country thirty day how do i start my day yeah well i try to wake up with the sun like jason do you agree with that yeah you like can you hear the roosters i’ve roosters out outside of my place so i hear the roosters next door start to do their thing uh-huh waking up and everybody knows this voice is rich behind a mic and this divine naples podcast saw let’s say your name is freddie what did you choose that freddie miles in gaza former broadcasting beginning this talk adults and today we have i would say another guest because you will be nov that’s nice try pretty so you you started your the early the needed one jim well yeah on the good days i go straight to the gym uh-huh just just kicked on and let me ask you just want to introduce you a little bit and very coming from so sounds good open and very interesting and i just immediately thought it would be a nice to you know make records over that so let’s keep this going so you moved to naples government based i can’t discuss freddie come on you’re the secret edward snowden excuse me but yeah hoop in naples for a while as stop on my way to hawaii okay yeah i was based in hawaii for a long time based human based like a for next decade or something who knows who knows i’m always open to what comes next but for now this is home okay so legislate keep it the and things well these this is very click the chemistry’s there just very interesting i have to tell you the conversations that we had here are so sounds some successes some failures hopefully you’re always failing forward oh that’s interesting thought oh well if you do it and make sure you put your hands so on my way out west stop in naples i had some family here and i just kinda fell in love with the place also so now you’re gonna this is gonna be your destination freddie hawaii’s that they’ll be about this character what is it this is not your real name so we know that right freddy is a character in one of my favorite movies and books think to go back and business or what do you think you know yes i think i’d like to get back into commerce but i want to do it smarter and mojo simple but make sure people know a little bit more about you so you had a few businesses right very successful businesses now you’ve kind of trying to rediscover yourself necessarily harder okay working from anywhere around the world optimizing ourselves for health and wealth probably yeah you want to fail small and win big every go so now people really getting a little glimpse of talk about anything you want lifestyle entrepreneurship is my specialty living life with working smart smarter um more enjoyable way each time oh that’s cool let me is in no time is that i’ve got eleven thirty okay good soy’s after lunch cast one of the previous podcasts instead of going south i just took a write in an ended up here what do you think about our podcast the podcast is self convinced fresh ideas maybe detox whatever you wanna call it right so now is the time we feel life where are you trying to find this second breadth right yeah i’ve had ups and downs that’s my cue to get up time to get up now everybody knows everybody listening to this podcast on DNA delivered casino i grew up in a village somewhere we don’t say the country about interesting thinks that near objectives on on issues that are happening maybe they’ll be happening maybe people maybe help business owners because first cup of coffee i’m really sitting here having a cup of coffee and having this conversation so let’s talk about lifestyle what do you think about naples lifestyle general in in this ration- that is living working in places let’s talk about different countries that he experienced and let’s compare lifestyle here europe asia you chilling downey sunday you here divine april’s coffee shop probably feel good i wandered in this morning i felt i felt the actually i stumbled into your offi believe it or not in coffee shop i’ve been moving since six o’clock this morning and setting annabel helping and donating some coffee to local church so you all are going to be really interesting so you had to sell your business we don’t do any more details than that and you just end up jobless are you and some different places what do you think i agree it sounds fantastic so what what is your favorite country let’s start with this oh man that’s tough one time but anyways so italy yes can i ask about this coffee because it’s fantastic is it turkish because it has an interesting so eighteen sixty two first coffeehouse into all opened in in vienna they invented roasting machine and they strictly they strictly i sound like i’m selling something just have nothing for sale nothing nothing nothing to gain vis either so it’s twelve thirty this is my first cup of coffee in australia so the coffee you can tell comes from three countries the arabic countries we don’t know origin because they don’t yes so what’s your favorite preparation style well we jump from the lifestyle in italy to me and having coffee because of the stanford quality and quality of the podcast is one of the things too so we are happy to be able to serve you too coffee the coffee is roasted a us only are becoming and what that means is the coffee is the highest quality can probably find involved the very strong there’s no bitterness them up there so people can listen but you know we wanna keep the podcast interesting with different subjects and i want you to be part of the one podcast of ican we can thank you have a lot to offer and and you know your experience because he traveled the world and you fairly young you know it’s just amazing and i my opinion is pinks incredibly well done you it’s it’s so well done it was a little intimidating to jump on this i thought we would just hang out and talk about whatever so it’s nice well the couple of favorites i would say i’m attached to sicily so it’ll realize that’s part of italy but its place there’s no after two days there’s really you can you can taste a lot of fruits and and the coffee is very high quality so we are happy to have this coffee listener i’m sure mad you’ll be very happy to hear that you know he he put a lot of our survey that with me and we have over three hundred shows you’ll be eh just we can create a lot of all you for young business owners here or even older business owners here in naples florida so let’s just start with this subject get micro focused on things social like wine coffee i’ve been all about pizza recently but i i did several months traffic is julius minal we finally got the first brennan coffee shop which is jewish brandt they started yeah well yeah you you’ve ever been there yeah it’s a it’s a pretty amazing place so it has so much history because it has the african invasion the greeks were there for interesting we’re not on a different topic because lifestyle in italy is all about coffee that all that’s true that’s true so if he culture okay my version but of course i’m not following the perfect i’m not a perfect example because i don’t follow the instructions which comes to instruction manual and that is the daydream or you know talk to your friend but you need to turn off on and sometime i don’t because i had a lot of things here and you see me moving around so you know it’s an easy you said it yourself you don’t up here you’ll like it from now you’re going to be coming more often you’re going to get detected and plus we are happy you like our podcast finally have i you know you cannot surprise your knowledge of history then forget about turks turks are everywhere they kind of they they nailed holier say then is roasted in italy or austria but it’s family owned business five hundred employees generations so it’s really interesting going around looking at different coffees and i’d been ordering mock jato just makihata right and i would i would someone would serve me with like a lot mark jato different in fact i’m pulling up video here and you can see well i can see it but nobody else because well let me just yeah no too so i i i put a little extra effort there and that always count so yes my best preparation reserve i’m just you know for longer a sipping coffee shoe grounded and stays there for five minutes before it starts sinking so you know it’s it’s amazing coffee depends how i feel during today just you know sip the i’m on a little foam on top and i up and i’m a coffee nerd so i’ve been all over the world tasting coffee i go into these micro i i like to put a little foam in fact i like to do my phone with with this with heavy cream if possible so kind of gives a creamier flavor and there’s item so the whole thing but what do you think about this quality credible yeah in fact it’s it’s i almost don’t want to ruin the taste with any foam which is the the coffee that drape there in there but if i need a little jolt you know two three expressive during the day at that would be my thing sugar content so i can stay within my keto diet oh my god you know this is funny thing i i love everybody’s diet and everybody’s gluten free and everybody’s a long time and also the foresee italian so it’s just a fascinating what about turkish you forget about the turks were in there to make sure we are clearly we know our study you need to take fifteen and offer fifteen minutes when drinking julius mine and just you know just kind of you can star in the wall and just also have cafe culture so they are really experts in being in the moment that’s drip if i need to just you know get energy and experts writer i like espresso macchiato version of it okay so it depends on the coffee so let’s say we have these vena blend that is the drip and i love because it’s very smooth he can drink this day and sometime i have to all right let’s go to the subject of the italian lifestyle what is i’ll talk to you in that country well land cultures and italian italy france spain shop and just fascinating it’s when they see you they stop thinking their full attention to you of course he thought he doesn’t have been so they roast coffee because they know they have a lot of good women there so shortsighted parsley in italy and partially in to stay on the break because i drink too much of it and the espresso being just straight express all you know it’s amazing the kremlin top you you know some lemon cellos or something like this and by the end of that four to six hours you really know that person within a day you really have a relationship which is different than here where isn’t that and and the f- fasting wherever you go everybody does all of things now hurricane comes and public is empty how that happens so they they value one on one communication they love to bump into each other and the town square or the coffee anything for one hundred percent short on do one or two and that’s my thing from very long time because i want to disappoint anybody and i can say you know i did it next or something and you just bump into each other again and just just you know the connection is there you don’t lose the friendship and that’s that’s just what i miss a lot of times i don’t you wanna so busy about where we’re heading well this is fantastic you know i really liked what he saying because i miss europe and this is one of the things we i miss example i have a lot of italian frontier and one of them whose name is luca he used to be managed to in milano milano everybody else familiar envy just come on it’s just amazing when when you realize you know people are able and capable of doing these things but but here is everything on run and and i was sort of like what like this is not a mock jato right i didn’t understand there was a difference between a espresso mark jato in a lot to mock yet complete and you never know where that day might lead you might be invited to lunch and ended up at someone’s home for four to six hours just eating and drinking wine and ended up with became to be really good friends and you know we had a lot of conversations and things and then he left milan on disappear for a little bit and he knew be opening you know when we liked the food we go then in summary and it should be ready for a swimming suit then then he started listening you still you know getting little bit skinner important they just stop and lifestyle and you just grab a coffee in the first gulf she’ll be erna corner you sit there for hours just catching up and i just have chills just seen a lot of times this culture is more you know like self oriented and more agenda there are business related and things around for a little bit and it’s nice to have friends that he can have a conversation and you know he’s honest you know that’s what i missed and for example you know gluten gluten that and then home they eat chips and the the toast and because they have to liquidate it i don’t think they will throw it away so you know i like that morning and you know what what what is the for example the breakfast of catania the city catania in i don’t know i know all the bottle water seems to whatever you buy for hurricane preparation then you have six months and everybody so everybody comes to the restaurants and highest you know the europeans i’m from europe yes we europeans are different the v.
14:46 – 23:53
v. publicly say we are not a shame of the are like sponges you’ve part of the family you feel it just because they hug you so you know so strong and and and you know even if you don’t see him for six months you know he rhodesia’s been talking about this in a meeting croissant is my breakfast after twelve o’clock right and the first coffee so i’ve been running on fumes holman up catania and double checking that is not a separate place from the catania that i know which is in sicily in is in fact sicily yeah that’s fantastic yeah so amos castle in catania that i toured once and it’s really an incredible place so interesting you mentioned that right so now we learn said very somebody can benefit not always have benefit you benefit long run i always say i i run marathon you know it’s not a sprint because we’re going to be here about you you’ll of coffee you like traveling your favorite lifestyle listening italy right one of the favorites yes sicily as you go south just just some you don’t see somebody for a year or something you hit them on on the street and and it’s true friend and you know of course it in italy things get less fancy but people become more friendly i believe and it’s funny i think maybe the same is true in found us you know in catania but it’s really their their national work on that the city breakfast and we’re going to be having those breakfast items i’m in travel i travel in united states and you know i don’t know i don’t know if i agree completely saying but you know there’s a lot of we thought imprint on introduce you so make sure you you know you know some of the good guys here and you can feel a little bit of italy here too yes be find people friendly in many places but the mixed of the people that we have here in this city it’s it’s kind of if you want named by cities in here in the coffee shops or we can kind of have the connection with the europe because these european job with the quality of the coffee and also we feel like a lot of the conversations are that honest you know just a lot of agenda you know i don’t know i don’t want nothing negative but there’s the united states in some ways you mean south or north yes as you come south of the united states things become less fancy but people become more warm and welcoming and friends oh you’re gonna be doing a lot of different coffees here we’re going to be doing touchier coffee he starts a couple couple there’s a lot of ideas we will bring in and we will you know people because it can meet really interesting people here in this coffee shop sure you already did right absolutely what again i was just looking you find him here to florida is not part of the south i should’ve clarified goodness i hate to get you on the corner and inexpensively in italy yeah you want to live inexpensively wanna spend very little money and enjoy life when how long before he’s like like tom back and forth quite a bit so business i’ve never done business there now i try to do my business there’s a saying they have in south america that says earned they need than others but if he’d have business here people come from all the different parts of the wall and you just have to understand all of them before you start making business you know thinks caused and how much less they can be do certain things that’s a great point usually when i go to a place for the first time just book a hotel through like kayak or flat in sicily in most small oceanside towns for three to five hundred dollars per month so it’s just i mean it’s just really out how to live in and then you want to spend that money in places that are less expensive like latin countries like spain france italy very inexpensive outside the major cities you can rent italy so you spend how much time did you spend only total in my life probably about a year in different places throughout italy i come back oh you know travelocity or something so i’m not gonna save a lot of money on the first time but as i get to know the area i can bounce around easily see where in general so you’d probably say on on cuba’s young southern must step exactly so that’s most friendly there when you travel you know just like you say you go south but the humidity for minnesota and i find them very friendly there’s just amazing what what what part i wanna live in usually it’s not the most expensive area but i wanna live kind of where the young hip people are so normally i’ll book a hotel near hi there and that’ll be my starting point then i’ll i’ll start walking around talking to people and find out oh the better cheaper more young hip area is one town one part over lers spend pesos oh that’s interesting yeah i mean if you can make money online or you can make money in the continental united states you’re you’re better off you’d be surprised you do know what eder breakfast no surprise that crosstown ham and cheese and you will say what here’s my hack my travel hack which is i look for an h.
23:53 – 45:30
m. what store it’s like a clothing store and you can get an airbnb there for like twenty dollars a day or something like that and it’s even it’s like even better to live in it would be like living in times square in new york probably not the best place but maybe so better neighborhood or east village right and i can see your personality doesn’t you know it’s not a problem for you to talk to people and it’s just one of the things stickers on their windows every business and they seem to all have perfect five star review all like five hundred reviews so i don’t know if there’s like a russian click farm that they’re hiring have we just start conversation about anything any subject and and when you open them up i mean those those are the real savings you know those are weapons right there st down and you walk a little extra but there’s a big savings yeah tripadvisor especially in europe seems to be everybody has trip advisor an and ATM’s generally located in the central central part of the city’s i’ll start an h. m. and i’ll try to find a hotel nearby northeastern state because most people here are migrants from other places you’re right now i try to retire to go back to up has a european feel when you walk in maybe even from the street it’s obvious that this is a european sensibility you have going here really what is the first calvin combined his bike he had a couple of espressos and just be laughing you know the the the onus hawks you get from these people’s like you know he’s like you monday and everything uncontrolled like month what’s that yeah how long it took you to have everything like the spending under control a lot of times you know you have to ask people amino say it’s it’s a little different southern florida is way different than for example miami in west palm beach in boca raton well you know it’s it’s hard to say european feeling oxen there’s something that you feel as soon as you look at the front restaurant my theory is that when you are drawn eh when you walk in yes i could give a couple of examples or stories where i think that this is where i’ve become our gotten this belief from the business here it’s it’s kind of difficult to get around because if you do business and you live with somebody you get that culture in your head do you understand how people think what you and then just got to figure it out there’s no manual go to this country do this do that what i’m saying oh how long it took you before he figured out this is where you’re going to be for next year and how much listen we we we kind of share secrets in websites everything would be sa- local experiencing best places for the beach and things of that nature but i know how you know how to how we end up in i have a theory about this coffee culture meeting great people that you mentioned okay go ahead well first of all i have to give you kudos because your particular copy the reason why we wanted to do this because the processing you have in in your head then how we process the thoughts and and put them in the world is just amazing so based on a feeling to a place you’ll meet people who have the same vibration look at you now this is this is the gold coming out to to get these reviews or what but tripadvisor doesn’t really help much when you’re traveling and yelp is virtually nonexistent in most parts of europe yeah so anyway did you find they’re not may may not be always the right decision to do you know locals will always the truth because or we just followed him right there just followed some local agency vertigo for for beer worried they go to you know for fun and that’s the best way to do it so so then you figured it out and you move to another street right maybe you know video statements but the south ends with georgia and alabama oh i see that’s what he meant it as that is correct as florida is considered the thing is from st while you have the red umbrellas and you have a distinct clean sort of design but there’s something and he’ll leave and people are sitting here coffee shop and this is going to be very interesting yes i agree with you a hundred percent i think about this but you know what this is absolutely amazing thought he bringing in so if you see people sitting here they probably gonna feel saying the city and you go like okay what would you have dinner today you ask some of the locals you know what i mean that’s that’s how we find best restaurants tripadvisor and older older you know attractions you know just knowing you can talk to anybody about anything and people feel comfortable they open up and they tell you the secrets he’s almost like us here you know we we don’t you don’t have to have from sorta this very warm people but from example people from new york your new jersey there’s just different personalities was working on line and i was able to fortunate i wanted to learn tango dancing okay i had a cousin that had moved there who had become a professional would you like to hear one of course okay i don’t even breathe right now i’m ready okay so i was living in buenos aires argentina again also serving green juice like sort of like organic juices anyway one day this i go there i’m half asleep i haven’t had any caffeine and apartment bleaker street so i go into this this coffee shop or juice shop order a drink and i’m standing on the corner trying to figure out my bearing where’s my spot gonna be i find this organic place it’s got again green juice coffee whatever a couple of blocks away from the is there was one particular cafe that stood out to me the vibe of it felt very organic felt well put together so i started going to this cafe thing i muttered to her like so where you’re from or something like that and she looks at me and she could just tell my energy was like toxic i was just like you know nervous standing in line in front of me was one of the most beautiful women i’ve ever seen in my life looks like sort of like an a south american angelina jolie wow august so quickly within a week i was moved out of the hotel and into an airbnb in this area anyway the first thing i do when i settle into a neighborhood is looked for copy shop cafe where we’re going to be my one or two or three places i’m gonna stop in and get my coffee in the mornings so looking at cafe ended up the place called palermo soho or palermo hollywood was where all the young hip kind of less expensive but really modern and cool young people were new york state in manhattan so anyway i’m wondering around manhattan a year and a half later what’s the first thing i do go for a coffee shop right try to find i didn’t see the girl again a year and a half goes by and i end up doing okay i do this apartment swab from the wchs where am i know manhattan’s kind of kind of medicine all around me and there’s a girl standing on the corner she turned she says hey you look like you’re lost really from philadelphia so she was she was american and she got her drink and i got my drink in there were sort of energy but it was it was awkward and then she got it buddy of mine who had an apartment in the west village manhattan he wanted to stay in in my apartment in in hawaii so he came from months date in hawaii and you know wasn’t fully awake and she kind of looked at me kind of uneasily in sort of answered me with a one word answer which was action orthodoxy and left and right before she got into a taxi she turned and looked at me and then left never to be seen again so i go back until my cousin that night and yup i’m lost grandma she says i’m heading this way to chelsea market do you want to just walk with me a little bit and i’m i’m sort of disoriented so i say sure she american country i’m i’m worried for her safety a little bit that’s what i’m wondering yes and she’s she does she’s there right now actually she’s back and forth all the time i was issue frozen and my tracks probably very moment i cannot imagine yeah no coffee yet oh okay yeah so i’m standing there trying to think of something lucky you yeah so i freeze i’m going like oh god i gotta say something right but i i couldn’t think of anything to say this woman you couldn’t think anything’s say couldn’t think of any weren’t in argentina a year and a half ago where you and she froze kidding me and she said how did you know that and i said were you in a coffee shop like you know in the middle of palermo soho and cause i’m starting to realize this is she looks a lot like this girl at this girl in the coffee shop it was weird you know i was bummed out because i didn’t say the right thing right and since you okay interesting whatever so i ended up staying in argentina for four months they’re all over the place she’s telling me the story of how she worked at this bar and now she’s become spiritual teacher and she travels all over the world and wish we did a shot of jack daniels and we’re sitting there we’re going to go to chelsea market next i look over at her and i go look familiar we met and on the way to the market because i got to pick up my check do you wanna come with me so i said sure so i stopped into this bar with her and she said it was the bar in central and the worst it was like town it’s like times square new york so it was great it looked like from the map leclerc a great place to be but go to a city like i said i booked the hotel right in the in the central sorry your cousin is a female or mutiple blonde girl living in the city he goes how the hell did you know i was in argentina’s freaking me out who are you and i said i think we met and i kind of told her about the story about meeting this girl she goes oh my god they created the movie coyote ugly really do you ever heard of this scene yes so it’s called something else but anyway it was the actual original place that was it had thinks that that happened to you there’s no logical explanation for this i don’t know i think i have my own explanation i don’t know if it’s logical looks attractive but i didn’t wanna look her up and down you know what i mean so i just kind of walked with her and we were talking and she sounded interesting and she said hey i wanna stop into this bar inc in naples there may be a handful less than five of places that have this sort of operation and if you keep going to these places they draw in the same type of people maybe there’s only a few really statistically there’s not that many places and and these people continue to find their coffee shop and their juice bar and they keep all but but my theory is there are fewer of these places like like an energy spots i would say places that have this particular vibration than we think said she looks at me funny so i don’t think so so we hang out a little more have one more drink i look over and go i know i know we’ve met and i said had to have couple drinks to get your memory back what happened to her beauty first of all what i wondering and secondly like you know it’s just like this is this is your life it difficult pass that has gone on but other than that i think any one who’s immigrated from a different country has a lot of optimism so i still have to give you an eight point five okay okay why eastern european there’s a real ism that you know there’s some there’s some sort of sense of the the hard the hard ah positively from one to ten would still positively well there’s a little bit of eastern european pessimism so i will give you an eight point five the todd there is okay so if the energy what kind of energy field here i if i had to summer joining these places so they’re crisscrossing each other more than they think that’s that’s my law this just be on our understanding but this is exactly wh- why won’t do this because things are happening in your life are not cannot explain them i just have the feeling is the energy i felt when i walked in here i would say authenticity would be the word that comes to mind okay there’s interesting and if you have you know you meeting somebody in the in the city of south america were you just like going to learn tangle and north about you know if you meeting people in saint places they probably feel the same veil you’d probably have same processing thoughts the way you do and they may be there’s a sense of an i would call it a no bullshit happiness is the feeling of authenticity that comes the radiates from this place and from you well that’s all from me you know for something anita no you’re around and she comes to you and offer us help that’s i mean tell me more what happened to her have same goals like you do and maybe that’s why you feel comfortable around that places because you know people energize you and positive people attract positive people ah i see the world through a different filters right and i still this from scott adams who’s the creator of dilbert have you heard of him know these things one book is how to fail at everything and still succeed i believe and he’s just coming out with a new book now and he was one of the only people to predict trump would win the election you has over the course of his life seeing the world through different filters and over time he upgrades his filters at the current he’s seeing the world through what he calls a persuasion had he’s sort of like a an influence or now and he he’s an expert in the art of persuasion and he’s written several books and though he is not a republican he thought trump was very persuasive and he’s an expert in persuasion so in his book or one of his books he talks about filters so he sir can you describe precision he sees the world and i i see the world so slow slightly different filter but his filter is that he can predict the future the reason why you’re seeing them maybe there’s a reason why they coming here maybe you should discover this and let me start looking into this is interesting thought and the fact that story that was you i remember it she goes what was with you that morning your energy was completely all on hold on i need to stop it here hold him so you telling me you really well i think you that’s nice compliment i didn’t get a summary on one-sentence like this ever before so that’s kind of new okay well things in life and maybe mutilating for another woman in different parts of all very meet her again but you know yeah it was yeah so i you wanna call us pregnancy wherever this but this interesting interesting subject i love this because you know you more most probably light right and this and then you’re on how later you meet that person on on the streets of new york or are you just exchange for month and you’re looking for you and now i’ve upgraded it to believe that in this is not we’ll there will be a new upgrade at some point but the most best newest best thinking is that history okay and so he sees the world through persuasion filter prior to that he saw the world through like an atheism filter through basically nothing means anything drawn into these environment certain types of environments have similar vibrations meaning that their brains are firing off on different patterns that are similar we are attracted to those who have similar endorphins firing in our brains so if you are in similar vibration state in your brain certain certain number ratio of endorphins and that for example if you have a positive attitude your business is going well your body is fit you have a high amount of they met when you visit this in past few interesting people here in the same energy you know just the people on the same thune and then me we may be attracted to one another energy and that’s what i think is going on in these copy shops like the from the story i told it’s that people who were house of endorphins so you’ll be attracted to people who have the same amount of endorphins this is why people who like go to yoga studios seem to want to hang out together and people who go to cocktail we’re floating around in this ball this big blue ball and you know live the best life possible while you’re here have fun before that he’s maybe saw that operating on different levels of endorphins so it’s like the healthier we can make our brains the higher levels we can rise to in terms of our peer groups okay bars are sort of on a different vibration they they kind of congregate but it’s not so much spiritual as in my in my filter as it is that were the reason why you guys are meant to dimes in two different places devolved well that particular time yes it did feel like that for the next couple of hours we walked the city together we had this really strong connection free as he’s gotten older for example well my filter has been upgraded also i used to believe in sort of a spiritual energy okay like a vibration filter okay okay and yeah so i probably share or i mean i don’t wanna know world through a alien filter where he thought we were dropped in by aliens and before that he saw the world through a religious filter so he’s upgraded his filter like him or not he’s persuasive right so he saw the person he’s he’s he says the trump maybe one of the handful five most persuasive people ever well from what happened after the coyote bar not with the with the girl i mean how did you are you in contact with her because i believe need to process that information i responded but you know it’s interesting obviously hope you’re gonna get more so you know same minded people but i i’m sure you’re by saying who what people are what companies are most persuasive okay so you could say okay hillary clinton is less persuasive than donald trump negative people trek negative people so there’s a place for everyone i’m sure it did and if i start watching this if you see people coming back maybe there’s coming yourself is that right right so now i’m trying to level up again so i was twenty years in business for myself in different ways and now i’m looking for the next they experienced now he ended up in naples here and europe programming yourself is this the right environment for you to do this i haven’t decided yet the time and i mean did you do use yourself experience right so i think that high performing people like to are always looking for that next newest so they get bored like people who said yes hi challenging but achievable goals and achieve a high frequency of this goals sure and then and just kind of you know this is how you wanna be absolutely i think of the brain as a computer so we can uninstall the old software and install new software there was a point in my life where i i i said to you off mike i’d never been depressed so i cannot judge people and how they just say okay and i’m happy let’s shoot for mars so it could be an entrepreneur could be an athlete it could be someone who’s like me i’m i’m more of a lifestyle entrepreneur off wear next newest upgrade wanna level up the software you know what i mean high performing people that means people that you know achieve what they put her as a goal and then large corporation american company and you know it’s just you get this this energy and you wanna move we want to be moving people realize the internet is here and it’s gonna stay so they take a little bit more seriously but you know it’s still not enough and i think i feel and how it is to be depressed because this is something i don’t know like i never use drugs so i cannot really jut somebody using drugs or smoke i never but it seems like a it’s a wonderful environment for someone who wants to focus and doesn’t want much distraction this study at uh-huh so my goal wasn’t to go make a billion dollars but i wanted to have you know three times more than my spending at all times coming in okay from whatever business i was involved you know fresh minded and go getters that really you know make up in the morning and and just crushing it twenty four seven and you’re right in miami there’s is that there’s a lot of entrepreneurial positive forward moving energy in miami but there’s also a lot of distraction in miami you know the funding you’re saying this i somehow somehow question myself this is the right place i wanna be rest of you know my youth say because i came from big city i used to work for l.
45:30 – 57:03
here in a business general is kind of interesting because and that’s my opinion strictly you know now is changing because some sort of upgrade what what what inspires me what interests me what’s the next level so let’s just say this we talk about your your you know somehow a little bit okay so you know it it just i can tell it’s bothers me like when somebody smoke in my face so i just i don’t like the smell of it so that’s the only thing but if that’s how i see it so so how you can you i mean if you let’s say if you the yoga guy and you don’t wanna be anymore just gonna be straight to cook the to describe it i just want to keep going it’s just you know something just driving me more than that that need or want to be on the beach i nobody smokes or not i don’t judge the people are still choice and i just wanna say you know when when i was here few years is wendy never seen the star wars i never you know some of the thinks what normal people do i don’t because i’m not abnormal scott adams is sort of a talking head last time on the beach you know when was the last year i don’t even i mean really i don’t even know whenever swimming last time seriously it’s just the debris komo asked me if i’ve ever fishing i was never under both fishing i live twenty three years and there was never fishing i mean just things you wanna develop you wanna create you want to be surrounded by people that that have you know say mind and then you come here and ever chills that just the lifestyle and that was always how my comfort zone okay so you know now did you get to the point you settle down enables now you are the point when european if you wanna do something and and this is perfect place for for life family life and a lot of benefits but if you really wanna be having career and working for a company the following something some some kind of trend of standard and and by following you he’s getting behind anybody so there’s not enough people that that is wonderful place and i don’t have time for it or i don’t create i’m for it but i just have so much in me to achieve something or create something i don’t even know how more hunger and maybe even different energy for it but here it’s just seems like if somebody can work just four days a week they will chill on the beach for three days as me when i was because i i feel say and by me keep going it’s kinda funny because a lot of times even you know look at the polls purdue i know a lot of times on the weekends they go they hang up on boats and they do stuff it’s just really you know i don’t know i mean people think i’m weird but that’s okay is there some time i go there i do live on facebook guide take pictures and that’s about it i don’t even think my shoes off you know it’s just like it’s embarrassing to say we live in it’s we post under divine apples you know facebook video doing the coffee shop a lot of times i helped working night and every time i started i always it’s gonna be really difficult in this city because there’s not many companies they can provide you with that of new york and washington DC and andorra places will probably more but you know then reason and just brings new new views on things is just sort of rushing you know she just really interesting because when you when you live here for you know few years you’ve kind of a there’s a there’s attention from all this surrounding i don’t know what that is but i mean do you finding enough people that are virus or same energy of fragrances you i would say that would be one of the drawbacks i agree with a lot of what you said naples is sort of like a warm bath it feels amazing and it’s relaxing but you don’t wanna stay in too long in your travels and you know and stuff he experienced you know on on different countries amazing so thank you you know we need somebody like this just shut me down don’t make me based on how did you start how did you start your entrepreneurial journey i’m curious you have so much different in father that that is very that actually i have to say that he was he was maybe it’s time to get this i’m i’m talking for five minutes you know describing something you can put nicely and beautifully in when i was maybe twelve thirteen wow first of all a lot to do with the life i live as a teenager julie right and the lifestyle that that that time was it was just very different cultures different people and and to me it’s just were we missing if you get in one place for too long you just kind of then you’d never leave and maybe you say that wchs you can get dorm in a lot of things you know you just you just numb you don’t receive or your brain doesn’t work like when he outside and you certainly said you know not a shift i love working night i have no competition because all of these leagues i just love this thing you know it’s just like if you think about you only worse in farming so for seven hundred years we have we had properties and lands and stuff like that and always farming and farming very opinionated and a lot of times end up in jail for that because that’s what the system did and then later on i found out the communist actually killed my grandfather and they took everything from from our family and uh-huh meeting interesting people that come from outside just get like you chill down i have opinion travel the world and you know have have just the story apar- till you’re gonna stuck to cook i mean he’s there possibility to sir programmers serve all you just heard that from born being born or the way how you live your life and board my first bike which was kind of strange because there were no to manila toma bills not many bikes so not too many i’m too old to travel i’m too he’s never true but you know just the fact that you bringing your views and your europeans here that you collect them so just the whole drive and everything that he put in his life i think i got those jeans and the DNA yes you know if you met some policemen it was it was bad luck or something happened so me twelve year old on a bike and moving in going on it’s amazing like in the history like when did i start when when did you think to okay let me just ask this question since this this whole podcast started being in uh-huh podcast begins and ends so no let’s say there’s a did you guys are you staying in kentucky lower now i i don’t speak with her anymore how can be moving because you know of course you don’t wanna go certain places so but i was twelve years old i made money by helping somebody rewards when they were like warm serious package it up and put it in a little bow for you yeah thank you that’s that’s perfect that’s perfect then how communist countries us thanks so we were throwing stuff over the river and trading like and i started you’re so they killed him and took everything away my father was three so he literally didn’t know didn’t know his his father and he put himself in self he’s not the most sexy job into all you know is very hard and we live in one around and my grandfather didn’t wanna give it to the community round and start traveling and start you know start figuring it out then i start throwing two different country the merchandise and we start tango dancer so i i wanted to check in to make sure she was doing okay down there and also just explore the city so the first thing i do tools and it just grew and grew and grew and then communist fell and i was already known so just continue and bigger events and i ended up in the doing i just make sure you know it’s always stays in limits but i always want explore wants to do something so in order to do this in communist country you need to be rating so i was living in a different country and and and we didn’t have certain things in our country they had more of that and we we had something they didn’t have like if you wanna be free you need to be able to be moving and bosses and you know all this the government owned the transportation is not perfect rating tapes because we didn’t have music so i still trading thanks for coffee and i became to be DJ because i had so much music and in the school they did this interesting interesting time now bringing them so i start being DJ so by like fourteen thirteen fourteen i was already DJ we have you would just wondered i’m taking over i’m interviewing okay so i go back i go back is there that i never stopped and when i was twelve my parents were divorced than in when i was i actually started oh you know i don’t want to say the country but the let’s say i live in new communist country i mean you can figure out by right but i’m not gonna say which country i his farm and everything he had because he had he was the only one had a tractor in the ara and they needed it after they were nobody to pay you for it but this is like ever vince they was having session for our session of music for three different from very early age that he will get everything back and that’s how lift through the commune so just imagine living forty some years life that kind of exploring i never listened to anyone i never listened to my mother and you know i didn’t have no fodder so i did whatever i wanted in limits i never got in trouble never are are forty five years life that you know you don’t have what belongs to you and somebody else had that and then later on you know he got everything back gotcha was unheard of yeah so so i started you know this started like little business which i didn’t get paid for because you know events like for seven eight hundred people and there was over weakened that’s yeah that that that was that was interesting amazing then i started getting paid for red and just an open first business when i turned eighteen next day after my birthday i was able to like legally open business i just went to uh-huh that’s just the always very optimistic person hero living life in communism we’ve become to be one so i went to the government and you know did wherever to do and and i remember when i said to my mother i’m gonna open a business and she says what is that i said well that’s you can do not have the works if somebody can refer self and she said that’s what you need this they walked in a bank vicious like a suitcase or some of them which shoe boxes and they fill those things with the money and went home and they were sitting chauvinism safety safety and this is how ex exactly the whole economy started you can walk i mean i have friends they did and i picked up five different companies so i selected very carefully the products you know something i don’t remember exactly what aren’t table and he’s like okay so now the money would i’m going to do some of them you know didn’t do the right thing and they like open business and failed and you know i never travelled by bus never scheduled anything i just kept going and always whenever i end up ivan inside the door and salt as how it was just the interesting to to think about right now that that the from beginning of my life you know i always an and i never took the and i never did this because i never crossed my mind is this easy road and i never picked easy road i always pick the harder and can mean thinks i do and just jump on the street he jake and just end up in the city and always sold and somehow sometime i got home night depends sir eighty nine amazing i heard about the black markets opening up into white markets during that time i studied this in school make me start talking about stuff i never talk about amazing what do you do to me nothing man just have more coffee yeah so i start handmade so some artist made three d.
57:03 – 77:06
map and that was displayed on different parts of the city and it was like an art and on those little shop ice cream store or you know what you probably gonna need choon have millions so why don’t they have millions and a national okay let’s good idea just me rau- entrepeneurship at its best it’s the best kind yeah but you know it just seems to me like if i will just go to the bank like everybody else and say hey parts they made those businesses that paid more bigger so they send out you know so in this whole graphic thing and there was interesting idea it because if you if you choose the easy way there’s much bigger chance you’re gonna fail and you you’re not going to learn anything guard no car no bicycle i just every morning i just look at a map and i pointed fingers this is where i’m going to go and i have backpack just make it look like i kept the money but some of the operating at the now but it was literally that easy to come to the bank and say hey i want to open a business and can i get some money going from businesses to businesses and i always ask what they do and you know opposite let me sell it for you right so because i have no problem to talk to people i mean it can nobody else can replicate them and that’s like to my heart and right now for instance would doing here it’s it’s all not a product was t shirts not a product like cleaning products and whatever i had had like five different companies imprisoning no business imagine you you know like everything’s owned by government and then two weeks later nothing is owned by government and if you wanna bread you need to find somebody who’s gonna bake it because it’s no more bakery the whole idea of this whole concept and even this podcast we doing right now is different and i’m glad to be doing it because you know people let’s just let’s agree in older thrice whoever but one of them was map like an advertisement my because they were doing some kind of three d map was way ahead of the times but easy and shortcut and one person oh we had this discussion with one of my friend and and she said you know that’s that’s good morning my name is margot wilson i would like to open business can i get some two million dollars on this what are you going to do i’m just going to open i started so this eighty nine that’s i mean i started basically eighty four maybe incredible this is how it started because if you choose the hardaway then then you know you’re going to get better and you’re going to get better than anybody else because experiences that you’re gonna have throughout the process really i have a couple of points that i am pulling away from your story which was amazing thank you i know that was a legendary time provocative the opportunity was on unbelievable if you had some sense of business and you showed up and and the way people spoke about that part of the world and when i say that part of the world i mean the former soviet union that part of the world but i’m not from russia as you for second i never heard that none of that you know just just everything’s different divine apples dot com is different i mean i kind of explained to you uh so so you know those people yesterday they didn’t meet the right time and the right moment and the right place to really know you so now they’re clueless will you truly are and when you come to the coffee shop have this conversation i heard you talking to marvin the local artists people in the street and you don’t know anything about him if they answering with a one word answer and perfect example you just told me now let me just continue to do i don’t wanna bore anybody here but you know it’s just i started selling for five different companies and kind of the hard way and even the coffee shop even menu the items on the breakfast you know we were thinking about all of that the very long time and i’m from russia despite could be but he doesn’t so that part of the world in the eighties was and i’m gonna say something yesterday night even and you just didn’t want to be alone and you end up in a bar we don’t gonna give them plug but you know you end up in bars sitting there loss and in the works where i knew some of them and one of them was ever employee has to be given soap unit at the right moment what he can learn what he can you know and you can have really different feeling from that human being or exchange and it’s amazing food so i i start picking up this big factories right so we have some of the factories five thousand employees ten thousand employees so other figured it out not using strategies right and i was sending this cleaning product and by government government had still some kind of old having this conversation and and kind of exposing myself a little bit my boss and my experiences is is just like we all are people we all have something and in place in certain like labor laws and stuff like that so i was like okay so i have this cleaning product which is basically soap right and i know that today over africa of initial i mean it sounds crazy right people say it’s too dangerous as if you’re a young man on the rise and you don’t know exactly we could easily just say okay we do pancakes and sausages everybody does that he’s fine everybody’s they’re disorganized easy you come here you see the menu and you’re gonna say okay let me think because i already heard somebody else at the problem if not the maybe just enrich people with the experiences we have through but you know it’s interesting you mean giving no samples immediately they were telling me everything they were telling me is in charge of this and this and that you know and normally nobody’s talking a- and if we can share information they can we can share to the experiences and we can share somehow that you know what we go through in life maybe for a future podcast i would love to hear your opinion on how you would do things over again knowing now knowing then what you know now every employee has to get one right so i don’t go to the factories and try to sell that because one sale was just taking cover me we’re just growing like mushrooms you know and you market everything is now open and people didn’t know what to do with that was just really interesting hearts explain because and i got to the point where i get smart so you know sunning well maybe it was the moment when i get smart maybe you know i get to the point where i stood nicely to security and give them anything so i wrote down everything and then went to dr did same thing and then went home try to doc them from inside so i went to the gate and you know those people on the gate what do you call them the security security so i started save some cash and so i had this author form and and i put the cash underneath of the second page and the you know what looking looking back to all this and having knowledge and information that i have today and sure grew up in this country you know i i mean i came you know sometimes people just don’t feel like talking about their pasta and stuff like that you just need to be in the moment and and it’s interesting if you can meet somebody good morning formation of all these people you know by just asking around and then one day i just went inside and here’s how i did i mean it was i for three hours almost you guys were pumping you know what i’m saying that the exchange here was so magical i didn’t i i was just whoa i wish for somebody to do this nevertheless i came to the to the first factory and i and what opportunities you would have targeted with all of that access to capital in a fresh brand new country opening up but anyway that’s no this is good now at that that particular time like you were saying they were opening businesses like crazy they were giving money away to start businesses like crazy this was a legendary where that’s happening not the most cautious but i knew the whole country was going through this change so i had to be creative just really quick i how to get to those factories so you know event i to observe multi and then i was brave enough to one of the things was like a ajax like the powder you clean dishes with sure so i had one of those and where you want to be and you want to be in a in a wild wild west atmosphere africa right now is going to be digitally let’s get let’s get out of here no i’m telling you because he and and she said clinic comeback and then we made or if you can clean so i was i was on a bathroom for three hours some people do a registered and just keep an had twenty years from now against the bill to happen to this guy and maybe if i do this did that you know this will help me down dirty hands but this is very good product you know it’s made in our country it’s it’s made by our hammocks or this just just said what is this i said well this can clean anything you know hard stones and everything she and she said to me okay there’s a we make coffee this uh-huh just receiving old any information and ideas you were throwing away in a in a and everything was just amazing so what i want to say is take time because i want to throw in a couple of bullet points of things i heard you say which because you you’ve touched on a couple of fascinating topics but please keep going what did you do you went under the and says look i have this cleaning product for the hands and i would like to offer to you i mean of course i cannot demonstrate because no nobody air in the offices it’s another left personnel alright start talking to you and you just as we’re not in the mood talk to anybody and then kaos bar steakhouse bar upscale stay governor anything and we will make it over and she said well you know i’m ready to go home i said well i’ve traveled fifty kilometers here too kinda give her the benefit of the product and then she said what else do you have i said well and i thought beginning i have five items five products and that’s not picking him up for my backpack and it up and there was so much settlement there was like a one centimeter like maybe quarter of inch of of settlement like the heart stone uh i don’t know maybe three thousand dollars wow that was huge huge order yes and and she said to me oh to demonstrate we have a good product and all this she said okay i’ll stay over so we did order and the way how are really daughter was you know she she ordered nevertheless so i showed up the week later just make sure the order came she was happy you know and i said to her would you the cleaning thing it was so hard to cinnamon out and both probably around four o’clock and i finally cleaned up money there and you know i flip the page and i said to her well if you sign this paper and we can add stuff to order you know then favor if you can call somebody else into the auto factory next to you you know somebody there and we can place the order i make should the order with her on seven pilots and seven policy was like a lot of products i don’t even remember what was the dollar amount value if you had to guess who believable that’s my answer to you’ll niaz go start business that’s what i did a couple of bullet points that pop up to me are two maybe we can discuss describe today i’m thinking of is very hard to describe how divorce and is you know this countries in places nevertheless came to there and and talking to this lady the the thanks for the hands because she had to so it was five thousand items and the second page instead of carbon copy i put cars which were working for the company and the and the owner of the company which you’re producing this cleaning products call me are you taking care of so she did she go and i went to the auto factory i may not order there and this is how i started the business he’s in eastern europe that had to be like you could buy like a car or a house for that or something like that three thousand dollars while it was more than i mean it can do a lot of things car and and and you’re gonna have whole country for yourself because i fired everybody so there’s always started i don’t think the average american has any idea what it’s like to live other places not to mention how lucky we are with with the things that we link it comes from here and they’re true geniuses on this not necessarily the products that you have strong brand are good or strong products you know just doing working for one company so vinai produced that month the auto i sold more than three full-time cells people form clean uniform and some order of products once a month and that was the communism kind of you know sitting still coffee what do you call it the the metal thing you make coffee tea kettle cuddle yes she said look at that and kenneth clean it so i opened the make educated purchases before somebody’s been dollars the they usually educate themselves before they do that if it’s cars jeans in a future episode or what was it like to live in a communist country period and then also when the change happened what was the change like sister diamond carbon copies you know they used to do for you know no mobile phones no pagers no none none of that i mean he’s just i if you wanna make a phone call to somebody rents because in europe for instance the people don’t really care about a lot of brands they care more about the you know the quality because people i will say cultures their latin cultures are black belts their absolute experts at living in the moment la dolch evita right tayfun we we had no other ways and pay on was like one you know the phone booth per village on field i’m in the city very hard aim items that everyone around you has how about starting to try you know instead of doing coffee maybe add ice cream or gelato or could you and then you see them recoil like go and buy it make that move but when they do they feel comfortable they know they did the right decision they don’t doubt and dave or do they never do garage sales because yeah yeah and she goes like any cleaner i hardly could put my hand in it she said well there’s water in the bathroom right it was one o’clock for example new greek yogurt shabani you’re serious just just the experts on the branding and that is also related to people how the consumer so like the good life it’s we’re not that great in the united states at slowing down and being with each other in the moment and enjoying the this this copy will stay here with you just you just look at it and she said okay let’s review again to order so she i basically closed but then as we get to know each other better he will or she will complain my businesses going down the economy’s not good m- occurrence the currency is not healthy american attention on innovation the iphone six seven eight nine ten we have to have a new iphone every year there’s a something about american culture that makes us whatever it is they always they’re not impulsive buyers you know there are more like a educated buyers and takes time for them to really a special maybe we should consider selling something different than the two people that are on your within the person on your left in the person on your right instead of offering the exact same iphone which i technically bought this new to me i bought it this year in april but the fact is i don’t really need those shiny things and i’m not a person of material stuff same exact thing for the same exact price and the cafe owner will be happy and personal and take the time to get to know me want to improve improve improve and change and latin culture off and i think the focus is on enjoying in the joining the moment and both things we can learn from both things and i still was not affected enough to change DNA and i did i have to have everything and latest things so you know i come outside we just think sparky and the come to her office and she looked at me and she said i thought you left i said no he told me to call you you know i’d rather do something else instead of the money then then spend them on something i don’t even use an the value is not there so i don’t you know the quality may not be there but the the way how they branded and they make multi billion dollar industry out of you know something like this ah coffee or that glass of wine but we are really really good at finding something that’s working okay and making it better yeah this is what i want to just say this is awesome because i think if he keeps going doing this weekend maybe inspire somebody heal africa and start you know using our manuals and do please come back and she said please come back next month we cannot repeat this right so this was the biggest order i i mean in that nineteen years old and the eighty do you really think so i think so and i think the italians have the best coffee so we could just create a peace treaty between the two countries and he said just come to the company next week you’re going to get a car i said oh well i don’t really want car he said no you’re going to become to be employee and you’re going to go oh my god i can’t change anything i just did now no it’s okay i’ll just keep everything the way it is i’m i’m happy in the moment so he’s looking for the news the latest model and and has to have it like my iphone is five s.
77:07 – 73:28
e. people laughing at me because i have old in from france and which one is it it is called doce salata oh yeah yeah well you know it’s it’s here in downtown really nice restaurant can you know read my paper and have one of amazing cappuccinos and he just kinda glares out me like dude you can’t sit here all day yeah you need comparing to let’s say two different continents countries and and it’s it’s for me it’s i’m living so it’s it’s interesting you i’m so glad that you have created the space and naples is going to be you know ten percent happier now that we have this this place somehow we compete with them okay never mindless no i like what they do they have their own clientele to people go there for years i mean then maybe we would win you know and actually there’s a restaurant here in naples that does italian coffee and they they shipped their pastries you saying it but i understand exactly when you don’t come up you know sometimes people just forget that they do need some of this stuff and they come to the way i don’t know what to do right and i might suggest an american as i am you know some improvements like maybe we should do yes i i think that in often when i travel i’ll see cafe next to another cafe next to another cafe everyone is selling the come to enjoy coffee and conversation and good relationships that’s awesome well i just want to wrap it up because even talking over our and something we may be boring some people money too and i’m thinking like you’re from italy do you know the deal this is what you know this is the thin so he for years he was kind of tough you kind of looked at me funny and cuts sliced in front of you the place to go to he’s kind of grumpy bastard to be honest i know there’s etonians it’s like i camp out there sometimes and yeah i got it i mean united states is great on on branding this country and the whole idea brent yeah i agree with you yeah i mean different cultures and different countries will offer an experience different things and you know speaking of iphone like an open the business and start selling that was my first thing so what i did was i i found because the company appear with our with our with the way americans think just the way we think about commerce is like we were talking
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The post Let’s Talk “Life” in Divine Naples with Freddie and Rich … over Coffee – Episode # 1 appeared first on Divine Naples.
We want to say THANK YOU everyone that helped us to finally get permits for our first coffee shop – Need a permit – listen this show so you understand is not that hard you just need to apply for it.
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We hope you will enjoy todays show with creative music tones from Julie and Bruce at Terra Guitarra in Naples, Florida. Follow us on Instagram and Like us on Facebook for updates and daily live videos.
The post We Got Permit for our Coffee Shop – Episode #290 – Apr. 11th. 2019 appeared first on Divine Naples.
Happy Bday Florida ! Do you know what happened March 3rd 1845 ? Lets celebrate and point out how special Florida really is! Rich and Matt want to invite you in all special places that are close enough from Naples fl to make day trip out of it. If you visiting from anywhere around the world you may want to educate yourself where you can go and what you can experience.
Get ready this show is VERY funny!
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We hope you will enjoy todays show with creative music tones from Julie and Bruce at Terra Guitarra in Naples, Florida. Follow us on Instagram and Like us on Facebook for updates and daily live videos.
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Lets talk about most breath taking place in Naples Fl – the Botanical Garden. Located just 2 miles from downtown Naples founded in 1993 and covering 170 acres of ecosystem with over 1000 species. This is the place you don’t want to miss when you live or visit Naples fl.
let Rich and Matt explain in their words this flower heaven for you, we promise you will be on the way there with smile .
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We hope you will enjoy todays show with creative music tones from Julie and Bruce at Terra Guitarra in Naples, Florida. Follow us on Instagram and Like us on Facebook for updates and daily live videos.
The. And it’s a Hyundai. Someday. And welcome to our divine daily podcast episode, two forty and he’s Wednesday. Twentieth. February and we sitting here on studio together. Drinking coffee is beautiful day outside seventy four already in the morning, and we enjoying it. Your hos rates get with the master of masters and your host, Matt. And I was just going to say it was nice not waking up in the morning and half to wiping off the do off my windows. All really means. You walk up really late. Yeah. Relate, try the other other direction li-literally put anyway. Yeah. It is nice as how tight beautiful. Twentieth. I was in a beach yesterday doing something. And and I couldn’t believe how many people sitting on a beach. Crowded just sitting. Yup. So they’re they’re flowing in seasons. And on my point is they sitting they do nothing. Yeah. City. Yeah. Yeah. They’re here on vacation or enjoying their time today. Yeah. It’s obviously that’s only as working. That’s right. Uh-huh. That’d be loved. We do. Yeah. We do. I love what I’m doing right now. Do you drinking coffee you best talking guzzling coffee coffee guzzler? Yeah. And that seems to be touched it subject. We have our sponsor we do in our sponsor is divine Naples coffee. Shop coming to you the doors are not open right now. But they are providing us the coffee, and we want to invite you. And we’ll let you know when those doors open, we invite you to come in and have the best Cup of coffee in all the Naples that will inspire your poets poets poetry and divine Naples coffee. Shop is part of divine Naples dot com. The also in for Senator into downtown, APRIL’s, and we took the first business under our own Birla, and that is divine spa. So now, divine spa became to be divine. Naples are all insane building and are looking to serve. You and provide you with excellence of information. I was looking for everything about Naples were just trying to inform people about Maples and the surrounding area and south southwest, Florida. We got some information for you today about the surrounding area, and we are about to build a community and bring more people to our local businesses because they are just really essential part of our local economy and the community three jobs, and you’re happy to have them because they just shared their passion most times in with the customers and what they do they lost. And we just love to be part of this community if you coming and traveling to Naples, or if you live here, please come to divine APL dot com as often as you can. And if you wanna share some of your stories, or some of the pictures or anything, you have you can do you have always pictures or video you can use Email share as divine Naples that gum, and if is appropriate because you know, we may never know. May get some world is full craze that about you know, it may not like, it would be say sure, be careful if you if you say something nice about mad needle share it. Stay positive. Anyway. That’s what we try to bring. Here’s a positive vibe and smile as much as we do live in the healthiest and happiest city accordingly in the United States, they say, and we just want to you know, spread the love that’s v do and for that reason of spreading lawf- via podcasts. And if you, you know, if you like what are you hearing done forget to subscribe, whatever the platform yarn on right? So we are here sitting in our studio every single day, you know, bringing something interesting something new today subject is, and it is ten things you might not know about Maples. It’s not actually just Naples, but it’s the surrounding area and just starting off on this. I want to say, you know, we’re known for pristine beaches. Yes, you know, sunset, and we are also known for great podcast. The. Euboea VR. So it’s the golf capital of the United States. And so there you have it. But you know, we’re surrounded by most Italian restaurants in on St.. Maybe the French bitter. Get busy down there on better. But anyway, all the Naples is surrounded by golf courses communities beaches, you know, restaurants nice streets like fifth, and that type of thing you’re actually surrounded by one of the most awesome ecosystems in the world. And we’re going to talk about a few. You have all in the world. You know, how walled is big. That’s huge.
And so do you mean like the biggest it’s one of the best? Okay. Maybe I’ll correct myself. It is one of the biggest and best ecosystems that ever ever ever go in see. And you know what? I now I’m thinking, well, just let me just give you one one of the one of the facts, and some people may know, you may be a local live down here know all about this place, and where you may be a tourist and don’t know. So some people may know the information some might not. But here goes I point did, you know, according to trip. Advisors travels choice award Marco island is the number one island in the US and number four in the world. Remember, I just said in you mean by visits or what they decide how how it’s the number one. It’s choice that they made. Number two. I just wanna touch sharing just put. Inputs like my thoughts. Right. So like then fifteen years ago Tripadvisor was a joke. People are like, you know, taking joke, and look how much credibility burnt. I mean, they say something, right? And even talking about it on a podcast. I mean right now the amount of the people using trip advisor. And I it’s based on their opinions. They take this really seriously. So it’s really nice to see you know, how rating the I mean the Marco island. Yeah. Because his seriously vengeful wonderful island, and is number one rated it’s never one rated in the US and in the world, take that into perspective. Listen to be in the world think about how big the world is saying, it’s unbelievable. Well, it’s believable. I guess coordin- trip advisor. But you have both been there. I love mar. Okay. People. Let me love mar Levin, I do too. I don’t go to often. But when I go, you know, it’s it’s a pain sometime because the travels so let me just say people Ma. Island is really nice island. So if you don’t have to go there just don’t because when we go there, we don’t know parking spaces, whatever to get there. You not all of you cannot go there understand that please just keep some, you know, some spaces for the locals. For the. You know, that’s true soon going to be traveling by Baltimore God. Because seriously, the whole island is very hard to even park next to Starbucks. It’s just so one way way out and willing. Luckily, I know some tricks how to bargain some of the places. Sure, those drinks I cannot reveal you can’t disclose now. Yeah. But in oh seriously. It’s wonderful wonderful right next ten thousand islands. I was just going to mention sorry. Don’t you Marco island is the largest of the ten thousand islands in? This is a group of islands that are famous for kayaking fishing and also gathering shelf. Yes. Yeah. And you can just like, you know, there’s all kinds of water support activities. Like, you know, you can you can get tour guides that will be you know, that you can discover on our website right things to do in that type of thing or write your own jet, skier, whatever and just hop from island island. You know, you know, even just just. Get out there and enjoy there’s so many different ten thousand islands Agean that sit conceal something you do. Okay. So I when I got here like twenty three years ago, I had the best job into all I worked for a big corporation. But I very soon realize the expenses are higher than what I was making here. Yeah. Competitive what I was making Europe. And so I had to take another job, and I had the best job in my life. And that was on the beach in Marco island, and I was I was working boy. No, no, no, no. I was working at the beach attendant, and he were doing tours in ten thousand islands we were doing renting jet skis, and you’re like setting of them. I mean, I was little bit younger than today. You know? And it was really good job because I had such a beautiful if you, you know, everything all do realize of or in my view and passed them those water. Yeah. It doesn’t really care about much. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And and I was singled that time. Yeah. There you go. So you can imagine. Yeah. That was the best job. Your eyes popping all the saying. You know is popping that what I’m saying is, you know, the job didn’t feel like job vacation because somebody rent jet ski head to show them. How it works under my boss? His name was Richard in the rising there, by the way, I will be talking about him next few gas because he dust tours and ten thousand islands until today. And he’s one of the most knowledgeable guy in the ten thousand islands and his job there because you know, if you get lost in thousand islands, you cannot find maybe just John groves all kinds of you need to to to be well schooled to be tried those waters.
They are cases where people get the, you know, end up in jetskis in girls. And they’re those situations very interest keep in mind that you want to get somebody who knows they are. Yeah. But when when somebody rent a jet ski. Hit to always test it with us. The jury had to test it before put it away. Yeah. And he always said, you cost me so much money on gas amply cost me. I always say listen, I have to make sure the customers happy and satisfied. Yeah. His operating properly. I have so many hours onto jetski that I don’t have to ride jet skier. Don experience all of the till? Let’s go to point. Then there’s also the Everglades waterway in this runs from Everglade city to Flamingo, and it’s a great place to kayak again. And did, you know, here’s an interesting fact that it’s actually ninety nine miles long and takes seven to nine days to complete what walking just by guess, I don’t know, obviously, kayaking or whatever. Stephon days cocky, you’re getting I don’t think there’s going to be any trails that diesel seven ten miles a day. Yeah. I mean, pretty lazy. I mean, maybe you you’re superhuman can get seven days. But I’m just presenting the facts, let me just let me explain if I go on kayak is usually rented kayak, and that is limited in time. So you should see the speed. I’m taking up if I have only two hours you ever motor in it. No, I have two hours to get back, and I don’t wanna pay extra fee. You should. Always saving the dollar. Cise out of it to I come back. That’s cardio. I get some mileage on that for an extra five bucks. Yeah. They look at the where you been they get some snow on it. Yeah. Go ahead. Then you have the fuck patchy strand. Preserve, and this is a preserve that helps out the environment, and is also home to the ghost orchid, and I disliked the say home to the ghost orchid because we have an article written about the ghost on our website. In are interesting. You know history about it. Yeah. And it’s really awesome might want to check that out. And then I kind of have nickname. It goes back to Hatschi master. Yeah. That’s actually sticker on your color. I do I do. And so you get a lot of respect for that. Yeah. Even the police. And I just want to mention the orchid good distorted goes begging like thirties, right thirties or something. And it is really interesting story. I’m this is the only place in the wall a game where ghost orchid actually exists. Yeah. It’s really awesome in its unique species and just read that article, and and just get get get the history of that. Really amazing. Yeah. It’s just amazing. And then you have a did, you know that the western Everglades is the only place in the world where you can see alligators and crocodiles living in the same attitude while now these are saltwater crocodiles, by the way, most people probably crosses the United States. Wouldn’t even know that there was an actual crocodile species here in the United States. Okay. So I have two questions educational question. We’re gonna test you right, now don’t know. Not that. I’m the inhouse pharmacists Nessie house. Professor. Yes, alo-. It’s simple question. So do you know how I altogether can run short of distance. I have no idea. Okay. So you just got the points and. Probably won’t know the answers to the questions to or you said two questions to don’t overload, my brain. Yes. So he can run forty miles an hour chilies. That’s a man the best way to do run away from exact. Yes, sir guy in Florida, h one. Yeah. Exactly to do. You know, how recognize the difference between alligators and cloakroom by the teeth. I guess no. But the shape of their mouth. Okay. Yeah. Crooked is more like pointy the on the and and alligators more like why why short NY almost like you short? What? Description. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention these visit and medicine. I hope it doesn’t. He’s sort of. I. Just saying. If you like crocs Dom kidding. Oh, and he’ll his own cracks hooks right anyway. Digress. I love let’s take you on these targeted aggression.
There’s nobody else here. I know. Well, they’re coming. Probably can’t wait for me to get out dig coming for you coming. They got they got something to say, it’s also the home of the big cypress national park, which is the largest preserve in the United States. I’m going to say some two we have a lot of invasive species that are introduced to this environment. And one of them is the Burmese python. You just can’t I guess or whatever. Until they have seasons tags or whatever for people to try to help to to hunt them down and get them for for studying purposes, and understanding, you know, they popped two hundred babies in a couple of months. I mean, how have you? And maybe I can look this up to tomorrow, whatever. But I think one of the largest was found down here just a couple of days ago. It was huge. I forget the exact place. I think it was maybe out in a Moccoli. I thought replace, but yeah, we’ll try to hunt down that information. But so you have a lot of invasive species that have come from other places in the world. And you know, at one time Miami was a one of the number one places for getting exotic animals, you know, the the port of delivery I ever and so so that’s one the Burmese python python. And you know, you never know you might be out in the big Cyprus. You know, there’s there’s actually I forget the name of the lizard. There’s a lizard. He is larger desert and change the color mill mainly. You can see them green. Good name with. That’s that’s not Guana. No different name for it. Will look at a I I’m busy. You’re all. To me. Glosses you see more. There you go. Four is better than. -olutely then we’ll also someday we’ll talk about it. There’s corkscrew swamp sanctuary, and this is an awesome place with a lot of walkways and everything and you probably actually come into contact with an alligator. And then it’s also great place to see birds. We have tons of species of birds. We can’t get into that all here today. But in future will be discussing and informing me more about that a lot of the foul life that we have here. And then also it’s the home of the Florida panther. It’s interesting though, the Florida panther, you know, there’s different varieties in the United States of the we can call the cougar the panther, whatever. But I believe it was a species introduced from from Texas that was brought in here to try to repopulate the panther population here. And actually it’s estimated that we have about one hundred twenty two one hundred sixty adults remaining in this preserve area. So all your numbers are increasing. The are increasing. And it’s funny because when you go down all the way down to call your boulevard, and if you know where east Naples is Andy go off forty one and you turn left onto call your boulevard, you’ll go through a section of call your boulevard that actually has panther warning signs. Yes. Not like in California where I’m from. We have deer crossing signs whatever we have panther crossing signs. Well, it’s still better than having Google. Because crooner in your language is was related to something else. Thank you very much. Yeah. Well, that’s a subject for another day. I can say anyway anymore there. There’s some information for you today. And we’re going to try to do this. You know from time to time we’re going to the nature of this particular podcast, Monday through Friday is to introduce people to local businesses and allow that business owner to be able to explain why they do what they do what kind of services they provide the vision behind it and try to make connection between the business owner and the consumer consumer meaning you who may be looking for those types of products or services. So we’re just here to be able to use this podcast Bill local businesses, Bill community and just try to be informative. And if you wanna be on causes of business owner, it’s very easy can go to divine, Naples dot com. Four slash daily, dodgeball. Kost filled a forum on that. They can get over there. That’s right. But let me just say this. I mean, I have to give credit the amount of the information. He brought in today’s up so unbelievable. And he is just all some to learn some of the, you know, pinpoints of this beautiful avid that we live in and the if somebody’s just maybe sitting in the car right now and driving down to Florida and listening both costs and is somewhere like two thousand twenty six February. And they looking forward to be on the beach even crowded more than today than they already excited to do something else that sitting and doing nothing giving away and actually getting out and just just taking in the environment the wildlife, and that type of thing there’s just so many beautiful things to see down here.
And we’re going to try to inform you on all those different types of things. Just like the ghost orchids absolute and encourage you to use our local businesses rent kayaks or Podolsk boards or their guys which having ups Lutely awesome ratings on Tripadvisor too. And that’s the name rice tight and their ecology st-. You know, remember we had them on. And they will they will give you two of the Everglades and also ten thousand islands, and you can take pictures, and according to them than the day is never disdain, you can you can repeat that you know, two three times. And you always gonna see something else. Yeah. Exactly. Yep. Day down. Here is the same you promised. You’re going to go and to remember the I did planning to like going into kayak? So I feel too restricted. Why? I’m not gonna do the kayak option. I’m going good with jetski option because the other involves too much exercise how because I don’t like to be confined in KYW. No, let me just say this. I’ll take the responsibility for pod alling. Getting you tell me has the right there in two hours. You see dispeat-? Yeah. Right. So I don’t need your muscles smell. I’ll just. Have a life preserver on what I need you to do is when we on the kayak need you to sit in the bag. So the front is lifted. I can’t visions of can’t go faster. Oh my God. I just loved it should see my face. He starts looking face and rate. Yes, he always been. Yeah. I grow. Just love jokes. ’cause I’m always the target. Then let’s get somebody else. It’d be we can pick on you. You need to be fostered on. Yeah. But listen, we have this thing in Europe say if people talk about you you are alive. Yeah. Oh, there you go. Yeah. I’m saying, that’s right. If they stop talking about you that’s pretty much dead and gone. You are you are still alive Renault thought. Yeah. Anyway, this is awesome. That you done. Thank you very much looking for more information because he’s so educational you just I think that the sole founding you had you know in seven seas. Yeah. You’ve been alone and seven old search on the seven seas there. I were alone as ING at the stars alone and into like into boat and seven seas. I went on the trip alone. Good very good something happened. And you just got so improved. Yeah. You know, it’d be like be like, you movers new met point sixty eight. Versus short lifetime. As getting is getting better and better. He’s like vine. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They drink vine. Good better. He ate, I taste you Jing wine. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Anyway, I don’t drink. So don’t drink. That’s a fact. Yeah. So thank you very much where they send me an awesome job looking for tomorrow podcast. What are you going to bring? It’s really nice to educate our listeners because of course, you know, you don’t know everything. And if they coming here or did just wanna know that have been more. It’s good to give them information. I learned so much today. Thank you for getting me, your wealth, and that we have our local events and Evan masters here. And we’ll else that would be than our own Matt or circus director now I had come on. Now, what’s going on divine people in my first event for you today is bike night in classic car show. That’s February twenty first which is tomorrow that’s between five pm and ten pm. And that will be held at the show factory and nature park in north Fort Myers. So go ahead and go on their website and check it out just type in shell factory in nature park. And it’ll come up, and it’s it’s a free admission. Get to look at cars are going to have some drawings, and they’ll have some live entertainment music, by Cray, Z Joe ban. So the restaurant will also be opened up till nine o’clock. So go out and enjoy looking at cars and bikes a bug bite motorcycles. Yeah. Yeah. And then this event I found I I love because I come from that from the industry TV industry. I have a TV background autoradio radio background. And this is the Benita springs international film festival. That’s going to be actually held from February twenty first to the twenty fourth.
And this is at the center for the arts VO Nita springs, and they present seventy carefully crafted narrative documentary animation in short films from around the world. And they also we’re going to have a wide variety of workshops demonstrations, and all all that type of thing. And of course, that’s held at the center for the arts vanita springs and bony springs, give them a call at four nine five eight nine eight nine and let me just say this is this would be a good event. If you if you know we talking about inspiration coffee shop come and dreaming poetry, and all that type of stuff if you have a passion for this type of arts the industry, or whatever I wouldn’t courage to go out there. Get a look, maybe you’re gonna meet somebody. Brushed shoulders, and and and also learned something and just take it in. If that’s your passion to go into film. I would suggest this event for anybody. That’s going to be in southwest Florida during these days just making a film for your own thing. You can you can pick up some, you know idea. Sure and the hit today in three days or four days see seeing seventy films. Yeah. That’s kind of heavy. Yeah. It is. But if you wanna I mean, if you can pick and choose what you want. Sure, but the beauty there’s a variety. Right. But you know, he’s a lot of films for four days. It is a lot of it’s gonna be really nice to see some different varieties Silva, whatever to art people to get. So you’re right. I mean, it’s it’s nice event. Then I’m glad you putting music and also, you know movies. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if he can get out of here. Yeah. We make gonna I’m may take you for movie. You buy cooler by the popcorn because I don’t eat either. Sneak in candy some kid because I don’t eat car. Yeah. We’re peanuts. That’s another subject for another day. Yeah. I think Dutch subjects. It was a episode. I don’t know. Maybe I might talking about three. Yeah. Yeah. That’s the way about so. Thank you, Matt. That’s good. That’s good events. And you know, people have something to do some inspiration into hump day after day Vam. And before we brought up, you know, we always closed with the message that it’d be won’t you to put closer to your heart. And also, you know, don’t forget the doing all of this things for free. The of Dr passion, and we’d love to you all the live in Naples and also come and visit Naples, we that’d be a bunch of people that are passionately same our contributors. So demure, you’re listening is from thera Julian Bruce vonda for people, and such a open souls on you can see them on the streets overnight, both and Bonita, and they travel also in different states and play their of under full music that it’ll be a non coffee shop we have twenty two CDs from there so is going to have plenty to play. Listen to dad, we have pictures with provided by Glen, Christopher our photographer. And if you have any other specialties you wanna join our team of contributors, you can do that divine a positive com. Join audit on that just search. We have eighteen of upsides in nineteen languages plenty to learn from this area. And if you business owners get hold of us because we have many many bays, we can bring more attention to you and your business because we know what the budgets are not always that strong, especially when you live into the wrist related ARA and seasonal between gonna bring down one day this whole gate of season. And we wanna bring more local people to any business. And we that that message that you need to put closer to your heart is right here. Yeah. There is a message. Well, let me I do this started off the show with a cap and sat took that off. And then took off the professor hat during the time of learning and information now, I’m going to put on my doctor’s hat. I am Matt the inhouse pharmacists, and what do I prescribe I prescribe vitamin d? And what do we mean by vitamin d will we want you to share divine Naples dot com with at least one person today. Anybody grandmother father firemen, I don’t know what she asked. Me the sea yesterday. We’ll get to that maybe tomorrow and just share the divine Naples dot com. Have them go on and subscribe to our podcast or better yet copy the link send it to somebody in emailer tax, and let them know about divine Naples dot com. Follow us, unlike us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram. Take your vitamin d two don’t even know what to say to that. It’s all good. Yeah. You just getting such a good in this. Yeah. You think so? Yeah. After you do over and over again sometime to still make mistakes. But now you never, but I’m I don’t make the I made my first mistake. No, you you you still close to me. I have no idea where you go. You so close to perfect. Anybody that knows me outside in Naples and in Naples, you know, that’s not true.
Tell the truth and shame the devil. Oh, well, then dividends flying for you. Anyway, Matt, thank you very much for that message to be love, you all divine people, please, you know, if you have any messages or any comments our social media, you can do that or share as divine Naples dot com is the Email that you can definitely send us any messages. You have that episodes chew forty Wednesday. A thrift of February with seventy six degree outside us being in air conditioning environment finishing our coffee. It’s over we know you are very sad. And probably some theaters is, but I have a solution crock about to go back to our Gosden menu and person off Gaza, you can listen to any of them there, and they never disappear. So visit lift forever there Yankee mushroom listening share that with anybody can and from this Mike until tomorrow, your host rich and from this might your host, Matt Jau.
Everything’s breaking everything like cars are big houses are big businesses are big and streets are big and everything is big here tables are big laser big food on the plates. Everything’s big in the obvious. Everything’s compact and be like we are used to being next to cheddar and brush shoulders and everything here somebody bourgeois sold. A, you know, just like in the street and almost get arrested. Yeah. There is normal. And when you go to the coffee shop and somebody’s sitting by themselves. You know, politely, say, Hello. You know, open can I sit, and you just nix conversation improbably with technology and the growth of technology today with a disconnect between, you know, human interaction between people, and one example is is that I was, you know, just perusing and channel surfing on the TV and came across it commercial where you see like a mother that’s at the dinner table, or whatever and stuff and they make everybody put their phone into this little bucket, or whatever. And like, just you know chill. We’re done with that. And let’s just have some interaction family time in and communicate you know, one to one and having that human interaction in really the beginning. And kind of that started in in the fifties with what we call the nuclear family where it was kind of this goes back. I mentioned Hogan’s heroes sergeant Schultz and some of those they’re out there that will remember that show. Remember, how funny he was? I know nothing. There was another. Other, you know, show called leave it to beaver and kind of the innocence and of family, and the, you know, the days where you still sat at the dinner table, and you talked about the day or whatever, and that’s really lacking in community today in in in today’s culture, and we want to bring some of that back viticulture show, not just for with a coffee shop, not just families or whatever. But so we wanna bring back some some of that human interaction. And and just, you know, hopefully, you’ll feel the vibe in that place and you’ll set the phone down and just take under friends and find your friends and also like you said that, you know, just contemplate and think and dream and have visions, and that’s kind of the poetry of the environment. Trying and you know already created the coffee companies done that and we just want to provide that type of environment here Naples. Exactly. They just wanna follow exactly what he started. And they start at something that is part of their culture and bring it here. And I think this is perfect city. And I think also, you know, it’s gonna be really interesting when when you just gonna sit down, and you can you can talk to people, you know, the table we’re going to encourage people to share their tables to so they friends. A friends meeting Naples. It’s just interesting city. If you never been in Naples on the listening somewhere into all this city’s just full of really interesting people, and they all have something in common. They look alike. The all have shoes. Shorts a shirt and different props. Oh, crock socks case of Matt? Right. And you know, the space here is is large. But we want to bring people closer. And and as you said. The bucket the under dinner, maybe good idea for but just makes you feel about going to be the water. Yeah. Accidents. And the idea of coming to get a whatever it is is is food or drink. It’s it’s wonderful thing because we need to teach the young generation we getting disconnected. And then they disconnected us. We still know how that’s to be when you have a conversation, and you wanna be friends with somebody. The young generation is getting really disconnected. They just getting in their own walled. And it’s kind of injured. There’s a lot of research is watching what’s happening right now. But we have to think about going to bring degeneration generation. So he’s going to be mutation of that behavior. Kind of scary out is, you know, so I love when people are sitting close to, you know, closely cheddar sometimes danger, let me just give you examples are students very small. I love the idea being really close to Matt because you know, we can be we can feel the energy. Yeah. One of it. He talks dogs with his hands. His hands are very. Justic you like nobody’s visiting Irish not a talion. But I mean, it was very dangerous. So I have to have a hockey gear on me, just so I don’t I don’t get Bruce. Because that’s and so. Just flew to. Did because I just just dictated my arm up knocked it all on the mound.
Those current this current the moves you have are so fast. I don’t wanna be near them. Yeah. Yeah. I’ll try to do my best to be careful now did just gives you idea. You know, it’s just a nice to have somebody next to have a conversation. Just try it. If you APRIL’s right now newest neatest, both guys when you finish, you know, just try to approach somebody and have a conversation smile limb and say Hello, how are you today and Austin Verde from because I can guarantee you’ll find everybody’s from somewhere, and they eat to come here on short term or they live here, but they moved here from somewhere else, or, you know, the sitting at the coffee shop and enjoying themselves on vacation two weeks vacation, they save lot of money. And finally they’ve been able to afford to be on opportune beaches. Yeah. And they discover are constantly very happy. Sitting in a smile on. These are some businesses and restaurants, all just just. Mile on somebody and have a conversation. Let’s start today by we should waiting right, right? It’s small Sawday get out there and do it. And because we talking about how we can get more that we have today. The theme is gets connected with nature and mad ward, really hard on this subject, and he’s got to at least thirty eight papers. No seriously. He did a lot of research. And and I appreciate his work. And and so let’s just fun. Yeah. Well, yesterday, we talked about the ghost orchid, and we’d be good to go back and get inspired. Yeah. We did. I do get inspired and. Yeah. And yesterday was very educational about what we actually have here in our national parks. And if you coming here for vacation, and he thinking is just the beaches, we want to encourage you to not just sit on the beach. But actually discover something unique around solve this Laura and the ghost or hit this very very unique. There’s only one place in the world that you can find their ego. Yeah. Exactly as only one place where you can find alligators and sold a crooked aisles. We’ve. Right. Saltwater crocs every single day brings something unique. So go ahead. What do you got? Well. To today’s subject is the Naples Potanin garden in this tentacle garden was founded in nineteen Ninety-three and consists of a hundred and seventy acres of cultivated gardens and preservation land, representing several distinct natural habitats and ecosystems and listen to this and featuring over a thousand species with special emphasis on the ecosystem between the twenty six parallel north and the twenty six parallel south. I don’t know exactly where that is already right now. I don’t know what that means the parallel like the, you know, the equator, oh, stuff or whatever. And the parallel. There’s you know, we never talk about it. Well, I’m not a scientist or whatever your professor the professor hat on now. But it’s you know, that’s interesting. I mean, I didn’t know they opened nineteen Ninety-three. Yeah. They did in in in in actually this with a few just a little brief history. Then you can chime in because I know it’s one of your favorite places. Yes. And just to get out in the guard was founded in nineteen Ninety-three by visionary group of local plant enthusiasts and the orca the organization was actually incorporated into with the IRS with a five one c three in nineteen ninety four and then in in the year two thousand the late Harvey cap Nick junior donated five million dollars for the purchase of the hundred seventy acres. Listen, one hundred seventy eight years of open space three miles from downtown. That’s that’s the part. I loved the most. If I want to get out of office in the fresh air have a membership, you know, annual membership it’s hundred dollars for family just so actually hundred ten dollars and definitely worth it. Because normally you will pay fifteen dollars to get in each time, you go so just keep that in mind, his larger family, whatever. And you know, if you wanna come more often definitely word of money and the hundred dollars. Much, and he’s wonderful place. Just on the corner of downtown. It’s just beautiful, you know. And I’m glad that you get the opportunity to do that. Because you do a lot of work around here. And it’s good for you. And and could for me for you to go out and get. Thank you for your honesty. Just trying to be true. Look what is coming out of this guy. Yeah. Good get you back worries. Well, you know, just speak in truth. Anyway, I’m not going to go through all these names because to be honest with you, I really can’t pronounce them, right? Why you don’t go through the name? So he can. Oh my gosh. Well in two thousand and six team of Ellen go TEZ Ted flop. Dull? Raymond jungles as probably jungle over there to this.
Herb schaja. And this one’s really good. Bob trust Cal ski. And then this Matty. Starts with a W. And it was actually this was dubbed as the dream team. By the Miami Herald, can you imagine that and this team came together and completed the master plan for the entire Naples botanical garden that is one part of my body. That hurts always after this both goes. Kidney. I don’t know. My belly your belly? Because the only exercise you get. Yeah. Working. Oh, you start. Today is the target of aggression when a drink this morning before he got him. Well, well, you know, I I’ll tell you this today is national tequila. But I have not had any of that. So, but I digress. Oh, remember sticking. It’s interesting. You must have the other day. No, I’m I’m straighten their nobody sees you started nicely. You fired up. Yeah. I like. Not. That’s what we used say. In the navy carry on can take it construction on the first phase began in two thousand eight with the digging of the deep lake and the lake top key. I guess you pronounce it that way and the sculpting of the site with two hundred and fifty thousand yards of fill produced lake extraction. Lau. They may delay. And they use the fiddle to. Yeah. Bill. You know, that’s amazing. That’s amazing deal. How I have no idea. Maybe we should find out. Well, because if you think about like, you know, tie couple of pieces cement on my ankles and just drop me with a well, I that come from your dealers problems differently. A problem anyway. Yeah, I think I’ll pass on that. And just those are some of the facts. And so today the garden welcomes over two hundred thirty thousand visitors per year to experience. The gardens are themed too. So it’s awesome. And the represent the culture and flora of the tropics, I guess between the parallel twenty six north and the twenty six will be subject of for another day. Right. But I have the feeling like, obviously, obviously we live in that parallel. Do I’ll be like a and how many people again, two hundred believe it’s two hundred thirty thousand two hundred two hundred twenty thousand but every time I go there. Right. Every time I go there, very often. But when I go there, I think like two hundred thousand dead day. Yeah. Because it’s it’s packed. It’s it’s next to the Naples pier. Which is the number one. Attraction this might be up there too in the top five. I don’t know. I have to say they doing really great job in last maybe five years. Yeah. Because before I mean, behead uncle garden, but it was not promoted much like no number one number two day. Do a lot of events if you wanna have vetting if you wanna have corporate event, or if you wanna have any type of vents their open it because they have really nice buildings the spaces that can definitely host any type of event. And also, there’s a if you checked upside there’s a lot of things happening. Like, for example. I think Steve’s day. I’m not sure if they didn’t change it, but he can take your dog to to park a lot of beautiful sculptures throughout. And just walk is so peaceful, and you can book read the concede there. There’s a have lunch. It’s really really nice place to go. If you you know, if you thinking just see see some of the some of the flowers or trees. Or bushes. Whatever you known money not because they put them in different like sections Armin rights, and the some of the stuff is even imported from different countries. So it’s really nice. Yeah. It’s awesome. I love it. It’s really nice. And I enjoy it too. I maybe we should go hand to hand think I’ll pass on that. Well, I have finding out how deep the lake well, maybe you should know that because you know, it’d be interested to know how long can all deal breath. Yeah. Well, that’s an impossibility because these lips are always flat. Floppy may even help me get to the surface. As I talked to myself and underwater, so if you can assume video hands your lips booth, they’ll be living. Right up to the time. I can’t believe that one some interesting facts for you here. That’s always try to bring something some value to your your input.
Here. Do you know how many estimated gardens is armed world. I have no idea. You wanna know? I guess that’s learning. A guess it’s seventeen hundred seventy five gardens in hundred forty eight countries. And I get I get that. You didn’t even know there’s hundred eighty forty countries because a lot of people think is only two countries is United States and Russia. Yeah. There’s a lot of life beyond those two countries. So one hundred four eight countries contain seventeen hundred seventy five nice article gardens. Now, do you know, which one is the biggest I have no idea? So biggest and oldest uncle garden. Into old is the one which is called key Royal garden in London. And you know, it’s it’s spelled K E W nice to know, let me cue hobby. So I don’t know put your professor hat on that. I’m just taking it in holding. The k e w how you pronounce K E W that would be like Q or whatever q-q. I don’t know how the Brits do it is the one which is named Q Royal garden spelled K E W A new figure out just how. How to pronounce it can go on the Google? Yeah. Exactly. Google seems to be a theme today to let me give you one more. Interesting fact, and that is the which the most famous uncle gardens are that three most most famous number one is Jordan botanical Riyadh Janeiro in Brazil second is Brooklyn with uncle garden. Brooklyn is. Yeah. New york. Okay. Least. Geography and third one is the most famous is Singapore. So if you ever end up in those cities, don’t forget to visit cynical gardens. And if you not and you coming our way, don’t forget to still buy on here because he’s just very very special place. And I think you’re gonna be nicely surprised how beautiful this and niceties just make sure you buy tickets online before you go because a lot of times in season. They looks like the being sold out. Yeah. A lot of times. There’s there events like music events like Christmas. There’s music, you know, are actually Turkey. Tara, Bruce, Bruce and Judy perform whole month night. Yeah. They’re exhausted. So all you can see and hear our contributors there as well. And you know, just to make sure you buy tickets in advance. Because seems like, you know, there’s not unlimited space. They wanna really good experience have limitations on very so get get on board and get your. Tickets. Well, there you have it botanical gardens subject to the day. That was nice job. Good job. I think he much and before we go any further v celebrity birds. They you know, that like well one of his birthday is your Margarita day. Yeah. Just happen to be Friday Pacific day for that. Right. And how many restaurants to follow that? I think a lot. But I wanna bring some interesting birthdays, we never did that you know, was born in February twenty-second have no idea. Really? Yeah. Well, then you need to do rations for the show because I do. Okay, right. You’re yesterday. You gave me some education about the dollar Bill. Yeah. Right. And is on the bills duller dollar Bill is only Bill. Shortage Washington that was his prisoner. Very go today. So happy birthday to George Washington’s birthday Georgie. And also, someone is my favorite person. And is is connected to nature. You know is also it votes celebrators. But unfortunately, he’s not he was cut short too. And that’s Steve Irvine. Really? Yeah. If you know the guy from most crooked, Al hunter. Yeah. It was awesome. We’ll birthday. And you know, it’s just the it’s just interesting thing talking about nature, and I found out his today. A good. Yeah. And I think he should be should pay respect to to him and the president of Washington. Yeah. Don’t you? I do one hundred percent, and we died with that. There’s your two birthdays for February twenty-second from divine Nabil’s dot com. You welcome. You always wanna bring you events that you can experience here in south, Florida. So Matt is here with his event master had also circus director, and what else has everything professor hot captain’s hat. Yeah. The whole gamut. And what what do you call this? Oh, yeah. You you call the people standing in front of the restaurant and invulnerable bars. That’s all. Right now, and what’s going on divine people, and I have about four events for you today.
They’re all on Saturday. And but they’re pretty unique in kind of tie-in to to the theme and everything but in this one particularly is for also dog levers and that is the Babcock ranch. Second annual doggy dash five K and barking the park pet festival and that’ll be between eight AM and twelve pm. And let me tell you Babcock ranch is southwest. Florida’s unique EKO Centric solar powered town, just north west of Fort Myers in it is awesome. And underdevelopment actually one of the first developments actually, really just turning into the whole city. And I knew personally somebody that works up there that has big contracts for that. Did you know that the solar panels? Cock ranch. If you blame them up one against the other, it would go from from there all the way to Chicago, Illinois. How many of them I have? No, that’s how many they have. Yeah. Well, it’s incredible. Little secret. Tell me a little secret I’ve been fullest secrets. Yes. I been there too. I know. So then I saw your picture on the Facebook. Oh, yeah. Then even there. Yeah. Next week Ivan there. Really I’ll sauce because I actually didn’t know anything about it. It’s amazing. And I so how nice pictures you posted. And it was like what the heck is this, and I did the research, and I thought he’d this place is amazing. Size of delay. They have there, and you can have really large boats. Your and they, you know, nice little park, the they play music and restaurants, and and just the visitor center. The information you get there. It’s just amazing. The houses are I mean, the style of the housing they have there is unbelievable. And they’re trying to provide, you know, housing affordable. What would be affordable down here all the way to you know, people that spend, you know, millions on. Yeah. And so anyway, it’s giving go through several developments place is not going anywhere. And it’s really awesome. Because as it grows, the they’re building their own schools, you know, elementary high schools, there’s these paths that you can actually like rent a bike, you know, there’s little stations, and you can just go through the ecosystem there, and it’s really just awesome been and I just want let me just finish up with that in. There’s so much information for for this one. Just go to Babcock ranch dot com in look at this. Event. You’ll get all the details. It’s going to be pretty exciting day and just wanted to share that with you. I wanna thought you one more detail about this place. And that is they already build their school is huge Hulu huge. But how they bring kits in this who’ll it’s unbelievable. They have buses small buses that has no drive driver. Yeah. Yeah. The streets but himself. Yeah, it’s operated Otemachi quickly and solar-powered. They’re going to be one of the first places. That’s actually gonna have g-5 connection. And it’s really neat. The technology. That’s going to be used there that they’re going to actually use. I don’t know, you know, I’m a technological more on. But somehow they’re going to use the however you receive the signals or whatever through the internet on street lights. It’s future. Yeah. It really is gonna travel through hive as and this is what we’re going to have internet into cars. But the somebody who started was a football player. Right. I forgot I don’t know the. I checked it out. And it was a guy will used to play American football. And he invested a lot of money there. And they took him years before he got the older people in board miss a lot of people, many of ideas lot of people are just always pessimistic because they think is you know, this real. But I think is great when people are passionate, and they do things like that. Even you know, you see like people passionate people started with uncle gardening. Abel’s Bosh people started this this location Bobkov Grinch. It’s just it’s just amazing people can do. And if they, you know their minds vision and follow through just move forward. Don’t give up just go for it. It’s almost like me. And you right. Yeah. We are passionate about what we do early early in the morning to provide people with this. And that’s it. And we love doing it. And we do it for you. Exactly. Not evan. We do have another event and. It’s tied into again. The the whole ecosystem nature deal believe it or not this Saturday. We’ll be the Naples orchid society or could show and sale. I don’t think you can find a good ghost orchid, and here this this event will be on Sunday. So if you miss it on Saturday, it’s both at twenty three to twenty four th from nine AM until five pm, and it’s the Naples or he probably presents its forty sixth annual or could show and sale. And so if you want to go to that that will be at the Naples Potanin garden.
Oh, interesting as we tie that in we’ve already given you all that information. So you can just go to the vote-on-account gardens website, which is botanical gardens dot or corn. Uh-huh. So I and I like that you did that nicely. Thank you for the welcome welcome. And so then we also have a third event. Which is I’m surprised you really, Sean. And I’m surprised because you know, my neat name genius secure yards to carry on as we say. In the navy? Hot mentioned that in the beginning of the podcast. We also have kids day, and that’s at MIR Mars outlet, and that’s this Saturday from ten AM to twelve pm in the wink, wink, news playground, and you can go to the Miramar outlets dot com website and figure out all the other formation absolutely free can bring your kids go out and do some shopping and maybe even pick up a bite teeth. That’s my favorite. You’ll never forget about it always inspiring. I’ve got a little discipline. Yeah. Full you the guy into advertisement of and to have advertisement into for Snickers. Yeah. You know, they changed be something, and they have sneakers the real you then back to normal. Yeah. You chance into into big dog you start barking, and then somebody gives you by then and you just like nice mellowed. I just chill to go from excitement to just chill. Unbelievable food us to you transformation. Yeah. And you still in diet. Yeah. Staying on that puppy. I’m sure puppy thing into the dog walk. Thanks, we go. I’m going to bring some cookies and scones see they’re going to be sitting on that plate because my aren’t touching them. I’ll I’ll we’ll make a wager on that my friend, I’ll feed you, all right. No. A lot like a crocodile and snap that hand ears. Good anyway. And then we also have blues brews and barbecue at of Marie, and we don’t talk about Maria much. That’s also a city in Collier county, and it’s pretty much self explanatory, blues music, murders and barbecue and of Maria. Yeah. I know it is. And so anyway, that’s from twelve pm to five pm. And so again, we provide you websites, go to Ave Maria dot com events, and this one will pop up. Anyway, if you like barbecue brews and blues, I suggest you go check it out. You know, what I’m thinking right now is of Maria is just a unique place same as above goal branch. And if he has places popping in Lifton, right? Look Hindi’s that’s the future. And the CEO of the domino speeds started it, and and that’s great. I had no idea. And that’s why Jeanne you’re a wealth of information. Yeah. Don’t spill coffee. Michael. You heard it. Yeah. Another party foul. Just got new computer? And I don’t wanna say goodbye to it yet. I should say production thou-. Yeah. So he started of Maria beautiful beautiful church right in the middle of this whole city and the university, which basically is the center of the centerpiece of the full town. I’m sure is bringing a lot of educated people because it’s very respect that university. And I met some teachers, and they’re very young and very proud to be part of that that organization, and it’s a little dry from NATO’s towards colleague. But I thought he is definitely ward one day trip say if you coming to NATO’s, and, you know, even if it’s raining doesn’t mean it’s going to be raining Maryam because you’re going to be pretty far from Napier. But it’s definitely definitely void of drive and see very unique town that he will probably not see new Earls in in United States. Route is a fact and just be out in the middle of the Collier county going to be in the middle of the forest. That’s how it started. Just you know, it’s the middle of nowhere. But it’s just the self sufficient to have a water park to have beautiful homes. I know a lot of people, you know, move. Yes, where I come from from the San Francisco Bay area, you know, real estate is so expensive, and so people go out to other suburbs even pass the bay area. And even you know commute an hour to two and a half hours a day just one way to get into work in this. We have a lot of people that are from Naples and people at work here. Whatever that go out to Ave Maria and in live in that community and commute here on daily basis. I know a lot of people moving there from Naples. They just finding you know houses are cheaper much much larger and the living qualities are very high.
They moving. Still working Naples? Yeah. Right. Yeah. And you know, we had one gentleman who owns the tin walled company on are both cost and he moved there. You know, if you remember do and he just purchase new house. So guys, you know, are interested for nice day-trip. You have to locations you can go TI Manca, actually, you can go to them or. Yeah. And then unavailable you can go to Moccoli two favorites. Plays of mats, and that’s Sinoe. See? Maybe Popeye’s chicken. I think we’re going to get our first Popeye’s chicken here. Naval and go time. I drive out that way Z our food again hot on principle. I just like Popeye’s better than any other jewelry. And right. Yeah. This is what you got vegetables are overrated. No getting idea about diet. I just wanna mention divine, APRIL’s dot com is the biggest and largest localized portal. We have eighteen sites, and we provide you information in Egypt sites a little bit different content, and the content could be in pictures, videos, or text or also to sites can be nicely organized. Like, if you’re looking for a company that you wanna hire we have business directory. If you’re looking for happy hours that you wanna visit in Naples, some local restaurants. Go ahead and check are happy hour of you know of site. If you wanna put anything in classified, we have that all those things for free. So we don’t charge for anything. We just want to inform you we have virtual this. They’re senators guy places to stay and my name your price. It’s just started. So there’s a lot of lot of interesting things real estate website is really interesting. We are trying to bring all the communities in three thousand communities in south Florida. When I’ll let you know of quality of living there. So if you hold lots of say, you can join us on our website and just put your five cents into it. If you want to be out contributor like, Bruce and Julie there are musicians from tower Qatar providing old music behind this podcast, and that will be played in our coffee shop owner if you want to be like a Glenn Christopher of. Yesterday drubbed in our office. He dropped probably like two terabytes of photos row. And I thought he I mean default is are just amazing. And we’re going to be putting them in our in our coffee shop on display, and there will be also for sale if anybody is memories, walls, he’s professional photographer. And he’s got biggest collection of the photos in Naples are out even the historical photos. And we talk about it impossible with God. And how does it just, you know, wait four wait four dad is coming and you can see his profile. If you go to our website on top menu. This contact us you who were over that and see contributors if you’d like to join our country, we list, then you go to divine Naples dot com and four slash join. And again, just let us know what do you what are your what would you do? And and you know, we will definitely dig on the board you have free coffees a lot of benefits enjoying off. Office. You know, just like am being like working and helping build the community big corporation in small space, you know, rubbing rubbing shoulders. And if you will interview both parties, Bruce and Julie having through Dame also into gun, so you can hear a little bit more about them. And why Joan divine looking forward to it. Because you know, they’re so passionate about would be doing. We’ve been in touch with Glenn for over two years. And he was just looking from distant beginning. He didn’t believe what we were doing because it sounded like little crazy project. But then he jumped on board because he knows, you know, you know, two years, so we did a lot of progress and now the coffee shop and things are coming in reality. So he jumped on board. And if you have anything, you wanna share with our listeners, or with the people on our website, you can send us Email or you can send us a little video or you know, you can record your voice, tell us your story. What do you experience enables? Let us know how you feel about the Naples Florida south the Slota, let us know, you know. If you coming here, we just wanna know everything would you experience? And if you have some suggestions for us, or maybe ideas, always the emails of the same share at divine, Naples dot com. And that’s just basically how he can get in touch with us Ed involved and the lawf- interaction with people if you wanna meet us, just wait for the coffee. Shop mad is going to be there from opening to close. Until until coffees. Get cold. Long. Yeah, you I’m sure you do you just you just bathing you excited about Eric’s homicide. Yeah. So I’ll be looking forward to meeting you all and please here is the vitamin d that you have to take today.
So our pharmacist is here, but me switch my hat, and let me just put on my pharmacists hat. I am the in house pharmacists for divine, Naples dot com. What do I prescribe Apas crop vitamin d? And what we mean by that? We mean tell somebody about divine Naples dot com today. Tell anybody I mean, literally, anybody stranger on the shoulder. Call your mom, your dad, your brother, your sister. I don’t care just do it. Please help us build this community have them go to divine Naples dot com. Subscribe to our podcast or you can sure link for them to do that. And we want you to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram. Yes. And if you standing gray smoky mountains right now on the top just. Start yelling about divine nape was shout it from the mountain tops. Do forget. Forget that. Yeah. Yeah. Got. Oh. That’s true. Yeah. So I make sure you plug it in like today, we’re surrounded by so many mountains. Twiss agrees. I can’t imagine how I could forget. Yeah. And same time, you forget deficient men. And and you’re at all it’s just I love that. I love you vitamin d prescription because not go to doctors all the same. It’s different. This is what I love on it. So they. And we’ll you’re going to tell about divine able city how many people I do it every day. No, you do I know because I usually going Saint places you and people reporting to me, you know, how much they heard about the divine, and that’s what passion dust to you. So just remember the garden is open because few passionate people started in ninety three. We have Bubka branches was started because somebody passionate was believing in the in the green housing, and and you know, energy that is not producing fumes of Maria were started because somebody was passionate about the religion and divine Naples dot com is happening because we are passionate about south Florida and vision, that’s it. And with that the EPA to forty two as in a can have or going to send this file is very very long. Thank you didn’t hear it. But the the blueprint amount of. The bloopers on this on this of both gossip is it’s just gonna be to count is longer than is itself. And I think the guy is in our in our office. He’s name is Adam gonna kill. Around. Yeah. To forty two rob. And thank you very much for listening small Saturday Fridays any second February. And it’s it’s just I see portfolio forecast here on the screen. It’s supposed to rain little bit. So if you have, you know, if you have rain on your wages thing about doing something else go indoor maybe you when I go shopping support, local businesses or get a massage into divine Abel’s, berry, go we’re breakout your unbrella and continue on with what you had planned. But this just don’t do it in the lightning from this side of table on this side of the Mike your host rates, and I guess on this side of the table in this might your host Matt child.
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You think you know NAPLES Fl ? WRONG ! we are sharing 10 secret things that you may not know about Divine Naples. Test your knowledge or get new info if you are visitor or local there is always something new to learn. Get your popcorn ready !
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We hope you will enjoy todays show with creative music tones from Julie and Bruce at Terra Guitarra in Naples, Florida. Follow us on Instagram and Like us on Facebook for updates and daily live videos.
The. And it’s a Hyundai. Someday. And welcome to our divine daily podcast episode, two forty and he’s Wednesday. Twentieth. February and we sitting here on studio together. Drinking coffee is beautiful day outside seventy four already in the morning, and we enjoying it. Your hos rates get with the master of masters and your host, Matt. And I was just going to say it was nice not waking up in the morning and half to wiping off the do off my windows. All really means. You walk up really late. Yeah. Relate, try the other other direction li-literally put anyway. Yeah. It is nice as how tight beautiful. Twentieth. I was in a beach yesterday doing something. And and I couldn’t believe how many people sitting on a beach. Crowded just sitting. Yup. So they’re they’re flowing in seasons. And on my point is they sitting they do nothing. Yeah. City. Yeah. Yeah. They’re here on vacation or enjoying their time today. Yeah. It’s obviously that’s only as working. That’s right. Uh-huh. That’d be loved. We do. Yeah. We do. I love what I’m doing right now. Do you drinking coffee you best talking guzzling coffee coffee guzzler? Yeah. And that seems to be touched it subject. We have our sponsor we do in our sponsor is divine Naples coffee. Shop coming to you the doors are not open right now. But they are providing us the coffee, and we want to invite you. And we’ll let you know when those doors open, we invite you to come in and have the best Cup of coffee in all the Naples that will inspire your poets poets poetry and divine Naples coffee. Shop is part of divine Naples dot com. The also in for Senator into downtown, APRIL’s, and we took the first business under our own Birla, and that is divine spa. So now, divine spa became to be divine. Naples are all insane building and are looking to serve. You and provide you with excellence of information. I was looking for everything about Naples were just trying to inform people about Maples and the surrounding area and south southwest, Florida. We got some information for you today about the surrounding area, and we are about to build a community and bring more people to our local businesses because they are just really essential part of our local economy and the community three jobs, and you’re happy to have them because they just shared their passion most times in with the customers and what they do they lost. And we just love to be part of this community if you coming and traveling to Naples, or if you live here, please come to divine APL dot com as often as you can. And if you wanna share some of your stories, or some of the pictures or anything, you have you can do you have always pictures or video you can use Email share as divine Naples that gum, and if is appropriate because you know, we may never know. May get some world is full craze that about you know, it may not like, it would be say sure, be careful if you if you say something nice about mad needle share it. Stay positive. Anyway. That’s what we try to bring. Here’s a positive vibe and smile as much as we do live in the healthiest and happiest city accordingly in the United States, they say, and we just want to you know, spread the love that’s v do and for that reason of spreading lawf- via podcasts. And if you, you know, if you like what are you hearing done forget to subscribe, whatever the platform yarn on right? So we are here sitting in our studio every single day, you know, bringing something interesting something new today subject is, and it is ten things you might not know about Maples. It’s not actually just Naples, but it’s the surrounding area and just starting off on this. I want to say, you know, we’re known for pristine beaches. Yes, you know, sunset, and we are also known for great podcast. The. Euboea VR. So it’s the golf capital of the United States. And so there you have it. But you know, we’re surrounded by most Italian restaurants in on St.. Maybe the French bitter. Get busy down there on better. But anyway, all the Naples is surrounded by golf courses communities beaches, you know, restaurants nice streets like fifth, and that type of thing you’re actually surrounded by one of the most awesome ecosystems in the world. And we’re going to talk about a few. You have all in the world. You know, how walled is big. That’s huge.
And so do you mean like the biggest it’s one of the best? Okay. Maybe I’ll correct myself. It is one of the biggest and best ecosystems that ever ever ever go in see. And you know what? I now I’m thinking, well, just let me just give you one one of the one of the facts, and some people may know, you may be a local live down here know all about this place, and where you may be a tourist and don’t know. So some people may know the information some might not. But here goes I point did, you know, according to trip. Advisors travels choice award Marco island is the number one island in the US and number four in the world. Remember, I just said in you mean by visits or what they decide how how it’s the number one. It’s choice that they made. Number two. I just wanna touch sharing just put. Inputs like my thoughts. Right. So like then fifteen years ago Tripadvisor was a joke. People are like, you know, taking joke, and look how much credibility burnt. I mean, they say something, right? And even talking about it on a podcast. I mean right now the amount of the people using trip advisor. And I it’s based on their opinions. They take this really seriously. So it’s really nice to see you know, how rating the I mean the Marco island. Yeah. Because his seriously vengeful wonderful island, and is number one rated it’s never one rated in the US and in the world, take that into perspective. Listen to be in the world think about how big the world is saying, it’s unbelievable. Well, it’s believable. I guess coordin- trip advisor. But you have both been there. I love mar. Okay. People. Let me love mar Levin, I do too. I don’t go to often. But when I go, you know, it’s it’s a pain sometime because the travels so let me just say people Ma. Island is really nice island. So if you don’t have to go there just don’t because when we go there, we don’t know parking spaces, whatever to get there. You not all of you cannot go there understand that please just keep some, you know, some spaces for the locals. For the. You know, that’s true soon going to be traveling by Baltimore God. Because seriously, the whole island is very hard to even park next to Starbucks. It’s just so one way way out and willing. Luckily, I know some tricks how to bargain some of the places. Sure, those drinks I cannot reveal you can’t disclose now. Yeah. But in oh seriously. It’s wonderful wonderful right next ten thousand islands. I was just going to mention sorry. Don’t you Marco island is the largest of the ten thousand islands in? This is a group of islands that are famous for kayaking fishing and also gathering shelf. Yes. Yeah. And you can just like, you know, there’s all kinds of water support activities. Like, you know, you can you can get tour guides that will be you know, that you can discover on our website right things to do in that type of thing or write your own jet, skier, whatever and just hop from island island. You know, you know, even just just. Get out there and enjoy there’s so many different ten thousand islands Agean that sit conceal something you do. Okay. So I when I got here like twenty three years ago, I had the best job into all I worked for a big corporation. But I very soon realize the expenses are higher than what I was making here. Yeah. Competitive what I was making Europe. And so I had to take another job, and I had the best job in my life. And that was on the beach in Marco island, and I was I was working boy. No, no, no, no. I was working at the beach attendant, and he were doing tours in ten thousand islands we were doing renting jet skis, and you’re like setting of them. I mean, I was little bit younger than today. You know? And it was really good job because I had such a beautiful if you, you know, everything all do realize of or in my view and passed them those water. Yeah. It doesn’t really care about much. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And and I was singled that time. Yeah. There you go. So you can imagine. Yeah. That was the best job. Your eyes popping all the saying. You know is popping that what I’m saying is, you know, the job didn’t feel like job vacation because somebody rent jet ski head to show them. How it works under my boss? His name was Richard in the rising there, by the way, I will be talking about him next few gas because he dust tours and ten thousand islands until today. And he’s one of the most knowledgeable guy in the ten thousand islands and his job there because you know, if you get lost in thousand islands, you cannot find maybe just John groves all kinds of you need to to to be well schooled to be tried those waters.
They are cases where people get the, you know, end up in jetskis in girls. And they’re those situations very interest keep in mind that you want to get somebody who knows they are. Yeah. But when when somebody rent a jet ski. Hit to always test it with us. The jury had to test it before put it away. Yeah. And he always said, you cost me so much money on gas amply cost me. I always say listen, I have to make sure the customers happy and satisfied. Yeah. His operating properly. I have so many hours onto jetski that I don’t have to ride jet skier. Don experience all of the till? Let’s go to point. Then there’s also the Everglades waterway in this runs from Everglade city to Flamingo, and it’s a great place to kayak again. And did, you know, here’s an interesting fact that it’s actually ninety nine miles long and takes seven to nine days to complete what walking just by guess, I don’t know, obviously, kayaking or whatever. Stephon days cocky, you’re getting I don’t think there’s going to be any trails that diesel seven ten miles a day. Yeah. I mean, pretty lazy. I mean, maybe you you’re superhuman can get seven days. But I’m just presenting the facts, let me just let me explain if I go on kayak is usually rented kayak, and that is limited in time. So you should see the speed. I’m taking up if I have only two hours you ever motor in it. No, I have two hours to get back, and I don’t wanna pay extra fee. You should. Always saving the dollar. Cise out of it to I come back. That’s cardio. I get some mileage on that for an extra five bucks. Yeah. They look at the where you been they get some snow on it. Yeah. Go ahead. Then you have the fuck patchy strand. Preserve, and this is a preserve that helps out the environment, and is also home to the ghost orchid, and I disliked the say home to the ghost orchid because we have an article written about the ghost on our website. In are interesting. You know history about it. Yeah. And it’s really awesome might want to check that out. And then I kind of have nickname. It goes back to Hatschi master. Yeah. That’s actually sticker on your color. I do I do. And so you get a lot of respect for that. Yeah. Even the police. And I just want to mention the orchid good distorted goes begging like thirties, right thirties or something. And it is really interesting story. I’m this is the only place in the wall a game where ghost orchid actually exists. Yeah. It’s really awesome in its unique species and just read that article, and and just get get get the history of that. Really amazing. Yeah. It’s just amazing. And then you have a did, you know that the western Everglades is the only place in the world where you can see alligators and crocodiles living in the same attitude while now these are saltwater crocodiles, by the way, most people probably crosses the United States. Wouldn’t even know that there was an actual crocodile species here in the United States. Okay. So I have two questions educational question. We’re gonna test you right, now don’t know. Not that. I’m the inhouse pharmacists Nessie house. Professor. Yes, alo-. It’s simple question. So do you know how I altogether can run short of distance. I have no idea. Okay. So you just got the points and. Probably won’t know the answers to the questions to or you said two questions to don’t overload, my brain. Yes. So he can run forty miles an hour chilies. That’s a man the best way to do run away from exact. Yes, sir guy in Florida, h one. Yeah. Exactly to do. You know, how recognize the difference between alligators and cloakroom by the teeth. I guess no. But the shape of their mouth. Okay. Yeah. Crooked is more like pointy the on the and and alligators more like why why short NY almost like you short? What? Description. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention these visit and medicine. I hope it doesn’t. He’s sort of. I. Just saying. If you like crocs Dom kidding. Oh, and he’ll his own cracks hooks right anyway. Digress. I love let’s take you on these targeted aggression.
There’s nobody else here. I know. Well, they’re coming. Probably can’t wait for me to get out dig coming for you coming. They got they got something to say, it’s also the home of the big cypress national park, which is the largest preserve in the United States. I’m going to say some two we have a lot of invasive species that are introduced to this environment. And one of them is the Burmese python. You just can’t I guess or whatever. Until they have seasons tags or whatever for people to try to help to to hunt them down and get them for for studying purposes, and understanding, you know, they popped two hundred babies in a couple of months. I mean, how have you? And maybe I can look this up to tomorrow, whatever. But I think one of the largest was found down here just a couple of days ago. It was huge. I forget the exact place. I think it was maybe out in a Moccoli. I thought replace, but yeah, we’ll try to hunt down that information. But so you have a lot of invasive species that have come from other places in the world. And you know, at one time Miami was a one of the number one places for getting exotic animals, you know, the the port of delivery I ever and so so that’s one the Burmese python python. And you know, you never know you might be out in the big Cyprus. You know, there’s there’s actually I forget the name of the lizard. There’s a lizard. He is larger desert and change the color mill mainly. You can see them green. Good name with. That’s that’s not Guana. No different name for it. Will look at a I I’m busy. You’re all. To me. Glosses you see more. There you go. Four is better than. -olutely then we’ll also someday we’ll talk about it. There’s corkscrew swamp sanctuary, and this is an awesome place with a lot of walkways and everything and you probably actually come into contact with an alligator. And then it’s also great place to see birds. We have tons of species of birds. We can’t get into that all here today. But in future will be discussing and informing me more about that a lot of the foul life that we have here. And then also it’s the home of the Florida panther. It’s interesting though, the Florida panther, you know, there’s different varieties in the United States of the we can call the cougar the panther, whatever. But I believe it was a species introduced from from Texas that was brought in here to try to repopulate the panther population here. And actually it’s estimated that we have about one hundred twenty two one hundred sixty adults remaining in this preserve area. So all your numbers are increasing. The are increasing. And it’s funny because when you go down all the way down to call your boulevard, and if you know where east Naples is Andy go off forty one and you turn left onto call your boulevard, you’ll go through a section of call your boulevard that actually has panther warning signs. Yes. Not like in California where I’m from. We have deer crossing signs whatever we have panther crossing signs. Well, it’s still better than having Google. Because crooner in your language is was related to something else. Thank you very much. Yeah. Well, that’s a subject for another day. I can say anyway anymore there. There’s some information for you today. And we’re going to try to do this. You know from time to time we’re going to the nature of this particular podcast, Monday through Friday is to introduce people to local businesses and allow that business owner to be able to explain why they do what they do what kind of services they provide the vision behind it and try to make connection between the business owner and the consumer consumer meaning you who may be looking for those types of products or services. So we’re just here to be able to use this podcast Bill local businesses, Bill community and just try to be informative. And if you wanna be on causes of business owner, it’s very easy can go to divine, Naples dot com. Four slash daily, dodgeball. Kost filled a forum on that. They can get over there. That’s right. But let me just say this. I mean, I have to give credit the amount of the information. He brought in today’s up so unbelievable. And he is just all some to learn some of the, you know, pinpoints of this beautiful avid that we live in and the if somebody’s just maybe sitting in the car right now and driving down to Florida and listening both costs and is somewhere like two thousand twenty six February. And they looking forward to be on the beach even crowded more than today than they already excited to do something else that sitting and doing nothing giving away and actually getting out and just just taking in the environment the wildlife, and that type of thing there’s just so many beautiful things to see down here.
And we’re going to try to inform you on all those different types of things. Just like the ghost orchids absolute and encourage you to use our local businesses rent kayaks or Podolsk boards or their guys which having ups Lutely awesome ratings on Tripadvisor too. And that’s the name rice tight and their ecology st-. You know, remember we had them on. And they will they will give you two of the Everglades and also ten thousand islands, and you can take pictures, and according to them than the day is never disdain, you can you can repeat that you know, two three times. And you always gonna see something else. Yeah. Exactly. Yep. Day down. Here is the same you promised. You’re going to go and to remember the I did planning to like going into kayak? So I feel too restricted. Why? I’m not gonna do the kayak option. I’m going good with jetski option because the other involves too much exercise how because I don’t like to be confined in KYW. No, let me just say this. I’ll take the responsibility for pod alling. Getting you tell me has the right there in two hours. You see dispeat-? Yeah. Right. So I don’t need your muscles smell. I’ll just. Have a life preserver on what I need you to do is when we on the kayak need you to sit in the bag. So the front is lifted. I can’t visions of can’t go faster. Oh my God. I just loved it should see my face. He starts looking face and rate. Yes, he always been. Yeah. I grow. Just love jokes. ’cause I’m always the target. Then let’s get somebody else. It’d be we can pick on you. You need to be fostered on. Yeah. But listen, we have this thing in Europe say if people talk about you you are alive. Yeah. Oh, there you go. Yeah. I’m saying, that’s right. If they stop talking about you that’s pretty much dead and gone. You are you are still alive Renault thought. Yeah. Anyway, this is awesome. That you done. Thank you very much looking for more information because he’s so educational you just I think that the sole founding you had you know in seven seas. Yeah. You’ve been alone and seven old search on the seven seas there. I were alone as ING at the stars alone and into like into boat and seven seas. I went on the trip alone. Good very good something happened. And you just got so improved. Yeah. You know, it’d be like be like, you movers new met point sixty eight. Versus short lifetime. As getting is getting better and better. He’s like vine. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They drink vine. Good better. He ate, I taste you Jing wine. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Anyway, I don’t drink. So don’t drink. That’s a fact. Yeah. So thank you very much where they send me an awesome job looking for tomorrow podcast. What are you going to bring? It’s really nice to educate our listeners because of course, you know, you don’t know everything. And if they coming here or did just wanna know that have been more. It’s good to give them information. I learned so much today. Thank you for getting me, your wealth, and that we have our local events and Evan masters here. And we’ll else that would be than our own Matt or circus director now I had come on. Now, what’s going on divine people in my first event for you today is bike night in classic car show. That’s February twenty first which is tomorrow that’s between five pm and ten pm. And that will be held at the show factory and nature park in north Fort Myers. So go ahead and go on their website and check it out just type in shell factory in nature park. And it’ll come up, and it’s it’s a free admission. Get to look at cars are going to have some drawings, and they’ll have some live entertainment music, by Cray, Z Joe ban. So the restaurant will also be opened up till nine o’clock. So go out and enjoy looking at cars and bikes a bug bite motorcycles. Yeah. Yeah. And then this event I found I I love because I come from that from the industry TV industry. I have a TV background autoradio radio background. And this is the Benita springs international film festival. That’s going to be actually held from February twenty first to the twenty fourth.
And this is at the center for the arts VO Nita springs, and they present seventy carefully crafted narrative documentary animation in short films from around the world. And they also we’re going to have a wide variety of workshops demonstrations, and all all that type of thing. And of course, that’s held at the center for the arts vanita springs and bony springs, give them a call at four nine five eight nine eight nine and let me just say this is this would be a good event. If you if you know we talking about inspiration coffee shop come and dreaming poetry, and all that type of stuff if you have a passion for this type of arts the industry, or whatever I wouldn’t courage to go out there. Get a look, maybe you’re gonna meet somebody. Brushed shoulders, and and and also learned something and just take it in. If that’s your passion to go into film. I would suggest this event for anybody. That’s going to be in southwest Florida during these days just making a film for your own thing. You can you can pick up some, you know idea. Sure and the hit today in three days or four days see seeing seventy films. Yeah. That’s kind of heavy. Yeah. It is. But if you wanna I mean, if you can pick and choose what you want. Sure, but the beauty there’s a variety. Right. But you know, he’s a lot of films for four days. It is a lot of it’s gonna be really nice to see some different varieties Silva, whatever to art people to get. So you’re right. I mean, it’s it’s nice event. Then I’m glad you putting music and also, you know movies. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if he can get out of here. Yeah. We make gonna I’m may take you for movie. You buy cooler by the popcorn because I don’t eat either. Sneak in candy some kid because I don’t eat car. Yeah. We’re peanuts. That’s another subject for another day. Yeah. I think Dutch subjects. It was a episode. I don’t know. Maybe I might talking about three. Yeah. Yeah. That’s the way about so. Thank you, Matt. That’s good. That’s good events. And you know, people have something to do some inspiration into hump day after day Vam. And before we brought up, you know, we always closed with the message that it’d be won’t you to put closer to your heart. And also, you know, don’t forget the doing all of this things for free. The of Dr passion, and we’d love to you all the live in Naples and also come and visit Naples, we that’d be a bunch of people that are passionately same our contributors. So demure, you’re listening is from thera Julian Bruce vonda for people, and such a open souls on you can see them on the streets overnight, both and Bonita, and they travel also in different states and play their of under full music that it’ll be a non coffee shop we have twenty two CDs from there so is going to have plenty to play. Listen to dad, we have pictures with provided by Glen, Christopher our photographer. And if you have any other specialties you wanna join our team of contributors, you can do that divine a positive com. Join audit on that just search. We have eighteen of upsides in nineteen languages plenty to learn from this area. And if you business owners get hold of us because we have many many bays, we can bring more attention to you and your business because we know what the budgets are not always that strong, especially when you live into the wrist related ARA and seasonal between gonna bring down one day this whole gate of season. And we wanna bring more local people to any business. And we that that message that you need to put closer to your heart is right here. Yeah. There is a message. Well, let me I do this started off the show with a cap and sat took that off. And then took off the professor hat during the time of learning and information now, I’m going to put on my doctor’s hat. I am Matt the inhouse pharmacists, and what do I prescribe I prescribe vitamin d? And what do we mean by vitamin d will we want you to share divine Naples dot com with at least one person today. Anybody grandmother father firemen, I don’t know what she asked. Me the sea yesterday. We’ll get to that maybe tomorrow and just share the divine Naples dot com. Have them go on and subscribe to our podcast or better yet copy the link send it to somebody in emailer tax, and let them know about divine Naples dot com. Follow us, unlike us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram. Take your vitamin d two don’t even know what to say to that. It’s all good. Yeah. You just getting such a good in this. Yeah. You think so? Yeah. After you do over and over again sometime to still make mistakes. But now you never, but I’m I don’t make the I made my first mistake. No, you you you still close to me. I have no idea where you go. You so close to perfect. Anybody that knows me outside in Naples and in Naples, you know, that’s not true.
Tell the truth and shame the devil. Oh, well, then dividends flying for you. Anyway, Matt, thank you very much for that message to be love, you all divine people, please, you know, if you have any messages or any comments our social media, you can do that or share as divine Naples dot com is the Email that you can definitely send us any messages. You have that episodes chew forty Wednesday. A thrift of February with seventy six degree outside us being in air conditioning environment finishing our coffee. It’s over we know you are very sad. And probably some theaters is, but I have a solution crock about to go back to our Gosden menu and person off Gaza, you can listen to any of them there, and they never disappear. So visit lift forever there Yankee mushroom listening share that with anybody can and from this Mike until tomorrow, your host rich and from this might your host, Matt Jau.
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Divine Naples Daily started new show program – LEARN ALL ABOUT SWFL FROM LOCALS!
This episode will bring you closer to one of the non-profit organizations that operates in Naples FL for over 30 years. these numbers speaks for themselves 2,704 volunteers, 513,249 hot meals served …..
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The. And is seventy degrees here in beautiful divine Naples, be sitting in our studio with coffee in the hand. And we are ready. We are ready to start not he’s of our divine Naples, daily podcast Thrum, divine Naples dot com. Your host rich beem your co host Matt white goes. Okay, host. Wow. I would say so. Yeah, we have same rights. I don’t know about that. We don’t have. I mean, the captain you call me the captain of the ship, and I don’t I don’t really commandeer it it we have same rights. But I don’t think we have some responsibilities now about I always blame you for. And I’m the one that gets go in and out. That’s fine blame you because you never hear. Yeah. Well, so it’s February nineteen two thousand eighteen episode to thirty nine if so many nights in this. We do I mean, isn’t it? Interesting to three nine we live in that area coat. Never thought about that. Oh, I’m just lesser thinker. You’re the genius in here. That’s I’m just a lesser thinker. It’s finally realized that took you years some things come to the light. The most. Most important than game to the light. Even Siri knows that. Yeah, I don’t like her. Because I don’t have her. Yeah. Horrible to not be able to have something that you don’t want. No. It’s horrible to not being able to have what daughter people have. Yeah. Well, that’s called envy. So for example. Let me just show you what you don’t know. Yeah. Right. Right. Serey was my name. Series. What’s my name? What is your boyfriend’s name math? Seri-? What’s my name genius? That’s what Utah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. There you go. That’s what she that’s what you told on Keno. No. She knows Siri knows everything. If you don’t have one, you do know, she’s probably one of the smartest women on the pilot. She is for the boyfriends awesome. Immediately said your name, so so romantic, I know I’m just kidding with the I love you brother, so visiting here as you can see always fun and today, Tuesday, no different date from for four us. Right. We just producing and producing for you people to enjoy our podcast because we sitting here Naples and thinking how we can bring value to you. So we have a lot of different things to bring you today. Little bit of history, math prepared. So you can get educated. And don’t forget this podcast Monday to Friday, we want to prepare from March. We wanna call a local businesses and have them to introduce themselves to our listeners. So the whole purpose of this podcast Monday through Friday is to allow bloke businesses to share their business their services. Passion behind it. And and to try to make a connection with our listeners who may be looking for those types of services may be baked goods, you know, landscaping painting, whatever whatever it is. And they’re able to tell their story. Make a connection and help build community and local business obsolete. They this is important essential part of our local economy, creating jobs, first of all and Secondly create services that you know, are partially provided to our residents and tourists, right? Yeah. Not just lines up with our philosophy because we’ve talked to back sometime prior podcasts about just breaking the whole paradigm of this season non-seasoned thing or whatever and just a straight line economy. None of this were trying to break that paradigm of the season on season. Although we know there are some economic differences. It’d be awesome to be able to build up the economy during cooling Kuti off-season. Well. I mean, if you business you pay bills whole year, it’s electric, you know, FBI, I’ll just call you. The par- company says listen of you know, season ended so white keep your bills. No. Sylla’s give you break the business base. The Bill all the time. And and we definitely need to adjust our brains to defacto that there’s a lot of people and more and more moving to Naples community are growing into tremendous amount of the housing.
And and you know, there’s still developing and still building. Let’s trees I see I said port. No, it’s part of the developments. Yeah. It is. And and it’s interesting to it’s a lot of families that are coming. So that the dynamic is changing it used to be this is the place that you retire. You know, and people got their second home. They lived up north in the cold weather, saying I’m not gonna live that in that type of environment in my in my older years I’m going to enjoy the sun being Naples. This is a great place. Well, the dynamics are changing, and they’re still going to change because you know, when we think also just just think about the businesses or whatever. And then those that are coming down and becoming employees working here. This isn’t a cheap place to live. Now. He’s not so the economy’s going to change. And and you know, it change you in Gulf country clubs are missing. You members. Definitely definitely, you know, showing up there, and and all suffering the member membership membership because a lot of people the young people ROY engine. She’s not interested in going. They’re not they’re not at all. They play. Or? Yeah. Exactly. Or whatever lot to families are going to be involved in all kinds of things that will be able to talk to we were talking about community there be other activities. Boy scouts whatever. It is. You know, little league baseball. These are the things that families young families are going to be involved in. And you know, it’s just there might not be that much time for golfer and before we do that we forgot our sponsor. Yeah. We well. We haven’t actually got into the content. Yeah. But we can do that we should. And we should. And today’s podcast is brought to you by divine Naples coffee shop. Yes, it’s not online yet, but will be opening up its doors. They are providing our coffee today, and we can’t wait to share divine Naples coffee shop with you when it opens, and we’ll be getting back to you. With further information xactly, and he will serve you gladly Cup of coffee that is able to inspire poets and the environment is going to be incredible. It’ll be surprise can’t wait to meet you. You like any type yet? Well, it’s getting there you like I like the design I’ve seen that I can’t wait for the finished products. Oh, I think you heard enough it’s going to be located next to visitor center. And actually it’s going to be looking at it between our visitor center and our spa because we also are partner with divine spa, which became to be divine Naples spa despite Naples, and if you’re looking for good relaxation, maybe you should definitely go not not only that. But just all natural and. Environment. That’s another thing. That’s going to be great because I’m thinking about just the environments of all three places in we’re not gonna disclose the coffee provider. You’re going to be quite surprised long the class gonna be involved in in just the whole vibe of this place, and then just the divine spot divine Naple spot now and the environment there, and I have had to treatments there by learn me, more than you. Yeah. Yeah. And it was just spectacular. And I just can’t tell you. I was almost put to sleep. In fact, I might have been what they got to the foot thing. I don’t know how to. I have. Reflect. But you know, what they do. They put you in sleep. And then they up sixty minutes later. Oh, my Sasha’s over you have. It was amazing. Just simply amazing. Just a great time the environment. Just the whole vibe. I was just like so relaxed get to know, maybe I should ask boss for the other environment will be treatment. And I don’t think give it to you. But. Idea Allah gift to gab. And the, you know, the, you know, I’m just a guy. They log me here in five by I’m like in selling. Yeah. Jalen my life. I don’t know. How it looks like when I know how. Probably seen it on TV when you’re musing yourself. But I also wanna make one more matching is just also the environment of the visitor center. You’re going to be able to get information by -pointment, maybe someday, it will be opened up all the time. They’ll be a meeting room there were business people can can gather, you know, up to eight seventy inch TV on the wall. There you go so Starbucks. It’s going to be interesting because everything’s you know, just a few footsteps away. Anyway, that’s what’s going on here. Things are moving in. And we’re just believing that that March in on is just gonna be sailing and that Bill because of our building community and coffee shop divine Naples coffee. Shop is going to be big part of that community. And since we speaking to community might prepared some of these materials that the Bill explain what v mean by that.
Yes, I will do that. And so today, we’re going to talk a little bit about a great organization down here. And that is. Saint Matthews house, and it is a charity that really reaches out to the community. And we’re gonna share about some of those things, but let me just tell you what their mission statement is to change lives in the spiritual environment that is both compassionate and disciplined as we provide housing for the homeless food for the needy and comfort for the addicted and suffering in you know, that seems to be kind of problem today when you think about just not getting darker wherever the opiates and just addictions, and all that type of stuff, and sometimes people just fall out in life in it’s great to have an organization like this here in our community and call your county that could provide assistance for people that are need in fact, just last week in cars on fifth cracked, right? And that whole thing was a sponsored by the friars club. But but all the donations the money were given to Saint Matthews house, and it was Salihi, you know, amazing event. And I hope they race a lot of money that will help a lot. Of needy people because you know, I think is it’s subject that no many people wanna talk about. But it’s it’s part of life. It’s part of every community. And it’s part of, you know, something that can happen very quickly in anybody and he’s buddies life. And if you end up in situations like that, you know, it’s it’s something you need to support any help. So they’re professionals, and they’re, you know, people on the board that defined the ready to step in and help even like, for example, you were talking about divine spa. They know might people know, but what they do is they provide direct services to women of abuse of is it’s shelter abuse of children children. They invite three-part Spence once a month to receive free treatment free of charge. Great. They logged it adores. Nobody can get in. And nobody knows they come in. And just just provide a service vendor. Full service to people. That need that. And what else, you know, moderate in in situation when she so stressed out. She can appreciate more than just feel beautiful of and she received facial or somebody will can completely locks and just forget about troubles for one hour wondering, and you know, they don’t even talk about it. And I know for fact, and you know, I talked to them they mentioned you have no idea of the women into shelter. They come from all kind of different groups all different corners delights. There are polar are h they are beautiful. You know, there’s a lot of people that they think it’s not happening, but his happening. And because you don’t see it. It’s still humping. Well and same thing with them send my house. I mean, there’s if you don’t see homeless people here, but they’re here. No, they aren’t you know, you bring that up. If you hope you don’t mind me, interrupting, but you know, when I first came here about twenty seven years ago, you didn’t really see any of. What you do? Now. See when I first came when I first came you didn’t see that. When I came back about five years ago. I saw more more people on the streets with signs, you know, in that type of Steph or whatever and in it’s it’s growing, it’s or whatever, you know, even the policemen yesterday because you know, we are in community a lot and they see us doing live and things the nature. So I mean, they a lot of them know me already, and I met the policemen. And we were talking about stuff, and and he said they getting a lot of calls a lot of abuse of the nine one one calls and stuff like that. And he mentioned a lot of times people like homeless people they go to the beach. They Detroit to sleep there. And then they’d have to take them away. And they don’t want them to jail drive them to send these house. So even our community police and our Naples police. He’s part of that the you know that that’s he’s relations because they you know, they going to help to them in jail. Unfortunate than you just did create any anymore, easy situation for them. Yeah. So yes, we have those issues we just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean, they don’t exist. And and a lot of it has to do with mental illness. I mean, it’s not going to, you know, putting something in the jail cell isn’t going to help. They really need some type of help in Saint Matthews canoes kinda has several different types of programs that are in that can be involved to where you can get some help. They they all they network with doctors and people and psychiatrists psychologists that can kind of diagnose. Maybe somebody’s problem or whatever may be treated with medicine and all that type of Steph or whatever, but we just wanted to mention this today, we’re gonna talk about our community website and some other things and we have events talk about, but I just want to encourage you to go to Saint Matthews website and just check it out, and that’s at Saint Matthews house dot org and just to let you know, some of the things they do their housing and feeding ministry, they have a great one Justice place recovery.
Program. I’d encourage you to take a look at that helping people, you know, break addictions, and and try to get back on the right road. And the in in lead them into, you know, some type of job training, or whatever they also have the Moccoli friendship house food pantry. Just unbelievable. So they providing food for families in packages and types of things restaurants. They donate food Shu-sen Matiz. I even public is somehow. Somebody one time into bakery and Dave start packing. You know, some of the bigger items. And I said where are you taking I wanna buy some of this this, you know, going to be donated? So there’s a lot of organizations do whatever they can. So if you wanna do Nate, the we encourage you to do it because it’s going to go for good costs. And and if you wanna own theory or time, please seek the somebody we can help you out in send Matthew’s house, they’ll look at it in airport road close to Kurt house. So very easy to find them. And you know, if you can help somebody just just I think is is just good thing too. Yeah. May also, you know, set up types of little businesses that they do the train people and one of them is like a car wash and detail center. And then there’s also ways some other things that they do they have a thrift store. Uh-huh. This amazing some people we got a lot of rich people here this counting. Sometimes they bring, you know, clothing different things that are really expensive. You’d be surprised what you may be able to. Off the those racks they have a cafe in there. All right, and you can buy coffee. Not you know. Hey well. Competition but competition is good for at Elizabeth community. They also have a catering service and just all kinds of things. So I just wanted courage go to that website, check it out. Also, you can become involved they need volunteers. If you have any special talents or those types of things or maybe your doctor that can, you know, bring some treatment or whatever and just try to get out there and help it’s a wonderful five. Oh, once he three charity organization, and I just wanted courage. Get great job. I mean, thank you very much for being of. And I tell you. It’s just remind me something I did yesterday. So you know, I do life on its monosso on the Facebook and yesterday there was a concert in computer park, and the concert was like Jess concert and people used to my life, like, you know, go to beach and do sunset, and you know, just having fun and stuff. And I think a lot of people were shocked and surprised yesterday. I was standing there next to band playing. Jess. And I just wanna say, you know, if you wanna comment, and we wanna bring to delight thinks that are in normal life in this community. So. Even if his nonprofit organization more concert in the park, which may not be a Cup of the. But there’s plenty of people that lawf- and one annot, and that’s what we are here for your voice. You’re right. And we want to inform you wanna share with you. What is life like, you know, in the PS and healthy CD in part of that is also nonprofit organizations have hundreds of them, and they helping is not like, you know, they do they don’t do nothing. Lot of things that are happening in this in this county, and I just want to give you that the didn’t know and in this whole county and saw the Florida is they could they could make and wholesale Laura. There’s fifty thousand Kate’s that goes hungry. Yeah. In in in the bath every night. That’s amazing. And I’m gonna give one more stout about Saint Matthews to it is the largest meal provider in Collier county. It offers too hot meals a day seven days a week, not they don’t take Sunday off and that they serve an average of seventeen hundred. Meals a day to men women and children at their various shelters to mazing. Okay. So explain exactly what are we saying? There you have it. So if you guys game somehow, you know, be part of what we do and just kinda follow you can find information on our website. And if you wanna donate, or if you want your time or money or something clothing anything, please help them out because you know, really good thing and seven hundred meals you have to cook. Yeah. Seriously. They have a great kitchen over there, but seventeen hundred meals. Yeah. It’s a lot of work. Wow. Wow. I’m surprised, but thank you very much older Reese done work. I mean, this is the meeting, and I’m glad we can you know, transfer this information through these microphones to speakers or also to from. Yes. Yeah. If you enough listen to us, you know, you wanna listen to us in privacy. Yeah. So because. Our voices are very, yeah. Very addictive mine might be noxious. You don’t wanna share the moment? When you listening voices somebody else, you wanna share that.
But you wanna muse on? Yeah. You wanna you wanna you wanna send him Lincoln? Let them know listen on their prayer cats. So we are here, you know, bringing everything what Naples has to offer divine Naples dot com is the biggest largest local portal, eighteen of upsides Nathan languages eighteen eighteen soon to be nineteen websites and mentioned before coffee shop InfoCentre and the spies part of it. So be building the brand and if any to business small business, it’s going to come aboard. You know, let you know, but the working on it. So we are here to support law businesses local community and bring them together. And the if you want any information if you moving to Naples, or if you just live here, and the just wanna be part of us. You can go to divine Naples dot com and find you know, how we can contribute to be. Half a special place for contributors, and the you can become one. We have. Absolutely awesome photographer. We have musicians the music listening is from Qatar big jersey. You will see is from Glenn Christopher is very photographer. And if you wanna be part of our group, just go to divine Abel’s dot com for slash join. If you have any common or anything, you wanna share with us your experience, Naples, or pictures, or anything who voice you send us Email at share at divine, Abel’s dot com. And we said in beginning we want to support our local businesses and have them on our podcast, and they can register to be on our very simple, go to divine, Naples dot com for slash daily Dasche both cost and just filled the form, and we get to rest of it then and we will contact you scheduled. And that’s just the formalities we journey to mention here. So you know, what do I Naples, but also bring you none of things. Like events thinks that the happening Naples and Evan Mostra. Yeah. I just want to say to he’s being more than I do know you do. Oh, anyway, come on. Now, we do have a community website on on divine dot com. So this is related Sunday. We’re going to talk more in depth about that. And then also a real estate website. That’s just going to be really exciting. And so as we go what’s going on divine people? Anyway, I have some events today and one is real estate related. We just got done talking about people moving here and families in the whole demographics of Collier county in Naples, and in particular that is changing and the one that we have here today is sell by design. Well, actually, it’s not today. It’s tomorrow Wednesday the twentieth cell by design real estate transfer two thousand nineteen I would I would encourage just about anybody to go this to this. If you can and just understand the market this market changes rapid. Fast and has cycles, and it’s a place where you if you’re looking for a house or wanting to buy a home, they may be able to help you or how can you best prepare your home for resale? There’s all kinds of things that they’ll address here, and that’s going to be up at the MIR mar designed center, and that’s ten thousand eight hundred corkscrew road as stereo Florida. And you can give them shot out. Give them a call two three nine nine four eight three seven six six or visit their website near mar design center dot com is it to find when he drive seventy five nor from Naples is close to a stereo on same exit as a arena Oehler also shopping center and the building is right there on any of the exit right on the right side of huge white building. And I would encourage you to go there because a lot of beautiful things you can find from your home. But if they do educational seminars is definitely helpful to meet the right people to. To give you the right guidance. And it’s a really nice place to go to so base. It is free. I would’ve this friend. And I’m sure they’re going to have some refreshments and things that nature. So because I just read some stats about housing. Now it become to be buyers, Mike market and imposs- three months. There was nineteen hundred of price reductions in in on the listing so time maybe time to get yourself educated before you so home or get educate and how to buy one. And that is great advice. Yeah. I have them genius. You heard a seri-? Yeah. I heard it you got evidence. And there do you do Emma second event that we have for us. Ask your crater. And I tried to do a little southern accent on that that’s creator for for for the right, pronunciation, what does Florida cracker mean? We’re going to get into that. Oh my God. We’re gonna give into that. I’m i’m. Some history there, and that will be from eleven thirty AM to twelve pm, and it’s held at Edison and Ford winter state, and he could give them a call at two three nine three three four seven four one nine.
I’m going to bring some history to that. And it’s a believe it or not that term has a lot of rich history of in Florida and down here in Collier, and Lee county and all southwest, Florida. And so I’m just going to save that. But if you wanna get a little head, let’s talk about it today. But I’m really afraid of subject. I’ve been told the one time the people think that means, and I know urity gave me head heads up. So I ready. No that isn’t that the truth meaning, but just the kind of imagination or somebody using it the the way it shouldn’t be used. Yeah. So I’m looking forward to to educational history. Are what what did you say what cracker crack? Yeah. Anyway, but you know, we will address all all sides, or at least tempt to and are gonna just because you’re gonna responsibly. I have enough on your plate. No. I’m just gonna wanna be responsible for that subject. I’ll I’ll wear anyway. And then we have a third in. It’s a multi media workshop and this is for ages fourteen plus February twenty through the twenty second, and that’s from one pm to three pm in its three day multi workshop that will allow you to experiment with multi mediums and techniques and uncover your inner artists. Libby, I need that you need to arts. Not like like, one of my strengths. No, no. The movie media is the at all not even using my cell phone properly. But let’s not talk about that. Why? Why? All right. We’ll talk about another day is subject to subject, Matt and technology and there’s for members there’s a membership obviously to this. And it’s one hundred twenty five for members non-members one hundred fifty seven and this is located the alliance for arts, and that’s Fort Myers on ten thousand ninety one McGregor boulevard, and you can also give them a call at airy cooed two three nine nine three nine two seven eight seven you big events that are not in Naples. I love it because we have people around, and you know, if you wanna travel somewhere else and get the right educational experience something different yesterday, you pick the hurts are enough or concert. You know, it’s just nice, you know, sell to really reach on things happening for people. And and we have a lot of things that we need to just put here in the short time behalf. But, you know, thank you for picking up nice events. You know, Edison estate is definitely word of seeing. Again. Learn something new there. Absolutely. I’ll go if I can. And it’s just nice because we are promoting all the south west, we it’s divine Naples, and we love our city in the healthiest and happiest, but we’re we’re going to be sharing things that are happening throughout all southwest, Florida. And I mean, Everglades all the Long Island all the way to Santa bell Fort Myers and even up the port, Charlotte and of Marioni Moccoli. There you go Nita stereo there you go. They can just keep city. Yeah. All of them and dad events are done. And we wanna thank you. If you are listening up to here, and we want to show osc you to take daily dose of vitamin the scrap by me in house, pharmacists. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You want to do it. Please end. The in house pharmacist is me your host, Matt. And what do I prescribe I prescribed vitamin d what do we mean by that? We mean shared divine Naples dot com with at least one person today. I don’t care if it’s your aunt. Uncle brother sister mother father. I don’t care who it is share divine Naples dot com with somebody today and also like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram. And so all you have to go on divine, Naples dot com and hit the link on share and copy that link and send it to whoever you want and like us on Facebook and. I just want to be that. I am lying to you. We’ve been talking all week about since I got back sale in the seventies. Whatever you gotta have a parody. But you forget one thing it’d be deficient when we’re going to talk about fishing in no showed divine Naples, vid. Fishermen with fishermen. He never mentioned fisherman. I have well, you mentioned the mother-in-law, but not fishermen will do that. Devi on if people fishing they don’t know divine cyst, they do. Need to fix up your the vitamin d does because you missing so many people. That’s right. We need to fix minimum all fitness, you fix. How about Uber driver? Yeah. We can do drivers. Yeah. Yeah. No, okay. Just makes you deliveries whatever. Anyway, as you know, we always ask you if you can Chevy dealer, friends and everybody else, you know, Dave appreciate the fact that, you know, doing something for community and be putting together all information on divine, Naples dot com.
So thank you very much listening have under full Tuesday of February nineteen beautiful days. They’re going to look like it’s going to be hot eighty seven on February can with its times flying. No, just like how hot it is. I know, but it’s going to be eighty seven outside. Can you believe it in weight and for because lots months I’ve been freezing. I’ve been having to wear my California hoodies. Yeah. Because you learn Coney -fornia by so enjoy your day on the beach. Don’t forget sunscreen and also of order, and that should be it for you to know. No to look like tomato. We we call people leaving beaches Rhett, tomatoes, usually have to be careful getting there and with that. That’s rob four these up to thirty nine from this, Mike rich in from this, Mike, Matt I still think you talk a little bit more than I don’t think. So joe.
The post Divine Naples Daily – Episode #239 – Feb. 19th. 2019 appeared first on Divine Naples.
WE ARE BACK ! Divine Naples Podcast is Back This time with Rich only! Learn what happened and why did we take break…. Lot of new things are in works. Stay informed and listen what is happening at, get Ideas for events this weekend and if you buried in snow ….. listen the ONLY daily podcast from Naples FL to get warm up.
We promise excellence from Naples Florida and we deliver – please enjoy the show in hot February day in 2019.
Normally we call local business right from the studio and give them space to tell everyone what they do the best – if you are a business owner or would like to nominate a business for FREE call go to and register
We invite all Divine listeners to enjoy and share with others as well. Get a glance how you can contribute to the biggest local portal and be part of our local community in SWFL. Simply, Join and Be Divine!
PLEASE share with all your friends. Don’t hesitate to join the Divine team at or send your message, story, and ideas to
We hope you will enjoy todays show with creative music tones from Julie and Bruce at Terra Guitarra in Naples, Florida. Follow us on Instagram for daily live videos and Like us on Facebook for updates.
Hello all divine people around the world and special here in south Florida in divine Naples. This is not episode of divine Abel’s podcastone. There are a lot of changes that are need to introduce to you since this day, which is February first two thousand nineteen I’ve will be in the studio by myself. So my name is rich, and I will be your host always been previous both gusts because mad my partner of crime in previous podcast decided to move on in different directions because we had little break in scores. You know, things happen in life. But you never know he may be back and moving back to Naples or vision all the best, and hopefully, we will see him one day soon if for vacation or here in divine APIs again that is the first Jentzsch’s second of your still the biggest the largest how you used to say biggest and LA. Portal. And they both of you have eighteen websites of a lot of information about southern Florida and everything you need to know when he coming or living in Naples are. And we wanna be first choice of yours. And you know, if you choosing to do some events or visit museums or go to restaurants, if you have a lot of sites that can give you these information and be working really hard behind the scenes saw we can be valuable distance for you. So just remember divine Abel’s dot com is here for all your needs. In south Florida. Now, one of the big changes happened in January first two thousand nineteen of course, we stepped into new year a lot of new resolutions. A lot of new things, but also divine Abel’s became to be partner with divine spa. Delight spa is the best rated spa enabled Florida, and we decided as a company to join and divine spa became to be divine. They spa. Now, the the names on the buildings and all those things will change soon. So if you’re looking for spa massage facials or some kind of different treatments just remember divine April here in Naples, Florida. It partnered with the best rated spa in Abel’s, and that is divine spa. So if you you know, if you little bit for relaxation, I’m always for that. I don’t get treated very often. But if you are a for relaxation, this could be the place for you. And as we say always here only the best is good enough for you. So that’s why partnering with the best spot. Also, the talking previous both Gaza about opening coffee shop and this been journey. There’s a lot of things still packed in our meeting room that we cannot use it for regular meetings, but the coffee shop is almost finished and divine Abel’s, a gain partner, we the one of the best coffee companies. We we will reveal soon in the world the operate. In eighty different countries, bringing our become beans to people and that they are not and they are not upbraiding with the coffee shops as like say coffee houses, Brenda to them in the United States or divine Abel’s villa become too, very first coffeehouse or coffee shop of Brandon with that particular brand that I cannot really it. Portier patient strings and company is bringing the best coffee from the world to Naples, Florida. It’s known very known two people that travels especially in Europe and some other places, and we are so excited so excited our drinking coffees early morning on Friday, February first two thousand eighteen and I’m joining the coffee, and I have to tell you taste obsolete under for we’re looking forward to have you also tried in our coffee shop that will be located next to our infra center on fourth avenue south. So we’re looking forward to open soon. Of course, there’s when he opening business in Naples. You have to follow a lot of restrictions or strictures, and and permeating and everything else. So it was long your name, but we are almost done, and I will try to post some pictures on our maybe Facebook or podcast part. So you guys. Skin have some preview. How whole thing’s gonna look like. And how things are coming to get. So looking forward to that. That’s not a thing that is big change. So this is third one and four we are bagged our daily podcast, we had little break since our office got remodeled.
A lot of things changed and we had to take a break and regroup and find out what we’re gonna do. But the program is not changing the in the invited. The our local businesses to be called. So we call them from our studio, and we just give him space for free absolutely free of charge to tell our listeners and forever. Let me just say forever. Put their voice on our podcast. It will never disappear. It will always be there. So they can promote their business and be known to our listeners. So they can somehow, you know, visit their business and try the products or services, so. If there’s any business owner or impli that think we should put an put on our podcast, then we should talk about them v would be more than happy to make a phone. Call will be do they doing it from Monday to Friday, and just what do you need to do is you need to go to our website a divine Naples dot com. Forward slash daily dodge podcast. There’s litter form so just fill it up, and we will get hold of you scheduled a call usually is in the morning hours a lot of times before the business opened. So you have time as a business owner to speak quietly out of interruption to the phone and introduce your business Lovie looking forward to all our local businesses V. No, there’s over forty thousand of them. So I don’t think we should have shortage on that. So all of you can listen our podcast every single day. Learn something new about our businesses that operates in our ARA in south Florida from MacAulay to Naples, Mark. Island Buna springs other Maria or poor Charlotte for Myers Cape coral, whatever the city is looking forward to introduce the business of looking forward to learn more about their passion. And find out what they do and how they do it. And why they do it. Just go to gain divine Naples dot com forward slash daily Dasche both cost and you will find out what you do. There’s a pretty clear explanations. Now disposed Goss from Monday to Friday, then we will call the businesses, but Saturday’s the big show, we will have interviews of which could be very long because we need to grill old business owners and people that are interesting that have interesting story and bring the story out over them and tomorrow, this none of that sort of Saturday show, and that would be black. I pick and call and he’s the owner of the black bake, and we will try to find out why he’s the best barbecue on joined or place in the Naples, Florida. So if anybody is looking for a great barbecue. Restaurant, something, you know, the southern style or Louisiana style or whatever the the barbecue taste like then there’s a place very hard to find. But the ones you know, where it is. You will find a lot of new friends because either bikers or somebody the expensive cars go there for the best barbecue navels. So that’s coming up the moral on our show on the show. And I’m looking forward to deliver to the interview with Carl. So you know, if you wanna learn about it listen with Gus tomorrow on Saturday will happen always on Saturday shows. And now we also don’t gonna forget about our events that are happening through our neighbors. So every single day of will bring events and just let you know what? Life like enables veteran today is beautiful finally got over the cold front, and we can see a lot of people coming here from up north and finally are settling down for. They’re either vacation short vacation little longer vacation like two or three months on our beaches or are part time residents are already since October Soviet kind of used to the traffic complaints, but Naples, always in vinter has a lot of trophic. So just be careful on the road where he’s driving and no matter very going. Because of course, you know, there’s a lot more cars than summer, and the beaches are clear, you know, as you know, a lot of a lot of news about red tie. We don’t have those issues anymore. So you’re glad that you can enjoy sitting on the beach during the day, and if you’re gonna wait for sunset, there’s no better place than Naples beach to watch sunset over the water is very magical. So if you wanna bring your favorite drink. I’m not promoting drinking and driving. But always, you know, it’s the romantic moment, and you will see a lot of people on a beach during the sunset and. If that’s the case don’t forget to support local businesses. If you go down, there’s a lot of them, and that always already to you to offer you drink or a snack or some kind of a potential dinner. So as I said as lot of things to do a neighbors. We are here to bring it to you in our portal, and let me just remind you what we can do for you.
A lot of things changed and we had to take a break and regroup and find out what we’re gonna do. But the program is not changing the in the invited. The our local businesses to be called. So we call them from our studio, and we just give him space for free absolutely free of charge to tell our listeners and forever. Let me just say forever. Put their voice on our podcast. It will never disappear. It will always be there. So they can promote their business and be known to our listeners. So they can somehow, you know, visit their business and try the products or services, so. If there’s any business owner or impli that think we should put an put on our podcast, then we should talk about them v would be more than happy to make a phone. Call will be do they doing it from Monday to Friday, and just what do you need to do is you need to go to our website a divine Naples dot com. Forward slash daily dodge podcast. There’s litter form so just fill it up, and we will get hold of you scheduled a call usually is in the morning hours a lot of times before the business opened. So you have time as a business owner to speak quietly out of interruption to the phone and introduce your business Lovie looking forward to all our local businesses V. No, there’s over forty thousand of them. So I don’t think we should have shortage on that. So all of you can listen our podcast every single day. Learn something new about our businesses that operates in our ARA in south Florida from MacAulay to Naples, Mark. Island Buna springs other Maria or poor Charlotte for Myers Cape coral, whatever the city is looking forward to introduce the business of looking forward to learn more about their passion. And find out what they do and how they do it. And why they do it. Just go to gain divine Naples dot com forward slash daily Dasche both cost and you will find out what you do. There’s a pretty clear explanations. Now disposed Goss from Monday to Friday, then we will call the businesses, but Saturday’s the big show, we will have interviews of which could be very long because we need to grill old business owners and people that are interesting that have interesting story and bring the story out over them and tomorrow, this none of that sort of Saturday show, and that would be black. I pick and call and he’s the owner of the black bake, and we will try to find out why he’s the best barbecue on joined or place in the Naples, Florida. So if anybody is looking for a great barbecue. Restaurant, something, you know, the southern style or Louisiana style or whatever the the barbecue taste like then there’s a place very hard to find. But the ones you know, where it is. You will find a lot of new friends because either bikers or somebody the expensive cars go there for the best barbecue navels. So that’s coming up the moral on our show on the show. And I’m looking forward to deliver to the interview with Carl. So you know, if you wanna learn about it listen with Gus tomorrow on Saturday will happen always on Saturday shows. And now we also don’t gonna forget about our events that are happening through our neighbors. So every single day of will bring events and just let you know what? Life like enables veteran today is beautiful finally got over the cold front, and we can see a lot of people coming here from up north and finally are settling down for. They’re either vacation short vacation little longer vacation like two or three months on our beaches or are part time residents are already since October Soviet kind of used to the traffic complaints, but Naples, always in vinter has a lot of trophic. So just be careful on the road where he’s driving and no matter very going. Because of course, you know, there’s a lot more cars than summer, and the beaches are clear, you know, as you know, a lot of a lot of news about red tie. We don’t have those issues anymore. So you’re glad that you can enjoy sitting on the beach during the day, and if you’re gonna wait for sunset, there’s no better place than Naples beach to watch sunset over the water is very magical. So if you wanna bring your favorite drink. I’m not promoting drinking and driving. But always, you know, it’s the romantic moment, and you will see a lot of people on a beach during the sunset and. If that’s the case don’t forget to support local businesses. If you go down, there’s a lot of them, and that always already to you to offer you drink or a snack or some kind of a potential dinner. So as I said as lot of things to do a neighbors. We are here to bring it to you in our portal, and let me just remind you what we can do for you.A lot of things changed and we had to take a break and regroup and find out what we’re gonna do. But the program is not changing the in the invited. The our local businesses to be called. So we call them from our studio, and we just give him space for free absolutely free of charge to tell our listeners and forever. Let me just say forever. Put their voice on our podcast. It will never disappear. It will always be there. So they can promote their business and be known to our listeners. So they can somehow, you know, visit their business and try the products or services, so. If there’s any business owner or impli that think we should put an put on our podcast, then we should talk about them v would be more than happy to make a phone. Call will be do they doing it from Monday to Friday, and just what do you need to do is you need to go to our website a divine Naples dot com. Forward slash daily dodge podcast. There’s litter form so just fill it up, and we will get hold of you scheduled a call usually is in the morning hours a lot of times before the business opened. So you have time as a business owner to speak quietly out of interruption to the phone and introduce your business Lovie looking forward to all our local businesses V. No, there’s over forty thousand of them. So I don’t think we should have shortage on that. So all of you can listen our podcast every single day. Learn something new about our businesses that operates in our ARA in south Florida from MacAulay to Naples, Mark. Island Buna springs other Maria or poor Charlotte for Myers Cape coral, whatever the city is looking forward to introduce the business of looking forward to learn more about their passion. And find out what they do and how they do it. And why they do it. Just go to gain divine Naples dot com forward slash daily Dasche both cost and you will find out what you do. There’s a pretty clear explanations. Now disposed Goss from Monday to Friday, then we will call the businesses, but Saturday’s the big show, we will have interviews of which could be very long because we need to grill old business owners and people that are interesting that have interesting story and bring the story out over them and tomorrow, this none of that sort of Saturday show, and that would be black. I pick and call and he’s the owner of the black bake, and we will try to find out why he’s the best barbecue on joined or place in the Naples, Florida. So if anybody is looking for a great barbecue. Restaurant, something, you know, the southern style or Louisiana style or whatever the the barbecue taste like then there’s a place very hard to find. But the ones you know, where it is. You will find a lot of new friends because either bikers or somebody the expensive cars go there for the best barbecue navels. So that’s coming up the moral on our show on the show. And I’m looking forward to deliver to the interview with Carl. So you know, if you wanna learn about it listen with Gus tomorrow on Saturday will happen always on Saturday shows. And now we also don’t gonna forget about our events that are happening through our neighbors. So every single day of will bring events and just let you know what? Life like enables veteran today is beautiful finally got over the cold front, and we can see a lot of people coming here from up north and finally are settling down for. They’re either vacation short vacation little longer vacation like two or three months on our beaches or are part time residents are already since October Soviet kind of used to the traffic complaints, but Naples, always in vinter has a lot of trophic. So just be careful on the road where he’s driving and no matter very going. Because of course, you know, there’s a lot more cars than summer, and the beaches are clear, you know, as you know, a lot of a lot of news about red tie. We don’t have those issues anymore. So you’re glad that you can enjoy sitting on the beach during the day, and if you’re gonna wait for sunset, there’s no better place than Naples beach to watch sunset over the water is very magical. So if you wanna bring your favorite drink. I’m not promoting drinking and driving. But always, you know, it’s the romantic moment, and you will see a lot of people on a beach during the sunset and. If that’s the case don’t forget to support local businesses. If you go down, there’s a lot of them, and that always already to you to offer you drink or a snack or some kind of a potential dinner. So as I said as lot of things to do a neighbors. We are here to bring it to you in our portal, and let me just remind you what we can do for you.
Buggy that is exciting. So if you wanna do something with the kids that is maybe like three hour tour, and, you know, bring them to something unusual into nature and seeing a lot of birds alligators turtles and a lot of more. You know, this is this is something you definitely definitely try and you can find them three seven five sanctuary road vest Naples, and you know, just give them give them a rink. That is. Is of course, out bones corkscrew, swamp sanctuary. So just the check them on a Facebook or you can find him on Google. And this is on February first, which is the day soldiers. Hurry up if you listening this gusts in the morning, if not that’s okay, there’s not a chance going to experience something in other state bar, which is Korean state park in a sterile again. This is not in Naples, but in a steroid of you guys living a little bit nervous of Naples, thirty eight hundred corkscrew Estero, Florida, and you can definitely try something. We just called twenty seventh annual host walk now. Don’t be scared. This is something very can experience the history of unusual community that comes in life in that comes in life to get the actress that are airing costumes that portrays the exactly period of time when they started settling in in the Estero answer. Earning are. So, you know, this is something interesting again for the history dirt tickets for twenty five dollars. But I’m sure I’m sure it’s going to be definitely worth it. Because it’s limited for third thirty people. And so hurry up go and check them up is Korean state bark again, so just Google them. And find out a little bit more about the event. Now, something with art as we know philharmonic’s in Naples of been renamed to artists in Naples, and they’ve been really great in past few years. And if you wanna give them heads up, and if you wanna say Hello to Catalina von burger, which you see your of artists of Naples, and she’s doing up. So I may using Joff this year they do to around town and the day they are in Mark violent seven thirty PM. And there’s even taking place in unit church of Mark violent that is located three twenty nine Barfield drive in Marco island and David. Be playing Naples philharmonic. We’ll be playing music from checkoff ski and Moser it. So if anybody’s in clock sickle music, vivo not supported those Evans as well. Don’t forget check them out on their website artist Naples dot org, and you can find old information. If you in different up music, like the light life of music in our local restaurants that definitely check it out the Pearl steak seafood restaurant, and they have the life event on Friday, six thirty PM. So if you wanna see interesting band, don’t forget to check this restaurant as well. Now last one I want to bring to people that like comedy, and there’s a famous off hook comedy club in Naples that is located invulnerable beach road, and they have so many wonderful events, and hopefully we will be able to get them in our studio because we watching it for very long time. They doing amazing job. I’m sure there’s a lot of memories that they create the create for people. And this Vicomte until Moro February second there is Steve Trevino. I’m sure this guy going to bring laugh out of your buddies for sure. So this is fuel events if you guys have any events you wanna post on our website for free of charge gain and bring people to your event and also your establishment more than happy to do that just shoot us an Email or message we are happy to help. And if you wanna be on our podcast, again, you can send us Email that is very easy to remember share at divine, Naples dot com, and that’s very much for today’s both Goss the of Robbie are aiding for the businesses to be registered on our website. So we can start calling and introducing them to the wall and all our listeners and people that follow us and be are happy to being a bag on our podcast, all and happy to be back at all. Because as I said there were a lot of. Office. There’s a lot of hope it happening. Lot of contractors coming through. And when that happens, you just have to get back to normal and finally getting back to normal. So you’ll be able to listen to our podcast daily right now from Monday to Friday, just go to our website divide Naples dot com forward slash podcast. He’ll find his and as mad that used to say that’s gonna be tradition. Don’t forget vitamin d vitamin d stands for follow us an Instagram like us on Facebook. And listen to our podcast share with the walled every single day.
They’ll at least the one person about divine. They post dotcom people be Vive will be so grateful. You have no idea, and maybe we will give you a shot out. And if you would like to be part of our podcast sent us voicemail. A message maybe on our phone or something that we can play. You can also do that of any Goto divine Abel’s dot com. There’s a button on left bottom corner. It says record message. So if you wish to send us some kind of message of your. Xperience in Nevada Naples, or you know, is something you missing or something you wanna let us know more than happy to put you through our microphones. Thank you very much for listening as I said, your host was rich only for today and looking forward to being back on fourth custom more on big show with call from a black guy. Big police, listen to it and share with someone that you think will enjoy our show from divine Abel’s studio here in downtown Abel’s. Thank you very much for listening, wonderful vegan enjoy the sun a beaches, and hopefully, we will not get any rain. So wherever is working Monday to Friday can also go and relax on the Saint, please be thoughtful clean up after you few used our beaches and be a little bit more smiley today. Thank you very much have run the full day Chow.
The post Divine Naples Daily – Episode #221 – Feb. 1st. 2019 appeared first on Divine Naples.
Let’s celebrate Labor Day in Naples FL with LOVE! Rich and Matt are in the Studio even on Holidays. They promise excellence from Naples Florida and they deliver – please enjoy the show in rainy day pounded with tropical storm Gordon. You will hear how to extend your festivities until Tuesday. Rich describes his visit at SAIL restaurant in Downtown Naples. Get insides from your local guides and voices. This episode we highlight Sail Restaurant, Whiskey Park and Noodles restaurant.
Normally we call local business right from the studio and give them space to tell everyone what they do the best – if you are a business owner or would like to nominate a business for FREE call go to and register
We invite all Divine listeners to enjoy and share with others as well. Get a glance how you can contribute to the biggest local portal and be part of our local community in SWFL. Simply, Join and Be Divine!
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We hope you will enjoy todays show with creative music tones from Julie and Bruce at Terra Guitarra in Naples, Florida. Follow us on Instagram for daily live videos and Like us on Facebook for updates.
The post Divine Naples Daily – Episode #215 – Sep. 3rd. 2018 appeared first on Divine Naples.
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