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Submit ReviewBret and Nirmal are joined by Dan Lorenc from Chainguard to walk them through Chainguard's approach to building secure, minimal container images for popular open source software.
They discuss why it is important to have secure and minimal container images. Dan explains how Chainguard helps remove the pain of CVEs, laggy software updates and patches and much more. Chainguard is now available also on Docker Hub.
They spend the first part of the show talking about the week's big news: the XZ supply chain attack, and Dan was the best man to explain it. They also touch on CVEs, things you can do to reduce the attack surface, SLSA, and more during this jam-packed show.
Be sure to check out the live recording of the complete show from April 4, 2024 on YouTube (Ep. 261).
★Topics★Chainguard Website Vulnerability Management Certification course True Cost of Vulnerability Management Chainguard Images Chainguard on Docker Hub Announcement
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Bret and Nirmal are joined by Phil Estes of AWS to show us the Finch project, which bundles the best open source tools for building and running containers locally. Now it runs on macOS and Windows WSL2.
We've been talking with Phil about this show for months, and now that Finch has come to Windows, we thought it was the best time to clue you in as to why AWS created the Finch project and what it does.
You've probably heard of containerd, the most popular container runtime on the planet and BuildKit, the best way, in my opinion, to build container images. Those two work hand in hand in Docker and many other container tools. But you might not have heard of nerdctl or Lima, which are also open source tools that work with containerd and BuildKit to help you run containers locally in a virtual machine. Well, AWS had the idea of making an easy installer for these four tools. That's how Finch was born.
Finch is not meant to be a replacement of your existing way to run containers. The tools it installs are a bit of a minimum feature set, if you will, and more focused on providing people the exact tools AWS uses in its container platforms, mainly containerd and BuildKit, which are everywhere in AWS. Rather than building something that's feature equivalent to other local container solutions like Docker Desktop and Rancher Desktop, Finch keeps it simple and does the bare minimum.
If you just want an easily installable and minimal way to build and run local containers at the command line with no goofy, high-end fancy features, pure open source and just on Mac and Windows, at least at this point, you should give Finch a try.
Be sure to check out the live recording of the complete show from February 22, 2024 on YouTube (Ep. 255).
★Topics★Finch WebsiteBret's local container runtime spreadsheet
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Bret is joined by Neil Cresswell, CEO and co-founder of Portainer, to show us new features in Portainer and how it can manage, deploy, and orchestrate all your container workloads from a single Docker Engine, all the way to multi-cluster and IoT Kubernetes deployments.
Portainer is much more comprehensive than you might think. Docker on the Edge, Podman, Kubernetes, in the cloud, in hybrid, you name it; it seems that Portainer supports it. In the show, we also get some updates on new things that have happened in the last couple of years, including adding GitOps support to Portainer, the ability to deploy Kubernetes nodes, and infrastructure.
Be sure to check out the live recording of the complete show with demos from February 29, 2024 on YouTube (Ep. 256).
★Topics★Portainer Website Portainer on YouTubePortainer on XPortainer on LinkedInPortainer Demo: Kubernetes the "easy" way
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Grab the best coupons for my Docker and Kubernetes courses.Join my cloud native DevOps community on Discord.Grab some merch at Bret's Loot BoxHomepage
Bret and Nirmal are joined by Ivan Burazin and Chad Metcalf to debut Daytona, an open source "codespaces equivalent."
Daytona is a development environment manager designed to automate all the tedious steps a developer needs to perform to set up their development environment. "Essentially, it transforms any machine into a codespaces equivalent."
Where Daytona is actually starting in the enterprise is focusing on large dev environment solutions and management of those, and then trickling down to individual developers. So there are two very similar solutions to a problem of many developers and their varying ways that they set up their environments for development, but they're coming at it from two ends of the spectrum.
Be sure to check out the live recording of the complete show with demos from March 7, 2024 on YouTube (Ep. 257).
★Topics★Daytona websiteDaytona on GitHubWhy Daytona OSS'dDIY Guide
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Grab the best coupons for my Docker and Kubernetes courses.Join my cloud native DevOps community on Discord.Grab some merch at Bret's Loot BoxHomepage
Bret and Nirmal are joined by Lukas Fittl of pganalyze to dive into Postgres in containers, in production, and in CI.
Lukas is an expert and founder of pganalyze, and I invited him on the show to explain a lot of this to us and catch us up with what's going on in the Postgres community, particularly when it comes to containers and production.
We dive into everything around containers with Postgres, some of the new stuff going on in Postgres Land, including tuning and stuff I didn't even know about Postgres, including storing NoSQL data, vector databases for AI and more.
Be sure to check out the live recording of the complete show from February 15, 2024 on YouTube (Ep. #254).
★Topics★pganalyze websitepganalyze YouTube channel pgvector cloudnative-pg Crunch Postgres for Kubernetes CockroachDB
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Bret and Nirmal are joined by Melissa McKay, Developer Advocate at JFrog and Docker Captain, to discuss the best and worst of 2023.
We recorded this episode in December of 2023 where we talked through our favorite tools. Whether a DevOps oriented tool or not, it just might be the things we like to use on containers and in Cloud Native DevOps. This is a fun episode of three friends talking about what they love. And I sometimes I think these are the best shows because we didn't plan them out. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we did recording it.
The live recording of the complete show from December 14, 2023 is on YouTube (Ep. #245)
★Topics★Dive WebsiteSlimToolkit WebsiteOpenTelemetry WebsiteeBPF WebsiteeBPF Documentary Continuous Delivery Foundation CDEvents">ML Ops WebsiteOllama WebsiteDocker + OllamaNeo4j">Inspektor Gadget WebsiteArc Browser k6 Load testingCreators & Guests
You can also support my free material by subscribing to my YouTube channel and my weekly newsletter at!
Grab the best coupons for my Docker and Kubernetes courses.Join my cloud native DevOps community on Discord.Grab some merch at Bret's Loot BoxHomepage
Bret is joined by Matan Mishan & Roy Razon of Livecycle to discuss developer platforms and how to improve developer collaboration and speeding up feedback and previews.
We talk about the various delays encountered in pull requests due to feedback processes, and how Lifecycle's tools aim to shorten this feedback loop in Docker Desktop, local CLI with Preevy, and automated CI workflows. I like how Lifecycle provides multiple locations and ways to get access to people in the preview environments that really lets you just fit the different parts of the tool into your workflow, as opposed to one way to do everything. It's great for getting feedback quickly during the PR process, rather than making people set up their own environments to test their changes. I also liked their ideas around how the feedback loops can be improved.
This episode contains great demos so be sure to also check out the live recording of the complete show from December 21, 2023 on YouTube (Ep. #246).
★Topics★Livecycle's WebsitePreevy RepositoryLivecycle Docker Extension
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Grab the best coupons for my Docker and Kubernetes courses.Join my cloud native DevOps community on Discord.Grab some merch at Bret's Loot BoxHomepage
Bret and Nirmal are joined by Michael Irwin, DevRel at Docker, to talk about all the products and features Docker shipped in 2023, and what's coming in early 2024.
Michael has been on this show many times as a Docker Captain and now as a Docker employee, and it's always great to dig into the details of the products with someone who's been using them for so many years as an end-user and now staff at Docker.
Docker did some big things in 2023, but they also shipped some smaller features that we will help you catch up on in this episode.
The live recording of the complete show from December 28, 2023 is on YouTube (Ep. #247)
★Topics★Docker 2023 MilestonesDocker Build CloudDocker Engine release notesDocker Compose WatchDockerCon PlaylistDockerCon AnnouncementsCompose includesDocker ScoutDocker GenAI stackGetting started with GenAI on DockerDocker acquires Mutagen
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Grab the best coupons for my Docker and Kubernetes courses.Join my cloud native DevOps community on Discord.Grab some merch at Bret's Loot BoxHomepage
Bret is joined by Alex Kretzschmar to talk about Tailscale, a universal VPN that connects teams, devices, and development environments for easy access to remote resources.
Alex and I talk about projects he's worked on in containers over the years and then we quickly get into Tailscale and talking about why he joined the team there.
Tailscale is one of those tools that's hard to put down. I've used it for years to connect my personal devices to my home server lab when I'm traveling or servers I might have on the internet that I run temporarily. It connects them all together in a seamless VPN. The product itself comes up a lot in our Discord server when people are talking about needing some secure remote access to something anywhere in the world.
Tailscale keeps adding more and more features, I can't really keep up, so we had Alex on the show to talk about all the new stuff, including a client for Apple TV, which at first, I didn't quite understand why, but now it totally makes sense; and a Kubernetes operator that does some slick things around connecting engineers on their local machines to clusters. I found Alex at the Tailscale booth at KubeCon this year and invited him on the show to talk about this relatively new yet ubiquitous-feeling product.
The live recording of the complete show from November 30, 2023 is on YouTube (Ep. #243)
★Topics★Tailscale websiteHeadscale websiteTailscale CommunityTailscale Docker Mod Blog PostID Headers DemoDevrel Demo
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Grab the best coupons for my Docker and Kubernetes courses.Join my cloud native DevOps community on Discord.Grab some merch at Bret's Loot BoxHomepage
I break down why Dockerfile frontends exist and how Docker's build engine "BuildKit" is giving us updated Dockerfile features.
The TL;DR of this podcast is to add this to your Dockerfiles as the first line, always and forever.
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1It'll ensure your Dockerfile will have access to the latest v1.x features of the "Dockerfile frontend" feature of BuildKit.★Topics★My newsletter on Dockerfile frontends (including links and references)Creators & Guests
You can also support my free material by subscribing to my YouTube channel and my weekly newsletter at!
Grab the best coupons for my Docker and Kubernetes courses.Join my cloud native DevOps community on Discord.Grab some merch at Bret's Loot BoxHomepage
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