Classic Influence: Timeless Lessons from the Legendsinactive
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Classic Influence explores the timeless lessons learned from the icons of influence, the legends of leadership, power, and sway. Listen in as your host—the Harvard and Columbia trained researcher, author, and speaker, Dr. Johnny Welch, M.B.A.—reveals the timeless wisdom and insights, unveils the hidden blueprints, and unlocks the key secrets of the legends and heroes of history to discover the strategies, tactics, tips and tools you can use to master the power of influence to achieve your own most daring dreams and goals.
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47 Available Episodes (47 Total)Average duration: 00:20:05
Jun 03 | 00:09:56
CIP 047. Put Your Name on the Building, Assume the Title and Position You Desire: Steven Spielberg Occupies the Universal Lot
Mar 30 | 00:11:33
CIP 046. Discover and Destroy Limiting Beliefs: Martin Luther Triggers the Reformation, Forever Altering the Course of History and the Power of Leaders Around the World
Feb 16 | 00:15:45
CIP 045. Steel Yourself for Success: Harriet Tubman Takes Command, Leads Her People to the Promise Land
Dec 16 | 00:25:18
CIP 044. Exploit the Hidden Power of Simplicity: Alexander the Great Fulfills the Prophecy of the Gordian Knot
Oct 29 | 00:29:55
CIP 043. Believe Absolutely to Inspire Absolute Belief: Joan of Arc Turns the Tide of the Hundred Years' War
Aug 31 | 00:27:25
CIP 042. Win Lasting Influence, Listen for the Underlying Need: Mahatma Gandhi Builds the Bedrock of an Unbreakable Charismatic Bond
Aug 04 | 00:23:40
CIP 041. Build Habits of Mastery and Self-Control: The Making and Unmaking of The Knights Templar, the Most Formidable Military Order of the Middle Ages
Jun 08 | 00:16:22
CIP 040. Get Leverage, Change the Calculus: The Crafty and Courageous Roma and the Birth of Ancient Rome
Apr 29 | 00:11:10
CIP 039. Find Courage Under Fire—Count the Costs, Then Forge Ahead: General George S. Patton’s Greatest Nightmare and Moment of Truth
Apr 08 | 00:19:39
CIP 038. Profit from the Power of Proof: Dale Carnegie’s Baby Steps Rise to Blockbuster Success
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