0 Available Episodes (66 Total)Average duration: 00:37:10
Nov 18, 2019
#456. Another You
Get your participation trophy today!
Oct 27, 2019
#54. Gotham Horror Story
This episode we take a look at the recent seasons of American Horror Story, and Gotham. Check it out, and enjoy! Support the show: Patreon.com/Podculture
Sep 24, 2019
Episode 53 | Between Two Spiders
This episode we examine the new Netflix movie Between Two Ferns, Spiderman: Far From Home, and Jim Gaffigan & Bryan Callen's stand up specials. Check it out! I hope you enjoy! Email: ChewedGumPod@gmail.com Donate: Patreon.com/TrashPandaMedia Thanks for listening folks!
Sep 10, 2019
Episode 52 | Back To School
Todays episode we get back to our ways discussing some insteresting entertainment. Such as, 13 Reasons Why season 3, Long Shot, Dave Chappelles new special, Wonder Park, and Annabelle. Check it out! (Patreon.com/TrashPandaMedia)
Aug 31, 2019
Encounter With Time
Does it really matter what I put in this area? Feels like it means nothing, and as such, here is nothing...……….
Aug 31, 2019
Whatever You Like
Here is a new episode for your enjoyment.
Aug 31, 2019
Thanks For The New Reviews
This Should Be Played At High Volume!
Aug 21, 2019
The One About Movies
This episode we take a look at my favorite movies/anytime movies, child acting, Billy Crudup, Music, Almost Famous, and strange rapper names. Tune in! Donate: Patreon.com/TrashPandaMedia (@patrickmichaelcomedy)
Thanks for listening!
Jul 27, 2019
Random Cats
This episode we once again take a journey away from movies, mostly. Tune in to hear all the ridiculous things I discussed. I hope you enjoy! Be sure to follow me (@patrickmichaelcomedy) Thanks for listening everyone!
This episode we go on another journey into my mind of randomness. We start with a new show, Black Summer, but then I find myself wondering how long do I survive in a zombie apocalypse, and "Is it scarier when a zombie walks slowly, or sprints after you?" I throw in some random thoughts (I call them jokes), I also find myself looking at the amazingly flavored new Sunkist soda, Strawberry Lemonade! We will be back reviewing movies in the next few episodes (for those of you that prefer that lol)
Welcome to another random edition of Chewed Gum! This episode we talk with the listeners about many things such as, the bottle cap challenge, ice in milk, crazy neighbors, UFC 239, when should you have a nickname, enjoying King And The Sting, sweat pants or action pants, and we close it out discussing the return of Aziz Ansari to Netflix! Thanks for tuning in!
We made it to episode 50 guys! What a journey it has been. Plenty of ups, and downs, but weve made it all worth it! Todays episode we are joined by my girlfriend, and we discuss the series known as Black Summer, another zombie show with a twisted turn, and then we speak about the series from HULU originals, known as, Into The Dark. So many strange movies, and when you watch them as quickly as we did, it got hard to remember, but we talk about our favorite four. We close out episode 50 discussing the new music video from Logic called Homicide.
Check it out! Don't forget to rate the show, and donate to us personally (Patreon.com/TrashPandaMedia) or (paypal.me/chewed) and follow me on social media (@patrickmichaelcomedy) Thanks for listening!
Jun 27, 2019
Shopping For My Private Plane
This episode we change things up. We look at Game Of Thrones, Pauly Shores Random Rants, UFC events, and terrible customer service. Switching things up a little bit is always a good thing. Hopefully you enjoy this episode, and all the randomness involved. Thanks for tuning in!
This episode we did some really random stuff, but happened upon some gold. We initially look at some Instagram videos, then a review on Amazon for a very specific product. Check it out!
Today we look at two very strange pieces of entertainment. The Perfection is a movie I wasn't expecting to enjoy, or understand the ending. A revenge film without a doubt. Black Mirrors most recent season (fifth) leaves you creating an ending all your own, but still with so many questions, a weird show that keeps you guessing. Both available on Netflix today, you will enjoy if you like a thriller of sorts.
Todays episode we take a look into the film Glass, and the recent series Slasher. With this film being a sequel to the great Unbreakable with Bruce Willis, I think we were all pretty excited. This series originating on the Chiller Network, was insanity. From the first to the most recent season, it is very gruesome, and has a bit of a twist as well. Tune in, and find out more about these two amazing features within the entertainment industry, and they both avoid "sticking to what we know."
Thanks for checking out the latest episode. We take a look at some new entertainment. First discussing the second installment of the Fantastic Beasts series, Crimes of Grindelwald, then exploring the comedy film, Holmes & Watson, and the creepy thriller series, YOU. Don't forget to follow the show on social media to stay up-to-date with all things happening (@reelchewed) Email: Chewedgumpod@gmail.com ! Help support the show by donating: Patreon.com/chewedgum Paypal.me/chewed !
Brought to you by: Trash Panda Entertainment (@trashpandaent)
Apr 20, 2019
Gingersnap Podcast Introduction
Find the Gingersnap Podcast in video form (YouTube) or audio form coming soon to all podcast players! Be sure to follow me on Instagram (@patrickmichaelcomedy) and subscribe to the show before the new episodes drop! Thanks for tuning in!
Apr 13, 2019
45. Escape Night School Spider-Verse
This episode Sheamus dives into three amazing films! Escape Room, Night School, and Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse. Each film completely different, but my enjoyment remained equal. Tune in wherever you enjoy podcasts!
This episode we look into the highly talked about two-part documentary series Leaving Neverland. This documentary looks at the allegations against world famous pop-star Michael Jackson. This was a dark journey I wasn't really prepared for, but once you get watching you wont stop. You want all of the answers, but the King Of Pop is no longer here to defend himself. Tune in everywhere podcasts area available.
This episode Sheamus digs into the latest series addition on Netflix, Unsolved: The Murders Of Tupac Shakur & The Notorious BIG, as well as the horror film, The Possession Of Hannah Grace. We also bring in the segment, StoryTime W/Sheamus! The SeriesBreakdown takes us on a familiar ride within the Tupac, and Biggie murders, without many answers. The Cinemania portion brings us into a film with a very strong message you don't get very often in the horror genre! Tune in wherever podcasts are available! Don't forget to drop a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts to help support the show.
This episode, unlike the last one doesn't feature much mentions of garbage people. In this episode we discuss the sports history coming from the award-winning documentary series from ESPN known as 30 for 30. So many amazing stories appear in Volume 2 of this series. With the depth given from each episode of 30 for 30, it has renewed my love for athletics. Tune in to hear much, much more, and if you dislike the show be sure to leave a 5 star review.
Thanks for listening!
Feb 14, 2019
41. 30 for 30: Volume One
In todays episode Sheamus takes a deep look at the award-winning documentary series from ESPN, known as 30 for 30. A simple project celebrating the 30th anniversary of ESPN, turned into something much more, and much deeper. To learn all this history in such a professional manner, was merely my pleasure. Enjoying each episode to the nth degree, how could it get better? Well it does, and its re-opened me up to the wide world of sports! Check it out, and leave a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts!
This episode Sheamus dives into the recent anti-hero film starring Tom Hardy. This movie featured one of my favorite characters from Spider-Man. With such high expectations, when everyone else was negative, I actually did enjoy this film. Huge fan of Venom, and Tom Hardy taking on the role, only made it that much better to me. Tune in, and see exactly how I felt about this movie.
All episodes at the network DramaCityProductions.com/Chewedgum
Jan 15, 2019
39. Interactive Movie Fail
This episode Sheamus is joined by Conversations With Paycheck and Red Host Red! We look at the entire Black Mirror series, and the latest installment, Bandersnatch. Called the "first of its kind" but did the Charlie Brooker conception live up to the hype through Netflix? Tune in, and find out how Red, and Sheamus felt about everything Black Mirror!
Thanks for listening and drop 5 stars on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen!
DramaCityProductions.com/ChewedGum for all episodes!
Jan 03, 2019
38. Searching Happy Murders!
This episode Sheamus looks at several films! Unlike the last episodes, we bring back a plethora of movies reviews. Starting with Searching starring Henry Cho, Happytime Murders starring Melissa McArthy, and finally the first ever sequel from Denzel Washington, Equalizer 2! Tune in for one of the longest, and deepest episodes yet! Stay in touch with the show on twitter and Instagram @chewedgumpod!
All Episodes
Dec 27, 2018
37. So Many Cameras!
In this episode Sheamus breaks down one of the strangest sequels of the year! Starring an unknown face, but a memorable character, forever etched in my mind! From the original 13 Cameras, to the recent 14 Cameras, the main actor made this a very weird ride. Tune in to find out more about his crazy film!
All Episodes
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Dec 07, 2018
36. John Cleese: Comedy Genius
This episode Sheamus talks about the hit tv series from years ago called Fawlty Towers. The show stars Monty Python alum John Cleese, and his then wife, who also wrote the two seasons. A show that was destined for greatness! I can honestly say im disappointed there was much more. Tune in to find out more!
Leave 5 stars for the show on iTunes or Apple Podcasts!
Nov 22, 2018
35. Drew Barrymore Eats People?
This episode Sheamus looks at the hilarious comedy series from Netflix, Santa Clarita Diet! Just when you start wondering where stars like Timothy Olyphant have disappeared to, you discover an amazing show like this! Tune in, and discover more about his fantastic show! DramaCityProductions.com/chewedgum
leave those 5 stars on iTunes!
Nov 22, 2018
34. Await Further Instructions
This episode we look at a sci-fi film! Some retro features that are surprisingly fresh. There isn't many recognizable faces but the acting is fantastic! The story in itself is something to witness. Tune in on your favorite podcast app or simply visit DramaCityProductions.com/chewedgum
thanks for listening and drop those 5 stars on iTunes if you enjoy the show!
Nov 12, 2018
33. The MEG
This episode Sheamus takes a look at a megaladon! Featuring one of the most popular action movie stars Jason Statham, it only made this movie more intriguing. Im not a fan of anything obsessively large, so getting through this film was very interesting. Tune in to find out more about the shark easily 10x the size of the infamous JAWS! DramaCityProductions.com/chewedgum
Thanks for listening and don't forget to leave a 5 star review on iTunes!
Nov 06, 2018
32. The Other Side Of The Wind
This episode we look at some long lost work from the famous director Orson Welles! With so much turmoil, this film became impossible to finish before the director passed away. It is now 2018, and we examine this film that took many, many years to finish. Tune in to find out what the movies was about, and how I felt about the two hours of cinema. DramaCityProductions.com/chewedgum
@chewedgumpod (Instagram & Twitter)
Thanks for listening, and don't forget those 5 stars on ITUNES!
Oct 25, 2018
31. Adam Sandlers 100% Fresh
This episode we examine the comedy special from a comedic icon! From SNL to Grown Ups the man is a legend, and even with all the negativity we have given him, we still find ourselves watching his movies looking for a glimpse of the original Sandman! This comedy special was more than just funny, its was epic! I laughed, I cried, but overall I found myself believing in the skills, and talents this man possesses. Tune in to hear more about the latest comedy special from Netflix on your favorite podcast app or simply visit DramaCityProductions.com/ChewedGum
Thank you for listening and don't forget those iTunes reviews!
Oct 24, 2018
30. The Spy Who Dumped Me
This episode Sheamus takes a look into the recent comedy film starring Kate McKinnon (SNL) & Mila Kunis (That 70s Show) such an interesting duo turned out an amazingly action packed film with ease. It seems there is a future of work these two could be a part of. From the incredible explosive effects, to the comedic timing of both women, this was a revelation!
Thank you for listening and don't forget those iTunes reviews!
Oct 22, 2018
29. Making A Murderer PT2
This episode we look into the international Netflix sensation that surrounds the Teresa Halbach murder case. So much crazy, strange, weird, and psychotic in one place. Its not hard to side with a mentally handicapped sixteen year old, who seems as innocent as could be, specially when the forensic evidence isn't there. Sheamus you through each episode of the latest installment of the riveting case. Lets start some dialogue together via social media about this!
Thanks for listening guys and don't forget those iTunes reviews!
Oct 20, 2018
28. Sorry To Bother You
The title speaks for itself, or does it? This episode Sheamus looks at the crazy comedy film Sorry To Bother You. So much weird in one place, but a necessary film, tune in on your favorite podcast app or simply visit DramaCityProductions.com or search Shame Us Network on your podcast app! Thanks for listening everyone!
This episode we look at the recent Netflix Original series MANIAC! Starring Jonah Hill, and Emma Stone. Seems as if Netflix is putting together a lot of amazing entertainment these days, and this happens to be another great addition. Tune in on your favorite podcast player or simply visit DramaCityProductions.com
Thanks for listening and don't forget to review the show on iTunes!
Oct 16, 2018
26. SOLO: A Star Wars Story
In this episode Sheamus looks at the recent installment of the Star Wars universe. Seeing Han Solo as a very young man was definetly different! Tune in to hear more!
In this episode Sheamus looks at another thriller! So much technological scares in this movie! Tune in and find out more at Shame Us Network on your favorite podcast app or simply visit DramaCityProductions.com!
This episode I look into the latest stand-up special from the famous Joe Rogan. From News Radio to Fear Factor this man is a legend. Without even mentioning his record setting podcast Joe kills with another amazing stand-up special! Tune in to find out more right now!
Find ALL episodes at DramaCityProductions.com and the Shame Us Network!
Sep 27, 2018
22. Unsane/Delirium reviews
The 4th installment of the mini-sodes Sheamus takes a look at two newer psychological films. Unsane starring Claire Foy (the crown), and Delirium starring Topher Grace (that 70s show). Tune in to find out more!
Thank you for listening!
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Sep 27, 2018
21. Frank & Cindy Documentary review
The 3rd installment of the mini-sode brings you the comedic true life documentary called Frank & Cindy. Directed by Cindy's son G.J! Something very special took place within this film. Hear that, and much more right here!
Thank you for listening!
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Sep 27, 2018
20. Inside The Criminal Mind review
The 2nd mini-sode Sheamus takes a deep dive into the criminal mind. Netflix recently added a show describing what each type of criminal behaviors are like. Very entertaining show! Tune in to hear my review!
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Sep 27, 2018
19. Ozark review
This mini-sode number one consists of my review of the Netflix original show Ozark starring Jason Bateman & Laura Linney. Tune in to find out more!
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Sep 10, 2018
18. Tim & Eric's Scientology Terminal Hereditary
This episode Sheamus talks the comedy show Tim & Eric's Awesome Show Great Job, Leah Remini: Scientology & The Aftermath, and Harlen Coben's The Five. During Cinemania we talk comedy film Tag, thriller Bad Samaritan, true story American Animals, Margot Robbie in Terminal, and the creepy horror movie Hereditary! Tune in to see if anyone gets 5/5 Gumwads! As always thank you for listening!
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This episode Sheamus dives into the Netflix docuseries Dark Tourist, Travel Channels Ghost Adventures, David Spade in Father Of The Year, Charlize Theron in Tully, Eddie Murphy as Mr. Church, the comedy Overboard, Revenge, Demon House, & Lucy Hale in Truth Or Dare!
This is the longest episode you have gotten in awhile. We still bring you the classics with Series Breakdown featuring Gypsy & AP Bio plus Cinemania with I Feel Pretty, Travolta as Gotti, Super Troopers 2, Loving Vincent, 3 Billboards, Hurricane Heist, Chappaquiddick, In Darkness, and finally Avengers: Infinity War!!
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Find all episode at www.DramaCityProductions.com
Jul 16, 2018
14. 60 Days Escape Plan
This episode Sheamus reviews 60 Days In, The Houses October Built, 10x10, & Escape Plan 2! Lots of isolation, and mind-games. Come check it out!
This episode Sheamus talks Declassified: Untold Stories Of American Spies, The Hunt w/ John Walsh, comedy film Blockers, and Melissa McArthys new film Life Of The Party!
This episode Sheamus breaks down Hunting Hitler, Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia, and Dana Whites Tuesday Night Contender Series. During Cinemania we talk Just Buried, the true crime documentary Killing For Love, and the new movie Rampage! Come listen to us chew up this recent entertainment!
Todays episode we look at new logo, new segments, as well as The First 48, Parental Guidance featuring Billy Crystal, Beowulf, The JourneyJay Introduction, The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus, and the Hulu film Lost In London starring Woody Harrelson! Advertise with us at (Advertisecast.com/ChewedGum) Email (chewedgumpod@gmail.com) Donate(Patreon.com/ChewedGum) Use the link for JourneyJays open Google Drive for more information.
This episode The Clown is alone and talking about AP Bio, The Staircase docuseries, The Strangers 2, Delirium, Spawn ft Jamie Foxx, and the Jason Bateman, Rachel McAdams film Game Night! We also talk about our move to Whooshkaa as our podcast host! As well as joining the Drama City Productions podcast network! Come listen to us chew!
and for the lovely few that keep us going!!
Jun 05, 2018
8. The Falling Quiet Place In Riverdale
This episode The Clown and The Gentleman sit down to discuss the hit show Riverdale, the controversial Falling Man documentary, the movie Shot Caller, and lastly the new horror flick A Quiet Place! Come listen to us chew on this entertainment!
We have officially started a Patreon account for those beautiful few! (patreon.com/chewedgum)
Find our podcast wherever you listen!
email us directly: ChewedGumPod@gmail.com
Jun 01, 2018
7. With Shawn From The Rusted Robot+ Soul Forge Podcasts
New!!! #5. From Cosmo Kramer to Clint Eastwood. We talk Seinfeld, Twilight Zone, The Commuter, Raw,15:17 To Paris, and much more! #PodernFamily #legionofindypods
Apr 20, 2018
4. Hotdog Buffet W/ Mike C Squared Of One Giant Leap For Geeks
New episode with fellow podcaster Mike C Squared. From the One Giant Leap For Geeks podcast! Amazing interview, and overall conversation! (@giantleap4geeks)(http://onegiantleapforgeeks.libsyn.com/)(Minor technical difficulties!) Check it out!
Apr 09, 2018
3. Borat/Bruno/Baron Cohen
This episode the Gruesome Twosome review Sacha Baron Cohen films. Find episodes here
Pocket Cast:
Apr 07, 2018
2. Five Frasiers Came Back To Cheers
In this ep we take a look at Cheers, Frasier, and the WWII doc. Five Came Back. Come listen to us chew up history!
Pocket Cast:
Apr 04, 2018
The Need To Know Ep 1
This need to know episode features a discussion about upcoming movies. Blockers, The Rider, Joaquin Phoenix recent film, and prior doc, Rampage with The Rock, Super Troopers 2, Avanegers Infinity War, Deadpool2, and we mention all of our friends! New episode coming soon! Find us here:
Pocket Cast:
Apr 04, 2018
Chewed Gum Intro Commercial
This podcast we review everything entertainment...while hopefully entertaining you. We also can save you money with our reviews of sometimes overrated cinema. Listen to us chew the latest in entertainment!
Pocket Cast:
Mar 24, 2018
1. Game Over, Man Review
In our first episode ever the "Gruesome Twosome" sit down with a good friend, and special guest Robert to watch, and review the new Netflix Original movie featuring the trio that brought us "Workaholics." What I described as "Gross-Out" humor, we were pleased to put in the time watching the three gentleman do some of their best work together. So come listen to us chew up, and spit out "Game Over, Man."
Follow us on Twitter/Instagram to stay in touch with the show! (@chewedgumpod) Thanks for listening! #Chewed
Nov 18 | 00:35:41
#456. Another You
Oct 27 | 00:30:38
#54. Gotham Horror Story
Sep 24 | 00:29:25
Episode 53 | Between Two Spiders
Sep 10 | 00:35:14
Episode 52 | Back To School
Aug 31 | 00:27:37
Encounter With Time
Aug 31 | 00:29:23
Whatever You Like
Aug 31 | 00:01:33
Thanks For The New Reviews
Aug 21 | 00:24:21
The One About Movies
Jul 27 | 00:42:24
Random Cats
Jul 18 | 00:35:44
Zombie Robots Ate My Computer
Jul 12 | 00:23:38
Sky Traffic
Jul 01 | 00:54:20
50. Black Summer Into The Dark!
Jun 27 | 00:39:11
Shopping For My Private Plane
Jun 22 | 00:18:26
49. Random Reviews
Jun 16 | 00:41:50
48. Black Mirror Perfection
May 28 | 00:35:41
47. M. Night Slasher
May 07 | 00:40:35
46. Holmes Watson | Crimes Of Grindelwald | YOU
Apr 20 | 00:02:45
Gingersnap Podcast Introduction
Apr 13 | 00:34:00
45. Escape Night School Spider-Verse
Mar 28 | 00:54:23
Exclusive Special: Top 5 Lists
Mar 18 | 00:29:06
44. Leaving Neverland
Mar 07 | 00:48:59
43. Unsolved: Possession Of Hannah Grace
Feb 18 | 00:41:08
42. 30 for 30: Volume 2
Feb 14 | 00:44:18
41. 30 for 30: Volume One
Jan 26 | 00:28:52
40. Marvel's Venom
Jan 15 | 00:55:40
39. Interactive Movie Fail
Jan 03 | 00:57:10
38. Searching Happy Murders!
Dec 27 | 00:26:13
37. So Many Cameras!
Dec 07 | 00:20:28
36. John Cleese: Comedy Genius
Nov 22 | 00:20:32
35. Drew Barrymore Eats People?
Nov 22 | 00:19:42
34. Await Further Instructions
Nov 12 | 00:24:10
33. The MEG
Nov 06 | 00:45:34
32. The Other Side Of The Wind
Oct 25 | 00:27:48
31. Adam Sandlers 100% Fresh
Oct 24 | 00:21:49
30. The Spy Who Dumped Me
Oct 22 | 01:18:20
29. Making A Murderer PT2
Oct 20 | 00:19:06
28. Sorry To Bother You
Oct 16 | 00:23:28
27. Maniac
Oct 16 | 00:18:58
26. SOLO: A Star Wars Story
Oct 10 | 00:17:36
25. Unfriended: Dark Web
Oct 10 | 00:13:33
24. The First Purge
Oct 03 | 00:22:22
23. Strange Times
Sep 27 | 00:22:09
22. Unsane/Delirium reviews
Sep 27 | 00:15:58
21. Frank & Cindy Documentary review
Sep 27 | 00:17:54
20. Inside The Criminal Mind review
Sep 27 | 00:18:56
19. Ozark review
Sep 10 | 00:49:23
18. Tim & Eric's Scientology Terminal Hereditary
Aug 25 | 00:53:32
17. Deadpool2 and some other stuff
Aug 07 | 00:44:29
16. Fathers Truth Or Dare Demon House Adventures
Jul 24 | 01:01:44
15. Avengers Finally Feel Pretty
Jul 16 | 00:47:45
14. 60 Days Escape Plan
Jul 06 | 00:53:01
13. Declassified Hunt For Life Party Blockers
Jun 30 | 00:54:39
12. Rampage Contender Love Buried In Philly
Jun 22 | 00:46:22
11. 48 Hours Dr. Parnassus Was Lost In London
Jun 17 | 00:36:24
10. Thors Wrinkle Purge Lowe Files
Jun 12 | 00:52:39
9. The Game Night Staircase
Jun 05 | 00:50:28
8. The Falling Quiet Place In Riverdale
Jun 01 | 01:04:37
7. With Shawn From The Rusted Robot+ Soul Forge Podcasts
May 25 | 01:08:47
6. Who Can Hack A Human Being?
May 02 | 01:23:28
5. From Cosmo Kramer To Clint Eastwood
Apr 20 | 01:39:37
4. Hotdog Buffet W/ Mike C Squared Of One Giant Leap For Geeks
Apr 09 | 00:54:03
3. Borat/Bruno/Baron Cohen
Apr 07 | 00:37:02
2. Five Frasiers Came Back To Cheers
Apr 04 | 00:32:45
The Need To Know Ep 1
Apr 04 | 00:00:44
Chewed Gum Intro Commercial
Mar 24 | 00:45:04
1. Game Over, Man Review
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This podcast could use a review! Have anything to say about it? Share your thoughts using the button below.