Returning Guest Host Jilly Dreadful - founder and director of the remarkable Brainery Workshop - returns to the Big Chair to lend her potent story mojo to a brainstorming session with a story about a mutant superhero hunted by an ancient and powerful organization.
I gotta tell you... THIS is an exceptional workshop. The story - provided by creageous (creative and courageous) Guest Writer John Walker (the first and only Knight of the RTP)(so far) - gave us a solid foundation, but then Jilly and co-host Lauren "Scribe" Harris dove in and unearthed some truly astonishing story threads that transformed the idea into a potent and vital story concept. This was an inspired exploration that resulted in a veritable truckload of Literary Gold. Click that "PLAY" button and see what I'm talking about... you won't leave disappointed (and then travel in the Wayback Machine and catch Jilly's exceptional Showcase Episode)
PROMO: "Command Decisions (Book 3 of The Empire of Bones Saga)" by Terry Mixon
Workshop Episode 76 (Guest Host: Jilly Dreadful)
[caution: mature language - listener discretion is advised] Share your comments to this (or any) episode over at the RTP Forum! Check out this and all our episodes on iTunes and on Stitcher Radio!
Coming up for Dr. Dreadful...
Former student Valerie Valdes has a story in the Lovecraftian collection "She Walks in Shadows" from Innsmouth Free Press (and so does Jilly)!
She may be firing up some Summer workshops in June: A 6-8 week novel workshop and one on Science Fiction Fairytales
She has a flash fiction piece in the Devilfish Review
Working with writing partner to produce a serialized podcast tale (in the vein of "Welcome to Nightvale")
Check out The Brainery Workshop and sign up for an amazing workshop
Follow her on Twitter and Facebook
Lauren "Scribe" Harris is working her literary magic in the world...
Lauren "Scribe" Harris
Check out her new podcast, Fandom PhD!
She's THIS CLOSE to finish the story she workshopped on the RTP
Follow her blog to stay up on all the wonders she's creating
She is, of course, on the Twitters and the Facebooks
And there are several literary treats of her's you can enjoy...
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Creageous Guest Writer, John Walker...
John Walker
Follow him on Facebook and Twitter
Enjoy his supernatural noire series, "The Statford Chronicles"...
Returning Guest Host Jilly Dreadful - founder and director of the remarkable Brainery Workshop - returns to the Big Chair to lend her potent story mojo to a brainstorming session with a story about a mutant superhero hunted by an ancient and powerful organization.
I gotta tell you... THIS is an exceptional workshop. The story - provided by creageous (creative and courageous) Guest Writer John Walker (the first and only Knight of the RTP)(so far) - gave us a solid foundation, but then Jilly and co-host Lauren "Scribe" Harris dove in and unearthed some truly astonishing story threads that transformed the idea into a potent and vital story concept. This was an inspired exploration that resulted in a veritable truckload of Literary Gold. Click that "PLAY" button and see what I'm talking about... you won't leave disappointed