Will Bieber Ever Be The Same Again?! - Feel Good Friday
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Mental Health
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Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Jun 24, 2022
Episode Duration |
Bieber has Ramsay Hunt Syndrome which is something we covered back in January. It's scary stuff and we hope that it doesn't prevent him from singing, dancing and baking Bimbits for the rest of his life! Don't rub your eyes... Or if you do, don't go watch the MRI video of what it looks like when you rub your eyes. Alopecia is a tough go and there isn't enough access to medication that makes a difference! Brian wants to be VERY clear about his stance on CPR. Finally for this week's edition of WHAT THE HELLTH?! I just saved 15% on car insurance thanks to Geico. I also made 5 million dollars from suing Geico because some guy gave me HPV in the back of his car. Thanks, Geico! Join the post-episode conversation over on Discord! https://discord.gg/expeUDN

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