The Sefer Nefesh Hachaim authored by Rav Chaim of Volozhin (1749-1821) was published posthumously by his son Rav Itzele in 1824, with an expanded version including eight additional chapters published in 1837. This was a theological work, as well as a polemical one, with Rav Chaim addressing issues he saw in the chassidic movement which he sought to oppose, correct and establish an alternative value system for his followers.
This signified a shift in the opposition to the Chassidic movement. Whereas Rav Chaim's teacher the Vilna Goan sought to excommunicate the chassidim completely, his student saw them as members of the Jewish community. He rather sought to maintain an ideological dispute while presenting a complete world view of his own.
Check out the story of the earlier stage of the dispute regarding the Chassidic movement here:
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