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Using The Public Speaking Blueprint To Create A Memorable Presentation Every Time
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Victor Ahipene
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Publication Date |
Oct 10, 2019
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This is 18 years of trials and tribulations, with some wins and loses along the way. What started off as my Public Speaking Blueprint where I helped people build confidence with Public Speaking morphed into this….

The Speak To Sell System.This is the framework you can use regardless of the setting, preparation time, or audience to be able to give a captivating presentation every time you step in front of an audience.

Over the next 15 or so minutes, you will learn…1. The most important first step you need to focus on for any presentation (that 90% of speakers don’t do)2. How to reverse engineer speaking success3. 2 Key Reasons why this framework will eliminate your fear of speaking to any sized audience.

Need help? Now is the best time to take action… And to chat to me! 😉

I want to make sure you have 100% clarity on how to create the best unique branded system, position yourself to audiences and craft the perfect presentation (every time).

I don’t want you to waste your time endlessly trialling different presentations that bomb. It’s a waste of both your audiences and your time (and money).

That’s why my strategy session is FREE. Book a call today and see how you can create a highly profitable proven presentation and get it in front of your ideal audience in the next 60 days!

Click here to book a time

Be sure to check out all the 5 Days of the Speak 2 Sell Training Series

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Victor Ahipene: Hi team. Welcome to day four of the Speak to Sell a video series. We’ve already set up the foundations of our speaking career so to speak. We’ve got our unique branded speaking system to figure out how we can package and position ourselves as an authority in our particular niche and then figure figured out what type of speaker you are.


I hope you’re starting to get some clarity around all of this because what we’re going to do now is put the skeletons together of what your presentation may look like. Now, this is something that has taken me 18 years from when I was first up there, stuttering and stumbling and shaking my way through my first ever presentation at the age of 13 to five years later being a qualified public speaking teacher. Then combining that with my entrepreneurial life and learning how to sell from the stage, whether that be online, offline, or anything in between.


So what I want to take you through today, this proven formula is where I call my public speaking blueprint. It is something that regardless of you decide to go down the consultant side of things, if you want to run your own workshops, if you’re looking to do more in the online space, if you’re looking to be a sales presenter or even a keynote presenter, this what I’m going to show you is going to be absolutely imperative to that.


Not only is it going to give you that proven formula for success when you are on stage, what I mean by that is, a.) It’s going to keep your audience engaged b.) What it is also going to do is make sure that the content and your message you’re putting across is the right message at the right time for your right audience. Because when we do that, we get them to make a change and hopefully that changes wanting to work with you, buy your products, your services, whatever it may be.


Finally there’s going to save you a lot of time and frustration so you’re not having to go up there and like a standup comic. Try and see what works and what doesn’t work for your audience. Sure, you’re going to fine tune this along the way and put things in and take things out, but if you have the right system from the get go, it’s going to be a wonder that you just make better and better and better as you go. Now, there’s proven formula.


Once you start looking at the great talks and the great speeches, you’ll see that it falls in to a certain system. The thing with the system, and here’s the thing, a lot of people try and take this system or model other people, but they miss the key fundamental and what that is with this public speaking blueprint is you need to be reverse engineering everything.


You do not start with step number one in your presentation, you finish with it because if you start and there’s this imaginary step that this is the key that all speakers are missing who are missing the target when they are on the stage. What that is as your one overarching message.


You should be sitting down before your presentation, before you even start mapping it out and seeing what it looks like and say, “What is my one overarching message? What is the thing that if this audience finishes listening to me, they walk out? What is the one thing I want them to do? What is the one thing I want them to implement? What is the one thing I want them to change?” Now you can start to see how regardless of your presentation, whether it be a sales presentation, a keynote presentation, even communicating with your staff, you need to know what is the one overarching message.


If you don’t have that, then is a lot harder to make sure that you have the right content. You get that? If you just go, “I think I need to teach them this, this, this and this.” You will and we’ll talk about shortly in up saturating them with information and that is one of the biggest problems that experts in their industry.


People who know a lot about a particular thing tend to do with people when they’re not understanding where they are on a particular buying cycle or knowledge cycle towards a particular topic. Before you even start getting into outlining it, you need to figure out what is the one thing you want them to do at the end of the presentation. It may be going and purchasing a product or service off you.


If you’re doing a sales presentation, it may be going home and changing one thing and their diet if you’re in the health and wellness space of maybe having breakfast every day or skipping breakfast every day or changing for fizzy drinks, for water, whatever it may be. It’s just that one thing that we’ll start the flow on effect because we’ve worked out with our unique branded speaking system that we can teach on a lot of these different things. But if we start to overwhelm people, if we give them five things to do, look, I’ve had a previous life as a physio therapist and when I first started off, I knew all of these exercises that would help my patients get better. Here’s the thing, when I gave them too many exercises, they end up coming back and saying, I didn’t get any time.


I didn’t have enough time to do them all. What I learned over the years was if I gave people one or two exercises at the most, they would go away. They would make some progress. Not necessarily as much as if they did do all five or six or 10 exercises, but it started the ball rolling and what that allowed me to then do is build trust with them because they’d got some sort of result will benefit. Then the next step along was, “Okay, I can add some more and I can modify the current ones.”


Being able to see them for multiple treatment sessions allowed me, not from a business perspective but from getting better perspective allowed me to take on the full journey to get them where they wanted. If I didn’t do that, I gave them five, they did nothing. They get frustrated. They get frustrated because they are not continuing to get better or reach their goals. Then what would that lead to?


It leads to them falling off my list, not coming back to see me and living with some kind of pain or restriction or limitation that I had done them a disservice by giving them too much information. That’s something that I want you to absolutely avoid. Get your one overarching message, crystal clear and then it makes everything a lot easier to work back to. Then once you’ve got there, you can then work out what is my CTA, what is my call to action?


Is that hey, “Sign up for my product or service.” Like I said earlier, “Hey go home and change something in your breakfast. Change something in your life. Follow your loved ones and tell your loved ones you love them, whatever it may be.” There needs to be your call to action. Your call to action as the next step you want them to take. Everything else that you talk about just get breaks down the barriers that they’ve put up inside their own mind, whether it be a lack of knowledge or their own self-limiting beliefs.


Once you have done that correctly, that call to action seems like the logical option. For selling or selling from stage, if you can break down all the previous objections, your call to action, “Hey, you should work with me because I am the logical choice. You should use my products or you should use my services because I am the logical choice because I’ve shown you all the reasons that all the ways that you can do it and the reasons that you should do it. So why would you not possibly do it?” Part of that comes from understanding your audience as well.


Once you have your call to action crystal clear, then you can say start working on, as I said though, overcoming those objections. This is where I like to call the flow or the waterfall because we’ve spoke about it now, unique branding speaker system that you want it to be a logical progression. When people don’t start with the one overarching message, they start having kind of two or three or four stigmented points. They don’t link together. They don’t flow together and they don’t make any logic.


So your audience is sitting there and they’re listening to a presentation. They feel like they’re listening to a different presentation by the same person. I’m sure you’ve been in an audience where you’ve been like, “Okay, I’ve spoken about that now they’re speaking about this. Now they’re speaking about this.” You want it that you’re not selling and for my next point and for my next point and for my final point, you can just carry on presenting.


You are often, this will be some aspect of your unique branded speaking system that you can say, “This goes here and this and this.” For the majority of your presentation, slightly different if you’re a consultant or if you’re in workshops. These points will be in conjunction with story selling which we’re going to go into depth with tomorrow. It’s also aimed at breaking down the psychological barriers that are self-limiting beliefs that people have.


It may be, will this work for me a price? Is it going to take too much time? Will it get me results personally? Or I’ve tried something like this in the past. You can highlight that with success stories or breaking down those limiting beliefs. Then what you want to finally do. You’ve got all of this.


Then you can start working on, “Hey, what is the story or stories that I can introduce my presentation with? Not only that, what are the things that I can highlight these different points with for my points to make more impacting. What you’ll learn tomorrow is why stories sell and facts tell. We don’t want to bore people with fact after fact after fact.

We want to highlight it with things that they can find relatable and rather than starting your presentation with, “Hi, my name is Victor. What I’m going to be talking to you about is 0.1, 0.2, 0.3.” Then at the end finishing with, so in conclusion what I talked to you about was a, b, c, and d.


You can see that’s a very, very common formula. A lot of people pick up from primary or high school. What you want to be doing is controlling the narrative. You’re not telling them what points you’re going to be talking about. You don’t want to be telling them. You’d be taking them on a journey where you come onto the stage and you highlight to them with a story, something that they can relate to.


Something that helps break down some of those barriers and a lot of the time these two things, they flow together. Your story may be one of your points or your story may have all of your points encompassed in it. What you want to be combining in here so there’s two invisible things. There’s your one overarching message which sits in through here.


Then there’s your unique branding speaker system where you may be taking one point out of it. You may be taking one aspect out of the multiple steps and you’re combining it in here to take people on that journey.


So what I want you to do is go and have a look at a few different presentation speakers that you like within your industry and see how many of them are doing this well. See if the other ones are doing that, “Oh my God, I’m going to bore you to death.” When you’ve done that, make sure to—I’ll see you all tomorrow on our final session where I’m going to show you the six-figure strategy to close even if you’re not too loud to sell it from stage.


This is something that one of my students, Josh used to generate multiple six figures the first time he ever spoke from stage. It was just a couple of very subtle tweaks that resulted in him being voted the best speaker, having never spoken from stage. You want to be tuning in for this because the things that he did before we tweaked it with the things that I see time and time again in different speakers doing. I don’t want you to make that mistake. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow and start having a look at some presentations today.


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