I’m really excited to have special guest Tushar Jain on the pod. He’s the co-founder and managing partner of Multicoin. We talk about the current crypto market, what it was like in the 2018/19 bear market, and what we can expect with crypto/web3 on a 2 to 5 year time horizon. We discuss The Graph, Helium, and Render. We’re still at the beginning with crypto, which means volatility is here now, but the future is out there; we’ve been in a blackberry moment, web3’s iPhone moment is coming. This tech bear market we’re in right now may be the catalyst that gets people focused on the next big thing.
Guest - Tushar Jain, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Multicoin
Twitter: @howardlindzon, @PanicwFriends, @TusharJain_, @multicoincap, @knutjensen
#fintech #invest #investment #venturecapital #stockmarket #finance
Show Notes:
(00:37) - Intro
(02:21) - Schmuck insurance
(05:30) - Accelerating the adoption of sovereign software
(07:28) - Ethereum - First big aha moment
(10:02) - Starting an investment firm
(14:41) - Timing crypto tops and bottoms
(16:58) - Betting on The Graph
(24:55) - Defining web3
(25:28) - Censorship resistant, neutral, permissionless
(25:44) - No toll, no excess rents
(27:12) - Your private key is the most important thing
(29:37) - The Helium business model for deploying networks
(40:04) - Everyone's trying to build the smartphone equivalent of web3
(40:35) - A clear vision for crypto
(43:24) - Excited about UXD
(44:56) - Semiconductors, Mining, and Compute
(47:00) - Closing thoughts