Hey everyone, welcome back! We were besieged by technical difficulties yet again this week, and this time they scored a decisive victory. Not to worry, we still manage 90 solid minutes of Star Wars talk for you! In this week’s episode we nurse our Star Wars Celebration hangover with a San Diego Comic-Con chaser. There were some confirmations on the subject of novels, as well as the announcement of some really really sweet 6? black series figures! We delve a little deeper in to the lack of time jump between The Force Awakens and the now-wrapped Episode VIII! We also talk about what I like to call the Rocket Raccoon of the Star Wars universe - Bistan! Dave Filoni made some interesting comments about the endgame of Rebels - we definitely break that down here and I’m sure we will do so again! JJ Abrams revealed what he’d like to see as a standalone movie - the Knights of Ren! [...]