Today’s reading is from Paul’s letter to Titus, chapter 3 verses 3 through 6. As we listen, can I pay attention to what the Holy Spirit might want me to hear? Are there any words or phrases that catch my ear or my heart today?
3 At one time we too acted like fools. We didn’t obey God. We were tricked. We were controlled by all kinds of desires and pleasures. We were full of evil. We wanted what belongs to others. People hated us, and we hated one another. 4 But the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared. 5 He saved us. It wasn’t because of the good things we had done. It was because of his mercy. He saved us by washing away our sins. We were born again. The Holy Spirit gave us new life. 6 God poured out the Spirit on us freely. That’s because of what Jesus Christ our Savior has done.
LORD, you are a God who is tender and kind. You are gracious. You are slow to get angry. You are faithful and full of love. Come to our aid, and have mercy on us. Show your strength by helping us. Prove your goodness to us, so that we can sing about it to the world. Let people hear our songs, know you, and be healed. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
We Wonder is written and hosted by Sarah Dahl, and is produced by Richard Clark and Nick Thompson. You can support this and future seasons of the podcast by joining us as a patron: visit to learn more.
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