Timothy Guy was an 18 year old from Forsyth County, Georgia. He was friendly kid who loved animals. On Friday Feb. 6, 1987, Timothy allegedly got picked up from his job. The next Monday, Timothy didn’t show back up for work. He was never seen again. Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/FindingTimothyGuyMissingForsythCountyGeorgia1987/ Charley Project:
http://charleyproject.org/case/timothy-j-guy NAMUS:
https://www.namus.gov/MissingPersons/Case#/528?nav Blog:
happened-to-timothy-james-guy.html If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Tim Guy, please contact the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office at 770-781-2222. --Unfound supports accounts on Podomatic, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Spotify and Facebook. --on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on YouTube for the Unfound Live Show. --Contribute to Unfound at
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